• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,105 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Bring Apples to Debate Class

"She's not just some brutish soldier who's bent on ruining Rainbow Dash's day," Rarity said. "Seraphimus is crafty, intelligent, and—most of all—she has something that she believes in!"

"Correction." Pinkie waved a hoof. "She had something to believe in! Maybe if Keris' bird-buddy had a chance of reuniting with her family after all this kerfluffle, then she'd have something to hold onto! But nuuuuuuuu! Verlax went and took a dump in that tuba! Now Commander Seraphimus has become Commander McJerkFace by a Factor of Eleven!"

"Which is all the more reason why Rainbow should give her a second chance," Twilight Sparkle said, hovering in the glowing manalight of Flynn's engine. "Seraphimus is as much a tragic victim of Verlaxion's deception as all the Rohbreddenites dying from stampeding windigoes!" She turned to look across the way. "Fluttershy, you know what it means to sympathize with others. With everything considered, shouldn't Seraphimus be given a second chance?"

"Of course, Twilight." Fluttershy nodded. "But I'm not certain that she's willing to give Rainbow or her friends a second chance."

"So, that's it, then?" Rarity frowned. "Because this poor wretch has grown soooo morbid and sooooo pitiful... we must erase all hope for her future by extinguishing her life should she happen to get in our way?"

"I'm certain that if Rainbow Dash could find a way around ending her life or the lives of other Rohbreddenites, she would." Fluttershy cast Rainbow a look. "But sometimes the choice is not so easy... or she may not even have a choice at all."

"And just what's so special about this 'Seraphimus' turkey anyways?!" Pinkie Pie cackled. "All she's done since Dashie has stumbled into this party is try and ruin her day! And the day for everypony! I mean... helllloooo! All-important-Austraeoh-destinyyyy, ya fuzzheads!"

"Pinkie, don't trivialize," Rarity snapped. "When the cracks began showing in Brye Chandler's foolhardy conspiracy, who broke her pursuit of Rainbow altogether to instead attempt to bring the cretin to justice?!" She waved a hoof. "Seraphimus! That's who! And that puts her in the same sympathetic category as Lieutenant Keris in my book. Only... she suffered far worse consequences than Keris ever did."

"Yes..." Fluttershy nodded. "Only after she proved herself to be stubborn-minded in Starkiss." She gulped. "You heard how she stonewalled Lieutenant Keris' peaceful attempts to illuminate her and the rest of the troops. There's something indomitably stubborn about that griffon. What happened to her family was terrible, but I do believe she was long pre-disposed against opening her mind long before Verlax stuck the knife in."

"But... for us to just decide that she's expendable... for us to auction her life away for a supposedly righteous cause..." Twilight Sparkle grimaced. "How could we rule out any chance of redemption for her? How can we rule out any redemption for anypony?"

"How can we find the flippin' time?!" Pinkie Pie pulled at her ghost-hair. "Oh my fuzzy goof-cakes, you guyz!" She half-squeaked-half-snarled. "We're not about to write a dissertation on poni poni poni ethics! Dashie has gotta make it to the Sixth Seed and beyond or else we're all dead!"

"Pinkie—" Rarity reached out.

"All of us! Deader than cold pizza!"

Rarity frowned. "But where does the forward-thinking excuses end? At what point will it become... inconvenient to kill for convenience?"

"I think Rainbow's done more than enough to avoid this kind of a scenario," Fluttershy said. She sighed. "But... even if what we've assumed from Echo's revelation is wrong... there will still come a time—sooner than we would like—where Rainbow Dash simply will have no other choice. It will be the enemy... or her quest." She gulped. "I don't like it any more than you do, and it's more than obvious by now that Verlax had long planned to prepare Rainbow Dash for this kind of a scenario... in her own twisted way."

"Right..." Twilight nodded. "...and it's up to us to be there for Rainbow Dash so she can make the right decision... her decision... and not Verlax's."

"But if it still ends up being the same decision..." Pinkie Pie shrugged. "...so what?! If Dashie and the rest of the world gets to sing campfire songs another day... th-that's a good thing... r-right?"

At last, the mares had run out of things to say. They stared at the interior deck of the Stardust between them.

Rainbow Dash finally stopped pacing. She looked at Twilight and Rarity to her right... then at Fluttershy and Pinkie to her left. After a few blinks, she gazed down the center. "You've been quiet all this time, AJ?" She winced—but nevertheless asked, "What do you think?"

Applejack "leaned" against the wall, her hat tilted forward. Upon hearing the question, she sighed into the tilted brim of her hat. "Is killin' wrong?" A gulp. "Yes. It sure as hay is."

Rainbow bit her lip.

"However... is lettin' Rainbow's ponies die for the sake of an idea also wrong?" She tilted her hat up, exposing thin green eyes. "Heck... I'm not so sure no more... but it certainly feels bad."

The others watched as she drifted through the group.

"I know I'm still catchin' up to this crazy eastward shindig and all..." Applejack squinted aside as she passed Rainbow Dash. "So... correct me if I'm wrong here... but didn't a bunch of innocent villagers die because this 'Shell' fella had survived as long as he did?"

Fluttershy bit her lip.

Rainbow clenched her jaws tight, glaring aside. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end.

Applejack saw it. "Hmmm... well then..." She turned to look at the rest of the girls. "I think y'all are puttin' things too simple-like. It's not just the killin' that has bit poor ol' Rainbow in the keister. But it's all the not-killin' as well."

Rarity and Twilight looked to the floor.

Applejack floated back the way she came. "Ain't nothin' smart nor ethical 'bout thinkin' in the moment. Not all of us have been there. I like to think that I have—but that ain't no truth. If it was... I'd be in far worse sorts than I am now... heh... if you can believe that."

"But... killing someone like Seraphimus... isn't like putting down a member of your livestock, AJ." Twilight Sparkle sadly shook her head. "All things considered, it was never Rainbow Dash's place to even be out here... to have crossed paths with the Lead Claw of the Talon in the first place."

Applejack bore a bitter smirk. "While I appreciate ya tryin' to put it into farmin' terms for me to understand, Twilight... yer overcomplicatin' things again." She gazed at Rainbow Dash. "What did Shell have in common with Seraphimus, really?"

"He... uh..." Rainbow gulped. "He was a military dude... pressured by his government to take on some crazy, foreign menace... just like Seraphimus."

"Is that all, sugarcube?"

Rainbow stared at her. Her ears gradually drooped. "He had no family..." She shuddered. "Imre... killed herself in front of him... and... and th-that was it." She gulped. "He had nothing left."

"He had nothin' left..." Applejack slowly nodded. She gazed down at her fidgeting hooves. "Girls... I know that I've never really... r-really gone all that much about how my folks passed away..."

All of the mares looked up, blinking.

"...and... ahem..." Applejack's voice wavered. "...there's a reason for that. I... get mighty weak in the knees whenever I so much as think about Ma... about Pa... about the very few... very warm... very tender memories we all shared when we was whole. And... and sometimes I'd think that life was just some... cruel and heartless joke... to take my very own folks from me..." She sighed heavily. "...just like it's gone and taken Granny..."

Rainbow winced.

"And yet..." Applejack looked up, her eyes wet... but firm. "Apple Bloom's still there. Big Mac is still there. The farm... the apples... the ranch... all of Ponyville is waitin' on me to return." She took a deep breath. "As far as I'm concerned, I've got something to go back home to. All of us... we all got somethin' to return to."


"A life without any of that... a life without warmth... without meanin'?" Applejack slowly shook her head. "I can't even imagine that. I don't want to imagine that. And—quite frankly—I wouldn't wish it on any hollow thing that crawls upon this earth... claws or hooves or no-matter." She turned to gaze at Rainbow Dash. "If you ask me... if another 'Shell' comes barreling at you... with the only flickerin' thing in that monster's mind bein' death... then I'd think it'd be a mighty cruel thing not to give it to her..."

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