• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Knowing the Place to Be

"Flynn's leavin' the rest of the supplies from Blue's Ranch here for you to take along," Bard said. The wind blew at his long brown mane as he stood before his sister along the outer edge of Bleak's Plummet's balcony. "There's enough oats and mushroom stew to last ya for a good month. Maybe two." His brow furrowed. "Reckon you should mix that in with the fishy stuff that these midnighters be eatin'... y'know... to ween ya on the batpony diet all good'n'proper."

"Johnny..." Nicole suppressed a giggle. She tilted the hat back so she could look at him better in the dim runic glow. "We're all the same on the inside. I'm pretty sure I can get used to sarosian food pretty quick. I think I'll use Blue's food to... help get Xarchellus' ponies reacquainted with traditional Equestrian diets. From what Rainbow describes, it doesn't sound all too terribly different."

"Yer gonna be rockin' awful hard in the sea for a long time. Trust me..." Bard grimaced. "It can turn yer stomach inside out. I've been there. Can't imagine havin' to balance the waves and a crazy plate of bugs and seaweed and pigeons..."

"Pigeons?" Nicole raised an eyebrow. "Since when did we eat birds?"

"Well I just thought... erm..." Bard scratched the back of his head. "Awwww shoot. I just figured with them fangs and all that flyin' and piratin'..."

"These ponies are pretty cool, Johnny," Nicole said with a smile. "I've already gotten to know quite a few of them and... and I-I think I've got this in the bag. Me and Echo... Ryckmun... we're going to be just fine. Don't you worry."

"Ehhhhhh... yeahhhhh..." Bard weathed a heavy sigh, leaning one front hoof across the other. "You really fancy that varmint, don't ya?"

Nicole inhaled. Her slitted eyes searched the surging waves beneath Bleak's Plummet. All around them, the residents of Bleak's Plummet were busily rounding up supplies and submersibles, preparing for the arduous journey ahead of them.

"He has... a lot of issues in his life to iron out," Nicole finally said. "Only now... I'm starting to see him for the amazing, warm-hearted stallion that he is. I think this is a journey that we'll be needing to take as much as the rest of Xarchellus' ponies." She swallowed. "We've found our happy place, Johnny, and... eheh... it's on the go." Her leafy ears drooped slightly as she looked up at him. "Just like you."

Bard nodded. "Just wish we weren't goin' so far away."

"But... but we'll see each other again sometime, r-right?" Nicole's fangs scraped her bottom lip as she tried to smile. "After all of this craziness is done... and Luna's foals have returned to Equestria... and you come back with Rainbow and the Herald after saving the world... we'll... we'll get to be brother and sister again, won't we?"

Silence. Thunder rolled overhead.

"Won't we?"

Bard didn't reply. He simply shuffled forward and swept Nicole into a deep hug, wings and all.

Surrounded in his warm, feathery embrace, Nicole finally caved. She scrunched up into a velvety ball, burying her muzzle in his chest as the tears came loose. "I... I knew that th-this would be it," she whimpered. "But I didn't want it to be." A pained hiccup or two escaped her muzzle. "Johnny, I—"

"Shhhh..." Bard held her close, gazing at the tempestuous waves beyond with a glazed expression. "If I had my way, I'd hole myself up someplace real nice and write a million songs about ya, darlin'. I always wanted to do the same about Amber... and Melody..." He gulped. "But... ain't the kind of world to afford nothin' but singin'. We got important thangs to do and a million places to be... but only one place to afford each other. And for you?" He leaned down, tilting her chin up so that their eyes connected. "It's in my heart." He bore a cavalier smile. "Say hello to Amber and Melody for me, will ya?"

Nicole sniffled. The hat fell over her muzzle, and she lifted it with a teary-eyed smile. "I promise, Johnny. Every morning and night." She grimaced slightly, but added in a delicate tone: "I'll keep the song alive."

"Good." Bard smirked. "Cuz where I'm headed... I'm pretty sure all the folk are tone-deaf."

Nicole giggled again, then leaned in to nuzzle his chest once more. "... ... ...you are my family, Johnny." She shuddered. "I mean it. You're everything I've ever had... and if all I have to give is going off to save the world... then that's something I can be proud of."

"Mmmmm..." Bard stroked the back of her neck. His moist eyes reflected strobes of lightning off in the distance. "Now that's a mighty fine tune."

The two said nothing for a long time. They simply stood there in each other's hooves, relishing in the last moments... the only moments that either of them would have.

Sometime later, Bard glided east over the choppy waters.

His jaw was clenched tight. Despite his determined expression, tears collected along his muzzle.

He took a shuddering breath, slowing just enough to bring a hoof up and dry his face.

He heard a second set of flapping wings. Glancing over, he spotted Wildcard gliding alongside him.

The griffon glanced at him patiently. Sleek black goggles reflected a flickering horizon of stormlights.

"Hrmmmff... what are ya lookin' at, mofo?" Bard frowned, glaring straight forward. "So what if I took my sweet time? If it was you sayin' goodbye to yer only kin, we'd be waitin' for hours, considerin' yer such a dayum chatterbox."

Wildcard flew in silence. He remained staring at Bard. At one point, his talons started to move—

"Dun ya start!" Bard growled. "You know dayum well I ain't changin' my mind!"

Wildcard sighed, his feathers ruffling in the high winds. He cocked his beak to the side.

"Because..." Bard gulped. "Ain't my life she's livin'. Just like it weren't Amber's or Melody's neither." The frown left, and it was simple lethargy that tugged his eyes seaward to where the Stardust lingered. "There's only one life for a Desperado. And that train we're on ain't set for backtrackin'."

Wildcard swiftly retorted with talon swipes.

"Heh... well ain't you a smart one," Bard said, managing a smirk. "Ya got it wrong, ya flippin' buzzard. Rainbow didn't set the two of us to backtrackin'. She set us forward. Feel me?"

Wildcard nodded. Smiling, he held his metal fist out.

Bard hoofbumped it, and soon both Desperadoes were gliding down to sea level. "Now..." He spoke firmly, the strength returning to his lungs. "...let's get our heads in the game, 'cuz it's business time for the Job Squad."


Th-Thump! Both Bard and Wildcard landed nimbly on the ship's deck.

Rainbow looked over from the rest of the Herald. "Nice of you to drop in. Fluttershy senses the bad guys coming in from the west now. She says that they'll be entering these waters in just under a few hours."

"Dun mind us." Bard trotted forward, clearing his throat. "Just smoothin' out a few rough edges." His eyes narrowed. "What's the state on the Gondola thang?"

"The apparratus is still on its way towarrds the Light Side!" Kepler stated boldly. "Purrring like an alicorrn kitten non-stop! HaHah!"

"Rarity hasn't felt the lift's arrival yet," Rainbow Dash said. "But she and Twilight both confirm that the chains are working... and they're sizing a huge weight that can only be the gondola."

"So we've still got some time to kill." Bard smoothed his bangs back. "Alrighty, then. Who's gonna be situated where?"

Wildcard gestured sharply.

Flynn rolled his good eye. "Well of course you want to protect the Austraeoh." He gestured at Ariel with a smirk. "I'm afraid that job's already taken, though."

Ariel wrapped a hoof around Rainbow and blew a raspberry at Wildcard.

Wildcard's middle talon itched...

"Stop being such whelps," Remna grumbled. "You both get to protect the Austraeoh." She turned to look at the pegasus in question. "I suggest we keep you guarded at all times. Even when you appear before the Rohbreddenites."

"Right. While that's a pretty schazzy idea..." Rainbow cleared her throat and... delicately disentangled herself from Ariel's friendly forelimb. "I really should be alone when I make my first appearance." She paced before the group. "It would be for the best that I maintain the illusion of having arrived here on my own. The rest of you guys—and Enix's crew—should be saved for the last second. Y'know... to make the ambush hit home."

"Yes, but after we stage our attack and begin distracting, we can totally be your wingmates, girl!" Ariel exclaimed. "Safety in numbers and all!"

"Rrememberr..." Kepler raised a claw. "The goal herre is not to confrront... but to evade and distrract. This is all about wasting the enemy's valuable time until the elevatorr appearrs, afterr all."

"Right. So... if things are going to go down this way, then I suggest we assign different companies," Rainbow said, glancing at the group. "Ariel... Bard... Wildcard... you guys are the best fliers beside me. You should each group up with some of Enix's warriors and prepare for coordinated hit-and-run strikes."

"Yeah!" Ariel nodded. "We can attack, retreat, attack, retreat—and repeat! That'll give us time to restock our runic boomsticks in order to keep the bad guys suppressed!"

"Or simply keep them busy and overwhelmed," Remna droned.

"Right..." Ariel coughed. "That too."

Wildcard gestured.

Flynn answered. "Kepler's going to be situated at the very edge." He turned to look at the wyvern. "Figures—from all of his conversations with Mortuana—he's the most familiar with alicorn tech. I think he'd be perfect for signaling the rest of us when the thing arrives."

"Affirrmative." Kepler adjusted his spectacles. "As much as I would love to assist the Austrraeoh with good combative sporrt, I'm afrraid that my skills in battle do not match herrs. And—let us all agrree, my frriends—I am not nearrly as verrsatile in aerrial maneuverrs. Hah...!"

"He won't be alone," Flynn said. He looked over at the violet mare. "Remna. Would you accompany Kepler at the edge?"

"I've said it before and I will say it again." Remna's eyes narrowed. "I refuse to stand idly by while the Austraeoh risks her own neck." She fumed. "Let us not forget that the Mountain Matron assigned command of the Herald to me."

"Really?" Flynn groaned, his ears drooping. "You're going to attempt pulling rank now?"

"Axan, calm your dragon nipples," Rainbow spat, waving a hoof. "We chatted about this earlier with Enix, remember? I think there's a very important moment when you of all ponies can help us." She glanced aside. "Big Show too."

Logan's eyes narrowed. "Are you talking about the thing where Enix's buddies swoop in and—"

"Yes," Rainbow cut him off.

Logan grinned from ear to ear. "Well—hell—now... color me intrigued." He cleared his throat. "But... I think my place should be on the Stardust along with Flynn."

"Huh?" Rainbow squinted. "Why?"

"Think about it!" Logan gestured. "You're not the only one who will be drawing flack! That'll be the Stardust's job! Literally! Assuming that—like—the explosives we set off aren't enough to shake the armada loose, then we might be in for some super nasty hoof-to-hoof combat... and with all that lunar ordinance resting on board, I don't think we want the Rohbreddenites getting any of their grubby fetlocks or talons on the good stuff." He smiled wickedly. "You're going to need somepony super badass to hold them off with his axe."

"But Big Show," Flynn argued. "If there's to be a last stand, it'll be at the marble balconies at the very edge where the Gondola shows up! If you can't fly, then your place is there! Not on board the Stardust!"

"Dude, you're going to need somepony to cover your flank as steer our precious ship around!"

"I'll have Enix's nightblooded warriors with me! She's offered at least three of them to fire all of the artillery shots!"

"And they're still going to be busy covering the skies! You need a heavy backup to fend off the Frostknife assholes!"

As the Herald argued, Bard stood still. He gazed off towards the west, his thin eyes falling on the lunar glow of Bleak's Plummet. He breathed calmly, his mane billowing in the wind, even as the ponies continued to gripe and bicker with one another for nearly half-a-minute. At last, as another salvo of thunder went off, he turned about swiftly and spoke in a firm tone: "I'll be on board the Stardust."

Everypony's heads jerked his way.

"Huh?" Logan blinked. "You?"

"Bard, you're a flier," Rainbow Dash said. "We'll need you in the air."

"Wildcard and Ariel have got that covered," Bard said. "Between the two of them, she'll be protected and a half. And—face it—between all of Enix's warrior brothers and sisters, the skies will be pretty crowded. Yer gonna need a stallion who's familiar with the Stardust on board our ship, especially since Flynn will be stickin' to the edge along with Kepler."

"Wait... what?" Flynn made a face. "But I already said that I'm—"

"No offense, buddy, but operatin' that ship ain't exactly brain surgery," Bard said. "Besides... you was always good at maintenance when it came to keepin' the Stardust purrin', and that ship ain't goin' nowhere 'cept over the dayum falls once all of this is over and done with."

Flynn protested. "But—"

Bard spoke over him. "Kepler might have an eye for Alicorn tech, but he ain't got the horn. This whole journey relies on that Gondola workin' like a charm. I say we need you at the edge and me on board the Stardust. I'll look after our cargo. Besides..." He smirked. "When it comes time to high-tail it out of there and meet up at the edge, who are we gonna put the burden on? A stallion with or without wings."

Wildcard gestured briskly, glancing over at Flynn.

Flynn sighed. "Well..." He leaned back with his forelimbs folded. "You got me there. Just..." He gulped. "...guess I wasn't planning to say 'good bye' to my baby so soon."

"Yeah, well..." Bard cleared his throat. "If there's one thang I'm startin' to get used to... it's learnin' how to say 'farewell' sooner than later." He looked at Wildcard, then at the rest of the group. "Leave the Stardust to me and the sarosians. I'll steer the ship good and proper and keep an eye out for the signals. Then—when it's time to get moseyin' along—the midnighters and I will jump ship. They'll go their way and we'll go ours. Simple. Done. We good to go now?"

Wildcard gave a thumb's up.

"Well..." Ariel took a breath. "If Wildcard is good with the plan, then so am I."

"Sure..." Logan nodded. "But I want to get some hits in!"

"You will. I'm certain of it." Remna turned to look at Rainbow Dash. "Austraeoh?"

Rainbow took a deep breath. "Well then..." She smiled. "Seems like it's settled."

"Ha-hah! Glorrious!"

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