• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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The Chronicles of East Horse, Absurd

Rainbow Dash lay upside on the bed inside the Sunset Suite. Her head hung over the edge of the mattress, and she stared upside-down at the starlit window. Eventually, she sighed, tilting her head up to glance over at a quietly whimpering figure.

“Are you good to talk again?” Rainbow muttered.

Twilight was curled up on the floor, sobbing quietly into her forelimbs. She sniffled, rubbed her wet muzzle, and sniffled again. A glossy pair of violet eyes rippled in the pegasus' direction.

“I... I-I think I can... y-yes...” Twilight nevertheless hiccuped on another sob.

“We could... y'know...” Rainbow fidgeted. “...call it a night if you wish...”

“No, I... I-I'm good to continue.” Twilight stood up, teetering slightly so that she phased through the walls of the cramped place with a lavender strobe. “It's very important that I understand totally and completely what you've gone through.”

“Right.” Rainbow nodded upside-down. “Because as soon as I can get your super smart brain focused on this situation, the bet—”

“I just can't believe that an entire civilization died!” Twilight moaned, eyes growing wetter. “And all because a dragon matriarch was selfish enough to turn the entire landscape into her own personal nest!”

Rainbow moaned, letting her head droop over the side of the bed once again.

“And even after all you did to save the remnants of those poor, poor Silvadelians, what does this Axan do?!” Twilight frowned, her tail straightening like a purple scimitar. “She mutilates you! You! My best friend! And after all the horrible things you'd already been through... starting in Ponyville—”

“Look, Axan did a lot of horrible things,” Rainbow said. “But, as odd as it sounds, she's... k-kinda okay.”

“How could she possibly be okay?!?” Twilight yelped. “She ripped you apart, Rainbow!”

“Yeah—well... she didn't finish me off.”

“And why not?!”

“Because she must have figured out I was the 'Austraeoh.'”

“With... the destiny that Whitemane hinted at?”

“Exactly. And ever since, Axan's been more or less looking after me.” Rainbow smirked. “She even took out Nevlamas before her crazy sister had a chance to bite me in two.”

“What?!” Twilight grimaced.

“Er... Nevlamas, the Divine of Magic? She'd gone full chaos and was being fed the living, tortured bodies of Ledomaritan soldiers in order to fuel her arcane insanity—”

What?!?!” Twilight grimaced harder.

Rainbow winced, blushing slightly. “Erm... m-maybe we should go about this one step at a time...”

“I don't know...” Twilight squeaked, sniffling again. “I... I heard of the Divines. Celestia used t-to talk about them—about how they had been allies to the alicorns in days of old. But... but to think of them turning violent... and going insane?!

“A lot of time can do a number one someone, pony or dragon alike,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “Look at you. You're a wreck, Twilight.”

“But... but you've seen it all, h-haven't you?!” Twilight stifled yet another whimper.

“That's kinda what I was getting at,” Rainbow said. She rolled over and gazed evenly off the bedside. “But... really... I'm a lot better off for it.” She smirked. “I promise.”

“Even... with Axan having ripped you apart?”

Rainbow spread her wings and smirked. “Do I look wrecked to you?”

“But... b-but how did you survive?!” Twilight asked. “Please... Rainbow... please tell me that things got happier for you.”

Rainbow's eyes fluttered, and a warm smile spread across her muzzle. “Funny you should ask...”

“So, in spite of his disabilities, this... Pilate was able to decipher the runes you'd discovered deep in Foxtaur?”

“Well... yes and no,” Rainbow Dash said as the two of them strolled through a patch of forest flanking the college. Morning sunlight wafted through the waving tree branches, warming half of the two close friends. “He got hints of what some of the designs and glyphs meant, but we wouldn't get a full idea of what signified what until we learned about it all later... as a group.” Rainbow smirked aside. “And even then—and now—I'm a bit lost on the specifics.” Rainbow shrugged in mid-trot. “Whoever these ancient pegasi were, they didn't exactly leave a whole bunch of clues for future generations.”

“Still, you were quite fortunate to have Pilate by your side.”

“And Belle.” Rainbow smirked. “She's the one who built the tech for him that let the zebra see. In all honesty, they were both just about equally smart. Only... heh... Pilate was bored a heck of a lot more, so he filled his time doing egghead stuff.”

“Meanwhile, Eagle Eye, Crimson, Phoenix, and Zenith protected the three of you.”

“Well... uhm... most of them did, yeah.” Rainbow gazed up at the trees, smiling. “EE followed us out of Ledomare. Really swell guy.”


“Eagle Eye. You would have liked him. He was... was...” Rainbow paused, glanced at Twilight, and twitched. “...oh, how I wish you could see your own reflection right now.”

“Huh?” Twilight jolted in place, brushing back her mane. “What? Why?”

Rainbow sighed. “Never mind...”

“Did you stay in Foxtaur for long?”

“No,” Rainbow said, shaking her head. “The bad guys from Blue Shelf found us sooner than later. But we made it through. Most of us, at least.”

“Belle and Pilate?”

“Totally.” Rainbow smirked. “I'm not sure what I would have done if I lost them so easily.”

“Wow...” Twilight grinned. “They must have meant a lot to you.”


Twilight giggled. “Because this is the most I've seen you smile since I showed up.”

Rainbow gave her a double-take.

“Eheheh...” Twilight waved a dainty hoof. “I don't mean anything bad by that. You've been stressed out by forces I can't even begin to fathom. It's just that... for a moment there, I... uh...” Twilight squirmed. “I-I was afraid for you, y'know?” She gulped. “All these tales of Darkstine, Silvadel, and now Ledomare...” The unicorn grimaced. “I... I was afraid that you might have given up on being happy.”

Rainbow slowly shook her head. “No way. No way in heck...” She chuckled dryly, trotting ahead. “How could I be depressed? What, with Ding Dong... Pilate... friggin' EE... even Josho...” She then let loose a dreamy sigh. “And then there was Roarke.”

“Roarke?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow's hooves scuffed to a stop against the forest floor. Her whole body went rigid.

“That's a new name. Who was Roarke?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow looked at her, blinking.

Twilight waited, smiling patiently.

Rainbow opened her mouth... lingered... and blurted: “A friend.”

“Heheh... you don't say.”

“A... very... very good friend.” Rainbow tried to smile, but she blanched at the attempt. “We... uhm... had our scrapes at first...”

“Is everything okay, Rainbow?”


“Sounds like something's caught in your throat.”

Rainbow coughed, using the opportunity to glance away from Twilight as the tips of her ears went red. “Yeah, well... this whole mix of mainland and tropical trees is messing with me.”

“Why? Did you develop an allergy since you left Ponyville?”


“Did you and Roarke butt heads or something?”

“H-hey!” Rainbow grinned wide, trotting awkwardly forward. “Who's for some sea air?! I know I am!”

Twilight's ears folded back as the concave force field pushed her after Rainbow Dash. “Do... do you want to take a break from telling me about your travels?”

“Pffft! As if!” Rainbow bounced her way towards the white sands. “Let's see... uhhh... Shell! Did I tell you about Shell?”

“I... I don't think—”

“Yeah! Let's talk about Shell!”

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