The sparkling Rainbow

by silvercrystal432

First published

rainbow has feelings for twilight but is a little scared to tell her.

After a long time of Twilight and Rainbow dash being friends Rainbow dash finally now wants to tell Twilight how she feels about her but is afraid Twilight will reject and hate her for it.

This story is rated mature because later chapters will have clop just warning you if you don't like that type of stuff.

link for the cover art:

the confession ch 1

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It was a beautiful day in ponyville, everypony was happy, the weather was perfect for a picnic outdoors and to enjoy the summer breeze as it wisps across your face. Up above was Rainbow Dash holding a Daring Do book in her hooves as she soared past buildings with a rainbow streak tailing behind her as usual.

"I am so excited to see Twilight" Rainbow said with an overjoyed look on her face.

As Rainbow neared the library where Twilight was she paused for a moment, and said to herself

"I want to tell Twilight how I feel but i'm afraid she will reject me" Rainbow thought nervously.

She landed on the door step and raised her hoof to knock but paused, Rainbow was so nervous to knock and to her surprise a bit scared too, Rainbow shook her head dismissing it and proceeded to knock. After a while Twilight came to the door and opened it.

" Rainbow it's so nice to see you, come in " Twilight said happily

" Ok Twi " Rainbow said closing the door behind her.

"I came to return the Daring Do book you let me check out"

Rainbow said with a hoof behind her head scratching it. Rainbow then thought to herself

" How much of an idiot are you Rainbow this is the first thing you say to Twi when you walk into her home, I came to return a book, how stupid " Rainbow thought with an annoyed look on her face.

Twilight turns around and notices the look on Rainbows face " are you alright " she said with a worried look

Rainbow looked at Twilight and said " Yes why " ?.

" Oh I just wanted to make sure you were alright, you looked annoyed by something " now with a confused look on her face

" I'm fine really " Rainbow assured Twilight

" Ok I won't go into it if you don't want me to " she said as she took the book from Rainbow and put it back on the shelf with the other Daring Do books.

" Uh Twi... I came to tell you something " Rainbow said with a blush on her face

" What is it Dash " Twilight said,

Rainbow paused for a moment and thought " Ok Dash this is it i'm finally going to tell Twi how I feel ".

Rainbow looked up at Twilight with a nervous but firm look and finally said

" I wanted to tell you that ........ I... l-l-love... you I always have from the very beginning of when we first met I loved you but I was so nervous to tell you because I thought you would reject me and hate me forever so that's why it took so long to finally tell you that I love you ".

Rainbow looked up at Twilight who had a shocked look and processing just what Rainbow said. Rainbow saw the look on her face and was about to leave when Twilight caught her and pulled her back down to the ground with her magic.

Twilight looked at Dash and said " Dash is that how you really feel " with a blush

" Yes, I always have, I have always loved you Twi " Rainbow said with her eyes closed and head tilted to the ground.

" I understand if you hate me and never want to talk to me again " Rainbow said sadly, then there was silence for the longest time until Twilight started to walk over to Dash who was prepared for the worst.

Twilight put her hooves around Rainbow embracing her in a loving hug and said four words that Rainbow would never forget

" I love you too " still holding on to Dash.

When Rainbow heard those words she hugged Twilight back and looked up at Twilight with tears in her eyes and said

" Y-you do "

" I do and I mean it " Twilight assured her.

As Twilight and Rainbow let go of each other Twilight said " Truth is I too wanted to tell you that I loved you but I never found the right time to do it, I was so nervous to tell you that I just couldn't " her eyes filling up with tears.

Rainbow walked over to Twilight's face and said

" I will never leave you Twi "

when Twilight heard that she pulled Rainbow Dash in for a deep kiss that surprised Rainbow but then closed her eyes embracing the kiss. The kiss lasted for what they thought was an eternity and neither of them cared nor did they want to pull away, but the need for air suddenly hit them and they had to pull back when they did they looked at each both panting when Twilight finally said

" I love you Dashy "still panting from the kiss

" And I love you too Twi "

Dash said giving a response before going back for another kiss both embracing each other lovingly. When they pulled back to breathe again Dash said

" Let's go on a date Twi "

as she looked at Twilight the love of her life she said

" I would love to ".

After both Twilight and Rainbow Dash agreed to go on a date Twilight being the perfectionist she is had to make a list of what they were going to do but Rainbow interjected and said

" No lists Twi let's just do what we want and not rely on a list telling us what we should do on our date ok Twi ".

Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight with an eye brow raised and said

" Well "

Twilight then proceeded to crumple up the list and toss it in the trash with a chuckle and said

" Your right Dashy lets do what we want "

" That's better "

Rainbow said with a smile across her face Twilight then said

" How does next week sound for our date "

Rainbow nodded in agreement and both went to the door. As Twilight opened the door she kissed Rainbow and Rainbow flew off back home with an overjoyed smile, Twilight closed the door behind her

" I wonder what I should wear for our date next week".

The date ch 2

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Twilight was pacing back and forth wondering what she should wear for her and Dash's date.

" I don't know what to wear " Twilight said nervously still pacing back and forth.

But then she remembered who she was going on a date with, Rainbow Dash wouldn't care what Twilight wore just as long as she showed up.

" I got it, I know what i'm going to wear for our date " Twilight said happily.

Twilight went to her closet and opened it. " No, no, no,no, wait that's perfect ". Twilight proceeded to pull out a dress with her magic. It was a beautiful dress, the color of the dress was dark blue with white stars all around it. In the center was a blue sapphire which tied it together.

" It's perfect, I think I will wear this on our date... I hope Rainbow likes it " she said as she lays the dress on a nearby table. Twilight was so excited for her date with Rainbow that a big smile formed on her face and proceeded to jump up and down excitedly.

" I can't wait to go on a date with Dashy, I am so happy " Twilight said still jumping up and down


But over on Rainbow's side she wasn't having much luck finding a dress than Twilight did.

" This one or maybe this one, how about this one, ugh I don't know what Twilight will like " Rainbow said annoyed then going to look at the dresses again and again. Until this one dress caught Rainbow's eye. Rainbow proceeded to pick up the dress and look at it when she said

" Perfect, it's perfect, Twilight will love it, at least I hope so ".

The dress was a velvet purple with a single pink line that went from one end of the dress to the other, in the center of the dress was a purple amethyst jewel. Rainbow looked at the dress and said

" Wait when did I get this dress..... oh well talk about convenient though ".


One week later. Rainbow put on her dress and bolted out of her home and was heading to Twilight's place to start the date.

Twilight finished putting on her dress and was looking in the mirror making sure everything was perfect when she heard a knock at the door.

" That must be Rainbow " Twilight said walking to the door.

Twilight opened the door with her magic and was about to say something when she looked at Rainbow but couldn't. All Twilight thought about was how beautiful Rainbow was.

" Uh... Twi you there " Rainbow said looking at Twilight with a confused look on her face.

" Yeah why " Twilight said snapping out of her thoughts.

" Oh I just wanted to make sure you were alright Twi "

" I'm fine really, I was just thinking that's all "

" Alright then Twi let's go "

Twilight stepped outside and closed the door behind her,when she did Twilight said

" You look beautiful Dashy ".

Rainbow started to blush

" You look beautiful too Twi, really beautiful ".

Rainbow's heart was pounding out of her chest, she couldn't take it. Rainbow leaned in on Twilight and kissed her deeply. Twilight returned the favor and kissed back. When they finished Rainbow said

" So you ready to go Twi ".

" Yeah but where are we going Dash " ?

" I was thinking that you would decide "

" Oh ok ".

As Twilight and Rainbow walked Twilight thought about where they should go

" Maybe to a movie or a concert, or maybe a dance, why not all three. That's perfect but we need to get some food to, why not Ramsey's down the street ".

Twilight had the perfect plan, i was all thought out." I hope Dash will like what we do and have fun to " Twilight whispered to herself

" What was that, did you say something Twi "

Rainbow was looking at Twilight wondering what she said when Twilight snapped out of her thought and replied

" Oh it's nothing Dash really"

Rainbow looked at Twilight for a few seconds still wondering what Twilight said or better yet thought.

" Alright Twi I trust you "

" So have you decided what we should do yet Twi "

" Yes I have Dash, let's go to the movies and see the new Daring Do movie that came out ".

" Alright let's go then, let's go see Daring Do "

after some time walking Twilight and Rainbow arrived at the theater. Twilight went to go get the tickets and Rainbow went to go get the food. They both met up inside and went to the correct theater and sat next to each other.

" This is going to be so awesome "

" I know Rainbow it is going to be awesome "

both lovers watched the movie as Daring Do swung from a vine and kicked a henchpony in the face.

As both Twilight and Rainbow left the theater after the movie they were talking about how awesome Daring Do was.

" That was so awesome, I love Daring Do but no where near as much as I love you Twi ".

Twilight blushed at the comment and replied

" I love you too Dash "

" So what next Twi "

Twilight stopped to think about what they should do next then it hit her

" Let's go dancing Dash "

" Uh you know I don't dance well, but if it's you that's asking I don't mind ".

Twilight was so happy when Rainbow agreed to go dancing. When Rainbow saw Twilight's face she smiled and let out a chuckle.

" Jeez Twi I didn't know you wanted to dance with me so badly " Rainbow said jokingly. Rainbow looked at Twilight who was blushing and let out another chuckle.

" I'm joking Twi, let's go "

"Alright Dash let's go "

Twilight takes Dash on top of a hill where Twilight let's go of Rainbow and tells her

" This place is perfect for our dance Dashy "

" Yeah it is perfect isn't it Twi "

Twilight walks up to Rainbow and places her hoof around her and Rainbow does the same. They started dancing with each other, there hooves moved in unison, left then right left then right forward then back left then right. They danced until the sun went down, as they finished dancing they let go of each other then Rainbow leaned in and kissed Twilight with a deep passionate kiss, Twilight slowly melted into the deep kiss. As they pulled back looking deep into each others eyes Twilight said seductively

" Let's go to my place ".

True love ch 3 [ warning clop ]

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When Rainbow realized what she meant a deep blush slowly formed on her face as she smiled. Twilight led Rainbow to her house and opened the door as they walked in holding hooves Rainbow thought about how much she loved Twilight.

" I love Twi so much, she and I had such a great time, but now it's going to get even better ".

Twilight shut the door behind them and led Rainbow upstairs where Twilight began to take off her dress and neatly placed it on a nearby table, Rainbow took off her dress and tossed it on the table with Twilight's. Rainbow looked back at Twilight and gave each other a deep and passionate kiss. As they back away from the kiss Twilight said

" Are you ready Dash "

" More than ready Twi ".

As Twilight got on the bed Rainbow immediately thought

" This relationship is about to get 20% cooler ".

Rainbow looked at Twilight and started to blush slowly when she saw how Twilight was laying on the bed. Twilight was on her back her legs spread open showing Rainbow everything. Rainbow began to get on the bed with Twilight, when she was on the bed her face was about 3 inches from Twilight's pussy. Rainbow looked up at Twilight and said

" Ready Twi "

" Always Dash ".

With that being said Rainbow began to lick Twilight's pussy as a moan came from Twilight as soon as soon as Rainbow started. Rainbow began to suck on Twilight's clit as another moan escaped her. Every time Rainbow heard Twilight moan it made her want to bury her face in Twilight's pussy and she did just that

" Oh Rainbow " Twilight said moaning

" You like that huh Twi " Rainbow said teasing Twilight.

" Don't tease me Dashy, please "

Rainbow listened and went back at Twilight's clit sucking it tenderly and giving it a lick every few seconds.

" Rainbow i'm about to cum " Twilight said moaning in ecstasy.

" Go on Twi do it "

Twilight then came right in Rainbow's face.Rainbow began to blush then looked at Twilight who was panting.

" My turn Twi "

Rainbow took the position Twilight had, legs spread showing everything to Twilight. Twilight looked at Rainbow with a blush and began to smile softly.

" Ready Dash "

" Always Twi " Rainbow said all to eagerly

Twilight began to lick Rainbow's pussy then sucked on her clit. Twilight stopped and moved to Dash's face and both gave each other a passionate kiss before Twilight went back down on Dash.

" Oh Twi I love you " Rainbow said moaning in pleasure.

" I love you too Dash ".

After awhile Rainbow came in Twilight's face, Twilight had a smile on her face. When they both had there fun grinding on each other and cumming again in pure pleasure Rainbow fell off Twilight and said in a panting tone

" That...was...awesome "

Twilight couldn't help but chuckle at she said.

" That was great Dash, maybe we should do it again sometime "

" Yeah, we should ".

Saying that, they fell asleep in exhaustion. Morning came and Rainbow woke up first, she looked around and down at Twilight sleeping soundly. Rainbow realized what happened last night and blushed. She leaned in on Twilight and gave her a kiss on her muzzle.

" I love you so much Twi "

Twilight woke up at least an hour after Dash, she looked around looking for her beautiful Rainbow.

" Good morning beautiful " Rainbow said beside her bed.

" That was fun "

" Yeah it was " Twilight replied before getting out of bed and giving Dash a passionate kiss.

" So what do you want to do today Twi "

" I don't know, you decide Dashy "

Rainbow stomach began to growl

" How about something to eat, i'm hungry "

Twilight giggled at what Dash said

" Yeah i'm hungry too ".

Both Twilight and Rainbow went down stairs to start the day holding each others hooves.

The proposal ch 4

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(This chapter takes place 1 year after ch 3)

Rainbow and Twilight have been dating a full year. Rainbow has something to tell Twilight but doesn't know how to go about it.

It's been a year since Rainbow confessed her feelings to Twilight and to her surprise Twilight felt the same way about Rainbow, they hit it off and now are in a relationship but Rainbow wants to take it to the next level with Twilight.

" I'm going to ask her, I need to, no, I HAVE to ".

In Rainbow's hooves she held a small black box.

" Today I will ask her "

Rainbow put the black box away and bolted out her window to Twilight's place. When Rainbow arrived at Twilight's house she knocked on the door. Rainbow was nervous to tell the love of her life what she wanted to say. Rainbow heard the sound of hoofsteps getting louder and louder as it reached the door, the sound stopped. Twilight opened the door with her magic, realizing who was standing in front of her she greeted Rainbow with a kiss before saying hello.

" Hello Dashy, what brings you here " Twilight said in a loving tone.

Rainbow blushed at what Twilight said, after some thought Rainbow finally remembered what she came here to do and spoke with a hint of nervousness. " C-can I come in, I have to tell you something, it's really important that you know ".

Twilight looked at Rainbow for a few seconds thinking about what Rainbow wanted to tell her before tilting her head to the side with a confused and a small bit puzzled look. Twilight then gave up, she shrugged before finally telling Rainbow that she can come in. " Alright Dash, come on in " Twilight turned around and gestured to Rainbow to follow her inside.

Rainbow walked in Twilight's home and closed the door behind her. Rainbow was nervous but was determined to tell Twilight what she wanted to tell her and she wasn't going to back down, not this far she won't. Twilight sat down in a nearby chair and spoke.

" So what was it you needed to tell me Dashy ".

Rainbow's face turned bright red but she wasn't going to back down, she needed to tell Twilight and she needed to tell her now. Rainbow closed her eyes and breathed in and out before she took out the black box she had and knelt before Twilight.

" Dash? what are you doi- " Twilight was cut off by Rainbow when she said

" Twilight will you marry me? ".

Rainbow opened the black box and reveled a diamond ring with an inscription that read ' to my one and only Twilight '.

Twilight was surprised to hear Rainbow had proposed to her, she got up out of her chair and walked over to Rainbow, she placed a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder then quickly embraced her in a loving hug and said

" Rainbow, we have been dating for a year and we have known each other longer did you really think I would, or EVER say no to you? " Twilight said .

When Rainbow heard she would marry her, Rainbow jumped for joy, she was overjoyed to hear Twilight would marry her. Twilight who was looking at Rainbow started to giggle at what she was looking at before she stopped her giggling and said

" So Rainbow what should we do to celebrate ".

Rainbow now had a very confused look and stopped jumping so she could answer Twilight.

" I don't know, I thought about it, so you pick "

Twilight thought about what to do for there engagement when Twilight remembered what two ponies do when there engaged.

" Engagement party, that's what we will have "

" A what now? " Rainbow said still confused.

" An engagement party is when two ponies celebrate there recent engagement and invite friends and family, since we are engaged now we should have an engagement party to celebrate ".

" Ok, that sounds perfect " Rainbow nodded in agreement

" When should we have the party Twi ".

Twilight thought for a moment and got a date for the party.

" How about next week "

" Perfect, I will make sure our friends come, ok Twi "

" Alright Dashy ".

------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEXT WEEK------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

At the party all of Twilight's and Rainbow's friends were there along with other ponies to help celebrate there engagement

" So you two are getting married now, that's a big step for you darling " Rarity said happily

" Yeah you two are super duper perfect for each other " Pinkie Pie said barely holding back her excitement.

" Um... what she said " Fluttershy said shyly.

" Well you two are mighty fine together " Applejack said with a smile

" Yeah well when Rainbow proposed to me I so happy I immediately said yes "

Rainbow who is standing beside Twilight slowly started to blush. Everypony started to laugh as they all talked with each other enjoying the party.

The party was over and everypony said there goodbyes leaving Twilight and Rainbow alone.

" So Rainbow" Twilight said nudging Rainbow with her elbow " since you proposed to me when do you want the wedding to be "

Rainbow looked at Twilight and thought about what she said for a bit and decided on a date for the wedding.

" How about 2 months from now Twi "

Twilight thought about the date then replied " Alright that's perfect we will have our wedding in 2 months then ".

Twilight kissed Rainbow and said goodbye

" Bye Dash I will see you tomorrow "

" Yeah see you tomorrow Twi "

Rainbow waved goodbye to Twilight her future wife as she walked away.

" I can't wait to be married Twi, the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria " Rainbow said to her self as she flew away back home trying her best to hold back her excitement but no avail.

I'm done

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I'm done with this story. I have no passion to continue writing this story at all. To all those that wanted this story to be finished, I am sorry, I just can't continue this story, I have no passion, I have no drive to complete this. I hate leaving stories unfinished but this is the one story I can't continue writing. Every time I tried to continue this story I just couldn't because everything I wrote down didn't look right, wasn't good at all, or the entire chapter didn't look right. So I just gave up entirely on this. And I can only say i'm sorry. I am sorry for this not being continued and i'm sorry for this being cancelled. But I just can't write this anymore.

I have better stories than this for you to enjoy down below. Those stories down below will be finished and are much better than this story.

'The 5 Confessions'

'Celestia's twisted love'