The Alchemist

by Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

First published

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

I don't know where I am. All I have is a backpack, a journal, a knife, and a lighter. How did I get here? Where is here?

A human in equestria. He has forgotten most of his life and is trying to remember it. He can do things by drawing symbols in the ground. How will ponyville take him?

Dr_Squipadelio: Might as well try other stories no?

Mr_Hipopotomonstroses: I still don't get why you just don't write these stories yourself Dr_S.

Sir_Phobia: Just put something there for me. But don't literally put 'something there for me'. Wait are you writing down all of this? Asshole, give me that phone-[Technical Difficulties]

The term alchemy is used differently here and probably be not like other alchemy things you have heard off. I will explain what the humans definition of alchemy is in a future chapter.

Chapter 1: Where Am I?

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Chapter 1: Where Am I?

"We have to leave before they get here."

Whats going on? I looked around and saw we were running. I don't know why we were running, I just knew we had to leave. We were in some kind of facility or base or something. There were screens all over the walls. They looked like computer screens with footage of a camera somewhere else in the building. I couldn't talk.

"How are we doing?"
"I don't think they-"

He was interrupted by a big explosion. Some of the computer screens began to have a red sign in the middle of the screen. I think it said 'Breach'.

"We have to go now!"
"What are you waiting for!? Let's go!"

The woman grabbed my arm and pulled me to start running. We were running again. We ran and ran, hearing explosions and screens around us more and more saying breach and footage cutting off. We ran to a room and the guy locked the door.

"We have to do it now! Before they get here!"
"I'm preparing it! Hold still please."

The woman began to strap me down and drew some symbols around my body. She kept drawing this very complex circle with strange symbols. Then alarms went off. They panicked.

"It's not done!"
"It'll have to do!"

A glass coffin like thing came over me. What is going on!? I looked to my side and saw the door burst open. I couldn't see what was doing it but saw them murder the guy by the control panel. Then they went for the woman. She ran over to my glass coffin. I could only hear her repeating the same words over and over.

"...Remember. Please remember. For the sake of everyone, please remember..."

That was the last thing before they killed her. I couldn't see what killed her. It was like the creature was blurred. They looked at me and was coming after me when my coffin moved and went underground. WHATS GOING ON!? I could hear the monsters screaming in anger.

"...Wake up..."

What? Where is the voice coming from? I looked around, nothing but dirt everywhere. God, i'm buried alive.


I woke up. I was drowning. FUCK! I began to throw my arms around trying to get to the surface. I just kept pushing and going in the direction I thought was up. I just kept flailing my arms about until my hand grabbed something. I just pulled myself up and reached air. I was gasping for air. I crawled over to a tree. I sat down and began to vomit a ton of water I had drank and some water in my lungs.

I vomited for about for about three minutes. I just sat down trying to get my breath back. After twelve minutes I had my breath back and all the water from my lungs expelled. I had something my back. I turned my head and saw a back pack. I noticed that I had some type of glove on my hand when I reached for my back pack. It was a black glove that didn't cover all the finger. It stopped halfway up the fingers. I had blue jeans, a grey shirt, and a long sleeved jacket.

"God, what happened?..."

I noticed something very wrong. The majority of my body and the backpack was not wet. How could it not be wet? I was just drowning. I looked up and saw a river. I touched my clothes and backpack, it was dry. How the hell...? I wanted to know why that happened but first I had to get out of here. Here looked like a forest, but outside of the forest who knows where 'here' is. I stood up and touched my hair. It was wet. Then I realized it wasn't only the river water. There was blood.

"Must have hit my head in the river."

I had no other explanation for that. I tried to walk and fell. I leaned on the tree and stretch my legs. I began to slowly walk through the forest, slowly leaning on the trees. I heard a noise behind me. Don't look back....don't look back... I turned my head and saw a bush. In the bush where a pair of glowing eyes. Then more appeared. Run!

I ran. That voice sounded familiar. Great i'm going crazy. I didn't really care about my sanity right now, I had to run for my life. I could hear branches and leaves breaking and being stepped on. Whatever it was, it was chasing me. I could feel them breathing down my neck. I didn't even dare look back. I tripped on a root and began to fall down. There was a cliff. I was falling down a cliff. I just tried not to get hurt as I rolled down the steep hill cliff thing. Eventually everything in my vision stopped. I had stopped rolling through the rocks. I looked up and saw wolfs. They just stared at me and turned back.

"Thank God."

I began my trip back through the forest. It began to rain. God damn it. I walked and walked until I saw something. I began to speed walk to see what it was. It had looked like a house but these trees where in the way. I walked and walked and came across a bridge. It was a small town.

"Oh thank God. I hope they can help me get back home."

I was happy about finding civilization at last. I need food and water. I was getting hungry. I began to walk and crossed the bridge. I walked into town. I needed a doctor to see my head. Hope I don't have a concussion. I walked until I noticed I was in the middle of town.

I didn't like the ere silence. No one was outside. I didn't like it at all. I looked around for a type of shelter and spotted a weird tree. Something was telling me to walk to it. I began to walk and got to the tree. As it turns out it had a sign that said library. I had nowhere else to go so I knocked on the door. I heard a faint voice on the other side.

"Be quiet, he's here! Get away from the door!"

These people know I am here and won't help me? Assholes. I sat on the other side of the door wondering what to do. I had nowhere else to go so I forced the door open. What happened next was not something I was ready for.

Chapter 2: The Not So Welcome Guest

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Chapter 2: The Not So Welcome Guest

I opened the door and was shot by what sounded like a canon. I was thrown backwards as confetti fell from the air.

"Grab 'em!"

I did not like the sound of that so I jumped up and fled. I could hear voices and foot steps. I must have outran them because their footsteps were getting faint. I was then tackled by something blue. I began to struggle against my attacker. Cmon, you are stronger than this! Fuck off, voice in my head. I threw it off. I got a good look at my attacker. It was a blue pegasus. I whispered under my breath.

"What the fuck..?"

I saw other ponies coming for me. I saw one had a rope, and was swinging it around with its tail. How the fuck does that even work? The rope flew at me. Grab it! I just did as the voice said and grabbed it in my hand. I went over and used the rope to tie the blue pegasus. I don't know how, I don't know why but you exist. And I can't have you chasing me, whatever the fuck you are. I had made the orange pony with the rope fall on its face when I grabbed the rope. The others were behind. The orange one and the blue one where the fastest of the group, so it seemed.

I booked it and ran down random streets, taking random curves and turns. I ran into what looked like an ally. There was a bush there and I jumped into the bush. I had lost the other ponies. Great now what? Check your backpack. I didn't like the sound of the voice, but decided the backpack could save my life. I opened it and grabbed something. There was a journal with an outer circle, and inner circle, strange symbols in between both circles, a triangle inside the outer circle and just overlapping the inner one. Inside the triangle was a big golden 3. It was locked. This won't help me. I put it to the side and looked for other items. I had some chalk. There was a lighter. I found a knife. It looked like a butterfly knife. This will do.

I was putting my stuff away when I had placed my hand on the big 3. It gave off a light glow and unlocked. What..? I opened it and saw the first page. It had said 'property off' but the name was torn out. Under it it said 'Science of Alchemy'. I flipped to the next page and saw two things. On the left it said 'Alchemy: Elemental Control' and at the bottom it said 'Draw for emergency's'. On the right page it said 'Main Four'. There were four symbols, looking like the weird circle with symbols in between the outer and inner circle, just like the cover of the journal. Some thing about these symbols and circles made me feel something. It's like I have seen thousand like these but different, yet this is the first time I have even seen these.

"I think he went over here!"

Those creatures were not far off. Draw for emergency's? I had a small knife as my weapon. It could only get me so far. Fuck it, what do I have to lose? But what do I draw with? I remembered the chalk. I had several. I could hear a very faint voice.

"Twilight, are you sure it's dangerous?"

"Of course it is Fluttershy, it came from the Everfree forest."

"That doesn't make it dangerous."

"That thing looked exactly like the creature I had told you about."

"Oh... the one who destroyed everything?"

"Yes, that one."

What the fuck are they talking about? They heard a noise elsewhere and left. With that done, I took out a chalk and drew one of these four circles. Now what? I remembered that the book unlocked when I had placed my hand over it. I just looked at my hands. I placed both on the circle and the circle gave off a bright blue glow.

"I saw something over here!"

Fuck! Whatever I just did, I hope it was worth it! Nothing happened. The circle faded away. The fuck!? I just put my stuff in the backpack and put it on. I could faintly hear the footsteps of the creatures that were chasing me. I jumped out of the bush and ran for my life. I held my knife in my hand. I was running as I turned the corner I saw something bright purple projectile coming in my direction. I just covered my face and waited for impact. I felt something fly off just ahead of me. I could barely see something collide with the purple projectile and swirl into nothingness in the air.

The fuck was that!? I was about to run when something tackled me.

"Hold still ya varmint!"

I faced up and saw my attacker was the orange pony from before. I pushed it off when strong wind, coming FROM MY HANDS pushed it way back. I just looked at my hands. What the fuck!? I stared at my hands as something in my mind clicked. Was what stopped that purple projectile me? I saw a purple pony coming at me but then changed directions and ran toward the orange one. I just ran off.

I heard a type of blast come from behind me. I turned around as I saw another projectile coming toward me. Well now is the time to find out! I concentrated on my hand and thrust it forwards like I was shoving something. Sure enough a strong blast of wind came from my hand and stopped the purple projectile. I turned and began to run again. How did this happen? I was never able to do that before. I don't think so. Then it clicked. Was it that circle? That..what was it... alchemy? Elemental control it was called. What does that mean for me? I would have to do that later as I saw the blue thing come from around the corner and make a beeline for me.

I looked at my hands. Might as well experiment with this. I focused on my hands and controlling the air and imagined a gust of wind. With my hands I threw them from left to right, like I was throwing something aside. A blast of wind appeared and threw the flier off balance, hitting it against the wall. She seemed like she was knocked out cold.


I turned and saw the purple pony coming for the blue one. I saw she had a rainbow mane. I was to focused on escaping to focus on the pony talking. I ran away from there. I ran until I turned and ran into another pony. I hadn't seen this one when the ponies chased me. She had like a light yellow color. I just stared at it, and it at me. We slightly fidgeted from side to side, unsure of what to do. After three second I ran and left it alone. As long as it doesn't tackle me, attack me, or try to trap me, I have nothing against it.

I was running as I tripped over this giant lizard. I just looked at it, and it at me. It had fear in its eyes, no doubt. Then I heard the same voice behind me.


I felt something make impact with the back of my head sending me forwards and face planting to the ground. I am going to get a concussion, I swear. The voice sounded feminine. I was suddenly surrounded by a large purple sphere. I banged against it trying to break free.

"Spike go get the others. Tell them I caught the creature."


Oh great, the lizards talk here too. Wherever here is. I focused on air and tried to burst through. I made a crack in the sphere but it healed itself. I tried again and it healed itself.

"You can't break through this."

"Watch me."

She was startled by something and eyed me.

"You can talk!?"

"You are talking, and you are a fucking pony. I don't see what is surprising about this shit."

She just eyed me and shut up. I opened my backpack and reopened my journal. I looked at other circles to draw. I grabbed a chalk and began to draw one on the sphere. That caught the attention of the purple pony who trapped me in a sphere.

"What are you doing?"

I placed my hand on it as bright blue light glowed from the circle with symbols. I focused and aimed at the sphere. Nothing happened. I aimed again, nothing happened. Elemental control... Elements... The main four... Something came to my mind as I stared at the ground. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I knew what the circle with symbols stood for. I looked at the ground at focused on it. I had my hand at a downwards angle , trying to take control of the earth. Chunks of earth began to float and I threw them at the sphere.

"You can't get out with simple levitation magic."

Magic? This bitch is on drugs. Or is it me who is on drugs? I focused on making two pillars form sideways to emerge from the ground and crash into the sphere. I had all my force into my hands as they slightly trembled. I had both my arms down at an angle away from my body. When I thought it ready, I quickly moved them from bottom left and bottom right to top left and top right making my arms cross X manner. Two side ways pillars hit the sphere at extreme force and cracked the sphere.


I just ran for my life. Where can I escape to? The forest... Fuck its this guy again. I think I might be on drugs. Or insane. I was running and contemplating on where to go. When I realized that the voice in my head had a point. The only real place I could go to was the forest. I saw the bridge from when I crossed. I heard something from behind me. Another feminine voice.


I turned around and saw a pink pony with a canon at the ready.

"Leaving without your party?"

That sounded extremely ominous when the pink one said it like that. She fucking fired that shit. On instinct I concentrated on the ground and raised my arms making a rock wall raise on front of me. The confetti flew and hit the wall making it go side to side and upwards. I ran towards the bridge as I saw. I was just about to cross it when something grabbed my leg and pulled me down. It was a rope. That orange pony was at me again. Before it could get close I quickly took off the rope and ran. She was right about to throw it again when I was halfway through the bridge. Right before the rope got to me I raised another wall halfway through the bridge just behind me.

"What in tarnation!?"

That was the last thing I heard before I entered the forest. I just kept running. I had no idea of where I left. I ran down a worn out path. It was the best way not to get lost in this forest. I followed it for about half an hour. I was tired. I walked until I heard running water. A river probably. I went off the path. I didn't want to get lost so I made a small pillar on the trail that led in the direction of the noise. I followed and saw a river.

"Well at least I have water. And fish if I am that lucky."

I reached the river and saw something else. A castle. It looked old and worn down. It had some missing bricks here and there but it was...

"Perfect. That will be my home for the foreseeable future."

Now I did not know how deep this water was, and I didn't want to find out. I went back to the trail and made the small pillar sink back into the ground. I came back to the river and wondered how to cross it.

Make a bridge with that alchemy of yours.

"I forgot about you."

I did help you escape.

"That you did. I am insane."

No you aren't

"I am talking to a voice in my head, of course I am insane."

I may be a voice in your head, but that doesn't mean i'm not real.

"Okay i'll play along. Then who are you?"

Just think of me as your personal little God of Chaos.

"That's not ominous at all."

Sarcasm aside, make the bridge.

"Yeah, whatever."

I focused on the ground and moved my hands like I was pushing something with all my force. Just as I did that, a rock road moved from my side of the river to the other side. It was just above the water so it didn't stop the flow of the river.

"I didn't actually think that would work."

You doubt me?

"Seeing as you are a voice in my head saying it's something real, yes I do doubt you."

And yet you listened to my advice when you were in trouble back there.

"Shut up."

I walked across the bridge I made. Once on the other side I moved the bridge back into the earth so no one could follow me. I walked up to the castle and opened the doors. It made a loud noise as I opened it. I went inside and closed the doors. I walked around. It was very dark. I opened my backpack and pulled out the lighter from earlier. With my lighter out I saw some torches hanging on the wall. I did not want to light the main room, for fear that someone would see the light. I only lit one in the main room so it wouldn't be so dark. I walked and found a stairway. It was a spiral stair heading upwards.

I walked up the stairs, lighting the torches along the wall since the area was enclosed. I came to the first stop. I entered. It was a room, looked like a library or an office. I entered and lit a torch on the wall. It wasn't that big a room.

"Well, I found a place to sleep if anything."

I went outside and continued to climb the stairs. I reached the top. There were four openings, and four pillars holding up the roof. I was on a tower from what I saw.

"And I have a search tower. I can see that demonic town from here. Wait."

I saw light coming from the town. It was hard to see but I think the town's residents had come outside. They must have gotten worried about my appearance.

"I did nothing to them and they attacked me."

All you need now is for them to look for you and hunt you down.

"Gee, thanks for jinxing it."

It's what i'm here for.

I just stared at the town for a few more seconds and went back to the room I saw earlier. There was a couch near the wall. I just went toward it, and lay down. I had to tuck in my legs so I could fit. I had put my backpack down near the desk but kept two chalk sticks and the butterfly knife. The chalk in my left pocket of my jeans, and my knife in the right. I was paranoid now that someone was going to enter and I would have to means of defense.

Tomorrow would be a new day. A new day in this hell of a place I now had to call home. Then again, could I really get home? And back to my life? I wish I knew.

Sleep well human.

"Good night voice in my head."

And with that, I fell asleep. Wishing with all my heart that what had just happened to me was just a dream, and I would wake up back home.

Chapter 3: Fishing

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Chapter 3: Fishing

"What are they!?"
"I don't know! Evacuate the city! Use the alarm!"

Alarms sounded throughout the city. People where running everywhere. I was with a group of people on the roof. About five people. I had no control over my body as I spoke.

"We have to use it."
"Are you crazy!? They might find us if the public reports what we do! We are under strict orders to keep this a secret in the first place!"
"Yeah, I helped with make the rules and I am giving you permission to use it in their defense!"
"We can't interfere and you know that."
"Well I cant stand here and watch these innocent people with no defense being slaughtered by those monsters! We discovered this and I for one intend to use it in defense of these people! We have the power to fight back. You just have to use it."
"Don't do it!"

I jumped off the roof and flew head down. I was going at full speed. Blue light began to surround my body. There was a bright flash as I landed on a car with no damage. The car however looked like it was scorched. I drew something on the floor as the creatures began to walk to me. All the citizens have emptied the street I landed on. One of the creatures came forward.

"What human dares to defy us?"
"I do. And no human shall be murdered at your hand!"

I placed my hands on the circle as it grew bright blue and what looked like lighting sparked. I began to throw fire at the creature who stepped forward. He was pushed back, but didn't really seemed fazed by my attack.

"No living creature has the right to own the power of which you posses."
"Science is for everyone who can use it!"

I blasted him with more force. He slowly walked toward me. Out of nowhere big balls of fire came down upon them. I saw the others who had came down and fired at them.

"So you have decided to join?"
"The citizens have fled the city. We have the right to use it now."
"And I for one am going to make good use of the time I have."
"None of you have the right to wield such power."

I had a good look at his weapon. It was a scythe. I saw the others. One had a bow, one had a pair of scales with an axe on its belt, and the last one had a sword. We just began to throw fire at them. We put up a good fight until something block out the suns light. We all turned ans saw a giant meteor heading here. We turned to face the creatures but they where gone.

"We have to go now!"
"Agreed, lets head back to base."
"Hurry up, before that thing hits the ground!"

I turned and saw the creature with the scythe behind one of my team members.

"Look out!"

That was the last thing I said as the creature slight his throat. Blood came out and he collapsed as we watched his life drain from his body. I made a giant fireball and threw several at the creature. I heard its laugh as is vanished. Where it once stood was one word etched into the floor. 'Death'.

I woke up. I was gasping for air. What did I dream about? I couldn't remember what my dream was. I was sweating and panting heavily. I was out of breath from whatever nightmare I just had.

"I need some air."

I got up, put my gloves and jacket on, grabbed my back pack on the way out, and went up to the search tower. I walked up and got there. I sat there and rested. I was trying to remember my nightmare. I couldn't remember it for the life of me. I gave up. I noticed I was hungry. I hadn't eaten in more or less an entire day. I looked at the river near by.

"I can try my luck and see if I can get some fish."

I looked around and saw no one near by and decided to go down and try my luck. I went outside and walked to the river. How do I go on about this? I pondered for a moment as a thought came to me. I tried to move the ground. I couldn't. I tried again. I still couldn't. The fuck? I drew the circle with symbols, placed my hands on it. I tried to move the earth and I did. Time limit maybe? I just made the river branch off into a shallow dead end on my side of the river. I could have the fish swim here and grab them in the shallow end.

"Hope there are fish to begin with."

I looked around and saw the near by trees. I should probably get some for tools. I walked over to the trees and brought a few branches over. I thought about making a bow. That was not necessary for the moment. I grabbed a long straight ish branch and sharpened the end of it. I made a point and smoothed out most of the branch to make it in a spear like shape. I spent an hour making spears. I had a few for a fire so I could cook my fish if I caught some.

Just over an hour I walked back to my little fish trap and saw about six fishes in there already. Just my luck. I closed off the exit to the main river so they couldn't escape. I walked around the edge and thrust my spear into the water. I had missed the fish.

"How did I miss you? You where right there."

I remembered something about water. Water distorts light, making everything under water slightly slanted. I looked for another fish and re positioned my spear. I thrust if forward and stabbed the fish. I had caught a fish. Now I had to cook it. I went over to my home/castle and moved the earth to make a small side room at the back. I had the side room have a little stand for the fish. I brought rock in a circle and put some sticks in the center. Above it lay my spear with the fish on it. I just lit the fire and began to turn my fish in the fire.

"Well, this won't be ready for a while. Lets go look at hat journal of mine."

I walked outside and grabbed the leftover sticks and branches and brought them over to my side room. I re opened my fish trap and extended it so more fish could come in. With that done I went over to a tree and sat under it. I opened my journal to a random page and studied the symbol.

"The Elder Star. A form of protection against any and all evil forces. Bigger the star the greater the power of the star."

Sounds legit. I just flipped through other pages. I was slightly tired so I closed the journal and took a small nap.

Chapter 4: Experimenting

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Chapter 4: Experimenting

I sat in the shade under a tree and took out the journal. I just stared at it. Strange symbols, an inner triangle with a big golden 3 in the middle of it all. I placed my hand on the circle as it began to glow and unlock itself. I opened it and saw the main four elemental alchemy circles. Most likely being earth, water, air and fire. I flipped the page and saw it blank. I kept turning as I found another strange circle with symbols in the middle of the book. It took up both pages but wasn't the whole thing. It was half of the circle going upwards. No not a half, more like a fourth. To its side random symbols and measurements for something.

"And what are you supposed to be?"

I just stared at it and kept flipping pages. I came across something else. Physical control. Physical control? Like controlling ones body? There where two symbols on it. Aside from that there what what looked like maps and rambling nonsense here and there. It talked about weapons to defeat something. It talked about weapons and where they might be. I think there where what looked like incantations using this alchemy shit. Then the writing suddenly stopped. The pages ahead blank. I turned back to the main four.

"Lets test another out."

I drew a circle I hadn't drawn before. I placed my hands on the circle as it gave off a bright blue glow. So if I already used air and earth. That would mean I either had water or fire. I tried to move one or the other. Nothing happened. I remembered that the others worked because the element was near by. I walked toward the river.

"Hey look, more fish."

I turned my attention to the water. I thrust my hands upwards and water flew up and came back down. Nice. I began to make fake waves in the river. I brought the water and made it an extension of my arms. I remembered that water could hurt when you got hit fast and suddenly. Like a belly flop. I focused on my water arm extensions as they began to look like a whip.

I began to use the water as a whip. I walked over to a tree and began to whip it. After a few whips I floated the water back to the river. I had gotten my sleeves wet so I moved the water out of the sleeve and threw it at the tree. The tree had dent and scratches for the whipping. I got my book and drew the last circle. I placed my hands and it let off the now familiar glow. I took our my lighter and set a leaf on fire. When it caught fire I focused on it and in a motion I swirled the fire around. A thought came to my head. I moved the fire and ran. I ran a few feet and did a back flip. I made my foot take control of the fire as a vertical fire shot out guided by my foot. A curved fire pillar went on and faded away when I stopped controlling it.

"I wonder..."

I set a branch on fire and moved the fire to the knuckles of my fist. I shot downwards and was thrown up. I moved some fire to my feet so I could stay some what balanced.

"Holy shit, that actually worked! I will be able to move from place to place much faster now."

I rocketed myself up to the top of the castle and landed. I had the fire near my hand as I looked over the town that tried to kill me. I think it was a little to colorful from this angle. That or the sun glare. I stared at it for a few as I jumped off and shot fire down again.

I moved my hands and feet around to balance. I controlled how much force was being given off by the fire. It was allot to keep my weight floating. I added force to the fire to propel myself in any direction. I shot upwards and began to fall. I waited until I almost hit the ground to shot a blast of fire down with my fist. I had punched the ground and propelled me just enough to not sustain any damage.

"Man this is awesome."

I shot out fire from my fist. I shot projectiles to the wall of the castle. It blackened from the intense heat. I had to have access to a fire but once I had it, it was like the fire I had was infinite. I just had some fun playing with fire. I experimented with it. Some thing came to my mind.

I walked over to an empty place in the ground and drew the fire symbol. I went back and focused on it. I focused on my fire as it left me and transported to the circle as it glowed. Fire came out from the symbol and shot out. A small explosion happened.

"This is great."

At least I could set up traps now. I knew that this would come in handy. Transporting my means of defense and offense elsewhere in a flash. I remembered that I had my fish over the fire.

"Lets go check on my fish."

I left to the outside room I made and checked on the fish. It looked like it was just about done. I took it off the flame with the spear thing and waited for it to cool down. Once it cooled I took a piece of the fish and ate it. It tasted alright. I just ate away at the fish. Wish I had plates. I just ate my fish and discarded the bones.

I smiled as I ate the fish. I just wished I could go back home and get back to my old life. Something went of in my head when I said that. What did my life use to be before this shit? I can't remember. Those last words rang around in my head. I couldn't remember. I can't remember what my life used to be! What's going on!? I panicked. I opened my back pack and checked everything to see if something made me remember.

"Why can't I remember!?"

I opened the journal and flipped through all the pages. A small piece of paper fell out. I picked it up as it read. 'Remember why you are here'.

Chapter 5: Wolfs

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Chapter 5: Wolfs

Two days have gone since I realized that I couldn't remember anything. Needless to say the first day was pure panic and worry. Yesterday, the second day, I wondered what to do while I walked around the forest. Today I had decided that worrying about this wouldn't do me any good. I haven't woken up out of breath lately so that's a plus.

Today was more or less one pm. I didn't really have a watch so I just went off the suns position in the sky. I had decided it best to made some traps around the castle in case the ponies tried to look for me and got to close. I was in the forest, climbing trees writing symbols on branches so I could transport fire from different places. I did the same for water.

I only had my chalk since I didn't plan to run into the ponies. I had just climbed down my eighth tree when I heard something in a bush. I turned around and saw a pile of sicks. I just passed it off and walked. I heard the sound again and turned. The position of the sticks had changed. I'm being haunted by sticks. Wow. I turned when I heard the noise for a third time. I turned around, but instead of sticks, I found a weird wolf like creature. Made of sticks. When others appeared from behind the bushes, I ran for it. Oh fuck my life!

I was running as I was tackled by one of them. On instinct I braced for impact on the ground. The wolf was on top of me. I punched its jaw. My glove added some force to it since it was leather but the punch hurt. The wolf was pissed off if anything now. I grabbed one of my chalks and quickly drew on the floor. The wolf clawed my back as I placed my hand on the circle. It glowed as I had control over the wind.

"Get off me you bastard!"

I used the wind to push him off. The wolf was not prepared and was pushed back pretty far. I used my wind power to have a gust of wind pushing them all back. I hadn't really practiced with this so I still only had push and pull wind control. I ran as I used the wind to push them back. I lost concentration on the wolfs and kept running. I could hear them running at me from behind. I turned around and blasted them with air. They tripped but got back on track easily. I have to experiment with this. Might as well start. I thought of something you could do with air. A thought immediately came to me.

"A tornado."

I didn't want to make one since it might g to big and wreck the forest, which was my hiding place. I decided to risk it and thought of how to make one. A branch fell off a tree ahead of me. An idea came to mind. As I got close to it, I grabbed it and turned to face the wolfs. Using both my hands, I twirled the branch making a circular gust of wind to start appearing. I concentrated on the wind as the wolfs neared me. In one swift motion I stopped twirling the branch in a circular motion and swung it like a bat to where the wind was originating from. I thought hard of a tornado as a horizontal one appeared ans shot forward. The wolfs where caught off guard and where completely destroyed. The sticks that made them flew everywhere.

"Take that wolfs!"

My celebration was cut short as something hit the back of my head. I turned and saw a pony that looked scared.


It shot something upwards and exploded in the sky. That was a beacon! Run! Ugh, you again. I ran away. I could hear foot steps coming at me. God damn these ponies! It had a horn so I was pretty sure the correct term was unicorn but I didn't really give a fuck at the moment. I didn't want this unicorn to see me so using my wind I blew several leaves off the trees to block her sight. I use the wind to give me a boost and ran up a tree. It was harder to use wind as a propelling method. It took more strength that fire. I made it up in the tall tree and hid in the mix of leaves and branches.

I hid their trying to control my heavy breathing. I tried to breathe in a low tone so I wouldn't be heard. I was on the branch as a group of ponies came. Three I had never seen before, but I recognized the forth. It was the one that had trapped me in that spherical glow. Do these have alchemy?

"He was here a moment ago."

"We will get him, don't worry."

"My magic didn't work against him though."

Again talking about magic. Magic doesn't exist people. Then again they are unicorns. I just left that train of thought stop as I kept hearing their conversation.

"What do you mean?"

"I had cast a spell on him that would make him fall asleep. But nothing happened to him."

"That's strange. Are you sure?"

"Yes. He just acted like it was nothing."

"We should get back before that creature attacks."

"Yes that would be nice."

The purple one stopped talking to the one who had spotted me and walked away. I waited for about three minutes before I came down. I jogged it over to the castle. I drew the alchemy circle for fire and set a branch on fire. I propelled my self upwards to the top of the castle. From the top I could see movement in the forest. Movement in different spots. They where searching for me.

"It might not be the best idea to stay out here."

No it might not.

"Can't you leave me alone?"

No. This is fun.

"Well at least one of us is happy with this."

I am happy. Thank you for caring.

"Go to hell and leave me alone."

I just entered the castle through the search tower and went to my room. I just looked through the books. I couldn't read them at all. I think they where in a different language or some shit. I just fooled around with my air alchemy until the day came to an end.

Chapter 6: Fun

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Chapter 6: Fun

I was bored and had already read the journal several times. It had several blank pages, I didn't know why. Another two days have passed since the ponies almost found me in the forest. I was walking through the forest having small pebbles float around my hand. I was walking around as I saw that town again. I was very bored and I had a moment of idiocy.

"Let's go see what they are doing."

Finally, some fun.

That voice has been bothering me for a while. I just tried to ignore it. I walked close to the town. How should I go about this? I thought of something. I made a hole in the ground. I made it sink about eight feet. I jumped down and landed. I closed the top of the hole, making a roof. I pushed forwards making the earth move aside. I made a tunnel. I left a small hole where I started to let some light in. I continued the tunnel and took out my lighter from my pocket. I had brought the chalk, knife, and lighter. I left my journal and backpack in my room at the castle.

"Lets see whats going on."

I made a small hole and heard foot steps and conversations going on in the distance. I could barely see a wall near by. I made a tunnel go off into the walls direction and once I was sure I was under the wall I made the tunnel go up. I had hollowed out the wall so I could stand on the inside. I made a small rectangular space for my eyes so I could see what was going on around me. I could see the library from this angle. Time for fun.

I had some small pebbles float over to the ponies and tap their shoulder. They would just turn around and look for the one who tapped them. I would make the floor a little uneven and make them trip. This was fun. I was fucking around with the ponies until my curiosity made me want to go see the library. I went down and back to my tunnel I had made. I began to walk and tunnel my way right under where the library was.

Once I was under the library I made a small opening so I could see. No one was here. The library must be closed. I made the opening bigger and looked around the library. I looked at the books. They where all in a different language. Wow every one here speaks English but their books are in who-knows-what-ish I looked through all the books to see if I could find one in English. None of them where.

I was there for a while looking through the books. I got frustrated trying to read them. Looks like we are about to have some fun. What? I heard a click and then something dropping. I turned around and saw the same purple pony who had trapped me and went to the forest to look for me. She had dropped a bag of something as something shot from the tip of its horn toward me. I whispered under my breath.

"Oh fuck my life."

I was shot backwards flying through the wall. I stood up trying to get my balance. The ponies just stared at me. Fuck! I made a wall of earth to block the purple pony from shooting at me again and covering the hole in the library. I ran. I was running toward the forest. I had to get to that bridge. I was running as I tripped over something. I had tripped over that blue pegasus that had kept tackling me. It narrowed its eyes and spoke.


For fucks sake. Before it could get up I used the earth to secure its hooves to the ground. Now it wouldn't be able to follow. I was running as I saw the bridge. I looked back and saw three ponies coming at me. The pink one, the purple one with its horn glowing, and the orange one with rope. They where close. I ran and crossed the bridge as I raised another wall. Just as I raised the wall there was a blast and rocks went flying every where. They had broken the wall. Fuck! I turned my head and saw them extremely close. Don't look back, don't look back, don't look back! I felt rope come at me. I tripped but the rope had missed me. I began to take random curves, twists, and turns.

"I think he went over here!"

Their voices where not far off. I ran up another tree. I fucking climbed that shit for my life. I was catching my breath. They showed up under the tree.

"He was right here!"

"That's the second time it escaped."

"Ah' almost had it with my rope."

I was just hiding as the blue pegasus came back. You are free already? Well I don't know how strong the earth was anyways. She came but looked like her face and hair where singed.

"What are you doing here!?"

"Followin' the creature."

"What happened to you Rainbow?"

"He is back in the town setting things on fire!"


"He was setting houses on fire and throwing things around. Twi, I think your dream came true!"

Dream? The fuck they talking about dreams for? I just looked down trying to process their conversation.

"This is very bad! Quick , lets head back to ponyville and stop it."

"Well i'll see you there, I have to try and put out the fires!"

The blue one flew away and the three who where following ran away. Ponyville? Is that the name of that town? I just reviewed their conversation. Is their another human out here? He must have been attacked and trying to defend himself. I should go check.

I jumped down off the tree and began to head back towards the town. Does this other human have alchemy to? Maybe I won't be so alone anymore. Not like that really mattered, but I did want to hear someone else who wasn't this voice in my head. Hey! I take offence in that. Whatever. I ran back to the town and saw smoke in the sky. He must be setting allot of stuff on fire.

Chapter 7: Trouble

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Chapter 7: Trouble

"That's allot of fire."

The smoke was going up very high in the sky. I was still running toward the town. I got to it and saw random explosions and fire. Mass panic from these ponies. I could see the purple one firing its purple projectiles at something. I could see the pegasi flying around moving the fucking clouds and making it rain from place to place.

"This is to much. Who did this?"

I was still hidden as I saw movement somewhere in the town. A house fell and something came out. Something that made my blood go cold. I saw a man on a horse throwing his scythe around. There was something about this guy. Something very wrong. I was suddenly hit by memories. I saw him in my memory wreaking chaos around the city. Destroying skyscrapers. I saw the floor and saw multiple lifeless human bodies. It was terrible. My memories of him where painful. I snapped back to reality when another explosion went off.

Something told me what would happen if I didn't stop him. I could just picture it. Murdered ponies everywhere. This is very fun.

"Are you crazy? This guy is going to murder them!"

They deserved it. They treated you like a monster.

"They did, but they don't fucking deserve death!"

They don't deserve your kindness.

"Fuck off. I know what I am going to do."

I still didn't know about this time limit about controlling the elements so to be sure I just drew the alchemy circle for earth and place my hands, activating the alchemy. I began to run towards the guy. I caught up with him as he had his back against me. From the side of my eye I could see the purple one bleeding from its head. It was staring at me. It was definitely injured. It had attacked me but it didn't deserve to die. I began to make boulders float upwards and hurled them to the guy.

He turned around and his horse began to gallop toward me. He had his scythe in his hand ready to swing it at me. I made a rock wall appear to protect myself. It surprised me when the horse broke the rock wall by ramming into it. I jumped back as his scythe scratched my nose drawing small amounts of blood. That was way to close to my eyes. I saw his horse, it was white and had dark black lifeless eyes. His horse kept going. Before it could turn around I made the ground go uneven and the horse tripped. The man flew forwards and fell. He just got up and started to walk towards me. I drew the alchemy circle for fire. I absorbed all the fire from the burning houses making the fire stop. I condensed the fire in the palm of my hand.

Having to condense that much fire into the size of a pebble was hard. The man kept walking toward me. I unleashed my fire and focused it on him. I was sweating from the heats intensity. He was thrown backwards. My concentration broke and the fire stopped. I still had some in the hands of my palm. He threw his scythe at me. I didn't even see it as the scythe mad a big cut right across my left cheek. I yelled in pain. That was unexpected. His scythe began to fly back to him. The scythe had made me fall. I lay on the ground trying to get my breath back. He came up to me and spoke.

"A human. With the power it does not have the right to posses."

"Go to hell."

"None of these creatures have the right to own their power. Magic and Alchemy is not to be shared with others. And you will be the first to die."

Magic and Alchemy? He lifted his scythe and was about to swing it downward to stab my guts. Right before he stabbed me I used the fire to launch myself backwards. I saw a bucket of water near by. I drew the alchemy symbol for water. I activated it and floated the water over to me. I separated it into both my arms and made whips. I began to whip him. He stumbled backwards. I threw and covered his body in water. I concentrated and turned the water to ice. His scythe was in the air in a striking position as I froze him. His scythe began to glow and the ice began to melt. I won't be able to kill him. I have to stop him though. But with what? I was thinking as I remembered something. The Elder Star! We where already in the center of town so this was the perfect place for this.

I brought my chalk out and got to work. The bigger the start the bigger the greater its power. I was half way done with a big ass star. It was a star with an eye/ fire pillar/ flaming eye in the center. I was working as I heard a scream behind me. The creature was heading toward the purple one stuck under some rocks from the crumbled building. He was getting to close. I have to finish this but I won't be able to do it it time to stop him! I had a split second of argument with myself as I saw him raise his scythe about to cut the pony. As he raised his scythe, I saw images of murdered humans everywhere. On instinct I ran over there. Right before the scythe made impact with it, I blocked it. The scythed made a big cut going across my chest. I began to bleed as I fell down.

"I said you would die."

"Go to hell asshole."

He didn't see me drawing the symbol for air. The purple one saw me as I placed my hand and activated it. Wright before he struck again I made a big gust of wind throw him back. I looked around and saw a long metal pole. Probably for a flag or some shit. I grabbed it and began to twirl it. I was making another tornado. It was easier to make one with a staff. I had tried to make one with my arms. My arms where sore at the end of that day. I set the vertical tornado and hit him. I ran over the the star to complete it. I was running completely on adrenaline at this point. Tons and tons of adrenaline.

I was close to finishing it when the man landed in front of me. I just had a couple feet of drawing to go and I would finish this.

"Join us. Join us and be feared by many."


"Join us and protect what you have."

He held out his arm. I was tempted. The voice in my head was begging for me to agree. I began to extend my hand when my memory came to me in a flash back again. He had done this before with a friend of mine. He had killed my friend. I think he was my friend. That or some one I knew. I looked at his scythe. It was behind him in his other hand. This bitch was going to kill me the moment he had me. I brought my had back.

"Fuck you!"

I finished the star as it began to give off a soft glow. He roared. I saw his body. It was transparent. His skin, meat, and organs where transparent. I could see his skeleton. It was creeping the fuck out of me. He drew his scythe. I placed my hands on the circle as it began to glow with an intense blue.

"Be gone!"

Fire emerged from the star and made a fire tornado. I could hear the monster roaring in anger. I could see his horse from my side view vanishing. The fire tornado grew and grew going upwards disappearing into a bundle of randomly forming clouds. Right before he was done away with his scythe stabbed me. I looked down. His scythe went straight through my body. The fire disappeared along with the man and his horse. The scythe fell off my body as it also vanished. I just looked down and saw blood everywhere. I fell on my knees and then fell forwards passing out.

Chapter 8: The Next Day

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Chapter 8: The Next Day

I was in a lab coat. I was with other people. Probably scientist. There where multiple screens. The main screen had what looked like DNA. It was a program showing DNA replication. We walked in the hall way. We passed an open room where I heard a piece of conversation

"...allowing us to make DNA for these tests."
"How can we be sure that the genetic structure will stay stabilized?"
"The process in this allows..."

That was it. We kept walking and came up on a indoor window to another room. There where vials upon vials. Each with a labels. Scientist taking what looked like samples and putting them in vials. We kept walking and came across another window showing what looked like a practice room. I saw a person moving things around. Having things appear and disappear from random places. One person looked very tired. He just fell and people came in trying to save him. We entered a room.

The room was big. It had a 3-D projection. It looked like a lion with a scorpion tail and wings. Next to it, it showed a DNA structure. There was a testing room. There was a machine starting to grow brightly at the tip. It grew brightly and I heard a weird noise.


I woke up. I was tired. An extreme understatement. What happened? I could remember my dream very vividly. Its like it was there, but it wasn't. My mind was fuzzy. I opened my eyes and immediately closed them from the bright light. It took me more or less a minute for my eyes to adjust to the light. I moved my hands to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes. Something held my hands back. They where chains. Forget my hands, the fact that I was chained woke me up. I moved trying to get them off.

Just then I remembered what had happened yesterday. Fuuu~ck... I moved my legs and found them chained as well. For fucks sake man. I reached into my pocket and took out the chalk. On the wall to my right I drew the alchemy circle for earth. Once I had control of the earth I levitated chunks of rock from the wall and smashed the chains. I had my hands free after a while. I heard something drop. I turned my head and saw a pony in what looked like a nurse outfit. It just ran off yelling something. Fuck, have to hurry! I quickly smashed the other chains and got loose. I ran over to the wall and made an opening for me to get through.

"Stop, don't go!"

I turned my head and saw the purple unicorn with a bandage around its head. I think it was the one I had saved. We just stared for a while. Lets see. Stay and very possibly get chained again. Or leave and stay safe with a very low possibility of being chained to a bed. I left.


I closed the opening I had made myself so the pony couldn't follow me. I was outside in town again. It was day. The ponies in the street where looking at me. They where frozen in fear. I heard something off to my right. I saw the purple unicorn pony talking to that blue pegasus. The pegasus nodded its head and flew toward me. Escape! I quickly drew the alchemy circle for fire. I took out my lighter in my pocket and moved some of the fire to my hands.

Right before the blue pegasus got to me I used the fire and shot upwards. The sudden force made me a little off balance. I could see the blue pegasus looking in awe as I shot upwards. I had singed its hair a little. The purple unicorn was galloping toward me. I just shot myself toward the forest. I felt pain, but ignored it.

I looked back and didn't see the blue pegasus or that purple unicorn. I turned my head back to look straight ahead as a purple flash appeared ahead of me on my path to the forest. I crashed into something. I tripped and fell to the ground. I looked back and saw the purple unicorn. This bitch is persistent, i'll say that much. I used my fire to go forwards.

"Please wait!"

I didn't know what to do so I kept going forwards. I went up above the tree line and kept going. The pain was growing. The pain was making my concentration weak. I kept going but crashed just before having to cross the river. I looked down at my stomach. It was bleeding through its bandages. A random purple flash appeared in front of me. I saw the unicorn walk up to me with a worried face. I made a fire ball appear in the palm of my hand and it stopped walking.

"Please. I know we treated you badly, just let me help."

I was contemplating about this. Pain shot from my stomach reminding me that I was severely injured. The fire from my palm swirled away into the air. I just lay down as she cautiously came over to me.

"We have to take you back to the hospital. But its to far away and I can't teleport you. My magic won't work on you for some reason."

I coughed up some blood and spoke in a slightly raspy voice. I spoke and pointed.

"The castle."


"Head to the castle."

"It might not be safe. Even so, the river is deep."

"Just trust me."

She just looked at me and back to the castle. I could tell she was wondering about what to do. She just looked at me and nodded.

"Can you walk?"

"I can."

"Okay, but how do we cross the river? I don't think you can swim in that condition."

"Just watch."

I took out my chalk and drew the alchemy symbol for earth. I placed my hands as the purple unicorn watch the circle glow a light blue. She asked something but I didn't hear her question. I stood up and concentrated. I made the bridge form. She just stared in amazement. We crossed the bridge. Once we crossed I made the bridge go back into the earth. We walked as I tripped. I fell face planting into the ground. The unicorn came and brought me to a sitting position.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine."

I got back up only to fall again. That shit hurt. That shit hurt so God damn bad.

"Here let me help."

She came and put me over her. She was carrying/dragging me to the castle. I was to much in pain to complain and tell her to let me go. We walked over to the door. I just pointed to where we had to go. She just followed my directions. We where going up the stairs as we entered the first room. We went inside as she just looked around. I walked/limped my way over to a chair and sat down.

"You shouldn't have left the hospital."

"They had me chained to the bed, why the hell would I stay?"

"They had you chained?"


"They said they wouldn't do anything to you."

"Yeah well fuck them."

She was looking around for something to cover my wounds. She found something to bandage my wounds. She was wrapping that around me as she tried to get a conversation going.

"What magic did you use to defeat...what ever that was back in ponyville?"

"Magic? Magic doesn't exist."

She stumbled as she was wrapping. She just looked at me like I had said something she had never heard before.

"What do you mean magic doesn't exist?"

"I mean it doesn't. It's a myth, it's not real."

"Of course its real."

"Uh, no it's not."

"Then what did you do to defeat the creature back there."

"Alchemy. Science, not magic."


"Yeah, I used it to control earth, air, fire and water."

"I have never heard of that."

We had a conversation on alchemy and magic. I didn't show her the journal. I wasn't sure if I could trust her just yet.

"I never knew something like that was possible."

"Yeah, and I didn't think magic was real either."

"Strange. How did you come here?"

"I don't know. All I know is that I woke up drowning in a river and bleeding from my head."

"Wait, you woke up drowning and bleeding?"

"Yeah. I can't remember anything from my life from before. It might have been from whatever injury I took to the head, or shock, or something. I just can't remember anything. Well, nothing specific."


"Yeah like the name of the country, state, I remember a small house. I remember my species name, I remember the planets name and the solar system."

"I'm sorry. I wish I could do something."

"Can't even remember my own God damn name."

We just sat there in silence for a moment.

"Thank you for saving me."


"Thanks for saving me from that creature."

"Oh yeah, that. No problem."

"Why did you save me? I treated you terribly."

"While I can agree you where treating me like shit when I tried to take shelter from the wolfs attacking me and making me go back into this forest where they tried to hunt me down again-"

I could see in her face that she only felt guilt at the moment. She didn't deserve death, but she did deserve to feel that guilt. And I was more than okay with her feeling guilt.

"-but regardless of what you had done to me, no one deserves death. Well no one except those who are trying to kill others. Like that guy in the town back there."

We just sat there in silence once again.

"I'm sorry for how we treated you."

"Yeah, you ponies treated me like shit."

"Can we start over?"

"You can but that won't really change the past."

"Uh...okay? My name is Twilight Sparkle."

"Hello Twilight."

"Do you know what that creature that attacked us is? It looked like you."

"Well, it was humanoid, but I doubt it was human. It's skin, meat, and organs where transparent. I could see its skeleton. Fucking creeped the hell out of me."

"Why did he attack us?"

"I don't know. But when I saw him, something happened in my head."

"What do you mean?"

"I had a flash back. It's like I knew him. I saw him destroying the city, dead cut up bodies on the floor. I remembered something but whatever it was it was painful."

"He must have triggered your memory. Is there anything you can remember about your life before that might trigger your memory?"

"I don't know. I think I used to play instruments. Aside from that, I remember having to run from something but that was it. You think that might trigger my memories?"

"Well its worth a try."

We just sat there in silence for a moment. It was dark out now.

"Well, I should head home before my friends start to worry."


"Thank you, again, for saving me."

"Yeah don't mention it."


"Bye Twilight."

She teleported away in a purple flash. I was left alone to my thoughts. You shouldn't trust her. Ugh, you again. Can you like stop existing? The voice left me alone. I just drifted back to sleep.


I saw some one walking around town. There where crystals everywhere. The crystals where like houses. There was a big crystal the size of buildings in the center. The girl was sitting down with his legs crossed on some type of alchemy circle. There was a laugh near by. She stood up an looked around.

"Come out!"

The laughing continued. Out of nowhere a big black cloud or smoke came around and surrounded her. I could see eyes in the smoke.

"You can't stop me this time."
"Yeah whatever. Lets get this over with."

She began to mutter something as I saw words and symbols surrounding her. The words and symbols orbited her and once she stopped talking the symbols glowed and something shot toward the smoke. There was a big explosion. Once the smoke from the blast cleared I saw the eyes still there.

"Goodbye human."

The smoke engulfed her. She yelled in pain.


I woke up screaming. My arm felt like it was burning. I was in extreme pain. My right arm was glowing blue. I fell on the floor. Off to the side I saw the journal glowing a bright blue. The pain lasted for ten seconds as the burning sensation died. I looked at my arm. There was a symbol that looked like it was burned into my arm. It was the number 4 in what looked like an alchemy circle. Almost like the alchemy circle on my journal.

"What the fuck..?"

The glow from my journal stopped. I walked over to my journal and opened it. Where the four symbols where supposed to be only stood one. The symbol for air with a second circle and extra symbols, now had three circles in total. I turned the page and on the next three stood the other symbols for fire air and earth each with an extra circle and symbols. After that where two Alchemy circles that I have never seen before. They only had two circles and some symbols.


I felt extremely exhausted. I just closed the journal and fell asleep in bed instantly drifting of into what ever dream I got this time.

Chapter 9: My Name Is

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Chapter 9: My Name Is

I woke up. I didn't get a nightmare this time. Thankfully. What bothered me is that I could still remember the nightmare that gave me this alchemy circle on my arm. I thought that was a dream but it was there in my arm. I could remember it so clearly. Almost like that happened to me. It was creepy. I walked over to my stuff, put my shirt, jacket, and gloves on. I grabbed some chalk and my journal. I put the journal in the inside of my jacket.

I went out to test these new alchemy symbols. I had two new alchemy symbols. I drew the first one. I placed my hand as the alchemy circle glowed and vanished. I just stared at my hands. What do I have now? I tried to move something. I saw something big and black go to my arm. I thought it was like a big crow or some shit and panicked throwing my arm around trying to get it off.

I threw it at the ground. It made a splat noise when it hit the ground. It looked like splattered black paint. Disgusting. I just looked over to it. There was something weird. It didn't look like it was on the ground. It looked like it was the ground. I touched it and only felt grass and dirt.


I just looked at it. I shrugged and tried to take control of whatever I had. The black thing came to my arm again. I just stared at it. I moved my hand. It felt weird. Like thick air. Now this is creepy. What is this? I moved it around. I stopped controlling it and saw it move to the back of my body. I turned and only saw my shadow. My shadow... can I..? No... I focused it again as my shadow left me and came to my hand.

"That's fucking amazing."

I threw my shadow and made it look like my body on the ground. I made it walk. The shadow walked. This was incredible. I made it take the form of those ponies. It liquefied and changed shape. This was so fucking cool. I experimented with it. All it seemed to do was change shape and attach itself to other objects. I could also use the shadows of other things like trees and bushes.

I looked at the journal and drew the other symbol. I placed my hands on it as it glowed blue. I controlled whatever I had this time. Nothing seemed to happen. I looked at my hands and concentrated again. Bright light came from my hands and blinded me. I stumbled a little. I stopped controlling it as I tried to clear my eyes. I just looked at me hands.

"Shadow and light? Cool."

I focused the light and pointed at the ground. The light began to burn the grass. The grass burst into flames making me jump back. I smiled. This will be very useful. I walked over to the castle wall. I focused my light alchemy on the wall as the wall began to turn black. This was fun. I fooled around with my light and shadow alchemy. I got bored and went to the back of the castle.

I began to do sit ups and push ups. I knew I was going to face that thing with the scythe again and I wanted to at least have some muscle to help me out. I don't think I ever really did exercise because I tired quickly. I took a break and then went at it again. I was doing sit ups when I heard a flash behind me.

"You do know you have a severe injury right?"

"Yeah, how could I forget?"

I just kept going as I heard her get close.

"Exercising might not be the best thing to do right now."

"Well I feel fine."

I just kept doing sit ups. I did up to fifty and took a break. I turned to face her when I saw somethings that just stood out. I saw a piano, a flute, a saxaphone I think, and some other shits.

"What the fuck do you have?"

"Instruments. You said you remember playing them so I brought some over to see if it might jog your memory."


She placed he things down. I just walked over to them and looked at them.

"I have a piano, a flute, a saxophone, a harp,..."

She continued for a while. How many musical instruments does this bitch even have?

"..and a cello."

I just walked around them, looking at them. They seemed used. But what did I know. I didn't, that's the point.

"Do you mind meeting some of my friends?"

"A little, why?"

"They want to meet you and apologize for their behavior."

"Oh, are they the ones who made me go back to the woods where I was almost killed by wolfs?"

She twitched at that. I had a neutral face expression but underneath I just had a great big smile. She didn't deserve death but I am not about to drop the whole 'I almost died because of you guys' thing. Why the hell would I? I did almost die.

"Yes those."

"As long as they don't attack me again I am okay."

"Don't worry. I told them you saved me. They felt terrible for treating you like that knowing you saved my life."

"Yeah well they do deserve to feel like shit for doing what they did."

"So is it okay?"

"As long as they respect my personal space and don't question me to much I am good."

"Okay, i'll be back with my friends soon."

She just teleported away. I went back to my sit ups. I did twenty before I stopped and went to look at the instruments. I just looked at them. It's a waste of time, don't even try it. The voice didn't seem to like the idea of me trying to trigger my memory. You shouldn't trust her. What is she going to do with these instruments that could hurt me? It went silent.

I walked over to what looked like a cello. I just stared at it. Something about it was calling me. I brought over a chair and brought the cello. I just sat there. Wondering what to do. I grabbed the bow and just tested its noise. I just fooled around a little adjusting and testing the cello. Something came to my mind. It was just saying, 'Play it'. Not seeing the harm in trying I grabbed the bow and was about to start. Right before I started, I heard a soft beat. I just looked around and saw nothing. The beat came from thin air. Something just kept telling me to play. I just thought 'fuck it' and tried whatever came to mind.

I began to play something I had never heard in my life. At least I don't think so. I just played and went with the rhythm. I could hear a second part to this song that came from thin air. I questioned it but kept playing. I played as I found myself moving my head to the rhythm. My hair bounced around. It covered some of my forehead and the edge of my ear since it was loose. My hair kept bouncing around as I moved my head to the rhythm of what I was playing.

I think I was getting pretty loud but I didn't really care. I was entranced in my own music. I was letting my mind drift as I just. I saw images of people. They seemed like they where blurred. I just kept playing as very faint memories came to me.

I kept playing as my hands moved up and down adjusting to the cello so I could produce just the right sounds. At some points I had to move my hand faster so I had to concentrate on my hand coordination.

I played for another few minutes as I finished. I just put the bow and cellos aside as I finished(You might want to wait for the music to finish). I got up and stretched when I heard stomping. I turned around and saw Twilight along with the others who almost got me killed by making me retreat into the forest. Plus the big lizard. They all started to talk.

"That was amazing!"

"Didyouseethewayheplayedthathewasreallygoodiknowsomeponieswhowouldlovetohearyou-"(She keeps talking for a while).

"That was different."

They just came up to me clap and/or stomping. The rainbow pegasus came up to me and punched my arm.

"You are the first one to make the cello sound good!"


What the fuck is she even talking about? Or to? They kept talking about my music. I just sat there until they stopped talking. Then Twilight came up to me.

"Where you just there the whole time I played?"

"No...we heard it from ponyville."


"Yeah. Everypony seemed to like your music."

"Well that's nice. I guess."

"How did the music go all the way to ponyville?"


"The sound probably echoed around through the forest making the music some what louder and eventually finding its way to ponyville."

"Well whatever the reason you played some good music. And I don't say that to just anypony."

"So lets get you introduced to my friends."


"This is pinkie pie."


"Rainbow Dash."




"And my number one assistant, Spike."


"I have two other friends, Apple Jack and Rarity, but they are busy with work."

I just looked at these ponies. How the fuck are they even friends? They don't even seem to share anything in common. Whatever I guess. We talked for a while. Nothing important, just a more in depth introduction. I couldn't really say anything for my self but they talked allot. Especial the ones called Rainbow and Pinkie. I understood what Pinkie said but I didn't understand why she would say what she said. Rainbow seemed to be the athlete type from how she talked and acted about herself. Fluttershy seemed true to her name. She didn't really want to talk but thanked me for saving her friends life.

When Fluttershy brought up that point everyone else began to thank me and have that guilt feeling from how they treated me. I just sat there and waited. We had small talk. Just past what I think was midday they had decided to leave. Twilight teleported them back to where they came from. She just came up to me.

"So what did you think of them?"

"Pinkie is a little to hyperactive, Rainbow has a way to high self esteem, and Fluttershy need some self esteem."

"Well that's how they are."


She just looked at me as I did my sit ups again. She was there for a while as she turned and began to head off. Whatever, I think I can trust her with that.

"Hey Twilight?"




"My name. It's Mimic."

She just looked at me for a few second processing what I said. After a few seconds she walked back and extended a hoof.

"Its nice to meet you Mimic."

"Its nice to meet me to."

She just looked at me when I had said that. She realized what I had meant by it. I didn't now me so it was nice to meet me. She just smiled and walked. I just turned away and waved bye from behind me. I heard her teleport away. I walked back and continued my work out.

Chapter 10: Meeting With A Princess

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Chapter 10: Meeting With A Princess

I was floating around in a black endless void. I was there as something in the distance glowed for a moment. I was brought over to it as I found myself in what looked like a lab. There where people in lab coats writing things down. I saw some of them looking through a window. I looked at the window and saw several children. Around three to four years of age. Are the scientist studying children? Strange. I floated around. Everything out of nowhere came to a stop. All the scientist outside stopped walking and jotting down whatever it is that they where writing. The children stopped playing. All but four had stopped moving.

The four children kept playing until something stopped them. The stood up and began to walk to the middle of the room. They seemed to be in some type of trance. The four sat at equal distance from each other. Suddenly a circle appeared under them, passing right where they sat. Then another circle appeared. The circle drew itself as symbols began to be drawn in between the circles. The circle finished as it glowed bright blue and the symbols began to float around in the air. A bright blue sphere covered them and bordered at the edge of the circle. A bright blue orb appeared in the very center of the circle.

The children all placed a hand on the surface of the orb. The orb grew brightly. Four books came out of the orb and floated over to one of the children. Each one had a number. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each child placed their hand on the book as a circle began to appear around the number. A very complex circle one I might add. The book glowed and dissolved into a bright blue particles. The stream of blue particles encircled each child.

The orb dissolved along with the circle blue sphere and complex circle on the ground. Everything around them once again went in motion. The children looked at each other for a moment and began to play together.

I woke up. I was still tired. The wound that went clear through my stomach wasn't helping me. I sat up and walked over to my journal. I didn't have to put on my gloves or jacket since I slept with them this night. I put the journal in my jacket. I drew the alchemy circle for air before leaving the room. I am paranoid about attacks.

"Hold on a fucking second..."

Something was off. Right but not right. Something right there but so far away. What was it? Just as I stopped thinking about it, I remembered.

"I remember my dream..."

I never remembered my dream. I only remembered that weird dream when I got that alchemy circle burned onto my arm and when I got the two new alchemy circles.

"I remember my dream!"

I could remember it clearly. It was like I had just lived it. I was laughing. Then something stopped making me laugh. I remembered the four journals. The alchemy circles. I remembered them down to the last detail. I looked at my arm. The alchemy circle burned onto my arm. It had a four. A four...


I looked at the burned alchemy circle on my arm. It looked just like the alchemy circle on that journal in my dream. There where four. Four people, four journals. I didn't know what to make of it. I saw some one yell in pain. Did she die? I thought she was dead, but I wasn't sure. The mark on my arm might be a sign saying she is dead. But how? How is this possible. Why am I here? What am I supposed to do?

I was in full panic attack mode. I was still in my room, pacing. What was I supposed to do? I tried to calm myself down. Panicking wouldn't solve anything. I calmed myself down and thought of a plan. If there are four journals, I can only assume there are four humans in total. I have to look for one and two. If four died, then that thing has her journal. The journal was very powerful. I don't know what journal number four had but I knew it was dangerous and powerful.

"Fuck my life. I have to remember more."

Don't get me wrong, I was thankful for remembering that there where others, but I still needed to know more. I had to know more. I had to remember. I needed to remember. I just walked outside and began to jog around the castle. I didn't really know what to do. I was jogging around the castle, trying to get my mind to clear. I had so many thoughts going through my head. I was jogging for an hour until I got tired. I just sat and tried to clear my head.

I was sitting in the shade as I was getting my head around this 'four people' thing. I just sat there and sighed. What was I going to do? I closed my eyes and just listened to the sounds of nature. I sat there for a few minutes before I heard that teleportation sound. I heard hoof steps approaching me. I didn't really bother opening them.

"What are you doing?"

"Sitting down trying to relax. Care to join?"

"You could be doing something more productive you know."

"Oh really?"

"You could be researching what that creature attacking ponyville was."


"Well, we'll have to do that later. We have to prepare you for today."

"Prepare me? For what?"

"The princess is coming to meet you."

"The princess?"

"Yes, princess Celestia."


I just sat there. Leaning against a tree in the shade. I heard her get closer and poke me. I opened my eyes and saw her giving me this stare of disapproval.


"We have to prepare you."


"I am going to show you how to act in front of her."

"Twilight. Listen to me okay?"


"I don't really give a fuck about what some one thinks about me."

"But this is the princes you are talking about!"

"Twilight, how do I know she approves of me if I don't act like me? Not that I need approval anyways."

She tried to strike a come back but didn't have anything. I just closed my eyes again and relaxed. I was just sitting there. She just sat next to me as we waited for this princess to come. We sat for about half on hour when I heard another teleportation sound. I opened my eyes and saw a particularly big pony. White with colorful flowing hair. How the fuck does its hair float?

"You are certainly different from anything I have ever seen."

"I could say the same to you."

She just looked at me. She looked at me like she was observing something. Then I felt something on my shoulder. I turn my head and see Twilight leaning on my left shoulder. I poked her. She was asleep.

"I didn't fucking think she would fall asleep."



I just got up and mover her off of me. She was now laying on the grass, her hair a little out of place. I stood up and walked to Celestia.

"So, I heard you wanted to talk about some shit. What was it?"

"First off, I need to know if you intend to harm any of my ponies."

"I risked my life saving the town that made me go into the forest when I was confused, severely injured, starving and dehydrated, where I almost got killed by wolves, put my life on the line to save the ones that showed no respect toward me against some over powered being, and having to use my body as a shield to protect the sleeping one back there making me have a big ass slice across my chest and a scythe stab mark that went straight through my body giving me intense pain that hasn't ended giving me this bandage you see here. Does that answer your question?"

She seemed a little put off by my answer. I had kept a calm tone of voice which I think actually made my answer look more demeaning toward her. Now she had her face of guilt.

"Yes, I see you show no signs of harming them."

"Yeah, if I really wanted to I would have already killed them all since I can, but I haven't."

She looked at me like I was crazy. Saying I put my body on the line for these ponies and then saying I could kill them if I had wanted to.

"So next question?"

"Right, of course."

"Whats your question?"

"Why are you here?"

Bitch, I wish I knew. I knew I had to find one and two at the moment. I knew there where other journals out there.

"Hell if I know. All I know is that I woke up drowning in a river, bleeding from my head. I go looking for shelter in that town over there since I was being chased by wolves. Instead right as soon as I get near shelter they attack me and make me go back into the forest where the wolves attacked me again."

Her face of guilt didn't improve upon my answer to her question. I don't know if it was her own guilt, or guilt for how these ponies had treated me on first contact. She tried to shake it off as she began to ask more questions. I answered them all. If she gave me a question that had a bad answer, I would give her a terrible answer, adding onto her guilt. I don't give a fuck about their guilt. I care about a sapient living creature being killed. Aside from that, not much else. I don't think so.

Once I finished her questions, there where only ten, she said good bye. Just as she had said her good byes, Twilight was waking up. I turned and saw her wake up as she looked at Celestia, who teleported away. She then looked at me with a sleepy confused face expression.

"Hey sleepy head."


She was like that for about forty seconds, trying to comprehend what was going on. Once she realized what had happened she ran over and tackled me. The sudden movement made me almost punch her right in the face. I managed to stop myself from hitting her.

"Was that the princess!?"

"Let me check. I think so."

"What did she think of you? I never prepared you for her! What is she thinks i'm lazy!"

She went on for a while. Fuck, she really cares if this princess approves of her. Insecure? I don't fucking know. She talked until I used my hand to cover her mouth. She talked for about another thirteen seconds before she noticed my hand over her mouth. How the fuck do you not notice a hand covering your mouth immediately?

"Twilight, she seemed okay. She seemed to approve of me. Now shut up, I want to relax."

I went back to the tree and sat there, closing my eyes. I thought Twilight would just teleport away. She didn't leave though. She walked back up to me and poked me again.


"We still have to get you introduced to ponyville."

"What? Why?"

"They still think you are a monster."

"Well fuck them. I already told you that I don't care what others think about me."

"You have to at least let them get used to you so you can search up whatever that creature was in my library."

"I can go underground like last time."

"You can't just-ugh, fine. But we will get you to be accepted in ponyville."


She sat down next to me. Something caught my eye. Her ass had a weird symbol. Now that I though of it, all the ponies did. What was it?

"Hey Twilight."


"Whats that?"

She looked at where I was pointing. She pointed to the symbol. I nodded. She began to talk to me asking how I didn't know what it was. It was just one question. But the next thing I know is that i'm being given a lecture on the history of this place and the ponies. Goddamn it. I had to stay there now.

Chapter 11: Learning Equish

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Chapter 11: Learning Equish

I was outside. I was still wondering about having to find other two people. I was bored and decided to head to the library. That should give you a hint of how bored I was. I had already experimented with what my journal had. My memory is slow but I was able to recognize the symbols in the physical side of alchemy. There where three alchemy circles for physical. They where seal, fusion, and the last one I don't know yet. Seal is supposed to stop the time limit thing I think. And fusion lets me use multiple elements. So that's definitely a plus on both ends.

I was walking to the library in my tunnel. I had never taken them out when I had made them so it was just walking. I still had to control earth to make a door under the library. I made a thin earth door once I was under the library. I knocked just to see what would happen. I heard Twilight say something and open the front door. She closed the door, and I knocked again. Once again I heard the wooden door open. Before she closed it, I knocked again. I could hear her hoof steps nearing the earth door. The door was covered in a purple glow and moved open. She moved to where I could see her. She just looked at me and then at the tunnel.

"So can I come in or am I going to be down here?"

"What? Of course, come in."

She moved aside as I jumped and grabbed the edge. I pulled myself up and stood up once I was on the floor. I just closed the door under me. I stretched and looked around.

"How did you get here?"

"Through underground tunnels I made that day you blasted me through the wall."


I just looked around at the books. I had just opened one when I remembered they where in another language. I sighed. To the point where I can't even read. I just closed the book and put it back.

"Hey, Twilight?"


"Are any of these books in English?"


She had said that very confused. Like she didn't know what English was. Wait. No, we are talking in English. So that can't be it.

"You know, English, what we are speaking in right now."

"We are speaking in Equish."

"No. We are speaking English."

"Yes we are, this is Equish"

"Bitch please, I think I know what language I am talking in."

We began to argue about what language we where talking in. We argued for about five minutes when we both figured out that we where both right. I came from a different place, and so we just coincidentally share the same language. But not the same writing system.

"Ugh. So that's a thing now. So can you show me?"

"Show you?"

"How to read in Equish. I am bored and learning a new writing system seems like a good way to pass the time. And then I can actually read shit."

"Sure, i'll help you read in Equish."

She levitated a scroll and ink quill and began to write. She scribbled something on the paper and brought me over to the desk.

"This is the basic Equish alphabet. You should learn this first."


So she began to show me how to read the alphabet in Equish. It took me two hours to learn the alphabet. Some of the letters looked alike, so it took me a while to distinguish them apart. It was the same length as the English alphabet, so it wasn't to long.

Once I learned the alphabet, Twilight wrote sentences for me to translate. That was another hour. A hour of translating sentences. Then I had to write my own sentences. Twilight would check them. She wrote a paragraph and made me translate it.

Once I could translate it correctly, she gave me a book to see if I could read. I was okay, but still needed some practice. But overall, I could more or less read. Twilight told me to practice reading. It was like, eight pm. It was getting dark.

"Well, that was an interesting thing to do today."

"It was nice that I could help you out."


Stretched and sat on the couch. I was tired. My journal glowed from my jacket. I saw it. The only bad thing is that Twilight saw something to.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"That blue glow coming from your jacket."

"I didn't see any glow coming from my jacket."

Please buy the excuse. She just looked at me for a few and left somewhere. I sighed. Ha, ha, ha! She definitely suspects of you. I really hopes she doesn't. While she was gone, I brought out my journal. I turned the pages. On the physical part of alchemy, there where another two alchemy symbols.


That was so weird. I herd Twilight coming back. I closed the journal and put it back in my jacket. I just acted like I was bored, which was easy since I technically was.

"Would you like to eat something?"


"I'm making some food, and I was wondering if you would like some."

"What food is it? Since you ponies might have a different diet system than me."

"Can you eat salads?"

"Yes I can."

"Would you like a salad?"

"Well why not?"

We walked to the kitchen. We just sat and ate our salads. Aside from the small talk here and there, we ate our salads in peace. We finished as I said bye. I walked back to the earth door and jumped down into the tunnels. We said bye once more and closed the tunnel. I walked my way through the tunnel. I got out of my tunnel where I exited and was greeted by the forest. I activated the alchemy circle for fire. I took my lighter out, set a branch on fire, and used the fire to rocket myself home.

I just felt the wind on my face as I neared the castle. Once near enough I entered through the search tower. I landed and went downstairs. I just got to my room, took off my jacket, gloves, and shirt. I put my journal safely away. I jumped on bed and went to sleep.

Chapter 12: Helping

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Chapter 12: Helping

I was outside reading my journal. The extended alchemy circles for air, water, earth, and fire where intriguing. I had experimented yesterday. I am now, for the majority, fluent in Equish. It took me two days in total to completely understand it. Twilight said that I learned fast. That it normally took much longer to learn a new language's writing system. I don't know why, but Equish seemed familiar. Almost like I knew it. Oh well. Another mystery in my life to discover.

I had already gotten used to me not knowing about myself. But at least I knew there where others out there. That was my primary goal. Get the others and find out what and why that creature attacked the town. What he had said to me that day, I never stopped thinking about it. 'Alchemy and magic is not to be shared with others'. Does he have Alchemy? I wish I knew.

"Hey what'cha reading?"

I had never even heard her fly right up to me so needless to say, she startled me. I dropped the journal and slightly yelped.

"For fuck sake, can't you warn someone before you just sneak up on them?"

"No. So what'cha reading?"

"It's nothing."

I just picked up the journal and began to read. Just as I had picked up my journal she grabbed it. She just looked at it and flew just above me.

"Give it back Rainbow!"

"So what is it, a secret? Huh, I don't understand these symbols."


"I know who can though. I'll just go ask Twilight about it. Bye!"

She began to fly. I quickly drew the extended air alchemy circle. I made a air grip get her and bring her back to me. She struggled and tried to get away. I brought her up to my face.

"Journal. Back. Now."


She gave me back my journal. Okay so maybe I scared her a little to much, but I wasn't about to tell these ponies about my journal.

"So what is it anyways?"

"Nothing that concerns you."

"I can just ask Twilight and find out."

"No you can't."

"Why? You going to stop me?"

"No. But this journal is mine."

"So what, is it like your diary?"

"In a way."

"So it is your secret?"

"Yes. So can you not tell anyone?"

"Why shouldn't I tell anypony?"

"Because I know you aren't the type of person who would just tell others about someones private things."

She looked at me with this facial expression. Nice going there little human. Shut up already. She stared at me a little longer and then just smiled.

"Yeah you're right. I'm not that type of pony."

"So that means you wont tell anyone my secret right?"

"Yeah, your secret is safe with me."


She extended her hoof towards me. I stared at it for three seconds before I know what it was supposed to be. We did a fist bump type thing and she flew away. I sighed. That was a close one. I was curious to see what would happen if she found out. I grumbled at the voice's comment. I was looking at the journal. I was getting bored so I decided to go back to the library to see if there where any books I could read. The ones in the castle were to dirty and worn to read clearly. And I think they where in some old language. Old Equish? Kind of like Old English.

I was going underground and walked to the library. I made a opening, jumped up, and pulled myself up. I just closed the door as I felt trembling. An earthquake? I heard glass breaking and Twilight screaming. The trembling stopped as I ran over to see what happened. I entered the secondary room of the library where I saw vials on the wall. A vial had fallen as its containment's splashed on her eyes and the vial hit the floor.

"Twilight are you okay?"

She jumped a little at the sound of my voice. She was rubbing her eyes, trying to clear the liquid out of her eyes.

"Yes I think i'm-No. I'm not okay."

"What's wrong?-"

"Why can't I see anything!?"

She was panicking. I was trying to calm her down. I was calming her down as I saw a blue light come from underneath me. I look down and saw a alchemy circle fade away as a stream of blue particles went into Twilight's eyes. It made a weird tinkling noise as the stream went into her eyes.

"What was that?"

"I don't know."

There was chalk in my hand. Did I draw that alchemy circle? I drew it unconsciously? Strange. I finally managed to calm her down and took her upstairs to her room. I put her to bed and was about to leave. Just as I was about to go she grabbed my arm.

"Wait, don't go."

"What is it?"

"I don't exactly want to be left alone."

"What about that assistant of yours, Spike. Doesn't he live here with you?"

"He does but Rarity had asked him to help her for the day."

"So you want me to stay?"


I sat down next to the bed. We sat in silence for a while. This is awkward. Twilight broke the silence after about five minutes.

"Can you do something?"

"Sure, what?"

"Can you read something to me?"

"Read to you?"

"Yeah, to pass the time."

"Uh, sure, I guess. Any book in particular?"

"There is one on my desk."

I walked over to a desk at the end of her room. I looked and found a book. 'The Foundation of Ponnyville'. ...Really? I walked back to the chair at the side of the bed. I began to read as Twilight scooted closed to hear. I was reading for about an hour. I was reading as I saw blue light coming from her eyes. A stream of blue light came from her eyes and into my hand, disappearing. Twilight blinked a few times.

"I can see!"

She smiled at this. Wait-what? That blue light... I didn't even know at this point. The blue light that went into her eyes earlier just came back out.

"So, you aren't blind anymore?"

"No, i'm not blind anymore."

"You're fine? Nothing with your eyes anymore?"

"Not as far as I can tell."

"Well that's good news."

"It is."

She just got off the bed and put the book I was reading back on her desk. We walked back into the main library room.

"Thanks for staying."

"Yeah, no problem."

"Did you come here for anything?"

"Actually, I came to check out a few books."

"Okay then, i'll let you look for a book."

Well this was unexpected. Oh great. What is it now voice? Please call me by my name. You never told me your name. Look at me, i'm talking to myself. Call me Discord from now on. Alright Discord, What did you want. Nothing, I just noticed something I wanted you to be aware of. Which is what?

"Hey Mimic?"


"Can you give me a hoof with the glass?"


Keep up this nice acting toward others like you do with her, and you are planting a seed. A seed? What seed? I'll let you find out. I hated that voice-Ehem! ...Discord so much. I helped Twilight clean, checked out a few books, and left to the castle.

Chapter 13: Pinkie's Party

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Chapter 13: Pinkie's Party

I was heading to Twilight's house. I had some stuff to attend to. Twilight wanted to meet me for... I don't know what she wanted me for actually.

~Earlier that day~

I woke up. I went to put on my gloves and jacket when I saw a piece of paper on the desk. What? I looked at it.

Meet me at the library
before the sun goes


The sun was relatively about to go down. It was about 6:00 pm. I needed a watch. I saw the library. No one was around so I didn't really go underground. I walked up to the library door and knocked. I heard foo-hoof steps. Twilight opened the door.

"I'm surprised you didn't come from the underground tunnels."

"No one was around, so there was no need."

"What if somepony saw you?"

"Well then fuck them. Why are they out when it's almost night?"

"Well, we're out when it's almost night."

"Which is what I want to know."

"Then follow me."

Twilight led the way to who knows where. We walked through the town. I didn't really think there where others watching me, but I just had this feeling that they where. I wonder what's going on. We walked to what looked like house made up of candy. It looked delicious. Why does a house made up of candy sound familiar? I feel like its a story of some kind. Oh well.

"So what are we doing here?"

"Just open the door and you'll find out."


I open the door. The room was dark. I tried to make out what was in the room when the light suddenly turned on and confetti was blasted from somewhere. I heard multiple voices screaming 'Surprise!' . For about a dozen milliseconds I had an extreme heart attack. I saw Pinkie right in front of me from out of nowhere jumping up and down.

"Where you surprised? Whereyawhereyawhereya?!"

"Jesus! Give me a heart attack why don't you?"

"Sorry, she's just very excited."

"Yeah, I could tell."

"Yay! You where surprised!"

I looked around. There where several ponies here. It looked like the whole town was here. But why would that even be? They where all staring at me. Well this is awkward

"Now that you're here, we can start!"

Once she said that, everyone in here began to eat or chat to each other. Everyone went to their own business and stopped staring. What the fuck is going on? Twilight and Pinkie brought me over to a table.

"So what is this exactly?"

"Your party!"

"My party?"

"Your 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!"

"Of course it is. And who came here exactly? Those are allot of people."

"The whole town! And it's ponies, not people silly!"

"Of course. Ponies. My mistake. And why is the whole town here? Aren't they, like, afraid of me, or something?"

"They don't really care who the party is for. They just like Pinkie's parties."

"So why did you think this was a good idea if they are afraid of me?"

"Well, if everything goes well at this party, then at the end of this they wont be afraid of you anymore."

"Well that sounds like a plan. So what now?"

"A party game!"

"I don't exactly like the sound of that."

Pinkie pushed me to a smaller side room where there was a picture of a pony on the wall. But it didn't have its tail. I turned to pinkie where she handed me the tail. Pin the tail on the pony? Really? She blind folded me and spun me around. I was getting slightly dizzy. When she stopped me I walked/stumbled toward the paper. I ran my finger down the side of the paper and estimated where the middle was. Then I just moved it to the right and placed the tail. I took of my blind fold and saw that I had actually got the tail relatively on the spot I had to pin the tail.

"First try!"


"I'll be right back, I have to go get something!"

She just zipped away. Damn she's fast. I walked out and saw a nice place to sit. I grabbed some snacks on my way to the spot in the corner. I had some juice to my side as I sat in the corner. Everyone was doing their own separate thing. I closed me eyes and relaxed. I heard hoof steps approach me but didn't really do anything. I heard a throat clearing. I open my eyes and saw that one orange pony that tried to rope me before. I raised an eyebrow. What do you want?


"Ah came to apologize?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

"Uh...tellin' you?"

With that weird moment out of the way she began to say her story about how she thought I was a threat and wanted to protect her friends from me. All in all seemed like a legit reason to fight a random stranger that was injured. Not letting that go. Not yet. She apologized and I 'forgave' her. With that over she left and I closed my eyes relaxing. I relaxed for a few minutes until I heard a noise off to the distant. It was getting louder. I opened my eyes and saw Pinkie with a huge cake. The cake looked like it could fall at any moment. It was on a small stand with wheels. She was rolling that thing out into the middle of the floor. She left it in the middle of the room and came over to me.

"Do you like your cake?"

"Uh..sure. Why is it so big?"

"The bigger the better!"

"Well, it is a lot of people I guess."


I didn't reply to that. I just walked over to the cake. It was tall. She just got a plate and gave me a piece of cake. She handed the cake out. I went back to my seat and ate my cake. I was done with my slice of cake as Twilight had called me over. I sat in front of her as we talked. She was asking if I could bring some books from the castle so she could read them. I had told her they where to old to read but she said that she knew how to fix that. I don't know why but In the middle of our conversation I jumped to the side. As I did that I saw piece of cake hit Twilight. I turned around and saw Rainbow flying toward her.

"I'm sorry Twi, I swear I didn't mean to throw that at you."

"Rainbow Dash!"

Twilight levitated pieces of cake and threw them at Rainbow. Rainbow got out of the way as the cake flew and hit some one else. It hit a white unicorn who was making a big fuss about the cake being in her hair. I did not like her voice. She levitated more cake an threw them back at both Twilight and Rainbow. The next thing I know is that I'm taking cover behind a table to avoid the fire of cake flying around the room. I was there for a while as Twilight also came and hid behind the table with me.

"Well that escalated quickly."

"It did."

I peeked over the table to see a cake flying in my direction. The cake hit my face and I just sat back down. I turned to Twilight who was stifling her laughter. I grabbed a piece f cake that was on my face and shoved it in her face. We sat there waiting for the cake crossfire to die down. It took several minutes for the cake war to stop. With that battle done the ponies just ate and laughed. They where like that for the rest of the party. Once the party ended and they left, we where to clean up what was left. It didn't take long to clean up. We finished and started saying our good byes.

"Sorry about the cake Pinkie."

"It's okay Rainbow. Everypony still had fun right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"So how did you like your party Mimic?"

"It was pretty good. Since I can't remember if I have ever been to one or not I can't really say for sure. But it seemed like a pretty good party."

"At least now the town wont be afraid of you."

"That's a plus."

We started to walk off. Pinkie stayed where the party was. Then Rainbow left. Later Twilight. Eventually it was just Fluttershy and I walking toward the forest. We reached Fluttershy's house. From there I was going to keep walking but Fluttershy called me.



"Would you like to stay at my place? The forest is dangerous, especially at night."

"Nah, 's okay."

"Well, okay. Stay safe Mimic."

"Bye Fluttershy."

"Bye Mimic."

With that over we parted ways. I walked through the forest. I could hear random noises everywhere. What bothered me was that I kept hearing a rustle of leaves somewhere behind me everywhere I walked. I heard a howl off in the distance. Those wolfs better not bother me. I walked as I heard some one screaming. It was not to far behind me. I ran back to see who it was. Just behind a few bushes I saw a pony being attacked by the wolfs. Oh shit. I heard a growl behind me. Oh fuck me. I ducked as wolf lunged from behind me. I saw the pony being attacked. The wolf lunged at me again. I grabbed it and used its momentum to throw it back at the other wolfs that where attacking the pony. With them knocked out for the moment I grabbed the pony and ran for it. I could hear the wolfs not far behind as I ran. I saw the river I had to cross. I reached into my pocket to get the chalk out. I quickly drew the symbol for earth and made a bridge. I ran across as the wolfs came after me.

I withdrew the bridge just before the wolfs got on it. I didn't wait to see if they stopped, I just ran back to my castle. I carried it to my room and put it on the bed. Its fur was black. It had fangs and red eyes. Never seen this pony before. Wonder why it looks different. I just brought a chair over and sat by the bed and waited for the pony to wake up.

Chapter 14 : Blood Sucker

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Chapter 14 : Blood Sucker

She was sucking the blood out from my neck. I could feel my body growing some what weak. I felt dizzy as the blood left my body. Because of the slow blood loss I wasn't sure how long she was taking my blood. I saw a flash on light to my left. I turned and saw Twilight with a surprised look on her face. She started to yell something as she attacked the vampire pony thing.


I woke up. Oh fuck I fell asleep. I looked at the bed. The pony was still asleep. I sat there and waited. I sat there for a few minutes. I should go to Fluttershy's and get something to tend to its wounds. I'm sure the pony will stay asleep until I get back. I walked outside, got some fire, and flew off. It was about to be morning. On my flight I saw some wolfs still walking around the forest. I could see them looking for food. I flew for a little more and landed in front of Fluttershy's place. I knocked and waited. I heard her coming down stairs.


"Hey Fluttershy."

"Oh, hi Mimic."

"Can I ask for a favor?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Do you have an aid kit?"

"Is somepony hurt?"

"Yes, I found a pony being attacked by those wolfs in the forest on my way home."

"Oh my. Should I come with you?"

"Nah, 's okay."

"I'll go got some supplies for you. Stay right here."

She left. She left fast. She was like Pinkie when she ran somewhere except Fluttershy was flying. Anyways, she came back with an aid kit in her mouth. I got the kit, thanked her, and flew off. On my flight back I couldn't see the wolfs anywhere. I entered through the tower and went down the stairs to my room. The pony was still asleep. I opened the aid kit and took some stuff out. I had a bandage to wrap the wounds of the pony. I started with one of its legs. I wrapped the bandage around its leg. From there I moved to its forehead. As I finished wrapping its forehead it began to stir.

I sat down as it began to stir even more. I leaned in close to see if it was okay. It slowly opened its eyes. I leaned it a bit closer.

"Are you okay?"

Its eyes moved and focused on my face. It blinked as suddenly its eyes shot wide open and sat up. Bad move since by doing so we hit each others head. I leaned back and rubbed my fore head as the pony did the same. The pony noticed the bandage on its front leg. It stared at the bandage and started at me. The pony repeated this process staring at both things.

"Did you do this?"

The voice was feminine. Okay so it's a female.

"Uh, yes?"

"You are trying to heal me?"

"Well yeah."


"The fuck do you mean why? What am I supposed to do leave you out there in the forest injured?"


"So are you okay?"

"Yeah I guess."

"So who are you? I have never seen a pony that looks like this."

"Oh. So you don't know?"

"Don't know what?"

She was staring at me. It was like she wasn't sure whether or not to tell me what I didn't know. She just stared directly at me then at the door. I had it closed and she couldn't exactly run in her condition. She stared at me and sighed.

"I'm not exactly a pony."

"Is it the fangs?"

"Sort off."

"So if your not a pony what are you?"

"A batpony."

She just looked at my face searchingly fro any reaction. Bat..pony? I had no idea what that was but I am guessing it was bad from her hesitance to say it.


"You don't know what that is?"

"No not really. I only started living here a few months ago so I don't know much about this place."

"Living here?"

"Woke up in a river bleeding and can't remember anything, long story."


"So what's a batpony exactly. What makes them different from other ponies?"

"We need to drink blood in order to live."

"Drink blood?"

"Well yes."

"Interesting. What's your name?"

She blinked and stared at me.

"It doesn't bother you?"


"The fact that I drink blood."

"Well you have to. It's apart of your survival."

"So it doesn't bother you? Really?"

"No it doesn't. So whats your name?"

"Blood Blossom."

I laughed softly at that. Why do all these ponies have such strange names. She noticed and stared at me.


"Nothing. Just a fitting name. Now can you stay still, I still have to bandage your other leg."


She changed position as I wrapped the bandage. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Blossom just staring at me. She looks like she wants to say something. I was just about done wrapping the bandage when she spoke.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"In the forest."

"What about the forest?"

"I was following you to attack you for blood."

I stopped wrapping the bandage. I turned my head and just looked at her. She looked at me as her ears folded back. I sat up straight and just stared at her. She looked like she was trying to make herself as small as possible. I snapped my fingers and pointed at her.

"So you're the rustle of leaves I kept hearing following me. I thought I was paranoid or something."

I just kept wrapping the bandage around her other leg. I saw her in the corner of my eye with a confused look on her face. I finished wrapping the bandage, cut the last piece off from the roll and tied it.

"There you go is that better?"



"You're insane."

"Yeah probably."

With me done wrapping the bandage around her leg I leaned back on my chair. Oh! A batpony! I haven't seen one in a while. Oh great it's you. Where have you been Discord? I haven't heard from you in a while. I was beginning to think you where a figment of my imagination. Oh just planning. Planning? Yes, Planning. Okay i'll bite. Planning what? I don't know why but I felt suspicious about that. I felt like he was really up to something when he said that. A game! I deadpanned. A game. Yes a game! Why are you excited about a game? Because its going to be fun! Would you like to play? No. To bad. Why? Because you started this game so 'no' isn't an option. What? When? Before Equestria. Before Eque...? Wait do you mean- Oh better stop talking before I say to much. You'll play whether you want to or not. And we have to wait for the other three players. I'm sure the others will eventually tell you. Tah tah! Discord? Discord! You fucking ass, answer me! He wouldn't answer. I sighed.

Blossom and I sat there in silence. We where just there resting. We sat there for a while as Blossom suddenly Grabbed her stomach in pain.

"Blossom, are you okay?"

"Yeah, no i'm fine."

"That's a lie. Whats wrong?"

"I need blood."


I brought my neck over to her mouth. She seemed hesitant. She held her stomach in pain again.

"Blossom take it."

She bit into my neck. She was sucking the blood out from my neck. I could feel my body growing some what weak. I felt dizzy as the blood left my body. Because of the slow blood loss I wasn't sure how long she was taking my blood. I saw a flash on light to my left. I turned and saw Twilight with a surprised look on her face. She started to yell something as she attacked the vampire pony thing. No that's not it, the bat thing has a name. This loss of blood is making me lose focus. I could see twilight attacking Blossom.


She didn't.


She was still attacking Blossom.


My body began to glow blue. The blue light went to my hands as I placed them on the ground. Twilights hoofs where now being held by the bricks of the castle. I had made the brick get a hold of her hoofs. She tried to budge but the brick stayed. Okay, my head is a little clearer now.

"Mimic, what are you doing?!"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing. Why did you attack her?"

"Attack her? She was taking your blood!"

She began to yell about vamponies. No idea if that was a different creature or a different name for Blossom's kind. She was yelling and saying random things about protecting me and being under her influence. Forgive me for this. I walked right up to her and slapped her. She went silent.

"Twilight. I let Blossom take my blood. Speaking of Blossom, are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine."

"She was attacked by wolfs on my way home from the party. I brought her in, tended to her wounds thanks to the aid kit Fluttershy gave me this morning and I let her have some of my blood."

"...So...this vampony wasn't attacking you?"

"No. Hey Blossom."


"Is vampony and batpony the same?"

"No. Vamponies are savages who take joy in the hunt of taking blood. They attack as often as they can for the taste of blood in their mouths. Batponies only get blood when they need it for survival. Ponies think all of us are just like vamponies. They don't know how different the two of us are from each other."

"Okay, that clears a lot up."


"Yes Twilight?"

"Explanation. Now."

Now I have to explain this to her. Great. I explained what happened and some of my conversation with Blossom. After finally explaining everything to Twilight...for the third time...she apologized repeatedly as she left. With that done it was just me and blossom here.

"So blossom. Do you have a place to go?"


"Are you leaving to your home?"

"I might."

"Well if you do you should see if you can find some one with medical experience since i'm not exactly a doctor. But I think you can take the bandage off the day after tomorrow."


We sat there for a moment. There was really nothing more to do.

"Well, I should go."

"Yeah. It was nice to meet you Blossom."

"And it was nice to meet you Mimic."

She hugged me and thanked me. Then something really unexpected happened then. She kissed me on the cheek and walked to the door. Before leaving she looked back at me. Smiled. And walked away.

"... Holy fucking shit. What just happened?"

I heard someone laughing to my side. I turned and saw a very strange creature with mix match body parts and a beard. Why does that voice sound familiar? It turned at me and kept laughing. That cartoon-ish rolling on the floor and hitting it, laughing.

"What the hell are you?"

"Oh, Mimic. You don't mean to tell me you didn't recognize me?"


"Yes! I knew you would get it."

"You're real? Or am I just hallucinating?"

"Of course i'm real."

"So do you know what just happened?"




"Can you tell me?"

"Yes, I can."



"Tell me what just happened."

"Well she likes you."

"The fuck? Why?"

"Her kind is usually rejected by ponykind. You cared for her, which no one has done to her. Also she took your allowing her to take blood an... how should I say this... intimate... moment for her."

"...What the fuck did I get myself into."

He wouldn't stop laughing. I just sat down. I had to think a lot of things over. I turned to Discord. I have to have a talk with you. He was still laughing but I could hear his voice in my head. I wont say much Mimic. I might as well try to make you talk.

Chapter 15: I Hate Wolfs

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Chapter 15: I Hate Wolfs

Origami swans where flying all around me. I had found a way to animate objects through that journal of mine. It was a nice thing to see. Paper birds really flying around. Just as I was about to animate another origami swan, I saw a flash of light to my side. I saw Twilight. She was about to say something but she stopped as she saw all the paper swans flying around.

"What's all this?"

"Nothing. I'm just experimenting. So what is it you came by to say?"

"The girls and I are going to a nearby lake to swim. We where wondering if you would like to join us."

"Sure, I could use a time to relax with friends."

"So we are your friends."

"I dunno, maybe. I didn't know how to put it another way so I was using 'friends' loosely. I mean, you did try to kill me."

"We said sorry already!"

"Yes and I quote, unquote, accepted that apology."

I stopped animating the paper swans and they all fell. Twilight just stared at them. Once she was done staring we left. I couldn't be teleported with her and she couldn't fly with me, so we had to walk. We walked to the place where I saw the girls, spike, and two others I didn't know. A white pony with with a purple mane and a red pony with a orange-ish mane. Twilight got in. I took my finger-less gloves, jacket and shirt off and hung it on a nearby branch. I left my chalk, journal and my knife with my shirt. I got in the lake. I was doing a back stroke slowly as I heard Twilight calling me over. She was with the two that I didn't know. I just swam over.

"Yeah, whats up?"

"I was going to introduce you to them. I know you haven't met these two. This is another one of my friends. This is Rarity."


She shook my hand.

"And this is Big Macintosh, Apple Jack's older brother."

He didn't say shit. He just shook my hand. We talked a little then they left. I just leaned near the edge of the lake. We where swimming for, I don't know how long. Once we finished swimming we got out. My clothes where wet. How am I going to dry of my cloths? Twilight saw my dilemma. She couldn't exactly help since I was magic proof and all. She tried, my clothes where still wet. I got an idea. I got the chalk over by my shirt. I drew the symbol for water. I took the water out from my clothes making it immediately dry. I threw the water back into the lake. Twilight had this look like she was trying to process what I just did. I just put my shirt back on and out the chalk and knife back into my pocket. We all started to walk somewhere. I was a little behind them. The next thing I knew was that my entire view was upside down. Everyone I was with looked back shocked.

"Yay! We caught the monster!"

"What are you three doing here?"

"Apple Jack! W-What are you doing here?"

I start seeing these going back and forth. One with Apple Jack. One with Rarity. And one with Rainbow. I was just watching. Eventually all three just looked down with their ears folded down like Blossom had done. Then they came to me and spoke in unison.


Then they walked back. Twilight came over to me.

"Sorry about that. I'll get you down."

"Nah, it's okay. I got it."

I took out my knife and threw branch holding the rope which was holding me. I cut the rope and began to fall. I landed on my feet. The three little ponies where watching at me amazed. For what reason, hell if I know, but that's how they where. I then kicked the tree. The knife fell down. I grabbed it before it hit the ground and put it back in my pocket. I didn't even know if that would work. Thank God it did, because then I would look stupid, randomly kicking a tree.

"Alright. Now who are these three ponies?"

"This is Apple Bloom, Aj's little sister. Sweetie Belle, Rarity's little sister. And Scootaloo, very close with Rainbow."

I noticed that Twi didn't say Rainbows sister. She had said 'very close with Rainbow'. I was going to ask more later, for I felt it inappropriate when both people are right here. We just walked. Those three just kept staring at me. I had this creeping feeling. Like something was...just wrong. The girls where talking. Then I heard something snap.

"Shut up."

"What? What's wrong-"

"I said shut up!"

They where silent. They where just staring. I heard a rustling of leaves. I heard a twig snap to my left.

"Something is out here."

"What is it?"

"Not sure. But it's getting closer. We better-"

I felt something behind me. On instinct, I turned around and saw that wolf. You can't fucking leave me alone?! I grabbed its head and flung it back the way it came from. I could hear about four other not far off. I looked back at them.

"You might want to leave now."

"We're not leaving you."

"Shes right."

"Girls. Thank's for trying to help but you have to go."

I activated the symbol for earth. I looked at them.

"Brace for impact."

I made the ground underneath them disappear. They all fell. The underground tunnels I had where not that far. So I extended the hole and made a tunnel going in the direction of ponyville. Well they're safe. I heard a growl behind me. But i'm not. I had to start fighting for my life. I activated fire quickly. I started shooting fire balls everywhere. These wolfs do not burn. My journal fell out. I had to get it but the wolfs where not giving me the chance to get it. My journal opened itself. It started to flip through pages. It turned to a blank page.

I was still defending myself as I saw my journal do this. On the blank page it began to glow blue. A alchemy circle suddenly appeared on the page. I was getting hurt. Now I didn't know what it was or did but I tried it anyway. I drew the circle and activated. For a moment, all I saw was red. Then my vision cleared.

"What the fuck was that?"

I saw that the wolfs where keeping their distance from me. What? I looked at my body to see it was on fire. It startled me for a moment. I was about to freak out. But I noticed I wasn't feeling any heat. I was just looking at this. I looked at the wolfs. They where about to attack. I exploded. Not intentionally. Just instinct. My flames erupted making a giant explosion. And my body being the epicenter. With the wolfs out, my body returned to normal. I smiled at what just happened.

"Oh. Am I going to have fun with whatever I just did."

I picked my journal which was somehow unharmed. I put it away. Now I had to walk. I was walking for a while. I walked to ponyville. I was on a road until I found the bridge. Literally the moment I crossed the bridge I was tackled. I was tackled by Fluttershy who was asking if that explosion had hurt me. Once I got her off me, I had everyone else just looking at me.


"That blast came from where you where."


"The giant mushroom explosion!"

"Fuck, was it that big?"

"It was huge!"

"Poor timber wolfs."

"Those wolfs are still alive."

"They are? Even after that?"

"Their body parts come back. And those fuckers do not burn."



I looked at the three little ponies who had got me in that trap. They where wide eyed and each was talking in a low voice. Did I scare them? I could heard Discord laughing when I thought that. Why he was laughing, I had no clue. I was about to ask the girls if I scared the three little ponies when they all yelled in unison.


I flinched when the yelled. There goes my hearing. I looked back at the girls who all flinched when the little ponies yelled. I looked back down at the three little ponies when they each asked a question that overlapped each other.

"Why didn't the explosion hurt you?"

"What was that explosion?"

"Can you show us?"

"Hey, hey, hey. One at a time."

They each raised their hoof. ...Okay? I pointed to Sweetie Belle.


"What was that explosion?"

"My power."

Didn't answer much, but it was an answer. I then pointed to the Scootaloo. Strange names these ponies have.

"Why didn't the explosion hurt you?"

"Because I can't be hurt by my own power."

Lastly I pointed to Apple Bloom. Apple Jack and Apple Bloom. Is all the family apple?

"Can you show us how to do that?"




"Aw, why not?"

"Do I even have to answer that question?"

I sighed from being slightly tired. They sighed from disappointment. I walked off to the distance and sat under a tree. The others sorted what they had out. Then the three ponies walked away with some of the others. With that over I was going to walk away when Fluttershy called me over.

"Hey what's up?"

"Can you come with me?"


We began to walk toward her house.

"Twilight told me about the vampony."


"Oh, right. Batpony. What was she like?"

"...What do you mean?"

"Well, no pony has ever really got to meet a vam... I mean batpony."

"Well, what can I say about her? She seemed like you normal ponies. The only thing that seemed different was her color of coat and her fangs. Aside from that she seemed normal. Well, relatively normal."

We talked some more. Since her house wasn't exactly that far, our conversation wasn't long. With that over we said bye. I was walking away when I forgot to ask her if I should bring back what I didn't use in the aid kit she gave me. I was going back when I saw her on a chair in the backyard. She had a cello. You play the cello? I was watching. She played softly but didn't really try. I walked to her and just stood behind her.

"You play the cello?"

She jumped.

"Mimic! W-What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you if you wanted that aid kit, but right now i'm curious about you playing cello."

She looked around. I looked where she looked.

"What are we looking for?"

"It's just that no pony knows I play cello."


"Because i'm bad at it."

"Then practice."

"How did you do it? You played the cello swiftly and you didn't seem to mess up."

"Well, I didn't know how I was doing it. I just did what felt right. How about you do that? Just do what feels right."

"I don't know. Can you do it with me?"

"Sure. I'll have to go back to the castle to get the cello."

"No it's okay, I have a one here."


She left to get the other cello. I just laid down. I waited for Fluttershy when I was thinking what I was going to do. The first time I played the cello it was an accident. I saw Fluttershy come back with a cello. I sat on a chair she brought over for me.

"So now what?"

"I dunno. Do what feels right?"

We where just testing the sound. Then I got an idea. Would that even work? I had to try either way.



"Try to follow my lead okay?"


"And don't hesitate to play. Just play from the heart."

She seemed to like the idea of playing from the heart. I was wondering where I got playing from the heart. I had better things to do now. I began to play. No idea what I was doing. It was like last time. I was just playing without knowing what I was playing.

We where playing for a while. I could see from the corner of my eye that other ponies stopped to look. Fluttershy didn't notice though. I smiled. Fluttershy was playing beautifully. She was playing without hesitation like I told her to.

We played as more and more ponies came to see what the commotion was all about. At this point we had a crowd. They where all just staring. Listening. We where just about done with the song. When we finished with the song I told Fluttershy to get ready.

"Get ready for what Mimic?"

Just then, the whole crowd stomped on the ground. Which I assumed was the equivalent of clapping. I could see why they couldn't exactly clap two hoofs together. They would fall forward. Anyways, She was about to fly away when I grabbed her. While everyone was doing their style of clapping, I bowed making Fluttershy bow as well. They all came to say how great we played. When they all said how much they enjoyed it they left. Then the girls came by saying how great it was. Saying that they didn't know Fluttershy played the cello.

"You where great Fluttershy!"

"I didn't even know you played the cello."



"Can I talk to you?"


" private?"


The girls stayed inside while Fluttershy and I walked in her house. We went upstairs for some reason. Fluttershy just came in front of me.

"Why did you do that?"


"Why did you make me stay? I told you no one knew I played the cello. And what if they thought I was bad?"

She continued worrying for a while. I could see her eyes where getting watery. I sighed. I fell on my knees and hugged her, which caught her by surprise.

"Fluttershy. They loved your music. Didn't you see how they cheered you on?"

"I-I know but-"

"No buts. They loved it. Your friends loved it. You shouldn't let your fears stop you from what you want to do. The only one stopping you from achieving something is you."

Still no idea where I got that from. She softly cried on my shoulder. I just sighed and stayed to comfort her. After a few minutes she stopped crying. She looked at me and smiled.

"...Thank you. I needed that."

"No problem. We should get back to the girls. They're probably wondering whats taking us so long."


We left. The girls could tell she had cried. When they asked she just said she had some stuff to think about and that I helped her. They all looked at me. They each thanked me. I told them it was nothing. I drew the symbol for fire on the ground. I placed my hand and activated fire. I looked back. I smiled, waved by, and flew off. Such an interesting day.

Chapter 16: Get Cooking

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Chapter 16: Get Cooking

I was just staring at a book on the floor. It levitated and went across the room, then fell. The book has done this at least three times already. I sighed. The things that happen to me. I got up and left. I was carrying some books back to Twilight's place. I got there an knocked. She opened the door.

"Hi Mimic."

"More books."

"Thank you."

"Where do I put them?"

"By the table is fine."

I put the books down and saw a book on the floor. The book I had read to Twi when she was blinded. I remembered the blue stream of particles. I had unconsciously drawn a circle. Then I remembered the day Twi attacked Blossom. I had controlled the ground without drawing anything. And again, the blue light. The blue stream of particles surrounded me that time.

"Hi Mimic!"

"Ah, Jesus!"

I nearly fell when she appeared in front of me from nowhere.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted some cupcakes!"


"Great! Lets go make them!"

"Wait. You're just going to make them?"

"We're going to make them!"



"Well, didn't have anything else for to do for today. Lead the way Pinkie."

She started to bounce off somewhere. I was following her somewhere. Several ponies waved hi to me. Guess everything with me in this town worked out. Apparently the candy house is where Pinkie lives. And where she works. Strange. So we got to work. I handed her what she needed. She did the major things and I mixed some batter. We had a little accident and Pinkie dropped a sack of flour on me. We where laughing at this.


" 'S okay."

She brought a napkin and tried to wipe the stuff off my face. She was wiping when she just stopped and stared at me. She stared at me for a moment.


She snapped out of it and smiled.


With that over we got the cupcakes into the oven we just sat back and waited. We still had batter left in the bid bowl Pinkie used. That thing was huge. Once the cupcakes where ready, we added frosting. We ate the fresh cupcakes, and they tasted good.

"These taste great."

"I know right!"


"But what?"

"It could be better...with..."

I looked around the kitchen and found some flavors and other things. I cleared the table and left the batter. I sepperated the batter into three different bowls. I added different things to each bowl. I mixed them with the help of Pinkie. Once we got each different batter in the oven and had it done we tasted them. It tasted better than the first.

"This tastes better! How'd you do that Mimic?"

"No idea."

I looked around. So many things here. My mind just looked at the food supply in the kitchen and just started to rearrange them into a dish. No idea why, but I started to grab everything and put it on the table. I was getting to work.


"And he just started making food? Just like that?"

"Yeah! I told him I would bring you girls back to eat some of his food!"

"His cupcakes where better than yours? You're sure?"

"Of course Dashie! I can't wait for you to try them!"

I heard Pinkie open the door. She came with all the girls, and Spike. I was mixing the food and spices I found. I was frying things with one hand and mixing the salads with another. I probably looked like a professional chef. I brought out plates and put salads and some herbs and other stuff on it or the sides. I gave it to them and served myself a plate. They all seemed to enjoy it. I was pretty satisfied with my plate. We where all enjoying our food as Twilight spoke.

"Hey Mimic."


"This is great. I didn't know you could cook."

"Yeah? Well me either."

"What do you mean?"

"I lost all my memories."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that."



"Do you ever feel sad that you can't remember your own life?"

All the girls stopped eating and stared at me. Spike just kept eating. Even with Spike's chewing, it was silent. I was chewing as I thought about what Fluttershy just said. Sad? Never thought about feeling sad because I can't remember my life. The girls just stared at me. I swallowed and spoke.

"I dunno. I guess it's bad that I can't remember my life. But for all I know my life could have been terrible before. Forgetting my life could be a fresh start for me. On the other hand, I could've had a great life and lost everything by forgetting my life."

They just stared at me. They all seemed to feel sad for me though. Why, no idea but they did. I could see it in their eyes.

"But are yah sad?"

I sighed.

"What I feel is irrelevant. I can't remember my life. That's a fact. There is no point in talking about how I feel in the matter. No point in wondering about the past. I have to think on the know and-"

My vision changed from being at the table to being somewhere in a forest. I was looking through someone else's eyes. I could see a human, male, running through a mountain. I heard a roar from behind and wings flapping. I could see a big dragon chasing the guy. He got in a little cave in the mountain nearby. He ran toward the cave and hid behind a few rocks. I saw a journal with a number 2 on it fall to the ground. It fell and opened. The journal had alchemy circles and writing. I had never seen the alchemy circles the journal had. At least I don't think so.

He took the journal, closed it, and put it away. He brought out chalk and drew an alchemy circle on the ground. He placed his hands on the ground as the ground began to dissolve as throwing knifes, a sword, and a camo tarp thing appear. He pocketed his knives. He grabbed the camo tarp with one hand and threw it over him. With the other he grabbed his sword. He walked out of the cave slowly with the camo tarp over him.

My vision came back to me at the table as all the girls where staring at me. What the heck just happened?

"...the future."

"Are you okay Mimic?"

"What? Yeah, i'm fine."

That was real Mimic. No, it's not. Don't believe me? Then go to the roof and look for that dragon. I could hear him laughing. I got up.

"Sorry, I'll be right back."

I ran outside and looked for a roof. The building next door had a flat roof. I ran at it. Without thinking I ran the wall and jumped off the the other wall, I hung onto something where I kicked off and grabbed onto the roof edge. I pulled myself up and stood on the roof. Take this. I saw a pair of binoculars in front of me from nowhere. I grabbed them and stared through them. I could barely see a dragon flying far, far away.

"I have to get a closer look."

I started jumping from roof to roof to get a closer look. I ran to the last house by the edge. I could see the dragon fly away. I didn't know how to react to this. There's another human out there? I just sat down. I sat down and just stared at the place. I was there for an hour until Rainbow and Fluttershy flew by. I heard them. They where there for almost half an hour until Rainbow spoke up.

"Mimic. Are you okay?"

I lay silent for a minute. I didn't turn around. I just kept staring to where my vision was. That human and the dragon. I spoke still looking in the same direction.

"...I don't know."

They just sat just behind me. Not long later Pinkie showed up. She was always so hyper and talkative, yet she just walked up next to me and sat down. She stayed silent. Almost like she understood what I was dealing with. Then Twilight teleported with Applejack and Rarity. Pinkie, Rainbow and Fluttershy went back with them. I could hear them whispering behind me.

"What's with him?"

"Maybe he remembered something?"

"You think so?"

"He seems in deep thought."

"Do you think he remembered something terrible?"

"Maybe it's best to leave him alone dear."

"Sh, he might hear us."

I'm pretty sure they all turned to look at me. I didn't move. I didn't give any sign that I was listening. Then they talked again.

"I wonder what he's thinking about."

"I think we should just stay with for a while."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"I feel bad that I can't help him."

"We should let him be for now. We'll see if we can help tomorrow."

"I'll throw him a party!"

I heard them sigh. Then they all sat down next to me. We stayed there for a long time. Apple Jack and Rarity left at the same time. Then a while longer Rainbow left. Then a long while after that Pinkie got up, hugged me and left. Then an even longer time passed as Twilight got up, also hugged me then teleported away. Then it was just me and Fluttershy. Later Fluttershy hugged me and spoke.

"You helped me. Come by to talk anytime, i'd be glad to help you in return."

She flew away. I sighed. I could hear Discord laughing in the background. Damn, I hate you. Oh, that's hurtful. Especially from you. Why especially from me? You'll find out one day. I drew the circle for fire and flew away. I flew home ward. I got home and just lay in bed. Tomorrow will be a much more interesting day for you Mimic. How would you know? You don't have to believe me. Just wait and watch what happens tomorrow. You'll feel better.

Chapter 17: Ditto

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Chapter 17: Ditto

~In the castle~

Celestia had woken a while ago. She had already raised the sun and was walking back to her room. To her surprise there had been little to do in day court. So she was happy to be able to take a break and rest in her room.


Celestia moved her head. She recognized that voice. She followed where the voice had come from.


Celestia started to run. She was running, looking for that voice. She knew that voice, but from where? She entered a room and saw why she recognized that voice. That laughter.

"Discord! What are you doing!?"

"Oh Tia. I have done nothing yet. Well, nothing to big anyways."

"Whatever you are planning, the elements will stop you."

"They can't stop me Tia."

"They will imprison you in stone."

Discord burst into laughter. Celestia just watched, confused on why Discord was laughing. Discord was still slightly laughing as he spoke.

"Imprison? My dearest Tia, I was never imprisoned."

"What do you mean you where nev-"

"We are getting off topic Tia."

"And what topic might that be?"

"Well. You're little human friend for a start."

"Mimic? What about him?"

"What do you really know about him?"

The question confused Celestia. She pondered on his question, not exactly sure how to answer Discord.

"For example. How old is he?"

"Why would I know that? And how is that important?"

"Oh Tia. That human is much older than me. Based on how long we have lived his existence before me isn't that much. But he was born before I ever existed."

Celestia was a bit taken back by his comment. She thought, Mimic was born before Discord came to be? He couldn't be that old... could he? She stared at Discord.

"You're playing tricks Discord."

"Don't believe me? You know the spell to check ones age. Why don't you pay him a little unexpected visit?"

Celestia teleported away in a flash. To worried on what Discord was planning she left without a second thought.

"Oh Tia. You can't even imagine what is about to begin. The biggest game ever created. On a global scale. One that started thousands of millennial ago. And in this wonderful chaos it will happen. The ultimate battle between me and my creations, against humans, ponies, and him."

Discord couldn't stop laughing.

"This will be very, very, interesting."

He snapped his fingers and disappeared. Leaving the room silent. Showing no signs that anything had just happened.

~Mimic's POV~

I was having a much needed rest. I was having a happy dream. But things don't last do they? A sound woke up. I opened my eyes and saw Celestia pointing a horn at me. Her horn glowed and something shot toward me? I expected it to deflect or dissolve when it touched me but instead an aura went over my body. Magic worked on me? She stared at me for a moment as her eyes widened.

"It's true..."

Suddenly Discord appeared. I stared at him.

"The hell are you doing here now Discord?"

"You know him?"

"Yeah. He has been in my head talking and laughing since I got to ponyville. He is an annoying bastard."



"How old are you?"

"What? Why?"

"Just answer her question Mimic."

"I'm 21. Why?"

"You're lying."

"What? No, i'm not. Why would I lie about that?"

"Tell the truth!"

She Tackled me and held me to the ground.

"What are you planning?!"

"Tia, please. Don't do this. This will make him try to kill himself again."

Celestias eyes widened. She stared at Discord then at me.

"Is this true? You tried to kill yourself?"

"Hey, in my defense, it was day one, I was in pain, I was run out of the nearest town, and I was bleeding. Suicide seemed like an okay thing to do under the circumstances but someone wouldn't let me."

"Be glad I stopped him Tia. He is an important piece to the game."

"Again with the game. Is this the same game you said I supposedly started?"

"Actually it is! Do you remember what else I said?"

"That I started it before Equestria?"


I looked at Celestia and she was just staring at me. Her eyes full of suspicion. Discords was laughing as he put his blindfolded Celestia. He then made a screen appear in front of me. I could see Rainbow flying over the forest.

"Whats this?"

"This is what happened a while ago."

The screen fast forwarded and showed her on the floor with her wing damaged.

"This is now."

He fast forwarded once more and showed her being trapped by wolfs.

"And that's what will happen."

"Discord what are you doing?!"

"Mimic. Remember your vision yesterday?"


"Remember how you saw proof that it was real?"


I saw her being cornered as the wolfs...

"I have to go!"

Celestias blindfold came off. She grabbed me by the arm.

"We're not done here!"

"Celestia, we can talk all you want later but right now I have to save a life!"

I grabbed my journal and ran out. I ran up stairs as I activated fire. I ran out the opening of my tower and propelled my self toward Rainbow. I got a good look at where she was and I knew where that might be. I flew until I saw her on the ground. Her color helped. I got down there. She seemed surprised when I landed.

"Mimic! What are you doing here?"

"Trying to help you."

"How did you know I was here?"


"Discord's loose!?"

"You know Discord, Celestia knows Discord, I need you guys to talk once I get you out of here."


"Long story, now, can you walk?"

"Yeah, i'm fine."

I heard growling. I turned around and saw several wolfs. I could see the head of the pack. He was the one who always seemed to find me.

"I hate wolfs."

"Mimic, what are we going to do?"

"You are going to walk ahead of me as I attack these wolfs."

They where slowly making their way toward us when their heads popped up and turned. I followed the direction of their heads. Suddenly they all ran for it. They just ran right past us.

"I didn't know they feared you Mimic."

"They don't fear me."

"But then what scared them off?"

"I don't know and I don't want to stay and find out. Lets go."

I turned and looked where all the wolfs looked before running for it. My heart stopped for a moment. Against a tree rested something. Leaning against the tree was a lone scythe. One I knew to well. Rainbow saw it.

"What is it?"

"We should go now."

I started to run when I turned around and saw Rainbow limping her way toward me. I got balk to her.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, i'll catch up right now."

I looked at her leg. It was banged up.

"Why didn't you tell me you hurt your leg."

"It's nothing, lets go."

I could hear hoof steps from a horse not that far off.

"We have to go."

I was about to grab her when she slapped my hand away.

"I don't need help i'm fine."

I turned around and saw two eyes. Two eyes that just screamed dead and lifeless. I grabbed Rainbow and ran for it.

"Put me down!"

"Rainbow you're great and all but this is life or death. It's okay to ask for help, even if the situation sin't life or death."

She seemed stopped struggling.


I ducked as a scythe flew and stabbed a tree ahead of me. I turned around and saw the man on the horse. It creeped me out that I could see its bone, muscle, and organs. I booked it out of there. The thing was close to catching up with me.

"What are we going to do?"

"Me not you."

I looked at the tree and saw something. It had an alchemy circle for fire. that's when I remembered I had several alchemy circles for fire on trees when I was being hunted down. there where more ahead of me so if I activated the trap of fire I might get hit. In a split second decision I decided that I had to do it.



"Close your eyes. This might scare you."

"I'm not scared of anything!"

"Let's see how that goes. This will be interesting."

I threw a fire ball toward the nearest alchemy circle. In an instant several fireball where being activated and launched throughout the forest. I could hear the thing being hit by the fire and being held back. But as I suspected there where fireballs being thrown in front of me. I felt adrenaline go through my body. I smiled from the excitement of being in danger.

"Hang on for your life Rainbow!"

I was running and dodging balls of fire. The adrenaline was great. I was running as I made it to the bridge. I couldn't hear the creature, as I had lost it back in the fire trap. The ponies where up and about. What time is it that they are all awake? I ran into Fluttershy. Suddenly the other girls came walking by and ran over to see what happened.

"What happened?"

"Rainbow why are you hurt?"

"Can I be carried to! That seems like fun!"

"Twilight. The creature is back! The one from your dreams!"

They went dead silent. It was very faint but I could hear the creature running at us. I looked at the girls.

"Pinkie, Apple jack, tell everyone in town that the thing is coming. Get them to the middle of town. I will make an opening to the tunnels so they can stay down. Rarity, and Fluttershy, you take rainbow, her leg is hurt and her wings busted. Get an aid kit while you can Fluttershy."

They all left as told. Twilight just stared at me.

"What do I do?"

"Find Celestia and tell her about my plan. Last I saw she was with me and Discord at the castle."

"Discord is loose!?"

"You know Discord too great. Looks like i'm left out. I need you to tell me more once this thing is over. Now go!"

She ran and teleported away. I could hear the thing getting closer. I ran to the center of town. All the ponies where there. Damn, they got here fast. I picked the right two to get them here. They all looked panicked. I changed from fire to earth and made an opening.

"Everyone. You will stay underground until it's safe. It you think it's getting to dangerous underground then go in that direction. It will lead to the barn where I will have another opening. It's going to be dark in the tunnels so any unicorn that can cast a light spell, it would be much appreciated. No get down there!"

They all ran down into the tunnel fearing their safety. A short moment later the girls came. Twilight said she couldn't find Celestia. That she probably went back to her Castle. She was trying to ask about what I knew on Discord but I made her and the other get down. They where leaving when she remembered something.

"Spike is still sleeping in the library! I have to get him!"

"Fine. Lets hurry up!"

I closed the opening and ran to the library. She ran upstairs and woke Spike. She ran back with him. I made an opening at the floor and made her go. I heard the creature close now. I didn't even get time to close the door I made and just ran. I got to the front and saw Celestia and another alicorn. They looked at me. Celestia looked at me. She seemed angry with me she came and talked to me.

"We will handle this Mimic."

"Thanks but I urge you to go underground with the rest of the town."

"We can handle it Mimic."

"Who's your friend Celestia?"

"That's my sister Princess Luna."

"Nice to meet you Mimic."


I looked and saw the scythe flying toward us. We had all been distracted for a moment that we didn't see it. Before either princess could react I placed my hands on the ground and made a rock wall. The scythe stabbed the rock. They both looked surprised.

"You're welcome. Now you two should really go. This battle is personal."

I ran at that thing and started hurling rocks at that thing. The princesses came to help me. I looked at them while I hurled several sharp rocks.

"I told you to leave."

"Your not in charge of us Mimic."

I sighed. Celestia was right about that. The creature made his scythe come back to him. He raised his hand as a small rock on fire appeared. It started to grow in size as he threw it at us. Celestia and Luna tried to magic it away but it didn't work. Also magic proof eh? I threw an equal size rock at it. Both rocks exploded and pieces went flying. The thing made two more and threw them at Celestia and Luna. They didn't have time to react as they where thrown back.


I turned around and saw Twilight.

"I told you to stay underground!"

"Make an opening here, I have to bring them underground with me!"

"Hurry it!"

I made a opening and she and the girls brought them in. Before Twilight could come back up. It was me and this creature. Then several weird dark wolfs emerged from that damn forest.

"Now that's not fair."

Suddenly I was being tackled by several wolfs. I tried to throw rocks a them but it did nothing to them but throw them back. They seemed to ignore the pain. Suddenly I saw something hit a wolf that was about to attack me. It was a pony with black fur. I couldn't tell who it was. The pony looked at me and spoke.

"Hello cutie. Need a hoof?"

"Blossom? I'll ask about your flirting later but for now, what are you doing here?"

"I was in the town and decided to help."

"I thought ponies hated batponies."

"I could disguise myself to look like a normal pony."

"That must be useful."


"Look out!"

I hit a wolf that was behind Blossom. I was doing this as I heard foot steps. Human foot steps. They where jumping from roof to roof, but I couldn't see anything.

"Blossom get out of here!"

"And leave you behind? No. Besides, you saved my life, I have a debt to repay."

We where fighting as a few wolfs in front of us suddenly swirled into oblivion. I turned around and saw a man jumping from roof to roof. He was the human I saw yesterday. he was heading in my direction. The other wolfs didn't seem happy and began to run at me.


The human threw two hand guns in my direction. I ran and grabbed them. Just in time to turn around and shoot the wolfs. I began to shoot every wolf in sight.

"Know this guy?"

"No, I don't remember anyone, but he is helping us."

"I'll take care of the ones on the left! You get the middle and make your friend get the right!"

"Nice plan!"

I was shooting left and right but these wolfs never stopped. I was walking back as I was shooting. Suddenly I bumped with the guy. I turned around and saw the guy.

"Long time no see Mimic."

"You know me?"

"Dude, it's me Ditto."

"Sorry, I lost all my memories. All I remember is waking up and being in this place."

We where both shooting at the wave of wolfs coming at us.

"Well this will be fun. At least you wont be like before."

"Like before?"

"Talk later on that."


"So who's your friend?"

"A very flirtatious batpony."

"Sounds nice. I'l meet your girlfriend later, for now I got the ones on the right, you get the middle."

"She's not my..! You know what never mind, to hell with it. Lets get rid of these wolfs."

He ran out and began to shoot his path clear. I stayed in the middle on this battle. I couldn't tell if we where making progress. These wolfs seemed to never stop coming. I heard a yell not far off. I turned around and saw Twilight. Why can't she just stay down!? I ran after her. I was shooting the wolfs that got to close to here. Not even stopping I picked her up with one arm and ran to the library.

"Blossom! Cover me quickly! Twilight I specifically said to stay underground!"

"I wanted to help!"

"If the princess couldn't do much what made you think you could!?"

"I could at least try!"

There was a blue glow from my jacket. Yes something new. Anything will help. Twilight saw it too.

"Mimic, what was that blue light? I've seen it before."

I opened the door and got her underground.

"None of your business, now stay underground this time!"

I made the door become the floor so she couldn't follow me. I ran where there where no wolfs and took out my journal. I didn't even notice that Twilight had teleported and followed me. I opened the book and flipped to the page. There was a circle and writing on two pages. I was reading.

"Shadow soldiers or shadow warriors. Turning shadows into three dimensional shadow soldiers that will follow it's creators command. It's basic three commands being attack, defend, and observe."

I smiled at this.

"Oh you came just in time shadow warriors."

I drew the circle and activated it. Nearby shadows came to the circle as my warriors began to form. I smiled at this. Once I had a handful of them I did my command.

"Shadow warriors. Attack the enemy!"

They each made a sword and a shields out of shadows. They each ran at the wolfs. That's insane. I just smiled and slightly laughed at this.

"I'm having way to much fun fighting."

I got a pistol in each hand and ran into the battle. Never noticing Twilight just staring at me. I ran into the battle and started shooting these things left and right. I was shooting when when I couldn't shoot anymore.

"Ditto, I need bullets!"


He threw to mags in my direction. I jumped on the heads of these wolfs and grabbed the mags. I started shooting again. We where finally making progress but we where getting heavy damage. My adrenaline was the main thing keeping me going. I don't know about Ditto. My shadow warriors where helping a ton. We managed to stop the wolfs. Now it was us against that thing. He threw a ball of fire at us. It took all my strength plus my warriors and ditto to destroy that thing. Blossom just watched in awe as we deflected that thing.

Once the boulder on fire was gone, so was the thing. It was escaping. I was running after it. Just as I stepped foot on the forest vines grabbed me and there was a vine wall stopping me. Your not going to escape this time! I concentrated and threw a fireball at the vines making them fall on fire. I started to launch several boulders on fire in his direction. The forest was on fire. My breathing was rapid. I really hated that thing. I started walking back. I was walking back as I saw Ditto fall. I walked a little further as the adrenaline keeping me fighting left. My walking slowed down. As I got weaker my shadow warriors began to fade away. I walked a few more feet as I fell forward.

I fell on the ground. I was trying to stand but fell back on the ground. I could see the girls and the princesses just looking at us from a roof top. They where just watching. Blossom came to me and tried to get me on her back. She yelled something but I couldn't hear what she yelled. Then I remembered something. One of my dreams. That thing killed someone I knew. I was remembering that it had etches something on the floor after it killed that guy. One word. The last thing I said and remembered before I passed out. I remembered what that thing was. I had fought it before many times. One word.

"...Death. It's you..."

Chapter 18: Dis Trust

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Chapter 18: Dis Trust

~Rainbow's House~

Rainbow was asleep. The she slowly moved around she fell of the bed. The fall woke Rainbow. She looked around and saw she had fallen. She yawned and stretched.

"Time for a morning fly."

She walked out of her house and flew over ponyville. She then flew over the Everfree forest. She flew as she tried a few tricks. She was flying about doing her stunts. She was going to do one where she dove until she was just an inch above the ground and fly right back up. She was flying when her wing suddenly turned wrong and she was falling down to the ground. She landed on her hind leg hard and hurt her wings in the fall.

She yelled in pain. She tried to stand up but couldn't stand to good. She was going to try again when Mimic suddenly showed up. This caught Rainbow off guard.

"Mimic! What are you doing here?"

"Trying to help you."

"How did you know I was here?"


"Discord's loose!?"

"You know Discord, Celestia knows Discord, I need you guys to talk once I get you out of here."


"Long story, now, can you walk?"

"Yeah, i'm fine."

She was lying but she didn't want to seem weak. Rainbow and Mimic heard growling. Rainbow looked around and saw several wolves. Rainbow was full with panic.

"I hate wolves."

"Mimic, what are we going to do?"

"You are going to walk ahead of me as I attack these wolves."

Rainbow thought that mimic was crazy thinking he would attack these wolves. But then again he had done it before. Suddenly all the wolves looked somewhere off into the woods. The wolves looked at Mimic again then they all ran away. Did the wolves actually fear Mimic?

"I didn't know they feared you Mimic."

"They don't fear me."

"But then what scared them off?"

"I don't know but I don't want to stay and find out. Lets go."

Mimic turned his head to stare somewhere into the woods when he seemed to freeze. She turned her head to look at what Mimic was looking. She saw a Scythe. She was unsure as to why Mimic seemed to freeze when he saw it.

"What is it?"

"We should go now."

Mimic started to run. Rainbow was afraid that Mimic was going to leave her. Then she remembered that she said she could walk. I can't go back on that now. She got up but her leg was in pain. She began to limp her way in the direction of where Mimic was going. Then Mimic stopped and saw Rainbow was having trouble walking. He came back to rainbow.

"What’s wrong?"

"Nothing, i'll catch up right now."

Mimic took a look at her leg. She knew her leg must have looked like it was in a pretty bad shape.

"Why didn't you tell me you hurt your leg."

"It's nothing, lets go."

She wanted for him to let her be. She could take care of herself.

"We have to go."

He tried to grab Rainbow but she slapped his hand away. She didn't want to be carried. She could do this herself.

"I don't need help i'm fine."

Mimic looked back into the forest. Rainbow looked also and saw a pair of eyes. What? Suddenly Mimic grabbed her and began to run. She was struggling to get off.

"Put me down!"

"Rainbow you're great and all but this is life or death. It's okay to ask for help, even if the situation isn't life or death."

She stopped struggling. She just stared at Mimic. She was staring for a while as she whispered Thank you. Though she didn't think he heard him. She looked back and saw the scythe being thrown toward them.


Without even hesitating Mimic ducked. She was surprised that Mimic did what she had said in an instance. She was still trying not to freak over that thing. It was transparent. Almost ghost like.

"What are we going to do?"

"Me not you."

She stared at him as he looked around. Then he smiled as an idea seemed to occur. Then he looked down at Rainbow.



"Close your eyes. This might scare you."

"I'm not scared of anything!"

"Let's see how that goes. This will be interesting."

She saw him throw a ball of fire from his hand to a near by tree. Suddenly there were multiple balls of fire being thrown left and right. What!? There were fireballs being thrown in front of them as well. He was smiling as he ran, dodging the fire. How could he be smiling at a time like this? After they passed the balls of fire they saw the bridge near by. Mimic ran over it as the bumped into Fluttershy. The girls also happened to pass by in that instant. Rainbow was relieved to be with friends but still scared from the experience.

"What happened?"

"Rainbow why are yah hurt?"

"Can I be carried to! That seems like fun!"

"Twilight. The creature is back! The one from your dreams!"

The news made everyone go silent. Suddenly Mimic spoke. He had come up with a plan on the spot.

"Pinkie, Apple jack, tell everyone in town that the thing is coming. Get them to the middle of town. I will make an opening to the tunnels so they can stay down. Rarity, and Fluttershy, you take Rainbow, her leg is hurt and her wings busted. Get an aid kit while you can Fluttershy."

Then they all left to do as told. Rainbow was being carried away by Rarity and Fluttershy. She was wondering how he managed to come up with a plan under these circumstances.

~Twilight's POV~

All the other went off to do what they had all been told to do by Mimic. Twilight just stood there. She looked at Mimic.

"What do I do?"

"Find Celestia and tell her about my plan. Last I saw she was with me and Discord at the castle."

"Discord’s loose!?"

"You know Discord too great. Looks like i'm left out. I need you to tell me more once this thing is over. Now go!"

She ran. Discord is loose? Oh, what's going to happen now? She teleported into the forest. She saw the castle near and teleported again. She teleported into Mimics room but didn't see Celestia. Instead she saw Discord.

"Discord! What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you Twilight."

"What are you going to do Discord?"

"Nothing yet. But I want to talk to you."

"I wont trust anything you say."

"Fair enough. Your friend Mimic. What do you really know about him?"

She was going to reply when she got thinking. What do I know about him? His name... that's it. I don't know much.

"I know enough to trust him."

Discord burst into laughter. He wiped an imaginary tear drop from his eye and got closer to Twilight.

"Do you know how old he is?"

"Why would that matter?"

"Everything matters Twilight. For example...did you know he is older than me?"

Twilight seemed put off by his statement. Mimic older than Discord? That is definitely a lie.

"You're lying Discord. You are trying to cause distrust between us."

"Don't believe me? Then watch."

He brought a screen from nowhere playing the event's of this morning. She watched as everything unraveled itself in front of her. Once she finished watching she was in shock. That can't be it. He can't be working with Discord...could he?

"Y-You're playing tricks with me Discord."

"Believe me or not. Why don't you ask Celestia? She wouldn't lie about that now would she?"

Twilight teleported away as Discord laughed. He just laughed and laughed as he spoke.

"It's so easy to make them doubt Mimic. Then again, he is under suspicion now. The big battle hasn't begun and yet this is already so much fun."

He snapped his fingers and disappeared. Leaving the room once again in silence.

~Celestias POV~

Celestia had teleported back to the castle to warn Luna on what had just occurred. She had to wake Luna up.

"Sister, why do you wake us up so early?"

"Discord is loose and Mimic might have something to do with him."


"Hurry! We have to get to ponyville, our subjects are in danger!"

Celestia and Luna teleported outside and flew over to Ponyville. On the fly over Luna talked to Celestia on what was going on.

"And you think that Mimic has something to do with Discord because of this?"

"I hope not but Discord did not lie. Mimic really is older than him."

"What is going to happen now?"

"We help our subjects, then question Mimic. Look, there he is. Let's land there."

~Blossom's POV~

Blossom was in disguise. She had retracted her fangs and her coat was of different color. She could do this in order to blend in into the ponies. She was walking around as she heard two ponies saying that a creature that had attacked ponyville before is coming once again. They were saying that they all had to meet in the center of town. Blossom, with the rest of ponyville, ran to the center of the town. There she saw Mimic. There you are.

"Everyone. You will stay underground until it's safe. It you think it's getting to dangerous underground then go in that direction. It will lead to the barn where I will have another opening. It's going to be dark in the tunnels so any unicorn that can cast a light spell, it would be much appreciated. No get down there!"

The whole town was in a rush to get underground. Blossom wanted to talk to Mimic but the crowd was pushing her underground. She went underground with the rest. She was there for a while as she heard hits and crashes. She decided she had to get out and help Mimic. She broke her disguise. All the ponies around her were scared of her as she flew over all of them in a hurry to get out and help Mimic. She flew with her bat like wings and saw Mimic. She flew down and hit the wolf creature that was about to attack him. She smiled and looked at him.

"Hello cutie. Need a hoof?"

~Celestia's POV~

The blast had been unexpected. It had hurt both Celestia and Luna. Twilight was next to them. She made Mimic make an opening so she could bring them underground where it was safe. Once they got underground Twilight tried to use a healing spell on Celestia. It had some effect. Celestia got up along with her sister Luna.

"Princess. I talked to Discord."

"Yes, so did I."

"Is it true? Mimic is older than Discord?"


"When did you talk to him?"

"Mimic's older than Discord? That can't be."


Celestia just looked at the girls. She sighed as she slowly nodded.

"Yes. It is true."

The girls were surprised by this news. But there was something that was bothering Twilight. Something Discord had shown her.

"Princess. How did you confirm Mimics age?"

"A simple spell. Why?"

"But I could never use magic on Mimic. It never worked."

"Perhaps only alicorn magic could work on a human."

"So what do we do now?"

"Girl's stay close. I am going to teleport us to the surface."

Celestia teleported on top of a roof. The girls, Luna, and Celestia watched and the two humans and the batpony fought. They saw the creature make a rock on fire appear on his hand as it grew and then it would throw it. They saw them battle as the creature was close to getting away. Then Mimic was grabbed by vines and a vine wall blocked him. He began to glow blue as he set fire to the vines.

Then he did something that surprised everyone. He made a rock on fire appear on his hand as it grew in size. He was throwing several boulders on fire. He had used the same attack the creature did. The forest was starting to go on fire. He began to retreat as all the black humans faded away. Mimic walked a little further as he slowly began to fall. The batpony grabbed Mimic. The batpony looked at Celestia, Luna, and the girls.

"Help him!"


"Help him!"

Blossom was worried about Mimic. She tried to put him on her back as she tried to pull her. Then Twilight came and levitated Mimic.

"Hi Blossom."

"Hi. Can you help him?"

"We have to get him to the hospital."

"And his friend?"

"The same."

The girls and the princesses came and took the two humans to the hospital. Blossom once again disguised herself as a normal pony. They took Mimic and Ditto to the hospital where they were being rushed to a room. Mimic kept repeating the same word over and over. Death. They put Mimic and Ditto side by side in a room. All they could do is patch up their wounds. Since the ponies didn't know much about humans they couldn't do much. Princess Luna had to go back to the castle since she slept during the day. Celestia and the girls where in the same room as the two humans.

"There must be a reason why Mimic is older than Discord."

"But he is older. So there is caution to be taken."

"But he saved the town. Twice."

"And saved me."

"He did but that could be an act. Girls, is there anything that you know Mimic is hiding?"

They didn't spend much time with Mimic so they didn't know if he hid something if at all. But Twilight remembered the glow from his jacket. She remembered the journal. Celestia noticed that Twilight was thinking of something.

"Twilight? Is there something you know?"

All the girls looked at Twilight.

"Mimic was hiding a journal from me. He has it in hidden in his clothing."

"He's hiding a journal?"

Celestia looked on the inside of Mimic's jacket and brought out a journal. The journal with a big 3 and an alchemy circle surrounding it. Celestia looked at Ditto to see if he also had a journal. Sure enough she found a journal with a number 2 and an alchemy circle around it. They just stared at it.

"What could they be?"

"I don't know."

She tried to open the journal but it wouldn't open. Celestia used her magic and still nothing. The girls also tried with the second journal but no luck.

"Why is it locked?"

"How is it locked would be the better question."

Celestia stared at the journals.

"A lock that even my magic won't work."

They were looking at this as Mimic and Ditto started to float off the bed's. Rainbow saw this. She pointed at them.

"What's happening to them?"


The girls and Celestia watched as they began to float above their beds. Slowly a stream blue particles came from both journals and surrounded their owners bodies. The particles flowed around both bodies as their bandages came off. Then the blue stream of particles concentrated on their wounds. Celestia and the girls watched as the human's wounds seemed to vanish after the blue particles crowded it. The blue stream slowly circled Mimic and Ditto one last time as it went back to the journal. Then the journal floated next to their owners and was covered in a blue sphere. They just stared in awe.

"What was that?"

Celestia got close to the humans and saw their wounds were no longer there. She looked at the floating journals with a blue sphere around it. She extended her hoof to grab the journal but the sphere protected the journals. Then she tried magic and still was unsuccessful.

"They are being held in a force field. And my magic can't go through their force field."

"But how could they do that? They're unconscious."

"I don't know how they did it. But they are hiding something."

"But he can't be evil, can he?"

"I do not yet know. But from this point on, we are to be cautious of them. Is that understood?"

All the girls nodded. But they were all thinking the same thing. Mimic had put his life on the line for Twilight. Saved the town. Helped out and got along great with them. And just now saved Rainbow and the town again. He couldn't be evil. He couldn't be working with Discord. Could he?

Chapter 19: Shadow...

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Chapter 19: Shadow...

I was dreaming. I was remembering more. I remembered my enemy. Death. The creature with the scythe. He was Death. But he shouldn't exist. Death was only a story. In myths. Not real. So how is it that he was here? I felt like I should know why Death existed but I couldn't remember. My memory was like a door. It was locked and I only saw what I could see from the keyhole. A tiny space in the vast room. It infuriated me. But there was something else. Discord.

I new Discord before. I had encountered him before. I remembered him. But why? Why do I know him? I remembered some more from my past. But with every memory comes even more questions. More why's and how's. Even without the past there were questions on the present. Why did Celestia ask my age? Why did she say that it wasn’t true? How do the girls know Discord? Why has Discord been with me since day one? And what is his game? I needed to know more. But I couldn't. All I could do is hope that Ditto would clarify some things.


I slowly woke up. I got up but went back down. I was in pain. Not that it hurt to much, I just forgot that I was in pain to begin with. I sighed.



I turned around and saw the girls. I just lay in my bed. I looked at the bed next to mine and saw Ditto. I looked back to the girls. Then I saw something floating next to my bed. My journal was floating with a blue sphere around it.

"What the..?"

The girls just stared at me. I reached to grab it. When my hand passed through the blue sphere the journal dropped into my hands. I just put it back into my jacket. Strange.

"What happened?"

"You saved the town again, but you set the forest on fire."

"We had to make it rain on the forest to stop the fire from spreading."

"Damn. Sorry for that."

I got into a sitting position on my bed.

"What happened to Blossom?"

"You called?"

I looked at the door and saw a pony I haven't seen before. The pony had a white coat, a curly light yellow-ish mane and red eyes. Then the pony grew fangs and her coat changed to a dark coat.


"I told you I could disguise myself."

"That's sick."

The girls looked at me with a puzzled look on their face. Do they now know what sick mean? Oh, maybe it doesn't mean the same shit since i'm human and their ponies. Before one of them asked I answered.

"It’s a human figure of speech. You wouldn't get it. So Blossom, you doing okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine."

"Girls, you okay?"

"We're fine."

"How about Celestia and Luna? I managed to stop the scythe from getting them but not the blast."

They all seemed to freeze when I asked on Celestia and Luna. They all eyed each other. I knew they were hiding something now. What are you hiding?

"They're fine."

"That's nice to know."

"We'll let you get better."

"Bye Mimic."

"Bye girls."

They were all about to leave.



"I need to talk to you."


The girls left. I waited for the door to close and for Blossom to get closer.


"Several things. First of how is your wound?"

"It's better. Thanks to you."

She said that in the most flirtatious way possible.

"Second off, why did you get pain when you needed blood?"

"If we don't get blood we will get waves of pain. Thirteen waves in total. Each wave stronger than the last and the pain I got when you helped me was my twelfth wave of pain."

"What happens if you get your thirteenth?"

"I die."

I was surprised by this.

"And that's why you said that I saved your life?"


She hugged me.

"And why are you being flirtatious with me?"

"Because you're attractive."

"...Thank's for the compliment. But you kissed me before you left. And it was the first time you saw me. How could you automatically like me?"

"Because I just do."

"Not an answer."

"All the answer you need."

"Get a room you two."

I turned around and saw Ditto sitting in his bed. He was smiling as he saw us talk. His journal was also in a blue sphere. He just grabbed it and put it away.

"How long where you listening?"

"Long enough. Man you weren't like this before. You've changed."

"I will talk to you in a moment."

I faced Blossom.

"I will want a better answer next time."

"You won't get a better answer. Bye."


I turned around to talk to Ditto when Blossom hugged me and once again kissed me on the cheek. I just turned around as I saw her leave the room. Ditto was laughing.

"That's the second time she kisses me and leaves."

"You are popular with the ladies, as usual."

"I was popular with girls before?"

"Yeah, but you never wanted to get into a relationship."


"Because you didn't want to have a weak spot that your enemies could take advantage of."

"That makes sense."

"It was a nice reason and all but you were an ass when a girl hit on you."

"So I did have a terrible life back then."

"Yeah you had bad experiences."

He laughed softly.


"I was thinking if I should call you by your nickname again. Past you didn't like the nickname but now since you lost your memories it won’t bother you as much as before. I don't think so."

"What was my nickname?"

"Your nickname was-"



"I'm afraid this conversation is no longer private."

"What do you mean?"

I activated walked over to the door and opened it. The girls came falling into the room. They just looked at us and smiled.

"Ops... wrong room?"

"What are you doing listening to our conversation."

They looked at each other. Then they looked at me.

"We can't say."


They were surprised by my answer. They just stared at me.

"That's it?"

"What? You said you wouldn't say, so why would I force you?"

"You have changed by far. Past you would have investigated them one by one."

"Past me sound like a pain in the ass."

"From time to time yeah but you were always the strongest and smartest of the four of us."


"I'll fill you in later."

"Right. Lets go to my place to talk."


Ditto got up and walked ahead of me. I began to walk as I turned back to look at the girls.

"I would appreciate it if you don't follow me and eavesdrop on us this time."

They just stared at each other. I walked passed them and went outside. Once I was outside with Ditto I cracked my back and knuckles. I was is still in pain but nothing I couldn't handle.

"So where's your home?"

"In the forest."

"What kind of house is in a forest?"

"A castle."


"Long story. Lets walk there, I could use a walk."


We walked through town. The whole town seemed to be thankful of me. Especially since this time almost all the houses were completely intact. The forest just in front of the bridge was burned down. Huh. We walked through a pathway and saw another part of the forest that was also burned.

"You did all this?"

"Yeah but I didn't really think about the forest setting on fire."


We walked until we saw the castle. We crossed the river and went upstairs to my room. We got in and sat down.

"Nice place."


"So where did we leave off?"

"My nickname and there being four people."

"Right. Your nickname used to be God of Chaos."

"What? Why?"

"You may have been the smartest and strongest among the four of us but boy did you enjoy chaos. Fighting, war, battling your opposite. You loved danger. The adrenaline. Man you could never stop smiling when you were doing things like that. Especially when you got mad you always got your way."

"I feel like I have heard that before. God of Chaos."

"Do you know Discord?"

"Yeah that ass has been in my head annoying me since day one."

"Yeah he loved your nickname and decided to steal your nickname."

"Unoriginal much?"

"That's what I said."

"You said that I enjoyed fighting."

"You did."

"And you said I enjoyed fighting my opposite. What do you mean my opposite?"

"Oh that."

"So who, or what, is my opposite?"



I remembered so much on Death. It was the one thing I could remember clearly. Ditto could see I was trying to process all of this.

"We have a lot to talk about."

Chapter 20: ...Into...

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Chapter 20: ...Into...

"...Death is my opposite?"

"You do know who Death is right?"

"Yeah, the thing with the scythe that tried to kill us."

"Do you remember the other three?"

"I can't. My memory is clouded."

"I don't want you to be like you were in the past so I will only tell you the basic things on what is going on."

"Okay. So what are the basic things of what is going on with my new life?"

"So there are four of us and four of them. You, me, Mirror, and Jinx."


He was going to say something when he stopped and smiled. What are you smiling about now? Then he spoke.

"You're remembering aren't you."

"I almost remember it but I can't. Does Mirror happen to be a girl?"

"Actually yeah. Both Mirror and Jinx are girls."

"...And all of us had a journal right? Journals one through four?"

"Yes, we each had a number and a journal. You saw it didn't you."

"...She was number four wasn't she."


He showed me his arm. On it was what looked like the number four and an alchemy circle burned on his arm. I looked at mine remembering that night. I saw her...

"She died."

"...Yeah. Whenever one of us dies it is burned into our arm to alert us. And the power that she had will be divided among the three of us still alive. Same rule for the four of them;."

"What about the four of them? What are their names? I know Death is one."

"Death is the most powerful of all four, like you all the most powerful of us. Death, your opposite. War, my opposite. Famine, Mirror's opposite. And Pestilence, Jinx's opposite."

"Those names. They're-"

"The Four Horsemen. Yeah."

"The Horsemen? But they're not real. They where a story, how do they exist?"

"They where a story. But Discord made them real."

"How do you make a story reality?"

"By finding four people who resembled the four horsemen that wanted nothing more than to watch the world burn and grant them their wish."

"Discord can do that?"

"He can do much more than that. But not as much as you."

"Why not as much as me?"

"Um... best not to tell you. It might awaken personal memories that might restore your personality from before."

"What happened to me that made me such an ass?"

"A lot actually."

"Should I just not ask?"

"Yeah probably."

I continued to ask questions. What I learned was astounding. The four horsemen came to be from four humans. They each resembled the four horsemen in their own way and wanted nothing but to see others suffer. Once Discord came into the picture, which Ditto won't tell me, he granted the four people the opportunity of all that power and eternal life so they could make the world suffer for eternity.

The four people gladly accepted and became the four horsemen. But deep in their minds, they felt guilty for making the world suffer. The four did not want to feel this guilt. So they came to Discord ask another favor. They asked if they could live without all of their guilt and what made them regret making their decision to become the four horsemen. Discord did so. But the part of the human that knew right from wrong that made you feel that guilt and regret could not just vanish.

So Discord sent it to the past to inhabit four innocent people of the past. And so the horsemen would have someone who stood a chance against them. The four unlucky people where me, Ditto, Mirror, and Jinx. I remembered that dream with the children and the four journals. Ditto was still unsure on how the journals came to be. But he did say I might have known something. I always kept secrets from others. Even them three.

Once we grew up we discovered our powers. The first of us to learn alchemy was me. He said that the way I learned it was very unfortunate. But that they did not have a sad story like mine. Once we learned our powers we were under investigation. We were tested on. Once again I had the worst experience. I had managed to set the other three free but I was recaptured.

Once I managed to escape I found others like me. Ditto and the others taught people how to use alchemy. They only taught the people who would use it to help mankind. I was at the top of the ranks. Then it was the other three. Then eight ranks below them. The horsemen were powerful. That's how we found out that we could learn from fighting.

Every time the four of us or the four of them fought. We learned more and more on attacking and defending. And the more we fought each other, the harder and longer the next fight was between us. We were opposites. They did what they did for evil. We did what we did for good. We just happened to have the same powers because of Discord. Which I still don't know how he came to be.

Ditto wouldn't tell me about Discord. I said I was okay with not knowing but I felt the need to know what happened. What my history is with him. I wanted to know but asking him would be useless. If I wanted to know I would have to search on my own. Or get someone else's help.

"So how did we leave our human world and end up in this pony world then?"

" forgot that too? This will be interesting."


"You might need time to accept this. But..."

Chapter 21: ...Light

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Chapter 21: ...Light

"You might need time to accept this. But we never left our human world."

"...What are you talking about? This is the pony world. No humans ever existed to their records. And Twilight gave me a fucking history lesson one day. She would have mentioned humans."

"Ponies can't record what happened thousands of decades before they existed."


"Humans had an extreme advancement in the field of science after alchemy. So many thought of creating a new species."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Humans tried to create new life?"

"Yeah I know how that sounds. They created creatures like Griffins, Zebras, Ponies, Alicorns, etcetera. But they gave them intelligence and other things so they could live by themselves."

"This sounds so familiar."

"It should. We helped make that life."


"Yeah. Once Discord started to cause many wars we preserved the new life forms in underground bases around the world. So that after the human race died out from many wars the planet would be able to house new life."



"I feel like there's something else though."

"Maybe there is. One day you will remember."

"So humanity fell then."

"Yes it did. You, Jinx, and I are all that's left of humanity."

"Well then."

He talked more on how we created the ponies. I told him my vague memory of humanity. He told me the gist of everything. Them we just sat there.

"Can I see your journal?"


He handed me his journal. I grabbed it but he didn't let go.

"I hereby give Mimic authority over my journal."


A stream of blue particles came from the journal, went around my body, and faded away. I grabbed the journal and opened it.

"What was that about?"

"If the owner doesn't give someone else their permission to use the journal, it won't open."

"That's actually pretty smart. Who came up with it?"

"You did."

"Huh. Might as well return the favor."


I took out my journal as he slowly grabbed it.

"I hereby give Ditto authority over my journal."

Once again the blue stream of particles circled him and faded.

"You never allowed others to use your journal. You have changed. For the better but you have changed deeply."

"My past sounds terrible. Now let me check something."

I flipped through his pages and found what looked like a part of a big alchemy circle. I opened mine and flipped to the page with a piece of a big alchemy circle. They fit. What?

"Oh yeah, that. You drew that."

"I drew this?"

"Yep. But you never told us what it was for. You just said we would use it when it was needed. Guess now we might never know what past you wanted this to be."



"Today when we awoke in the hospital, our journals were in blue spheres. Why?"

"If someone tries to open our journals without our permission, it will keep itself in a containment field next to us so the ones who tried to open it wouldn't be able to take it."

"So someone tried to open it?"

"Probably the princesses Celestia and Luna. Discord must have gotten the princesses to be suspicious of us. He always had a way to make people distrust one another. Do you know what he might have told the princesses?"

"Well...Celestia did ask my age."

"Oh...that's how Discord got them to distrust us. How did she figure out your true age?"

"She cast a spell on me. But it's weird since magic never worked on me before."

"Its alchemy you came up with. Until we acquire our designated weapon, only one spell from each species that can cast spells will work on us."

"Two things. What do you mean I came up with and our designated weapons?"

"You made alchemy where magic would only work on humans the number of times a human wants. You never showed us how to do it, but you did use it for all of us. Only once would it work. Until we got our weapons, which for you is a scythe. For me it’s a sword. Jinx will use a bow. And Mirror would have used an axe."

"So the same weapons of our opposites?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Back to the topic of distrust. Having Celestia's and Luna's trust on this could help."

"That can be. But how would we get them to trust us?"

"I'll figure it out tomorrow. Until then, we should get some rest."

"Sure boss."


"You're my boss, remember?"

"Right. Well, we should go to sleep."

"Sure thing."

He left to go find his own room. I just lay down and tried to get some sleep. Today was very, very, informational and interesting. I slowly drifted off into sleep.


I saw myself being rushed somewhere. There were alarms going off everywhere. We must have been in some sort of base. What's going on here? Am I dreaming? I watched as I was rushed to a room and the woman in a lab coat locked the door. A man in a lab coat went to a control panel type thingy. The woman laid me down on a large clear looking coffin. She drew alchemy around the base of the coffin where I was going to lie. Then without warning my body began to glow blue as I used wind to hold her and the man against the wall. Why does this seem familiar?

"What are you doing?!"

I didn't answer. I remember this! But it went differently before..what? I added another circle on the base if the coffin thing. She watched as she seemed to know what I was doing.

"What are you doing?! If you do that you'll fo-"
"I know what i'm doing!"

She stayed silent. I finished my alchemy circle around the base. Next to me I took a gun out of my pants and threw it at her. She managed to grab it.

"It only has two bullets left, what can I use this for?"
"Figure it out, it's not my problem!"

She seemed to realize something. I went inside the coffin as it started to go underground. Just as that happened I saw the door being broken down by Death. My clear coffin thing lowered as I heard two gunshots. I took something from out of my pocket. It looked like a trigger for something. I pressed it as I heard explosions around me. I remembered my dream that was like this, but different. I remembered what happened after I finished my other dream. I remembered why there were two versions of the same scene. I remember! But I will forget. I can't forget this! I was panicking as I knew I was about to wake up. I have to remember!


I woke up. I was hyperventilating. I felt like I just went through something horrible. I tried to remember my dream. I couldn't remember a thing. Wonder what happened in my dream. Must have been a nightmare. I just went back to sleep. Hoping this time I wouldn't have a nightmare.

Chapter 22: Challenge

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Chapter 22: Challenge

"Stop them! They have the elements!"

Ditto and I ran past the girls. I had the elements of magic, laughter, loyalty, and kindness. Ditto had the elements of honesty and generosity. We both ran out a window as we both activated fire and flew off. The girls began to chase us as the hunt began.


I woke up. I had a slight headache. I still couldn't remember my nightmare. I sighed. I stretched and walked outside. I saw Ditto with multiple daggers. And surrounding him, what looked like human cardboard cutouts. He threw the daggers hitting each human cardboard cutout in the heart or head. On the last one he threw one at me. Without thinking when it was within reach I grabbed it by the blade and threw it back. He side stepped as it hit a cutout in the heart.

"What the hell was that for?"

"Just testing your reflexes. They still haven't changed."

"And if they had?"

"Then you would be bleeding."

"Did you even worry that I wouldn't catch it?"

"No. You never failed."

"You make it sound like I was perfect at fighting and shit like that."

"You kind of were."

"Whatever. Now how did you do this?"

"The human targets?"

"Yeah, those."

"Alchemy. I changed the earth into these human targets. I changed their elemental structure."

"Cool. How?"

"With this symbol."

He drew an alchemy symbol on the ground. Then he placed his hand on the circle as another target appeared.

"Just think on what you want to make."

He then did it again and brought out a dagger. He threw it as it impaled the new human target thing. With that over he made another circle as all the targets seemed to melt into the ground. It filled in the holes the targets made.

"Wow. Let me try that."

I drew the circle on the ground and focused on an item. I placed my hand as the ground indented and out came a scythe. I picked it up. I twirled it around and did a few test swings. It was so weird. I placed it back on the ground as it melted back and became ground once again. Strange.

"You picked a scythe to make out of all things?"

"It's the first thing that came to my mind."

We just walked to Ponyville. Having nothing better to do. We were walking through the forest when Ditto asked something.

"You said we had to get the princesses trust right?"


"Should we go pay them a visit and try to negotiate?"

"Yeah, I guess we should go talk to them."

We had just reached the burnt section of the forest near the bridge. I drew the circle for fire as Ditto did as I did. We activated fire and began to rocket ourselves to the castle we saw on the mountain side. We landed near the big entrance. A guard with a sun on his armor blocked out path.

"Visitors are not allowed in."

Ditto and I looked at each other. Then I spoke.

"Princess Celestia asked us to come and talk to her in private over a few matters."

"Where's your paper showing proof that Princess Celestia asked you to come?"

"Look. I don't have it. I left it in Twilight's library when we received the letter. Now if you don't believe us, you will have to explain to the Princess why we were late to a meeting she asked us to come. If you are willing to take that risk and the consequences that come with it, we'll leave."

He just stared at us. We began to walk away when the guard called back.


We looked back at him.

"I must have not gotten notice. Please, go on in."

"Smart choice."

He stepped aside and let us in. We walked inside as Ditto looked at me impressed. We waited until we were in the halls away from the guard.



"You should remember that argument. It might come in handy later."


We walked as we entered a hallway with a big door at the end of it. That must be it. We walked and were stopped by another two guards.

"What is your purpose for visiting the princess?"

"Princess Celestia asked us by letter to come here for a private meeting."

The two guards looked at each other.

"Where you supposed to come with the element bearers?"

"Yes actually. We just had something to take care of quickly before coming over."

"Go ahead."

They opened the doors. Inside we saw both princesses talking to the girls. They all shut up when we entered. Celestia was the first to say something.

"What are you two doing here?"

The guards looked in confusion. They realized that we weren't supposed to be there and immediately blocked our paths.

"A thousand apologies princess. He said he was late to come with the element bearers."

"Yo Celestia. I got a deal for you."


The guards stopped. Celestia looked at us with curiosity.

"What kind of deal?"

I smiled. Knew you would take the bait.

"First off. Nothing against the girls here, but this is between you two and us two."

Celestia and Luna looked at each other and sighed.

"Very well. Girls, if you would please wait outside."

The girls walked outside. Each one of them seemed to be eyeing us down for some reason. Once they left with the guard we walked up to the princesses.

"So what is this deal?"

"One of information."



I was making this as I go along. No idea why, but the first thing that came to my mind as a good deal had to do with escaping.

"You will have the girls chase Ditto and I as we run away. If they catch us and bring us back here. We tell you everything we know. If we get to the castle where I live without them catching us. We tell you only what we think you need to know."

They where thinking on something.

"So you will give us information either way? Why?"

"Look. As far as I know, we have an enemy in common. Discord. I know you want hims. And I need him to clarify a few things. We both benefit."

They looked at each other.

"Can we discuss this?"

"Be my guest."

We walked to the opposite side of the giant room as the two princesses talked. Ditto and I began to talk as well.

"This was a good idea?"

"It was the first that came to mind okay?"

"I guess it could be worse."

There was a brief moment of silence.

"I wonder why this place has two princesses but not a king or queen."

Then Celestia called us over. We walked over to them as the looked at each other and nodded. They looked at us.

"We agree to your terms."


"But the girls wont just chase you for no reason. What motive could we give them to chase you two?"

"Is there anything valuable that you two have around here that would motivate the girls if we ran off with them?"

We all smiled as a though entered all our minds. We each said at the same time what Ditto and I had to run of with.

"The elements."

Celestia gave me four elements and gave Ditto two. I was confused about that.

"Why give me more?"

"About that. I would like to give this deal a little more excitement."

I was intrigued by this. What are you thinking Celestia?


"If the girls catch only you, with the majority of elements, you tell us everything you know. If you get to the castle and your friend is captured you only tell us what we need to know."

"So he is like a distraction."


"I love the way you think Celestia."

She smiled. Then we shook hands and hooves sealing our deal. Celestia looked at me.

"Ready to run for your life?"

"No. Let's do this."

The door burst open as Ditto and I began to ran. I could already fell the excitement of how interesting this will be. Once we ran out the door Celestia yelled something.

"Stop them! They have the elements!"

Ditto and I ran past the girls. I had the elements of magic, laughter, loyalty, and kindness. Ditto had the elements of honesty and generosity. We both ran out a window as we both activated fire and flew off. The girls began to chase us as the hunt began.

As we fell Ditto used the fire alchemy to fly to the left. I kept diving almost to the ground as Rainbow flew after me. Why didn't you go after Ditto? Whatever. I could run on the wall as I fell. It felt weird. I pushed off the wall and used the fire to launch myself away. I was flying away as I could see Rainbow not far behind. Have to lose her.

I began to take sharp turns around the buildings. I could tell Rainbow was having a hard time to keep up. Once I knew she was more behind. I made a sharp right and hid just on the roof. I saw Rainbow fly straight instead of turning where I was on the roof. I laughed to myself. I was about to run away when I was met with Fluttershy.

"Why are you doing this Mimic?"

I got closer face to face with her. Smiled and spoke.

"Catch us and find out!"

I quickly ran off the roof and flew away. I flew to the train station. Then entering one of the windows I sat down on a seat. They wouldn't expect someone fleeing to use the train, would they? I was just sitting down laughing softly to myself. Then I heard a slightly angry/irritated voice speak from behind me.

"Having fun Mimic?"

I froze. I turned around and saw Twilight who didn't exactly look happy. I got up and was about to jump out a window when she tackled me to the ground. We struggled trying to subdue the other. Once I threw her off me I jumped out the window and flew beside the train. I flew beside the train as Twilight stared at me. Once I knew she saw me I flew ahead of the trains path. I met up with Ditto.

"This is so much fun!"

"I know right!"

I looked back and saw Rainbow gaining speed and approaching us at very fast. She would catch at least one of us. We looked at each other.

"She's going to get one of us."

"She is."

"Human sacrifice?"

I nodded.

"Human sacrifice."

"I'm counting on you Mimic. Make it safe."

"I will."

He slowed down and went up, closer to Rainbow but still ahead. Rainbow changed direction and eventually got Ditto. The last thing I saw was him being tackled down by Rainbow. I laughed softly.

"Great human sacrifice."

I could see Ponyville. I landed in the town and just walked calmly. As to not bring any attention to myself. I walked behind houses and alleys too, just to be safe. I could see the bridge coming up. I smiled. My victory was secured.

"Hold it right there!"

"What the..?!"

A rope came around me and tied me. I was being dragged and saw Apple Jack. She seemed so confused.

"We trusted you. Why did you do this?"

"Catch me and find out."

"Ah did catch you."

"Look again."

She looked at the rope and saw that I had burned the rope so I was free again. She just looked at the rope then at me. I smiled.

"Try harder next time."

I kicked off from the ground. I flew when I was hit by a strong force. I saw colors everywhere. I looked to what hit me and saw Pinkie with her party canon. Fuck that's a strong cannon. Then rope circled me again. Apple jack came closely and tied my hands together. She had a smile of victory.

"That good enough for you?"

I smiled as I still saw a way to get out of this.


I shot up with fire and quickly brought my hands that were tied to my back to my front. Then as my body glowed blue, I looked back at them.

"Good try though. I was worried for a second."

I ran. Pinkie was going to shoot her cannon again. But before it hit me I made a wall of rock appear blocking the confetti. I ran past the bridge and made a wall of rock block the path. So I can switch elements without directly drawing the circle. I have to ask Ditto about this. I ran. a good distance into the woods, I drew a transformation circle type thingy and made a small knife. I cut my roped and dissolved the knife leaving to trace.

I walked through the woods and saw the castle. I smiled. I crossed the river and slowly walked my way to the door of the castle. Then I was tackled by Twilight. Shit! I got her off of me and ran for the door. Then Rainbow tackled me. I saw Apple Jack and Pinkie come as well. Apple jack tied a rope to each one of my limbs to hole me in place as the other girls held me in place with the ropes. The only ones not doing anything were Fluttershy and Rarity. Rainbow held two ropes. Apple jack and Pinkie had one. Twilight came up to me.

I had this feeling of being watched so I assumed Celestia was somewhere watching this.

"Can we negotiate Twilight?"

"You stole the elements. We have to bring you back to Celestia."

"Good luck. Because i'm not going to make it easy."

"We have you tied."

"You do. But have you noticed my glowing hands?"

She looked down. While we were talking, I touched the ground as it dissolved and turned into a weapon for me to use. She started in awe as I used the scythe I made to cut the rope that tied my hands. My hands where tied but I could still twirls the scythe and cut the ropes by using my fingers to maneuver the scythe.


The girls all yelled in unison. With my hands freed I used the scythe to cut the ropes tying my feet. I quickly ran to the door. Apple Jack threw another rope at me. Where does she get so many fucking ropes from!? Right before it hit my I used the scythe to cut it into pieces. I entered the door and got in the castle. I landed with a thud onto the floor and began to laugh.

"Made it!"

The girls came in after me. I just threw them each their elements. The elements Ditto had were given to their bearers. Ditto walked in a moment later. We high five'd each other.

"I made it."

"Was there ever any doubt?"

"Whats going on? Why are you acting like nothing happened and why did you steal the elements?"

"I believe Celestia can answer that. Isn't that right princess?"

They looked at me confused. Suddenly Celestia appeared in the room. She had cast an invisibility spell on herself.

"Yes I can help. How did you know I was here?"

"I could feel your presence."

I took my scythe and stabbed the wall. They all looked at me. I looked at the wall.

"Don't think you're any harder to detect Discord."

There was a laugh. Then Discord became visible. Where I had stabbed the wall was just the the left of his neck. He smiled.

"I could never sneak up on you Mimic, could I?"

"I dunno, you tell me."

"No thanks. Now, a nice show you put up. Now I must be off, I have things to plan."

He snapped his fingers and disappeared. I sighed.

"He is very bothersome. Wouldn't you agree Celestia?"

She sighed and nodded.

"Yes. He is a bother."

"So. I believe we have to talk on things."

"Yes. Let us go back to the castle and discuss matters there."

"Whats going on!?"

We looked at the girls who had yelled this. Celestia and I just looked at each other. She nodded. I shrugged.

"Celestia and I made a deal. If you had caught me, we would have told her everything we know. If I made it here safely, I would tell her what she needs to know."

The girls seemed to ponder on that. Twilight asked something.

"So you were going to give Princess Celestia information regardless of the outcome?"

I laughed softly and looked at Celestia.

"Teacher and student think alike. Now, lets go talk Celestia."

"Of course."

We began to walk outside. Then from there we flew to the castle. We were flying for a while. It didn't take to long but we got to the castle. We began to walk in the halls. We saw the door that led to the same room Ditto and I made the deal with Celestia. We opened the door and saw Luna there. She greeted us and asked who won. We told her Ditto and I won the deal. Now we had to tell them what we thought they should know.

"So first of all, you should know..."

Chapter 23: Under Canterlot

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Chapter 23: Under Canterlot

We made it to the castle. We walked back to the room where we made the deal. We got in the room as the guards stood outside the door. We walked to the table and just sat there.

"So the first thing you should know is..."

I turned to Ditto.

"So what should we tell them?"

"Why are you asking me? Your my boss."

"Well you know more."

"But you are the one who should be deciding."

"Ugh...I've got an idea."

I looked at the two princesses.

"So. You ask us a question and we'll see if we can answer it."


They talked to each other for a moment then faced us again.

"Why are you older than Discord?"

"Well that is because I existed before he was created."

"...Care to elaborate?"

"This world we live in. It used to belong to us humans. Then we discovered alchemy."

"More like the four of us discovered it and taught others."

"Right. So once we had alchemy, humans tried to create new life. And that new life is every creature living on the planet today i'm guessing?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"So you didn't actually lie about your age?"

"No. I have been alive for twenty one years, not counting the who knows how many years I spent unconscious until now. I am twenty one years old technically."

"Well technically your also five."


"You were born on a leap year."

"So I have three ages?"

"Well technically speaking yeah."


I just thought about it for a moment until Celestia cleared her throat to get our attention.

"Oh sorry, I got lost in thought. Another question?"

"You both had journals. What is their significance?"

We both looked at each other and I shrugged.

"Our journals. They hold our knowledge of alchemy."

"Sounds about right. Everything we know is right here."

He said that taking out his journal. He pointed at it.

"The journals have numbers. May we ask how many there are?"

"You may. There are four journals in total."

"Meaning four of us in total."

"There are four of you in total? Four humans?"

"Well there was. One of us died."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that."

"If it's okay for us to ask about her death? Why and how?"

Celestia gave Luna this look like she shouldn't have asked a that type of question. Why does Luna's name sound familiar?

"We don't know exactly how or where she died. When one of us dies a mark with the number they had on the journal is burned onto our right arm. Any power she had is divided upon the three of us still alive. Though I saw something in my dream. It looked like it was snowing or something. I think some building, but that's about it."

"Any other questions?"

"What was the creature that attacked ponyville?"

"That was Death. A creature once human but once Discord came into the picture he became that creature you saw."

"Four in total. Death, Famine, Pestilence, and War."

"Should we tell them about us being their opposites?"

"Maybe another day."

I gave a side glance at them as I noticed something. Her ear twitched.

"Ditto, I just realized something."


"You know how these are ponies right?"

"Um, yeah?"

"And the princesses are alicorns right?"

"Where are you getting at?"

"Their species have sensitive ears."

"Yeah? So?...oh."


"You caught on? I'm impressed."

"Thanks, I guess."

Then something happened.

"Por eso es que su nombre suena familiar! Está en español!"

They all looked at me.

"Qué? ¿Tengo algo en la cara ?"

"Is he alright?"

"He's okay. It was bound to happen sooner or later."

"Qué es !?"

"You're speaking Spanish."

"Qué? No estoy , yo ni sé Español ."

I stopped talking as I noticed what I was saying. I am speaking Spanish! The fuck? But I don't...or didn't even know it. It felt so natural.

"The fuck just happened?"

"You spoke Spanish."

"Oh no shit Sherlock. But why?"

"Because you could?"

"I am seriously going to fucking slap you."

"Fine, fine. You probably thought of something that was in Spanish, and it made you remember the language. Is there anything you thought of?"

"Yeah, Luna's name. That's why her name was familiar."

"What about our name?"

"It's in Spanish. In English your name translates to moon. Your name is literally Moon."

"Oh yeah, I see it too."

"So how do I know Spanish?"

"A gift for being the opposite of Death. You understand every language in existence that is spoken. Written, not so much."

"Well that's useful. I guess."

"Does my name translate to anything?"

"I don't think so. Though it's close to celestial."

I saw some type of red bird fly around and land on top of the table.

"Whats that?"

"That's my pet phoenix Philomena"

"Phoenix's exist? Wow."

The phoenix just seemed to stare at me for a moment.

'You're the strangest creature I've ever seen.'

I rolled my eyes.

"Says the bird that dies by setting itself on fire then being reborn from the ashes."

I just relaxed for a moment. But slowly my brain started working again. I slowly turned to look at the bird. It seemed equally intrigued.

"You talk?"

'You can hear me?'

"Are you sure he's alright?"


"Why can your pet talk Celestia?"

"It doesn't."

"Ditto you heard it right?"

"No. Only you can hear it."

"How can only I hear it?"

"You can talk to animals."


"I told you you can understand every language."

"Animals don't have a language!"

"If it's a method of communicating its a language."

I slapped him.

"Ow! The hell was that for?"

"Tell me type of shit like this about be before it happens."

"I thought it was self explanatory."

"Well next time just assume it isn't."

I could hear Philomena laughing. I just turned to the bird. I turned to look at her. Assuming it's a her.

'What? It's funny!'


'Fine, i'll stop.'

"Thank you. Now, any more questions?"

"None that can't wait."

"Good. Now I have a question for you. First one. Why aren't their any Kings or Queens of Equestria?"

"We wanted to be closer to our subject."

"So we didn't take the position of Queen."

"Okay. Second, you two are fairly old right?"

"That came out a bit rude but yes."

"Sorry. Do you have something I can write on?"

Philomena left and brought back a scroll, quill and ink. I wrote my name in Equish.

"Can you read that?"

"Yes. It's your name."

"In Equish. Here's my name written in English."

I wrote my name in English and gave it to her. She read it as her eyes slightly widened. She just looked back and forth from Luna to the paper to me.

"This is your name? In English?"

"Can you read it?"

"No. But it looks close to Equish."

"Exactly what I thought when I was learning Equish. Hey Ditto?"


"Did the ponies invent Equish or did humans invent it?"

"Humans came up with Equish."

"Really? Who?"

"Mimic did."

"He did?"

"I did?"

"You did. You spent a lot of time helping create the new world."



"Yes Celestia?"

"So this is your name in your language?"

"English, yes. Why?"

The looked at each other and nodded.

"We have seen your name written in English before."

"You have? Where?"

"Follow us."

They left to go behind their thrones. They moved one of those pointless curtains on the wall to reveal a door. Hidden passage way, nice. They opened the door and lead us down spiraling stairs. We were descending for a good while when we entered a massive space in the ground.

"This place is massive!"

"Exactly my thought."

"We're nearly there."

We kept walking through the fucking huge ass cave thing. It had so much random stuff just laying around. We kept walking until we got to a door in the wall. On the top edge of the door it said my name.

"Well this is strange."

"Do you know what it is?"

"How could I?"

There was a little rectangular lamp on both sides. Something seemed to click. I reached over the the one on the right and moved it to the side as it revealed a small hole. It had the symbol for fire above the hole. Below it the symbol for air.

"Well that's just fucking fantastic."


"I either have to send air or fire into that hole to, what i assume, will open the door."

"What will happen if you pick wrong?"

"A trap I guess. Ditto do you know about this?"


"So majority vote. Who thinks its fire?"

They all raised a hand and or hoof.

"Fuck it. Stand back guys."

I activated fire and blew it into the hole. The edges of the door glowed from the fire. The door slowly opened as we just stared at each other.

"Well I guess it was ri-"

I heard something shoot from somewhere. I saw an arrow headed right toward Celestia. Right before it hit her I grabbed it in my hand. It was just in front of her face. She just stared for a moment. She finally began to breathe again.

"Thank you for saving me yet again Mimic."

"No problem. But I guess fire was wrong."

"Whats that on the tip?"


I looked closer at the tip. It was covered in something. I sniffed it.

"Think it's a poison. This thing was meant to kill someone. Even if it just scratched someone."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Do you want to test it out?"

"No, no, no. I'd rather stay alive."

"Then don't say shit. Well, lets continue."

We walked through a hallway until we reached a room. We found several little trinkets and pictures. For whatever reason half the room was covered with pictures of eyeballs. And I saw one or two real eyeballs floating in a container.

"Why are there so many eyeballs?"

"The real eyeballs are slightly disturbing."


I just walked around the room looking at the other trinkets. Some snowglobes, rubix cubes, a glass sphere. Luna was just on the oposite side of the door when she spoke up.

"We feel like these eyes are staring at us."


I looked at the eyes as I saw they were all staring at the same location.

"They are staring at you! Move over."

She moved to the left as I saw the picture of an eye staring straight. Not suspicious looking at all. I removed the picture to find a button. I pressed the button as the entire wall suddenly went up into the ceiling. Dust was flying everywhere blurring my vision.

"What did you do?"

"Something helpful...or activate another trap. Hopefully the former."

Once the dust cleared we saw a massive room. It had a gold color. Not sure if actual gold or paint. We walked around as we saw several storage places in the walls. I opened one and saw several phones.

"Hey Ditto look at this."

"What is Can I have one?"

"Knock yourself out, there's probably hundreds here."

"Looks more like thousands to me."

"Wonder whats in the others."

"Lets find out."

He opened another as it showed several laptops and what I think are tablets. Celestia and Luna just examined them.

"What are these things?"

"Oh right, I guess you don't have phones...or laptops...or tablets...or anything like that."

"So what are they?"

"Best to show you."

I got one and turned it on. I waited for it as it turned on. Once on I saw it had hundreds of songs on it. I just played one. It slowly started. NOPE! I quickly threw it against the wall as it broke and fell. Celestia and Luna stared at me while Ditto seemed relieved.

"Not the best method to stop a one of his songs."

"No, but it was the fastest and we have no shortage of phones."


I got another one and turned it on. Then I put a better song. Then again anything is better than that. I put one as they listened. The song slowly played out as they just stared. I don't think they completely loved the song, but they were intrigued.

"It plays music?"

"It's called a phone. Songs can be stored in it. It also can store information, kind of like books. Works as a calculator as well. And many other function that I am to lazy to name."

I tossed it at them as Luna grabbed it in her magic.

"Keep it. I have plenty more. Now lets see what else there is."

We heard a howl. It came from the caves. We turned to see those dark wolves that came with Death before. Ditto quickly pulled out his gun. A wolf came at him and knocked the gun away.

"Get my gun!"

"Can't you kill it another way?"

I made a fire wall push them back but they quickly charged at us again.

"In case you haven't noticed, only my gun can kill it. It has an alchemy symbol engraved on each bullet. That way I can kill them in one to two shots."

"I got it."

I quickly started to shoot all of the dark wolves as they swirled away into oblivion. I kept shooting as I ran out. Celestia and Luna tried to push them back with their magic.

"Ditto, i'm out!"

"Here, my last one."

I quickly reloaded the gun as I finished off the rest of the wolves. How did they get down here? Did they follow us?

"What the fuck are they?"

"We always called them ghouls."


"Think of it as the offspring of a zombie and a ghost."

"Ghost don't exist...or do they?"

"Ghost exist. I have encountered them."


"Well, I don't have anymore guns. That leaves us defenseless against them until we get our designated weapons."

"Designated weapons?"

Ditto began to explain as I opened another as I saw was amazing. It was an arsenal of weaponry. I smiled. No shortage here either.

"Hey Ditto!"

"What? Holy shit! Can I have one?"

"Why do you keep asking my permission?"

"This is obviously your vault. So out of respect i'm asking."

"Take what you can easily carry. We can come back for more another day."

I took two pistols and pocketed them. A few others had stuff like food and water. Apparently still good. Somehow. I got to the last one as I saw rolls and rolls of tin foil.

"This is by far the most useless thing I have stored for later."

"What is?"

I turned and saw Celestia and Luna with their jaws dropped. The hell? I waved my hand in front of her. She slowly came back as she got one in her telekinetic grasp.

"You have so much..."

"Yeah. So?"

"This is the rarest material. You could buy all of Canterlot!"

"...Tin foil is the rarest? Before it was gold. So...i'm rich?"

"Rich wouldn't even begin to describe your wealth."

"Hey Mimic. Catch."

He tossed me a backpack. It had an alchemy circle on both straps. I opened it as one thing amazed me. I didn't see a bottom. I looked under it and touched the bottom. It was there. Then I put my hand inside. I couldn't reach the bottom.

"It's bigger on the inside?"

"Yeah. Now you can carry a shit load of things."

"It is very useful. But the weight mill still be there, no?"

"Try it."

I put several rolls of foil and put on the back pack. It felt like air. I was amazed.

"Weightless. This is great!"

"Can you take it back out?"

I reached my hand in and got nothing. I did it again. Once again, nothing. Hmm. I thought of what I wanted to get and grabbed something. I pulled it out and saw a roll of tin foil.

"Yep. Now lets put all the foil back."

I put all of them back but one. Well, i'm set for life. I put several guns and rounds in my backpack. Then I put some water. And a few phones and laptops. I pocketed a phone.

"Well now what?"

"How about we buy Canterlot!"

I slapped him behind the head.


"Think seriously. We need to get our weapons and defeat the four horsemen. What do we do?"

"Well, we can look for our weapons first. But that will take months. Especially if they are scattered around the globe. We will need to build something that we can travel on."

"Also a method of offense and defense."

"Okay so that's a plan for now."

"We still need to figure out how to find our weapons."

There was a glow from my journal. No fucking way. I opened and turned to the last few pages as I saw four weapons and writing.

"Our designated weapons, like the four horsemen, are attached to our being. The wielder has an attachment to it and feels most secure when near. Often the subconscious will sense it, leading the wielder to a place without the wielders full knowledge."

"Talk about convenient."

I face palmed. I just thought about it when I realized something.

"I know where my weapon is."

"Really? That's great! Where is it?"

"It's in the forest."

"Oh. Well then. Do you want to go soon or..?"

"No. We know it's general location. It's not like it will go anywhere. I think it would be best to see if we can find out Jinx's location. Or for her to come to us."


"My vault had a trap. And it just has my things. If my weapon that is very powerful and much more useful than the things in my vault, i'm sure as hell that it will have a handful of deadly traps. We should wait and see if Jinx will pass like you did."

"Me coming by was complete coincidence."

"And today has just been one coincidence after another. Besides, if we can sense our weapons, we should be able to sense the others presence no?"

"Hmm, you have a point there."

"So until then want to work on our method of transportation?"


"Hey Celestia?"


"Can I trade some of my foil for bits? I will need to buy a shit load of things for this type of trip."

"Of course."

And with that we left. I closed the secret wall door and covered the button. Then I closed the locked door. We left on our way to trade our forms of currency. Well. I have stuff to do for possibly a few months. Ditto and I were trying to come up with an idea on what we would use to traveled across the world. This is going to be a long month...or months. I sighed.

Chapter 24: Skateboard

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Chapter 24: Skateboard

I was at home testing my backpack. I had put a chair in there. It was weird. I checked the other zippers. I found something. It was a button. I wanted to press it but I didn't know what it was. I took it outside and pressed it. A skate board appeared. . . . what? I looked at it. It was normal. The bottom had bright paint coloration. But there was what looked like an alchemy circle that wasn't painted to it was the wood. Wonder what it does. My journal gave a glow. Wow. I opened it. On a page I saw a new alchemy symbol. There was some writing.

"Controlling the gravitational pull around you? Oh...this is going to be fun."

I got on the skateboard and went to go find Ditto somewhere outside. I saw him trying to get fish. I just went over there on my, I guess new, skateboard. I slowly started to float. By the time I got to him I was above his head. He hadn't noticed me.

"Hey Ditto."

He was startled. He looked up at me.

"How the hell are you doing that and why do you have a skateboard?"

"Gravity alchemy. I thought you could explain the skateboard."

"I never saw you with a skateboard. And you never mentioned gravity alchemy. What's it do?"

"Its a mental link I think. You decide whether to make the gravity around you weaker or stronger."


"So what are you doing? Fishing?"

"Yeah but there seems to be a lack of fish."

"Want to go hunting?"

"In the forest?"

"No, in the ocean. Of course in the forest."

"Sure. Why not."

I left a note in my room explaining that we left for a while. I just got my skate board, backpack, and left with Ditto. I had taken a gun out of the backpack and put it in my pocket. We were walking through the forest. After walking for half an hour we saw what looked like a giant as bird thing. We looked at each other.

"Do you know how to cook a bird?"


"I do."

We jumped at a voice. I quickly took a gun out and pointed at the voice. I saw what I think is a Griffon. It seemed to be staring at my gun.

"What's that?"

"Can you hear it too or is it an animal thing?"

"No I can hear it."

"Are you calling me an animal?"

I'm guessing it's a she from the voice. Anyway's she seemed angry at my comment.

"Look i'm sorry but my life is completely messed up and complicated so I don't know much. Sorry."

"It's okay. So what are you two. Never seen anything like you."

"Well. We're something called a Human."

"Human? Never heard of that."

"I'd be surprised if you did."

"So you know how to cook that thing?"

"Yeah. But how are you going to kill it. You don't seem to have claws or a beak. Even then it's not easy to kill."

"We have a way. Want to know what this is?"

She seemed to look at my gun.


"Ditto, head or body?"

"I say go for the head."

I pointed at the head. The bullet shot echoed through the forest as the big bird fell dead. WE went to check the body. It was dead. The Griffon seemed to be processing what I did.

" killed it with that small thing!?"

"Yes I did."

" were pointing that at me."

She seemed to gulp as she thought it over.

"Self defense. Many creatures in and out of this forest are out to get me."

"Us. Out to get us. Of course you more than me but still, us."

"So. You know how to cook this thing, let's start cooking."

The Griffon told us to get some branches and sticks to start a fire. I was going to say that we could go to my place but it would be nice to eat here. I got some branches and sticks and put them in place. She got rocks to put around the pile of sticks.

"Now we have to light it up somehow."

"I got it."

My body began to glow blue as I made a pointless lighter movement with my fingers. I set the sticks on fire. The Griffon seemed to be staring at me.

"You can use magic?"

"I don't think so. And that wasn't magic. That was extremely advance science."

"Okay. Let's cook this then."

We started to skin the bird. We got the meat and started to cook it. It took half an hour to cook that. I had made plates from dirt so the meat wouldn't burn my hand. We were eating the bird as I fed the fire.

"So, I still don't know your name."

"Oh. My name's Gilda."

"Nice to meet you Gilda. I'm Mimic and he's Ditto."



"You seem to know well about this."

"My dad would bring me here once in a while to hunt for food. It was nice."


We kept eating. As we ate I noticed that she seemed to doze off and looked sad. Wonder what she has on her mind? I just walked over to her.


"Huh, what?"

"You seem down. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

"That's is a bad lie. Seriously, what's wrong."

"It's my dad. He's been sick for several weeks now. Most doctors can't help him."


My journal gave a blue glow again.

"I swear if this has to do with healing."

I opened my journal and turned to the page. Healing alchemy. Figures. I can mend the wound by using alchemy. Internal as well. Cool.

"What's that?"

"I believe this is a way to help the sick."

"Wait, you mean..."

"Yep. This might help your dad."

She dropped her food grabbed my hand and flew off. I just looked as I got further from Ditto.

"I'll be back Ditto! Save me some food!"

I got her to let go off me as we flew of somewhere with her. I was flying for about twenty minutes when I saw a town made of clouds. ...what? She landed on the clouds and run but stopped when she saw I was still flying behind her.

"Why are you still flying?"

"Because I don't want to fall."

"Just walk on the clouds."

"I don't think I can. Last time I checked my species can't walk on clouds."

"But you can fly. Anything that flies can walk on clouds."

"Fine. If I fall it's your fault."


I slowly began to descend onto the cloud. I could actually feel it. I stopped flying as the cloud slightly moved. It was weird. I felt like I was walking on normal ground. But at the same time, not ground. Almost like walking on the softest bed in the world. I took out my hand and scooped some cloud up. It stayed solid, or whatever you call a solid gas.

"This is weird-"

I was quickly pulled somewhere. Gilda really wanted me to see if I could heal her dad. She kept making turns. I got many stares from other Griffons in town. She stopped but my body kept moving and I face planted onto the cloud. It felt somewhat soft.

"Sorry. Now let's go see if you can help him."

She opened the cloud door as we entered the cloud house. This was so fucking weird. I followed her upstairs as we entered a room. I saw a her dad in bed. He looked at Gilda and smiled.

"Hi Gilda."

"Hi dad."

"Who's your friend?"

"He's Mimic. I helped him with hunting."

"That's very nice of you."

"He has something that might make you feel better."

"Another doctor?"

"Not really. But I did help some one in the past when they were attacked by timber wolves in the forest."

"Well, if my daughter trusts you, I do to."

"Okay, lets get started."

I opened my journal and flipped to the page. In order to heal him I had to know what was wrong. Great.

"When did you first get pain?"

"Right after I was hit by a Manticore two weeks back."

"Well then. Any injuries from that?"


"Let's see. Where do you feel pain?"

He pointed to his thigh. If they are like humans there is a major artery there. I felt around his thigh. It felt...inflated.

"Feels inflated."

"Exactly what the other doctors said."

"Did any of the doctors find out why?"

"No. That always stayed a mystery."

"Anything else?"

"Sometimes I feel light headed."

I got a piece of cloud and made a syringe.

"I'ma take a blood sample. Okay?"

"You're the first to do so, but okay."

I put the syringe in and took out some blood. Immediately it looked wrong. It wasn't even fully red. I guess they saw my look. Gilda spoke up.

"What is it?"

"His blood doesn't look normal. Almost..decaying like."

"Meaning what?"

"He did get injured when he was hit by a Manticore. He has been internally bleeding."

"Internally bleeding?"

"Bleeding from the inside."

"Can you help him?"


I looked at the image of the healing alchemy circle. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. I could feel my power as I placed my hand on his thigh. I focused on reconnecting the blood vessels that were causing the internal bleeding. I also tried to get rid of the excess blood but I couldn't do much. Once I figured that I was done I opened my eyes to see a blue glow stop.

"You were glowing blue."

"Yes that happens when I use alchemy."

"So... did you heal him?"

"Gilda. It's perfectly okay if he couldn't. He tried his best and he's not a doctor."

"Actually I think I did heal you."

They both looked at me. They just gave me this stare like 'you're not joking' type of stare. They looked at each other then at me.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah. I used alchemy to reconnect the blood vessels to stop the internal bleeding but the blood that is already there will take some time to clear out. I'd give it a few weeks before you try hunting again."

"Next time I do i'll be more careful not to anger a Manticore."

"Heh. Well I hope you get better soon."

"Hold up."


"There's some money in the living room counter."

"I don't want the money."

"Please just take some."

"Believe me I have enough. Think of this as a favor."

"Then I owe you."

"Get well."

"May life treat you well."

With that we left his room. I was about to exit when I heard a sniffle. I looked back to see Gilda crying. I was about to ask her what was wrong when she pulled me into a tight hug. She repeated the words thank you. I just hugged her back. I heard the door open somehow. I looked back to see another Griffon with grocery bags.

"Honey i'm ho- Gilda what's wrong? And who is he?"

"He just helped dad."


"He made dad better."

The mother seemed to be processing this. She dropped her bags and joined in on the hug. Oh dear God I feel like I'm being crushed. Once they finished hugging me the mother looked at me.

"How much money do you want?"

"No payment needed. This was a favor."

"Would you like to stay for dinner?"

"No thanks. I have a friend who is eating without me back home. If I don't get back soon he won't leave me much. But thank you for the offer."

With that we were flying back to the forest. Gilda was wiping her tear marks away. She thanked me again and then punched my in the arm.

"Don't you dare ever tell anyone I cried."


We landed as we saw Ditto.

"What took you so long?"

"You know, just helping the sick."

"You have a friend here."


"Hi cutie."

"Oh. Hey Blossom."

"Wow, a bat pony."

"Who's she?"

"Blossom, this is my Griffon friend Gilda, Gilda this is my bat pony friend Blossom."


"Nice to meet you."

"Now, lets eat."



Chapter 25: Until I Die

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Chapter 25: Until I Die

I was reading from my journal. It had stuff on the elements of harmony. It brought back some of my lost memories. I was reading this as I was trying to process swat I had just read. The diagram and instructions of its original purpose. Its was incomplete, but completely amazing. Theoretically with this one could-

"Hey Mimic."

"Huh? Oh hey Ditto."

"You just can't stop reading from your journal."

I closed it.

"Just seeing if I can remember anything from this."

"Well with luck you just might."

"Yeah, just might."

We just talked for a little. We were talking on improving our fighting skills when I had a brilliant idea. I told Ditto about my idea and we agreed to it.

"Wouldn't the ponies be worried if we do that?"

"Hmm. Good point. Let's just tell Pinkie to tell everyone else not to worry."

"Well, okay then. Once a week?"

"Once a week."

. . .

"So now what?"

"Want to go get some cake?"

"Sure why not."

I took my skateboard as we began to walk to sugar cube corner. Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen? I just shrugged off my uneasiness. It was probably nothing anyway. Probably. We got to Ponyville as everyone we passed said hello to us. We entered sugar cube corner as Pinkie greeted us and told us to sit down and wait for a cake.

"Here's your cake!"

"Thanks Pinkie."

"You're welcome!"

We ate the cake as I kept feeling something was wrong. Why do I keep feeling something's not right? I tried to ignore it as I ate the delicious cake.

"Been a while since I have eaten cake."

"Same here."

"Mind if we join you?"

I turned around to see Fluttershy and Rarity.

"Sure why not."

They sat in front of us as we just ate cake.

"Have either of you seen Twilight on your way here?"

"No, why?"

"She went to Zecora's and should have been here by now."

"She probably just got delayed. Right Mimic?"

I stopped to think on what they said. She left. She's in the forest. Twilight had told me about Zecora. But something didn't gel right. What was it?


"How long has she been out?"

"About an hour dear. But why do you ask?"

Bad feeling...gone for an hour...forest... Something was definitely wrong. I got up and began to run into the forest. I could hear the rest running behind me. I think I heard Pinkie’s voice as well. I didn't have time to explain. I looked back briefly and saw them chasing. I looked in front of me and saw Aj with tons of apples. I jumped her as she had a questionable look.

"What’s the rush?"

"No time to explain-"

There was a bright purple ball that shot up from to the sky that came from the forest.

"...That's Twilight's distress signal..."

Oh why did my feeling have to be right? I continued to run as I entered the forest and ran in the direction the signal came from. Now Aj was chasing me as well. I ran until I heard Twilight screams. I burst through the branches and tall bushes as I saw Twilight. She was against a tree as this thing that had the body of a lion, a scorpion tail, and some wings was about to strike her with its tail. I ran over to her and pushed her out of the way when the scorpion tail struck my shoulder. Why do these ponies always get in trouble? The creature removed its tail from my shoulder. The others caught up to me by this point. They went to help Twilight while Ditto came to help me.

"What the hell is this thing?"

"It’s a manticore."

"How do you know its name?"

"Tell you later, right now lets just get rid of-"

Ditto was attacked from behind. I saw the wolves. Again!? Why can't these wolves ever leave me alone? My body glowed blue as I shot air blowing the wolves away. While I was distracted getting the wolf off of Ditto the manticore's tail struck me again. Fuck that hurts. I blew both the manticore and the wolves away. I got Ditto to his feet.

"Take care of the wolves. I have the manticore."


He went behind me to face off the wolves while I faced the manticore. I activated fire as I readied to fight this thing. I was running at it when it began to fly off. I shot both its wings as it came down. Can't run away now bitch. I activated shadow when I was struck from behind. I felt something huge flatten me like a pancake. I then felt it get off me. I quickly got back up on my feet as I saw another manticore behind me. The thing that squished me.

"God fucking damn it."

I summoned my shadow warriors as I began to fight these things off. I turned to see Ditto. He was doing good but the wolves were completely surrounding him. He was able to fight them off with luck. I continued to attack the manticore when I realized something. Where's the second one? I looked around and saw it going after the girls. I had my shadow warriors fight off the manticore I was dealing with as I headed for the one about to attack the girls. I got in front of them. The manticore tried to stab me with its tail as I grabbed it with my hands.

You made the wrong choice coming after us. I grabbed its tail with both my hand and dragged it. With the strength I could muster I threw it against multiple trees. With one manticore out, the other injured from my shadow warriors they both began to encircled us. I heard screaming from behind. The wolves were proving to be too much. I saw one get close and bite Fluttershy. I quickly ran over to them as I fended the off.

"We have to take them to a hospital now!"

"Wait up!"

He grabbed my arm. The girls then grabbed him and the next thing I knew was my body began to glow blue and we were in the hospital. I felt nauseous. Everyone inside were staring at us. Nurses ran toward us and took them to medical rooms. I couldn't hear anything. Ditto and I just followed them. Once inside the room they took Twilight and Fluttershy in I could hear again. They both were in critical condition. Nurses were running to and from. Can I heal them? I don't know what's wrong with them though.



"Should I try to heal them?"

"I thought you said you needed to know what needed to be healed in order to heal them."

"Exactly but they are both in critical condition. And the other girls are bleeding."

"There are risks in doing this."

"I know there are, but should I try and heal them?"

"Better than doing nothing. I say go for it."

"Okay then. Girls get next to Fluttershy and Twilight."

"What? Why?"

"Just do it."

They all got near each other. Ditto made the nurses get back as they all stared at me. Blue particles began to float around me. They made a circle around us as their wounds slowly disappeared.

"Hey it wo-"

I felt extreme pain all of a sudden. I felt cold. I fell to the floor and began to shiver. I could tell there was huge amounts of blood on the floor. My blood. So cold. Everyone was running around me. The girls seemed worried. So cold. I was shivering pretty hard. Cold. I felt something on top of me. So very cold. And that was the last thing I remember as everything went dark.

~Ditto PoV~

Mimic was on the floor curled up into a ball shivering. The girls were in panic. Nurses were running around trying to help him. There was so much blood on the floor.

"Is he okay?"

"What do we do?"


"Wait he saying something!"

They leaned in closer as he whispered something.

"He said so cold."

"Quickly get him a blanket!"

The nurses got him onto a bed. I was busy trying to help bandage his wounds that appeared randomly. After half an hour of bandaging his wounds he was on the bed out cold. We all saw it best to leave and come again the next day.

~Days Later~
~Mimics PoV~

I slowly woke up as the light blinded me. I sat up. I was in pain but at least the bleeding stopped. I saw my bandages. There was something that confused me. Why is there no blood on my bandages? Did they change them? If so how long was I out?

"Hey your awake."

"Huh? Oh hey Ditto."

"You should take it easy. You were pretty injured."

"How long was I out?"

"About five days."

"Five days? Well then."

"How are the girls?"

"They're fine. Their wounds were healed thanks to you."

"Yeah. But there is something I want to test out."

I began to think back when I noticed where my wounds were located. Where the girls had wounds, I now had. Did I absorb the wounds?

"Test what?"

"Tell you later."

We just began to talk for a while. We were laughing as the door opened and I saw the girls. I smiled.

"Hey girls. How-"

I was bear manticore hugged by these girls. They were yelling thing in my ear. Ditto thankfully got them off of me as I was trying to breathe once again.

"Please don't hug me like that again if i'm severely injured."


"It's okay. Just don't do it again."

We began to talk for a while. Basically what’s happened since the last few days, how they were worried, shit like that. We were just having a nice conversation as Twilight asked me something.

"Hey Mimic?"


"Thanks for saving us a few days back from both manticores and the timberwolves."

"No problem."

"Can I ask why you did?"

"Why? I wasn't just going to let you girls get hurt. If I know you're in trouble I will help out."

I smiled.

"I'll be protecting you until the day I die."

"Probably will die from that if something extremely dangerous attacks us."

"Yeah probably."

We just talked a little more as time passed. The next day I was allowed to leave. I just went hunting with Ditto, ate some more meat, and went to sleep. Why can't my life be simple?

Side Chapter: Nightmare Night

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Side Chapter: Nightmare Night

Everyone in town looked happy and he entire town was decorated in spider webs and I saw several pumpkins. I just walked around looking at these Halloween like decorations. I found the girls as we went to go eat some food at Sugar cube corner. Ditto was also looking at the decorations. We were eating when I decided to ask her about it.

"Hey Twilight?"


"Whats with these Halloween decorations?"


"Right stuff isn't the same now. What's up with these decorations around town?"

"Oh, that. Wait, you two don't you know?"

"Clearly not."

"It's Nightmare Night!"

"Nightmare night? What's that?"

And with that question I was bombarded with so many answers followed by 'How do you now know?' or 'Didn't you hear the town talking about it?' or things like that. From what I understood when the girls all answered me at once, this day was celebrated year around on the day of what happened with Luna, and or Nightmare Moon, being banished to the moon. And they have this day of remembering what happened but since she came back the mood of this celebration has changed for the better. I was nodding.

"Okay I get it."

"I don't. I didn't even understand what you all said."

"Basically Halloween but with a different motive of celebrating the day."

"Oh okay, I get that."

"What is this Halloween you fellas keep talk'n 'bout?"

"It was when the human race, my race, was still alive of this planet. We celebrated Halloween which is just like Nightmare Night, but we started celebrating because of a different reason."

"Really? Can you tell us?"



I did not know that ponies could do puppy dog eyes. No that's not it. More like puppy dog eyes cubed. Yeah that's a more accurate description.



Twilight brought out a scroll and ink from somewhere and was ready to start writing. Then she realized something.

"How could I forget to bring a quill with me!?"

I laughed. I just got a random fruit and gave it to her as I turned it into a quill. She looked at me questioningly but didn't say anything. she just got to writing as I told her how Halloween started. How humans had dressed up to scare away ghost or demons and shit like that. I had to clarify about witches since ponies already have magic. I had finished explaining it when I got up to get more food, and I collapsed on the floor.

"Are you okay?"

"You have been acting strange ever since that bat bit you yesterday."

"A bat bit him?"

"Yeah, just yesterday when we passed by the farm."

They looked worried. They began to talk to themselves. They just stared at me. The one who looked most worried was Fluttershy. I stood up only to fall back down. They all helped me get to my feet. They took me upstairs to a bedroom and laid me on the bed. With that I passed out.


I woke up I got up and felt something behind me dragging. Probably just the blanket. I yawned and felt something on my teeth. I touched my teeth and felt two large fangs. . . .What? I went to the bathroom and saw my face. . . . fangs? I looked behind me and saw that the dragging feeling was not the blanket but wings. Bat like wings. what? Even my eyes had changed. The color of my iris was red. But those things weren't what caught my attention. It was my ears.

"What the fuck..?"

They were sticking out of my hair and were fuzzy and pointy. I was so confused. I just walked downstairs and saw the girls and Ditto. The girls seemed extremely worried. Ditto just seemed to observe my new body.

"Have any food? I'm hungry."


Apple Jack handed me an apple. I just stared at her. An apple? Really? Whatever. I just ate it and looked over at Pinkie.

"Hey Pinkie, little offense Apple Jack, can I have some actual food?"

"Wait you don't want apples?"

"Nope. So Pinkie have anything?"

"How's cake?"

"I'm going to get fat if I keep eating cake. Sure what the hell."


She brought me a cake in five minutes. I just devoured it. I ate half of it. The Pinkie ate a fourth. Ditto ate the other fourth. Once that was over we were talking over my bat like appearance. They talked on my new body. Apparently Apple Jack's grandmother had told a story about someone she knew that was bitten by one of the bats that lived near the edge of the farm that sucked apple through their fangs which really did a number on the farm business. That a pony was bitten by the bat and turned into a bat like pony with the urge to suck the apples dry.

"And that's why you gave me the apple."


I felt a tug on my wings. I looked back to see Twilight extending my wings to full length and measuring them. Couldn't even ask? I pulled my wings back from her grasp as she stared at me and looked embarrassed.

"Please ask me before touching them."


"So. How do they feel?"

"Like having extra limbs on your back. It's hard to explain the feeling."

I flapped my wings slightly. I had pretty good control over the wings. Considering they were new to me. I had the wing synchronization down. I could fold them in and out. I had decent control over my new limbs.

"Can you fly with them?"


"Try it. I want to see how you fly."


I flapped my bat wings a little. Then I gave one strong flap with my wings. I shot straight up, hit the roof, and fell to the floor in two seconds, no exaggeration. I just held my head in pain. They were worried but laughed slightly at the same time.

"Son of a-AGH."

"Are you okay?"


I stood up and rubbed my head from the hit.

"Ah'l ask Granny Smith what they did to turn that one pony back to normal."

"Okay. But we should leave it until after tonight."

"What? Why?"

"It's Nightmare Night. Isn't this the best, most realistic costume?"

"He's right! You look perfect!"

"Thank you Pinkie."

"You're welcome!"

I just ate and talked to Ditto. Time passed, Ditto left to walk somewhere, and night came around. The kids were dressed up. The adults were too. They had games and candy and what not. I saw Luna walking around dressed in some weird...thing.

"Hey Luna."

"Hello Mimic."

"So...what are you supposed to be?"

"Oh this? This was my appearance when I was Nightmare Moon."

"Oh, that's what it is."

"I see you have taken the appearance of a bat."


I flapped my wings to hover above the ground for a few seconds and came back down. She just stared at me.

"They're real?"

"Yep. Bitten by this bat that gave me this."

She went to a nearby game where you had to dunk your head and take an apple. She got an apple with her magic and handed it to me.

"No I do not have an addiction to suck apples dry ever since that bat bit me."


"Yep. Apple Jack gave me the same test."

I took the apple in my fangs and sucked the apple dry. It was weird. It was like getting apple juice. The juice was sucked through my fangs like a straw. The apple was left completely dry. I felt something in my teeth. I spit out seeds.

"Interesting. So, Nightmare night huh."


"I would think the ponies would be, I don't know, terrified of you during this time?"

"Yes. That was a problem last Nightmare Night. Twilight did help me with getting the ponies to accept me."

"Okay. So the ponies accept you now, that's nice to know."

I felt my wings get tugged. I turned around and got kissed on the cheek again. I look at the pony that kissed me. Blossom. Why am I not surprised?

"Hey Blossom. How's it going?"

"It's going great. I like your new look."

"Thanks. Luna you remember my friend Blossom, right?"

"Yes I remember her. Hello Blossom."

"Hi Luna."

"Let us go and enjoy ourselves tonight."



And with that we left. All across town, but mostly concentrated in the center, there were games and food. So much to enjoy and much to see in such a small town. We walked around and eventually found the girls, who were with Ditto. They joined in on our little chat. They all said hi to Luna, to me, and blossom. Eventually we went to a little train ride that would take a small trip around the edge of the forest. There were children just getting off the ride, the train ready for new passengers.

"Is this safe?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is it safe for children to be riding this, at night, in the forest."

"It's perfectly safe. I have many guards positioned throughout the train's path. The foals will be safe."

"If you say so."

I seriously think something will go wrong. I will have to keep an eye out. Everyone just got on the train as it began to make a noise from starting up and soon we were moving along through the forest. The train was separated into multiple carts. In the cart I was in held Ditto, Luna, the girls, and three children which were the sisters, and close friend, of the girls. I keep feeling something is wrong. I heard something off in the distant. What was that?

"Did you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"I didn't hear anything."

. . .

"There it is again."

"What are you hearing?"

"Ah still don't hear anything."

"Maybe you're just paran-"

"HELP M-!!"

. . .

"I heard it that time."

I jumped out of the train and began to ran. I could hear them yelling something but I still went ahead. I had to find who that was. I was running further into the forest.

"Help m-!"

"Hold on!

The voice was definitely getting louder. I looked around. I didn't see anything. Then I saw something. I saw a pony just laying on the ground. I put my fingers on his neck. Hes still alive.

"Help m-!"

I looked up. I saw Death in the tree. He jumped down as he held a recorder in his hand.

"Help m-!"

"His desperate cry for help. I knew you would hear it. You always heard things others didn't."

"The fuck do you want Death."

"What do I want? To kill you Mimic. That is what I want."

"Like that's going to happen."

Death crushed the recorder. I cracked my fingers as I activated air. He shot at me, swung his scythe trying to cut my neck. I shot air from my hand shooting myself back. I escaped the scythe but by shooting myself away and ended up hitting a tree behind me. Yeah, that's not fun. A branch fell off the tree and hit me on the head.

"Son of a-!"

I changed the branch into a scythe of my own. Death smiled. We fought each other, our scythes clashing. This was definitely familiar. The way Death fought was so very familiar. We kept hitting and blocking our attacks. Death swung his scythe to he again. I jumped back but he threw the scythe. The scythe had managed to get a cut at the side of my torso. I activated earth and began to through huge chunks of earth at him. I took my gun from my pocket and shot him three times in the chest. It made him back up a little but that was it.

With my scythe I was barely able to get a scratch on him. He was getting multiple cuts on me though. I have to end this. But how? Death raised his hand as a ball of rock on fire began to form. I quickly used the wind to try to put out the fire, but to no avail. As he threw it at me I used earth to throw it back at him. That did do some damage on him. Death got a big chunk of rock and threw it at the ground between us. The rock pulverized as I couldn't see anything. Fuck! I was looking around and didn't see him. Did he leave?

"You have gotten very bad at this Mimic."


I looked as he was right behind me. I turned around ready to fight him. With his scythe, and incredible force, he hit me and set me flying into the air. I used my wings to try to save myself from falling. I was high in the air when an idea struck me.

~Ditto PoV~

Mimic had left us running somewhere.

"Do you think he’s okay?"

"I hope so."

"Wait look up there!"

"What is it?"

We looked up above the forest as we saw Mimic. He was flying up into the sky. Why are you flying? Are you running away? No, you would never do that. What are you doing Mimic? Mimic got higher and higher. He flew way above the clouds and stopped. He just stayed there, a scythe in hand. Then he began to go back to where he came from.

~Mimic PoV~

I was flapping my wings hard as shit. I had a plan alright. I just needed speed. And lots of it. I continued to flap my wings. Harder. Harder! I was shooting back down to Death like a rocket. Suddenly I was shot forward as I heard a thunder like boom. Behind me was a slightly transparent circle of condensed air. I was going faster that the speed of sound. I brought my scythe closer to me, ready to strike. A attack from this speed is sure to leave Death in an extremely injured state. I saw Death in the forest and aimed for him. He saw me coming and began to run away.

Your not going to escape me that easily! I continued to follow him. Running was just prolonging this attack. I was getting closer by the second. Soon I stared Death in the face. And smiled.

"Try laughing after this!"

With one fell swoop I knocked him back so hard he went flying taking down multiple trees in the forest. His impact on the ground looked like a meteor had struck the ground. There was dust everywhere. I followed the path of broken trees. When I found where he should be, I saw a massive amount of blood. But no Death. He got away. Little fucker. I walked back to the pony who had been knocked out. He was awake again. We both began to walk back to the town.

I made it to the town when I was tackled to the grounds. Pinkie, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow were all screaming in my ear, being worried that something had happened. Luna, Ditto, Apple Jack, and Rarity helped me get them off. They were all asking what had happened. Luna was talking to the other pony guard. Once they settled down I told them what had happened. My battle with Death, my plan, and losing him.

"Impressive. I can’t believe you did a sonic boom as well. Though next time just wait for us. This was a trap for you. If they get other horsemen, they will kill you."

"Yeah I guess so. Well next time i'll make sure to drag you along."

"Yep, figured you would say something like that."

"Hey guys?"


"Is a sonic boom anything like a sonic rainboom?"

"Sonic rain-what now?"

With that they explained to us the concept of a 'sonic rainboom'. Ditto and I just listened to their explanation of the sonic rainboom. They knew for it to occur that the one trying to perform it would have to go at extreme speed, but they had no idea that they had to at a speed faster than sound.

"So you have gone faster than the speed of sound? That is very impressive Rainbow."


"So yeah, sound like to rainboom is just a fancier way of creating a sonic boom."

"Very interesting."

Twilight was writing all of this down. Ditto and I laughed at that. Once that was over the celebration continued, the guard thanked me once more and went back to work. The girls, Luna, Ditto and I just walked around enjoying the night. They were talking and laughing. Later Apple Jack said there were two ways transform me back. One was by magic, which obviously can’t happen due to obvious reasons, and the other was a remedy, with ingredients from the forest. It would take two days to get the ingredients. So I would be like this for a fair amount of time. I didn't really mind. We continued to walk when I heard some of the stuff they were saying. They talked on when to lower the moon and raise the sun. That's when I finally thought about it. . . . They shouldn't have to raise or lower either.

Chapter 26: Party

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Chapter 26: Party

I was outside with Ditto. I made a knife and gave it to him.

"Hey Ditto."



"What do I do with this?"

"Cut your palm."


"Just do it."

He cut his palm. I put my hand over his palm and blue particles appeared and I healed his hand. I told him to cut it again and cut something else on his body but not tell me. I turned around and wait for him to say to turn around. Then I looked at him and tried to heal him. He was healed but two cuts appeared on me. One on my palm and one on my arm.

"Hey that's where I cut myself."

"Seems like if I heal you but don't know what to heal I absorb your injuries. Good to know."

"Is that what you wanted to test out before?"


"Want to go into town?"

"Sure why not."

We began to walk into town. The town seemed a little down. It was weird. I found the girls. They just smiled in our direction. Even they seemed a little down.

"Why does the town look so sad?"

"Everypony is a little stressed from the attacks from the creatures with those weapons."

"Ah the horsemen."

"Yes those."

"Wish we could help with that."

I was just thinking and I smiled.

"We can help."


"I know exactly what to do."

"What are you two going to do?"

"Everything. Pinkie."


"Prepare a party."

"How big?"

"The size of the entire town."

She grew a big comical smile and ran off.

"Girls help her out."

"Where are you going?"

"Going to go make some things. Get this party going."

I left with Ditto. I knew how to get this town going again. Ditto and I got to work on some things.

~One Hour Later~

I was coming back to the town with Ditto. The entire town had balloons and streamers. The entire placed looked festive. The town was less down and more curious of what was going on. I just got to the girls.

"Party decorations looking great Pinkie."


"Why did you want us to do this?"

"Relax I have a plan."

"Okay. Now what?"



"This party has an entire town as its guests. We need food. Help me make some?"


Pinkie zoomed of.

"Girls, go help serve the food and put out some games or things to do."


They left.

"Ditto put these in place near the center of town. And think of a song to play on your phone."


"These ponies use songs as a method of expression. So put a song that has to do with partying. Good luck!"


Pinkie and I got to work on cooking and baking and preparing. We had several ponies that came and ate. Over tie more and more came. Fluttershy and rainbow Dash helped serve some food to ponies outside. We served food for about three hours straight. By then it was about mid day. Pinkie and I just made extra food for about forty minutes in case any one came and wanted more. Once we finished we left outside and played some games with the girls. I had fun for about an hour. Then I helped Ditto set up the finale that would be at set off an night. He showed me the song he found on his phone. I smiled. it would be perfect. Once it around three o'clock we set the music. It slowly started to play.

The ponies were listening I to the strange new music. One it started they were getting into the beat and rhythm of the music. They began to dance, everyone was having the best of times. Halfway through the song we had finishing setting up the finale but it was still some time until night.

"We have to do something to fill in until night comes around."

"And something to calm them down slightly for the night."

I snapped my fingers.

"I know just what to do."

The song finished and some time passed. Ditto and I started to use water and air alchemy. Together we began to move the clouds over the town. The clod began to take shape of a giant disc. The ponies just stared. The girls were looking at us. Once we had the clouds in place I knew what to do. I flew up and began to change the environment and temperature. It would be nice to see this if it came naturally but it was still nice it it was made by alchemy. I went back down. The clods slightly parted as you could see bright soft light of green and pink. The sun had begun to lower to the point where the clouds that didn't show the lights in the sky were a brilliant shade of orange. All the ponies just stared at the sky.

"What did you do?"

"Oh you know some temperature and environmental change to make it look like the northern lights."

"Northern lights?"

"Oh right. I'll tell you some other time. But the one thing I can tell you is that the northern lights are much more beautiful than this."

"If they are better than this I would love to see them."

"Any one would love to see them."

The light show was enough to calm the town down slightly, yet it wasn't dark out. What else can I do? I thought about it. I touched the ground and made myself a chair and a cello.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to play a song. Why, what does it look like i'm doing?"

I began to play a new tune. Everyone just sat and listened. I think I even saw a few tears be shed from my playing the cello. The song slowly came to an end as it was finally dark out. Once it was night we could set off our finale. The ponies were almost ready to leave when a whistling noise their attention. The whistling came from a small light that flew up into the sky. The small ball of light then exploded as it showed bright yellow colors.

"Fire works. The best finale ever."


Ditto and I began to set multiple as the town stared in awe. I even gave away fire works so ponies could light them up. Everyone was having so much fun. The fireworks lasted for two hours. By the time everything was over it was eleven. Every one in town was eating the last of their food and just watching the night sky. Not long after that every one in town fell asleep. They all fell asleep, the greater concentration of them were near the center of the town, near the food, or near the fireworks. Even Ditto and I fell asleep. This was, as far as I knew, the best day in my life.

Side Chapter: Hearths Warming Eve

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Side Chapter: Hearths Warming Eve

Ditto and I had been practicing our aim at long distance. My aim was incredibly more accurate compared to Ditto, but not by a great deal. Since the type of gun you shoot can only have such accuracy. Anyways Ditto and I had been practicing as we went to town to stock up on sweets. We have meat and water, all we need. But we don't have sweets, which is what we want. We walked into town as there was snow falling. I just looked up and saw the pegasi moving the clouds into several spots around the town. I began to shudder from the cold and activated fire to keep myself from turning into a block of ice.

"T-This place is fucking freezing!"

"You're cold?"

"Yeah! How are y-you not?"

"I'm used to being cold I guess. It never really bothered me. Besides its not even that cold."

"Not f-for you."

I was beginning to warm up again. It wasn't enough though. I touched the ground and made myself a big fur coat. This is much better! At least I wasn't as cold now. We saw Twilight and Fluttershy.

"Hey you two."

"Hey Mimic, hey Ditto."

"Hi Ditto, hi Mimic."

The two looked at me. They could see I was cold. Not that is was hard to notice. I had a small fire near me and even with my big fur coat I still rubbed my arms so that the friction would bring warmth.

"Mimic, what are you wearing?"

"A fur coat, why?"

"D-Did you k-kill something to get it?"

"What? No, I just made it using alchemy. No animals were harmed in the making of this product."

"Oh, okay that's good."

"Well, sorry if it’s too cold for you two."

"Mimic is feeling the cold but not me. I'm okay with it. I mean, the cold never bothered me anyw-"

"Watch out!"

We both looked up to see Rainbow coming for a crash landing. I quickly changed from fire to air to blow vast amounts of wind toward her. It slowed her down but she still crashed on the floor.

"Thanks for softening my fall."

"No problem."

"Even though you just made me slightly cold in the process."

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"It's okay."

It was at this point I actually stopped thinking on how cold I was and looking at the town. It seemed festive. Ish. Do they celebrate Christmas too? No that was a human thing,so what are they celebrating?

"Hey Twilight?"


"Why is it festive like in town today?"

"Oh that? It’s Hearths Warming Eve."

"Hearths Warming Eve?"

Hearths Warming Eve? Is it like Christmas? I know it’s the same world and shit but the similarities are too close. I just thought about it for a second.

"First Nightmare Night being Halloween. Now this Hearths Warming Eve being just like Christmas."

"Christmas? Is that another Human holiday?"

"Yep. I know it’s the same planet and shit but with all the similarities i'm just calling bullshit."

Twilight then gave us some background on the holiday. It may have had a different way of coming about to be the holiday that these ponies celebrate today but it still practically identical to Christmas.

With that we just talked some more. Apparently the ponies also give an exchange of gifts. Should I give gifts to the girls? What would I even give them? I decided to talk to the girls. I got the to talk about things they were interested in, things they liked, and things they wanted. They never even suspected me. From what I could tell Apple Jack loved a rare type of apple that grew near the edge of the forest. I decided to go get some and even give her a few recipes with what she could do with these apples. Pinkie mentioned all the cakes she loved but didn't mention a strawberry cake. Either she didn't like that one, which was extremely doubtful, or it didn't exist...yet. Rarity was working when I passed by. She was having some trouble when I thought of giving her a sewing machine. Three down, three to go. I would probably make her some silk as well.

Twilight and Rainbow where in the library reading a book. I looked at the title as I saw it read Darin Doo and the adventure something something. I didn't get a good angle from here. But from the cover page it looked like a rip off of Indiana Jones. Once I asked them about it I knew for sure, it was a rip off of Indiana Jones. I wonder how they would react if I showed them the Indiana Jones books. They might like Harry Potter as well. But there is the thing with magic existing here. I thought about it and shrugged. It might still interest them.

We talked about the book for a while when I asked about strawberries. Her answer had surprised me. Strawberries were hard to get because the were mostly found in the Everfree. Just my luck. I'll have to find them then I guess. That left me with getting a gift for Fluttershy. She does take care of the animals. Maybe she would appreciate a donation of money? Well with that in my head I just had to go get the gifts ready.

I was in the forest when I turned a tree into a sewing machine, the first book in the the series of Harry Potter and Indiana Jones. Wait. . How do I know exactly what it says? I looked through booth books. I knew they were right but. . . how did I know every word? Photographic memory? No that can't be since I can't remember my past life. I thought about it some more before giving up. One day I will have my answers. With that I left to go look for some strawberries.

~One Hour Later~

"Why is it so hard to find some fucking strawberries!?"

I had been out here for an hour and I was loosing my patience. I had traveled closer to the center of the forest. I knew because I had flown up and saw that I was far away from my house and ponyville. That's it. I gave up and turned a branch into a dozen strawberries. I bit on the and immediately spit them out. They taste like shit! I tasted the others and they were all horrible. I guess you can't just make food from alchemy and replicate the flavor. I looked around and saw a hole in the ground that lead to an underground cave. I entered and saw some strawberries near a pool in the center.


I ended up with several berries that I had to turn a piece of the wall into a bag to carry them all. This should be enough for a cake. I looked at the around and saw that the cave was just this big underground hole. The pool was just a calm bit of water. I got closer and looked at the pool. Something was. . . calling me. I got closer to the edge and looked down. At the bottom of the little lake of water I saw something shine for a second. I reached closer to the water. Something was calling me. I was suddenly snapped out of my trance like state when I felt the entire place shake. It wasn't to violent and nothing had collapsed. An earthquake? I came back outside and saw something I didn't expect at all. I was staring at the castle I called home. . . . What? I flew up and looked around me and noticed I was not where I had been.

"What the f. . ?"

I came back down and looked around. What startled me now was what I didn't see. Where's the entrance to that cave? I looked around but didn't see anything. This is getting weird. I just flew over to my house and decided to have my gift ready. I went to my room and got my backpack and took out two bags of bits. Each bag was half the size of the backpack, so yeah that was a plenty amount for Fluttershy. Not like money is a problem for me. Now I would give the presents to them later. Right now I was going to take a nap. I laid down but got back up quickly.

"Almost forgot to make the cake."

I quickly made a strawberry cake and had a decent amount of strawberries left over. I'll just give these to Pinkie. I'm sure she'll love it.


I was carrying my backpack to ponyville. I had their gifts in there since I didn't really want to haul around the weight. Yeah I was somewhat lazy with carrying things around. We were all in the library. There was a small Evergreen tree inside just to the left of the fireplace. They were all around the room adjacent to the library part of it. Does this tree have the same logic that my backpack? This place is definitely bigger on the inside. The fireplace was nice and warmed up the tree. There were two couches one by the wall that, with the table in front and a smaller couch to the side of the table. They talked with each other as I put my backpack on my lap.

"Okay girls, may I have your attention?"


"Sure, what is it?"

"Get closer to the table."

They all moved in closer. A confused facial expression was evident of all of their faces. I just waited for them as they came and got comfortable.

"Twilight, you said that you would have an exchange of gifts on this holiday, right?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Because I have a few."

Their ears perked up at that. I found it amusing how their ears had a major role in body language from what I have seen. Their faces changed from that on confusion to understanding what I said to being curious at what I could have got them. They all got slightly closer.

"So let's see how well I chose all your gifts, eh?"

"It's the thought that counts darling, i'm sure we are all fine with whatever you got us."

"Well lets see then. So Rarity what would have you wanted as a gift?"

"Well, personally I would have liked a new sewing machine but as I said I am fine with whatever you have chosen to give me."

"Okay then."

I took out the sewing machine and presented it to her. She just looked at me smiled and got it. She was about to move aside when I called her.

"Hey Rarity."

"What is it darling?"


I threw the woven silk her way as she caught in in her magical grasp. She looked at it for a second as her eyes went wide. She just looked at me.

"Is this what I think it is?"

"Yes. Unless you don't think it's silk, then no."

She put the stuff on the table came over to me hugged me, said thank you, and went to go see her gifts. Well I nailed what she wanted. Now lets see the others.

"Me next!"

"Okay Pinkie. What would you have liked for as a present?"

"Anything really! Especially your cooking!"

"How about a cake?"


I took the cake out and she looked at it.

"Wait. . . is this a . . . a . . . a strawberry cake?!"

"Yes it is pink one."

Her eyes seemed to grow in size for a second as she gave me a hug. A bone crushing hug I might add. Are all ponies this strong or is it just these six? She finally let me out of the bear trap hug. I instantly got a gulp of air as she said thank you rapidly.

"Okay now Twilight, Rainbow?"



"My gift is for the both of you. Books."

"That stuff's for Twilight, why would you get me one?"

Twilight seemed to shoot a glare at Rainbow since she didn't appreciate what I was giving her.

"Well. You did like that one book, Daring Doo."

"Yeah, but I only like that series."

"Well here is a book called Indiana Jones which is the human version of Daring Doo."

"Really? A human ver-"


She quickly got it from my hands and began to read. Well then. That was better than I thought. I turned to Twilight.

"And a different book I thought you would be interested in."

"What is it?"

"It's called Harry Potter."

I began to explain the concept to her and the more she heard the more eager she was to read the book. She took it out of my hands put it on the table and gave a strong ass hug saying thank you over and over. Soon Rainbow joined in on the hug as well. After a few seconds they let go of me as I had to take big breaths once more.

"Hey Apple Jack, catch!"

I threw the sack of apples her way as she caught it. She opened it and saw what it was. She smiled as she made her way to me. I braced for impact and took in a big breath of air. But I just felt a soft hug. She then just let go and stood a few feet away from me.

"Wow. I thought you would give me one of the strongest hugs here along with Rainbow."

"If yah wanted a strong hug yah just had to ask."

She evilly smiled and was about to jump on me.

"No, no, no!"

She squeezed the air out of me. She stayed in the hug for a while as she released me. I just tried to get air back into my system. I was taking big breaths as she was laughing.

"Had to open my fucking mouth."

Apple Jack laughed at that. Fluttershy came up to me.

"So. It took me a little longer to think up of a gift for you. I didn't really have anything for you since you took care of animals. Though I thought you could use some money to help take care of them."

I took the two bags of bits and gave them to her.

"I can't accept this."

"I don't see a reason why you can't. Beside you taking care of the animals, all of them, you could use some extra money."

I gave her the two bags of bits. She came at me at gave me the strongest hug even if the hugs from all the others were combined. Holy fucking shit she's strong! She released me as she thanked me and apologized for the strong hug. Strong hug being the understatement of the year.

"Wow, she hugs stronger than you five combined."

"Oh really?"

I saw all of them look ready to hug me again. I held up my arms as a method to tell them not to hug me but the all just piled on me. FLuttershy just watched slightly laughing. They all got off me and looked at me.

"I still say Fluttershy was stronger than all of you combined."

They all looked surprised at that. They turned to Fluttershy and then to me with a questioning look.

"Yeah I don't know how it is either."

They all thanked me. Ditto looked at me and sarcastically asked,

"What no gift for me?"

I laughed at that.

"My gift to you is my presence."

We just laughed. The girls kept thanking me. After they stopped thanking me, we all sat and talked. Eventually Ditto and I were going to leave when Twilight called me as I was about to close the door.


"I just wanted to thank you again for our gifts."

"It's nothing."

"Thank you though."

We suddenly heard Pinkie laugh. Everyone turned to Pinkie. She pointed above us. I looked up and saw a mistletoe hanging from the doorway. Huh.. a mistletoe-aw shit.

"Um... does a Mistletoe have the same meaning as humans gave a Mistletoe during this holiday?"

"What was the meaning of it for humans?"

"Well if a male and female found themselves under one they would kiss."

"Same here."

"Don't forget that it’s actually bad luck to not kiss under one."

I actually think I remember that from somewhere. I looked at Twilight and noticed her face was red. This is going to be awkward. Is there any way around this?

"Does it specify where I have to kiss the female?"

Twilight thought for a moment as she sighed in relief.

"No, it doesn't."

"Okay then."

I crouched down slightly to her level and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She then proceeded to give me a kiss on the cheek. With that she apologized for the Mistletoe, and thanked me again for the gifts. With a quick hug I was on my way home.

Chapter 27 : The Wedding

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Chapter 27 : The Wedding

I was buying some food to take back since we didn't really have much at the moment. I was buying when more ponies waved at me. I simply smiled and waved back. I had turned to wave so I accidentally bumped into someone. I stumbled slightly but got my balance quickly.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"No, it's quite alright."

I looked at the one I had bumped with to see a mare I have never seen before. Grey coat and black mane, a cutie mark of what looked like a violet treble clef and a purple bow around her neck. She just stared at me for a second.

"Pardon me for asking, but what exactly are you?"

"Huh? Oh, i'm what you call a Human. Before you say anything, no one has ever seen or heard of a Human, so you won't have heard about my species."

"And why is that?"

"A very complicated very long story. Besides it might make you question certain things and bore you."

"I would still like to know, but I won't push the matter."

"Well if you really want to know maybe I could tell you sometime."

I noticed she had dropped something from her saddle. I reached down and grabbed it.

"You dropped this."

"Oh, thank you."

She grabbed it and put it back. We just began to walk somewhere and talk at the same time.

"Never seen you before, what's your name?"

"Octavia Melody."

"Well, pleased to meet your acquaintance Ms Melody."

She rolled her eyes.

"Just Octavia is fine. What’s your name?"


She just froze, turned her head at me and stared for a second.

"You're Mimic?"

I just gave her a questioning look and looked myself over.

"Uh. . . yes?"

"Hmm, interesting. . . you weren't exactly what I expected."

"Well if makes you feel any better, i'm sorry for not being what you expected."

She just kind of stared at me before rolling her eyes.

"I apologize if that was rude."

"Not at all. You seemed pretty calm to see a new species, compared to a few mares I know."

"Well some ponies just don't know how to handle some things."

"Yeah, you can say that again. So what brings you here?"

"I am here for two reasons. One was to meet you, and two was to bring a letter to Twilight Sparkle."

"Oh you're here for Twi?"

"You know her?"

"Yep. She’s one of the six mares who didn't exactly have the best reactions to me."

She laughed softly.

"I assume these six mares you are referring to are the element bearers?"


"Would you mind leading me to Ms Sparkle?"

"Sure, and while we walk I would like to know why you wanted to see me."

"Of course."

As we walked I found out that, according to her, word of my 'wonderful' music and cello playing has reached Canterlot. She kept hearing about how great my music, and her being a musician herself, wanted to meet me and see if my music was as good as ponies said. Her being a musician does explain the treble clef as a cutie mark now that I think about it. We got to the library as I opened the door for us to go in.

"Oi Twi! Some one has mail for you."


We waited for a few seconds before she came. She thanked Octavia and opened it to read as Octavia and I were about to talk again.

"As I was saying on the way here-"


Her screaming made me jump slightly as we both turned to her.

"What’s wrong Twilight?"

"This is what's wrong!"

She shoved the letter in my face as Octavia and I read it.

"Her brother's getting married to Mi Amor Cadenza?"

"She has a brother?"

"Who is Mi Amor Cadenza!?"

Yeah, Twilight was flipping out right now.

"Twilight, calm the fuck down."

"How can I calm down!? My brother is getting married, and to some pony I don't even know!"

Yeah, Octavia and I just went out the door and let Twilight calm herself down.

~Time Skip~

So, Twilight finally seems to have calmed down. She is currently taking deep breaths.

"You better?"


"Okay so now what?"

"We were invited to the wedding so round everypony up Mimic."

"Why me?"

She just gave me this stare. Not sure what it meant but I doubt it was good. With that I left and got the girls. Found Rainbow sleeping in a cloud, Apple jack was working, Same with Rarity and Pinkie. Ran into Fluttershy on the way back. Ditto and Octavia came along as well. We all went to the train station and went to Canterlot. There was this big pink sphere around it. No one knew what it was. That made an alarm go off in my head. Not to big but enough to know it would be best to be cautious.

When we talked to Celestia we found out that this Cadence as Celestia called her was the babysitter of Twilight when she was younger. When Cadance came Twilight did something which I assume was a gesture that only Twilight and Cadance knew. Cadance however did not react. I made a note of that, especially because Cadance didn't even know what the heck Twi just did. I wanted to keep a close eye on this Cadance. I walked over to Ditto.

"Hey Ditto."


"I'm gonna go get something from that secret cave we found before.."

"Is something wrong?"

"Possibly, just stay here and keep an eye on Cadance."

"Sure thing boss."

"And stop calling me that."

"Sure thing boss."

I just gave him this stare. Ditto just laughed and walked away. With that I just went back through the secret entrance and walked down. I kept going walking inside the long creepy cave. I kept walking and found the door. Still open, I went inside and looked around. I found the cabinet door I was looking for. I grabbed two guns in case shit went worse than I thought. I put my guns away and kept walking. I could explore more of this since this room is only the first and main room but I had to get back. I just walked out and went back up. Once I met up with Ditto I gave him a gun and explained to him my suspicion and worry. He seemed like guns were too much but kept it anyway. One thing I did find out is that the guns held more bullets than normal ones since the magazine had the same space expansion alchemy my backpack had, so that was very useful. Now we just had to wait for the wedding to actually begin.

~Time Skip~

The wedding was just about to start and Twilight was still nowhere to be seen. Then shit went down really quickly. Twilight burst in with another Cadance, the one getting married turned out to be a shape shifting bug, and Celestia tried to attack her but was defeated in one hit. And now this bitch be monologuing. I just got up and walked over to Celestia.

"Hey Celestia, you alright?"

She nodded. I could tell she was lying from the way she looked but I didn't say anything. I just walked over to this Chrysalis as she was called by Celestia.

"Hey, Chrysalis. Stop this now and I won't hurt you."

"Ha! I defeated Celestia with one attack, you think you can beat me?"

"No. I don't think so, I know so."

Her eye twitched, Yeah I was getting on her nerves. She has anger issues apparently. She charged up her horn and shot a big ray of magic at me. I was still standing. She did it again. And again. And again. She was getting pissed now. I just yawned.

"Oh yeah, and I should probably tell you magic doesn't work on me."

Her face of anger turned to one of confusion but soon turned into a sickly smile.

"Why thank you, that information is very helpful."

She began to make a big green ball of magic. But I didn't see her horn charge up. I just stayed put. Something was telling me to be careful about this attack but I didn't listen to my thought. On impact I felt extreme pain. I quickly jumped out of the way as the rest of the ball burned the floor.

"What the fuck was that?"

"That was my energy. Tainted Love Energy to be exact. I don't expect somepony like you to know about this."

She made multiple small orbs of green energy and threw them at me. I was able to dodge nine out of the ten she threw at me. Ditto was trying to get everyone out of here. Chrysalis was attacking me but then she did something I didn't see coming. She threw her attack toward the real Cadence. Son of a bitch! I ran and pushed her out of the way just as it hit me. I yelled in pain. These shit’s hurt.

"Cheap shot."

"But it worked."

"Fucking hate you."

"Glad to hear that. Now die."

She gathered a big ball of energy and threw it at me. It was to big and would have hit others so in a moment of stupidity I tried to catch it. Was I surprised when I did catch it. Well. I somehow caught it. It was about an inch away from my hand but still. Pain shot up my left eye. No not pain. But something very strong. The green ball of energy began to take a blood red glow to it. Chrysalis just stared at it for a moment before smiling and turning to me.

"Just what exactly are you?"

"I'm Human."

With that I launched the ball back at her. She dodged but the ball hit part of her wing. Her right wing was now damaged so she couldn't fly away. I cracked my knuckle and stood up straight. The process was repeated in which she threw the balls of energy at me and I threw them back in a sickly red color. No idea as to why they turned read, but I still felt something in my left eye. Eventually I heard gunshots. Worried something happened I knew I had to finish this quickly. Chrysalis was distracted with the gun shots so using fire flew at her. I activated fire as my fist burst into flames.

"Night Night Chrysalis!"

I punched her head as I heard a crack and she fell to the floor. I don't know why but for a second I could swear I saw something. Like a presence looming over her that just shot out left. That was weird. I quickly ran outside and saw multiple smaller versions of Chrysalis all about, and some on the floor. I saw Ditto shooting at them with one hand and throwing air to push them away if they got to close with the other. He looked a little tired.

"Aim for the head! They have tough skin and a bullet to the head is the only way to at least knock them out!"


I took out my gun and began to shoot them down. There were too many of this fuckers. That's when I got an idea. Chrysalis was their ruler. And the subject should protect them if they really are loyal. So. I ran back inside. To the left of where Chrysalis's body was was Celestia with the girls.



"I need a big empty party cannon, now."

She saluted and ran off somewhere. I grabbed Chrysalis and dragged her outside, where I saw Pinkie with the cannon. It was pretty big cannon. I held Chrysalis in one hand. I drew in a deep breath and shouted.


Everything stopped. All the bugs looked at me with anger. I showed them Chrysalis and threw her inside the cannon. Using air alchemy I began to pressurize the cannon.

"If you want Chrysalis!"

I pressurized to the point where the metal of the canon was making noises.

"Go get her!"

I activated the cannon as Chrysalis went flying out of the sky. All the bug ponies looked at each other before flying in the direction Chrysalis went. The ones that had been knocked out where carried by others. Ditto and I began to walk both inside and collapsed onto the floor taking deep breaths.

"Vision’s getting blurry."

"Same here."

Right before passing out I heard someone talking.

"If he keeps this up he might get here sooner than intended."

"I'm sure he won't. He'll figure all this out. He has to."

Side Chapter: Happy Birthday!

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Side Chapter: Happy Birthday!

~Pinkie's POV~

It was two in the afternoon as Pinkie was passing houses wondering when Mimic's Birthday was. Does he even know his own Birthday? Twilight had told me how he forgot his life. How can you live not knowing your own birthday!? Just then she ran into Ditto.

"Oh hey Pinkie."

"Hi Ditto!"

Just then Pinkie had a thought.

"Hey Ditto, do you happen to know when Mimic's birthday is?"

"Yeah I do. Actually I think it's today."

Pinkie gasped in surprise.

"It's today!?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I have to make him a surprise birthday party!"

"That actually sounds like a nice idea."

"Great! Now, you distract him for the day until night. Then come by the library."

"What time at night?"

"Hmm. Lets say at eight thirty."

"Sounds good. I'll be sure to keep him distracted until then Pinkie."

With that Pinkie zoomed of. Today she was determined to give Mimic the best surprise birthday party he has ever had. Pinkie went to Twilight first. Bursting through the door, startling poor Twilight.


"Gah! What is it Pinkie?"


Twilight put a hoof to Pinkie’s mouth. Pinkie still managed to mumble out random sentence fragments even though Twilight was covering her mouth with a hoof. After a few seconds Pinkie realized she was supposed to stop talking. Twilight then removed her hoof from Pinkie’s mouth.

"Pinkie, I can't understand you when you talk so fast. Tell me what you said again, but this time talk slower."

"Okay. So I ran into Ditto and asked him if he knew when Mimic's birthday was, because I was wondering earlier when Mimic's birthday was and then I remembered you had said that he had forgotten his life so I knew Mimic didn't know his birthday and then I wondered how he was able to live peacefully not knowing such an important date, it would drive somepony insane! But then again what is insanity? Isn't insanity just-"

Twilight covered Pinkie's mouth with her hoof yet again. Pinkie then proceeded to give an apologetic smile.

"Oops, sorry! Well as I was saying I asked Ditto if he knew Mimic's birthday, and he did, and now I wanted to throw him a surprise birthday party here!"

"But what if Mimic comes here while we are preparing the party?"

"Don't worry about that silly! I asked Ditto to keep him distracted until tonight!"

"How is he going to distract him until tonight?"

~Ditto's POV~

Ditto walked into Mimic's room and saw him reading in his journal.

"Hey Mimic want to go hunting?"

Mimic seemed to think about it before shrugging.

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do today."

"Cool, let’s go."

~Back at the library~

As Pinkie explained her master plan for this birthday party to Twilight, Twilight was ready to go tell her friends about it, Pinkie was going to spread to word to the town but Twilight insisted on it being just their friends. First up the cake had to be done, Pinkie decided to make a three layered cake, flavored vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, using the strawberries Mimic had given her not to long ago. Pinkie went back to Sugarcube Corner and started to make the cake.

~In the forest~

Ditto and Mimic had been trying to find something to eat, but animals eluded them.

"God damn it! How long have we been hunting?"

"About an hour."

Just then they heard wings fly over head. They looked and saw a manticore fly above them and land not to far off.

"Was that a manticore?"

"I think so."

"You think they taste good?"

"Let’s find out."

~Back in Ponyville~

Pinkie had finished the cake and now it was time to decorate the library. Twilight and Rarity hung up decorations along the wall with their magic. Applejack had brought over some apple cider for drinks at the birthday party. Spike was cleaning up anything that dropped while the girls put up the decorations. Pinkie had two part cannons at the ready for when Mimic showed up. Just a few more preparations, some gifts, and they would soon be done.

~Time Skip~
~Mimic's POV~

"Who knew manticore meat tasted so much like steak?"

"Is it steak? I thought it was something else."

"Who knows but it tasted great."

"It did didn't it? Anyways, want to go pass by Twilight's?"

"What for?"


I shrugged

"Got nothing better to do."

We walked through the forest until finally meeting the entrance to Ponyville. We walked to the library as It was getting dark out. We opened the door as I heard two cannons go off, confetti blasted everywhere, and I heard multiple people yelling 'Surprise!'.

"What's all this for?"

"It's for your birthday silly!"

"My birthday?"

"Yes it's for your-why are you crying?"

I gave Pinkie a confused look.

"I'm not crying."

"Yes you are, look!"

She gave me a mirror she took out of her hair as I brought it up to my face. Sure enough there were tears streaming down my face. I slowly raised my hand to touch my face. It was wet from the tears.

"That's weird why am I-"

Just then I got an immense headache.


I heard a door open.

"Happy Pseudo Birthday!"

I could see the shapes of three people. What looked like two adults and a child. For some reason my visioned seemed to be blurred. They began to sing happy birthday as one of the adults brought out a cake and began to light the candles. I saw six candles. Just as the person lit the final candle they finished the song.

"I honestly thought you forgot my birthday. Its late its almost nine."
"Well the best parties happen at night."
"It's your birthday too-"

I couldn't hear the name right.

"I still wanted to surprise you."

With my blurred vision I saw the two children hug.

"Now blow out the candles you two."

I heard them take in a deep breath and blow.


I woke up and groaned.

"Ugh, what happened?"

"Well you were crying then you held your head in pain then you passed out."

"Are yah alright?"

"What happened?"

I silenced them with a hand movement.

"I think I recovered a memory of a birthday I might have had or attended."

"Well, are you okay?"

"Yeah i'm fine."

"Well then let’s get back in the party spirit!"

And with that everyone talked to each other. I found they had given me some presents. A gem from spike. An apple pie from Applejack, a suit from rarity. The suit looks like it's just about my size. That's amazing. Twilight and Rainbow gave me a daring doo book. Fluttershy offered to give me a pet but I said no. And Pinkie gave me several cupcakes. Then a thought came to me. I walked over to Ditto.

"Hey Ditto."


"How is it that you know my birthday? The way you described me from before would never let information about myself slip."

"Yeah that. I kind of wasn't suppose to see it but I did. You had asked me to help you delete all information about you, where you were born, who your family was, any ties to yourself and others were deleted and I saw your date of birth on there while deleting everything."

"And why didn't I do it myself?"

"You said you were busy deleting someone else's information. I always assumed it was us but I was never sure."

"Well then, okay. Let’s get back to the party then."

And with that we partied until night, almost forgetting the incident in which I had passed out.

Chapter 28: Energy and Tin

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Chapter 28: Energy and Tin

I heard laughter of what sounded like two children. I heard clattering on objects.

"I found the lighter Steven had."
"That's great! What should we burn?"
"Um. . .How about this?"
"That's perfect! Let's light it up!"

I heard more clatter. I then heard something crackling. Then I heard something else clatter and yelling.

"Watch out- "

I couldn't hear the name as I heard yelling then silence.

"What the . . ?"


I slowly woke up. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in a hospital bed it looks. I heard groaning and turned to my right. There I saw Ditto also waking up. I sat straight up and stretched my arms. Quickly cracking my back I was fully awake. I heard the door open just as a blue glow came from my jacket. If it has to do with energy, I swear. . . I saw Celestia and the girls coming this way.

"Oh good, you're awake."

"That I am. What up Celestia?"

"Um. . .what?"

"Did you want to talk about anything?"

"I just wanted to thank you for the disaster yesterday."

"Yesterday? Damn, how long was I out?"

"Around twenty hours."

"Holy shit."

I took out my journal and flipped through the pages. The pages that were blank, which was half the journal, I assumed was to be 'unlocked' later. I found new writing under a label called 'Energy'. I face palmed.

"What is it."

"This stupid journal. It tells me what shit is only after there is something that is connected to what the shit is happens to me."

"Well . . . what does it say?"

"Talks a about 'Energy'."

"Oh, what's that? And how did you find out about it?"

"Chryssy used it on me and it fucking hurts like a bitch."


"Faster to say than Chrysalis. Anyways lets see what this says."

I began to read. So apparently this 'Energy' is a form of power fueled by different things such as emotions and intentions. Those different things factor in deciding what the type of energy does. So Chryssy's form of Energy was Tainted Love Energy as she called it.

"What does it say?"

"So this Energy is a form of power. How it is used is based off of what fuels it and the person wielding the Energy."

"What's wrong? You keep saying Energy like there's something wrong."

"It's just that energy in and of itself is not a physical. However Energy that the journal describes is different, that and the Energy Chryssy threw at me, I felt that. It even scorched the floor."


"So something physical has to be possessed by Energy. It sure as hell ain't liquid or solid. It would be a gas but the Energy was something else."

"So what, it's plasma?"

"Most likely."

The girls had sat down at some point as Twilight raised an unsure hoof. I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes, you in the front?"

"What's plasma?"

"You guys don't know what Plasma is?"

All of them shook their head 'no'.

"Really? It only makes up 99% of the universe."

"The universe?"

"Oh God I have so much to teach you. Anyways, plasma is the fourth state of matter."

"Matter? What's a matter?"

"I dunno, what's a matter with with you?"

I could have sworn I heard crickets. Two seconds later Pinkie burst out laughing while the other girls and Celestia looked lost. Ditto just gave me this face that spoke 'that was so bad'.

"That was terrible."

"Tough crowd. Anyways, you know what liquids, solids, and gases are right?"

They all nodded.

"Well that's what's called matter. And plasma is the fourth state of matter."

"The fourth state?"

"How do I explain it? Imagine an ice cube. It's a solid, what happens when you heat it up?"

"It melts, and turns to water."

"Right, now it's a liquid. What happens when you heat the liquid up and what do you get?"


"Otherwise known as gas. Does anyone know what happens when you heat up the gas?"

All of them shook their heads 'no' again as Twilight raised her hoof again.


"It turns into plasma?"

"That's right. Plasma is what lightning is made out of. The sun, also plasma."

About another twenty three minutes of explaining and they finally understood how and what plasma is. They knew what matter was and how it worked they just didn't have a name for it. Just like they had the concept of what the universe was but hadn't come up with the name 'universe' yet. I had a feeling I would run into that a lot. It was during this time that a thought came to my mind. Why is tin foil valuable? The girls were leaving as I called Celestia over.

"Hey Celestia. Why is tin so valuable?"

"You don't know why?"

"If I did I wouldn't have asked."

"Well, tin when put into a magical potion being brewed it enhances the potion ten fold."

"Oh really? Damn, no wonder it's valuable. How did you find out about tin?"

"We have found small scraps of it all over Equestria. It's very rare and very valuable."

"That makes sense. So it increases any portion ten fold. I can see how that could be useful."

The door opened as I saw Shining and Cadence walk through.

"Why hello you two."

"Hello. My husband and I just wanted to thank you for saving us from Chrysalis's invasion."

"Yes, it would have been very difficult to take care of them ourselves."

"It's no problem."

I was getting a major headache. I suddenly felt a rush on information passing through my mind as I remembered lots of shit that had to do with Energy. I was breathing heavily.

"What's wrong?"

"You okay Mimic?"

"Yeah, no i'm fine. I just had a rush of memories return to me."


"Ditto, did I ever tell you about energy?"

"No, you never mentioned it before."

"I didn't mention it, but I sure as hell knew about it. In fact, I think I discovered it."

"Well what did you remember?"

"I remember I learned at least one thing. Did I ever talk about magic with you before?"

"Very briefly from time to time, why?"

"Magic and Alchemy are like brother and sister."


"They both descended from the same parent source. The parent source being Energy. You know the blue glow and line of particles you see when using alchemy?"


"That's what I had called Alchemic Energy. You know the colorful aura when magic is used?"


"Also Energy it is called Magical Energy. The Energy is. . . controlled, or harnessed in a way. The Energy Chryssy used was the raw form of Energy. Just plain Energy until you use it, like Chryssy's Tainted Love Energy."

Another twenty three minutes of talking about energy and then talking to Cadence, I swear her name Mi Amor Cadenza translates to something, and Shining and Ditto and I were ready to leave. It was still morning. Like eight thirty in the morning. I sighed. What a perfect morning for a perfect day. Then I heard something that made my blood go cold. I promise you you'll have better days Mimic.