The Lost Race

by Field Marshall Nuggetman

First published

Can other species repeat what other species has done in the past?

It been 3000 years since human civilization has collapse and the survivors dead from disease, starvation and wild predators. The cities ruins. Earthquakes and natural disasters reshaped the lands. Lost and forgotten. Not anymore.

Twilight and here friends were cleaning up the library when they found a journal and a video camera. The name of the author was hard to pronounce "Vanessa Meyers".
They went to Canterlot for answers and their adventure begins.

Note:in this alternate dimension the ponies do have modern tech like iPhones,computer basic life stuff but they don't have the military tech, like tanks and jets.they also don' have cars,planes,metal ships that kind if stuff.

The journal

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The world we once knew and lived in is no more. Cities and once proud countries lay in ruins and the remaining survivors are scattered across the vast destruction in hopes of survival and the recreation of civilization. However, disease and greed got to them first. What's left of the human race looked to theft and murder to acquire supplies and shelter. But on the long anticipated day, the human race brought itself to the cliff where extinction waited patiently below, and threw themselves off it . The human race was no more. Now after the nuclear winter came the earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and volcanoes. This multitude of natural disasters reshaped the lands and buried some of the ruins that were left behind. In some parts of the US, which is now Equestria, stands the tall skyscrapers of the old and forgotten world. The roads, cars, and signs of the old world were left visible, but the now-inhabiting locals knew nothing of them. They would ask questions like "What are those?", "Are they places where aliens landed?", or "Were these their gods before Celestia?"

The answers to all these questions were left in a fog of mystery. The obscurity made it impossible to answer these questions. Until Now.

Today's date is September 18, 5033 or in the Equestrian date system, September 18, 1013 AC.

Twilight was having the greatest feeling of her life. Cleaning Day, the day she finally cleans her library, was among her. Since it takes Twilight about a few days to clean the library in its entirety she asked her friends to help her.

"Where are they? They told me they would be here at 3 o'clock sharp. It's 3:30 now." Twilight's irritation grew as she levitated a book about ancient myths and put it in the fantasy section of her shelves.

"Hey Spike?" she asked containing her irritation to the best of her abilities.


"Can you look out the window and see if they're coming?"

"Uh yeah, sure. They're coming to the door right now."

After Spike concluded his findings from the window, there were three subtle knocks at the front door.

Twilight quickly ran to the door and swung it open. Before the door was even halfway open, Pinkie Pie charged in and tackled Twilight right there.

"Pinkie get off of me!" grunted Twilight as she pushed her pink friend off of her.

"Oh sorry Twilight, I didn't see you there." Pinkie returned with her usual cheery tone.

Twilight let out a light sigh. "It's ok Pinkie, but where have you girls been?"

"Oh I'm so sorry dear." Rarity answered, "it's just that we were finishing our own daily chores." Rarity then put her iPhone into her purse and put on the best smile she could.

"Yeah Twilight. Why do you have to constantly worry about us all the time? We can handle ourselves." retorted Rainbow as she strolled into the library and made her way to the adventure section and took out a Daring Do book that she hadn't read yet and began to read it.

"Well we better get started then."; said Twilight as she handed each of her friends a stack of books to organize.

"Should I order a pizza while you girls start working?" asked Spike helpfully as he picked up the phone and start dialing the proper number.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Get three large cheese pizza and 3 apple sodas." yelled Twilight in the back as she shelved multiple books at once in the non-fiction section of the shelves.

[-- A/N Just to let everybody know that apple soda is a actual soda and it taste kinda sweet and apple orange type of taste. This type of soda aren't really that popular and they mostly sell this at Germany and Asia. --]

"Okay," Spike slurred the word and continued, "anything else?"

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Twilight said with a fake surprised tone. "You're still helping us right after you finish that call."

Spikes's happiness immediately plummeted down by 20% and the edges of his lips bent down into a frown.

About an hour after the pizza came, the six friends were almost finished with everything. In all actuality, they weren't even cleaning up the library anymore. They were sitting in a circle chatting and playing truth or dare.

"Uh, Fluttershy! Truth or dare?" asked Applejack with a mischievous grin.

"Truth!" replied Fluttershy with slight discomfort.

"Who do you like?"

"I... uh. I like Big Mac." answered Fluttershy shyly.

"I KNEW IT." yelled Rarity as if she just won a bet.

"Really?" asked Applejack slightly shocked.

"Well you already useed your turn so now its Pinkie Pie's turn," scolded Twilight as she grabbed a slice of pizza.< /p>

Without hesitation Pinkie blurted, "I dare Rainbow to fly into the roof and quickly come down."

"Pft, that's it?" Rainbow smirked as she flew up to the ceiling. She hit the desired target after a few seconds causing a very loud sound and vibration. The collision caused a huge black book to fall out of its place on the shelf and land on the floor.

"Huh, can somepony pick that book up and put it back on its shelf?" asked Twilight as she helped to see if Rainbow had a concussion.

"Hey girls," Rarity started, "I don't think this is any ordinary book." Rarity slowly bent down to pick it up.

Twilight looked to Rarity with a hint of interest and annoyance. "Why is that?"

Rarity took a close look at the mysterious book and replied, "Because it says that it's classified and for Vanessa Me yer's eyes only." Rarity slowed down to pronounce the name properly before looking back to Twilight.

"Vanessa Meyer..." Rainbow Dash looked from her spot on the floor and made a face as if she was in deep thought but finally said, "That's a weird name. Are we going to open it?"

"I think we should. It seems to be a really old book. Plus, there's even a video camera in here." said Rarity as she opened the journal and held out a video camera for everyone to see.

Fluttershy took a closer look at the camera and looked to Twilight, "Can you put this on your computer to see if it works?"

With a simple "sure", Twilight grabbed the camera from Rarity and connected it to her laptop with a cord. To the dismay of Twilight, her laptop couldn't read the camera's files but simple relayed a message.

[= Warnin g! Unknown wire connected. Please connect using a Level 2 computer for complete access. =]

Applejack read the message quickly and inquired, "Does anypony have a level 2 computer in this here Ponyville?"

"No one here does Applejack. Only Canterlot has those kind of computers since they're too expensive." replied Twilight with a disappointed sigh.

All the girls followed suit and looked down at the camera knowing that they won't able to see its footage.

After a brief moment of thought, Twilight perked up. "But I'm going to Canterlot later today and Princess Celestia said you girls could come along if you wanted to."

"Really?!" all the ponies asked in unison.

"Yup I was just about to leave as soon as all you girls went home. Hmm, since we have the book here we might as well read some of it."

< p class="double">The girls nodded their heads in agreement and quickly got on the floor in a circle and started reading the first few pages.

October 20, 2032

Well this is my first time ever writing in this journal, but who cares I'm the only person that's going to see it anyway.

Well today I just finished college at Princeton University and I feel great!! I had a good breakfast and I don't even have to worry about taking those slow and painful classes ever again. Unfortunately, I've got a new problem: going back to my weird family and begin to find a job. Well this is my first entry so I'll keep it short.

"Well that was the first page." muttered Twilight obviously bored.

"Princeton University? I've never heard of that college before." chimed Rarity as she thought about it.

"Ye ah, and 2033? What kind of year do you think is that?" Asked Applejack with a scoff.

"I don't know... Maybe it's those journal-diary types of writing." Replied Twilight with a hand on her chin.

"Well don't stop. Keep reading," Rarity said in anticipation.

November 23, 2032

Yay! I just got promoted to the supervisor at the accounting company today. Thank God I was the top student in my class. Well, tomorrow it's thanksgiving and I'm going to my grandparents' house for the big dinner feast. They're so proud of me for graduating. Oh, and also, today Sarah just got engaged!! I'm so happy for her and plus I'm going to be her bride's maid at her wedding! Well, all I know is that she's getting married in about three months. We also went to the store and picked up our dresses for the occasion. I hope the pictures I put in here don't come out. Well, thats all journal. I gotta stop writing because it's midnight already.

"Lets see the dresses!" Rarity said in a very familiar and ambitious tone, "I want to know how pretty they are."

Twilight flipped to the next page and there it was. Six unknown species in wedding dresses and heels all in a single picture.

Fluttershy peeked at the picture and immediately backed up a little, "What are those things?" she managed to squeak.

"I think those are humans." Replied Twilight with great interest.

"Humans?" they all asked in unison once more.

"It was a myth and legend about a bipedal species like us with hands and everything, but no fur or tail. They used tools to survive just like us too."

"But how did the writer get a picture if these species?" asked Rainbow with a skeptical look.

"I reckon it's just a painting." declared Applejack tossing her head away from the picture in disbelief.

"No Applejack, this is a picture alright. It may be old, but it's a picture." Twilight answered confidently. She then closed the book and turned her head to her friends behind her and spoke once more.

"I think we need to get to Canterlot and tell this to Princess Celestia. Now."

After a three hour train ride of nothing but quarreling between Rainbow and Applejack, the train finally arrived at Canterlot Station. The six friends all quickly disembarked from the train and made their way towards the castle as fast as they could. Since Twilight is now the Princess of Magic, she could just enter the castle without fetching her brother or any of the princesses to let her inside.

A r oyal messenger noticed Twilight arriving and turned around to shout, "Princess Twilight Sparkle has arrived!"

"Ah, Twilight. So happy you could make it. Are you ready for our little open meeting at the local park?" asked Celestia as she gracefully walked down a flight of stairs and embraced Twilight.

After escaping Princess Celestia's embrace, Twilight immediately remembered why she came to Canterlot so urgently. "Princess Celestia, we found an old hidden book when we were cleaning up the library. It has a really old journal in it and a video camera that we couldn not access while in Ponyville. I was hoping you might have a computer strong enough to access it." Twilight looked up at the monarch with high hopes.

"We do have a strong computer, probably capable of watching the footage from the camera, but where is this journal you speak of anyway?" Celestia looked slightly quizz ical towards Twilight.

Twilight levitated the book and the camera out of her backpack as two engineers were summoned to set up Celestia's computer behind her. Twilight looked back to the Princess and handed the journal to her and showed her the picture that the gang saw while in Ponyville.

"What are these creatures?" asked Celestia with suppressed shock.

Slightly uneasy, Twilight replied, "We think they are humans, but the thought of humans was a myth. That being said, only the camera can tell us the truth." Twilight pointed at the camera that is now in Celestia's hands while she finished the last part of her reply.

"Yeah, and I already have the popcorn ready." chirped Pinkie Pie as she pulled popcorn out of nowhere.

Shining Armor and Princess Cadence walked in while Celestia continued to examine the picture in the mysterious journal.

"Twily your here," said Shining Armor happily.
"Hi there BBBFF! How are you and Cadence?"

"Oh we're doing just fine," Shining said as he glanced towards Cadence who in turn continued the sentence, "we finally agreed to have pasta for Wednesday."

"So what's with the camera?" asked Shining as he pointed to the camera in Celestia's hands.

"Oh that? We found it at the library and discovered that it still works. We just want to see what's on it." Twilight answered as she walked with them to the table that the engineers had already finished setting up. On the table was Princess Celestia's personal computer with the camera next to it.

They all watched as Celestia sat down and went to [My Computer] and connected the cord from the camera into her computer. A video feed came alive onto Ce lestia's monitor asking if they wanted to see the video. Celestia hesitantly clicked [yes] and the video immediately started up.

As soon as Celestia clicked the [yes] on the screen, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow instantly had their butts glued to the ground and began to scarf down the buttery popcorn that Pinkie had brought with her. A single engineer that stayed behind set up a large screen connecting to the computer so the guards in the back and every pony in the main lobby can see it.

At first, all the ponies could see was the black screen. After a few minutes, the screen came to life filling everypony with anticipation.

"Hi! It's the big day! Sarah finally getting married and I look great!" said Vanessa as the camera came towards a mirror and every pony was in shock that a humans was holding a camera and standing in the video.

"Is that a human?" asked Shining Armor in shock.

"Yes it is," Celestia replied as she joined Rainbow and Pinkie.

The video then abrupty ended. After a few seconds, the screen came back to life.

"Hey, hey! Put the camera on Sarah. It's her big day." said a man in a suit. The camera turned and there was Sarah walking down the aisle with flower petals on the floor and people sitting down in the neatly organized pews. At the very front of the room, there were three human males. A man in all white which they all knew was going to to be Sarah's husband, another gentlemen who was older which the ponies guessed was Sarah's father, and lastly there was a man in a robe holding a book with a cross.

"See, why is there always that fancy organ music durin' a weddin'?" Asked Applejack with obvious irritation in her tone.

"Because it's formal." replied Rarit y with her head held high.

"Daily beloveds, we are gathered here today to celebrate the happy marriage of two lovely young people: Frank Anderson and Sarah Willer."

"Well, the human wedding is just like our wedding, but a bit more fancy and formal." said Cadence with a raised eyebrow.

Celestia then turned to Cadence and rebuked, "Well, your wedding was, in face, invaded by changelings." Cadence then pondered this and let the argument drop.

After an hour or so of speeches and vows, it came to the final few statments that I, the writer, knows.

"And do you, Frank Anderson, take Sarah Willer as your lawful and loving wife?"

"I do."

"And do you ,Sarah Willer, take Frank Anderson as your caring and sharing husband?"

"I do."

" ;Then I pronounce you, husband and wife," the robed male then turned to Sarah's husband and said, "you may now kiss the bride."

Frank lifted up Sarah and kissed her passionately.

Right then, the video abruptly turned to black.

"That was beautiful. It... it makes me cry." sobbed Rarity as she cried a bit before Fluttershy was at her side to comfort her.

"It was perfect! What happen to them?" Cadence said, almost a shout.

But she spoke too soon because after a few seconds, a large explosion could be heard from the speakers next to the large screen.

The video remained black but the date appeared at the top of thee screen: June 26, 2033.

"That's only four months after the wedding." yelled Pinkie Pie in realization.

The video feed remained black and empty as all th e ponies in the lobby sat in painful anticipation.

The war

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The dark, empty screen continued to worry the ponies because when they heard the explosion, they first thought that they were getting invaded again. However, when the air remained silent, everyone knew that the explosion had come from the video.

Just as fast as the video went black, the video returned and began to shake as an image of Vaness a appeared. Her hair was all messy and she seemed to have blood dripping from her forehead.

"Uh, Sarah? Frank? Joseph? Where are you?!"

A faint voice could be heard a ways away, "Over here..."

Vanessa quickly ran for a while and came to a young man which the ponies believe to be Joseph or Joe laying on the ground with a part of a collapsed roof over him.

"Joe are you alright? Can you move?"

"No, my entire body is stuck under this roof and there's a metal pole jabbed into my stomach." Joe's breathing sounded labored and painful. "I'm losing a lot of blood."

"No, I'm going to get you out," Vanessa had tears dripping down her cheeks.


Vanessa was in shock. She couldn't think of anything to do that would help. In desperation, she looked up to see Sarah standing at the doorway. Her light green dress was ripped and torn. Sarah's hair was in an equally horrid states as Vanessa's.

"Sarah you're alright!" Vanessa had a tinge of happiness in her voice until he asked, "Where's Frank?"

"He's dead."

"What?" Vanessa didn't want to believe what Sarah had just said.

"He pushed me out of the way so a roof didn't fall on both of us. I got away, but Frank... Frank. He..." Sarah started sobbing.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry." Vanessa had wide eyes as the dried up tears on her cheek became wet once more.

After a few moments, Sarah spoke up to calm herself, "It's alright, I would have done the s ame thing for him."

Vanessa and Sarah both stopped talking and looked at Joe who opened his mouth to say something to the two girls.

"Vanessa, Sarah, get out of this building," Joe stopped for a second to cough up loose blood in his mouth, "It's not safe. Get out of Manhattan and get to low ground. Find the military, they'll keep you two safe."

"And what about you?" Asked Sarah with an overload of concern.

"I'm fine just go. GO! One more thing, Vanessa, keep that camera on. One day someone is going to see the horror we've gone through today."

That was the last thing Joe ever said before he lost too much blood and his body went limp. The girls took a last look at Joe and cried once more before heading to the stairs and to exit the collapsed building.

The camera went blank once more giving the spectating ponies time to react appropriately.

The ponies in the room were all in shock. Even Rainbow Dash and Applejack's cheeks glistened with wet tears.

"Those innocent people," whispered Celestia softly as she continuee looking at the now blank screen.

"Wait a minute..." Applejack put her hand to her chin in deep thought. "Did Joe say Manehattan?"

"Yeah, why?" asked Twilight a bit confused at first.

"Do you girls remember those tall straight metal mountains on the small island and those destroyed bridges over yonder?"

"Yea we do. Those are all ancient things." Celestia said trying to figure out where Applejack was going.

"Well I think they belonged to them there humans."

"Why is that?" asked Rarity just as puzzled as Twilight.

"Look," Applejack pointed to the black screen that was radiating light once more.

They all turned around and they saw the video was continuing. They saw Vanessa and Sarah running out of a skyscraper. All around, the "tall metal mountains" were intact and stood proud. There was a single large television intact atop one of the "mountains" that was blank at the moment.

"Those cities are huge." yelled Pinkie Pie with eyes the size of dinner plates.

"Yeah, I think all of Canterlot would love to live there." Shining said surprised.

Before they can continue commenting on the beautiful city, the huge T.V went on.

"This is FOX news. The United States of America is being invaded by the Socialist Republic of China and the Democratic nation of Russia. All civilians living in the Eastern and W estern United States, please evacuate immediately. Nuclear Strike and invasion are definitely possible. All US military personnel in the areas specified are ordered to go to the nearest police stations and assist the local officers in armoring up and protecting the city until the US military arrives. The army's estimated arrival time is 10 minutes. The Lincoln Tunnel isn't available due to a missile barrage which destroyed its entrance and permitted floodwaters entry. All civilians are advised to avoid ground level and up and to take refuge in subterranean bunkers. With that we-"

Before the T.V could finish, a missile made impact with the T.V and completely destroyed it. Vanessa turned her head and the camera around where a Russian Hind was spotted flying in the distance. The helicopter's minigun began to open fire when Vanessa felt her hands get seized by those of Sarah. The two made their way towards the subway station nearby as quickly as they physically could. The girls hid behind cars as body parts went flying, spraying blood in all directions. A S.W.A.T team and the police were right in front the car that Vanessa and Sarah were hiding behind. The military groups were attempting to take out the helicopter above. The girls saw their chance when the helicopter started firing at the police instead of spraying bullets in random directions. They rushed towards the subway tunnel's opening. Unfortunately, before they could descend, the two girls saw hundreds of jets and helicopters with both Russian and Chinese symbols on them. One of the many helicopters landed right in front of Vanessa and Sarah. The two quickly went down into the subway's networks but not before the camera saw the police and S.W.A.T team getting gunned down by Chinese infantry.

The video suddenly went blank again and only momentarily returned to show a picture of Chinese and Russian soldiers.

< p class="double">"Oh my how violent can those humans get?" asked Rarity, completely horrified by the display.

"And their military tech so much power." said Shining, who was gawking at the blank screen.

"And those people getting killed like animals." Fluttershy whimpered.

"Those weren't even their best units." Twilight pointed out.

"What?!" yelled every pony in the room, including Princess Celestia.

After a few seconds and a long sigh Twilight spoke, "Hold on, I'll show you." Twilight made her way to the computer went back in the video a little before pausing at a certain section. "You see those metal things back their? The things that have cannons on their heads? Those things are like mobile invincible cannons."

"I think those are tanks like the ones our military engineers a re trying to create right now." said Shining Armor looking closely at the tanks on the screen with a finger on his chin.

Not wavering, Twilight continued her horror lecture, "And look at those planes up in the sky. The one with the spinning blades are probably meant for transportation from air to ground. Look at those planes up in the sky as well."

Every pony looked at the said planes. After a few seconds of absolute silence, Rainbow Dash pointed at the planes on the screen and shouted, "All those planes are doing a sonic rainboom!"

"Exactly, and I think a Nuclear Strike is inconceivably deadly because if atoms split, the energy released would create an unbelievably large explosion that could potentially destroy an entire city in a matter of minutes."

"So... that's how their race was destroyed," said Celestia grimly, "They all killed each othe r with massively advanced technology and weaponry."

Twilight replied, "They didn't use magic as well. They-" but before she could continue, the video returned and everyone attention was once again brought to the large screen.

Date July 4 2033

"Hi, it's Vanessa again. I'm out of the city but it's being taken apart by the three largest nations in the world. Apparently, so is the world itself. Half of the African Coast and south of Asia have all been nuked and right around no one at all survived. Europe, which was our ally, is being pushed back by the massive Russian army and the Chinese are attacking the west coast of North America. I'm supposed to go with a group of scientists. I heard that I'm going to be in a cryogenic facility behind some forest. I'm going to be frozen and will reawaken as soon as the war is over. That means tha t this is my last video and I'm not writing in my journal again. I'm going to hide this camera and my journal in a binder and hdie the binder in this large tree. I'm going now, bye." The camera went blank for the last time and turned off.

Then they saw the large tree with a hole on it where Vanessa hid the binder.

"That's the library!" yelled Twilight with wide eyes.

Fluttershy soon caught on and added, "There are humans under the library trapped in a facility."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go then!" said Rainbow Dash impatiently as she flew out of the castle. The rest of the ponies in the room soon followed suit and made their way back to Ponyville.


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Everypony stopped and looked at Twilight annoyed.

"What? We gotta hurry!" complained Rainbow as she was about to just fly away.

"Do we know exactly w here this facility is? Where is the old city she was near, huh?" Twilight pointed out.

"Then where is she anyway?" Asked Celestia looking at her student.

"Well she did leave a map of her old country in her journal, so..."

"Lets compare her world with ours." finished Shining as he took the map from Twilight and set it up on the table. Shining then took out the map of Equestria.

Pinkie took a look at the two and tilted her head, "They don't look alike."

"Well, natural disasters do modify the landscape." Twilight said as she continues to stare at the map in thought.

"Shining, is our world satellite ready for use?" Asked Celestia.

"If I recall correctly, then yes, it is. Why?"

"Using the satellites, we can take a look at the past of Eq uestria and present."

"Good idea. Plus, Vanessa left postcards and the videos of the ancient city." They all look at the screen saw Vanesssa holding the camera. Shining pointed at the city with hundreds of skyscraper in the distance.

"The city that thou points at is much more massive than Manehattan or Canterlot." Luna says as she makes her way towards the group.

"Hmm, there's also a postcard here that says 'Greetings from Los Angeles'." Cadence added as she passed the card around which had a picture of Los Angeles and the "HOLLYWOOD" sign.

"How are all the cities gone now?" asked Rarity in disbelief.

"We don't know, but we'll find the answers when we find out where exactly Vanessa is right now." replied Twilight with confidence.

The computer was now lin ked up with the satellite as they zoomed to Manehattan and the saw a pony settlement on the mainland but four destroyed bridges and old equally destroyed skyscrapers on a small island near the mainland.

"Oh my those are the beautiful cities?" asked Rarity with just as much disbelief as before.

"Why didn't we rebuild the cites? They were so nice." whispered Fluttershy.

"Firsly, the metals used to construct the bridges and skyscrapers were tenfold the strength of our metals. Secondly, the dangers of being on the skyscrapers are simply too great." explained Luna.

"Can we look at Los Angeles now? I want to know what pony settlement it's near." said Rainbow eager with anticipation.

Shining punched in the proper codes and there was Los Angeles. Ten miles to the east of said city, was Los Pegasus.

"Those poor h umans. Everything they built was all obliterated in a single war." said Twilight with her head hung low. The rest of the ponies continued to stare at the main screen.

"I just found something." declared Cadence looking at a certain spot on the large screen.

"What'd you find there sugarcube?" asked Applejack poking her head towards Cadence.

"Well, the facility isn't in any of the cities like we thought it'd be. It's actually close to Ponyville, past the Everfree forest. It's... it's in a mountain."

Fluttershy looked towards the screen, and then back to Cadence, "Umm.. if you don't mind me asking, how do you know that?"

"I looked at the final few minutes of Vanessa's video, and there was a mountain behind her in the background. Plus, she hid the book and the camera in the library's tree, so it's gotta be in the mountain."

"Now can we go?" asked Rainbow eager and slightly annoyed simultaneously.

"Yes girls, we should all go. We are also going to send soldiers with cameras attached to their helmets. We might want to broadcast this LIVE." Celestia stated as she took out her phone and started calling television stations.

"We should share this knowledge with other nations as well." Luna added.

After roughly ten minutes, the Princesses were ready with a platoon of royal guards carrying assault rifles. They also brought their personal cameras to record what they would witness. The group then embarked on their journey to Ponyville.

After an hour or so later, the group reached the mountains that they predicted was where the facility rested at. After close inspection, the ponies detected a few clustered boulders with odd appearance s in a particular area. Twilight and Princess Celestia lowered themselves to the cluster of boulders and began shifting them and moving them aside. Sure enough, the cleared boulders revealed a large metal door.

"Interesting, this door was well concealed." Luna observed.

"Uh, Princess? Ponies live across this world." said one of the guards in the back.

"Well hello there. I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle and a few days ago we found a video that said the ancient myths of the humans inhabiting this world were true. We also found out that all the odd objects in our world belonged to the humans a long time ago. They built huge cities and lived as gods long before Celestia and Luna were born. Unfortunately, they had a huge world war against each other and completely destroyed their own race." Twilight summed up everything that had happened to the guards as short, but informative as possible.

"But we might have found a chamber where all the sleepy-head humans decided to take a looong nap and wait for the bad war to end," said Pinkie cheerfully in the back.

The group slowly walked up to the door. However, when Twilight touched it, the metal door instantly rusted and crumbled down. Twilight gave Celestia an uneasy look which Celestia returned before nodding to her guards.

The guards walked in and found a light, which wasn' on of course, that struggled with all the dust buildup in the air. The guards flipped the light switch on and a long hallway was illuminated. One after another, lights began to flicker to life spreading the comforting light further down the hallway. The guards readied their weapons for any imminent dangers and turned their headset cameras on.

After five minutes of exploring the extensive hallway, the group finally made it to an open doorway that had a sign ab ove the door with "CRYO ROOM" sketched into the sign. Inside, there was a single man within an enlarged glass tube.

Twilight's eyes went wide, "Huh, a human in real life... I can't believe it."

"Captain Shining Armor, this man appears to be a soldier." declared a guard that was examining the man.

"How do you know?"

"Well, he looks physically fit than any of us and this sign says his name and rank."

Shining switched the camera to his point of view and looked at the sign.

[ Major David Smith age-26 height-6.4 ]

There was a button that was on the wall that caught everypony's attention. Above the button was another sign which said "Release CRYO patient."

Without thinking, Twilight pushed the button and the water in the tube slowly drained out and the glass in the front of the tube opened. David fell out the tube and landed on the face which woke him up pretty quickly. The major began coughing and sputtering.

"Major David Smith the human, I am princess Celestia of Equestria and I hereby welcome you to our world." Celestia greeted the human.

"Princess? Ha, there hasn't been a princess in 20 years." Then David thought for a second and looked up. As his eyes told him that he was looking at anthro ponies, David quickly thought up a plan and kicked a guard. The blow dazed the guard just long enough for David to swipe the guard's weapon and aim it at the Princesses.

"What the fuck are you?" he scowled with death in his eyes.

The guards quickly reacted by pointing their rifles at the human with an M16 in his hands.

"We're ponies Major." said Rainbow flatly.

"Ponies my ass. You guys are just failed experiments of the US military."

"Wait. Experiments?" asked Twilight, clearly puzzled.

"During the first year of the war we started experimenting with human and horse DNA. The scientists came upon 4 types of abominations. A human with manes but one with nothing, simply a mane and tale. The second type had wings, the third with a horn, and the fourth with wings and a horn," explained David.

The ponies were all in a shocked state and so was every last equine that was watching TV at the time.

"Within all four of the abomination species, there were a male and female. The president decided to simply let the monsters run loose in the wild."

"So..." Cadence started with a knot in her throat, "we're just experiments of war?" It was clear that Cadence was fighting back tears as the cold, bitter reality enveloped her mind.

Major David continued, "Well, it wasn't just us. The Chinese were messing around and scanning DNA to change animals as well. The Russians were combining a uh... I think it was an eagle, and lion to create a griffin of sorts. As far as I can remember, the Europeans were infusing human DNA and oxen DNA to come up with something similar to mythical beasts call minotaurs. and The African Republic made human-zebras before the nukes came in. So-"

"We were all experiments?" asked Twilight, interrupting David.

"Yes. You are. Fortunately for you all, we put enough genes in your DNA so you could become sentient and sapient 'cause we know we were well on our way to extinction. So we believed that there should be some type of humans on this planet after the original humans have passed."

"Oh, and another thing. Why the fuck did you release me? And how long have I been sleeping?"

"We are here for a girl called Vanessa Meyers. You've been asleep for close to three millenia," explained Rarity.

David's grip on his rifle loosened ever so slightly, "Three thousand... Wow that's a first."

"If you don't mind me asking, do you know where Vanessa is?" asked Fluttershy as loud as she could muster in her shyness.

"She's in the other room. Come on I'll show ya." said David casually as he put on his US marine uniform, which was hanging on the wall near his capsule, and marched out the door.

The ponies looked at each nervously and followed him out the door.


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The ponies made haste to catch up to David, who was already entering an elevator.
"Hey, Mister Smith? We still have questions you know." yelled Rainbow as she flew up to him.
"And they are?"
"Everything! The war, us, humans being in hiding for so long."
"Well there are a lot of things I didn't tell you." After thinking t himself he looked back at Rainbow Dash and continued, “The laws of the US government collapsed when the government itself did. So, I guess the information regarding anthroponies is no long classified.”
"Good, then let’s begin," said Celestia. It was clear that the monarch was slightly eager to gobble up the knowledge.
"Go ahead and ask the first question. I also suggest you follow me; I know where Ms. Meyer is."
"Why did your country fight with China and Russia?" asked Shining Armor.
"Well, it's really complicated. You see, we didn't just start fighting ‘cause we feel like it. There’s always a reason for everything."
"And that was?"
"All three nations were world superpowers. Russia was able to increase its military strength due to a huge oil find in the arctic. In turn, the country grew unbelievably wealthy. China had a huge economic advantage since the early 2000s. Plus,they were the biggest exporting country in the world. The US, on the other hand, was different. We were influencing many countries during our time and we already had a huge military army. But, we were in a huge amount of debt since because the nation was spending a lot more money than it was making. We were just about it give Alaska and Hawaii to China before President Dweller thought of an idea."
"What was the idea, if you don’t mind me asking?" squeaked Fluttershy.
"The brilliant idea was to stop all military funding and federal, state, and community projects until our debt was completely paid off. The middle and lower class received a tax cut while the 1% had a large tax increase. The unemployed were given small jobs so they can get back on their feet again. Large corporations were constructed with the sole purpose of donations to the government. The smaller businesses would pool their money together to help construct and repair structures like bridges or apartments."
"Did it work?" asked Luna.
"It did. The plan started was set in motion in 2019 and we were out of debt by 2026. Everyone involved even received a portion of the surplus money for their help. Unfortunately, our massive income and wealth bothered Russia and China. The believed that the US having as much money as it did could become a problem if all of it was invested into military power.
"So that's why they attacked you." concluded Shining Armor.
"Yep. The Chinese contacted a terrorist force and bribed them with a huge sum of money to attack the US bases at Afghanistan and Iraq. When reinforcements were sent in, a section of the terrorists ambushed the forces from behind. The fucking cunts… couldn’t even face us head on."
"Your country had a huge military. Why did you guys just push them back?" asked Shining.
"Because we had EMP. That's why."
"What's a EMP?" asked Twilight, tilting her head sideways in curiosity
"EMP, electromagnetic pulse. It disables anything that relies on electricity by shorting out the circuit board. If a country gets its hands on some hardcore EMP, it can sabotage satellites, vehicles, phones or any other electronics."
"So I’m guessing that your country relies on the electric technology in battles…" asked Rainbow.
"No, not necessarily, but it gave us the upper hand. We had thousands of unmanned planes, drones, robots and tanks. All of these were pretty useless on the west coast. A whole different story on the east coast though."
"How Different?" asked Every pony in the room. Every other equine watching this LIVE was on the edge of their seats in anticipation, the wait driving them crazy.
"The Chinese main force invaded us in the west while the Russians and some elites from China invaded us in the east and north. They attacked with a full frontal assault on NYC. Manhattan was hit the worst out of the whole city. Millions of innocent people lay dead in the streets after two weeks battle. We decided to use our final ace."
"And that is?"
David took in a deep breath and looked at the his feet briefly before returning his eyes to the anthroponies. "Nukes."
"Nukes? We’ve never heard of this Nuke you speak of. Care to elaborate?" asked Luna quizzically.
"A nuke, or a nuclear bomb, is a highly explosive weapon of war. The massive explosion is caused by the splitting and decay of atoms, releasing unheard of amounts of energy. More than 10,000 tons of TNT won't match the power of single nuclear missile. And that's not everything. After the missile hits, it leaves toxic waste and radiation that can cause any type of animal to mutate or die from skin lesions, blindness, or high radiation poisoning. Trust me, you don't want to experience the problems the victims had."
"Was that all you did?" asked Celestia.
"No, of course not. We sent in troops and invaded China and Russia. Our European allies helped us in the battle of Moscow and the battle of Petersburg. South Korea and Japan had lent us a hand and helped us push back the Chinese from the land they taken from us."
"So in conclusion, you guys won." said Pinkie. “That’s great!”
"Well, uh no. We didn’t win. Before we got into Moscow and Beijing, the two tyrants unleashed all their nukes on the US and the rest of the world.” The anthroponies saw fire in David’s eyes and rage was building up, “In one day, those bastards wiped 3.2 billion people off this planet. Millions more were dying from the fucking radiation. " David then pulled something out of nowhere and showed the ponies a video of France not one minute before the nukes touched down.
"That looks like France to me and my it looks marvelous." said Rarity, eyes gleaming.
“Just watch,” David replied flatly.
After the minute, the spectating ponies and the equine watching this at home saw a small missile making contact with the ground. After a brilliant flash of light blinded the camera, a huge explosion happened causing the entire city to be covered in a red fire looking mushroom. Not three seconds after the light, dust and fire were shooting at the camera disconnecting the feed.
"45 million partisans were living there that day. The French rescue team could only find 300 people and fifty of them died in the hospital."
All the ponies were in shock of how powerful the nuclear strike was and how many people had died in one day.
"After we stormed their capitals, we had taken the Russian and Chinese leaders prisoner even if most of us wanted to kill them on sight for killing all the family and friends we were fighting for."
"Then how did all your species almost become extinct?" asked Twilight.
"After a week or so, scientists discovered that after all the nukes were detonated, the earth was changing. Sudden large amount of Earthquakes and volcano were going off. Huge amounts of flooding all over the coasts and we knew that this was the end so President Dweller and the rest of the world leaders came up with a plan. They created the vault. A underground cryogenic facility that will hold history books, weapons, and people until the planet repairs itself. Only then will people be able to reawaken and go outside again. But there was a problem. Most everywhere was either destroyed or getting there. So the nations created 20 places for the vault and various different countries elected their vaults and valuables and entered it."
"So are there more humans deep down in this bunker in cryogenic tubes like you were?" Asked Pinkie, the thought of meeting new people making her happy.
"Sadly, no. The plague got to us before any of them were able to make it."
"The plague?" asked Applejack, raising an eyebrow.
"A deadly virus was able to be discovered by the Chinese. Completely oblivious, the survivors entered the vault. The disease inside waited patiently and almost killed everyone there. Only a few hundred of us was able to be in the CRYO before everybody else was killed by the disease."
"That's horrible. " said Fluttershy.
"But that's not all. During the final few days of the war, the countries was able to create you guys and discovered that you anthroponies weren’t affected by the virus in any way. We fused your pony kind and humans so we can have the multitude of benefits. The result were anthroponies, which were released into the wild. The humans had hopes that the human way of life and idea would continue on." David gestured at Celestia, I guess that our assumptions were accurate.
"Can you show us where Vanessa and the others are being kept at?" asked Celestia calmly.
"Of course. Right this way." said David as he walked to a seemingly random door and opened it.
"Before we enter the main CRYO room, we must go through the weapons vault. Be extremely careful not to touch anything.”
"Got that, girls? Don't touch anything while we’re in there." said Cadence looking at the anthroponies around her.
"I'm not referring to the girls. I was referring to all of you."
Every pony was in shock, even the guards.
"There are weapons in there that can kill you instantly if you touch it the wrong way and I don’t have any intention to haul dead bodies out of the bunker."
Then David open the doors and every pony there was in shock and I mean every single species watching this which is pretty much every species that is glued to the T.V at work, at their homes, or in the streets on their mobile devices.
Here's a picture of the murican military vault.
Never mind I can't find any ill just explain it to you and you can picture it in your mind. I know your all good at it of you know what I mean he he he :trollestia:
There was a huge long wall on either side of the group with hundreds of types of guns, rockets and ammo mounted on them. Behind them were huge amount of M1A3 Abrams, of VTOL gunships and F6-GS1 fighter and bomber jets. There were also six nuclear missiles all the way in the back. Beside the war machines were Strykers and Humvees with fuel tanks scattered around.
"Did you just send us to the closet of the Devil?" asked Luna looking at the arsenal of destructive force in the room.
"Nope, just the most ‘Murican room we have right now. You should’ve seen the kitchen. You won't believe how much bacon we had in there."
"What type of weapon is this?" said a guard picking up a Barrett 50 cal.
"That, my fine friend, is a Barrett 50 cal. It can shoot about a couple of miles away and it's able to shred through a person's entire body in the matter of seconds."
"Can we please leave this room now? It’s really scary." said Fluttershy quivering with shaky legs.
"Sure, the door to the vault is right here. One more thing, before we enter, I want to tell you all two things. One don't touch anything and two, all the humans in the CRYO machines are naked. So, if the adults watching this at home are with any children, tell them to have their children vacate. I’ll wait a minute.”
One. Minute. Later.
"Well, time’s up. Prepare for what remains of the human race." said David as he pushed open the door to have everyone blinded by a bright white light.


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When the doors open there was a bright light, then when the door was fully opened they saw hundreds of CRYO tubes filled with humans of every kind. black,white,Hispanic,Asians every type of humans hair,eyes and skin color.

"i would like to welcome you to the last remaining citizen of the United States of America." said David as he goes to a computer to the side and started typing.

"theses people are all that left from the world?"asked Luna.

"no this is only the civilian section of the base. The military cryo room is right down the stairs and besides theres 19 other vaults all over the world so I thinks there's a least a couple hundred thousands of us left."

"Are you going to regroup with the others?" asked Fluttershy as she stares at a young teenager and her beautiful red hair.

"No where only going to regroup with the 3 other vaults in the country and start over. If the other Equine nations want to find the other vaults here's a map of where every thing is." said David as he takes Shining Armor camera and points the screen at the map with all the vaults location and the nations it belong to.

"Just don't open the ones at belong to China,Russia we want to personally open it."

"We just got informed that the other countries want to speak with you and the diplomat of the human race." said Celestia.

"well the world leaders vault was located beneath Washington D.C and right before we went to slept we were informed that D.C was flooded by a huge tsunami and satellites show that its right near this town called Baltimare?"

"we'll inform Baltimare police about this newly required info." said a guard as he walks out of the door.

"The civilian section and military section are now being released and the people inside should regain conscious in about a hour or so if you still have any other questions or the equine watching this have any question please care to ask." said David as he welcomes the ponies to sit down on the main meeting room next to the cryo room.

"Uh yes we would like to know if you had any family members that with you in the vault?" asked Applejack as she takes off her hat and sets it down on the table.

"I use to they were on a trip to Philadelphia when the nukes were dropped they send me a video if you ponies want to see it I would like to show you."

The ponies nodded there head as David turn to the computer in the room and a screen appeared.

buffering buffering requiring video up link.

The Camera turns on and there was sounds.

"Dad is the camera on I want David to see this." asked a brunette women wearing a tan sweater similar to the one Fluttershy is wearing right now.

"yeah I got it Franny and make sure you get little Sammy and her pretty little blossom in the camera as well." said a white headed man holding the camera.

Then a little girl just the same age as the cutie mark crusaders ran up to David's wife and hugged her.

"hey Samantha say hi to daddy."

"Hi daddy."

"tell daddy where we were just at." said Francine.

"we where just at the grand opening of the military memorial hall." said Samantha as she starts jumping around the sidewalk.

"love you David."

"love you daddy."

Then the camera turned and Francine Dad started talking.

"David please come home safely you have a beautiful wife and daughter and they need you, they need a dad a husband I know your a soldier and all but please come back safely."

Then there was a huge explosion across the city.

"Oh my god what was that." asked a man in a business suit with a I phone 7SI in his right hand.

"I don't know but we should get to the fallout she-" before Francine's dad could finish his sentence a missile hit the city and a huge light and explosion came rushing towards them and when Francine's dad hit send they was a huge mushroom could appearing while the camera saw David's wife and daughter perish in the explosion.

Then the screen went dark and the video ended.

"I was at Iraq at that time helping out the locals against the terrorist and I just got the video when I got back to base and after that we were told that we where being shipped to Germany to help stop the Russian assault in Europe." said David as he wipes his tears off his face.

"we are so sorry for your lost." said Twilight as she pats David's back.

"It's ok you ponies never knew about those attacks and neither did I."

"Ok let's change the subject." Said Applejack. "What does your species eat. "

"That depends." Replied David.

"I don't follow." Said Applejack.

"We are omnivores that means we eat both plants, vegetables and meat."

The ponies just looked at him with a strange face.

"Meat?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Yes we humans eat meat for protein rand carbs."

"Have you ever eaten ponies before." Asked Cadence.

"Can't say I haven't."

The ponies took a step back.

"Let me explain, you see our world at first thought that eating horse meat was taboo and canniblaism was a thing for the devil but after the war and the nuclear winter humans need meat to survive any kind of meat. Since I was with the military group we had cows and pigs and sometimes we ate horse but I don't really enjoy horse, to tender."

"Your species ate each other?" Asked Rarity "How barberic."

"Well it's not barberic it's basic animal instincts you will do any thing to survive and I mean anything."

"So if we are stranded at a place with no plants and vegetables only meat we'll eat it?" Asked Pinkie.

"You ponies are herbivores right?"

The nodded.

"Then your teeth are not capable to chew meat but yeah Your'll eat meat to survive if you have to."

"We have a question." Asked a guard up front. " how much humans was there before the war and how many humans was in the military?"

"Well before the war we had about 8.5 billion people and about 750 million men and women was in the military around the world."

"That's a lot of humans." Said Celestia.

"Well if we didn't have two other world wars and other wars a hundred years ago maybe they may have been more."

"Ok then wait two other world wars?" Asked Twilight.

"We humans had two wars one was from 1914 to 1918 and we lost about 19 million people and World War Two was from 1939 to 1945. But world war three the casualties was about 8.45 billion people causing our dissaperarence from world history."

"We should stop asking questions now." Said Celestia.

"Agreed. " replied Twilight.

Then the CRYO tubes was released and the water was dissapearing.

A/N: fuck sleep I'm not tired so I wrote another chapter. Hope you all like it.

Journey to the new world

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A/N: many people mail me and always ask me question like this.

"Whose your favorite pony?" "Where do you get your ideas from?" "You play COD/GTA/League of Legend what's your name?" And finally this really bothers me a lot. "Personal things(I don't tell people my personal interest and stuff)"

Well I'm not going to tell anybody my personal things until I have to or they gave me money. But I will answer one question. Most of the times I get my ideas from my brony friends at school or when I'm playing with some brony people in games or in skype. And sometimes I come up with ideas just be dreaming it in my sleep. Well I'm only gonna answer one question. I'll wait for 50 likes they I'll answer all your questions. Now let's get back to the story.

The doors to the CRYO room started to close as David gets the ponies out of the room and into the main lobby again.

"Give the civilians a few minutes so they can get changed and get use to walking again."

"Then what are we going to do?" Asked Pinkie.

"We can go to the military CRYO room where my men's are being held."

"Won't they need a while as well?" Asked Fluttershy.

"There soldiers they should be done by the time we get there." Said David as he escorts the ponies to a elevator and the door opened.

"Ladies first." Said David as he lets in the mares in firsts and then himself.

In about two minutes they reached the military CRYO room but when they entered they was no people in the tubes. The equine watching at home was wondering where could they be? Then one of the guards ponies camera shaker and fell causing it to black out. Then as the camera keep switching from the eyes of each guards all of them was black adj when they switch to Twilight's P.O.V they saw a weird looking gun pointing at her and a human with a gas mask is holding the gun.

"Sir are you ok?" Asked the human to the left aiming at Celestia.

"I'm fine and please Captain tell your men's to lower there weapons we don't want to hurt the species that freed us from the CRYO."

The soldiers lowered their guns while Twilight's camera saw the humans getting off of the guards that was hit in the back. They got the guards back up and gave them back their M16A3 and M4 Carbines back.

"How odd you knock out all 25 royal guards that fast I didn't even turn around and a gun was already aimed at my face." Asked Celestia.

"Theses men's are some of the best of the best in the world. All Navy Seals, trained to be in dangerous situation and they able to shoot and kill anybody with one order."

(Also here's the picture of what the Navy Seals and what Daivd looks like.

These are the seals and here's what David looks like.

I can't find any but here's a picture of Medal of Honor Warfighters

"Sir is the other vault troops and civilians awake yet?" Asked the Captain.

"No not yet but where going to former D.C to get to them."

"Is the civilians awake yet?"

Yes gather them in them in the main lobby."

"Also shale I get the naval gear?"

"Yes you should."

Then captain quickly turned around and told twenty soldiers something and they left out of the rooms.

"I have a quick question?" Asked Luna.

"And that is?"

"What are those weapons your men's are carrying I never seen them before and why is all your men's wearing masks?"

"Well it's quite simple we don't want our men's face to been seen so their identities could be safe."

"So it's like Germaney's S.A.T.S elites they always where a mask during combat with burgalars and gangs.

"I don't know those ponies so yeah."

"And those weapons?"

"There called M8A1 and MTAR. there like your guards M16A1 and M4 Carbines but they have a better accuracy and recoil. They have a mag size from 30 to 35 Rounds. It's attachments can vary from a basic grip or to advance attachments like a motion sensor, Target Finder which locks and shows you a moving or living target about 300 meters or the heat scope with detects any heat type moving targets by 500 meters."

"Impressive weaponry and is that the basic armed weapons in your race?" Asked Shining.

"No during the war we had made so many kinds of guns,tanks,jets and even robots. Theses are the basic weapons for the seals and our favorite but there's hundred other types of guns in other nations vaults."

"Sir." Said a soldier coming towards him. "The civilians are awake and they ready to see you."

"Got it and prepare to get the troops ready were opening the doors in a half hour."

"Yes sir." Said the seal soldier as he leaves the room.

"Alright what was the women name you were looking for again?" Asked David as he turns to the ponies.

"Vanessa Meyers." Replied Applejack.

"Vanessa huh, alright I'll call here to meet you guys after I'm done talking to them ok."

Then David walked to the metal door next to him but then he stopped. "Oh and also when I give the cue I would like you all to come up with me but leave the guards behind."

The nodded and he walked to the door and opened it.

There was about 10,000 people waiting in the main lobby chatting with one another. Then a men dressed in full black and white Suit came out of the door and he was standing on the balcony.

"People please settle down I have some news I would like to share with you all."

Everybody stopped talking and look up at the man on the balcony.

"Hello there my name is Major David Smith in the leader of this vault and I would like to welcome you back from your 3000. Year nap. I would also like to tell you all that there's no radiation or any type of danger on the over world and it is safe for us to go outside and restart our civilization again."

"Major if it's been 3000 years since we went into CRYO then who woke us up?" Asked a skinny brunette with her hair tide back.

"Well a couple of hours ago we were just visited by another species that 3000 years ago the US came up with a human/horse typed species. They sentient and sapient, they developed technology and there rather similar to the ones we have but it only a decade old. I already had a chat with their leaders and they are aware of our presence so I would like you to meet Princess Celestia,Luna,Cadence and Twilight Sparkle and Captain Shining Armor of the Equestria Royal Guards and their friends." Said David as he puts put his hand and points to the door.

Then 10 ponies walked into the room and no one was in shock but instead they were clapping.

"I would have never thought they would be so eager to see us." Said Celestia as she starts waving towards the crowd.

"Neither did I but hey their reaction is way better than the ones I had during Nightmare Night at Ponyville." Said Luna.

They stopped and David gave Celestia a microphone.

Celestia levitated the the mic and started talking.

"Humans my name is Princess Celestia and this is my sister Princess Luna and Princess Twilight Sparkle and Cadence. We are the inhabentient that have lived on your planet for about 1000 years now and I would like to welcome you all back from your 3000 year CRYO sleep. We have already spoke with your leader and they have agreed to rebuild your lost cities and go open up the other vaults around the world. We would also lime to be your race's allies and hope we would like to have a bright and shining future. I am also the one that raise the sun and my sister is the one that raise the moon."

Then the crowd was silent.

"You don't raise the sun and moon the Earth rotates around the sun and the moon rotates around the Earth." Yelled out a man dressed in blue."

"We are sure that the sun and moon are being raised by us for over a 1000 years." Said Celestia as she was trying to bak up her statement.

"It's true." Said David as he jumps in. "For the past 2000 years the earth was changing it changed its land shape rotation and axis so it has to be manually rotate so that's what the Princesses are doing. They aren't moving the sun and moon the're moving earth itself but today is there last day of doing that."

"Wait what do you mean by "last day"." Asked Twilight.

"Well our scientist just told me that the Earth had just fully finish repairs now and no longer needed to be manually controlled so the Princess can't move the earth anymore. Earth ponies don't have a special connection with the earth. Pegasus can't control the weather now. It's like you all have just visited another planet."

"So what do we do now?" Asked Rainbow. "Our whole race depends on controlling the weather and the sun and moon."

"Do what our race has been doing for centuries go with the flow,predict the weather and go with your everyday life." Replied David.

"Well since we all have meet now I would like to go outside now but before we leave would Sargent Andy Felker and Vanessa Meyer please see me in my office."

David and the ponies left the balcony and went towards David's office.

After 10 minutes Vanessa and the Sargent came to the room.

"Ah you're all finally here, now we can begin."

"Twilight I do believe you have something to say?" Said David as he looks at Twilight.

"Oh yes a dew days ago my friends and I found your binder and your camera and we saw what you have went through and we would like to get to know you more and plus we would like to return your stuff back as well."

"Vanessa grabbed the camera and looked at it."

"Is all the data still intact and viewable?"

"Yes it's all there." Replied Rarity in the back.

"Thank you very much. You have no idea what memories I have left on this camera."

"Ok Sargent Felker since Ms.Meyers is going to be staying with the ponies I would like you to be her personal body guard. Our race is a small species now and I don't want to be responsible for more innocent people to die you got that?"

Felker saluted. " sir yes sir."

That is all and I would like to go to the main doors now.

In about five minutes everybody had gathered outside and the seals has already eliminated all threats in a mile radius so the group started heading up. When they reached the top they heard birds chirping, wind blowing and the sun going up.

"I sure do miss raising the sun." Said Celestia.

"Not as much as I raise the moon." Said Luna as they hug each other.

"Well Earth get ready cause the humans race is back and we don't destroy you again I hope." Said David as he bends down and picks up a rose smells it and smiled.

A/N: I tried to write better but for the past three days I have been on my be with a 102.2 fever and blowing my nose for the hundredth time. I have a headache and I don't really feel my best while I'm sick. So please of my stories are short I'm sorry when I get better on my brain will function better and I could write a much longer chapter.


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A/N: Hi guys I'm back from the dead. Yes I'm sorry for the past few days I haven't uploaded any chapters. The reason is that I have a shit ton if homework to do and I have a English homework due on Monday and a Social Studies packet due on Tuesday. But I did manage to find some times to check on my story and I didn't expect much people liking it so thank you. Also if your wondering I'm feeling much better than last week. I still have a runny nose but I think that's me. So enjoy this chapter.
P.S many people are saying in yeah comments that I'm kinda rushing this so if you guys what me to slow down do tell.
P.P.S I been writing in third character for a while so should I write in first person?

As every body looks around and smell the forest and it's beautiful nature that they haven't seen in years. David walked to Celestia and the girls and started asking questions.

"Princess my people can't stay in the bunker forever and plus we are in a short supply of food so do you mind if my men's go out and hunt for food?"

"What are you looking for?" Asked Applejack.

"Well we need meat of course,apple,sugar,wheat pretty much all fruits and farming seeds."

"Well we can provide you with seeds,wheat and sugar but we don't have any meat though." Said Luna.

"That's why I want permission to hunt in these woods, there will be gunshots and yelling so I don't want the locals here to panic."

"Then yes I allow your men's to hunt but can you stay at least a mile away from our small town called Ponyville?" Asked Celestia.

"We can't promise you that but I do promise that we'll try to stay as far away from any pony ok."

"That is fine." Said Twilight.

"What are you hunting for?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Deer,Rabbits,Beavers,Wild Turkeys,Buffalos that kind of stuff why?"

"Well Buffalos are sentient so that will count as murder and second of all Deer? Rabbits? That's murder." Yelled Fluttershy.

"Well well well look who finally came out of here shell." Said David as he starts clapping. "First of all we humans need meat for our survival and those animals aren't sentient they can't feel or remember anything by the next day and also we humans have slaughtered thousands of cows,pigs and chicken without a second thought since the written history."

Fluttershy started crying and ran away from David while Pinkie,Applejack and Rainbow Dash went after Fluttershy.

"Well we are sorry for Fluttershy's behavior she's a animal lover and so gets really sensitive when it comes to that situation." Explained Twilight.

"No No it's fine I used to have a friend that keeps telling me that eating meat is murder and she won't stop until I stop eating meat. I'm now rather use to that now." Replied David as he clicks on his mic. "All right captain you have a go."

Then a few seconds later there was gunshots lots of it and after a few minutes of hip gunshots it stoped and the seals come back with twenty wild turkey, ten deers, four rabbits, three manticore and a cockratich.

"Your mens were able to kill a manticore with bullets impressive." Said Shining Armor.

"Well that's FMJ to you." Replied David.

"FMJ?" Asked Cadence.

"Full Metal Jacket. It allows bullets to go into deeper armor and it's able to go over six inches if thickness plus the M8A1 has attachments like thermal scope and target finder so it's able to see its target pretty easily."

"How did you kill the cockratich though?" Asked Twilight. "When I meet it for the first time I was turned into stone."

"Oh yeah one of my men told me that when he saw it it just stared into his eyes but nothing happend so he shot it."

"Also a dragon did try to eat my mens and I want to send a helicopter to search for him."

"We have no control for the dragons in this area." Said Celestia.

"Good cause we already captured it and were about to execute it." Said David as a squad of soldier pull out a tied up dragon. Every equine was in shock. Dragons are one of the hardest and scarest equine on this planet and they capture one already.

"So Dragon why did you attack my men's?"

"Your species are punitive,small,and weak I could have killed you all right now." Replied the dragon.

"Well your tied up and I have my men pointing their guns at your face so I think you aren't going to kill anything today I fact I think those are going to be your last words."

"My race will kill you all one day." Yelled the dragon.

"Good bye." Said David as he pulls out his Desert Eagle and shot the dragon in the face and killed him. The soldier pulls the dragon's body away as he walks back to the ponies.

"Sorry you all have to do that but we have a matter to discuss right now." Said David.

"And that is?" Asked Twilight.

"We need a place where we could rebuild our cities again. I understand there's the old ruined buildings at Manhattan but those need lots and lots of manual labor and we don't have that power right now so we can't move back yet so I'm asking you to lend us sone land where we can build a small village to start up."

The princess looked at each other and ten huddled up.

"So what should we do?" Asked Rainbow "They did just kill a dragon."

"They also have weapons of mass destruction even better than the element of harmony." Said Shining Armor.

"They also seem friendly as well." Said Cadence.

They all just looked at her with a weird stare.

"What?" "I look into the good side of every pony."

They then turned to David.

"So?" "What did you decide?"

"We would let you have this side of the mountain and the Everfree forest but it's up to your men's to clear out the wild inhabintents in the area." Said Celestia.

"That is totally fine." Said David.


"Major I would like to know something?" Asked Luna.


"What would happen to the sun and moon an the weather?" "We ponies don't control it anymore and it's going to affect our daily lives for ever."

"Well the planet had just fixed itself a few days ago so you guys are starting to lose control of it."

"It's true a few days ago I couldn't move a bunch of clouds to the other side of town." Said Rainbow Dash.

"It was kinda hard for me to raise the sun yesterday as well." Said Celestia.

"You see Luna your starting to lose control since the planet doesn't need help anymore moving its self and also one more thing gave your people located D.C yet?"

"We did now where just waiting until your troops arrive." Said Celestia.

"Also we have invite your people to Ponyville to celebrate welcome back to earth party hosted by Pinkie Pie." Said Twilight.

"We should go we did have a rough 3000 year said the captain behind David."

"Your right gather every body and tell the men's were going to Ponyville."

After a hour of pretty much everything they headed towards Ponyville which was only a half mile walk and when they reached there there was a welcoming banner and ponies cheering and shouting for the humans. There was news channel people from all over the world wanting an interview.

" LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED." Yelled a person in the back as he jumps into the pool.

"Hey that's my line but oh well." Said Pinkie as she jumps in to the pool."

After one hour of partying every body was settling in. The kids are playing with the fillies a stage adults talk about their everyday lives. Soldier talk to the guards and they try to find out what their interests are. David and the girls are sitting at a table having a nice chat.

"So David what was the world like before the nuclear explosion happend?" Asked Rarity.

"Yeah was it more beautiful or more ugly?" Asked Applejack.

"Well there's the cities of course more bigger than Manehattan, and Canterlot." Answered David.

"How big is it?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Well here's a picture of NYC before the bombs drop.

And here's what it looks like after four days after the bomb drop.

"That's horrible." Said Fluttershy.

"It's ok our enemies had the same fate as us here's a picture of Beijing before and after the bombs dropped.

"Well I gotta live early I have to get to Baltimare to get to the other vault." Said David as he stand up and starts leaving the table.

"We're following you." Said Twilight. As the girls stand up and follows David.

A/N:I think the images are not loading. Well it's not edited yet and also I'm too tired to write more so sorry.

Water D.C

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A/N: hi guys I'm back and yes I'm not dead and yes school is a butch and I really don't have the time to write but fuck that I'm still gonna write. I'm been talking to Eagle Heart and Punkouttheawesome on skype for the pas few days and I been thinking
Do you reader thinks its a good idea to write together? If yes then I will have to wait since I have other business that ill be attending to like I'm being the proofreader and creative mind of Pman new story called the "World Link" wait I'm just rambling about my internet life I need to stop that now. Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter about Washington D.C being underwater.

David was preparing his scuba gear in his office when the main six enters.

"Major Smith why are you getting dress in that scuba gear any way?" Asked Rarity.

"I'm going to the vault at D.C. I'm going to free the people that's there and I'll get the real US diplomats here so you'll talk to a official person not just a soldier."

"Can we come with you?" Asked Pinkie?

"Do you mares have a personal scuba gear equipment?"

"They nodded."

"Alright then please if you want to join there is three rules you all must follow so listen closely."

The mares got closer.

"Rule number one do not live the group if you do we aren't going to form a search party. Rule number two do not talk unless you absolutely need to. And finally do not touch anything got it?"

They all just nodded.

"Alright then I'm going in 20 minutes then you better get your stuff like now."

After 20 minutes the mares got there scuba girls which is pretty much the same color as their fur and manes and they met up with David and his men.

"David you does your soldier where black scuba gear, it's so dark and spooky?" Asked Rarity,

"Well there seals, they go into tactical mission that involves killing and being stealth." Replied David.


"Remember back when all the guards were knocked out and ou guns were pointed at your face. Those are technically a seals basic instincts."

"So your men are trained like the Lunar Specs a special force that's part of the Royal guards but they useally go ute during the night." Said Twilight.

"Similar." Said David as he gets on the VTOL warship.

"Are you girls coming on?"

The mares just looked at the dark black bird looking plane.

"Is it safe?' Asked Fluttershy.

"I have been on this type of aircraft hundreds of time and most of the time we were taking fire so it's 95% safe."

The all just looked at it and then themselves. After a minute they hold their breath and entered the VTOL. But before they took off Princess Celestia quickly ran towards the ship. "David can I send a squad of my men to join you? And also can they bring their camera with you? I really want to see your capital."

"That's no problem ma'am just make sure they stay in a diamond position around the girls."

"Thank you major." Said Celestia as six royal guards goes into the VTOL wearing a white scuba gear and goggles.

"Well need to hurry we can't really wait right now." Said David as the VTOL engines turns on and a huge wind came in with starts blowing Celestia hair and her white dress. The seals pulls her away as the VTOL starts to hover and leaves the bunker and starts flying.

"Why I just fly there it's only a two hour flight." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Well we can get there in 40 minutes and plus you'll need your energy while were submerge underwater." Explained David.

"David May I ask, How does this even fly it seems aleast three tons?" Asked Twilight.

"Well Miss.Sparkles this ship weight is about 25 tons and the reason is that do you see those burning tubes on th side of the wings?" Asked David as he points to the turbines at the end of the wings."

"Yeah why?" Asked Rainbow.

"The ion engines use a huge amount of energy which I can't explain but it gives the ship enough energy to float and glide and we use the stirring wheel in the cockpit to control it. We were going to make a unman VTOL but it seems it always glitch when it's being taken fire." Explained David as he picks up his gear and starts to equip himself.

"You should get ready were ready to drop." Said the seal soldier as he puts on his goggles and his flippers.

"Wait what do you mean drop?" Asked Applejack.

"This is what I mean by drop." Said the seal as the doors at the back of the VTOL opens.

It was a normal day at Baltimare many citizens has just seen the humans live on television and that's all they have been taking about for the past few hours. The Baltimare docks are clear due to Royal Guards activity and human activity. It was quiet but then a huge loud sound came out of nowhere as a black shape metal looking bird came to the Baltimare docks and the bc. Open showing six colored looking ponies dressed in scuba gear and humans dress in full black scuba gear and there seen to be jumping into the water.

"Wait where jumping off?" Asked Rarity.

"Yes we according to our map D.C is right beneath us." Said David as he pats his men on the back as they jump.

"Where not jumping off." Said Rarity as she takes a step back.

"Oh stallion up Rarity." Said Applejack as she and Rainbow jumps off.

Pinkie just smiles and dives in while Twilight takes a deep breath and jumps in.

"If your not going down then were getting you down by force."

"Wait what?" Asked Fluttershy.

Then a seal member grabbed Rarity and jump while David grabbed Fluttershy and jumped in.

There was a splash and then they were underneath.

"You should turn on your camera now over this hill is D.C" said a seal as the guards listen and turned on their cameras.

Every equine was again glued on the T.V as they waited to see the one of the biggest human nation's capital. Then as the guards went up and saw what's left od D.C the congress building and Washington memorial is still standoff but the Lincoln memorial was half covered by seaweed and corals. The streets are piled by card and detroyed tanks. On the left there was a Sign saying this "welcome to Washington D.C home of our beloved nation." Here is a picture. I can't find any yet. They continue to swim towards capital hill as the ponies look around and the world looks at what's left of a once proud and large nation's capital. They went pash the WW2 memorial hall and the Vietnam memorial hall. The equine around the world looks at the name at the wall.

"David what are all those names for anyway?" Asked Twilight.

"Those were the men's that went missing,killed in action." Said David as he swims to the wall and touched a certain name.

"My grandpa fought in that war and lost his life and so did the other 70,000 soldiers and families was ruined as well. My grandma had to take care go my mother by herself and so did many other single mothers."

"What was the war even for?" Asked Twilight.

"It was with the Soviet Union a former nation that Russia use to be."

They looked at each other.

"You fought with the same nation twice 3050 years ago?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah but was more of a race than a war."

"A race?" Asked Rainbow.

"Yes a weapons race. We complete with each other by making and producing weapons of mass destructions and when their propaganda spread to other countries we send military forces and send weapons to the side that oppose them."

"What did you compete on anyway?" Asked Twilight.

"Oh I don't know missiles, nuclear warheads, money and going to space."

"YOUR PEOPLE WENT TO SPACE!!!!" Said Twilight as she tries to yelled through the radio.

"We have been in space every since 1961 and we also went to the moon,mars and Titan Jupiter's largest moon."

"We have never been in space besides Luna being held captive there for a 1000 years." Said Twilight.

"Yeah we were about to make a moon base before the war started. By the time the war ended we kinda forgot about space travel."

"Let's change the topic here." Said a seal member. "Were about 200 meters from capital hill and we need to find a way in."

"There's a side door around the building and there should be a door there." Said David.

"Is the capital building where your leader lived?" Asked Rarity.

"No he lived at the White House." Said David as he points towards a building that was in half.

"The president never wanted to live the capital during the attack so he stayed behind fighting along side with his people." Said David.

"What about his guards?" Asked Fluttershy.

"The secret service was with him the whole time defending the White House. But by the time we retook our capital they were already dead." Said a seal member behind them.

"Alright sir we reach the door." Said a seal member as he plants C4 charges at the door.

"Alright every body back up a bit." Yelled David as the guards gets the main 6 behind a destroyed police cruiser.


The door was destroyed and the way is cleared. The seals took out their guns and went inside first and when they gave all clear the rest of them entered the ruined capital building.

They swam to the main lobby looking around at the lobby that's covered in seaweed,fish and floating furniture. They went past the room where once congressman and legislatives made and signed laws. The room where the first every female president was elected and taken her first photo.

"I realized that most of your leaders were male. Why is that?" Asked Twilight.

"Well a long time ago our founding fathers thought that leading a free country is a mans job but after the women's rights movement women started to do man jobs they found out they can do any job as long as they do the heavy lifting so in 2008 a women tried out to be the president but she didn't win instead a black man called Barack Obama he was the first African American man to be president. But in the 2016 election a congresswomen called Casey Heller ran for president and won. But all she did was raise more taxes on the poor and corrupted her cabinet. It was 2022 when we found out and impeached her. She later was the first every president to be impeached and thrown out of office. A few months later we elected President Dweller as he fixed America that the past three president couldn't."

"So she was the first of a lot of things." Said Rainbow.

"Yeah but President Dweller did make the US string again and that made China and Russia attack us so it was a win lose situation."

Before David can continue a seal soldier came to him and tapped him on the back.

"Sir were at the entrance."

Then he swim to the metal door and planted C4 charges and went back.



The door to the capital vault is now open.

Rebuild the infrastructure

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A/N: Ok so The Worlds Wars was a bit of a failing cause I didn't really think about it. Well not this story a least I thinks about the story plot and I talk with Pman and Punkout the Awesome about ideas and such. Well looks like I'm getting off topic again so I'm going to stop talking now and continue the story of e rise of America and maybe another war (hint hint)

"Bravo team go to the main control room and see if there's lights here and also check on the CRYO rooms and see if there underwater yet." Said Daivd as they go into a room that had a loading dock and took off their scuba gear.

"What is this place?" Asked Twilight as she takes off her flippers.

"Yeah it's really dark and creepy." Said Pinkie as she tries to take her goggles off from her puffy mane."

"It's the capital vault, it's where the US leaders and citizens from D.C is stored at."

"Why is this place underwater?" Asked Rarity.

"It was suppose to be upground but ever since D.C was flooded the base was underground for thousands of years and undistrurbed."

"Why didn't we find this city?" Asked Applejack.

"This place is about 40 miles from the closet shore so you guys won't explore over here."

"Sir." Said a guard coming from the security room.

"What is it?" Asked David.

"The door to the leader vault is jammed and the pressure of the water is surrounding the place. We can't get to them."

"Is there any other way?" Asked David.

"No sir if we opens those doors we all die."

"David looked at the girls and then his men. Alright since the US leaders are now "unavilable" I am here by taking control of the US military force and becoming temporary leader of the United States of America until we can establish a government and control." Said David to his men and to Twilight's camera where the world is watching.

"Corporal is the citizen vault and guard vault still reachable?" Asked David.

"Yes it is we already have a team opening the CRYO rooms they should be up in a few."

"Got it and is there anything else I need to know?"

"The Captain has already called in a transport vessel here, they should arrive in about ten minutes."

"What kind of transport vessel?" Asked Twilight in the back.

"I think it's about fifteen VTOL." Said the seal.

"Alright make sure we get a platform where we are so they can land."

"Already taken care sir, we got metal rafts floating right above us."

"Ok then." Said David as he turns back to the ponies.

"Tell Baltimare not to panic when large black looking birds starts appearing and descending they only here to pick up the civilians stored here."

"SIR YOU GO TO SEE THIS." Yelled a seal member from across the lobby.

They quickly ran to the seal and when they saw a sign and the word ARMORY they entered and the ponies where shocked even David and his team was.

"Holy shit." Said David as he walks towards a weird looking gun and holded it up. "Damn this is heavy."

"What is this?" Asked Twilight.

"Well I do believe that during the war the US made many prototype weapons and this is a rail gun which shoots a bolt of metal that can burn right threw flesh like its butter."

"Why did your kinds even make this it's already bad with tanks and jets." Said Fluttershy.

"Well we need to kill our enemies faster and this is the way to go. And also I'm surprise at this is still here." Said David opening the docks.

"What's here?" Asked Pinkie Pie.


That's all David said as he press a button and the lobby expanded and they saw how strong the US military really is.

Thousands of M1A3 tanks, VTOLS, Humvees, Drones, Robots and Hundreds of Destroyer, Crusiers and Battleships. They was also 35 Aircraft Carriers with jets and attack helicopters.

Every pony in that Tom and the world was shocked. The Equestria Royal Navy only had Three Aircraft Carriers and a couple hundred Tanks but the Griffin Empire had twice what Equestria had but this , this was overkill. The equine around the world was thinking about how easy they could be conquered but the human race and what damage those weapons of war could do.

"The Captital Vault is 300 times bigger than the vault you guys found us in and it has more people here as well."

"Why did you guys keeped all of this weapons?" Asked Twilight.

"We keeped it so when we wake up again we could take back what's rightfully ours." Explained David.

"And that is?"

"Well already claimed some lands from your countries unused lands and where going to start to conquer the land that aren't claimed yet and rebuild our country from the top."

"How many people are here?" Asked Applejack.

"Well there's only about a million here but 80% them are military and the 20% are what remains of there family."

"So there's only a couple million humans left?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"There's still the Beverly Vault which is in California and there's other vaults around the world that belongs to different countries."

Then a guard came in.

"Sir the VTOLS are here and every body is waking up so should we bring them to New New York?"

"Yes and tell the troop to ready what's here were bring it all back to New York."

"Got it sir."

"Wait your sailing these war ships back to Manehattan why?" Asked Rarity.

"It's going to be our new capital since D.C is underwater."

"Well are you going to rebuild what's left of there?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Of course and where also going to rebuild other cities that have fallen around the world."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Yelled Rainbow Dash. " let's get back to Manehattan."

Somewhere in Stalliongrad.

"Hey Dread can you grab me those explosives." Said a griffin as he plants more explosives at the front gate of the Russian Vault.

"Sure no problem." Said Dread as he hands him more C4 charges.

"Alright it should be set every body get back." Yelled a griffin as every body hid behind trucks and boulders.



"Alright the Russian Vault is open." Said a Griffin to a another griffin which had a crown and a cape on.

"Good now lets see of they will negotiate to our demands."

Aboard the USS Omega.

"Sir the US military is now up to 700,000 active and available troop and one million US citizens." Said the captain if the USS Omega.

"Good and now since I'm in charge shouldn't I get a promotion?" Asked David.

"The other captains thought you say this so were all agreeing your become Admirial Smith commander of the United States of America and United States armed forces."

"Well thank you captain."

"No problem "admiral" it's our job."

Then Twilight and here friends appear from the doors next to them.

"I'll be leaving now." Said the captain as he walk away from the balcony and bumped into Rarity.

"Madame." Said the captain as touchs his hat and walks inside.

"Who is that?" Asked Rairty to David.

"That's Captain Charles and he's a pretty good gentlemen." Said David as he has that smuge look on his face.

"What are you going to do when you reach Manehattan?" Asked Twilight.

"Well first off where going to repair the bridges and second we going in to the city. Second were gonna get our education and jobs set for the people and finally were retake out old lands and rebuild our nation like what our founding fathers did thousand of years ago."

"How are you exactly going to retake the lands?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"With money,negotiations, or finally brute force."

"Brute force?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Crush our enemies with pure military might."

"Oh." Said Fluttershy.

"Admiral were twenty minutes away from the mainland." Said a navy soldier from the top deck.

"Got it." Said David as he turns back to the girls.

"Hope you all have something pretty to wear for the camera cause you'll be front headlines for the newspaper and news channels for weeks to come." Said David as he leaves the balcony and enters the ship.

"Rarity did you pack our dresses from the gala?" Asked Twilight.

"I also do why darling?"

"Cause were gonna wear them and smile for the camera." Replied Twilight.

Manehattan shorelines.

"Hey Treety don't swim too far away or the currents will take ya." Yelled Treety mom from the beach.

"I won't mom I promise." Treety yelled back.

Then a hundreds of large metal looking ships starts coming towards Manehattan.

"Every pony get to the boardwalks yelled a life guard as he blows his whistle.

Ponies starts coming to the board walks as ponies from Manehattan gather close to the shores.

And right before there eyes hundreds of ships and VTOL was coming towards the city and as the VTOL fly right past them going towards the ruined city the ships stops at the docks where The royal guards and the princesses was waiting.

"They have a huge fleet." Said Shining looking at the huge carrier.

"This is the beginning of a new era I can feel it." Said Celestia in her head. "I just hope it wouldn't reflect what happens years ago."

A/N: hi guys nope I'm still alive but just lazy and busy. Hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you all next time.

Retaking the land

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As the Carrier reached Manehattan David and the elements of harmony was on the main deck where thousands of ponies alike was waving and clapping for them and the mega US naval fleet. The princesses was waiting at the docks smiling.

"So David why are you wearing a admiral general looking uniform instead if a suit?" Asked Rarity.

"Well it seem formal to wear your military uniform than your business suit and since were about to get off a military carrier along side with US troops it seems better." Explain David as he puts on his hat.

"Why is it white then?" Asked Twilight.

"Why is all your girls dresses match your skin color?"

"Touché" replied Twilight.

"Sir the princesses are waiting for you." Said the Sargent.

"Thank you I'm aware of that and also please prepare a VTOL ready I have something to show them."

"Yes sir."

The Sargent left the main deck and the group went down the stairs.

"Admiral Smith it's a honor meeting you." Said the griffin king.

"It truly is." Said the Minotaur king behind him. While other equine diplomats was shaking their head and nodding.

"Princess I wasn't expected to bring diplomat from other country." Said David as he looks at Celestia with a bad eye.

"Well I'm sorry for the heads up but since I was aware of you and your fleet meeting at Manehattan I summoned the other leaders on this planet to discuss what the world wants." Said Celestia.

"I was wondering if you want to join us at the Manehattan town hall to start?" Asked Luna.

"Well no need for that the USS Omega is already set up and ready." Said David as he shows then the entrance of the ship.

"Is it safe?" Asked a gryphon ambassador.

"It's safe alright the ship was hit twice with a Russian submarine and two naval fights with the Chinese so I think it's going to be the safest thing your every be in."

"Alright then."

They walked up the ramp and into the ship while the girls and shining armor followed them. The reporters was taking picture and recording video while some tried to enter but they were pushed away from US marines guarding the ship and sailors on the side of the ship with M8A1 on their hands and F25 Bullet Jet was in the air preforming and showing off their plane tricks while the wonder bolts tries to keep up the plane while it hit Mach 4 speed and speeded away while making sonic booms.
(Also FYI While I was searching stuff around I found out that Rainbow Dash only hit a speed of Mach 0.95 which is about fast as a plane going 680 mph. Also since Rainbow wasn't really that high it was a bit easier to do it since it won't hurt your ear. I may be wrong)

They reached the meeting room where they was US marines waiting in the room and they was leather chairs ready and fresh water bottles and coffee poured.

"I didn't expect they was coffee." Said Cadence.

"Well most officials like coffee and please do ask for what would you like to drink." Said David.

"Do you have green tea?" Asked Celestia.

"In fact we do."

"I would like to have a cup."

The waiter behind them left the room and came back with a cup of green tea while every body here got settled in. The girls was sitting next to Celestia while Shining Armor was outside talking to the guard that was at the door.

"Did something famous happen on this ship?"

"Well the peace treaty was signed in that exact same room so yeah."


"Please captain I'm on duty you know better."

"Oh I'm sorry please I allow you to continue." Said Shining as he take a step back and took out his IPhone and started playing Candy Crush. "Damn it I just can't get past level 76."

"Well good afternoon every pony my full name is President Admiral David Smith of the United States of America and I would like to welcome the other species to this meeting. This conversation may be recorded for the future generation to see."

"Ok now since where already here let's get down to the chase a few days ago we have open the vault near Stalliongrad but we couldn't open the CRYO chambers and we Remember how dangerous you said about the Russian so we left it alone but we haven't heard about the changling empire land about the Chinese vault though." Said the griffin king.

"We got it I already send a drone to see the land and see of there's anything suspicious." Said David.

"Also we would want to know where exactly is your country going to be." Said Luna.

"Well where going to take the unclaimed land around this world and also we would like to have some land from your country to retake what's use to be ours." Said David.

"Well we the minotaurs will give you all our land under two exceptions." Said the Minotaur chief.

"And that would be?" First we would like to convert to humanity if you have the machines to do so. Minotaur fetes are really hard to walk and not to fall down and also the human race seems smarter than our race,and second we would like to compare our army if you have a bigger army I'll give you our land."

"Well we do have the machine to reshape DNA so use we can change species and you want to see the US military?" Asked David.

"Indeed I do." Replied the Minotaur.

"We would also like to see your military empire." Said the griffin king " we do have the best arms forces in the equine race."

"Alright then." Said David as he activated the windows in the room and when they looked at the window they saw hundreds of Cruisers, Destroyers and Other aircraft carrier sending out jets after jets and VTOLS and attack helicopters flying towards NYC.

"That's only the naval and Air Force." Said David.

"Fine we agree to your terms we would give you all our lands from the north of Manehattan and the Lands south of Los Pegasus."

"Thank you chief your donation will help the US rebuilding our glorious nation. I am a patriot. (Hint hint) (remember that line "I am a patriot" remember a show on NBC)

"The nation of Equestria would like to be allies with the US and we would like to give you the old cites that's west of Los Pegasus. You may also allow to set up bases inside Equestria." Said Celestia.

"The griffin empire would like to buy weapons from your nation and in return we offer a huge land island (Australia) and gemstones."

"Ok so are we all in a agreement?" Asked David.

They all nodded their head.

"Please sign this paper for the full agreement." Said David giving out a huge piece of paper and handing out pens.

They signed the paper and shook hands.

"This is a new world people and now let's keep it that way." Said David.

Secret Arrangement

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It's been 2 weeks since the discover of the human race and everything is going according to plan. The Minotaur race was now deceased since most has changed into humans. Their physical strength may be gone but the mental strength of a human and the ideas has increased which the Minotaur people said it was worth it. The bridges that leads to Manhattan has just been fixed so the rebuilding of NYC is underway. Admiral Smith has retired from military actions and decided to run for the president and leader if the new human nation called the NHF the New Human Federation. The capital which is now NYC has been approved by the NHF congress and the other world leaders saying that it's a perfect place for trading with the new nation.

"Why did Princess Celestia ask me to be the ambassador of the NHF? I have hardly any skills about politics and plus I'm bit really a conversationist(I think this word is made up I don't really know)" asked Twilight.

"Twilight for the years I known you I know you had always tried new things and you did great at it." Said Rarity as she gives Twilight her new Watch and a ear rings.

"I just think the real reason is that were familiar with David and he rather talk with us than any other pony he doesn't know." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Come on do you really think the princess will do that?" Asked Applejack.

"Girls Girls, I won't be speaking with David today. He's really busy with he's running campaign for president of NHF." Answered Twilight as she stops a argument before it started.

"I really don't understand why they elect their leaders, it's really hard for me to understand all this." Said Applejack.

"Well that's the reason were going to the meeting the first place." Answered Twilight.

"Well we better go cause every since we lost control of the weather and the sun and moon it's been really hard to find a real job." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Ms.Sparkle?" Asked a human wearing a suit and a limo driver hat. "Your ride is here."

"Well girls I gotta go, I'll call you guys when the meeting is done." Said Twilight as she gets into the limo and the limo drove off.


"Sir." Said a white stallion to a masked gryphon.

"What is it?"

"We open the vault sir and we found CRYO room. The leader of this place is now awake."

"Good lets go see him now." Said the masked gryphon as they enter the mine.

Кто ебет и какого черта вы, люди(who the fuck and what the fuck are you people?)

"Hey what is he saying?" Asked a unknown guard.

"How the buck would I know." Replied the guard next to him.

As the masked griffin entered the room the Russian soldier just looked at them.

что? ваша гребаная грифона? как вы вообще?( what the? your a fucking gryphon? how do you even exist)

"Do you speak Equestrian?" Asked the masked gryphon

Что? конный? что это такое. это гребаный культа или что-то еще?( what? equestrian? what is that. is it a fucking cult or something?)

"Looks like he doesn't know Equestrian." Said the guard.

"Is he the only human you ponies fucking opened?" Asked the mask gryphon.

"No sir there's still one more man."

"Where is he?"

"The next room down."

They walked to the next room where the man was saying the exact same thing. But this person was different. He had hazel eyes and he was 6 foot 1 so that made him look like a confuse young man.

"Do you speak Equestrian?" Asked the masked gryphon.

"If you mean English than yes I do." Said the Russian soldier.

"Good my name is the masked gryphon and I heard that your nation was once at war with the US?"

"We use to be but we lost. Why you ask?"

"Cause I know there's more humans here and I have the supplies to fight them back."

"Fight them back? We almost destroyed our own planet and you want us to fight again?"

"The US or now NHF is just rebuilding itself, we should attack now when they don't know where here."

"Well since I am the head leader for this vault I'll think about your offer." Said the Russian leader.

"Oh and also my name is Captain Sergio Berlinski."

"Well captain Berlinski I hope we see each other once again." Said the masked gryphon as he leaves the room along with the stallion guards he brought with him.

"Сэр, что вы думаете об этом плане есть дает нам?(sir what do you think about this plan there giving us?)" asked Alexei.

"Я действительно не знаю Алексей, мы проиграли войну с США давно. Я просто не хочу, чтобы это повторилось.(i dont really know Alexei,we lost the war with the US a long time ago. i just dont want it to happen again.)" replied Sergio.

"но сэр вы должны понять. Американцы слаб сейчас, и мы должны взять реванш, что они сделали для нашей страны и моей семьи. (but sir you have to understand. The americans are weak right now and we need to have revenge of what they did to our country and my family.) protested Alexei.

"позволяет просто посмотреть, что это Грифон будет делать. Кроме того, мы сделали их изготовления.(lets just see what this Gryphon would do. Besides we did make them.)" said Sergio but before he left the room he turn around and saw Alexei pissed off face. "Серхио просыпаются остальные войска. Мы должны подготовиться.(Sergio wake up the rest of the troops. we need to get ready)"

The little talk

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A/N: ok a couple of things before this chapter goes underway. One-my editor somehow died cause I haven't heard him for a while, so I'm guessing a need a new one. Second-I haven't written anything for a while so.... Well I'm not gonna go there so forget about reason two. Third of all I want you all to know that this isn't edited cause I'm still looking for some. Also before it forget the battle between the NHF and the masked gryphon troops will happen around this chapter or the next one. Equestria may be involved. Well any way hope you all enjoy.

Twilight was already astonished how fast the humans has already rebuilding the cities but also ashamed how low tech they were comparing to them.

"Ms.Sparkle we'll be arriving at NHF HQ in about five minutes." Said the driver as he pulls off the Brooklyn Bridge and onto the island.

"Are all these vehicles belong to the people here or there all military?" Twilight as the driver and hopefully get a answer form him.

"I'm not sure ma'am I'm just a person that the NHF hired to bring you here."

"Oh you really don't know what's going on here?"

"That's kinda it actually, I live in Manehattan right now and when they finish rebuilding Manhattan me and my younger brother is going to move back there."

"It seems like you already have your life planned out, maybe that's why you human are so successful." Commented Twilight as he rolls down the window and smells what a real city smells like fish,metal, and garbage. She quickly roll back up the window and stares at the rebuilding skyscrapers.

"Were her ma'am please have a good day." Said the driver as he opens up the door for her and escorted her out of the car.

"You to." Replied Twilight as 2 NHF soldiers came out from the front entrance.

"Princess Sparkles?" Asked one if the soldiers.

"Yes?" Said Twilight in a worried tone as she looks at the 2 soldiers in front of her. They were at least 6 foot above and they seems more musclier than most of the guards back at Canterlot and their face seems like there going to shoot me right on the spot.

"President Smith and Mr. Howells will like to see you."

"That's not a problem, May you please show me the way?"

The 2 soldiers just looked at each other and then they pushed open the glass door and gave showed Twilight were the meeting is taking place.
"It's on the 84 floor. Please use the elevator on the right and make sure the operator is there." Pointed out the guard as he points towards the elevators.

"Thank you very much." Said Twilight as she quickly walked away from the entrance and into the main elevator on the right.

"Hello there Madame, meeting with the president?" Asked a young operator inside the elevator.

"Uh.. Yes, yes I am." Said Twilight.

"Alrighty then." Said the operator as he pushes a button and the elevator started to go up.

Usually Twilight has used a elevator before but the building usually go up to 20 floors. From what I heard this building had 85 floors so the elevators is going so fast her brains feels like it's going to pop right out of her head. Then the elevator stoped and the robot voice said this

"84 Floor

"Alrighty were here." Said the young operator as the elevator doors open and a David was standing next to another man that's older than him. They turned around and saw Twilight walking out if the elevator door.

"Ah Twilight, I'm glad you and the other princesses agree to have this meeting of yours." Said David as Twilight give him a hug.

"All the other ambassador are already waiting at the meeting room to the right." Said the old man as he directed Twilight towards that door.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Asked Twilight.

"I'm so sorry Twilight but I just have so many paperworks right now and I isn't have the time to do another meeting." Said David. "When I have the time I'll call you and we'll have a real reunion."

David went into the elevator and left the room.

"Hurry up princesses Sparkle the others are waiting." Said Mr.Howells as they walk into the meeting room.

"Who is here exactly?" Asked Twilight.

"Well there's the Gryphons, the changlings finally decided to show up and the deer nation as well."

"What are we talking about anyway?" Asked Twilight.

"My for a mare you sure do ask questions a lot." Complained Howells.

"Well first if all I want to know why I'm here and second, I'm a princess, isn't it my job to ask suspicious question to people I haven't even known yet."

"Ok the 'Princess' my name is Frank Howells and I'm the head ambassador for NHF."

"So it's your job to keep peace between us and the human race." Questioned Twilight.

"Exactly and if I fail my job we go to war, and I don't want to se anymore young men die for some stupid reason."

"Shall we start the meeting?" Asked Twilight.

"Let begin then." Said Howells as they enter the meeting room where every pony from all over Equis was waiting for them.

A/N: I would like to give a early


I am truly happy who those who stuck around with me for so long. I promise you all u won't regret it. And yes I'm also giving out somethings to the people that follows me. Now I need to think what should I give 2 you people


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A/N: Well hello there dear good reader I am back from relaxation and since I was in a car accident and now I can't walk for a few months I decided to do some stuff and finally I remember about this story so now let's get started.

"Good afternoon leaders it's been a while since the NHF has meet you diplomats." Said Howells as He entered the room.

"Isn't President David busy or something cause he always been talking to us for the past few months?" Asked a Gryphon King.

"The NHF has assigned specific jobs to specific people. I'm the head ambassador for the NHF." Explained Howells as he sat down.

"So does this mean the NHF is a Republic?" Asked Twilight.

"Well not exactly."

"Care to explain?" Asked a the Changling Ambassador.

"Well I do know that most of you guys are a monarchy or a oiliarchy with a few rules or a group of family or rich people rules. But the NHF is a Demoractic Republic where anyone can run for office and anyone cane oppose someone or something that is wrong in the government."

"So it's the people who makes the decision and the rulers to allow it or decline it." Answered Twilight.

"I see you been ready about human government young lady but your half right."

"Half right?" Questioned Twilight.

"During a time of crisis like during World War 3 the people couldn't trust each other or the congress so Congress allowed Order 32W which allows one man who is accepted by Congress to rule a nation with total control until the war was over.
President Dweller was the one who was accepted to lead us during the war. The reason was that he was a general 20 years ago and he still had some tricks up on his sleeves."

"So a Demorcatic Republic during a time of peace and a tempoarary Dictatorship during war."


"So now that's over can we get this show on the road?" Asked the Gryphon King.

"Sure thing your Highness."

"Ok I'm kinda new at this thing so can you guys not judge me?" Asked Twilight.

"Of course Princess." Said Howells.

"I understand please continue." Agreeing the Gryphon king.

"The public is still panicking due to the fact that we can't control the weather, the sun and the moon. Princess Celestia wanted to ask "how long should this last?" Some ponies are starting to disagree with some of Celestia and Luna's plan."

"Well Princess Twilight I'm sorry to say this but the planet is staying like this forever. The reason you kind could control them is due to fact that the planet was still repairing itself and could Rotate by itself. Now the planet is strong it's self to hold the moon's gravity and it's able to rotate and revolve around the sun. It doesn't need magic to help it anymore."

"I see but what shall we say to the public?" Asked Twilight.

"Tell them it's just the way of life and let them know to accept it."

"Ok then that is all I have for today." Said Twilight as she sat back down.

"Do we have any other topics to discuss about?" Asked Howells.

"Oh yes a few days ago a young man had sented us a video and a folder telling what military technology and units you people use to have. We already have the things the public have that's belongs to you guys but never the military stuff. If you mind do you mind if we buy or borrow some units from your massive military?"

"That my friend isn't my department. If you want any military stuff you need to ask the Department of War. I will in fact send them a message about your issue."

"I understand."

Then all of the sudden a NHF soldier came in and quickly saluted to Howells.

"Sir we were just attacked by the Russians."

"WHAT?!?!?!?" Yelled Howells.

"Apparently some idiot opened up the Russian vault and unleashed the Russian troops."

"Do they still have any of their tanks and jets?"

"Yes in fact video surveillance showed Russian Tanks and troops located at the Berling Strait which is land now and moving towards us as we speak."

"Call President Smith immediately and summon the department of war." Ordered Howells.

"Sir there is still one more thing to know."

"And that is?"

"There was Gryphons troops and Equestrian troops along with the Russians."

The other ambassador and leaders was in shock and so was Howells.

"Mr.Sogns please tell your Changling Queen to locate the Chinese vault and guard it with your lives. If the Russian attacks you please send us a message and we'll send reinforcements as soon as possible."

"The Changling Ambassador stand up Quicky shook hands with Howells and Quicky left the room.

Then Howells turned towards the other 2 leaders.

"Who here can tell me why there is Gryphon and Equestrian troops along with the Russian?"

"We really didn't know why?" Said Twilight.

"Hmm King Aclives you were here all along but you could have planned to attack us for the pass few months. I'm sorry but you aren't allowed to leave New York City. You are through allowed to stay in one of our hotels and you may as soon this issue is resolved. Twilight you are allowed to returned to your country but you will to watched by Fringe troops a special spec ops unit. Now will you please excuse me I must tell the president of this urgent news."

Howells left the room and the door was closed. The King Aclives and Twilight just looked at each other.

"We were framed." Said Aclives.

"I know we just need to know who framed us?"

"But how?" Asked the king.

"Your under house arrest so you can't leave the city. I will try to find out as soon as I leave here."

Twilight Quicky got up and left the room.

"Please Princess Twilight Sparkle my kingdom is now relying on you and your friends." Though King Aclives as he sat back down and looked out of the window."


"Sir the humans took the bait. They locked up the Gryphon king and there keeping a eye on Equestria." Said a pony soldier.

"Good now my plan is now underway." Said the Masked Gryphon.