• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,105 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Well At Least It Floats

The deck of the Princess Stardust was much wider than Rainbow Dash had anticipated. She touched down in the very center, gazing at the slate gray metal planks covering the surface of the vessel. Many of the rivets had long rusted, and the second story cabin that stuck out of the stern was roughly hewn together out of raw, industrial metals. The vessel didn't even have a coat of paint, and judging from the dense materials making up the bulk of the ship, Rainbow pondered how the thing could still remain afloat.

"It's not exactly... uhm..." Rainbow tongued the inside of her muzzle. "...inspiring, is it?"

"Mrmmmff!" Flynn touched down on the deck, dropping his saddlebags. He flashed her a sweaty glance, brow raised over his natural eye. "Since when was the Austraeoh a big critic on seafaring?"

"More like 'skyfaring,'" Rainbow Dash droned, ruby eyes traveling across the lengths of the simple watercraft. "Forgive me, buddy. I guess it's just that... after spending months on the most badflank skystone manaship known to ponydom... nothing can ever compete."

"Heh... yeah..." Swooosh! Ariel landed, laying a few satchels beside the gray cabin doors at the rear. "I bet anything with a hull must have felt lame to you ever since."

"Mmmmmmm... no..." Rainbow's ears twitched as she gazed towards the star-lit waters. "Nick's trimaran, the Swan Song, was pretty dang smexxy, if I do say so myself."

"Mrmmmff... grnnngh..." Logan hissed and sputtered, eventually pulling his obese self up onto the main deck. "Yeah, well, I guess that makes Flynn's dinghy a regular chastity device."

"Look." Flynn frowned. "It's practical. Alright?! Besides..." He tossed what was left of his mane. "Do you really wanna be sailing on a shiny, sparkly cruise ship at this point? We sure as Hell can't afford to attract any Rohbreddenite attention."

Bard landed with Echo in his grasp.. "He's got a point, y'all. Besides..." He smirked. "Any boat in a storm, right?"

"I believe the terminology is 'port,' Johnny," Nicole said, hovering above. "...or is it pontoon?"

"Mrmmff..." Flynn rolled his good eye and proceeded to unlock the doors to the cabin. "Land lubbers."

"Well!" Kepler landed with his belongings. "We most cerrtainly have a storrm ahead! An endless storrm!" He smiled through his tusks. "And, quite frrankly, dearr frriends, I cannot fathom a betterr vessel to trraverrse such uncerrtain waterrs than ourr verry own brrotherr Flynn's!"

"Yeesh..." Logan rolled his eyes with a smirk. "You'd think with such pointy tusks, he'd know better than to attempt sucking up." He turned and hollered over the port side. "Lob 'em up, ya fuzzy lizard!"

Three heavy satchels flew up and into Logan's strong grasp. "Do not assume that you can afford such an attitude in all situations, mortal," Remna's voice echoed from below.

"You can kill me when I'm dead," Logan said. Wildcard flew up and assisted him in shuffling and reorganizing the supplies on deck.

"Well..." Nicole gulped, then smiled. "At least it has a pretty name."

"Won't get any complaints out of me," Rainbow Dash murmured. "Princesses are good for luck."

"Among other things," Ariel said.

"Hold it in, girl." Rainbow turned to face Flynn. "I gotta ask, though..." Her brow furrowed. "This ship seems super heavy. How exactly does it... y'know... go?"

Cl-Clank! "Hah!" With a victorious grin, Flynn unlocked the cabin and slid the noisy metal doors open. "Come right inside and I'll show you!" He motioned for the mare.

Rainbow Dash followed Flynn as the two shuffled into the dark hold of the cabin.

The interior was just as sparse and simple on the inside as it was on the outside. Rainbow could now see why the Herald was so desperate for supplies. The vessel's hold was barren—which was likely a good thing. Rainbow still couldn't make out just how long the craft had been moored in hiding. Anything that would have been stored away would very likely have spoiled years ago.

Despite its long abandonment, the utter bleakness of the waterscape outsided afforded little to no infestation. Rainbow breathed a sigh of relief to not encounter a single cobweb. Flynn's horn illuminated the geometric interiors and crossbeams of the cabin's upper floor. They passed through what appeared to be a bulkhead that had been blowtorched open, exposing a spacious chamber that normally—Rainbow assumed—would not have been accessible in the original factory model of the craft.

"It really looks like this thing came off an assembly line," Rainbow remarked.

"You would be right," Flynn said, his breath still tingling with a pinch of pride. "This was originally a dredge coal mining ship, used for hauling raw ore all across the western and southern prefectures."

"Uhhhhhhhh..." Rainbow Dash suddenly winced, gazing nervously at all of the dark recesses of the cabin. "Should... sh-should we really be talking and breathing down here, then?!"

"Pffft. Relax." Flynn waved a hoof. "I've put this baby through several manasweeps since then. It's cleaner than a honeymoon bidet."

"Cute." Rainbow squinted at a series of dull crystals lined up—three in total—and embedded into the rearmost wall of the top cabin chamber. "Is... is that the propulsion?"

"It wasn't originally," Flynn said. "This whole compartment we're standing in used to be the housing chamber for a huge steam engine. I... uh... modified it. Sliced a bunch of metal barricades. Ripped some of the guts out. And... eureka!" He pointed at the crystals. "I replaced all of the unnecessary oily gizmos with squeaky clean manabatteries!"

"And that's gonna push us through Bleak's Plummet and beyond?"

"I promise you—it's got enough juice in it." Flynn winked his good eye. "We're not talking about a full trip around the Rohbredden continent. And besides..." He cleared his throat. "It's not like we can ride the Stardust to the Dark Side."

"Isn't it... like... all water, though?"

"Not... exactly..." Flynn cleared his throat. "The waters of the ocean that reach the Dark Side are jettisoned outward into the ether by chaotic forces, then returned to precipitate over much of this part of the plane."

"Yeesh. Trippy."

"Wait until you actually see it," Flynn said. "Nah... the only way to reach the Dark Side is through alicorn means."

"You mean the devices Mortuana spoke of?"

Flynn nodded.

"Heh... cool." Rainbow pivoted about. "There's something to look forward to, at least."

"Wanna see the rest of the cabin? Below deck?"

"... ... ...is there anything worth seeing down there?"

"Nope!" Flynn grinned, but motioned nevertheless. "Come look!"


With much struggle, Flynn eventually slid a stubborn metal door open. Tiny portholes allowed narrow beams of gray starlight to stream across the curved hollow belly of the metal vessel.

"Pretty roomy on the inside, huh?" Flynn smiled. "And while it might look and sound like a big metal can sliced in half—I promise you—the thickness of the hull will muffle the thunder outside just enough for you to get some much-needed shuteye between here and the Sixth Seed." He coughed. "Should you feel the need to lazy your prismatic head down... of course."

Rainbow Dash stared, unblinking.

"So what do you think, Rainbow, huh?"

Rainbow blinked. She looked to the left. All of the metal rafters were barren. She looked to the right. The hull's support beams on that side of the cabin were likewise devoid of anything hanging from them.

"... ... ...Rainbow?"

"Uh huh." Rainbow turned right around. "I think I'll sleep on the top deck. With the thunder."

"H-huh?" Flynn blinked awkwardly. "But... but the empty oil drums! You see them, right? You can cook a hefty omelette in them! Hey! Rainbow, hold up!" He scampered after her.

In the meantime, a pink spectre emerged from a column of ruby light.

"Duaaaaaaaah..." Pinkie Pie yawned. She blinked—bleary-eyed—at the rusted walls. On a dime, the mare smiled with spastic enthusiasm. "Oh hey! Princess Stardust! Coolio!"

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