• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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“Fourth Question,” the golem spoke.

“Bring it,” Rainbow grunted.

“It's... it's giving you riddles?” Twilight murmured, floating closer. “Maybe I can help!”

“Shhh!” Rainbow insisted, eyes locked on the automaton. “Trust me. This is all me.”

“Huh?” Twilight blinked.

Rainbow said nothing. She merely stared at the lumbering thing.

“It knows what makes the wind and what shatters it, and it gives itself to mend it,” the golem said. “Through pain it endures, and yet through friendship it's reborn.”

Twilight squinted into the shadows of the place, murmuring aloud: “'It knows what makes the wind... and what shatters it...'” Her lavender features wiggled in deep, deep thought. “'...through friendship it's reborn?'”

Rainbow Dash turned to look at her.

Twilight hung in the air, curled up in a fuzzy ball as she put her innate eggheaded skills to use.

With a calm breath, Rainbow turned to look at the two mercenaries on the other side of the room.

Wildcard and Bard sat in silence, gaping at the scene. In the blue light of Verlax's enchanted magic, the Desperadoes looked like innocent children, despite the fact that—just hours ago—they were helping Rainbow Dash infiltrate the most dastardly hideout that side of the Grand Choke.

A lump formed in Rainbow's throat. The blue aura made her think of the elegant shine in Rarity's eyes. Somewhere, not too far away, a stallion with similarly blue eyes stood courageously before the Council of Shoggoth with an equally brave sarosian at his side. Shoggoth itself was a mere speck on a map that a crotchety old professor named Sinrar had provided, having trotted far out of his stubborn comfort zone. And somewhere high above, two romantic hearts sailed the open seas, throwing caution to the wind in such a brazen way that even the Nealend Atoll could never contain it.

Nopony would be there... nopony would be anywhere if it weren't for her.

And Rainbow Dash knew that she could say the very same thing about herself, at the mere grace of all these eclectic souls who had carried the wind with her. It was the sweetest joke of all, a funny piece of poetry that somehow made everything that should have been crazy and chaotic fall into a beautiful pattern. Like a riddle.

And it was time to unravel it.

“'Eljunbyro',” Rainbow Dash said, her eyes moist and glistening. Nevertheless, she tilted her head up and smiled at the armored messenger. “'The answer to the fourth riddle is 'Eljunbyro.'”

Blue flashing eyes. “Correct.”

A pale white outline solidified a few paces away. Rarity unfurled from the center of it like a ship's sail. “My goodness!” She gasped, holding a dainty hoof over her palpitating chest. “What in Celestia's name just happened!”

“Rarity!” Swissssh! Twilight Sparkle zoomed over, practically tackling the mare. The two spectres twirled together, with Twilight hugging her tight and nuzzling cheek to fuzzy cheek. “Ohhhhhh...” She sniffled. “I'm so... so very glad to see you again!”

“And I you, darling.” Rarity returned the embrace, though she gulped nervously, glancing over her shoulder. “Although... I'm somewhat lost on what exactly separated us...”

“It's a long story, Rares,” Rainbow said. She cleared her throat. “I'm just... super glad you both are back.”

“So, darlin'...” Bard and Wildcard stood up. The stallion picked up his metal staff and leaned against it. “Reckon this means yer two invisible friends are back?”

Rainbow spun towards him. “... ... ...yeah, and?”

He swung his eyes towards the golem. “Then how come that thang's still stalkin' us all menacing-like?”

Rainbow clenched her jaw and floated over to face the construct. “Because there's one question left.”

“What for?!” Bard cackled while Wildcard looked on. “To unlock an invisible purple elephant to haunt you?”

“The last question grants the Austraeoh her wind back,” the golem explained in a metallic tone. “As well as audience with the Queen.”

Twilight gulped. “Verlax...”

“Rainbow, darling,” Rarity stammered, shivering. “You musn't give into this thing! There has to be another way!”

“From the sound of it,” Twilight spoke, “You answer this last question, and you'll be at the mercy of the Divine of Frost!”

“Yeah...” Rainbow Dash took a deep breath, nodding. “...and I'll also get to free Pinkie Pie.”

“But... b-but...” Twilight and Rarity exchanged nervous glances, ears twitching.

“Okay, nuts and bolts,” Rainbow muttered, directly facing the armor. “Let's get this over with.” She gulped. “Ask your fifth and final question.”

With creaking joints, the frozen thing loomed before Rainbow Dash. “Without, it dies. Withholding, it suffers. Within, it balances. Only through circles does it find itself.”

Dead silence.

Twilight and Rarity gawked at the thing.

Bard's muzzle hung open while Wildcard scratched his feathery scalp.

Rainbow Dash fell back on her haunches with a blank expression. The mare's ears folded back. “Hoboy.”

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