• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Careful, Wrinkled Lips Can Sink Ships

“Professor Sinrar! What... uhhh... a coincidence!” Rainbow rubbed her muzzle one last time and pointed at the framed map that had fallen to the floor. “I was hoping I might run into you!” She smiled awkwardly, hovering in place before the stallion in his foyer. “To make a long story short, I'm... uhh... preparing an epic trip across Kihutaja, Rohbredden, and beyond. I heard you were—like—super good at making maps, and I was wondering if I could use some of your... ehhh... geographical expertise?”

“Ça alors! Is that a fact?!” The elder frowned, his yellow eyes narrowing behind his bifocals. “So a young spritely mare such as yourself is interested in seacharting!” He picked the map up with the wing opposite of the one he was holding his cane with. “No doubt you would like me to use up my free time in assisting you.”

“Erm... sure?” Rainbow blinked.

“You know what else is free?”

“What?” Rainbow asked. WHACK! The cane flew across her face again. “Augh!”

Sinrar leaned in, snarling in her face. “Pain!” He leaned forward, shaking the bludgeon while backing her into a stack of books. “Deep, inner anguish at having to placate the whole sand-sucking lot of you overprivileged nubile imbeciles! Merde!” He hobbled across the cluttered room, frowning. “As if the constant barrage of hormonal clatter and pretentious intellectual bedwetting wasn't enough to deal with, you have to insist on ransacking my own home!”

“Gnnngh...” Rainbow rubbed her head, floating evenly once again. “No offense, dude, but it's already kinda ransacked.”

“Dude?! Dude?!” Sinrar spun to frown at her. “I spent twelve years of my adult life earning more degrees than you can fling your poop at, you toilet-haired harpy!”

“Fine! Doctor Dude!” Rainbow sneered, floating closer. “And—look—you like being alone. I get it. But crotchety old habits aside, try and be objective about this. What's it gonna hurt to lend me a hoof with a little something? I promise, I'll be out of your beret the very moment that we're done!” WHACK! Rainbow clutched her nose again. “Owwww!”

“You get nothing, mademoiselle, save for the grace of my using that last address as lightly as I might hump a feather!” He lowered the cane to the floor with a vicious tap. “Now, dégage!” He tossed the map onto a nearby desktop and began rummaging around the place, re-cluttering it with clouds of settling dust. “I have very important business to attend to.”

“Grnng...” Rainbow wriggled her nose, glaring his way. “Doing what? Spitting into empty milk cartons, ya old bag?”

“Rainbow!” Twilight suddenly hovered in front of the pegasus. “Watch your tone!”

Rainbow seethed through her teeth, pointing at the old stallion. “Look, he's the one walking into this scene all piss and vinegar!”

“I mean it!” Twilight exclaimed. “Regardless of how he treats us, it's our duty to act as harmonic representatives here!”

“Oh for Pete's sake...” Rainbow's voice cracked before an onslaught of snarls: “I do not have the patience to be lectured on etiquette by a dorky ghost and a mummy in a beret!”

“Hein?” Sinrar spun, blinking. “Who in the Seven Shits are you talking to?”

“D'uhhhm...” Rainbow grimaced. She and Twilight bore identical blushes. “Uhhhm...”

“Let me guess...” Sinrar hobbled towards her, shaking his cane at her tummy. “You're another one of those pissant journeymares from the eastern archipelagos, thirsty for coral dust and other hallucinogenic samples from the ocean floor?!” He cocked his head to the side with a sadistic smirk. “What's the matter? Picked up too many delusions from your months stranded in the Blight?”

“You've got the wrong idea—”

“Have I?! HAH!” Sinrar grinned. “I've seen your kind before! Salt water sucking vagabonds of Rohbredden disgrace! All of you! Not even the zealots of Verlaxion have enough grace in their store to keep your lazy plots stuffed full of cotton! Bah! Well, we here in the K.M.C.A. cater to no coral addicted vagrants!”

“Wait, are you serious?” Rainbow squinted. “I sorta figured the K.M.C.A. kicked you out for being too crazy.” WHACK! “Augh... QUIT IT!

“They could not handle my genius!” Sinrar barked back at her. “Which is fine! For I cannot handle their stupidity any more than I can handle yours! Epic trip across Kihutaja... BAH! Once you put your hooves on a boat, your soul is worthless, I say!”

Nick stuck his head out from behind a pile of books. “You take that back!” he hollered.

Sinrar spun towards him.

Nick blanched, then quickly zipped back into hiding.

YOU!” Sinrar pointed with his cane. His gray brow furrowed. “Come out, you...”

With a suppressed whimper, Nick shuffled out into the heart of the foyer. He trotted closer, holding a protective forelimb over his horn.

“I know you...” Sinrar slurred.

“Ghhghh...” Rainbow paused in rubbing her forehead. “Wait, you do?”

“Yes... oui...” Sinrar's yellow eyes narrowed. “My sister's granddaughter spent a semester here about two winters ago. She spoke of the 'petite cheval with purple eyes.' She said he was most handsome and dashing.”

“Uhhh...” Nick lowered his forelimb. “Really?” WHACK! “Augh! Sonunva—”

“Of course not!” Sinrar growled. “She was supposed to spend three semesters here, not just one! Crush her dreams with an avalanche of boiling horse seed, will you?!” He raised his cane again.

“Whoah whoah whoah!” Nick fell on his haunches, squeaking. “It wasn't anything like that! I swear! I mean... I would never have—” He blinked. “Wait, how many winters ago?”


“Right! I never did anything! I was too busy with my advanced nautical exams!”

“Too busy skipping class to do the nasty behind the gazebo is more like it! Hah! I know your type! You children of Kihutaja are all alike!”

“Hey! Take that back!” Nick frowned. “Not everypony is like me—er... I-I mean... like that! That, which... you said—”

“A crazy rainbow golem with a squeaky voice, I can understand! But you?! You should know better than to trespass into my manson!”

“I-I wasn't trespassing! I swear!”

“A likely story—”

As the old stallion and the young student went at it, Rainbow hovered in place, perpetually gawking. Next to her, Twilight drifted. Eventually, the ghostly unicorn's face glanced aside. She saw a large chest resting in the corner. Curious, she floated over, then phased her head through the dusty wooden surface. A half-minute later, she reemerged, gasping. Her wide eyes darted left and right. Eventually, after much fidgeting, she twirled towards Rainbow Dash.

“Psssst! Rainbow!”

The pegasus looked aside.

Twilight motioned towards her.

Eyes locked on the ensuing argument, Rainbow fluttered closer to the spectre. Twilight leaned in, then whispered close to Rainbow's ear.

Rainbow listened and listened. Suddenly, her ears folded back and her muzzle hung agape. “You've gotta be friggin' kidding me...”

“Well, what else could it possibly mean?!” She gestured out the thickly-curtained windows. “You don't see any of their kind around here.”

“But... but...” Rainbow bit her lip. “I saw what was left of the expedition, Twi! Only one made it! And... and he didn't have a very happy ending.”

“But what if there were others? I mean... at some point the Royal Houses would have sent a rescue expedition, don't you think?”

“I figured Azira would have told me.”

“She can't remember everything, Rainbow,” Twilight said. “History is long, and time longer.”

Rainbow merely stared at the unicorn. “For real, though, that's what's inside?”

“Have a look for yourself,” Twilight said, gesturing.

Rainbow darted over to the chest.

Instantly, Twilight flinched. “Wait! M-Maybe not now—”

By this point, Sinrar was practically leering over Nick, spitting. “—the only good use for limes since griffonkind invented fruit torture! But noooo. You had to come up with stupid and wasteful ways in which to give more and more ponies scurvy and gonorrhea—” Something flickered in the corner of his eye. The old stallion looked aside, and his beret fell off from the force of his outburst: “Non! Stay away from my chest!”

But it was too late. With a grunt, Rainbow opened the dusty container, exposing a stack of yellowed papers full of sketches of banners, armor, and ship sails. Each item had a common theme—that of deer antlers. No sooner had these illustrations seen the light of day when a weathered cane slapped the chest shut.

“What...” Nick stood up, shivering. “Wh-what was that?!”

“Nothing...” Sinrar wheezed, his voice suddenly thin and trembling—like his frame. “It was... erm... nothing...”

“Mule muffins,” Rainbow blurted, squinting at him hard. “Somepony's got an obsession. Do you like to draw, Dr. Dude?”

“Don't be ridiculous!” The old pegasus picked up his beret and slapped it over his faded orange mane. “Mrrmmf... I like to collect.”

Rainbow blinked. “Papers full of antler motifs?”

“Yeah,” Nick grumbled. “That and milk cartons.” WHACK! “Ow!”

Sinrar spat, “You do not see me judging you over what you like to sleep in! Hein? Dégénéré!” He turned to frown at Rainbow. “For your information, that is the result of a lifelong project of intense research and study!”

“You're getting on with your years, Professor,” Rainbow said. “Must be a little bit hard to put together a research paper when you treat the rest of the world like garbage.”

“Do you have a point in all of this rhetoric, harpy?”

“I'm wondering what it is that they kicked you out of the Academy for first?” Rainbow bore a smirk. “Giving a kid a concussion, or the entire Geography Board due to some crackpot theory?”

Nick winced visibly. Nervous purple eyes darted between Rainbow Dash and the old stallion.

Twilight gulped.

After a few seconds of silence, Sinrar said, “...it was a bold theory, which was the only sin.” His nostrils flared. “Centuries ago, something emerged from the blight.”

“Something or someone?” Rainbow cocked her head to the side. “Deer, perhaps?”

“What does it matter to you?! There's no coral in it!”

Nick sighed. “Let's just go, Rainbow. There's no reaching him—”

Rainbow brushed him aside, floating closer to the professor. “I know that there's a civilization on the other side of the Blight! Only, unlike you, I have more than just evidence!” She grinned. “I've got eyewitness testimony!”

“Hah!” Sinrar cackled. “What kind of a game are you trying to pull? It took me nearly two decades to scrounge up the paltry artifacts left by eons gone by! Whatever culture was capable of making it through the Blight, they had more balls than you!” He turned about, trotting up to a desk and resting his cane. “Please... fly off and carry your farts with you! I've got better things to do than—”

Th-Thap! An ornamental dagger with an antler motif landed on the tabletop before him.

Sinrar's bifocal slid down to the edge of his muzzle. His mouth hung wide open.

“—amuse foals.” His throat dried up, as evidence by his raspy voice. “Make love to me in a pickle jar...”

“That...” Rainbow pointed while Twilight looked over her shoulder. “...is the Dagger of Evo. The Eighth Dagger to be exact.” She smirked. “It was personally given to me by Prince Eine, son of King Lunarius and Queen Azura, and heir to the throne of Val Roa, the easternmost civilization situated upon the verge of the Grand Choke... or what you ponies like to call the Blight.”

“That... it...” Sinrar looked towards Rainbow. “...Val Roa?”

“Val Roa?” Nick cooed.

“One of several kingdoms that I have personally visited,” Rainbow said. “Along with Silvadel... Luxmare.... Xona... Darkstine...” She smirked. “I, personally, come from a land called Equestria.”

Sinrar squinted.

“Yeah... heh...” Rainbow Dash chuckled. “I didn't roll that one off first cuz I figured it sounds made up. But trust me... it is very real.” She pointed at her pendant. “As is the Element of Loyalty that's been enchanted personally by Princess Luna in order to assist me in my travels. I can communicate to her across the Light Side of this plane via the full moon. If you want, you can listen to a bit of our conversation tonight.”

Nick blinked at Rainbow, his lips pursed in wonder. He glanced at Sinrar.

The Professor was appropriately speechless. Eventually, he stammered, “This dagger... it's so... pristine... so real.”

“That's because it is, ya old coot,” Rainbow said. “And if you like, I can tell you all about what's on the west side of the Blight.” She arched an eyebrow. “If you're willing to lend me a hoof.”

Twilight smirked proudly, awaiting the Professor's response.

Sinrar sighed. He slumped back on his haunches and removed his beret, slapping it down onto the tabletop. “Merde.”

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