• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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All is Well That Swims Well

All of Shoggoth was buzzing with excitement, shock, and rumor. Ponies of all trots—and swims—of life gathered at every level of the submerged city. They crowded around the Marine Auction House, gathered in droves, rambled in circles.

The word of muzzle throughout the city carried the same tune: The Syndicate was no more. Boss Jeryn was revealed to be a thief of the Princess' royal possessions, and Boss Revan of Rust was exposed for his murderous acts of arson.

“Can you believe that? Right under our noses too!”

“I have a distant cousin who lives in Rust. To be honest, I'm not too surprised.”

“Yeah, that city had fallen out of Verlaxion's good graces ages ago. From what I heard, the Northern Hoof was suffocating all business for their own profit.”

“But Jeryn too?! It's frightening to think that what was happening in Rust could have been happening here someday!”

“Eh... I never liked that pretentious snob anyways. I hear the whole Council hated his guts.”

“Y'know what? I never cared much for the Syndicate anyways. I mean... just what good have they done for trade over these last few decades?”

“They're just a bunch of losers resting on the laurels of the past. Meh... good thing they got what was coming to them, the lazy bums.”

“Heck, if what they say is true about the arson and theft, we're a whole lot better off with them gone!”

“Who's going to take up all that space in the hold they've got? I mean... sure, the Syndicate may have been a bunch of losers, but a lot of ponies worked for them. I have friends of friends who were paid by the Syndicate. I doubt they're all thieves and murderers.”

“Haven't you heard? The real estate agents are going crazy! Something tells me that financiers are going to be bidding on those stock rooms and vaults within a week! I mean... think of all the businesses that could profit from all that space the Syndicate was hogging up!”

“And if Rust is now as open and free as they're saying it is...”

“Wow, I can't wait to hear the transcripts of the Auction House starting tomorrow!”

“We gotta set up a meeting about this.”

“But where? Who's place? This crowd is going nuts!”

“Hah! Pick a number! We're gonna need a really big hat to draw on!”


“Long live the Muddredgers!”

From the wings, Rainbow Dash sat, perched on top of a polished marble bust of a siren that overlooked the crowded courtyards of Central Shoggoth. She gazed and gazed at the surging sea of ponydom gathered around the Marine Auction House. Turning her head, she gazed at her close marefriends.

Pinkie Pie giggled and “swam” circles in the air. Rarity and Twilight excitedly chatted her up, gesturing with their hooves while they attempted to explain Ultimo and the rescue from the lower sepulchers.

Rainbow Dash's nostrils flared. She smiled, hugging herself as she gazed at the familiar spectres. Her eyes remained locked on Pinkie's flouncing curls... her bright blue eyes full of innocence and mirth.

It was right around this time that a familiar voice echoed through Rainbow's mind.

“Rainbow Dash. I see that you are still here.”

The pegasus leaned back, rubbing her head. “Well, I... don't exactly have the gills to swim to the ocean's surface, so... yeah. I'm still here, Your Majesty.”

Camellia's voice continued: “There are members of the Council here who are curious to see who it was that Revan was pursuing so desperately that it brought him to these depths.”

“Yeah... uhm...” Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her neck. “About that...”

“Do not fret, my little pony,” Camellia spoke. “I have informed them that you were given express permission to venture into the lower sepulchers. The Council trusts me in this regards.”

“Uhhhhh...” Rainbow blinked. “You're leaving a few key details out there, Your Highness. What... with infiltrating Jeryn's hold and the whole mind-control thing, not to mention the diving suits and—”

“Did you willfully assault my guards and steal your way in through the front entrance of the Royal Tombs?”

“Uhhhhhh... no?”

“Then your presence in the Sepulchers were not unwarranted, and you are not to blame for anything.”

“Sure...” Rainbow smiled, exhaling. “Why not?”

“As we speak, the evidence you and your friends have gathered is assisting me with fully incriminating the Syndicate. I have full confidence that—with the aid of the Council—we will finally be rid of their malicious influence in Shoggoth for good. I speak as well for Rust and all of Rohbredden abroad.”

“Pizz Fah Wizz!” Rainbow cheered.

There was a brief space in silence. “I beg your pardon?

“Don't mind me,” Rainbow muttered. She gazed at Pinkie Pie from a distance, smiling. “I'm suddenly remembering a noble friend of mine... for... uhm... reasons.” She cleared her throat. “Just know that I'm super glad for you, Your Highness. Like... really.”

“In short, thanks to your intercession, I have achieved a goal that I have desired for years. Pray tell, Rainbow Dash, did you get what you desired from the depths of Shoggoth?”

“Oh. Yeah. Totally.” Rainbow sighed dreamily. She leaned her chin on her forelimbs as she smiled at her three conversing friends. “After all of this crazy shuffling, sneaking around, and heisting... everything is the way it should be.”

“Then why is your spirit so terribly vexed?

Rainbow Dash bit her lip.

“I can sense the unease in your voice. I suspect any soul—telepath or not—could do the same.”

“It... uh... it got a little dicey down there, Your Highness,” Rainbow Dash said. “Kudos on summoning Ultimo out of nowhere. You totally saved the day with that one.”

“Did you meet Queen Verlaxion?”

Rainbow Dash opened her muzzle. She lingered... then squirmed in place. “I dunno, Your Highness. You tell me.”

Camellia was silent for a while. Then: “It is simply impossible for her to have manifested herself physically. However, knowing the gifts of the Queen of Frost, I have no doubt that her magic allowed for the next best thing to occur. Communication is one of her strong suits, after all. When she last visited to bless our domain, several of my seapony subjects experienced deep and entrancing visions. It brought a great deal of joy and fulfillment to their lives.”

“Mrmmfff...” Rainbow brushed at a stretch of polished stone. “Good for them.”

“I take it that you did not experience something quite as uplifting?”

“I experienced a vision alright. And... well...” Rainbow Dash sighed long and hard. “Let's just say that she knows a lot... almost too much.” She gulped. “And... uhm... I-I think that there's even crazier things that she has in store for me.”

“As in messages?”

“As in traps, Your Highness,” Rainbow grumbled. “The Drag—... the Matriarch is trying to test me. I dunno if it's because of a... certain 'Queen' she's brushed shoulders with in the past, or 'cuz she somehow sees into all the other Seeds she's 'graced' with her magic... but she knew I was coming from continents away. I... I-I think she can read my mind too. Or...” She fiddled with her pendant. “...maybe some other part of me that I'm not too terribly proud of.”

“You believe her to be a monarch of ill-will?

“Well...” Rainbow tilted her head up, blinking into the manalight. “What do you think, Your Highness?”

“What I think... what I know about Queen Verlaxion is that she has donated all of her strength, all of her wisdom, and all of her resources to maintaining the safety and cohesive well-being of Rohbredden, both below the sea and above it.”

Rainbow sighed, rolling her eyes. “Uh huh...”

“However...” Camellia's telepathic voice lowered, as if saturated suddenly with a tone of caution. “...if our Queen was truly perfect, then the Syndicate would not have festered like they have, and I wouldn't have been required to go to such extreme and conspiratorial lengths to remove them from a place of malevolent power.

Rainbow nodded. “You've got a good point.”

“There are many... many Rohbreddenites who worship Verlaxion as though she were a Goddess. While I can understand such a point of view, I most certainly do not share it. After all, many of my own subjects deify me, and I am quite humbly aware of my own frailties.”

“That's pretty swell of you to say, Your Majesty,” Rainbow said. “I... kinda wish we had more leaders like you on this side of the world.”

“I do not,” Camellia bluntly said. “If all leaders were like me, then I fear that such would make a very, very weak kingdom. I have always felt remorseful for not asserting my authority more here in Shoggoth. If I hadn't allowed the Council to wield so much power, then the likes of Jeryn would not have gained leverage. While I appreciate liberty and democracy, there I times when I see where direct executive control would assure the profit of my kingdom as a whole. But I make these sacrifices for a reason. The freedom of my subjects is as important to me as it was to my predecessors. Governing Shoggoth in this manner has worked—but only because we exist under the umbrella of rulers such as Verlaxion, whose power is unchecked. I have no doubt that a Monarch such as the Queen of Frost has done many a distasteful thing, sacrificing moral ambiguity for the sake of protecting the whole of her kingdom. That is a position that I do not envy, for my heart is far too warm to transform such cold calculations into material action.”

“Yeah...” Rainbow gulped. “I figured.”

“Even enlisting your help as of late to uproot the Syndicate has made me crossed several lines that I normally would not dare to venture over.” There was a wavering tone to Camellia's telepathic voice. “I have promised myself to take a step back and allow the Council to deal with the fallout of these events. Power can shift the ocean's currents when it's required, but the taste of it is a dangerous and addicting thing. All waters have balance, a flow to them, and I need not create a whirlpool.”

“Well, something tells me that Verlax doesn't share your sentiment,” Rainbow said. “In fact, I think she's wanting me to make one heck of a storm.”

“To what end, Rainbow Dash?

Rainbow shuddered. “I... I don't really know.”

“Do you believe she is correct in her assessment?”

Rainbow said nothing. She simply stared at her friends... past them. High above, a tiny yellow beacon glowed with haunting familiarity.

“I suppose, in the end, it depends on what we're charged with protecting. The Syndicate was a threat to both my subjects and the legacy of my family. They had to be stopped, or else countless citizens would either die or be forced into poverty.”

“And what if the entire world as you know it is in your hooves?”

“I... I am afraid that I don't understand...”

“I know.” Rainbow muttered, leaning her muzzle against her forelimbs again. “And neither should you.”


“Could you, perhaps, be waiting for your friends before disembarking?”


“I sense that you are a pegasus of constant movement. It was my assumption that you weren't staying in my city.”

“I'm afraid not. I... uh... have places to be.” Rainbow gulped. “As for the other two who went with me down to the sepulchers... they're... uhhh... they're—”

“—procuring the platinum bars that were gratuitously stolen from the Syndicate's Vault up in Rust?”

Rainbow lifted her head, eyes wide and pulsing. “Uhhhhh... uhmmm...”

“Do not be alarmed, Rainbow Dash. Revan of the Northern Hoof has been stripped of all authority. No doubt he gained all his fortune from murderers and privateers. I suspect you and your close associates will make far better use of those funds than anypony else who's ever touched them.”

“Well... that's... a nice perspective to have, isn't it?” Rainbow stammered, smiling nervously.

“I shall not breathe a word of it to the Council. If nothing else, I suspect it's ample payment for the great trouble your companions went through to assist you in doing my bidding.”

“I'm sure they're gonna totally dig it, yeah.” Rainbow nodded. “And knowing them... they're not gonna... want to stick around... for long...” Her eyes locked on a pair of ponies situated along the fringes of the Marine Auction House.

“Is something the matter, Rainbow Dash?”

“I... uhm... I just noticed something...” Rainbow gulped, standing up straight. “About my other two friends. Excuse me, Princess.” She looked towards her marefriends and whistled. “Hey! Hey guys!” She waved, flapping her wings as she shot her body off the marble bust. “Hang on! I gotta go check up on something!” Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie sailed after her.

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