• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Starring Twilight Costner and Dash Hopper

“Oh.” Rarity rubbed her fuzzy eyelids, swiftly waking up with rapid blinks. “I knew I sensed something but this was unexpected.”

“Rainbow?” Twilight—also waking—levitated around the mare's side. “Have we reached it? Is this Rust?”

“No, it's Victorioat's Secret.” Rainbow pointed at the looming metal bulwarks lined with guards and oversized harpoon guns. “What does it look like?”

“My my...” Rarity shuddered slightly, her eyes locked on the sharp barbed projectiles cocked in their launchers. “They certainly have a lot of weapons here.”

“... ... ...” Rainbow glanced aside.

Theanim Mane slowly piloted the Midnight Dreary towards the large gaping metal doors of the platform city's outer walls. Ahead of him, the line of ships slowed down while city officials in a pair of patrol boats inspected each visitor and their vessel. The pegasus noticed that the guards in the inspectors' ships also possessed a large quantity of crossbows.

“Ahem...” Rainbow Dash floated forward, her voice taking a briefly elegant tone. “My my... they certainly have a lot of weapons here.”

Rarity blinked.

“Hmmm?” Theanim took his eyes off the procession for one second. “Oh. Well, yes.”

“Do things get rough inside?”

“More likely on the outside,” Theanim explained. “Although pirates rarely attack a city of this size, it doesn't mean a few of them aren't stupid enough to try. The Syndicate is pretty protective of its assets.”

“Uh huh...” Rainbow glanced back at her two marefriends. “The Syndicate seems pretty uptight about... y'know... being the Syndicate.”

“Oh, it's far more complicated than that, of course.” Theanim smirked. “There are thousands of ponies who live here, after all. Stallions, mares, and foals...—and like any community, Rust thrives on security and cooperation. By dwelling within these walls, your actions are governed by a strict series of rules. In exchange, the forces of Rust—comprised of Rohbreddeners from all trots of life—protect you and your interests.”

“Well, hey...” Rainbow shrugged, wings fluttering. “That doesn't sound so bad.”

“...and there's the standard entrance fee.” Theanim chuckled, sweating slightly. “Of c-course.”

“Of course,” Rainbow droned. “Look... uh...” She eyed the patrol boats nervously. “I didn't exactly earn many bits in my travels. And Sinrar and Nick sure as heck didn't—”

“Relax, my good mare,” Theanim said in a calm tone. “I have this covered.”

“You... uh... sure about that?”

“When Ultimo stranded me at the Nealend Atoll, I was fortunate enough to not lose my... erm... fortune!” He chuckled slightly, steering the ship towards a pair of inspection vehicles. “After all, a wise seafarer knows how much to carry in order to handle the fee at port cities like this.”

Rainbow gulped as the shadow of the city's massive doors bled over her. “H-how many times did you say you've been here before?”

“Three... five? Bordering on half-a-dozen at least. Miss Dash, you really must relax,” Theanim said. “You've wrestled a sea serpent into submission and survived a burial at sea. Why would something as harmless as a city of commerce give you the chills?”

“Let's just say I'm not the only one,” Rainbow murmured.

“I don't know, Rainbow,” Twilight said. She put on a gentle smile. “Everything that Theanim says makes sense.”

“Uh huh...” Rainbow whispered.

“Honestly!” Twilight remarked. “Sure, this place may look a little grim on the outside, but give it a chance! After all, Equestria is no stranger than less-than-aesthetic places. Take Detrot for instance!”

Rarity gave Twilight a double-take. “You've been to Detrot, darling?”

“Erm... well no,” Twilight said her ears folding back. “But my brother did once.”


“It's where he went to boot camp.”

“Did he have any colorful stories to tell?” Rarity asked.

Twilight gulped, her eyes suddenly vacant. “Only once he stopped crying...”

Rainbow was about to say something—

“Oh, bless Verlaxion!” Mrs. Cobbletrots exclaimed, shuffling out of the lower deck and adjusting her mane with glee. “We've arrived! Oh, how I can't wait to taste the traditional Rust Shrimp Alfredo!”

“Patience, dear,” her spouse said, emerging into the sunlight alongside the rest of the passengers. “First thing's first. Let's pool in with the docking fee to thank the Doctor for our trip.”

“Oh, please, that's not necessary,” Theanim said with a gracious smile. “I've got this.”

“Surely you jest, Dr. Mane! We wouldn't have gotten off that dreadful Atoll if it weren't for you!”

“Your gratitude is most welcome...” Theanim shuffled, glancing at Rainbow out the corner of his eyes. “If a tad bit unfounded.” He cleared his throat. “Nevertheless, if you're so determined to assist me, then perhaps you and the rest can stay on board long enough so that we can score ourselves a discount economy docking.”

“A whatsit?” Rainbow remarked.

“Uhm...” One of the passengers shuffled closer. “Rust favors travellers in large groups,” he explained, muttering out of earshot of the inspectors. “If we make it look like we're all here for a trade agreement, they'll get us in at a lower price.”

“Huh...” Rainbow blinked. “Why's everything gotta be so... thrifty?”

The pony blinked. “You mean it isn't where you come from?”

Rainbow bit her lip and said nothing. In the meantime, Theanim stopped the yachts the moment it passed between two larger boats full of guards and city workers. A dull-faced unicorn shuffled up to the edge of one ship's deck and asked Theanim several questions, all the while scribbling notes on a clipboard.

It was obvious that this was going to take more than a few mere minutes, so Rainbow took the opportunity to peer around and observe the surroundings. By this point, they had passed far enough into the mouth of the gate's outer doors that she could see most of the city's interior—only to realize that she was gazing at the tip of an iron iceberg. There was a large space of open water—a veritable inlet—and it was all surrounded by metal: metal docks, metal planks, metal walkways. It was as dense and bustling as the port situated in east Kihutaja, which surprised Rainbow to no end. She had to stare fixedly for several minutes, but she was convinced that the platform city wasn't floating at all, but rather its metal buttresses were locked firmly in place while the rest of the ocean rippled and bobbed around it.

“If you must know, the city appears to be bolted deeply to the ocean floor,” Rarity spontaneously explained. She could see Rainbow staring at the sights, and she pointed at the waters below. “I sense... several thick vertical columns leading towards a dense stone surface that's at least two hundred feet below us. Regardless of who built this place and for what, I must say—it's a rather remarkable piece of engineering.”

“Wow, Rarity,” Twilight murmured, grinning. “It's so incredible how you're able to sense all of that without batting an eye!”

Rarity shrugged, smiling. “It's a gift, darling. I'm slowly warming up to it.”

“How about you, Twilight?” Rainbow murmured, keeping her voice below the volume of the continued conversation between Theanim and the inspectors. “Do you sense anything significant about this place?”

“Define 'significant.'”

“Ugh... do I gotta?”

“Very well then...” Twilight leaned her head up, closed her eyes, and breathed evenly. After a few lavender pulses from her horn, she spoke: “There are residual traces of mana here and there. I sense faint leylines threading between every other building of this place... thin and faint.”

“What's that mean?!” Rainbow wheezed. “Could... could agents of Verlaxion be here?”

“... ... ...” Twilight's eyes opened. “Uhm... no, Rainbow. It's just unicorns.”

Rainbow blushed. “Oh.”

With a slight giggle, Twilight said, “It's the same sort of sensation I've gathered from ships we've passed by or the very passengers who've ridden with us on board the Midnight Dreary.” The lavender unicorn shrugged. “Seems that a good third of all Rohbreddeners are unicorns. Nothing strange about it.” She smiled. “It's actually rather pleasant to know. Feels a bit like home.”

“Or it would feel a bit like home if you possessed this ability back in Equestria,” Rarity said with a wink.

“Hehe... good point.”

“You... uhh...” Rainbow squirmed where she stood. “...you sure that you don't sense—like—an evil lair full of sparkling manacoils or a dragon enchanted zombie maker or some crap?”

Twilight merely gawked at the mare. “Rainbow... relax! Like the Doctor said—this place might be a tad bit stingy, but it's harmless!”

“Yes, darling,” Rarity said. “If you wish to practice your anxiety, wait until we are within reach of Pinkie's hiding place down in Shoggoth.”

Rainbow shuddered, her wings drooping.

Rarityyy,” Twilight groaned.

“Erm... sorry...” The fashionista giggled nervously.

“Alright!” One of the inspectors voiced. “Special discount.” He levitated two dozen bits from Theanim's outstretched hoof and gestured at the yacht. “Proceed immediately to the Trade District. Take the interior canals straight past the fishing docks. If you get lost, you can ask one of the patrol ponies for—”

“I know my way around this enterprising town. Trust me.” Theanim saluted and steered the ship ahead. “A thousand thanks, good sir.”

“Meh,” the inspector droned, then motioned for the next vessel. “Move the line forward, everypony! Come on! Before the oceans freeze over!”

As the Midnight Dreary cruised forward, Rainbow spotted more and more details. She realized that the city existed in multiple layers. First, there was the shell of Rust, which was bolted to the lower foundations—as Rarity described. But then there was a second layer—a habitat layer. This—Rainbow discovered—was constructed on countless metal and wooden platforms that were secured on massive floatation devices. It became swiftly apparent that the initial docks and walkways of the city were fashioned to rise and lower along with the ocean layer.”

“That way, none of the local businesses risk flooding in the event of unsightly weather,” Theanim explained a few minutes along the tour. They passed docksides and platforms reeking of gutted fish while seagulls congregated and cawed overhead. “The outer walls protect the residents from the brunt of most elements. Rust can even withstand a hurricane if it needed to. And when the waters raise up, most the city rises up along with it.”

“That's... that's incredible!” Twilight Sparkle gasped, smiling wide. “What amazing engineering!”

Rainbow smirked. “You've certainly gotten Twilight enthused, Doc.”

“Heheh... well that's comforting to know.” Theanim pointed past the bow. “There. The canals. Like the inspector said, that'll lead us to our destination within the Trade District.”

“Uh huh...” Rainbow looked as they approached the first of many narrow capillaries that led through an asymmetrical arrangement of winding metal corridors and tunnels. All along the banks of the artificial streams, ponies trotted from one platform to another, gathering along balconies as they bartered and traded in the tropical sunlight. The air was abuzz with hundreds of Robhredden dialects, and Rainbow could spot a pegasus or two darting overhead, their bodies hauling carts full of goods and luxuries. “How do we expect to find your friend in all this mess, Doc?”

“It only looks like a 'mess' from the outside,” Theanim said. “Once we're trotting the streets, I'll catch my bearings. We'll find Echo in no time.”

“Yeesh... I hope so.”

“What, pray tell, is that?” Rarity remarked.

“Huh?” Rainbow turned.

Theanim looked her way. “'Huh,' what?”

Rarity was pointing due south. Far across the city's western “inlet,” a complicated drydock had been erected. Within the space of the hollow overhang, a large vessel of strange construction was housed. The ship at first looked like a trimaran, only it easily six times the size of the Midnight Dreary and it consisted of four separated hulls instead of three. What's more, in place of a sail it had what looked like eight massive turbines fused to the segmented stern.

“Looks like a sea ship of some sort,” Twilight remarked. “And... I-I think I'm sensing a fusion of leylines.”

“Really?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight gulped. “It's dormant now. But... but it stands to be enchanted.” She looked at Rainbow. “An engine of some sort?”

Before Rainbow could say something, Theanim interjected: “Ah. I see you've found the Arrowfish.

“The what-fish?”

“Granted, I can't tell if it's Mark One or Mark Two,” Theanim muttered out loud, rubbing his chin. “They both look so identical.”

Rainbow pointed at the ship in the distant drydock. “You mean there are two of those friggin' things?”

“Indeed. And those 'frigging things' are the blood and spirit of Rust.” Theanim smiled proudly. “They have only two destinations: Rust and Shoggoth. Periodically, the Arrowfish cruise in straight lines between here and the city you're journeying to. Each time, they haul several hundred tons of equipment and resources. Oh... and passengers as well.”

“So it's a safe ticket to our destination?”

“And a terribly expensive one too,” Theanim said, his face growing long. “So let's not get ahead of ourselves. I may be stocked up, monetarily speaking, but even I can't afford passage on the likes of an Arrowship.”

“Huh...” Rainbow sighed. “Well that's a bummer.”

“Do not worry, my good mare,” Theanim said, carefully paying attention to the waters as he steered the yacht into the first of several canals. “We'll find our way to the Muddredger city in due time. Best to be careful than to be hasty.”

“What's it run on?” Twilight asked, still transfixed on the distant vessel.

Rainbow cleared her throat. “Just what does the Arrowfish run on, exactly?”

“Unicorn power,” Theanim explained. He turned the rudder wheel left and right. “Those with patience, concentration, and a good horn volunteer to manually energize the engines for the southern trip and the return.” He smirked. “In exchange, they get exempt from city residence fees for a month.”

“Well, that sounds kinda... blunt.”

“Heh... do not get overly sympathetic, Miss Dash. It's as fair and balanced an enterprise as any other. Besides, most of the unicorns who volunteer are young and strong-minded. Very rarely will fathers and mothers leave their families to engage in such a mental exercise. This may come as a shock to you, but the residents of Rust favor family and community above the common bit.”

“You're right,” Rainbow droned. “That does come as a shock to me.”

“Hmmmm... I suppose we all have quite a lot to learn.”

“Well, I for one am most impressed,” Rarity said. “Even if this place leaves... ehhhh... something to be desired in terms of aesthetics.”

“Ehhhh...” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I've seen it all before.”

“Rainbow...” Twilight glared. “Honestly... when have you seen a city like this before?”

“Months and months ago,” Rainbow droned. “Three times the size... and a thousand feet in the air.” She blinked. “Powered by magic and farts.”

“Oh...” Twilight blushed slightly, glancing down into the rippling canal waters. “...right.”

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