• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,105 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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Eee Eee Eee Eee Eee!

"Rest assured, Blood of Luna," Enix spoke, gliding off the port side of the Stardust. The metal vessel made a wild wake as it coasted eastward, towed by two massive vessels covered in lunar runes and twisting vines. "You are in the presence of the strongest and most formidable fleet in all the dark waters. We will furiously strip apart any and all vessels that attempt to intercept you."

"Hmmmm..." Rainbow Dash hovered in a slow spiral, glancing at the various vessels—both slender and spheroid—that were accompanying the Stardust in its brisk watery lurch. "I dunno." A coy smirk. "I've seen some of Rohbredden's finest. They've got ships that could boil the ocean with their ordinance. And then you've got the pirates from Mudtop—"

A high-pitched chirp escaped Enix's fanged lips. Her scarred nostril flared. "Moths before the flame. We could skim into the sunlit waters and obliterate the Six Tribes and their feculent bastard children in a blink."

"If your navy's so dang powerful," Raibnow asked, squinting at her. "Then why haven't you after all this time?"

"Hrmmmfff..." Enix folded her scarred forelimbs. "Because of the Lunar Vigilance."

"The what?" Rainbow asked under the rumbling thunder.

"A bum excuse for a bum lifestyle," Echo droned from where he sat on the deck.

Enix sneered at him. "I should chop your wings off for such insolence—"

"You already did," Echo hissed back. "Or at least—you half-assed it. Like everything since the great migration began."

Enix let loose a high-pitched shriek.

Echo returned with an even higher-pitched one.

"Yo... dudes..." Rainbow winced, rubbing her ears as she hovered directly between them. "Give it a rest. And ease up on the... squeaks. Friggin' A..."

Nicole trotted up out of the cabin, blinked, turned around, and trotted back down.

Enix and Echo calmed slightly.

"Okay... first thing's first..." Rainbow looked at Echo. "What's Lunar Vigilance? I mean for real?"

Echo opened his fanged mouth—

"It is the stalwart commitment that we've made," Enix said. "Centuries ago, our ancient Maria Matriarchs agreed to station ourselves upon the edge of the world so that we may await a sign of the Mother of Nightmare's return. Due to the constant twilight, we've since lost track of the passage of heavenly bodies. Nevertheless, in our darkest of hearts, we all felt that the Thousandth Year Moon was close to transpiring."

"Right." Rainbow nodded. "And... ths 'great migration?'"

Enix opened her muzzle—

"It's referring to the big exodus our ancestors made," Echo droned. "Out of Equestria—apparently—all the way to Bleak's Plummet." He waved a fetlock in the air. "The most hardass warriors dove over the edge and proceeded to the Dark Side—where they planned to establish a 'New Ponymonium' that could service the Mother of Nightmares upon her return."

"And fight for her in the glorious conquest of the Solar Deceiver!" Enix said boldly, fangs glinting. She beat her chest and hissed with bloodlust. "To win her the throne and ensure Eternal Night!"

"Which... she totally doesn't want anymore," Rainbow droned. "Just like I've been trying to tell you... Nightmare Moon has been vanquished. Princess Luna wants to make peace with her sister Celestia—like she's always desired for eons and eons."

"Rainbow Dash is correct," Princess Luna's voice spoke. "The reign of Nightmare Moon was a mistake... one that I continue to regret to this very day. We were never meant to dominate the sun-loving ponies... but to live with them peacefully, as was purposed by the original alicorns who brought peace and harmony to this plane."

"Yeah, well..." Echo grumbled. "You might be able to convince the midnighters of the Lunar Vigilance about that... but what about the punks who went to the Dark Side?"

"In truth, I fear for their misguided sensibilities," Princess Luna said. "Drenched in so much chaos for centuries—they will likely possess an unpredictable nature."

"Yeesh..." Rainbow ran a hoof through her short-short bangs. "I haven't even thought about that." She looked over. "Enix? What do you and your brothers and sisters know about the sarosians who flew over to the Dark Side—" She froze in place, blinking.

Enix was once again lying prostrate on the floor. She murmured sacred chants and unsheathed a dagger, aiming for her scarred fetlock—

"Oh for crying out loud..." Rainbow rolled her eyes and—Fwooosh!—zipped down to the mare, grasping her forelimbs. "Will you quit it?!"

"But..." Enix's pronounced ears drooped. "The Mother of Nightmare exposes us for our foolish sins. I must express my penitence—"

"What you must do is help me get to Bleak's Plummet so I can talk to the Maria Matriarchs!" Rainbow's voice echoed. "And that won't be easy if the leader of the pack is light-headed from blood-loss."

"I do not understand." Enix's slitted eyes blinked. "You do not wish for me to honor our Goddess?"

"She doesn't want you reducing yourself to shredded wheat!" Echo growled, eyes rolling. "Goddess... this is why I left in such a damn hurry. Bunch of emo freaktards."

Enix frowned at him. "You should have left earlier!" She growled. "Before you robbed the Maria Matriarchs of forty pounds of moonsilver!"

"Like they were doing anything better with it than making orphans on the high seas!"

Enix let loose a high-pitched shriek.

Echo let loose an even higher-pitched shriek.

"Rnnnngh!" Rainbow Dash clutched her skull. "For Pete's sake—!"

Nicole stomped out of the cabin this time, opening her jaws wide. "Skriii-iii-iii!"

This time, both Enix and Echo winced.

Nicole huffed, frowning. "Now quit it! Honestly!" She tilted her chin up. "Feels like we're taking on water downstairs every dang time!"

Bard rushed up from below deck, concerned. He watched as Nicole stomped back downstairs in a huff. He blinked at her, glanced at Rainbow, smirked, then shrugged. With quiet steps, he descended after his sister.


"I can tell that the tension is high," Luna's voice said. "I only have myself to blame."

Rainbow blinked. "Your Highness?"

"Blessed Mother of Nightmares." Enix bowed low again, eyeslits flickering. "You are most righteous and wise. I entreat you not to give in to needless despair on behalf of your dream children—"

"No. It is my fault. I dabbled in dark energies, and it gave birth to the persona that would eventually embrace Nightmare Moon. Because of that, not only did Equestria suffer, but it forever cursed my children of the night to an eternity of exile and persecution. And now—as we speak—my most forsaken flock of all are lost on the Dark Side of the plane, embroiled in an endless war that consumes all life."

Enix stood up with a deep breath. "I assure you, Oh Mother, that our brothers and sisters in shadow are as vigilant and trustful as we have been."

"Yeah..." Echo muttered. "Because the Seventh Tribe here have been soooooo wonderful and trusting." His fangs showed. "A real paragon of harmony."

Enix snarled. "Will it kill you, lazy pariah, to treat our Mother with respect?"

"We shall deal with respect when Rainbow Dash meets the Matriarchs," Princess Luna said. "I trust, Nightblooded child, that they await for her in Bleak's Plummet?"

Enix bowed gently. "Most assuredly, Mother. I shall see to it that she reaches the vinewooded depths without mishap."

Rainbow glanced over. "Vinewooded depths?"

"Yup." Echo nodded. "The reason why the other Six Tribes can never find us is that we're never meant to be found."

"What's that mean?"

"Just that..." He pointed at the choppy waters. "...it's not nearly as rough several meters below the surface."

Rainbow Dash blinked. She glanced up above the horizon—at the flicker of Yaerfaerda—then back down at the rolling waves. "Your Highness?"

"Yes, child?"

"What if I lose the direct line to you real soon?"

"I estimate that we still have twenty-four hours of communication left."

"I'm not talking about time, Princess Luna."

"Hmmmm... one way or another, my children will be made to see the light."

"I humbly concur," Enix said with a nod.

"But in the meantime, Rainbow Dash, my essence shall be carried—at least in part—in the pendant."

"How so?"

"Trust me. Every sarosian you meet shall have no doubt whom you are there to represent."

"In other words..." Echo smirked slightly. "...you'd better prepare your away mission."

"Yeah..." Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. "I was afraid of that."

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