• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Let's Get the Ball Bouncing, Yes?

The bonfire lit ashore the Nealend Atoll that night was the brightest and merriest any visitor had ever witnessed—or any local, for that matter. Natives from all trots of life—or swims—gathered as much kindling across the beach as they could, piling it high atop the billowing flame until the very surfaces of the Lagoon shimmered brighter than the starlight above. Foals danced back and forth across the rising tide while adults whistled and hollered, their frenzied eyes pasted to the sprawling tower that had graced their midst. There was no shortage of Verlaxion's name being shouted to the tropical winds in exultation, and even a few of the once-stranded Continentalists joined in on the inebriated reverie as soon as one of the stallions broke loose a special stash of bottled cider.

Sinrar and Theanim—however—were a great deal more subdued. Even Nick, despite having a thoroughly ecstatic pegasus attached to his hips, maintained an air of calmness. Flare dipped in and out of the quiet party, allowing herself a chance to breathe and smile alongside the day's inexplicable explorers, but—for the most part—she took to the air, flying brisk laps around the tower and returning sweatily to the beach to bask once again in the flickering blaze.

Sinrar and Nick casually shared a coconut mug of cider between them while Theanim fiddled with his goggles. Regardless—while the celebrations continued—the three stallions kept their collective attention focused on a certain daredevilish mare from afar.

“My, what dashing companions,” Rarity remarked, squinting across the fire-lit sands towards the heart of the festivities. “Even the elder one has a certain degree of calm mystique to him.”

“Yeah, well...” Rainbow Dash reclined on a lone hammock situated between two palm trees. “You weren't around when he was smacking everypony with a cane.”

“I beg your pardon?!” Rarity gasped, floating to Rainbow's left.

“Heeheehee!” Twilight hugged herself, floating to the right of the pegasus. “Ohhhhh Rarity...” She smiled, her lavender cheeks turning rosier. “You've missed so much. Every time Rainbow and I try explaining something, I realize we'd be better off starting all over again.”

“So I've gathered,” Rarity remarked, fidgeting in mid-air. “I almost feel as though I'd be better off not knowing more.”

“It's okay if it takes a while to get the gest of it all,” Rainbow said.

“Well, it certainly seems as though I have no choice,” Rarity remarked, blinking in Rainbow's direction. “This journey of yours contains a remarkable degree of importance!”

“Er... well yeah...”

“I mean... to think that so very much rides on your shoulders, Rainbow Dash!” Rarity exclaimed. “Not just to bring back our seemingly deceased friends from the ether, but to also single-hoofedly reboot this dying world, as t'were—”

“Sssssssssss...” Rainbow winced, hissing like a deflated tire.

“Oh...” Rarity leaned back, her ears folded. “Oh dear. Even from beyond the grave, I have quite the flare for rubbing things in, don't I?”

“You're far, far away from the Boutique, Rarity,” Rainbow said. “No need to scrub the spots out of anything.”

“Phweeeeeeee...” Rarity whimpered, eyes sparkling in the firelight. “Don't remind me.”

“If you think too hard about the situation at hoof, it's easy to feel dismayed,” Twilight said. “But that's the magic of having each other to lean on for the first time in months!” She smiled hopefully. “Little by little, we're restoring the Elements of Harmony in spirit, and I just know that it'll give us the strength we need to restore everything in body as well!”

“Yeah, well, one thing at a time, Twilight,” Rainbow muttered.

“I'm with Rainbow,” Rarity said, nodding. “It's rather difficult at best for me to digest the big picture, and I'm not the one who's carrying the rest of us in flight!”

“Pfft...” Rainbow rolled her eyes and smirked. “Not like you and Twilight weigh anything, Rares.”

“It's a figure of speech, darling.”

You're a figure of speech, ya friggin' vampire.”

“Eh?!” Rarity did a double-take. “What are you going on about?!”

“Heeheeheehee!” Rainbow Dash hugged herself, swinging in the hammock. “Ohhhhhhh Luna Poop...” She wiped the corner of her eye dry, smiling. “You can't believe how long I've wanted to say something like that without feeling miserable.”

“As you can see, Rarity,” Twilight droned, smirking towards the other side of the suspended pegasus. “Distance and airtime has driven Rainbow a teensy bit batty.”

“Well, I must say.” Rarity floucned her mane and looked nervously over her shoulder. “Her friends and their fellow cohorts must surely think Rainbow's mad.”

“Hmmmm?” Rainbow glanced towards the bonfire, her eyes catching the distant expressions of Nick, Sinrar, and Theanim. “How so?”

“Well...” Rarity shrugged. “From their perspective, you must be carrying on and on verbally with pure shadows.”

“Meh...” Rainbow shrugged even harder. “They've seen me acting worse.”

“Even more insane than you appear now?!”Rarity stammered.

Rainbow pointed. “Just ask the egghead.”

“Ohhhhh ho ho ho ho no.” Twilight shook her head. “You're not getting me to pontificate on those early, ludicrous hours of washing ashore in Kihutaja!”

“Why?” Rarity squinted. “What in Celestia's name happened?”

“A whole lot of double-yoo, tee, and eff,” Rainbow slurred. “With a sprinkle of shoving young students around on a university lawn.”

“My word...!”

“Basically...” Twilight squirmed. “...Rainbow was more frazzled than on the day that you entered the Best Young Fliers Competition and forced her into a jittery, babbling mess.”

“Snkkt!” Rainbow nearly bit her tongue. “Frickin' egghead!”

“Well, it's true!

“Egads...” Rarity fanned herself. “That had to have been truly chaotic indeed.”

“Meh and a half.”

“Perhaps I should be glad that I hadn't... erm... resurfaced in time to witness that.” Rarity managed a smile. “Still, I must say, you seem quite in control of things at the moment, Rainbow.”

“She's been in control of things for months and months,” Twilight said in a proud voice. “The fact that you and I are even here is proof of that!”

“Hrmmm...” Rainbow gazed up at the stars, her nostrils flaring. “I only wish that was totally true.”

“Oh please, Rainbow, darling, do go easy on yourself,” Rarity said, floating casually alongside the mare. “After all, you did manage to bridge communication with the Princesses during your lengthy sojourn, yes? That right there is an accomplishment worth being proud of.”

“Yeah, well, that was all Luna's doing.”

“Even so, it shows commitment and loyalty that you've managed to stay connected with Equestria for this long,” the fashionista said. “And... because of you, my... my family... I mean... they... th-they know that—”

Rainbow nodded. “Luna and Celestia made it clear to me that they'd be informing your loved ones of the recent turn of events.” She cleared her throat. “I mean, not to jerk their emotional chains or nothing... but at least they don't have to imagine you're dead anymore.”

“Yes...” Rarity exhaled, her eyes moist. “That's... quite comforting to know.”

“You have no idea,” Twilight said, her voice wavering. “I even had the opportunity to hear my Mom and Dad.”

“Oh, did you?!” Rarity beamed. “Oh, Twilight, that's absolutely splendid!” Two blinks later, her face grew long. “It must have been awfully draining.”

“Yeah...” Twilight rubbed her cheek, nodding. She took a deep breath and bore a fragile smile. “But it's so nice to know that my family is doing alright. The next time we bridge communication with Luna—”

“On... the n-next full moon, yes?” Rarity remarked.

“Uh huh.” Rainbow nodded.

“—we'll be sure to get your mother, father, and Sweetie Belle to speak with Rainbow Dash!” Twilight exclaimed. “Surely, we'd be able to make that happen on the second night! Or the third one, at least!”

“My my... what an elaborate circumstance,” Rarity remarked. She then turned to gawk at Rainbow. “One wonders how you ever managed to keep sane, Rainbow...”

“Yeah, well...” The mare shrugged. “I've had plenty of help along the way.”

“Oh yes?” Rarity's eyelashes fluttered. “Beyond Celestia and Luna, you mean?”

“Right.” Rainbow smirked. “All things considered, I've been pletty lucky.”

“Mmm-hmmm-hmmm...” Rarity chuckled daintily, a smile plastered to her muzzle. “If you insist.”

“No really. It's like a friggin' spotlight tells me where to go next,” Rainbow said. “And, besides, if all else fails...” She shrugged. “I just follow the sunrise.”

“How poetic.”

Rainbow belched. “Guh... yeah. If you say so.”

Rarity sighed.

“Uhm...” Twilight fiddled her hooves together. “About that, Rainbow...”

“About what, Twi?”

“Err...” Twilight smiled nervously. “I... I didn't bring it up earlier because we were so busy trying to calm Rarity down and explain things to her. Plus, I didn't want to sound impatient or uncaring, but... but I'm practically dying of curiosity now.”

“Oh yeah?”

Twilight's purple eyes reflected Rainbow's curious face. “Do you see it, still?” she asked. “Has Yaerfaerda moved?”

“Huahhh?” Rarity breathed, blinking. “Yiffy Fur Day?”

“And if it has—” Twilight continued. “—what does it look like now?”

Rainbow stared at Twilight for a few seconds. Suddenly, she sat up, startling Rarity in the process. Flapping her wings for leverage, the petite pegasus looked around. Her ruby eyes scanned the dark east horizon through the immediate tree line and jungle foliage. At last, after a prolonged half-minute of peering, she lingered on a spot towards the southeast.

“... ... ...”

Wordlessly, Rainbow tilted her head down.

At last...

She saw it, like a dim pinprick situated below the horizon... below the waves.

Its hue flickered towards Rainbow Dash, bright and bouncy, sending a sharp jolt through Rainbow's muscles.

Almost immediately, the pegasus' eyes widened. Then, ever so slowly, her muzzle curved, producing a smile that wanted to go on forever. “Heh heh heh...” She chuckled. “Hah hah hah!” She laughed. “Ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha!” She hugged herself, nearly falling out of the hammock.

In the distance, Sinrar and Theanim flinched. Nick smirked, took a swig out of his coconut mug, and stumbled off—looking for Flare.

“Ahhhhhhhhh hah hah hah hah hah hah!” Rainbow swung from side to side, kicking her hooves up in the air as her tail whpped about.

Rarity and Twilight exchanged nervous glances.

“She's... she's hysterical!” Rarity squeaked.

“Rainbow?!?” Twilight throated, trying to throw her voice over the salvos echoing out of Rainbow's mouth. “What on earth has gotten into you?!?”

“Heeheehee...” Rainbow wiped the tears away, grinning with mirth. “Why... of course it's her color! Snkkkt—heeheehee...!” She hugged herself even tighter. “Who's else could it be?!? Hahahaha!”

Twilight and Rarity lingered in confusion—until a knowing gasp echoed between them. They exchanged wide-eyed glances.

“Whewwwwwwwwwww...” Rainbow rolled off the hammock. “I need a drink.”


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