• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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"Urohringr Alone," Starring Rainbow Dash

Enix raised a bleakweed tube in her hooves and breathed into a rune. The silver etching of moonrock glowed immediately.

Turning around, the Nightblood warrior trotted across the floor of a large chamber deep inside Bleak's Plummet. She faced a collection of seaweed-woven ragdolls positioned at the far end of the firing rage, took aim, and grunted into the air: "H'rhnum!"


A cluster of shrapnel flew swiftly across the room and rendered the dummies to ribbons. Th-Th-Thunk!

As the thunderous echo from the shot dwindled, Enix expelled the spent rune from the tube and blew the excess smoke from the barrel. She calmly turned around to face Kepler and Rainbow Dash, standing off to the side.

"That command that I just gave..." She spoke. "That is an ancient Moonwhinny word that most generally translates to 'burst' in the basic Equestrian tongue. Now..." She shoved a fresh chunk of shot into the barrel, then popped in an identical rune into the square-shaped notch atop the tube. "...I am loading the exact same ordinance and rune into the weapon, but listen as I give a completely different command."

As Rainbow and her friend watched, Enix breathed into the moonrock, causing it to glow. She pivoted, aimed, and shouted: "M'wynhrm!"


The blast was considerably louder this time—and the damage far more spread out. Rainbow squinted in the cold lunar light, observing as random chunks of shrapnel embedded into the bleakweed wall at a radius of several meters.

Kepler scribbled briskly onto a sheet of parchment, his spectacled eyes darting up and down.

Enix casually shouldered the smoking weapon and turned towards the two once again. "That last word translates to 'expel.'" She gestured blindly at the embedded shrapnel in the wall behind her. "Observe how the discharge is more widespread... but far less accurate?" Her eyes narrowed. "Same weapon. Same rune. But a different command."

"Most interresting," Kepler murmured, nodding. "And these rrunes... they arre engineerred to rrespond to such vocal trriggerrs?"

"Each rune is pre-enchanted," Enix explained. "Such sorcery does not happen overnight." She breathed. "It takes months... sometimes years of precise alchemy to eke magical substance out of our remaining moonrocks, employing the wisdom and ingenuity of countless elders. Nevertheless." Her scarred lips curved with the slightest hint of pride. "We have acquired a respectable stockpile throughout the ages. It should be more than sufficient in providing a deterrent to the Rohbredden forces."

"So... in other words..." Rainbow Dash gestured. "All you and your Nightblooded warriors gotta do is stick a rune in a tube, load it up with ammo, and say the right code word?"

"It involves more than mere pronunciation," Enix said. "The word must be shouted!" She slapped a hoof over her chest. "And you must believe in the spell! It must come from the heart!"

Rainbow gulped. "I see..."

"Also..." Enix raised a hoof. "One must have a proper memorization of the commands and the runes that they coincide with while on the battlefield. It will mean everything in the heat of the moment."

"So, therre arre multiple rrunes!" Kepler explained. He pointed at the damaged targets. "Forr a moment therre, I thought it was as simple as knowing when and wherre to shout 'H'rhn—'"

Enix shrieked loudly, instantly silencing Kepler and sending his and Rainbow's heads reeling. She frowned... and as they recovered from the ear-splitting outburst, she firmly spoke: "Do not speak the commands out of turn." She gestured at a pile of faintly glowing runes off to the side. "As you can imagine... an improperly-timed exclamation could be devastating."

"Y-yeah..." Rainbow winced, rubbing her fuzzy ear and wincing. "Tell me about it."

"A thousand pardons, Blood of Luna," Enix said, fangs glinting. "But it would have been most unfortunate if we lost half of our available ammunition because of your wyvern's unwitting mistake."

"So..." Kepler cleared his throat. "There appearrs to be a massively glowing setback to the implementation of rrunic warrfarre."

Enix sighed. "Indeed." Her slitted eyes narrowed. "Hence why we've only ever done battle in swift, overwhelming strikes. If our enemies ever managed to escape our attack, it would prove most disastorous to future engagements."

"That explains why you went super ballistic on the Stardust when we first met." Rainbow gulped. "Talk about a pirate's life..."

"Is therre a chance you can teach the Herrald the necessarry worrds and theirr prronunciation?" Kepler asked.

Enix briskly nodded. "Absolutely."

Rainbow raised her hoof. "I've got an even better question." She squinted in the lunar light. "Those first two commands you showed us look like they could rip ponies to shreds."


"Are there... uhhhh... any runic tricks that could be used to just knock out our foe?" Rainbow gulped. "Or just scare the crap out of them before we even gotta butt heads?"

Enix stared. She then smiled, fangs showing. "Very much so."

"Well..." Rainbow shrugged, smiling crookedly. "I'm all ears."

Hovering in the air, Rainbow Dash cocked a rune into a bleakwood tube, aimed it sky-high, and shouted: "W'rhynnym!"

Phoooooom! A streak of burning light flew high into the air and—POWWWWW!—exploded in a brilliant fireball. The resulting heat evaporated the lower cloud-cover, exposing the purple starlight beyond. The flames lingered in the air for a full five seconds before eventually dissipating. Rainwater followed, drenching the choppy waves below.

Hovering closely around Rainbow, Ariel and Bard and Nicole cooed in awe. Wildcard also drifted nearby, calmly clapping his flesh and metal hands.

"That's a mighty snazzy trick," Bard said. "Reckon it'll scare the dickens out of them Frostknifers."

"Did Enix teach you that?" Nicole asked, tipping her newly-acquired hat back.

"That's not all she taught me." Rainbow reached into her saddlebag, grabbing another sliver of moonrock and a glass ball of ammo. "Watch as I load a completely different rune and shout a different command." She did just that, aimed into the sky, and hissed: "Y'wyvnym Y'lynwyn!"

Another streak shot into the sky. Seconds later, it burst—this time lighting the heavens with a bright flare of green light.

"Huh..." Bard rubbed his head, squinting at the dissolving glow. "You gave two commands this time."

"Right..." Rainbow lowered the smoking weapon and glanced at the others. "The first Moonwhinny word translates to 'green.' And the second and more important one means 'illuminate.'"

"So you can do multiple colors?" Ariel grinned. "That's so cool!"

"What's even cooler is that we can assign different messages to each of them," Rainbow said.

"I see where this is goin'." Bard's eyes narrowed. "Figures that—when the Rohbreddenites arrive—we're all gonna be spread out if we have any hope of throwin' 'em off their game."

Nicole nodded. "You're going to need some way to communicate with one another."

"We could... like... make a green flare mean 'All clear' and a yellow flare mean 'Rally north/south' or something like that."

Wildcard gestured.

Bard looked from him to Rainbow Dash. "What about signalin' for when the Gondola arrives?"

"Oh! Totally!" Rainbow nodded. "Something big and bright and eye-catching. Like... blood red or something."

"We're going to use this runic sorcery for more than just communication, right?" Ariel inquired, leaning in. "Like... that big fireball you summoned earlier—"

"That—I'm hoping—will enforce some crowd control," Rainbow said. Her nostrils flared. "Maybe keep the Rohbreddenites back."

"And if it's not enough?" Bard asked. "What if they decide to charge us full on?"

"There are a lot of tricks that these runes can do," Rainbow explained, patting the weapon in question. "Between blinding bursts of light, concussion blasts, and fiery explosions, we should hopefully be able to distract the heck out of them. Maybe even put a bigger scare into their skulls than just the fear of Verlaxion. However..." She sighed. "If they do engage us full ham, then... yes... these suckers here can be charged to shoot holes in Frostknife's finest." The mare gulped. "But I'm hoping it won't have to come to that."

"Guess we won't be handin' any of the ammunition to Dubya here." Bard smirked aside. "Cuz it would do nopony no good, eh, mofo?"

Wildcard gave him a metal middle finger.

"I've got a question," Ariel said.

"Go for broke, girl."

Ariel cocked her head aside. "We're gonna need a heck of a lot of runes to make this happen."

"And the sarosians have a whole lotta runes to give."

"Sure. Cuz they're all locked up in Bleak's Plummet. But where are we going to stockpile it all?"

Flynn trotted out of the cabin of the Stardust.

"Okay. So I've absolutely gutted the whole interior of everything except for essential components to the manaengine." He pointed into the rusted metal hollow behind him. "You should be able to fit a crapton of glowy rocks in there."

"Right." Logan nodded, leaning against the railing of the starboard side. "And the rest could go on the granite platforms right at the edge. Think of it as a final line of artillery." He grinned wide. "Between the Stardust and the brink, we can shell the ever-loving Hell out of the Rohbreddnites up until the arrival of the alicorn elevator thingy."

"Right!" Flynn smirked. "Heck... if we time it just right, the dudes from Frostknife won't even know what's attacking them! We may never even have to come into physical contact with the creeps!"

Upon hearing that, Logan glanced at his axe with a pouting expression. "Well, now that you put it like that..."

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. "It's awesome to be optimistic and all, but l-let's... just plan for any eventuality." She turned to look at Flynn. "I dig it. Place a bunch of rune guns here on the Stardust and another throng of them at the very edge. While we pelt these melon fudges, the rest of us can fly in the air, distracting them for as long as necessary."

"This plan already has several glaring holes," Remna muttered, shuffling up.

Rainbow sighed, her every body part drooping. "Yes. Please, Axan. Do tell us why."

"Namely this." Remna gestured at the boat. "The Herald's vessel here is mostly defenseless. Meanwhile, the enemy will be arriving in more than one vessel, and each soldier is capable of swift flight." The mare's green eyes hardened. "What is going to stop them from sinking the Stardust to the depths the very moment that they discover it?"

"Well, it'll be mobile!" Flynn stuttered to say. "My baby's fast, y'know! We can... uh... totally outflank them!"

"Not good enough." Remna shook her head. "And with such a massive stockpile on board this craft, we cannot afford to give it over to the attacking forces."

"Like they're going to know how to speak moonwhinny and use those weapons."

"It's not the weapons I'm concerned about," Remna said. "It's the ammunition. From the description, I trust it's highly explosive."

"I hate to admit it..." Rainbow exhaled. "But Axan's right."

"Well..." Flynn flailed his forelimbs. "What else are we going to use the Stardust for?!"

"What about that crap?" Logan remarked.

Rainbow turned to squint at him. "What crap?"

He gestured at the rock formations and shipwrecks lingering in the distance—eastward across the choppy seas. "All that crap. Seems to me it's a good place for the Stardust to easily hide."

"More than that..." Flynn tapped his chin in thought as a bright grin slowly crossed his face. "...but it would be the best place to stage an ambush!"

Remna raised an eyebrow. "An ambush."

"Right! It's brilliant!" Flynn spun about, gaping at Rainbow Dash. "Think about it! This close to the edge, it's clustered... the water's shallow... and there are obstructions that the Rohbreddenites will have to avoid at every turn! They're likely not familiar with this waterscape, but we have had a good few hours ahead of them to map it out! That gives us an edge!"

"So... we draw them into the narrows..." Rainbow pointed at the rocks and wreckage. "...and once they've made it through at least half of it..."

"Whammo! Logan punched his fetlocks together, grinning wickedly. "Ambush time!"

Remna exhaled. "This suggestion brings the enemy awfully close to where the Gondola arrives. I feel that with each new plan that's being made, the entire scenario becomes increasingly and unnecessarily risky."

"Risk is as risk does. But still..." Rainbow studied the formations neatly from afar. "...there may be something else that can give us an edge."

Flynn leaned forward. "What are you thinking, Rainbow?"

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