The Nature Storm

by MCGirlGamer

First published

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are best of friends but when they both discover that they have feelings for each other, Rainbow Dash must make the first move as rarity instructed. There is a storm that the Pegasus cant even control. (Twidash Ship)

Rainbow Dash has to stay at twilight's library after a storm came in. Rainbow Dash's house is ruined and she also has to confess her love to her best friend Twilight Sparkle. (With the help of rarity)

Chapter 1: The Dream

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"Hey Twi..... Rainbow Dash Says as she looks into my eyes."I....I..Love...You!"

"I Love You Too Dashie" I say as i kiss her soft and warm and sweet lips.We were under the moonlight flying.

"WAKE UP!" i hear confused? Sounds like spike.

"WAKE UPPP" Spike says.

"Ok ok im awake. yes spike?" ugh it was a dream! i say to myself disappointed. But it felt so real GRRRRRR!

"Twilight! There is a storm and i got scared of the thunder and you also overslept so yeah that's pretty much it sorry." Spike says with a fake smile. I looked outside to see whats going on and it was crazy! lightning,thunder,heavy wind everywhere! "Spike, can you make me some tea i will be down in a sec" I respond to him. All of a sudden a knock on the front door came. I went down to the living room to open the door but before i could a cyan pegasus broke in.

"Rainbow! You broke my door and what are you going here anyway its too stormy outside for you to fly!" I ran to the broken door and fixed it with my alicorn magic. I got wet and my mane was all over my body. Dash started cracking up.

"HAHAHA! You look so funny when your wet and angry!" Rainbow Dash responded.

"That didnt answer my Question...." I said annoyed.

" Oh, Sorry. What i meant was that my cloud house broke down and i needed a place to stay" Rainbow said

"Why stay at my library?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well... First off, pinkie pie would be too annyoing for me and Fluttershy would be scared of the thunder and stuff,Rarity would probably make me wear some fancy girly stuff,applejack would be too busy to hang out with after all she does her chores no matter what,and you... Well you dont annoy me, you dont make clothes,you are brave,and you are never too busy to hang out with, plus to me, your kinda cool" Rainbow said with warm smile on her face.

Why does she have to be so cute. I say with a light blush on my face. "Spike! get the guest room ready ok!" I shouted as he gave me the tea i requested earlier.

"Yes, Sir!... uh... I mean Ma'am!" Spike responded.

"Here have some" I offered rainbow dash tea by pouring half of mine into another mug.I loved Rainbow Dash. I had a crush on her since we first met. Shes so athletic and brave, strong and beautiful, and her body is warm and loving, and the thing that i love the most was her warm and feathery wings.

"uh.. Thanks" Rainbow said as she took a sip of her tea.

BOOOM! A very loud thunder that was so loud that startled Rainbow. She jumped into the air screaming.

"Rainbow Danger Dash" I said "Are you scared?"

" I am never scared of anything!" Rainbow said. " You are talking about the best flyer in equestria!"

"Mmmmmhmmmm" I say suspicously

"Ok now, im gonna go hit the sac" Rainbow responded annoyed.

Chapter 2: Blackout!

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I wake up and got out of the guest room. Stretching and yawning i see that twilight is already awake in the kitchen. It is still stormy outside and this time out of control.

"Good Morning sleepy head" Twilight said as i walk into the kitchen sitting on the table waiting for something.

"Good Morning? Good Morning? How is it a good morning if i still cant fly because of the stupid weather!" I say in an angry way. Twilight just shrugged and gave me a bowl of hay. I started to chew as twilight started to daydream or something. She just kept on staring at me that made me feel uncomfortable. " Twi?" I say "HELLO!" I started to shake her. "EQUESTRIA TO TWILIGHT ARE YOU THERE!"

"gah!.. What?" Twilight said being startled

"You were daydreaming. It was wierd" I tell her

"Oh sorry" She says with a blush on her face

"Are you okay?" I ask

"Why Wouldnt I Be" She says with a fake smile

"Oh Kay.....Anyway i wanted to ask you what we would be doing here because im getting kind of bored" I Honestly say.

"Oh yeah tonight we will be telling scary ghost stories to give us some more thrills" She responded

"AWESOME!!!! I GOT A GREAT SCARY STORY I'M WORKING ON. You know just in case of a camping trip but i could tell it tonight" I Say Excited. I love scary stuff specially when i get to scare someone! Ohhh she is going to be soo freaked out! i say to myself.

"Great!" she says.

It was dark and we sat together as i tell her the story of the headless horse. Like the one i told rarity, applejack, and the CMC when we went on a camping trip, But this time i twisted it a little.

"And then the headless horse came in and thunder and lightning strikes as the campers were never heard from again." I finished. Oh man Shes gonna be soo scared!

"Thats It?" she says

"What do you mean Thats it? Arent you scared?" I say confused.

"Rainbow that's not a scary story... Its just a camp story to scare campers" Twilight Reminded

"UGH FINE!... Your Turn" I said annoyed

"Ok" She answered. She told me the story about a family who lived in the woods with nothing but a blackout and the noise of a storm just like this one. It was a story called the Conjuring. She said they also made a movie. It was based on real life which really scared me.

"Then in the end the women dies because f the three signs she went through 1. The Blackout 2. The Thunder and Lightning getting worse and finally 3. The creaking wood." Twilight finished

"Thats not scary!" i say

"Oh Really?" Twilight suspicously asked

"Yep....You cant scare me. I'm brave and awesome! Also i'm 20% cooler than you'll ever be!" I Reminded her. All of a sudden a blackout came just like the one twilight had explained in the story! I jumped up and landed on twilight's back. My shivering started to tickle her. The candles started to light up from spike and the fireplace started too. Twilight couldn't stop laughing.

"Oh.It.Is.On" She used a spell to tickle me and i started to drop dead laughing. I Never laughed so hard in my life!

"HAHAHAHA Ok Ok Stop Alright Please!" I say begging

"See you'll never defeat the undefeated at tickling!" Twilight Bragged and giggled

'Oh Yeah?" I tackled her and started to tickle her even more this time.Then she begged for me to stop she was on the floor and i was on top of her. we both were laughing. Wow i never felt like this in my life i say to myself looking into her eyes. Shes so beautiful and soft. She makes me happy. I think.... I think... STOP! cut it out! your a mare and she is a mare! I DONT CARE I THINK I LOVE HER!

"Umm... Rainbow.. will you get off of me?" she said concerned

" Sorry" I say with a fake smile

"Are you okay" Twilight Said

"Im Fine" I say nervously.

"Well ok ill go to bed" She said

It was so scary i couldn't sleep so i decided to go to twilight."Twilight" i whisper.

"mmmm... What?" Twilight asked

"Can i sleep here with you? Im...Im... Scared" I Say with a blush on my face.

"Ok" she got up from her be and got my bed from the guest room with her magic and placed it in her room."There now go to sleep!" she whispered and fell asleep and i did too saying "Good Night Twi"

"Good Night Dash" She responded

Chapter 3: Rarity's Visit

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I opened my eyes as i see Rainbow Dash already awake in the kitchen. She seems to be so hungry. Oh shes soo adorable when she is hungry! I say to myself as i walk into the kitchen.

"Hey im just eating oatmeal if you dont mind" Rainbow Said

"No..No.. Its ok" I Replied.

Ok i have to tell someone to help me with these feelings i have for Rainbow Dash. I know! i will send a letter to rarity asking if i can teleport her here. So she wont get her mane wet in the storm! I say to myself. So i pick up a scroll and a writing material and i'm beginning to write.

Dear Rarity,

I have these feelings for dash since i met her and i need help. Will you talk to rainbow for me and then tell me what she told you. I will teleport you here with my magic so you wont get wet in the storm.

Your Dearest Friend,

Twilight Sparkle

I told spike to send the letter to rarity. Spike was thrilled to being able so see rarity. After all, he has a crush on her since he first saw her. She already knows and sometimes takes advantage to it. Spike belched up a letter from rarity. Looks like she responded maybe saying yes. I hope... I say to myself grabbing the letter and ready it. It says:

Dear Twilight,

I would be more than happy to guide you, darling. Im ready to be transported now. Make sure my mane does not get wet!

Yours Truely,


Ok ready-

"What are you doing?" Rainbow asked seeing me in the living room using my magic.

"Oh Rainbow, i'm trying to teleport rarity here cause she was feeling lonely" I say with a fake smile.

"okay" Rainbow Responded.

So.. Once again i try to use my magic and rarity came in.

"Oh, Darling i think i broke a jewl!" Rarity complained.

"Ugh youll be fine! And why are you wearing that anyway!" Rainbow and i asked annoyed.

"This is my storm dress. It comforts me during a most dreadful storm like this one!" Rarity answered.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Rainbow. We both looked at each other and started cracking up. Her laugh is so amazing! i say to myself again.

"Ugh! it is not funny at all! It is important unlike you pegasi and Alicorns understand!" Rarity defended.

"I'm Sorry It's just funny of how much of a fashionista you really are!" I say trying to catch my breath.

Rarity wanted to talk to me privately sending rainbow back to the kitchen with spike. We closed the door and made a forcefeild making sure no one would eaves drop.

"So why do you like Rainbow anyway?" Rarity asked suspiciously.

"Well, Shes athletic,Brave,Strong,And is the fastest flying in all of Equestria. So Why not?" I say

"You do have a point darling" Rarity admitted.

"Ok youre not the one who is suppose to confess feelings for Rainbow ok?" Rarity commanded me.

"Wait.. Why?" I asked confused.

"Cause she acts like a colt.And it would look nice of her to do it because of that she is a little taller than you and is what you old fashioned ponies call it? Cool?" Rarity explained

"Ok i get it. But will you just talk to her and see if she feels the same way?" I reminded her

"Oh Yes of course darling ill be right back" Rarity says as she walks down going into the kitchen

Chapter 4: the Weirdest but AWESOME Night of My Life!

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Rarity came into the kitchen looking nervous like she did something wrong. She was sweating worse than i would after doing 1,000 Wing ups. Ok Fine 200 Wing ups. But i'm still am strong and cool. She sat right across from the table and started to open her mouth to speak.

"Yes" I say to rarity suspiciously.

"Ok darling i must urgently ask you something, You see do you have a special somepony or ever wanted a special somepony and if you do then who is it or who is your crush if you have one" She said as fast as she could with a fake smile on her face.

"Well if i tell you this then you promise not to tell anyone!" I responded

"You have my word Rainbow Dash" Rarity said doing the pinkie promise thing that pinkie pie a pink mare who is a very hard partying animal made up.

"Well.... I've always had this thing for mares...Heh" I say seeing that rarity had a shock on her face. I blushed so hard my face turned red as applejack's apples.

"WOW! Darling that is very adoring! So who is this mare you like!" Rarity said

I blinked 3 times. "Well....Aren't you mad or you know not wanting to talk to me anymore?" I asked.

"Why would ever i would be mad or not wanting to talk to you. We are best friends i like you the way you are plus i always had this thing for applejack." Rarity informed as spike ran out of the kitchen.

"Well spike seems mad hahha." I Say

"I'll deal with him later... so tell me your wanna be special somepony darling i simply must know after all i did a pinkie promise." rarity reminded.

"Its.....Its....its...TWILIGHT!" I admitted

Rarity's Jaw dropped nearly touching earths crust.

"You must tell her immediately!" Rarity said. "She has a crush on you too"

My jaw dropped too. I ran out of the kitchen but rarity stopped me.

"Darling i mean at the right time ill go sleep in twilight's bed for now she said i can use it she will be reading books for the night and while she does thats when you make a move."

I nodded and rarity went to the bedroom as explained and dozed off. Twilight was in the living room as told reading a book. I went to her but tripped on the rug and landed startling Twilight i stuck my tongue at her as she rolled her eyes and continued to read. I leaned in closer to her as she was too distracted from her reading/studying. I bunny hopped a little to get even more closer to her. Come on DASH just do a smooth move. I say to myself. I pretended to stretch my wing and it landed on her body. THATS PERFECT i thought. Twilight stopped reading and looked into my eyes as i did to her. We stood silent as rarity was watching excitingly. I looked at her and she gave me a wave saying go on. I kissed Twilight's cheek and shee jumped in and put her lips on mine. Sparks flew we kisses as long as our lungs could taste and she broke away.

"Twi.... I...I....Love you! I say stuttering

"I love you too dahie!" Twilight said and we hugged as we heard rarity saying awwwwww in the backround.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!