• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,105 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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Truth, Liberty, Pursuit of Snuggles

"Keep stirring," Twilight said, leaning over Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "Just a little bit longer."

"Oh! Add one more sprinkle of the stoneroot!" Fluttershy insisted.

"Yes, she's right." Twilight nodded. "That should top it off."

"Uhhhh... okay..." Rainbow reached over with one hoof and gathered some more root flakes while stirring a hot broth with a ladel in the other hoof. She stood before a steaming pot situated at the Snow Bloods' cabin hearth. "It still seems... pretty goopy." She gulped. "Ya sure that's not too much of the tree sap—?"

"Nah, Dashie. Trust Flutters and Twilight," Pinkie said. "It's like they're making fine medicine molasses!"

"Eesh..." Rainbow muttered. "If I had a bit for every time I heard somepony say the word 'molasses'..."

"Pay attention!" Twilight hissed.

"I am!" Rainbow grunted. "How much harder do you want me to stir this stuff?"

"Okay... okay..." Fluttershy smiled. "Mmmmm... smells perfect."

"Does that mean I'm done?" Rainbow remarked.

"Yes, Rainbow." Twilight nodded. "The remedy should be done. At least... that's what I remember from the almanac I read."

"It better have been a pretty thorough edition." Rainbow removed the label, tapped it clean, then grabbed a wooden bowl. "Alrighty..." She dipped the container into the broth, gathering a few gulps' worth of the steaming hot medicine. "...magical stoneroot cure, here we come."

"Quickly! Quickly, Dashie!" Pinkie insisted.

Rarity looked up from where she squatted at the ailing stallion's bedside. "His breaths are getting shallow and shallower."

"Not on my watch." Rainbow gingerly cradled the bowl in two hooves as she turned around and trotted across the cabin. "Move over, Sweetie Belle... Apple Bloom..." The young host and the elder Snow Blood trotted aside, watching worriedly. "Don't fret. I know what I'm doing... sorta."

"You'll have to feed it down his throat, Rainbow," Fluttershy said.

"Does he have to be sitting up for it?"

"Yes." Twilight nodded. "I'd highly suggest it."

Rainbow whistled. The other two Snow Bloods shuffled over on command. With one hoof, Rainbow gestured for them to sit the stallion up.

"Haat..." The young host nodded, then reached in to lift the ill pony. "Mevada seemdeel hassa keem." He looked across the bed at the elder mare. "Cassa Frahn? Klehm..."

The mare nodded and braced the stallion's shoulders as he sat up, wincing.

"You hear that?" Pinkie smiled. "I think the old mare's name is 'Cassa'!"

"Uh uh..." Rainbow shook her head with a slight smirk. "You ain't fooling nopony, Apple Bloom. Now..." Rainbow brought the lid of the bowl to the stallion's lips. "...this might stain your bed, Scoots."

"Careful," Fluttershy insisted. "Be slow about it."

"Gotcha..." Rainbow squinted one eye as she dribbled the steamy broth into the stallion's throat.

The wrinkled pony winced slightly. His eyes watered, causing more mucus to flow freely. Nevertheless, holding his tender breath, he took meager sips of the medicine.

Feeding him was a slow process, taking the better part of five minutes.

"Is... this right?" Rainbow muttered.

"Best that he ingest it at his pace," Flutterhy said. "Blessed Celestia... he's so fragile..."

"I wonder if he's always like this," Rarity remarked with a gulp. "The poor thing. The allergy's reduced him to noodles."

"Well, here's hoping a strong dose of Equestria brings him back to non-noodle-normal." Rainbow cleared her throat. "He... seems to be breathing easier?"

"It's just the heat of the broth clearing his sinuses, Rainbow," Twilight said. "We won't know if the medicine's had an effect until an hour or two has passed at least."

"She's right." Fluttershy nodded. "He's drank the entire bowl. Let's let him rest and keep an eye on him."

"Shouldn't we give him more?" Rainbow asked.

"Of course." Fluttershy nodded. "But not for another two or three horus at least."

"We need to keep a close watch," Twilight said.

"Well, sure." Rainbow remarked with a shrug. "I wasn't going anywhere. How about you girls?"

"Let's lie him back down," Rarity insisted.

"Way ahead of you." Rainbow gently lowered the stallion with the help of the other two Snow Bloods.

"Is it just me... or does he already look way calmer?" Pinkie exclaimed.

"I dunno, Pinkie," Rainbow shuddered. "He seems... just as sick and wrinkly as before."

"Have patience, Rainbow," Twilight insisted. "We were in the right place at the right time."

"Yeah, well, here's hoping..."

"Verlaxion Haff Veem, haam frahn." The younger stallion smiled aside at Rainbow Dash. His ice blue eyes were moist as he bowed low and added, "Grumdeel basaavo lamadraansem. Kaffneel thressum drum. Kaffneel."

"Hehehe..." Pinkie giggled. "Well, looks like somepony is thankful, at least."

"Yeah, well..." Rainbow Dash leaned back with a sigh. She stared across the firelight of the toasty little cottage. "...only time will tell if he has a reason to."



A shooting star or two...

The canvas of night stretched over Sun Roost.

Far below the jutting limestone habitats of the griffons, a series of wooden docks lingered around a crystal clean lake. Torchlight flickered in the grasp of multiple Luminards as they shuffled slowly back to their humble quarters. The pilgrims took their time, following Nicro, humming and chanting after her lead.

They passed Theanim Mane who sat calmly on the edge of the docks. As Nicro passed, her eyes swam his way. A smile passed between the cleric and scientist, and soon the remnants of the Quade entered the lakeside huts, retiring for the evening.

On his lonesome, Theanim sighed. He gazed up at the celestial ceiling stretching over the tranquil prefecture. The goggles against his mane glistened with the grace of a kaleidoscope. Moved beyond words, he reached into his saddlebag and produced a camera. Licking his lips, he aimed the instrument so that the lens caught the tall limestone formations forming shadows against the starry backdrop.

But as soon as he struck the shutter button, the apparatus let loose a dull clunky noise. The scientist was out of film.

"Phweeeeeeeee...." He exhaled through a bittersweet smile. "...figures."

His ears tickled to the sound of murmuring breaths. He looked to his right.

A lone Luminard stood before a family of three. A mother and father griffon stood with their tiny, trembling hatchling.

"These were woven by the most gifted siblings in my congregation," Sonikah said. "I... was not present to observe their artistry, but I have faith that they put their best skill into it. And... and it should protect your child for the extent of your journey back home."

The father chuckled through his beak. "You need not explain."

"We observed the industry ourselves," the mother added. "We know that your brothers and sisters do good work." Her headcrest drooped as she smiled. "It was... more than we expected when we first came to Sun Roost."

"We're really blessed. Truly, we are." The father blinked. "Now we have a chance to reach home before the Month of Thawing is over. It's all thanks to you."

Sonikah nodded. "I am... happy that we could assist you in some fashion."

"And we're happy that you have a place here," the mother said. "Your fellow pilgrim, Nicro, told us all about your arrival."

"Did she now?" Sonikah raised an eyebrow. "Was it done through a lyrical hymn?"

The parents chuckled.

Sonikah managed a smile. "I... was wrong to misjudge her and the other ponies here at first," she said.

"I'm certain they will forgive you. What's happening here is a marvelous thing," the father aid. "We intend to spread the word."

Sonikah nodded. She leaned over, staring at the young hatchling in the face. "Are you feeling warm? Ready for a safe trip home?"

The tiny catbird trembled slightly. She backtrotted, standing between her mother's legs. A few tiny chirps and squeaks escaped its stubby beak.

"It's... going to be a year at least before she masters equine words," the mother said. "I assure you, she's not scared of you. She's just shy."

"She has every reason to be," Sonikah said. "Life makes humble souls out of all of us. Sometimes too humble." She gently reached a hoof out. "I'm certain you two will guide her along the right path."

The hatchling looked at Sonikah's hoof. Adjusting the sleeves on her talons, she reached out, grasped the pilgrim's fetlock, then leaned in to nuzzle her limb like a feline.

Sonikah smiled.

"Awwwwwww..." The mother griffon chuckled. "She learns fast."

"I... I see." Sonikah cleared her throat. She stepped back. "I suppose you had best begin your journey."

"Yes... if we hope to reach our home by next evening." The father gently lifted their daughter and positioned her safely between his wings. Once she had a good grip, he looked at the Luminard. "Thank you kindly, dear elder. You've been more than gracious to us."

"Verlaxion's blessings, sister," the mother said, gesturing.

Sonikah hugged herself, then brushed a hoof across her left fetlock. "And to you..."

The two griffons pivoted about. Side by side, they lifted off, flying for the northeast horizon.

Sonikah stood on the docks, watching with glossy eyes. She sniffled once or twice, her ears drooping.

"...is there something the matter, elder?" Theanim's voice quietly graced the night's air from behind. "You... don't seem too cheerful, if I may be so bold."

Sonikah shuddered. Without looking, she quietly replied, "You mistake humility for melancholy, Professor. Being here in this place... reunited with my brothers and sisters in such a beautiful place is... somewhat overwhelming."

Theanim stood behind her at a length. "I would say that I understood, but that would be an utter lie."

"Indeed it would be. And yet... you understood the importance of bringing me here."

Theanim nodded. "And do you?"


At last, Sonikah turned around. She inhaled, then murmured, "You're a good stallion, Professor. Of that—I am quite convinced. However..." Her eyes narrowed. "...you are always... always playing a game."

"Am I, now?" Theanim smirked.

"Hmmmm..." Sonikah squinted back. "You gave up your time... your calling... your fortune and your resources to make this personal trip to Elm Prefecture to fetch me and my companions. Even before you knew of Nicro's plight or Sun Roost, you endeavored to appeal to me... to enlighten me. While I want to believe that it was completely and utterly devoid of ulterior motives, I must remember that you are—above all things—a scientist. And a scientist rarely has a spiritual reason for doing anything."

"My pursuit—dear elder—is one aimed at uncovering the truth," Theanim said firmly. "Above all things, truth is the one supreme virtue that must be preserved, no matter the cost." He nodded towards her. "You were in sore need of being shown the truth of your situation. I would like to think that you've discovered it here."

"That I have. And I am thankful." Sonikah nevertheless sighed. "But... I suppose gratitude is not enough for a stallion such as yourself." She clenched her jaw muscles. "You illuminated me when I needed it... so it is only fitting that I provide you with illumination in like turn."

Theanim took two quiet steps forward. He leaned his ear towards her. "I'm listening..."

Sonikah's soft eyes wandered the roosts. "...when my fellow pilgrims and I were ferried to Frostknife, not all of us survived." She swallowed hard. "We were so miserable and destitute that we accepted such misfortune as Verlaxion's fate. The crew knew this, I believe, and they treated us as less than vermin... as livestock that only had one purpose to serve before the Council, and then Mr. Brye Chandler and the rest of his organization would be done with us."

"Indeed." Theanim Mane nodded. "I've... assumed that for quite some time now."

"They thought so low of us, that they didn't expect us to have the intelligence to understand half of the things that we overheard," Sonikah muttered. "But we did hear things... many things." Her eyes met his in a glare. "And we remember..."

Theanim stared at her.

Sonikah's brow furrowed. "There is something terribly awry with the Consortium—and with the Council at large. It is something horrible, evil, and festering. At the time, this did not concern us. But now... we have a greater stake in this world... and the beautiful things contained therein. It would bring me great closure to relay such observations to you, dear Professor."

With a nod, Theanim briskly whipped out a notepad and twirled a pen at ready. "I'm listening, elder..."


"Yeesh, Flutters. Keep at it, and you'll spill ghost drool all over the place."

"I just can't help it. They look so adorable. They're like... big white bunny rabbits with hooves."

"I must admit, they're a great deal more agreeable when they aren't uncontrollably leaking phlegm all over the place."

"Thanks for the input, Rarity..."

"Well, excuse me for acknowledging the good that we've done!"

"The good that Rainbow's done, you mean."

"Don't deny it, darling. I was there; this was a group effort through and through."

"Still, you gotta give it up for Rainbow and her willingness to go the distance."

"True. I like to think her tenacity has infected the rest of us."

"Yeah. Who'd a thunk it?"

"Speaking of which, wouldn't she like to see this?"

"Yeah, probably."

"I'll wake her up."

"Nah, Twi. You're not as good at it as I am. Ahem... WAKE UP DASHIE!"

Rainbow Dash snorted, twitching in a rocking chair.


"Snrkkkkt!" Rainbow jolted awake, nearly falling out of the chair. "Right! Got it!" She reached for a wooden bowl, juggling it in her hooves. "Guh! Friggin'... goddess darn—"

"Rainbow, relax!" Twilight hovered in front of her.

"But... b-but..." Rainbow fluttered her tired eyelids. "I gotta give Scoots the second dosage and—"

"Just take it easy," Twilight exhaled, waving her forelimbs. "We'll do that. It's gonna be okay."

"Why..." Rainbow squinted at her. "Why are you telling me to hold off?" She suddenly paled. "Ah jeez... did... did he—?"

"Rainbow, he's fine. Better than fine, even."

"...he is?"

Twilight smiled, then hovered aside with a forelimb extended.

Rainbow leaned forward to see.

The stallion was sitting up in bed before the hearth, his blue eyes clean and clear. A happy, content mare leaned against him, resting her wrinkled chin in the crook of his neck. He gently stroked her gray mane while staring across the cottage. His gaze met Rainbow's, and he murmured in a hoarse voice: "Kaffneel, h-haam frahn." He cleared his throat and smiled warmer. "Verlaxion Haff V-veem..."

Fluttershy and Rarity exchanged grinning faces.

"Well then..." Rainbow leaned back in her chair with a crooked smile. "...that's a thing."

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