Mutual Rescue

by Pegasus-skip

First published

Rainbow Dash is late for her weekly meeting with Fluttershy leading to unexpected consequences. Rated for near rape and violence.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash meet every week at 'The Foaming Mug'
One week Rainbow dash arrives late after work. Hearing a cry for help she finds Fluttershy in danger.

Now being edited with the help of Mike fromTwo Changelings, all edited chapters will be listed as so.
Inspired by the story Expectations written by FruitMaster

Taken on a different spin.
Rated for near rape and violence in beginning.

Cover art done by me specifically for this fic

Fallout of an Attack

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Fluttershy was taking a gentle stroll through the deserted high street of Ponyville; she had come to meet Rainbow Dash after she finished work. Looking up to the grey clouds she couldn’t help but admire her work.
The blue Pegasi had got the grey clouds put together perfectly. Sighing once again she wished she were as good a flier as her fillyhood friend.

She made her way to the little pub 'The Foaming Mug' that had a couple of tables outside under the canopy, she ordered a couple of beer’s shuddering at the thought of Rainbow Dash drinking hers without a head. “Just the way I like it” The blue mare once told her.

A good half an hour passed and Fluttershy sighed, it looked like Rainbow Dash had forgotten their weekly meeting. Looking towards the un-drunk beer and waved the glass collector over. He took the drinks and smiled at her in what he obviously thought was a nice complimentary way. She retreated behind her pink mane as she got up to leave, not noticing when the glass collector followed after shedding his apron.

“Good afternoon.” He said to her making her jump out her skin nearly “EEE!” She squeaked out before turning her head to the stallion. “H . . .He . . .Hello.” She quietly replied. “Sorry about that miss, didn’t mean to startle you.” He answered her.
“oh. . .it’s alright.” She answered him, looking around for a good escape, not realising he had gently herded her down a side street.

Turning back she saw he was looking at her with a distinctive leer on his face now.
“Wh. . .what?” She managed to get out before he backed her against a wall.
“I’ve heard about you miss, oh so quiet, can’t even scream loud. . .” He finished approaching her.

“n . . .no please!” Fluttershy whimpered out trying to escape to the side only to be blocked by his forehoof. Dodging to the other side his other hoof slammed in front of her.

“Now, we can do this silently. . .” He let out a little chuckle at his next words. “Or silently”
“NO! DASH HEEELP!” She somehow managed to shout fear lending strength to her words.

He slammed his hoof into her face, breaking her lip. “Quiet!” He shouted back. Fluttershy’s eyes went wide in fear at this before she screamed as he approached. “I already told you how this will go down, I ain’t got a mare-friend no more, so you’ll do for now.” He said in a harsh tone of voice. Just as he got nose to nose with Fluttershy a shout interrupted him.

“STAY AWAY FROM HER!” A voice Fluttershy thanked the stars to hear.

Turning she saw Rainbow dash at the entrance to the street, wings flared, body poised, tensed for action.


Rainbow dash cursed her awesome bad luck. She was not only going to be late to meet Fluttershy, but she wouldn’t even make it ‘Fashionably Late’ as Rarity was wont to do, no she was going to be stupendously late for their weekly meet at the pub. Why? Because the weather factory was late sending the last rainclouds so she and the best, fastest fliers in her team had flown to the factory to collect them themselves.

As soon as the last piece was done, she took the names of the pegasi that had helped her and finished the paperwork to get them extra pay plus a 100 bit bonus this week, none of them had needed to go with her, their shifts were over, yet as soon as she put the call for volunteers out, Cloudkicker, Firestorm, and Bloomer had all shown up, before she had even got to call out about bonuses.

With this in mind she made a note to check the Ponyville's weather teams and see if it was viable to train them up as a crisis weather team, could they do with losing those three for a month or two? Ponyville hadn’t had one since before she joined the team fresh out the orphanage, yet they could certainly do with one what with them bordering on the Everfree Forest. She would talk to Futtershy about it as they shared a pint, a second opinion from her was always welcome.

Finishing up she spotted the other three waiting outside her office. “Hey Rainbow, We know you’re meeting Fluttershy shortly, you do every week after all, but would you mind if we tagged along and got you your first drinks?”

Dash looked at her team as if they were bonkers, but decided on the whole it would just be un-cool to turn them down so nodded.
“Only if you can keep up she shouted over her shoulder, her multi-coloured mane being swept back by the wind of her flight as she leapt into the air wings snapping open before she barrel-rolled and disappeared through the clouds.

She could hear here them laughing behind her, she knew that they knew if she meant it there was no way they could keep up with her, she did do Sonic Rainbooms after all. As they got in formation to resist the drag on their wings they flew over the town.

As they got close to The Foaming Mug she noticed Fluttershy wasn’t at their usual table, but before she could feel the disappointment of missing her friend, knowing she'd have to apologise, her ears picked up a fear filled voice on the wind.
A voice that had been her friend ever since the shy pale yellow mare had been abandoned to the orphanage, her friend who was always there for her, wasn’t just scared – there was true terror in the voice. It was Fluttershy screaming.

Her wings suddenly aided her speed, she noticed out her exceptional peripheral vision how the others all lined up behind her, slip-streaming as their wings blurred to keep up, obviously all having heard the cry on the wind.

She flew above buildings, between chimneys looking for that pale pink mane, finally spotting her in a dark side street being accosted by the stallion from the pub who would never take a hint in the pub and she always had to get him to back off.
This time he’d gone too far!

Banking and side-slipping to lose height fast her hooves slammed to the ground her wings flared in rage, as she saw his hoof impact her friend she screamed at him to stay away from Fluttershy.
He tuned and smirked before grabbing a hoofull of Fluttershy’s mane as he dragged the screaming mare away he spoke.

“She’ll be coming with me.” He said dangerously. Rainbow started stalking down the street following, unaware of her team above waiting for the right moment to dive down and grab Fluttershy, it was general knowledge when the shy pegasus was scared her wings would lock to her sides.

Rainbow flared her nostrils and blew a breath of hot air from them. “You will unhoof her or I’ll make you.” She said quietly. The stallion just laughed at her having got to the end of the street. The next thing Rainbow saw was a lasso tied rope slip over his head.


Unknown to anyone Applejack had decided to pay the Cakes a quick visit to help organise a surprise party for her Pinkie, glad nopony was around to see her, she couldn’t help but giggle after she’d left the shop. the day Pinkie had surprised her on the farm one day trying to buck apples would last in her memory forever, that was the day they became each others special someponies.


Applejack yawned as she awoke with the sound of the morning rooster. Going to her sisters room after settling her trademark Stetson upon her head she was surprised to see Applebloom already awake. “Nah wat’cha doin’ getting’ up afore me missy?” She asked with a smile.

“Lookee sis, Pinkie’s tryin’ buckin’!” Applebloom said pointing a hoof out the window.
Applejack looked out and sure enough, by the cart that Big Mac pulled were several barrels of apples, yet from the way Pinkie looked and how many apples were NOT falling it was obvious she’d been at it for hours. “What in tarnation is she up to? “ She asked galloping out Applebloom's room and down to the field.

As she got to where Pinkie Pie was she gasped at the state of her hooves, they were cracked and bleeding, and somehow she still had that silly smile on her face. “Pinkamena Diane Pie Stop that Raght NOW!” She shouted making the Pink pony jump.

As she fell Applejack went forwards and caught her and got her settled across her back. “C’mon you, let’s git’ya back to th’ farmhouse, Ah reckon y’alls hooves gonna take a while to heal up.”
“Oh don’t worry ‘bout that Apples!” Pinkie giggled out.

‘Apples?’ Applejack thought, wondering when she had a) Been given said nickname, and B) Why in the hay wasn’t she flying off the handle at the name? Shaking her head she looked over her shoulder as she spoke.
“You jus’ make sure ah don’t drop ya, ya hear?” Pinkie giggled some more and nodded.

Once back in the farmhouse she called Big Mac to come help her with bandaging Pinkie’s hooves up in the guest room as she made her own way there. Once in she settled Pinkie on the bed and went and got a bowl of clean warm water.

It didn’t take long for Pinkie’s hooves to be treated, coming from a family of Applebuckers she and Big Mac had to deal with injuries like this a fair bit, but nopony had ever hurt themselves to this extent before.

It was obvious the pain was now getting to the cute pink pony.
'Wait, Cute?’ Applejack thought shaking her head to clear of the thoughts. She had long ago come out to her family that she preferred mares to stallions, but had told nopony else, and now here she was falling for her friend.

Letting out a sigh she looked to the pain-filled expression of her friend and finally spoke as she heard Big Mac telling Applebloom to run and get the Doctor as soon as possible.
“Allraght you, what in the HAY d’you think you were doin’ girl?” Pinkie motioned with her forehoof for Applejack to move closer so she could speak quietly.

In the most serious tone she had ever heard the poofy maned and tailed pony speak she heard the whisper.
“I wanted you to be proud of me.” This stunned Applejack as she sat back on her haunches, she was sure a kick from her big brother between the eyes was less stunning, and she knew that feeling . . . Well.

“Say WHAT? You think seein you ruin your Hooves is abaht t’make me proud? WHAT IN THE HAY?”
She had stood and was nearly in Pinkies face at this, fury running through her veins. Right up until she heard Pinkie cry. “Ah hell” she muttered as she sat up on the bed next to the mare.

“Talk t’ me sugarcube, Ah can’t understand what ya tryin’ tah prove if yeh don’ tell me.” She said quietly, A crying Pinkie was not something anybody should see, an that she was the one to cause it pulled at her heart.

“I wanted YOU to be proud of me, nopony else just you. I wanted to show I could buck apples like you. Show I’m not just a crazy, useless party pony.” She heard Pinkie say quietly. Hearing the despair in the pony’s voice she couldn’t ignore, she settled on the bed leaning up against the headboard she pulled the pink pony into her forelegs.

“Now you listen an listen well ya hear?” Applejack said quietly. Waiting until Pinkie nodded. “Now ah can’t do the actions raht now holdin’ onta ya, but ah Cross mah heart, Hope tah fly, Stick a cupcake in mah eye, you are not a useless pony Pinks. Yehv got a gift, ya make ev’rypony laugh and smile. Ah aint the best judge, but ah rekkin tha’s no uselss.”

“You mean it?” Pinkie asked.
“Hey Ah Pinkie Pie promised didn’t ah?” Applejack said quietly. “Now, why did you want mah approval so bad Pinks?” Pinkie finally looked up to Applejack, her blue watery eyes meeting Applejack's own steady reassuring green.
“Promise you won’t hate me?” Pinkie asked. If Applejack had to be honest, seeing Pinkie this vulnerable and serious was freaking her out slightly, where the hay was the bright bubbly pony she knew and cared about?

“Pinkie, no matter what ahl always be yer friend ok?” Pinkie nodded before she seemed to nibble her lip slightly as she took a breath to start.
“I. . .Well you see. . .Damn it!” She shouted before leaning up and pressing her lips to Applejack's.

Applejack's eyes widened slightly before she felt Pinkie start to pull away. In that moment she had a hundred thoughts about the pony she was holding, how she always tried to cheer everyone up, but seemed to work harder at it if Applejack was sad, how she had always held a cupcake back at the end of the day for her, how she showed her care in many ways that she never noticed until now.

Not letting the pink pony pull away she deepened the kiss. It was only when both pony’s pulled away to breath that she spoke again. “Pinkie, ah am proud of ya, not for the buckin’ till ya bleed, but for how yer able to make ev’rypony laugh, how you liven the place up. Ah don’t know what’s goin’ on in that pink head of yours, but ah’m already proud of yah ok?
Pinkie smiled up and simply said “Okie-Dokey-Lokie.” Before getting a thoughtful expression on her face.

“Sooooo, will you be my marefriend Apples?” Applejack smiled down at her and simply nodded before kissing her again. When the kiss finished she spoke. “of course ahl be you’re marefriend pinks. Now, the doc will be here soon to look at yer feet, Ahl sit with ya when he does, an until you’re fully healed you’ll be stayin here on the farm ok?” Pinke nodded.

-End Flashback-

Applejack had been surprised at how accepting everyone had been about the pair, that had been six weeks ago, and the Doctor said she’d be able to go back home soon, so to surprise her she’d arranged to have a party with a pink theme. Talking about pink wasn’t that pink mane Fluttershy’s? Then she saw what was happening fully.

Growling in the back of her throat she ran into the hardware store she was in front of, slammed 5 bits on the counter and grabbed a rope, already lasso tied from the shelf, swinging it above her head as soon as she cleared the doorway.

As soon as she got closer she saw the three pegasi circling above and saw Rainbow Dash further down the street. She flung her rope out and it slipped over the strange stallions head, just as it did she pulled hard.

As she did, the Pegasus Cloudkicker swooped down and grabbed hold of Fluttershy as Rainbow started charging the street, the other two landed near and were also advancing on the stallion.
It was then said stallion proved his strength, whipping his head around he bit the length of rope and pulled hard.

“Whoa Nellie!” Applejack shouted just before she impacted a wall.
No sooner had that happened than he span on the spot and bucked his hooves, one connecting with Rainbow Dash’s wing, an audible snap was heard, as his other hoof hit where the wing joined the rest of Rainbow Dash’s body.


Fluttershy looked on in abject terror at what had happened, what had nearly happened.
When she heard Rainbow’s wing snap she gasped, seeing the other hoof connect where it did she whimpered. How was Rainbow Dash still standing? Fighting through the pain, these thoughts crossed her mind as she saw Rainbow slam into the Stallion, knocking him to the ground on his back before rearing up above him whinnying in her rage.

Her hooves came down on his ‘Equipment’ and from his neigh of pain it was obvious that she had caused major damage. Hopefully permanent Fluttershy thought as Applejack finished tying the Stallion up as the last Pegasus flew to the nearest guard station to report the incident.

As soon as her hooves hit the floor Fluttershy ran to Rainbow Dash. “Oh Dashie! It’s my fault. . .” She said. “I should have stayed at the pub, I’m so sorr-“
Rainbow interrupted her. “Hey no problem flutters – it ain’t your fault, I was near an hour late.” Rainbow said. “I figured you’d head home, didn’t expect the trash to follow though.” She said grimacing in pain as two Guard stallions flew in.

Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind Rainbow Dash. “Flutters it’s ok.” She heard Rainbow whisper to her as she put her foreleg around her. “Come on, I’ve got to go to Ponyville General and get my wing looked at.” Rainbow finished as Applejack came up along side her, slipping under the broken wing and supporting its weight on her back.

Fluttershy heard Rainbow Dash’s sigh of relief at this. “Thanks A.J.” She said as they made their way to the hospital, looking back over his shoulder her called back. Cloudkicker, you’re in charge of the Weather Teams until I’m back in the air.” She said, somehow not able to muster the energy to worry about her image.

Cloudkicker nodded as Applejack and Fluttershy helped Rainbow walk away.
Fluttershy was looking towards her cyan coated friend, feelings bubbling to the surface again, She’d long held a flame for Rainbow Dash, but never told her. She couldn’t stand it if she didn’t want to be around her if she came out as a Mare-lover.

As they got to the hospital, Rainbow Dash was wheeled away to surgery as to how bad her wing was busted. Fluttershy sank down to the floor and started crying. Applejack came up next to her.
“Fluttershy, sugarcube. She’ll be ok.”
“i. . . I know” Fluttershy whispered out as she started crying into Applejacks shoulder, letting her mane hide her face.

Applejack simply held her and let her cry until she was out of tears, and after, only letting go when the others arrived to see her and Rainbow. Apparently the guard had written the Princess Celestia about the attack on one of the embodiments of the elements of Harmony.

She of course wrote Twilight and told her of the occurrence near The Foaming Mug.
Needless to say they all would be taking a personal interest in the Stallions trial.
A nurse stepped closer and whispered something to Twilight.
The purple Alicorn stepped over to where Applejack was comforting Fluttershy before she spoke.

“Hey, Rainbows doin ok, They’ve nearly finished, they had to take her down to surgery, and she’ll be ok for visitors in a couple of hours.” Twilight informed the group.
Applejack smiled a bit before she spoke. “Ah reckon wi’ the farm bein’ so close y’all better come an rest thar. Ahl go on ahead an put kettle on.”

As she made to move away however Fluttershy refused to let go. “Nah then Fluttershy, whatcha doin?” Applejack asked her quietly.
“D. . .don’t go. Please. You were there, you made it so Dashie could get me. Please stay. If you stay I know she’ll be ok.” She asked quietly, desperately.

“It’s ok Applejack, I’ll fly ahead and talk to Big Mac if you want.” Twilight offered. Applejack nodded as Pinkie came over to lay a calming hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Hey Fluttershy, no worryings, me an Apples will stay, right here by your side. It’ll be our quiet partaaay!” Pinkie said in her usual exuberant way but somehow keeping quiet.

Rarity stepped up and spoke. “Darling, Rainbow will be fine, honestly. Now lets take ourselves from these drab surroundings to the farm – I’m sure you’d like a nice hot apple cider down you.” She finished with a wink to the others.

“oh. . .okay.” Fluttershy whispered, glad that her friends were with her.
“Come on y’all, the sooner we git to the farm, the sooner we git back.” Applejack encouraged.
As they made their way to the farm Twilight’s silhouette shadowed over them as she flew back around to land near them having just returned from the farm.
As they crested the hill the last person any of them except Twilight it seemed expected to see was stood at the entrance. Princess Celestia.


Princess Luna was enjoying having a rare day of relaxing with her sister Princess Celestia. That all came to a stop when an urgent message arrived by High Priority Pegasi. These messengers were only ever used by the guard, and only in high emergencies.

Watching her older sister opening the letter using her magic she started to read, the further she read the paler she got, Impressive for an all shining white being, until at the end she went from pale, to red faced fury.

“CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD!” Celestia called out. Moment’s later Shining Armour stepped in.
Celestia went forward to have a quiet word with him as Luna pulled the letter to her and read.

For the Attention of Her Highness's Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Report Subject: Attempted attack in Ponyville

Details: Earlier this morning a Pegasus from the weather team in Ponyville a Mr Bloomer flew into our Station Post at Ponyville calling for help.

Two Guards departed with them, once at scene of trouble it was reported that an employee of ‘The Foaming Mug’ Public House had accosted, and attempted to sexually assault one miss Fluttershy.

They had also in an ensuing fight to prevent this, damaged one miss Rainbow Dash’s wing causing her to be taken to the General Hospital.

It is understood two others on the weather team, miss Cloudkicker and miss Firestorm, as well as the owner of ‘Sweet Apple Acres’ were also involved in the fight.

We are happy to report that apart from a single blow, it seems that the attack miss Fluttershy was stopped in time.

We only bring this instance of attack to your attention as it involves three of the living embodiments of The Elements of Harmony. We have the accused perpetrator in custody. We await your orders.

Sgt. M. A. Rine
Ponyville Barracks

By the end of the letter Luna was ready to tear this unknown person in four personally.
It was only then she realised she was shaking in her rage. Celestia came up beside her and spoke.
“Calmly sister, we will deal with this – he will face justice. Come now, Shining Armour will be sending a guard detail to escort us. We shall go th Aweet Apple Acres farm and speack with Applejack. We will then get the details from the others separately. Make no mistake, this . . .Horseapple. . . will face justice. I swear.”

Luna took a deep breath at this. She being the mare of the night knew the dreams of everypony, sometimes the dreams sickened her. Other times, as with a young filly called Scootaloo she merely entered their nightmares, helping them overcome them. Then there were the dreams of longed for companionship, both Fluttershy and Rainbow longed for the other. She only hoped that this would give them the kick they needed, and not make the young shy canary coloured mare retreat further into herself.

“Now, I must write Twilight, she will need to be there for her friend.
With that a parchment and quill flew over enveloped in Celestia’s magical aura. As the quill flew across the parchment Celestia spoke to her sister once more.
“As soon as this is sent we shall go to Sweet Apple Acres, I have also left orders that our schedules are to be cleared for the week.” She finished as her letter flew out the window in a puff of smoke on its’ way to Twilight.

“Let us depart then.” Luna said in a smooth silken voice, silk over steel. “However, see too it I do not cross paths with the one who would hurt her. I am still living to the values of a thousand years past, you remember the punishment back then?”

Celestia nodded.
“I believe it was gelding and branding. Something I fought not to be repealed, however the council of the tribes changed the law. As of now though, I have just sent a message – The old punishments will return. Too many times has the punishment not fit the crime since.”

Luna nodded at Celestia’s words as they stepped out to the flier’s launch, foregoing the chariot they spread their wings and launched. A brace of 12 Guards falling into formation around them.
They flew hard and fast landing on the farm a mere two hours later.
Just as they landed they saw the purple alicorn that was Twilight flying into the farm.

“Princess Celestia? Princess Luna, what are you doing here?” She asked as she moved towards the farmhouse. Celestia went on to explain everything she had decided. Twilight nodded and told them that the other four were on their way.

“Rainbow Dash had to go to surgery, they think she’ll be ok the last we heard, we’ll be going back to visit in a couple of hours. Fluttershy’s really shaken but we think she’s coping ok. She seems to have clung to Rainbow until she had to go to surgery, then refused to let Applejack go. She says as long as Applejack's near she knows Rainbow Dash will be ok.”

Celestia nodded at this as Luna closed her eyes a moment, a tear falling at the emotional pain that Fluttershy must be in. “BIG MAC” Twilight called into the kitchen, as she stood by the door.

“Eeyup” Big Mac said coming to the door.

"Applejack’s asked can you put the kettle on? There’s quite a few of us.” Big Mac looked around seeing all the guards and the princesses. “Eeyup. Will we need food to?” Big Mac asked. Twilight looked towards the princesses for an answer. When they both nodded she turned back to Big Mac.

“Sure thing. I’ll go and walk back with A.J. and the girls, Rainbow won’t be visiting yet, she’s in hospital, we’ll explain later. Big Mac just nodded as Twilight took to the air. Turning to the princesses and guards he spoke.
“Come on in, the tables big enough.” He said. Luna watched as she and the guards all took a seat, however her older sister didn’t join them. “I shall wait for them by the gate.” Celestia said and matched her actions to her words heading to the gate.


Applejack saw how Fluttershy retreated and carried on reassuring her as Princess Celestia made her way slowly over to them.
“Fluttershy, it is ok, you’re not in any trouble I promise. Applejack, I’m sorry to say we’ve taken your brother up on the offer to feed all of us, I’ll be sure to send you the compensation as soon as I return to Canterlot.” Celestia informed them.

“The only compensation ah want is t’ see th’ bastard git whut’s a’commin to ‘im.” Applejack said quietly. Celestia nodded and then quietly addressed Fluttershy.
“I would like to hear what happened, if it’s ok?” Fluttershy looked up, green eyes wide with nervousness. “I’d like to wait until Rainbow Dash is next to me.” She said before retreating behind her mane again. “if. . . if that’s. . .ok?” She trailed off her natural shyness taking over.

Applejack watched as Celestia smiled down at them. “Of course Fluttershy, that won’t be a problem.” Celestia spoke as they walked in to the kitchen. When Applejack saw how many there were to feed, and already eating she spoke up again, feeling her eyes go wide.
“Ah princess. . .” Getting the Princesses attentions’, both of them.
“Yes?” Celestia prompted.

Swallowing a big gulp as she saw her mare-friend taking Fluttershy to a seat on the end.
“Ah think ah will take up that compensation offer if it’s still available.” Applejack said as she sat in shock.

“Of course.” Princess Celestia answered, before smiling as she turned to eat while she proceeded to interview Applejack's recollections of the events. Before they knew it a couple of hours had passed.
“I believe we will be able to visit Rainbow Dash now.” Celestia informed the room.

Applejack who had sat the other side of Fluttershy, sandwiching her between herself and Pinkie Pie, noticed how this once statement picked her friends mood up better than any of Pinkie’s strange antics.

Celestia stood and addressed her guards. “I need six of you to pair off in to two’s, go and interview the other three pegasi, we will either be at Ponyville General or back here.” The six on the end all nodded and left the room Applejack and the others all got ready to head to the hospital.

Applejack turned to Fluttershy and had a question she somehow just knew that she would know.
“Say, how baht we take some flowers for ‘er?” Fluttershy smiled at this. “Oh yes that would be really lovely, she loves tulips!” She said at normal conversation volume, which for her was shouting.

Shaking her head Applejack put her Stetson back on having removed it when they sat to eat.
“Come on then, Ah reckon we kin pick some up from the florist on the way ah bet.”
Fluttershy’s smile at this lightened the hearts of all there. Having known what nearly happened to her, and what had happened to her friend to save her, no pony was going to deny her this.

Moments later they were all making their way, first to the florist, and then on to Ponyville General Hospital.

Applejack thought Rainbow Dash had the best friend in Fluttershy.

Punishments And Beginnings of Recovery

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Rainbow Dash slowly came round, feeling groggy from the anaesthetic. She hated this feeling yet knew it well. With all the accidents and injuries she had as a filly. Come to think of it, why did she feel like this now again.

Thinking back to when she got up this morning, she had got up and headed to work, put together a beautiful rainstorm, gone to Cloudsdale for the last few clouds, returned and finished up the job and paperwork, gone on to meet Fluttershy and – “OH BUCK! FLUTTERSHY!” The adrenaline that coursed through her system now chased away any lingering drowsiness.

The nurse ran in to the room and quickly spoke. “Ms Dash please calm down, Ms Fluttershy is fine, you however are not.” These words were like a bucket of cold water to the cyan coated Pegasus.

“Wh – wha?” Was all she could get out, fortunately the nurse seemed to understand what she had been trying to ask.
“your main wing – spar was shattered, not just badly broken like was originally thought, your wing joint was also both dislocated and broken. You were very lucky not to lose that wing. We were able to get one of the best doctor’s from Canterlot in to do the surgery, but I’m afraid you won’t be flying for at least two months.”

Rainbows eyes went wide at this as she slumped back onto her flanks. “T. . . Two months?” She whispered out looking back to the nurse who nodded with a sympathetic expression upon her face. “I’m sorry but that is the case.” Anger started to bubble within Rainbow Dash, “No, no, NO! I live in a cloud! I LIVE IN A CLOUD! HOW IN THE HAY WILL I GET HOME! How will I do my JOB!” She screamed out.

The door to her room slammed open and a pale yellow and pink blur that was Fluttershy had her arms about Rainbows neck. “Please Rainbow dash, please calm down.” Fluttershy’s whisper may have been a full shout with the impact it seemed to have, Rainbow’s temper immediately left.

Her own forehooves wrapped about Fluttershy as she held her close.
“Oh Flutters, I’m glad you’re ok.” She said holding her close, forgetting for the moment her own injuries before pulling back and looking her in the eye. “You are alright aren’t you?” Fluttershy just nodded hiding a little behind her mane under Rainbow’s scrutiny.

“y. . .yes. Thanks to you I’m fine.” Fluttershy whispered.
“Now miss Dash, I need to ask, have you got anywhere else you can stay while your wing rec-“
Surprising Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy interrupted the nurse without turning to look at her, just looking at Rainbow. “Oh it’s alright. She’ll be coming to live with me for a while.”

Rainbow couldn’t believe this. Where had Fluttershy got this assertiveness from. But just as soon as it appeared it disappeared again. “That. . . that’s if. . . you don’t mind?” Fluttershy finished in a quieter voice to Rainbow Dash.

“Flutters, I ain’t going to be able to fly for Two whole months” Rainbow explained looking at the pink maned pony. “you sure?”
There was a trace of a blush on Fluttershy’s cheeks as she answered. “That’s ok. I could do with more pony company.” She said quietly.

The nurse coughed politely. “Now miss Dash, I’m afraid we’re going to have to keep you in a couple of days for observation, but you should be able to be discharged then.”
“miss Fluttershy, I trust that will be ok? Will you need more time to prepare?
“Oh no. . . that’s plenty of time” Fluttershy answered in her sweet quiet voice.

The nurse smiled and said one more thing before she left the room.
“you take care now, I’ve got to finish checking on the other patients.


Fluttershy was sat in the waiting room with the others along with Princess Celestia, talking quietly to her as Philomena had been pestering her about the shy Pegasus ever since she’d tried to help her when she thought she was ill and not on a burning cycle.

The talk was going quiet as they wound down, Celestia hoped that when the investigation was complete that it would have no lasting repercussions on Fluttershy. It was in this quiet lull that Rainbow Dash’s panicking voice sounded out loud down the corridor. Celestia was shocked when Fluttershy just became a yellow blur with a pink trail as she shot off.

The other four all looked about to rush down the corridor until Celestia blocked their path with a wing. The knowledge gained over millennia she had, allowed her to know that the only pony that would be able to help right now was Fluttershy. Especially after how she saw them at the little party after the first Grand Galloping Gala they had attended.

Shaking her head the alicorn spoke to them. “It is all right, don’t worry. If we were to go there now we would only create more trouble. We shall wait for the nurse to let us know it is ok to proceed.”
The others looked at her all wanting to argue but Rarity saw what the others didn’t. In the princess’ eyes was true concern that the right thing happened here.

Celestia was relieved to hear Rarity as she spoke up. “I think the princess is right. We all know that Fluttershy is the only one who Rainbow truly let’s in. I think it would be best for us to stay here.”
Celestia nodded her thanks to the delicate unicorn.

As they all took seats the guards returned from interviewing the other Pegasi. All of the accounts rang true to the same. That had it not been for Rainbow Dash’s initial interruption and the consequential fight, that Fluttershy would most likely have been really hurt by the stallion.

Celestia nodded her thanks to the guards and sat and thought about their situation.
With her and her sister now in charge of the investigation they could now expedite matters of a trial. All that was left now was for someone to interview the stallion in question. Not a job she would like to give somepony, but knew that should she or her sister enter the room with him, there would only be one living being walking out, and it wouldn’t be the stallion.

“Twilight, I would ask your counsel. Do you think your brother would be able to keep his cool long enough with the accused to carry out an interview? This would be to get the facts before we put them in front of a judicial panel?” Twilight looked at her mentor and Celestia could see she was truly considering the question.

“Honestly? Not on his own. He would need someone in the room with him to help him keep calm.”
Twilight answered. Celestia smiled at her. “Thank you.”

Just then the nurse stepped into the waiting area. “You can go in now.” She hardly finished speaking when Pinkie Pie shot off yelling “Finally!”


Applejack followed close knowing what was coming would be difficult on Fluttershy and wanted to be there with Pinkie to help her. She knew Rainbow Dash would be by Fluttershy’s side, being her best friend since they were fillies.

As they got in the room Pinkie suddenly threw her forelegs about Rainbow Dash’s neck. Seeing she was about to go into one of her trademark rambles Applejack quickly took an apple out her saddlebag and shoved it in Pinkies open mouth.

“Mnfths nff niff affl” Pinkie mumbled out. Applejack couldn’t help but laugh at this. “Sorry Pinks, you’re gonna hav’ta eat that afore ya can talk.” She said around her laughter. Stepping next to her mare-friend who was now busy chomping down on said apple as the rest of the visitors stepped in.

“Princess Celestia?” Rainbow gasped out in obvious surprise when the princess stepped in with one of her guards. “Yes Rainbow Dash. I know you are surprised to see me but as I am in charge of the investigation as to what happened along with my sister, I thought it would be best if I came to interview you in person. Also Fluttershy has requested that her interview not be conducted without you being by her side.”

Applejack watched as Rainbow’s eyes widened at this before turning to Fluttershy. “Flutters?” Rainbow asked.
Fluttershy had kept her head down through what had been said as Rainbow went back over to her bed guiding Fluttershy there along with her.


If anypony other than Fluttershy were to ask in future Rainbow would have been happy to deny that she showed any weakness in the hospital room. But the truth was somewhat different as she guided Fluttershy over to the hospital bed. Making it seem accidental that it was between her and the rest of the people in the room.

Rainbow leapt up on to the bed and got comfortable and waited for Fluttershy to explain why she didn’t want to be interviewed without her there.
“I. . .I couldn’t . . . I needed you there. You help me when. . . you know.” Fluttershy said quietly managing to make eye contact with her.

Indeed Rainbow did know what Fluttershy was on about. Every time that her shy friend had needed to be questioned about anything as they grew up in the orphanage Rainbow was always the other filly in the room. Always there, silently supporting her.
Even before the troubles at flight camp that earned her and Flutters their cutie marks, Rainbow Dash had always protected Fluttershy.

Looking about the room she nodded to the Princess and nodded. “O.K. Who did you want to talk to first? Me or Flutters?” somehow without trying she’d put an emphasis on the word ‘me’ letting the Princess know what her preference was, and with Fluttershy nodding quietly at the side it was obvious that she agreed.

“Well I think we’ll start with you Rainbow Dash. Now could you please tell me the events that led to you being in here?” Celestia asked. Closing her eyes and thinking back to what had happened Rainbow went further back in her explanation than asked going so far as to explain her delay.

“. . .And when I saw him hit Flutters, I lost it. When A.J. roped him and I charged him, I didn’t care about any harm that I’d get as long as Flutters was ok. You know the rest. I Knocked him down, kicked him where no stallion should be kicked, and was brought here.” She finished.

“Hmm, I must ask, were you at the time aware of the damage done to you by him?” Celestia prodded. *Snort* “Are you kiddin? He’d just smashed my wing bone – you of all people should know a broken wing isn’t just ignored. The only reason I fought on is I knew if I didn’t he’d get right back up and try go for Flutters.”

Celestia nodded. “Ok, now Fluttershy, I know this will be hard, but can you explain how you ended up down that alley please?”
Rainbow saw Fluttershy shaking when the attention was all on her, so just as she did when they were fillies she reached out and took her hoof.

“It’s ok Flutters. I’m not goin anywhere.” She said using the same words as all those years ago.
Fluttershy nodded as she started her tale. When she explained about how he’d said “Quietly, or Quietly” the fury in the princess’s eyes made Rainbow Dash thanking her luck stars that she wasn’t the stallion in question.

As Fluttershy’s tale wrapped up, her voice so quiet you could hardly hear it, even the guard in the room who was supposed to be ridged and silent was growling with suppressed fury.
“Fluttershy. I can promise you this, that once we have taken his statement he will face justice. Now I must go and arrange for his interview. I’ll leave you and Rainbow Dash in the tender care of your friends.”

With these words the princess departed. Rainbow looked about the room to see that all her friends after hearing hers and Fluttershy’s explanation of events were all trying to contain their anger.
Pinkie Pie’s expression was one she didn’t think Pinkie even knew how to make.
“Oooooh Just you wait! I’ll get my hooves on the mister mcmeanie and shoot him so hard out my Party Cannon that – KABLAMMOOO – he’ll hit the wall so hard an it’ll go – SMASH!” She said in her own intimal way. But the fire in her eyes said that she meant every word.

Rainbow looked towards Fluttershy and saw the tear tracks on her face as she continued to hide behind her mane. Jumping off the bed Rainbow pulled Fluttershy into her forehooves. “Easy Flutters, you don’t have to hide. Not from us.” At this Fluttershy let go of the tears she was holding in.

Fluttershy collapsed into Rainbow, letting all the emotions out in one big go. Rainbow was somewhat concerned as she hadn’t seen Fluttershy this bad since before they stopped nightmare moon years ago.

Looking to Rarity who was the one other in Ponyville who had seen Fluttershy like this before she nodded to the door. Waiting until Rarity had closed and locked it she spoke up. Knowing that Fluttershy wouldn’t mind as she only broke down like this around people she truly trusted.

“Ok this doesn’t leave the room. I may joke about bein awesome and totally not sappy. But if one whisper ever gets mentioned about Flutters like this outside of here, I’ll find out who told.” Rarity stepped next to her and spoke up. “And I’ll help plan a suitable Ghastly punishment.”

The other three looked to each other before Twilight spoke. “Why would we tell anyone. You should know that by now what happens between us six.”
“Stays between us six” Applejack finished. Pinkie was stood next to her bouncing and nodding at a furious rate. “Mmmhmm if it didn’t that would be worse than breaking a pinkie promise and you know nopony breaks a pinkie promise and gets away with it, why I even chased Apples through Appaloosa when I only thought she’d broken one! So no way, no how will they get anything out this pink pony – except a trombone.”

Rainbow smiled at this, Pinkie was still Pinkie, Random, full of laughter yet Reliable, Applejack was always the steadfast and honest friend and Twilight was sure as her magic was strong.

After a short time Fluttershy managed to calm down some. “Hey there” Rainbow whispered. “How’s the tears, still wet?” She asks the question that never fails to bring out a smile from her friend.
“See, I knew my awesomeness would help” Rainbow continued as she let Fluttershy go and got up onto her bed.

“Thank you Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy said in her quiet voice.
“Aww don’t worry about it Flutters, you know that the Dash has always got your back” Rainbow answered in her usual brash bravado.

They spent a couple of hours chatting as they passed the time. As the evening closed in and it got late the nurse came to let them know visiting hours were over. As they left Fluttershy hung back a moment.
“Rainbow, I really want to thank you, if you hadn’t stepped in . . .” Rainbow waved her off and with a cheeky smile answered. “Well If ya really want to thank me, you could always do that lovely daisy and daffodil soup you make. Fluttershy smiled and nodded her head before leaving after promising to visit.


Luna was pacing her private chambers swearing up a fury, her emotions had bled through to the night sky which had a multitude of meteorites shooting through, burning red.
Celestia stepped in and up to her sister, wrapping a wing about her. “Peace sister, now tell me what’s wrong?” Luna didn’t say a word, just pointed to a piece of parchment on her desk. Closing her eyes she recalled what was on it.

Interview with Huntingfire:

Accused of: 1 count Attempted Sexual Assault against miss Fluttershy, 1 count Assault against miss Fluttershy, 1 Count Assault against miss Applejack, 1 count Grievous Bodily Harm against miss Rainbow Dash.

Interviewers: Guard Captain Shining Armour

Sgt. M. A. Rine Commanding officer Ponyville Barracks

SA: Shining Armour, SGT: Sgt. M. A. Rine, HF: Huntingfire


SGT: Do you understand why you are here?

HF: of course, I was about to have my way with the quiet mare, until we were disturbed.

SA: You were about to have your way? You imply that she had no choice.

HF: Of course not, She was a mare, I’m a stallion, I wanted her, she was mine to do with.

SGT: So you readily admit you were about to rape her.

HF: I said as much didn’t I? Come on, sweet little mare like her, innocent and oh so quiet.

SA: That sweet little mare is responsible for Equestria still being in one piece you fool.

HF: Hmm, I’ve never had a heroine before, wonder if they’re any better.

SA: So you’re now saying that you wouldn’t hesitate to try again?

HF: Why shouldn’t I? I can’t wait to make her squeal.

SA: Why you. . .

SGT: Captain no!

HF: That’s right, drag your Captain away. I’ll still be here waiting for the precious mare.

Luna looked towards her sister. “It is plain to me this stallion shows no remorse for his actions. I think we should push the council for the maximum penalty on this.” Celestia nodded in agreement.
“What’s more sister, with the interviews from the other participants and a witness, I believe we have conclusive enough evidence.”

Luna nodded, aware that initially they were going to hold a trial, but with the evidence in front of them, they were going to hand down a royal sentence decree. They hadn’t long finished deciding this when Celestia called for Shining Armour.

As he entered Luna stepped up to him. “Captain, I am aware that you consider Fluttershy to be your friend.” Luna told him, awaiting his acknowledgement of the fact, which he did when he nodded his head. “How would you like to be the one to tell her that she won’t have to worry about seeing him again repeatedly at a trial as with the evidence collected, it is enough that we can pass a royal decree upon him.”

Shining Armour smiled. “I would like that very, very much Princess.” Luna felt more than saw her sister step up next to her. “I would suggest you gather her friends up together as well and let them know at the same time.” Shining Armour nodded. “Please wait a moment while we write up his sentence. You can have the double pleasure of informing the convicted of their punishment.

Shining Armour nodded and stood at attention once more.
Luna stepped away and up to the desk next to the Princess and read along as the quill flew across the parchment under Celestia’s magic.

Royal Decree of Sentence to Criminal
Convicted: HuntingFire
Crimes Convicted of: 1 count Attempted Sexual Assault against miss Fluttershy, 1 count Assault against miss Fluttershy, 1 Count Assault against miss Applejack, 1 count Grievous Bodily Harm against miss Rainbow Dash.

After reviewing the evidence gathered, and the statements made by all interested parties, We have concluded that the stallion HuntingFire is guilty of the above charges. The sentences for these crimes are as follows.

For the assault on Applejack: 10 Years Hard labour on a rock farm

For the assault on Fluttershy: 10 Years Hard labour on a rock farm

For the damage to Rainbow Dash: 15 Years hard labour on a rock farm

For the attempted rape of Fluttershy: Gelded, Branding with the word Rapist across the cutie mark and 20 years hard labour on a rock farm.

These sentences are without the option of parole


Princess Celestia
Princess Luna

Celestia triplicated the document and handed a copy to Shining Armour to read over. Once finished he looked up and nodded. “Permission to be dismissed.” Luna watched on as her sister nodded. “Oh and Shining Armour, take a week off and visit with your sister, I’m sure Cadence would be happy to join you.

He smiled his thanks as he left the room. Luna stepped next to her sister and watched as she closed her eyes. “Why?” Celestia whispered out.
Luna knew what she was asking but decided to head that thought off. “Celestia, don’t you dare say this happened because you didn’t rule the land right. You have always done the best for your subjects, and tried to assure the laws are correct.”

She took a breath before she continued. “The council of tribes overruled you in the past and passed that ridiculously mild blanket sentence. But one thing they can never do is overturn a Royal Decree. This one will get his true punishment. Now the council may wise up however.” She finished her tirade as her sister bowed her head.

The tears that flowed down her face however signified that it would be a long time before Celestia forgave herself for something happening within her land. Luna stepped up to her and pulled her into a winged hug, offering support. The two sisters gazed out the window to the lands beyond, hoping one day that the world would be truly safe.


Two days later found Rainbow Dash sat in Fluttershy’s living room sharing a meal with her as they chatted. Angel Bunny looked on in annoyance, he had only tried to boss Fluttershy about once that day when he didn’t like the salad she’d prepared.

Having thrown the bowl back at her Rainbow caught it before it hit and slammed it on the table in front of the bunny.
“Listen Angel, perhaps you don’t realise this but you are one ungrateful rabbit.” Pointing to Fluttershy she continued. “She spends all her time looking after all the animals, and still somehow manages to find the time to dote on you, and you treat her like this?”

Staring back the bunny crossed his arms and turned his nose up. “Fine.” Rainbow said [picking the salad up off the table and going into the kitchen. Not noticing the look of astonishment on Fluttershy’s face. She did however see Angel Bunny’s smug expression and snickered at the thought of his expression in a minute.

Walking back in she had a piece of dry bread and a glass of water and put those in front of the rabbit. “You’re forgetting who you’re dealing with, I’m the super-Awesome Rainbow Dash.” She said in her own egostatiscal voice. But underneath that was a voice of steel, which came to the fore when her next sentence came out. “Now, you’ll eat that, and be grateful – or you’ll go hungry. You may have gotten away with treating my Flutters like a slave before. But not while I’m around. Got it?”

The stubborn bunny took one look at Rainbow Dash’s face and nodded. It was clear that just because she was grounded for a couple of months didn’t mean she was going to get depressive about it.


Fluttershy couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed. No-one had been able to make Angel Bunny behave before, and although her friends had all offered to help she had hidden the truth with a simple white lie. “He’s getting better.”

He hadn’t been however, and had started treating her like a slave. The only reason she hadn’t said anything is she hadn’t wanted to bother her friends or have them disappointed in her for being ordered about by such a small bunny.

Here was Rainbow Dash, having come here to recover from the injuries sustained, defending her once again. Her stomach had a small swarm of butterflies at this. Ever since flight school she’d harboured a crush on the brash blue Pegasus, and now here she was staying at Fluttershy’s home for two months.

She managed to keep her cool as they ate and spoke of nothing important, just passing the time.
“Hey Flutters?” Rainbow interrupted the train of thought she was on. “Ya know I ain’t going to be in the air anytime soon, so I was wonderin’” She looked down to the table at this pointtrying to hide her obvious nerves. “If. . . If it’d be okay for me to help around here?” She finished quietly.

This was why Fluttershy enjoyed the times they got together alone, Rainbow could drop all her defences to the world and just be herself, knowing that Fluttershy wouldn’t judge her.
“Oh. . .That would be wonderful. . . if you’re sure that is.” Fluttershy whispered, her mane coming in front of her face.

Rainbow smiled back at her. “Hey I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t mean it.” She said.
Just then there was a knock at the door. “eep!” Fluttershy squeaked as she jumped at the sudden sound while Rainbow went and answered the door for her.

Coming back she led the rest of their friend plus Twilight’s brother and Princess Cadence into the room. Rainbow was holding herself in that pose that Fluttershy knew so well, it was the confident brash flier side to her that her friends all knew, only she had ever seen the gentler side to her.

“Fluttershy, you may wanna sit dahn fer this.” Applejack said after Fluttershy had automatically got up to greet everypony. “Oh, okay.” She answered quietly. “Why don’t we all go into the living room?” Matching her own actions to words she stepped in and immediately sat next to Rainbow Dash when they were all settled.

Twilight took the lead next. “Fluttershy, we’re all here because of that attack on you. Shining Armour hasn’t given me any details yet but he did say he thought we should all be here.” She finished looking to her brother.

He shot a smile at Twilight before he pulled a scroll out. Surprising everyone Cadence got up and went and sat next to Fluttershy as if to offer some comfort. Shining Armour then started to read the scroll out loud, which proved to be the same scroll that Princess Celestia had written up with the decisions on the stallion that had attacked.

Fluttershy felt a hoof atop hers as the realisation set in. She wouldn’t have to face him again. Wouldn’t have to face strangers outside of Ponyville coming in to see a spectacle of a trial for an attack on one of the bearers of the elements.

She couldn’t help the tears that flowed down her face as she felt the relief. He was going to get justice served. She did notice however when Cadence had pulled her into a calming embrace, one that she thought would feel like had she had a mother.

Feeling this paternal affection, the damn on her emotions completely broke and she cried into the older mare’s coat. Dimly aware of one of Rainbow Dash’s hooves going through her mane soothingly.

As she calmed down and pulled away a bit she tried to apologise for her actions.
The princess who had consoled her along with Rainbow’s help gently put a hoof under her chin and lifted it. “Why are you apologising?” Cadence asked quietly.

Fluttershy saw the care in her eyes and looked about to see everyone else all smiling at her. Finally she saw Rainbow Dash watching her. All that was needed to give her the extra courage to speak was her small smile and a gentle hoof on her back.

“S. . . Sorry, but. . .when you held me, it felt like. . .like. . . I would think a. . . .mother comforts their child.” She whispered. At her words there were a couple of choked sobs about the table. They all were aware that Rainbow and Fluttershy were orphans, but it wasn’t often the full impact of this hit them.

“It’s ok Fluttershy, And I’m honoured that you felt like that.” Cadence whispered quietly. A little louder she spoke up. “I’m sure my husband will agree that if any of you feel you need that sort of advice or somepony to talk to, you just have to ask. Twilight will tell you, I’m quite the listener.” She finished.

Fluttershy noticed Twilight nodding at this. Rainbows arm moved up about her withers and pulled her into a quick hug. “Ya doin ok there?” Applejack said quietly from across the table.
“Yes, thank you. Oh, but don’t you two have duties to perform? You shouldn’t be worrying about me.” Fluttershy whispered.

Shining Armour stood and moved round the table to stand by them. “Well you see. Princess Celestia’s kind of insisted I take the week off. So we’re staying here in Ponyville. Plus I keep hearing about these famous Pinkie Parties and I was-“

“You want a party! That’s great! We can have a welcome-to-your-first-stay-at-Ponyville-Party! It’ll be great! What do you say? Huh? Huh? Huh?” Pinkie started bouncing around the room. “I’ll get the party cannon ready, need a big cake! Ooh GAMES!” She carried on going about the room until Applejack snagged her and pulled her close.

Twilight just smiled good naturedly at the excitable Pinkie before Rainbow spoke up, looking towards Shining Armour and Princess Cadence who seemed a bit shell shocked in Fluttershy’s opinion. “Er, guys. You miiight wanna be careful with the merest hint of a party with Pinkie. She’s as spectacular at parties as I am at flying.”

“I can see that.” Princess Cadence said with a smile. Shining Armour just looked at The pink only now resting her head on Applejack’s shoulder, completely calm in contrast to her hyper activity only moments ago.

“Well Ah think we’ll go leave you t’ git some rest Rainbow.” Applejack said as Fluttershy saw Rainbows yawn. With this she got up and the rest of the group followed out.

As Fluttershy came back into the living area after seeing their friends out she saw how Rainbow was trying not to let on that she was tired, and thought back to the doctor’s instructions about needing regular rest.

“Come on Rainbow, you need a break.” She said quietly.
“I’m fine, really I’ll be ok.” Rainbow dash tried to argue. Fluttershy didn’t answer just kept looking at her. “Seriously I’m cool.” Fluttershy didn’t even answer just started walking towards her.

“Okay, you win” Rainbow said with a lopsided smile before turning and heading up the stairs.
Fluttershy followed close so that should her friend lose her balance with her wing bound to her side, she could catch her.

Once they went in the room Rainbow stopped to gasp. Where the small sofa bed was when she’d stayed over before, was a new bed. But this bed wasn’t just any bed. It was a cloudbed, made from high quality permanent cloud material.

“Flutters, you didn’t have to do this!” Rainbow said quietly as she made her way over to it.
Feeling somewhat embarrassed at the attention even though it was just her friend, she still answered. “I know. But I wanted you to have something nice while you were here, and what’s better Is it’s portable condenser cloud.”

Rainbow turned around to stare at Fluttershy, long enough that she felt her cheeks warming under a blush. “Flutters, I work with clouds every day, I live in a cloud-home, I know how much stuff that costs! I just have to know why? Why spend that much on me.”

Fluttershy shook her head. “Get some rest Rainbow. I promise I’ll answer your question soon.” With that and a small smile, Fluttershy left the room, heading downstairs to make herself comfortable on the couch and read the book the doctor had given her about caring for a badly damaged wing.

She would always care for Rainbow, and this was one more way she could make sure she was safe.

Sentence And a CMC's Secret Revealed

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Two days later Shining Armour entered the Ponyville barracks with a deliberate step to his gait making his way to the Sergeants office. Sgt. Marine jumped when he first entered but quickly stood to attention.

"Sergeant read this." Shining Armour ordered handing over the royal decree. He watched as M. A. Rine read and gained a predatory gleam to his eye.

"Let's go let our. . . Guest know what his actions have cost him. Plus I know the perfect Rock Farm to ask about sending him to." Looking up to Shining Armour he finished his sentence. "How about the Pie Family Rock Farm. I believe it's run by miss. Pinkies father."

Shining Armour smiled at this, he had heard from his sister how her friends families treated all 6 of them as their own even if only 1 had been born too them. The only ones that were unknowns were Fluttershy and Dash, where their family was nobody knew.

"I believe that will work." Shining Armour said. As they got up and made their way to Hunting Fire’s cell to let him know his fate

The cell door opened and the stallion inside smirked. "So time for my trial huh?" He said with the confidence of somepony who thought they had done nothing wrong.

Shining Armour’s retaliatory smile however seemed to send a flick of fear across Hunting Fire’s face. “No, I’m happy to report with your own testament earlier, and the statements of all involved the princesses were able to send down a Royal Proclamation. This here’s your copy.” He finished passing over a rolled up parchment for the convict to read.

Hunting Fire’s face paled as he read the charges, Shining Armour took a vicious sort of pleasure that was unlike his normal self, but this stallion had had the gall to try to hurt the one mare who wouldn’t have hurt anypony.

“Your gelding will take place at sundown this night.” Shining Armour informed him..
“bu - But what about my trial?” Hunting Fire asked. Shaking his head Shining Armour replied.
“You shouldn’t have attacked a pony that the princesses have come to care for, be grateful that’s all you’re getting, had it been up to me, I would have left you tied up alone in a locked room with Rainbow Dash and Applejack meeting out your punishment.

With that he and the sergeant tuned away from the broken stallion as he went to arrange for a medi-unicorn to come and perform the procedure. With that thought he wondered how his wife was doing having gone with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to help with foalsitting the young Cakes.


Fluttershy was glad Princess Cadance had come along to help with the young cakes, she couldn’t see how Pinkie kept up with them. However the princess with her calming presence and gentle voice as she sang a sweet lullaby to them helped them settle faster than any of Pinkies antics.

As they left the room quietly a spell left the Princesses horn as they made their way to the sitting room. “Just a monitoring spell, it will let me know if either of them awake.” She explained.
Once they were sat down the Alicorn Princess turned to Fluttershy speaking her thoughts.

“Fluttershy, how are you. Really?” The care in her voice had Fluttershy welling up yet again as she thought back to what had nearly happened. “I. . . I Don’t know!” she said breaking, not noticing when she was once again pulled into the Alicorns arms.

Pinkie Pie slipped into the other seat next to her before speaking.
“Fluttershy, I promise you, even if it didn’t happen, the nightmares you’ve had these past nights and the ones you have the next nights will lessen over time. Again over time you’ll be able to let a strange stallion near you. I promise. Trust me on this, it does get better over time. I know” She finished in a dead monotone so unlike her usual self that it got through to Fluttershy better than any thing anyone else could say.

Fluttershy turned to look at the party pony, eyes wide in shock. “P. . . Pinkie?” She whispered quietly, hoping beyond hope that she hadn’t said the last bit. Those hopes were dashed a moment later. “It Get’s Better. I Know” Pinkie said keeping eye contact.

“Oh Pinkie, why, why didn’t you tell us?” Fluttershy asked quietly of her, noticing the less than poofy mane and tail.

Smiling at Fluttershy she spoke once more. “It was a long time ago, before I came to Ponyville.” Pinkie said quietly. Nodding at what she’d said Fluttershy pulled away from the princesses embrace wishing it had been Rainbows arms she had been in.

Sitting back against the couch she realised that yes what had happened was bad, but the worse hadn’t happened, and she had her friends around her who wouldn’t leave her to face her fears alone.

“Now then, how are you doing otherwise?” Princess Cadance asked Fluttershy.
“I. . . I’m ok.” Fluttershy whispered back. Not wanting to burden the Princess with her problems. Unfortunately she forgot she was talking to the Princess of Love.

“Now Fluttershy, don’t lie to me, you obviously care deeply for someone, and if you’ll pardon me for saying, it’s obvious you haven’t done anything about it. Now please talk to us, I promise you what gets said here won’t be repeated out of these walls

Pinkie looked on with her trademark grin that threatened to split her head in two before she started in her usual bubbly way. “ooooohhh is this where you tell us how you’ve got a crush on somepony but don’t want to lose their friendship so you stay quiet and not say anything, yet also you worry that this somepony won’t like you back either because you don’t know if they like mares? Huh?huh?huh?”

Fluttershy looked on in shock, how on earth had Pinkie said all that without stopping for a breath, then she realised, it’s Pinkie. After that she realised what had been asked and her face lit up.
“How. . . How did. . . you know?” she asked quietly, almost as if being quiet would deny the words out her mouth.

Princess Cadance spoke up at this point.
“Fluttershy, It’s obvious to us who you care about, I think the only one it’s not obvious to would be the mare in question. I would be willing to bet the rest of your friends know too.” She finished as Pinkie sat there nodding.

“Yeppers! Why do you think we keep arranging things with you two then at the last second drop out? We were hoping you would pony up an ask Rainb – the mare I mean – out, or that she would you. Even my super duper midnight party under the stars that ‘fell through’ last month.” Pinkie inserted.

Fluttershy could not believe this, and she hadn’t missed Pinkie’s slip of the tongue either. All her friends already knew. On top of that, not only had they accepted her, but had been trying to help her. This time when the tears came she couldn’t stop them, throwing her forehooves about the pink pony she hugged her tight in thanks.

“Hey thar, whatcha doin’ wi’ my mare thar Fluttershy?” Applejacks laughing voice came from across the room. Fluttershy immediately replied with “Cuddling” as she turned to face Applejack letting Pinkie go in the process.

Applejack smiled at Fluttershy. “Well yeh better have a spare fer me somewhere sugarcube” Applejack shot back walking over to them. “Nah what’s with th’ tears?” Pinkie for a moment looked up and Fluttershy could see the seriousness in her face as she mouthed the word later before her mask of hyperactivity slipped back on.

She had forgot how easy it was to underestimate Pinkie Pie, and came to the startling realisation that Applejack was probably the only pony who had gotten to truly see the real Pinkie Pie, second only to Rainbow Dash who had seen her as she went slightly crazy when they were all trying to throw her a surprise party.

“It’s ok Pinkie I don’t mind you telling her.” Pinkie looked down to the shy mare who had let go and was now looking back to the floor playing with her forehooves. Pinkie managed to catch her eyes and Fluttershy hoped she picked up on the ‘everything’ that went unsaid in her statement. Apparently she did as she turned back to Applejack to talk.

Just before she spoke however Princess Cadance jumped slightly before making a face of resignation. “Fluttershy while these two talk a moment would you help me with the twins please?” She asked as she got up and headed towards the stairs. “oh. . .ok” Fluttershy said quietly getting up and heading for the stairs hearing bits of Pinkies explanation to Applejack.
“Wake me . . .Nightmares . . .Rainbow. . .”


That evening Rainbow Dash was walking through Ponyville towards Sugarcube Corner to meet up with Fluttershy when she noticed a crowd near the entrance to Ponyville Barracks. Trotting over she spotted a lime green mare with a white mane and tale with a lyre for her cutie-mark. “Hey Lyra!” She called out. “What’s going on?”

Lyra turned around to see the prismatic maned Pegasus and she had a devilish grin upon her face. She pointed to a sign by the gate with her forehoof, it read.

Public Gelding and Branding of Hunting Fire This Evening at 19:00.

By Order of Their Highnesses Princesses Celestia and Luna.

The Convicted Stallion Hunting Fire is to be branded across the Cutie-Marks with the word “RAPIST”
He is then to be Gelded in the old ways, The only magic to be used will to be to stop bleeding after Gelding.

Henceforth know that should any Stallion try to repeat Hunting Fire’s actions the same fate shall befall them.

Finally: After Gelding, Hunting Fire will be taken from this place to serve the remainder of his sentence upon the Rock Farm managed and owned by The Pie Family.


After finishing reading this Rainbow had a grin that would have suited Pinkie Pie better as it threatened to split her face. “Wowza, I didn’t know it was gonna be public!” She said standing next to her friend. Not many ponies outside the Elements knew this, but Lyra was one of Rainbows closest friends next to Fluttershy.

As she finished Lyra spoke up. “Yeah, and you’ve met Pinkies family, you tell me honestly, he probably thinks he’s getting off light yet. . .” At this Rainbow interrupted her with a snort.
“Seriously? Gods when the six of us visited last Hearthwarming they practically adopted Fluttershy when they found out she was an orphan. Me too.” Shaking her head at the thought of anypony thinking Hunting Fire would get of easy. “They see me as the “Rebel” next to Pinkie, but Flutters? Any thought of anyone trying to hurt her, well I wouldn’t want to face them that’s for sure.”

As she finished Lyra gave a smile. “Well it seems you have more family than you think then, after all, there’s the family you’re born into – and then there’s the family you choose, I’d say you have chosen well.” She finished. Rainbow nodded trying not to show how much the words had rung true, it wouldn’t do to be seen as weak she told herself, however Lyra could read beyond the surface of her friend and set up a temporary invisibility spell about them. “Hey Dash, it’s ok, nopony can see you now.”

Rainbow looked to see her horn glowing and realised what she had done and smiled her thanks as she let the tears of joy fall before leaning against her friend. “Thanks Ly” She said as she wiped away the tears. Lyra shook her head and did a second quick spell to wipe any traces of crying from Rainbows face. Dropping the spell as the clock started to chime the hour. As the 7th chime struck the barrier was lifted and everypony gathered started to move forwards.

Out the corner of her eyes Rainbow spotted a box moving with the crowd, a box with 12 legs.
4 yellow, 4 white and 4 orange. Quickly she tapped Lyra on the shoulder and motioned towards it. “What do you think? CMC?” as they made their way over to it. Shaking her head in the affirmative Lyra nodded as they stepped behind the box.

Rainbow looked about and spotted Twilight's brother at the gate and waved him over pointing at the box, knowing that words coming from the guard captain would have more of an impact.
Seeing Shining Armour nod and start to make his way towards them he stopped in front of the box blocking the holes that were now obviously cut in for seeing where they were going.

“Evening miss. Dash and Miss . . .” He started, as they all heard a squeak come from the box, a very guilty sounding squeak at that. “Oh sorry, Heartstrings, Lyra Heartstrings.” Lyra answered. “Thank you, Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Guard Captain Shining Armour, Commander of the Equestrian Military Forces, and Prince Consort to Her Highness Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” Rainbow could see the smile and realised how he was laying it on a bit thick, and decided to add a bit to it.

“Hey, you forgot you’re also the Big Brother to Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and Personal Protégé to Princess Celestia.” She finished with a wink. Lyra managed to hold in her chuckle at this by the simple method of stuffing her own hoof in her mouth.

“Indeed.” Shining Armour replied before continuing. “Now what seems to be the problem?” Rainbow adopted a serious look as the moment for joviality had passed, she only hoped the three fillies under the now shaking box learnt their lesson.
Slipping a hoof to the edge of the box she flipped it over off the three Cutie Mark Crusaders, who now having been caught looked down to the ground all with guilty looks upon their faces.
“I See.” Was all Shining Armour said looking sternly down to the three.

“Might I ask why you are trying to sneak on to a Military Base? A base where the predominate course of action is usually to cast spells first and ask questions later? Are you trying to get yourselves hurt? Do you think this is what your Families would want? What their friends who help take care of you want? If it were not for miss Dash spotting you, and calling me over – had a standard guard seen you his reactions could have seriously hurt you. Point in case. PRIVATE!” he called out.

By now the Crusaders were all looking pretty frightened, but it was obvious to Rainbow Dash he was going to make sure the lesson of sneaking on to a military establishment was drilled in.
A unicorn with Privates stripes made his way over. Saluting the captain. “Private Fair Flair Reporting.”
Nodding he pointed to the three fillies.

“These three were attempting to sneak on base under a box, had you not known there were young in the box and only saw a box acting strangely trying to get in the base what would your response have been?”

Looking to the three fillies the private seemed to understand the question was more, dissuade them from doing it again.
“First I would have raised the alarm getting our spell snipers in the towers, and a squadron of Pegasi in the air, Then I would have banished the box AND its contents against the wall, HARD, then throwing a shield about it as a superior officer came to investigate. The likelihood of injury to these three cannot be underestimated sir. They would have probably needed to spend weeks in hospital after, that is assuming they survived.”

By now all three fillies were looking truly frightened. “Thank you Private, please gather two more men and have one each escort these young fillies home, and explain to their guardians the issue. At this Scootaloo raised a shaken hoof. Looking down on the now pale looking filly Shining Armour nodded. “Yes?”

“I. . .I got no home. Not even in orphanage.” She said quietly trying not to cry at her secret being revealed like this. *THUMP* *THUMP* Rainbow Dash and Lyra had both collapsed onto their rumps at hearing this. Shaking her head Lyra spoke to the private. “Take her to my place here” – she handed over a card out her saddlebag. – “And explain to Bon Bon the situation, and that Scootaloo will need a roof over her head for a while.” The private nodded taking the card and turning to the three fillies.
“Follow me, and don’t try anything.” He said guiding them back to a guard box out of sight of the stand where the punishment of Hunting Fire was to take place.

As they left Rainbow looked up to Shining Armour. “Thanks – If I’d tried to tell them they wouldn’t have listened, or they would at first until they got over being caught again.” Shining Armour nodded his head and motioned them to follow him.

“It’s no problem, I myself will be following up on them to explain to Rarity and Applejack that although my actions may have seemed harsh. . .” He trailed off, obviously uncomfortable that he’d had to use scare tactics upon the fillies, but knew it was necessary for their own safety – after all the Private may have played up the number of responders, however describing his own actions was the truth, and the three fillies could have been seriously hurt.

As they got to the stand Rainbow Dash and Lyra were escorted to a spot where they could see the punishment carried out. Shining Armour took the steps up to the platform where Hunting Fire was already restrained, looking pale as he saw the gelding equipment on a medical table and two branding irons in a fire pit.

Turning to the crowd Shining Armour spoke up using a voice throwing spell to be sure he was heard. “Sorry about the delay – we had a slight CMC Espionage issue to deal with.” At this the crowed all let out a laugh, the ponies of Ponyville being used to the antics of those three.

Turning to Hunting Fire he spoke again. “Your sentence will now be carried out – your only options now are which happens first. Gelding – or Branding.” As he finished Hunting Fire looked towards him with disgust in his eyes before he spotted Rainbow Dash in the crowds.
“You Bitch! You’re the one that stopped me! Just you wait! I’ll have my revenge! You’ll see, and after that I’ll still take that sweet mar-“ *SMACK*

Hunting Fires head snapped to the side as a magical blow hit his head. “ENOUGH!” Shining Armour shouted. Turning to the Medics who were to perform both procedures he ordered. “Brand Him!”
The two unicorns nodded before each levitating a branding iron, hovering the red hot metal over the Cutie-Marks of Hunting Fire. He started screaming at this point. “NO. . .NO! PLEASE NO.” Shining Armour his face impassive nodded once. The branding Irons shot forward against the Cutie-marks.
Hunting Fires scream of pain was heard at least two streets over from the Barracks.

As the branding irons did their work the smell of burning hair and flesh drifted over the crowd, causing some of them to scrunch up their faces in discomfort of it. Once the irons were removed, the unicorn medics then levitated the stallion over to a table where a screen was set up covering his lower half, yet people could still see his face.

“NO! FOR THE LOVE OF. . .PLEASE YOU CAN’T! I’M BEGGING YOU!” Hunting Fire screamed out, yet as he looked over the crowd there wasn’t a single face with sympathy in it, only satisfaction, and maybe slight disgust at him. Shining Armour nodded once more, this time at Hunting Fire’s scream of pain all the stallions in the crowd winced. No stallion should be able to reach that pitch or tone.

As his screaming died down there was a glow behind the screen, obviously one of the medics at work, before he was let down from the table.
“Hunting Fire – You will now be escorted from this place to the place of your incarceration for the next 55 years, there will be two guards watching you at all times, should you try to do anything other than what you’re instructed, try to cause any trouble, you will be dealt with using extreme force. Do you understand?”

As Hunting Fire nodded to Shining Armour's words he was led from the stand and into a secure transport box to be taken to the Pie Rock Farm.

Rainbow Dash turned to Lyra as the crow started to break apart and people left the base.
“So. . . About Scootaloo.” She said following the crowd out as Shining Armour.
“Oh, I’m going to talk to Bon Bon and see if she will agree to take the young filly in until somepony adopts her.” Lyra said. “So you don’t want to adopt her yourself?” Shining Armour questioned from behind them.

“Oh heavens no, can you really see her being happy raised by us? I’d love it if she would be, but we’re too calm and laid back for a pony like her – she needs somepony who’ll help her and encourage her to follow her heart way better than I or Bon Bon could.”

Rainbow hearing this started thinking about what Lyra had implied. She had already taken Scootaloo under her wing as a big sister, but now felt she had let her down not knowing she was an orphan, especially as Rainbow was an orphan herself.

Shining Armour mad his way forward a bit so he was level with both Rainbow and Lyra. “So you’re saying it’s not because you don’t want to, it’s just you don’t feel you’d be the best parent for her?”

Lyra nodded as they drew level with her home. “Yes that’s exactly it, but until the right pony or ponies come along to adopt her I want to be sure she has a roof over her head, even if she ends up going from house to house throughout the month. There’s no way I’m letting her in the awful place that passes for an orphanage here.” At this she shuddered.


Shining Armour looked at her as they stood by her door. “What do you mean by that miss Heartstrings?” He asked concerned at the way she reacted, and the way Rainbow looked at her he could have swore she was trying to read the mint coloured mares’ thoughts.

“It’s just we hear rumours, I’ve even tried reporting it to the police but nothing’s been investigated. Although colts and filly’s get dropped off there. . .” She looked down seemingly afraid of what she was about to say. “I. . .I have yet to meet anypony . . . Who left there once of age, and their onsite graveyard. . .”

Shining Armour hadn’t made Commander of the Royal Guard by being unable to put his intelligence to good use, and right now there were alarm bells going off in his mind. “Miss Heartstrings – How many times did you try report this?” He asked seriously. Lyra looked up to him and spoke. “At least once a month, but the Police just ignore me, yet it’s too small to bother the guard with. The last time I tried the guard the Corporal on base threatened to have me tried for wasting Guard time.” Hearing this Shining Armour's temper blew. Foals in possible danger was not wasting Guard time.

“Miss Heartstrings, please tend to young Scootaloo, I still need to meet with miss Applejack and miss Rarity, after which, I promise you I will personally investigate this. Rainbow Dash from your body language I can tell what you are about to ask. Meet me by the guard gate tomorrow morning at 10 am.” He finished, already thinking of suitable punishments for the Corporal who had blown off a concerned citizen.

With that Lyra nodded and made her goodbyes before stepping in her home. Shining Armour and Rainbow dash turned to make their way to Sugarcube Corner passing the Carousel Boutique along the way. Rainbow Dash pointed this out to Shining and they made their way over to it, able to hear Rarity’s raised voice from outside.

“Of all the things Sweetie-Belle the GUARD! You got in trouble with the GUARD! How could you do this!” Shining Armour shook his head and took note of the distance from himself to the boutique. “Quite the set of lungs she has.” He commented to Rainbow Dash as they made their way to the door.

Rainbow simply nodded before responding. “Yeah, but believe me there are times when you end up grateful for it.” She finished with a smile. Shining Armour nodded as he made his way over to the door and rapped his hoof on the door.
“Go to your room Sweetie-Belle!” a beat. “NOW!” another beat. The front door was opened and a very flustered looking Rarity opened the door.

“Oh no.” She mumbled seeing Shining Armour’s uniform before realising who was in it, and not even noticing Rainbow Dash at first.
“miss Rarity, please, I just came over to apologise.” Shining Armour said quickly trying to put the alabaster fashionista at ease. Blinking when it seemed she recognised the voice she stepped back. “Oh. Won’t you please step in? You too Rainbow.”

Once everyone was in, Rarity led everyone to the kitchen offering them tea, which they both accepted. Once they were all settled with a mug each at their hoof Shining Armour spoke up.
“I just wanted to apologise to yourself for the high handed treatment of your ward, but we at the guard don’t take things like the possibility of a young foal being hurt lightly.”

He took a deep breath and let out a sigh. “This is in part due to what once happened in Canterlot of all places, a young filly got it in to her head she could sneak up on her father on duty the one day and surprise him – He was one of the Princesses bodyguards.” Shaking his head he continued. “She jumped from behind a tapestry shouting ‘Attack.’”

“Oh dear.” Rarity whispered somehow knowing what was coming. “Indeed. The Princesses other bodyguard threw a shield around the Princess, while the filly’s father threw a high powered banishing spell at her following quickly with a statue thrown in her direction.” Shining Armour looked up and Rarity could see the determination in his face. “She was seriously injured but went on to make a full recovery, even now she is in guard training, but it was a reminder to us all that younglings forget how serious our job is. We nearly had another such reminder today.”

Rarity nodded. “I understand, and I thank you. I can’t accept your apology though, for there is nothing to apologise for.” Rarity finished with a final sip of her tea. She gathered the empty cups and levitated them over to the sink to wash later. “However, I shall be making my way with Sweetie-Belle to the barracks tomorrow to apologise to the Private who would have had her injuries on his conscience had Rainbow not spotted them, for which Rainbow.” She turned to look at the multi-coloured maned mare. “I thank you.”

Rainbow shook her head. “Aw ‘twas nothing. You know me. I couldn’t help being awesome an stopping them getting hurt now, I’m just that good.” She finished with her usual boastful self.
“None the less, I owe you my thanks.” Rarity said as they stood to make their way to the front door. Rainbow shook her head and looked to Rarity. “Seriously Rare, it was nothing. I look at those three as if they were my nieces, I’ll always look out for them.” She finished quietly.

After her brief confession a blush crept across her face causing Shining Armour to have to stifle a chuckle before they made their goodbyes and left heading over to Sugarcube Corner to meet his wife and Fluttershy.

As they stepped in to the bakery he was met with a sight that brought a gentle smile to his face. There was Cadance, with one of the twins in her arms as she sang a lullaby quietly, her magic holding a bottle for the little one to drink from, sat next to her was the yellow coated and pink maned pastel Pegasus that was Fluttershy, who was feeding the other young foal.

He looked around and spotted Applejack sat on the other couch with Pinkie pie lay on the couch head in applejacks lap as the orange mare ran her hoof through the pink puffy mane. The Cakes were looking on with a smile from the kitchen where they were backing a pie from the smell. The sheer domesticity of it brought a tear to his eye and he was hard put to keep his voice steady as he whispered his hello to Cadance, planting a quick kiss on her cheek before going to take a seat by the fire.

As her lullaby ran to its conclusion and she took the bottle away from the sleeping infant she looked towards Shining with a gleam in her eye that all husbands came to recognise at one point or another. She may as well have been shouting with that look. She wanted a foal or two of her own. He smiled and nodded, he too wanted foals but was waiting until she was ready to suggest it.

With that one smile she seemed to glow with happiness for a moment before she levitated the sleeping twins and made her way to the nursery to settle them down for the night. Shining Armour took the brief reprieve to have a quick word with Applejack and explained the situation with her little sister – or tried to, all he had to say was. “Applebloom and the other CMC’s tried to sneak onto the base. . .”

Applejack held her hoof up to stop him. “Did’ya do the ol’ scare ‘em so bad they’ll never try again sugarcube?” The Earth pony asked quietly. “If not, ahl still be havin’ words wi’ her t’nite.” Blinking Shining managed to describe everything which to his surprise Applejack nodded approvingly.
“Well ah think that’ll save me th’ lecture, but she’s a gonna be grounded fer a week.” Shining Armour nodded at her words, glad that he hadn’t gone too far with the fillies.

As Cadance made her way back down he got up to meet her and pulled her into a hug as he saw Fluttershy make her way over to Rainbow Dash and out of the blue drape her wing over the cyan coated Pegasus’ back. Rainbow could be seen to be trying not to look surprised at this while Fluttershy’s blush was full force. ‘Oh to be a fly on the wall later’ Shining Armour thought.

As they made their way out it was to everypony but Applejack's surprise when Pinkie was walking slowly and sedately next to the orange pony as they all made their goodbyes and headed to their respective abodes for the night. Leaving Rainbow and Fluttershy at the door to the library they watched as the two walked off into the night.

“How long?” Shining Armour asked as they turned to enter the library.
“I would say by tomorrow, no later than the day after though.” Cadance whispered back as they made their way into the library. He had to chuckle at the sight, the more things changed, the more some things stayed the same. There at her desk was Twilight passed out over her book, Spike laying a blanket across her shoulders.

“It’s alright Spike, I’ll put her to bed.” Cadance waved the little dragon off. “I’ve had to do it countless times before.” She finished with a smile, gently levitating Twilight up to her bedroom.

Spike followed with Shining Armour coming up last putting the lights downstairs out. He watched from the doorway with a smile as Cadance tucked Twilight in like she used to all those years ago in Canterlot. Then to the little dragons surprise as he was nodding off she did the same for him in his basket, seeing his blanket was securely tucked in.

Closing the door behind her as she made her way to the spare room she and Shining Armour were staying in he felt her tail quickly brush across his nose as she passed him, whispering. “Don’t forget to lock and silence our room love.” Smiling he followed her to the room throwing the spells up faster than a bolt of lightning. He wasn’t going to get any sleep for a while, and that was fine with him.

Surprising Developments

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Rainbow awoke early the next morning. Earlier even than Fluttershy. Carefully getting out of the cloudbed as not to jar her wing too much she looked across the room to see the pale canary coated Pegasus lay on her bed. She had a small smile upon her face that Rainbow secretly thought was adorable.

Shaking her head at these thoughts she made her way out the room, being careful not to make too much noise. Upon entering the living room however her face dropped as she sat on the couch.
‘How do I tell her?’ She thought. She had long ago come to terms that she loved Fluttershy. It was strange as no other mare excited the cyan Pegasus, but all Fluttershy had to do was smile in her direction and her heart beat tripled its pace.

Sighing she made her way into the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for the both of them, knowing that although she had gotten up early that Fluttershy would be up soon.
Looking around she chose to go with a simple breakfast. Two bowls of muesli and two glasses of orange juice were set on the tray before she slipped her good wing underneath it, making her way to the table to set them out properly.

“NOO!” A fear filled scream erupted from upstairs. Rainbow looked up alarmed cantering over and up the stairs. She ran into the bedroom to see the once peaceful looking Fluttershy tossing in the bed, face filled with terror. “Help. . . Stop it. . .” She was whimpering as Rainbow made her way over to the bed.

“Flutters.” Rainbow said pulling herself up on the bed, nudging her with a hoof.
“No. . .NO. . .SSTOOOP!” Fluttershy screamed in her sleep. Rainbow realised now what was happening and her own tears started to fall, deciding to call Fluttershy’s name loudly she prayed it would help snap her out of it.

“FLUTTERSHY!” At her call Fluttershy’s terror filled eyes opened. With a wail she threw herself at Rainbow, her forelegs wrapping around Rainbows neck in a vice grip as she sobbed into her neck.
Rainbow gently wrapped her good wing about Fluttershy, not saying anything, just holding her.


Fluttershy was in a meadow sat with her stomach on the ground under a large oak tree, watching the butterfly’s dance about the flowers, to her side Rainbow was lay on her back staring at the cloudscape she had sculpted.

Fluttershy glanced up to see her own face in the clouds looking back at them. She couldn’t help but smile at the skill Rainbow demonstrated.

Slowly the scene started to change, More clouds drifted over, dark ominous thunderheads blocked the sun. Turning her head to where Rainbow lay she jumped in fear. Instead of the blue Pegasus a stallion was there. Hunting Fire.

“Hello quiet one!” He said with an evil chuckle to his voice. “NO!” Fluttershy screamed, leaping to her feet and running away. Looking over her shoulder she saw him taking up the chase, a mocking expression on his face. The ground seemed to change, becoming thick undergrowth, catching her hooves in vines beneath the grass.

“Help” She squeaked out as she tumbled. He was upon her throwing his hoof into her face, knocking her to the ground as she called out for him to “stop it” as he pinned her. “You know what happens next.” He said. She felt him shift her tail to the side getting ready. “No. . .NO STOOP!” She cried out holding her eyes closed tight.

Moments before he could violate her she heard Rainbows voice call her. “FLUTTERSHY!” Her eyes snapped open. She took a look around realising she was back in her bed, it was then she saw Rainbow looking down at her with nothing but tenderness and concern in her magenta eyes. Realising this is what Pinkie had meant by nightmares, realising it hadn’t actually happened she let out a cry of pain, fear and relief all in one as she threw herself upon Rainbow crying into her silky soft mane as she clung to her neck.

She felt a wing wrap about her as Rainbow held her through the storm of her emotions.
As she cried out her fear she was glad Rainbow was there for her. She didn’t know how long her nightmare would have gone had she not woken her. She couldn’t help the loud cries that tore out her throat, The dream had felt so real.

Slowly as time went on her cries died down, through it all Rainbow had held her close, wing wrapping about her as a mother would her foal, or a loved one their significant other, Fluttershy never wanted the embrace to end, unfortunately her stomach made her mind up for her.
As the growling sound rippled out she felt Rainbows grip relax a little, though she kept her wing about them.

“Hey, you want to get some breakfast and talk about it?” Rainbow asked quietly, once again showing that in private she didn’t mind showing her more caring side. It was a side that she was showing more and more over time with their other 4 friends.

“I. . . I wouldn’t mind some breakfast.” Fluttershy whispered out looking towards the blanket bunched up around them, not dropping her forehooves from about Rainbow at first.
She felt movement above her, and wait. . . was that. . .a kiss? Did Rainbow just kiss her atop her head? Fluttershy didn’t know what was going on.

“Flutters? If you want to eat I’m afraid you’re gonna have to let me go.” Rainbow whispered into her ear. Her breath caressing the fur on the shell of the ear sent a shiver down Fluttershy’s spine, fortunately for Fluttershy she had learnt how to hide these reactions but it was getting more and more difficult to do so.

She reluctantly let Rainbow go, slipping her forelegs back to the bed she looked up from under her pink mane. “O. . .o. . . okay, I’ll just go – go freshen up.” With that she made her way to the bathroom to get herself ready for the day.


As Fluttershy left Rainbow straightened up the bed before making her way back downstairs and over to the table and repositioned her breakfast so that instead of opposite Fluttershy she would instead be sat next to her. Deciding to wait until she came down Rainbow sat down and decided to analyse her feelings properly.

What was Fluttershy to her? She had referred to the shy Pegasus as ‘My Flutters’ a few times, and not once had Fluttershy even tried to correct her.
The moment it was realised she wouldn’t be able to go home for months Fluttershy had opened up her home to Rainbow, even going so far as to go out and get a cloudbed that cost three times as much as her bed at home.
Then there was last night at Sugarcube Corner – she had never known Fluttershy show an interest in anypony before now, and there she was draping her wing over Rainbow. Had any other Pegasi been in the room they would have immediately understood the implying message – this mare’s mine.

Did Rainbow want this? Did she want to see if Fluttershy wanted her? Did she want Fluttershy? Shaking her head at these thoughts she decided to go for a walk after breakfast to clear her head, maybe head over to Applejack's cart and see if she could help her get her own thoughts in order. One thing that Rainbow did know is that she cared for Fluttershy a lot, and would do anything for her.

Fluttershy stepped into the room and her smile lit a warm feeling within Rainbows chest.
“Oh thank you! How did you know Muesli was my favourite?” Fluttershy queried quietly.
“Eh hehe well come on – you don’t grow up in the same orphanage and not learn a few things about somepony.” Rainbow shot back. Fluttershy just smiled again and took her seat, once again surprising Rainbow when she moved their chairs closer.

‘Damn I need to talk to Applejack soon!’ Rainbow thought.
*Knock-Knock* The sound echoed through as they started to eat. “Eeep!” Fluttershy looked at the door with full fear now. Shaking her head at this Rainbow wished she could spend just five minutes alone with Hunting Fire for making Fluttershy even more scared and fearful of her surroundings.

“It’s ok Flutters, I’ll get it.” Rainbow said over her shoulder as she made her way to the door.
She slid the bolt open and in front of her was a BIG Stallion in a Guards uniform.
“Miss Dash?” He said, with a deep gravelly tone that Rainbow could tell he was trying to tone down and not appear threatening. “Yes?”

“I’ve a message for you and miss Fluttershy, may I come in.” Rainbow looked at the Stallion and thought quickly. “Look, don’t take this the wrong way, but Fluttershy had a rough morning thanks to . . . you know” The guards face darkened. “Oh I know – I was angered they didn’t do more to the bast-“
“Ye, ye, ye, but also because of this she’s not going to want to be around a strange stallion in an enclosed space you get me?” Rainbow interrupted. He nodded his understanding of the situation.

“I see, how about I go wait over there.” He indicated a patch of grass near the tree on the hill.
“Then it’s in the open and should be a little easier for her.” Rainbow nodded her agreement.
“Okay, you go on ahead an I’ll go get her.” He nodded and turned away just as Rainbow went and closed the door.

As she entered the table in the kitchen, she spotted Fluttershy hiding underneath it behind her mane. Laying down on her stomach she reached forward with her forehoof and gently moved the hair out the way. “Hey Flutters, it’s only a member of the guard – I’ll be with you the whole time. Come on he’s waiting out in the field.”

When Fluttershy looked up Rainbow could see the fear in her eyes, but also the absolute trust Fluttershy had for her as Fluttershy nodded her head and slowly crawled out from under the table.
Together they made their way out the cottage and up the hill until they were in easy speaking distance of the guard.

Rainbow felt more than saw Fluttershy pressing up against her good side and decided yes she needed to talk to Applejack about how she felt for Fluttershy, but right now Fluttershy needed her, without a thought after that she lifted a wing and draped it across Fluttershy and held her close.

The guard who was also a Pegasus saw this and raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything about it.
“I have been sent by my Corporal, his orders are to try and convince you not to investigate the orphanage later. To me this falls under an immoral order as he said ‘Use any means necessary to stop them.’”

His face screwed up at the thought. “So instead of following those orders, I am stationing myself by your side until you’re with the Captain. If he ordered me, then he may have ordered some other pony who would follow those orders.” Looking at them he noticed how Fluttershy was starting to shake. “Ma’am, I know miss Dash can take care of herself – I am primarily here to protect you while they go to the orphanage, I am technically on leave at the moment.” He said.

Rainbow felt Fluttershy shaking even more and came to a decision. “This can’t wait, I’m not supposed to meet Shining Armour at the barracks until 10, but I think we ALL should head over to the library.” The Guard nodded at this and Fluttershy’s shakes seemed to calm a little.

Plan of action decided the trio made their way into Ponyville and were nearly at the library when another voice called out. “HALT! IN THE NAME OF THE PRINCESS!” Turning everypony saw another guard speeding towards them.
The guard who had warned them turned to the two Pegasi and shouted one word. “RUN!” before turning and launching to intercept the guard.

Rainbow held back just enough that Fluttershy would always have the lead. Rushing through the town they got near to the library when another call to them to stop was heard. “FLUTTERSHY GO!” Rainbow called and turned to see it was another Pegasus guard who was aiming for her.
She braced her back legs ready and just before he impacted she threw herself upright.

As he reached her and slammed into her torso he tried to hold her down. Rainbow lifted her rear legs and tried to get a kick in, but unfortunately the guard was too well trained and avoided the blows. He brought his upperhoof round hard as it impacted Rainbows face she started to black out, the last thing she heard was Shining Armour's voice full of fury. “SOLDIER STAND DOWN!”


Shining Armour awoke to a beautiful day, his wife Cadence next to him. He honestly didn’t expect to wake up as early as he had with how long their lovemaking in the night had lasted.
The talk afterwards also set his mind at peace. He had realised afterwards they had forgotten to use any form of protection. “Relax my Shiny, If I get with foal then it’ll have the best father out. If I don’t we’ll just have to ‘forget’ to use protection again.” She’d said making him smile at the thought, before she’d leaned over to kiss him along his neck and pulling him on top of her for another round of loving before they settled in to sleep.

He then thought about what he was going to do today. He wanted to know what was going on at the orphanage that had the green mare so worried, plus he had left a message with the colonel that he was to meet him and Rainbow Dash to explain his actions.

He looked to the clock and saw he had another hour and half before he had to be at the barracks gate to meet Rainbow. He carefully slipped out of the bed as not to wake Cadance and made his way over to the bathroom to get ready for the day as he did every day, with a cold shower to wake up, before a warm shower to get clean. This was a routine drilled into him from his days at boot camp.

Once he was done he stepped out the bathroom and padded across the bedroom Twilight had set up for him and Cadence before slipping out the room quietly to go and get some breakfast.
He was just making his way down the stairs when a yellow and pink blur slammed into the locked front door, and repeatedly hammered it. “SHINING ARMOUR! HELP!”

He recognised that voice! Only a few pony’s knew where he was staying and Fluttershy was one of them. He rushed over to the door using his magic to throw it open.
“Fluttershy whats wro-“ Fluttershy gasping out. “Help Rainbow” pointed behind her.
He looked up in time to see one of the guards execute a perfect knockout blow to a cyan Pegasus on the ground.

“SOLDIER STAND DOWN!” He bellowed out making his way past Fluttershy and up to the Corporal who thankfully recognised his voice. “Corporal I want an explanation as soon as we’ve got miss Dash inside.” It was then he saw another guard coming down the street, with yet ANOTHER guard unconscious on his back. Shaking his head at the surrealism of the morning he threw out an order. “Inside All of You.”

He levitated Rainbow Dash off the ground and led the guards inside where Fluttershy was already waiting. The commotion had woken the other residents of the library and Cadance was sat on the couch trying to keep Fluttershy calmed down.

He looked up to see she had her wing about Fluttershy, trying to give comfort. He brought Rainbow over to the couch and lay her down next to Cadance. He silently thanked the fact that Twilight had such a large couch before running a quick spell over Rainbow to check if she was ok.
When the results came back that she was nothing more than unconscious he breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning to the unconscious guard he ran the same spell, to find out once more the worst that was suffered would be a lump to the head.
Shaking his head he ordered the other two guards to stand ready and not move, and if the other guard came around to keep him with them before turning to Fluttershy he asked what had happened.

She looked up to him with fear in her eyes, there was a dual fear there he realised when she seemed to try to press into Cadance further. Nodding his head at what he realised was a fear of Stallions showing he backed away a good distance until she relaxed. Cadance’s smile towards him told him he had guessed right.

“Now Fluttershy, can you tell me in your own words what happened this morning?” As he said this he noticed the corporal from earlier getting into a slightly more aggressive pose, so he placed himself in between them as Fluttershy started speaking.

“That guard, the. . . . private?” The more heavily built guard nodded. “He came by my cottage this morning . . .” Fluttershy carried on to explain the rest of the mornings happenings. Shining Armour nodded when she’d finished and turned to the three guards. The one who had been knocked out earlier was now sat between the others still looking a bit worse for wear.

“Private, what’s your report on this?” Shining Armour asked the guard.
“Sir. At approximately 0630 I was heading off base back home on leave after a night shift, when the colonel called me. He instructed me to use whatever necessary force was required to stop miss. Dash or miss. Fluttershy meeting with you, and then to try and stop yourself from going to investigate the Orphanage. I felt this order was immoral, due to the implied allowance of force permissible. Knowing that you were to meet them, I took the best course of action I could think and chose to escort them here. En Route we were intercepted by this private who obviously had the same orders. I told them to run, after a short scuffle, knocked the private out and brought him with me.” Shining Armour nodded, not at all happy with what he heard. What was the Colonel hiding.

“Corporal. Report!” He ordered in a harsher tone.
“Sir the colonel ordered me to stop these civilians meeting with you under any means. I was simply following orders. Sir.”
Shining Armour not happy with this response decided one more question had to be answered.
“Should you have decided lethal force was necessary would you have done it.”
The Corporal looked him straight in the eye when he answered. “Yes Sir, as were my orders. Sir!”

“Okay, I think I’ve got the gist of things. Corporal, your stripes! You are hereby Demoted to Private” Shining ordered.
With an astonished look on his face the Corporal tried to refuse, so Shining Armour simply removed them himself with his magic.
“Private” He said turning to the Private who had decided to guard Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.
“As of this moment I am granting you a field promotion to that of Corporal. I don’t want soldiers who mindlessly follow orders in my guard, I want those who will question objectionable orders. Remove your Privates stripe and put these on.” He finished levitating the Corporal stripes over.

The private however held his hoof up. “Sir, I respectfully must decline this honour. I am only three weeks out of training, this is my first posting. I do not have the necessary experience for such a promotion.
Shining Armour nodded. “Very well. I will find you a suitable reward though.”

Looking down sternly on the other Private he spoke once more. “And you? Same as the former Corporal?” The Private just nodded.
“I only just got out of training last week. I thought the Colonel was testing me.” He said quietly. Shining Armour shook his head and prayed the rest of those joining the guard had more sense.

“Right, you three are to come with me. Twilight!” He called out amazed that his sister had managed to not ask any questions while this was going on. “I need you to send a letter to the Princess for me. Appraise her of what’s happened and that I request that she sends me a full unit from the Canterlot Barracks, put in it, I want troops I can trust, not those with their own agenda. She’ll know what I mean. Oh and warn her I’m investigating an orphanage as well.” Twilight nodded and dashed back upstairs to write the letter and wake Spike to send it.

“Ow my head – what hit me” Rainbow’s voice called out into the room.


Fluttershy’s head shot up when she heard Rainbows voice, jumping off the couch she darted round and pulled the cyan Pegasus into her forelegs. “Rainbow, you’re ok!” She squeaked out as her grip tightened. Rainbows own forelegs pulled Fluttershy close as she sat up and replied.
“Hey, you know me, it’s gonna take more than one guard to take out the Dash.”

Fluttershy couldn’t believe it. Once again Rainbow had stood in place helping her, only this time it wasn’t bully’s at flight school, it was a Royal Guard who she’d gone up against. Holding her close Fluttershy swore somehow she’d manage to tell Rainbow how she felt soon.

She heard the sounds of another pony coming close and heard as Twilight spoke to her brother.
“The Princess says the guards are on their way, they’ll be here within the hour – something about sending your old unit?”

Although Fluttershy didn’t want to move from being held by Rainbow she turned just enough to see Shining Armour smile.
“That’s good – half the time we didn’t need to talk to get our communication across – they seemed to be able to read my mind. Now you two.” He continued turning to face the two soldiers who had openly admitted they would have used lethal force. “Are to report to the Canterlot Main Barracks and STAY there. No side trips – no deviations. Is that CLEAR!”

The two privates nodded eyes wide before he dismissed them. Fluttershy could have sworn they nearly broke the sound barrier in fleeing from the look on the Guard Captains face.
She couldn’t help but smile a bit, Shining Armour seemed like a decent pony but underneath it all had a core of iron, that if needed he became almost a force of nature.

Looking over towards where Princess Cadance was sat lips parted and a gleam in her eye, pink wings slightly lifted Fluttershy wondered if Shining Armour would be getting any sleep tonight?

The next hour was spent with the remaining Private briefing the captain on the strange orders of the Barracks Colonel. Any time someone wanted the orphanage investigated he found some way to stop it, any time someone wanted to adopt from there, they were politely encouraged to go to another orphanage.

Fluttershy shook her head, not noticing that when she’d sat on the floor next to Rainbow that the cyan Pegasus had moved to the floor with her, once more laying her good wing over Fluttershy in a protective manner.

*Knock-Knock* Echoed through the room as somepony rapped against the door.
Spike made his way over to answer it as Fluttershy felt Rainbow tense slightly. Nopony else could see it, but Fluttershy recognised it as Rainbow getting her mind in a ready set so that a guard wouldn’t catch her out again. To Fluttershy it seemed Rainbow was determined not to let her down again.

Spike opened the door and to everypony’s surprise there stood both Princess Celestia and Luna.
“May we come in?” Princess Celestia asked of nopony in particular.
“Princess!” Twilight called out in shock, “O. . .of course! Would you like some tea? Something to eat? A boo-“ Twilight was stopped by Luna’s chuckle.

“Thou were right sister. She doth seem somewhat excitable at the unexpected.” The princess of the night stated with mirth in her voice.
Fluttershy looked on as a blush seemed to suffuse Twilight's face. It always seemed that Twilight was flustered at the smallest unplanned things.

“Twilight, my faithful student.” Celestia started as she stepped in, Luna following, allowing everypony to see a mass of guards outside. “It is quite alright. However with your letter my sister and I thought we should accompany our Guard Captain to both the Ponyville Barracks and the Orphanage. Fluttershy could see that Rainbow was desperate to say something, and for once she had the more courage to speak.

“Um. . .Princess, we’d, that is Rainbow and I, we’d like to come with you. . . if that’s ok.” Fluttershy managed to say.
Celestia looked down to Fluttershy a kind smile upon her face. “Of course Fluttershy I believe that would be best. Now we should go.”

With that she waited for Fluttershy and Rainbow to get to their hooves before leading them out.
Rainbow managed to find her voice and turned to address the princesses.

“Is it ok if one other pon – OH BUCK LYRA!” Shining Armour's eyes widened momentarily, he turned to address one of the unit squad leaders. “Take a squad to the air! Fluttershy you know where she lives right?” He asked quickly. At her nod he continued. “Tell the squad leader!” Quickly she gave the address and directions before watching as a squadron of 10 Pegasi took to the air.

She looked around to see a mix of ponies in guard uniform, a lot of them – they all wore the same number on their shoulder so she assumed this was the unit that Shining Armour asked for, she never realised how big a guard unit was.

The rest of the unit formed up around them, Pegasi taking to the air as they made their way to the barracks. Shining Armour moved so he was in front, at the head of the formation about the Princesses, Rainbow and Fluttershy as they made their way to the barracks. On the way Fluttershy saw the squad of Pegasi returning, carrying with them three unconscious Pegasi in the Ponyville barracks colours and an awake and alert lime green unicorn.

Fluttershy smiled reassuringly to Lyra as she was gently dropped off near her and Rainbow.
Moments later they were moving towards the barracks again with Lyra recounting how three Pegasi had come and refused to let her out her home earlier, along with Bon-Bon and Scootaloo.

“. . .Then these other Pegasi dropped out the sky faster than I’ve ever seen except for when Rainbow’s in the air – knocked those three out. I tell you, when they carried me hear I nearly deafened the one soldier with my scream. I’m kinda scared of heights.” She finished.
“KIND OF! Mare you had a death grip on me!” A Pegasus called down from above causing the others around him to chuckle.

Fluttershy herself had to laugh as she herself could understand what Lyra meant, Fluttershy may be a Pegasus, but she really didn’t like to go high unless it was necessary.
She looked up when Rainbow stopped her with a wing.
They had arrived at the barracks.

“Colonel Report to the front Gate! WE COMMAND IT!” Luna’s voice rang out across the grounds.
“Who the hell is commanding me? Do you not realise I am the Law on this Ba-“
A unicorn with a distinct arrogance walked around the side of a building in sight of the gate to see who was waiting for him.

Fluttershy who was in the middle of the assembled guard could see his face pale from where she was.


Celestia stepped forward, her sister one side, Shining Armour the other.
“Colonel, would you care to explain why I had to order a Guard to stand down from assaulting miss Dash? Apparently he was following your orders.” Shining Armour said with a tone to his voice that warned of consequences should he not answer.

“I. . .I. . .Orphanage.” The Colonel stuttered before catching himself.
“Yes. About this Orphanage you didn’t want our Captain of The Guard to investigate. Whyfore dost thou not want this? Speak!” Celestia winced at the tone of Luna’s voice simply because of how close she was, not because she disagreed. Had it been her speaking she would have used the same tone.

“No reason your Highness, and really there’s no need for you to worry yourselves. I know not what the unicorn has told you, but I promise you I shall have her brought up on charges of wasting Guard . . .time.” He trailed off at the Glare Shining Armour gave.

“Colonel, that unicorn will not be brought up on charges. You however are relieved of you command of this base.” The colonel stood to attention at this, with a slight knowing tone however he replied.
“That is not your decision to make. I have been posted here by Royal Appointment. Only the Princesses may do that, and I’m sure once this misunderstanding. . .”

“MISUNDERSTANDING!” Celestia thundered out in full Royal Canterlot Voice. “HOW IS ORDERING THE USE OF LETHAL FORCE ON CIVILIANS AND A BEARER OF AN ELEMENT OF HARMONY A MISUNDERSTANDING?! YOU ARE RELIEVED OF COMMAND!” Snatching her head round to the Unit Commander with the unit she had brought she ordered the detainment of the Colonel, and for the base to be searched out.

“Finally, I require a squad of Pegasi and a mix squad of Earth and Unicorn Pony’s to join myself and my sister while we inspect this orphanage. NOW!” She finished with a note of fiery command to her voice.

The assigned Guards formed up as the rest of the unit went to take charge of the barracks and base.
Celestia looked around satisfied that all was ready, making sure that she and Luna were next to Rainbow and Fluttershy as they made their way to the orphanage.

Confrontation's and Reunion

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Rainbow saw the orphanage ahead, shivers running down her spine as she remembered her own times past in her old orphanage. Looking to the side she saw Fluttershy’s wings ruffling in agitation, knowing she was probably feeling the same as her Rainbow decided to ignore what ponies may say and draped her wing over Fluttershy’s back, offering her silent support.

Lyra the other side of Fluttershy nodded with a smile before turning back to the orphanage, her expression set.
The Princesses faces were unreadable, their eyes staring straight ahead, body posture ridged, each step taken with. . . Deliberate purpose Rainbow thought. Shining Armour by comparison was easy to read. He wanted answers and wanted them now.

Holding Fluttershy close with her wing as she felt her trembling Rainbow started whispering, trying her best to calm her down, her attention so focused on being there for her friend that they came upon the wrought iron gate faster than she expected.

Looking up to see why they had stopped she saw a chain and padlock wrapped around the bars, with a sign next to it informing anyone wishing to speak to the orphanage staff to go to the guard barracks in town.

“We advise thee to stand back.” Luna’s face may have been hard to read, but her voice was filled with suppressed emotion, Celestia’s own façade cracked at this, however it was simply to drape her own wing across her sister.
“Easy Luna, there are small colts and filly’s in there, you don’t want to scare them too much – the state you’re in right now obliterating the gate would not be a good idea. Do you want me to open it?”

Luna turned to face her sister, making eye contact she seemed to be unable to decide.
Long seconds passed as the two sisters stared into each-others’ eyes before Luna’s face showed the briefest flash of desperate acknowledgement before her public mask slipped back over her features.
With a nod she let Celestia take her place in front of the gate.

Rainbow watched as Celestia’s horn lit up with golden light suffusing her magical aura, at the same time the gate was surrounded by the same glow. At first Rainbow didn’t know what was happening, but then she spotted the anchor points on the wall were dissolving – the princess was literally rusting away the points. As soon as they were gone, the gate floated out the way to lean against the wall.

It took only moment before they stepped forward. No sooner had the princesses crossed the threshold however when they turned and Celestia commanded “Pegasi Forward!” The Pegasi in the air all shot forward as the rest of the ground forces picked the pace up – no sooner was Rainbow passed the gateway before she understood why – a powerful illusion and silencing spell must have been on the grounds.

The large building that was the orphanage that looked well maintained outside was in an almost condemning state of disrepair, the ground dead – not even grass grew. The playground to the side was similarly dilapidated, but what sent everyone thundering towards the building was the sound of crying. The sound was not of one or two foals, but of at least a couple hundred.

In the air the Pegasi and princesses flew ahead, the rest galloped up the path. As they got close enough to see in the windows, Rainbow watched as she saw a stallion striking a foal – a growl from her side ensured she knew a guard had seen it as well.
Looking up she saw the Pegasi guards smashing their way in the top floors before got to the front door which had already been forced open.

She looked around, horrified at what she saw, the inside of the building was –impossibly– even worse than what she had seen outside. Shaking her head she, Fluttershy and Lyra went up to the second floor where the sounds of crying were coming from.

They came to a large room; it was obvious that the inner walls had been removed to create one large dormitory. But instead of beds there were simply piles of moulding hay, threadbare blankets and at the end a curtained off area which from what they could make out contained a bath and toilet. 1 bath and toilet for all the foals in this room – there must have been over 100 frightened faces facing them.

The guards were carefully approaching each youngling, assessing their condition. If they were simply malnourished they were put in one group, injured another, and those that were sick put in another. The three mares looked at each other before a seemingly silent consensus was reached between them.

Rainbow made her way towards the malnourished group; to appear less threatening she made sure her injured wing was the one the foals saw first. She saw Lyra approaching the sick children a small magical field fading about her – rainbow recognised it as a spell medics used a lot as not to contract anything from their patients, before remembering Lyra was a reserve doctor – she could in an emergency be summoned to the hospital to aid the staff there.
Fluttershy was slowly her way to the last group, those that were simply physically injured.

‘Right, let’s get their minds off the noise downstairs’ The prismatic Pegasus thought.
Rainbow lay on the ground near the foals before she spoke quietly, not wishing to startle or scare the foals any more than they already were with the guards there. Seeing the fear in their eyes as they flinched away from her tore at her heart.
“Easy there, I’m not gonna hurt ya. We’re here to help. You won’t be hurt anymore ok?”

A Rust red earth pony colt with a blue mane and tail, larger than most in the group of foals stepped forward slightly – Rainbow guessed his age to be about eight or nine.
“How. . .*Gulp* . . . how do we know. . . .You’re not lying.” Rainbow decided to take a gamble here hoping it paid off.
“You’ve heard of the Elements of Harmony right? Even you little ones in here can’t have missed that news?” Gradually the colt nodded as a little green filly Pegasus with a purple mane pressed close to his side. She could only be four or five at the most. He carefully interposed himself between her and Rainbow.

Nodding his head, he indicated for her to continue.
‘This is horrible, no kid should be this world weary’ Rainbow thought before she spoke again.
“Ok, well I’m one of the bearers, I hold the element for Loyalty, and the yellow Pegasus patching your friends up over there” she pointed to Fluttershy who was busy wrapping a bandage around a filly’s leg. “She holds the element of Kindness.” The colts’ eyes widened slightly before narrowing.
“Prove it – prove you won’t just turn around and hurt us like every other adult.”

Rainbow shook her head, this kids trust in adults wasn’t just broken, it was shattered.
“What if I got Princess Celestia to tell you it’s true, would you believe it then?” She asked quietly.
*Snort* “Yeah right! Next you’ll tell me that you know Princess Luna too!” The colt said in a sarcastic tone.

“Actually. . .” Rainbow trailed off. The colt shook his head. “You prove that, then I’ll see what happens next. But you hurt any of the little foals you’ll regret it. We’ve taken care of each other when the staffs backs are turned – we can do so again.”
‘Gods are you sure you’re only eight or nine? With how you’re actin I’d a thought you were at least 15 – 16’ Rainbow thought, sadness following the thought of how much the kid had been forced to grow up.

Turning to the guard with her she asked him to take a message to the princesses. It was simply asking for one of them to join them and help calm the youngsters down.
The guard nodded before he made his way to the door. Rainbow looked over to Lyra, seeing tears falling from her face she caught her eye and gave her a wan smile. Helping all these foals was going to be a monumental task.


Celestia pounded through the front doors, she saw out the corner of her eye Rainbow and her two friends peel off with the second set of guards heading to where the younglings would be as she, her sister and Shining Armour led the second set of guards through the lower floors, following the screams from foals behind the door at the end.

As they got to the door she didn’t bother with finesse this time – a raw blast of magic wrenched the door open and left it hanging by a hinge as she thundered through, the sight she was met with would be burned into her memory forever.

A group of stallion was stood over a group of young fillies, a carters' whips was raised, one already coming down across the back of one youngster. They were all sat at next to a long trestle table – Fabrics spread out – Sewing machines in front of the fillies. Shaking her head in outrage at the cries the younglings were making and seeing the whip strike one, she let loose with her magic against the Stallion.

He was flung back against the wall as the guards poured in. Unexpectedly however the stallions all grabbed a filly and held them close. One of them spoke up in a dangerous tone. “Nobody come any closer If’nn you want these kiddies unharmed!”
Celestia’s blood roared. ‘How dare they use. . .Children as a shield!’ She raged in her mind as Luna growled next to her.

The fillies that hadn’t been grabbed fled, Celestia saw they were soon caught by the guard in the corridor, and gently herded to another room that was thankfully vacant.
Turning back to the stallions with hostages she addressed the one who had spoken.
“How can you live with yourself, how can you harm these little ones?” She didn’t want answers, she only wished to delay him having seen Shining Armour turn and head out the doors. She hoped if she kept their attention on her and her sister they wouldn’t notice when Pegasi smashed through the window.

“You want to know how we can do it highness” The way he addressed her, he made the honourific sound like he thought she was a mare of the night* and not a princess. “Simple, bits bags of bits.” He snarled out, his grip on the struggling filly tightening slightly. Luna had stepped to the side giving Celestia room to open her wings fully.

“You have precisely 10 seconds to let the fillies go.” Celestia warned the stallions. Each of them looked back without the merest hint of surrender. As the seconds went by in silence not a move was made. At the 10th second Celestia dropped her wings so fast that they seemed to blur, not a moment later did the windows implode causing the stallions to jump and loosen their grip on the little ones.

That was what Luna and Celestia were waiting for, before the Pegasi were even in the room the fillies were teleported en-masse to the waiting guards just behind the Princesses to put them with the others.
As the fillies disappeared the Guards swarmed over the stallions, subduing and restraining them. Once finished Luna stepped forwards to one of them.

“You, you are the one who ‘runs’ this place. You came to Canterlot not two years ago – petitioning for extra funding for the orphanage – we granted this. Now I ask you, where has the money gone? SPEAK!”
The stallion flinched but didn’t look away. Celestia keeping her temper locked down approached.
“Luna dear sister – take a look at his suit. Isn’t that an Original Rarity? One of the ‘One-Off Designs’ from last year? I believe the catalogue had it marked at 2,500 bits. . .” The stallions paling face was enough. She realised the truth – he was taking the money and pocketing most of it himself.

“Now, let’s start with where you sell your goods? From the patterns and materials here they look like. . .Guards . . .Unif. . .no. no no no.” Celestia’s words stumbled to a halt. She had decided a few years ago to contract out the making of the uniforms. At the time a company rep from ‘Uniforms-R-us’ had seemed the best value for money – they were able to quote half the price on the main competitors, and the samples provided were of a higher quality.
Now she saw the truth. The uniform supplier she had authorised was using foal-labour.


Luna saw the connection herself and growled. “Guards! Remove these filth to be detained at the nearest jail.” The stallions were summarily hauled away as Luna turned to her sister.
“Sister, you cannot blame thyself.” She whispered quietly as she went closer to the immobile form of the solar princess. As she got closer she saw she wasn’t as immobile as she looked. Celestia was trembling, and Luna could see that she would soon break.

“Guards leave us.” Luna commanded. As the guards filed out Only Shining Armour remained. He fixed the door and turned his back to the princesses to offer them some privacy, while he guarded the entryway. Luna nodded, even though he couldn’t see. She didn’t mind him being there being married to her niece after all he was closer to the princesses than most ponies.

Celestia started letting out small sobs as her head bowed towards the floor as tears slipped out from under her closed eyes. Collapsing to the floor as the sobs raised in frequency Luna looked on with sympathy in her gaze as she sat next to her sister, wrapping a wing about the older Alicorn.
“I. . .I failed them.” Celestia was mumbling.
“Sister? How can you say that? You have just helped to save them. They are going to be safe now.”
“Those young ones yes . . . but what about those.” With a shaky hoof she pointed to the onsite graveyard that had many recent graves.

Luna held her sister closer for a while, letting Celestia’s tears finish before they stood once more.
Luna cast a quick spell to clean Celestia’s face of the signs of crying before they turned to make their way out.
Stopping by Shining Armour Luna nodded her thanks as they went out the door.
No sooner were they through than a guard came up to them bearing a message from Rainbow Dash asking for their help on the second floor with assuring the fillies and colts there that things were now going to get better.

Celestia went ahead as Luna took charge below. She let her sister go on up as she had always been better with foals.
Luna turned to Shining Armour and addressed him.
“Let us see what misdeeds we can find evidence for in the manager’s office. This amount of embezzlement of funds would need some documentation.” Shining Armour nodded and followed as she made her way to the rear of the orphanage until she found the room she was searching for.

Upon entering she looked about the plain room – there were two filing cabinets to the side and a simple oak desk and chair in the corner. On the desk was what looked like an invoice form, looking over it she saw it was the latest invoice being drawn up for the next expected shipment of guard uniforms.
Shaking her head at this she went to the filing cabinets. Opening the top drawer of the first one she saw it was full of files with names on.
Pulling one out she realised these were the records of the younglings housed here. She took another look at the labels on the front of the cabinet and quickly opened the second draw.

Inside were files going back years of how money had been coming in, how it had been used, and who was getting what cuts of the profits. Looking at the breakdown again she wasn’t surprised the Colonel didn’t want this place investigating, he got ¼ of all their profits!
She shook her head at this, how someone had managed to rise through the guard ranks with such a dishonest soul she had no clue.
She hoped the Court Martial he was sure to face would drop a suitably harsh penalty against him.

From the other cabinet Shining Armour was heard to be swearing. A lot.
“Captain? What troubles thee?” Luna asked surprised to hear such vehemence out one she had heard chastise his own men for such language in front of her and other ladies. Shining Armour looked up fury contorting his features.
“Some of these children are not Orphans.” Was all he said.


Fluttershy was tending a badly sprained wing on the last little Pegasus in the group of foals she’d gone to. Her heart had nearly broke when she first started helping this one – her own shy quiet nature being the only reason he’d let her near without cowering in fear.
Every time the guardsmen walked past or up to her to see if she needed anything he’d trembled in her hooves.

“Easy little one, it’s ok.” She held him carefully as he shook, carefully keeping his wing still as she gently wrapped a bandage about his wing.
“Now I need to wrap another bandage around you, holding your wing still against your side. Will you be a brave little colt and stand still while I do this?” the young colts big brown eyes still full of innocence looked into her own aqua eyes. He nodded and stepped back a little so she could carry on.

She’d watched and noticed the little confrontation Rainbow had had with the older colt and hoped the princess would get there soon. She expertly finished applying the last bandage before sitting back and speaking to the young foal.
“All done little one. Do you want to join your friends?” she heard a little mumble from him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.” She said, lying on her stomach, her legs curled up underneath her.

“Not got no friends.” The little colt said quietly, almost too quiet to be heard.
“I’m sure that’s not true – you must have at least one friend here?” Fluttershy asked concern lacing through her quiet voice.
The little foal shook his head.
“’M the weakest – if you’re weak you don’t got no use. I was waiting for them to take me for a walk.” He answered quietly.

“T – Take you. . .for a walk?” Fluttershy asked quietly, hoping beyond hope he didn’t mean what it sounded like.
“I. . . if you’re too weak to work, they. . . take you for a walk. They come back but you don’t. I think they take you to another orphanage, they always say the ones they take on a walk gone to a happier place.” He answered looking down to his hooves. Fluttershy was sat stock still – she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
Slowly as her tears started to fall she pulled him back into her arms, scaring him for a moment before he realised she was crying.

“It’s ok, I know plenty of ponies who’ll want to be you friend.” Fluttershy whispered. Silently vowing that this little colt would be getting a new home with her.
“So what’s your name little one?” She asked trying to get past what she had heard.
“Don’t gotta name, ‘m just called Runt.” He answered her with a somewhat depressed tone.
“That won’t do, I tell you what, once we’ve sorted everything out I’ll sit down with you and help you decide on a name ok?” Fluttershy finished with a smile.
He answered with a smile of his own. “I’d like that.


Rainbow Dash heard the doors the other end of the room open, and saw the colt who had been challenging her and trying to protect the other younger foals drop his mouth open in shock.
Moments later Rainbow heard the distinct step of one of the Princesses hooves striking the ground until it stopped.
“Miss. Dash, is this true? A young Colt got the better of you?” Celestia’s voice echoed throughout the room, laughter tinging the edge of her words.

Rainbow cringed for a moment, when the other girls heard about this there was no way they would let her live it down. She locked down her usual bravado answers to the challenge though, as she didn’t want to scare some of the more jumpy foals.
“I’m afraid so Princess. These younglings protector wouldn’t trust me if I didn’t prove my claim that I knew you.” Celestia chuckled at this slowly lowering herself to the ground next to where Rainbow was sat. Again the same Colt stepped forward and gave a bow before he spoke again.

“I. . . I didn’t. . . Oooooh Horsapples.” Rainbow chuckled at his flustered state.
“Easy there kiddo – so you up to telling us your name?” Celestia nodded her agreement to Rainbow’s question.
“I . . .I . . .it’s Applespark miss.” He answered her, more respect in his voice than when he had challenged her earlier.
With how frightened the foals had been then she thought it would be a while yet before that was given.

At his name Rainbows head shot up however, she remembered a conversation with Applejack about two years ago about a branch of the family in Fillydelphia losing their kid, he was her cousin. The one thing that stuck in her mind was how much like Applejack’s name his was, the only other detail that she was not looking forward to the kid finding out, was how his parents had died in a house fire a year later.
“Applespark? As in Applespark from Fillydelphia?” Rainbow asked quickly. Celestia looked around too Rainbow shock on her face. Applespark just nodded slowly.
“Yeeaaah, was taken off the street there on my way home from school. How do you know where I’m from?” He asked a cautious note to his voice.

‘Please, please, please have got it right’ Rainbow whispered in her mind.
“One more question then I’ll answer you. Is your cousins name Applejack?” Applespark’s head moved in another affirmative nod. Rainbow smiled one of the biggest smiles ever to grace her face.
“I know her” Turning to address the princess Rainbow continued. “Princess, permission to go and let Applejack know, just so you know she MAY beat me back here.” Celestia nodded her head and smiled at how Applesparks face lit up as well.
“you. . . you really. . . you know my family?” Rainbow nodded.
“Sure do kid. I’ll leave you lot in the capable hooves of the princess here, I’ll be back soon.” With that Rainbow got up, quickly stopped by Fluttershy and let her know what was happening before rushing out the building and ran as fast as she could to Sweet Apple Acres, cursing he fact she couldn’t fly.


Applejack was busy bucking in the south orchard when she heard the tell-tale thundering of a pony galloping.
Turning she saw Rainbow bearing down on her. “APPLEJACK!!!” Rainbow called her as soon as she was in reach. as Rainbow got too her she stood on the ground in front of her gasping for air.

“Easy There Rainbow, wha’s got yer tail in a twist?” Applejack asked concerned for her friend. The next words from Rainbow reignited a hope she’d long feared gone.
“We’ve found Applespark, Applejack. We’ve found him!” Applejack sat heavily on her rump a moment. “Wha. . .WHERE!” She demanded shooting straight back up planting her forehooves on Rainbows shoulders.
“Ponyville Orphanage! I just finished helping the raid that Shining Armour was doing and he was there. Applejack, he remembers you! Come on!” With that Rainbow turned and started Galloping towards town again. Applejack followed keeping pace with the injured Pegasus. Just.

No words were spoken on the run, with how fast they ran, they were through the town and on the path to the orphanage within 15 minutes.
Applejacks lungs were burning with the need for air this all out sprint was calling for, but she couldn’t stop – she needed to see for herself. This was her youngest cousin they were on about. When the news reached the farm he’d disappeared it hit the family hard. The Fillydelphian branch of the family visited at least once every 3 months, and she had been the one to help look after him the most, along with her sister Applebloom.

They thundered up the path, Rainbow just in front guiding Applejack in the doors and up the stairs, before stopping in front of a door at the top.
“Easy Applejack, catch your breath.” Rainbow said gasping herself for air.
Applejack hated to wait even a moment but nodded. She waited until she could actually breath before heading through the door, as she stepped through she looked around for the familiar red coat of her cousin.

“APPLEJACK” She heard Applespark’s voice from across the room and looked up to see a colt dart around princess Celestia and come charging down the length of the room towards her.
Her eyes watered up seeing him, she broke out into her own run meeting him half way pulling him into her forelegs and holding him tight, crying in her joy at seeing him alive.
She sat back and looked at him a moment before she had to pull him into another embrace, emotions forcing tears from her.

“I. . . I. . . oh Sparks. If I’d known you were here I . .” She felt his grip tighten around her as her words choked to a standstill.
“It’s ok Applejack. I’m ok. I. . . I missed you.” He whispered back to her.
It would take time for Applespark to fully come to terms with what he’d been through the past 2 years, but with Applejack, Big Mac and Appleblooms help Applejack hoped he would eventually be ok.
For now though, she was just happy to hold him, some choked sobs still escaping them both as they reaffirmed to each other that yes, they were real.

Applejack looked up through her tears to Rainbow who was sat near Fluttershy, tears falling from their own eyes.
“Thank you” She mouthed towards them, there were no words she knew to tell them how grateful she was for them finding her cousin.


Hours later the children had all been relocated to the Ponyville Barracks that were now manned by Shining Armours old unit. This was primarily because there was no other place big enough that was safe to accommodate them all in the short term.
The Princesses had ordered the old Orphanage building to be raised to the ground and a new building erected in its place – one that they would be sat on the management committee.
There was no way they were letting this happen again.
They had also extended Shining Armours vacation another week much to the Stallions surprise.

Walking away smiling at the fact they had surprised their Captain of the Guard, guiding her little sister with a nudge of her wing.
“With what has happened sister I would like your help.” Celestia started as they paced around the barracks.
“What with?” Luna asked surprised. She had already informed Celestia of her plan to reunite the kidnapped foals with their families so she knew Luna would be busy for a while.

“I am going to send out investigations into all the orphanages within Equestria’s borders, and make sure that all our orphans are truly cared for. I do not want to hear another report like the one of guard who overheard the little one talking to Fluttershy.” Shaking her head at that, Luna’s anger peaked.
“If I find out which one was responsible for the crimes on these ‘Walks’ I may take him for a walk myself!”

“I’m sorry Luna, but you know I can’t allow that. We have to make sure justice is done, but we cannot go beyond that. Believe me I’ve been tempted to but, if we cross that line once more . . .” She trailed off leaving Luna to pick up the thread.
“Another Nightmare Moon may happen” She finished depressingly.
“Or worse, Daymare Sun” Celestia threw out. The Princesses both shuddered at the thoughts.
“The help I want from you, is simple at the moment. I want you to re-form the ShadowBolts. I need fast flyers of the night to help with this.” Luna looked at her sister surprised.

“I don’t have a problem with this in theory sister, but if I did, I would want them based here at Ponyville, and I know she’s not capable of flying at the moment, but I will be leaving the captains slot open for Rainbow Dash – if she’ll take it.”
Luna understood what Celestia was asking. The wonderBolts were the Elite flyers of the military, but 1,000 years ago, if you needed a message delivering fast, and a flyer who could evade, fight and get out of trouble fast, and still deliver the message – a shadowBolt was the carrier.

They were also the only other elite flying display team. The difference being their displays were always held within a 2 month period, leaving the other 10 free for their families. Luna intended to keep this the same, she would also approach her sister with suggesting the same for her WonderBolts.

As her thoughts lingered on this they heard a young voices' wail full of grief, it tore right into their very beings. As they rounded the corner they saw Applejack supporting a shaking, sobbing Applespark.
“It’s Alraght, Ahm here, you can live mi’ me now. Ah know ya want ya mamma and papa, Ahm sorry, but they said there was no way to escape the fire.” Applejack had just finished explaining about his parents. No young colt should have to suffer that amount of grief, not after what he had already been through, Luna thought.
She and Celestia adjusted their steps to give the Apple’s some privacy. Both thinking on what the next day would bring.

Emotion's Unleashed and Truths Told

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Rainbow and Fluttershy stepped in to the cottage late that evening, both aching from the day.
After having helped get all the children re-located they had been among the group putting word out for anyone who had some spare time on their hooves to please come and help out at the barracks.

Later Fluttershy had gone with Rarity to the Boutique to help the fashionista to help start setting up the details for a fashion auction to help raise money for any foal in an orphanage. Any bit’s made would be put into a single account that would be managed by the crown. Upon becoming of age if they hadn’t been adopted already the foal would receive a starting balance that would be enough for them to start them out. Even though she had hated her time in the limelight, Fluttershy had decided that she would help by being one of the models at the show. She knew that if the word got out she was modelling, then ponies like Hoity Toity and Photo Finish would show up.

Rainbow had gone to the Ponyville weather team and had helped work out a new weather schedule to optimise the team’s performance while she couldn’t fly – on top of which she sent in the request for Ponyville to have a Crisis Weather Team trained. Not letting on to the three she was considering for the posts.

Now Rainbow looked towards the canary coloured mare that had taken hold of her heart. She watched as Fluttershy made her way into the kitchen humming away, seemingly at peace with the world, Rainbow knew she wasn’t but would be over time.

Thinking back to her conversation with Applejack as she’d stopped by the farm to grab a pie for their dinner that night she decided that she would speak to Fluttershy about her feelings. She could only hope they were returned.


Rainbow watched as Derpy took to the sky with her message to Cloudsdale and could only hope they agreed to her request. She truly felt that aside from her; Cloudkicker, Firestorm and Bloomer were the best fliers in Ponyville and deserved to get shown that she appreciated the hard work they put in.
She chuckled at the thought of their reaction when they got their pay next week, what would their faces be like when they saw their bonus.

Looking around she saw the time on the main clock above the town hall and figured she’d got enough time to head to Applejacks and grab a pie, and maybe finally talk about how she felt for Fluttershy. With that thought in mind she headed towards the farm.

Taking her time she looked about appreciating the walk, deciding that maybe, just maybe her friends were right. Sometimes a walk in the countryside helped calm you down almost as well as a slow flight. Sighing she looked up to the clouds and wished she was in the air again, it had only been a week and she was already itching to feel the wind through her feathers.

With these thoughts in her head she crested the hill the path was on to see the farm. Shaking her head to clear her more morose thoughts she made her way down the path to knock on the door.
“Just a minute!” Pinkie Pie’s voice sounded out. Rainbow shook her head surprised, she thought Pinkie would have been at Sugarcube Corner.

“Heya Rainbow! Whatsup!” Pinkie’s cheerful voice asked as she opened the door.
“Err, do you know where Applejack is I kinda need to talk to her?” Pinkie nodded.
“Yeppers. Just gimmie a minute an I’ll take you to her.” She quickly turned about and trotted into the kitchen leaving the door open so Rainbow could see in.
At the table was Applespark. He looked lost as he stared at the wall opposite. Rainbow looked about as she stepped in, watching as Pinkie was getting things into a basket.

“Hey kid, you doin any better?” Rainbow asked, knowing Applejack had already told him about his parents.
He looked up and gave her a wan half smile. “I guess, If you mean ‘Are you healthy.’ But it hurts. . .I . . .I” His eyes closed as he seemed to try bottle his feelings.

Rainbow noticed Pinkie watching with a pained expression on her face and somehow knew that she’d been trying to help him, but couldn’t.
Taking a seat next to him Rainbow spoke up. “Hey kid listen. I don’t know what you were told in the orphanage, but from my own time in one I can make a pretty good guess.”
Pinkie carried on moving quietly about the kitchen, this time grabbing a tankard of hard cider for Rainbow. Rainbow smiled her thanks – it wasn’t often she talked about her own time at the orphanage but the times she did, she always needed a drink after.

She carried on as Applespark looked up to her, eyes pleading to help with the pain.
“I’m guessing the only time you’ve let yourself cry is when you spoke to Applejack yesterday? An’ since then you’ve been holding it in – trying not to ‘be weak’” Rainbow carried on.
“I’m guessing you were told tears made you weak, and that weakness was bad huh?” Applespark nodded.

Rainbow forced eye contact with the young colt who had maturity beyond his years.
“Well I’ll tell you what I told them at my old orphanage. That is a load of horseapples. –“ *Thwack* Pinkie bopped rainbow on the head.
“Language” Was all the party pony said, but Rainbow got the message. “Sorry Pinkie.”
Turning back to Applespark she continued. “Now I’m not sayin’ you need to show your emotions all the time kid – I mean look at me, I still hide my emotions a lot – except in front of my closest friends – to me they are my family. Pinkie, Applejack, Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy – I don’t hide much from them.
Honestly kid, let it out – if you don’t it’ll eat you up inside – whether it’s wi’ me or somepony else I don’t mind, but trust someone to be there for you – it helps.” As Rainbow finished Applesparks own barriers seemed to crumble as his tears finally fell.

He stumbled up from the table a cry tearing from his throat as he ran towards the door, a door that Applejack was stood in, having come in at some point and stayed quiet as Rainbow spoke, now she had her hooves around the crying colt and held him close as she made her way to the bench, sitting with him, just letting him get the pain out.
Rainbow stayed quiet as Pinkie sat next to her placing the tankard in front of her.
“Thanks Rainbow – Applejack came to the shop earlier an asked me to try help him – but I think he needed someone who he could relate to. I couldn’t even get him to talk to me.” Pinkie said quietly.

Slowly Applespark’s cries died down until he fell asleep. Applejack carefully lifted him to her back and made her way into the living room, coming back a few minutes later.
“Granny’s gonna keep an eye on him.” She said before sitting down.
“So other than gettin’ through to mah cousin, what’cha here for?” Applejack asked Rainbow as the cyan Pegasus took a long swig from her tankard.
“To get a pie for dinner tonight and advice” Applejack nodded as Pinkie set another tankard down and sat next to her.
“Ok sugarcube, what’s on yer mahnd?”

Rainbow took a deep breath before she let out a sigh. Taking a swig of her drink she looked down into the amber liquid hoping for an answer from it before she started speaking.
“I. . .you see. . .you know. . . Oh hell.” She took another sip before trying again.
“I like somepony, as in like, like.” Rainbow started. “Now I’m lost as what to do. Normally I’d not have a problem, but this pony’s a mare, and I really don’t want to lose their friendship, but I don’t think it’s right hidin’ from them how I feel.”

As she finished she looked up and contrary to what she was expecting she saw the two mares smiling back at her. Unexpectedly it was Pinkie who spoke up, not Applejack.
“Took you long enough to figure it out.” She said before pulling a multi-coloured cupcake out of nowhere and sliding it across the table to her. Rainbow was one of only a handful of pony’s that could not only take, but enjoyed liquid rainbow cupcakes.

Shaking her head at the randomness before taking a bite of the cake and asking in shock.
“You. . .you knew?”
Applejack chuckled at her. “Darlin’ oh course we knew – it’s been drivin’ the rest o’ us girls mental watchin you an Fluttershy dance abaht each other.” Rainbow felt her jaw drop.
“You, you. How? Whaa…” Pinkie giggled at her reaction before speaking up.
“Oh come on – you’re just as cute flustered as Fluttershy was when I told her we’d figured you two out. Trust me Rainbow, tell her how you feel.” Pinkie settled back leaning against the orange farm pony who’d wrapped a foreleg about the pink pony.

Rainbow looked between the two and saw nothing but honesty and truth from them.
Smiling she nodded finishing her cake and washing it down with the last of the cider.
“Thanks girls, I will. Now about that pie . . .” she trailed off.
Laughing Applejack got up and headed to the storage cupboard, she returned a moment later with a ready to bake pie.
“This’ns on th’ house. Now y’all take care an let us know how it goes y’hear?” Applejack said passing the pie to Rainbow before the blue Pegasus nodded and made her way to meet Fluttershy before they went back to the cottage.

-End Flashback-

After Fluttershy set the pie Rainbow had brought in the oven she turned to Rainbow and spoke.
“Ok, while that cooks let me have a look at you wing please. . .if um that’s ok.” Rainbow rolled her eyes at this.
“Flutters you know it’s more than ok, I’ll go lay down while you get the clean bandages.” Rainbow said before suiting actions to words and making her way up to the bedroom and laying down on her cloudbed.
Fluttershy followed in a few minutes later carrying a new splint and bandages.
“Okay, you ready?” She asked. Rainbow nodded, knowing from the past changes that this was going to hurt, but was necessary.
Fluttershy made quick work of stripping away the old bandages and splint, carefully stretched out the new splint along Rainbows wing, all the time trying to keep the movement to a minimum.
It didn’t take long but through it all Rainbow was gasping and wincing.

Once finished Rainbow sat up on the edge of the bed, catching Fluttershy’s shoulder with the tip of her good wing.
“Hang on Flutters. Can we talk a moment? Please” Rainbow finished.
Fluttershy looked back surprise and worry flitting across her features before she sat next to Rainbow.
“Look, I got something I need to tell you, and I promise whatever you say afterwards I’ll still always be your friend okay?”


Fluttershy felt her eyes widen at Rainbows words. Whatever it was Rainbow wanted to say Fluttershy could tell had the mare truly worried, enough that the pink maned mare was glad nopony else was around. Rainbow had dropped all her barriers and was showing true fear at what Fluttershy’s reaction to her words would be.

Fluttershy carefully stretched the wing nearest to Rainbow out, inviting her to lean in, which the blue Pegasus did.
“It’s ok Rainbow” Fluttershy said in her quiet melodic voice. “tell me. Please?” She finished.
Rainbow looked to Fluttershy her magenta eyes hiding nothing, to Fluttershy it made it seem like time had slipped away and they were two fillies alone in the world again.

Rainbow took a deep breath letting it out with a deep exhale before speaking.
“Fluttershy. . . Flutters, we’ve been friends forever like y’know?” Fluttershy nodded, not saying anything just letting Rainbow get her words out.
“Well it’s like this, I . . . I . . . like. . . you Flutters. As in like, like – y’get what I mean?” she finished looking to the floor.

‘Rainbow likes me? Rainbow LIKES ME?’ was running through Fluttershy’s mind as she pulled Rainbow close into a strong embrace, a tear or two slipping from her eyes.
“Rainbow, you. . .you really like me?” She whispered out unable to hide the hope in her voice.
“Well, yeah. Look I’m no good with the words thing but you mean everything to me Flutters.” Rainbow finished, head resting over Fluttershy’s shoulder.
“Rainbow, do you know I’ve wanted to hear that from you for so long?” Fluttershy whispered slowly letting Rainbow go.
“You know that leaves a question?” Fluttershy added, trying to hide behind her mane.
Rainbow blinked looking at Fluttershy confusion running across her features. “uuh it does?” Fluttershy nodded. “It does, Where do we go from here?”


Rainbow was ecstatic in her mind. Not only had she confessed her feelings for Fluttershy, but if she had understood the shy mare properly then Fluttershy returned those feelings as well, but now she had to answer Fluttershy’s question.
‘What were they?’ friends? Yes certainly, Lovers? Maybe, hopefully someday soon, Special Someponies? That last one sounded right so she just came out with it.
“eurgh, well Flutters, would you, maybe, be my special somepony?” She stammered out, thinking it sounded much better in her mind right before all thought stopped as she tumbled backwards on the bed as Fluttershy claimed her lips with her own.

To Rainbow all thought was at this point meaningless, why think when you can feel.
Fluttershy’s lips on her own were soft as the new born snowflakes in the first snowfall in winter.
As the kiss continued Rainbow brought her fore legs up to wrap about Fluttershy’s neck as she closed her eyes, holding her there
When Fluttershy gently traced Rainbows lower lip with her tongue asking for entrance. Rainbow was happy to oblige and deepened the kiss.

Finally as all creatures must breath their kiss finally ended with them both gasping for air, looking into each-other’s eyes.
“I love you Flutters.” Rainbow whispered, pulling the canary coated Pegasus down on the bed with her as they held each other.
Fluttershy’s smile at these words was nothing short of brilliant as she answered with four little words.
“I love you too.”
They held each other close not saying anymore as sleep claimed them.

Rainbow startled awake when she felt her hoof being repeatedly struck.
“Wuh. . .” She said eloquently as she looked down to see Angel bunny tapping away to get her attention.
It was then her nose brought the smell of apple pie to her attention.
“ooh horsapples” Rainbow mumbled, carefully extricating herself from Fluttershy’s hooves and making her way down to the kitchen and extricating the pie from the oven before it was burnt.

Turning to the little rabbit that had come to get her she smiled.
“Thanks Angel – I forgot about that.” Angel bunny just stared at her before pointing to Fluttershy’s room and back to Rainbow.
“Eh, if you’re askin’ what I think you’re askin’ then yeah, I think we’re together now. That’s not gunna be a problem is it?” Rainbow asked, a slight challenge in her tone. Angel bunny just shook his head before hopping away back to his little house in the living room.

Shaking her head at the overprotective rabbit Rainbow set about the kitchen getting things ready for their evening meal. Plates were set on the table, drinks in clean glasses and she was just about to cut the pie when she heard a loud cry throughout the cottage.
Immediately Rainbow bolted back up the stairs.
She darted in the bedroom to see Fluttershy eye’s wide, whimpering on the bed, trembling with fear.

“Easy Flutters, it’s ok, you’re at home, it’s just you, me and Angel here. It’s ok, nopony’s gonna hurt you.” Rainbow spoke in a quiet soothing tone, completely at odds with her usual brash bravado.
Fluttershy looked over to her, eyes wide, tears threatening.
As soon as Rainbow moved forwards Fluttershy let out a little cry and launched herself from the bed at Rainbow, burying her face against the blue Pegasus, arms holding tight as she shivered in what Rainbow could only assume was fear.

Rainbow carefully sat down on her haunches, settling Fluttershy next to her, keeping her good wing around the distraught Pegasus, just holding her, being there for her.
As Fluttershy’s cries turned to broken wails, all Rainbow could do was hold her, be her rock in the storm. “It’s ok Flutters, I’m here, I ain’t goin’ anywhere you hear? You’re safe” She whispered over and over.

Gradually Fluttershy calmed down and her cries eased off.
“I . . . I’m so sorry . . .You didn’t have to. . . to do this. . .for me” Fluttershy mumbled into Rainbows shoulder.
“Hey now.” Rainbow shot back “What kind of marefriend would I be if I didn’t hold you when you needed it huh? Rainbow asked before answering the question herself. “A pretty bad one, and as I’m an all-round awesome super-fantastic pony I can’t be a bad one now can I?” she finished with a little smile as Fluttershy lifted her head to look Rainbow in the eye.


As Fluttershy’s eyes met Rainbows, all the shy Pegasus could see in them was love and caring. It was true, Rainbow really did love her and want to be her marefriend.
“Now then, why don’t you go freshen up, an then we’ll grab a bite to eat hmm?” Rainbow suggested as they got off the bed.
Fluttershy smiled towards Rainbow as she made her way to the bathroom.

Once there she reached into the cupboard where she kept her washclouds. As far as she was concerned just because she was ground-bound by choice didn’t mean she had to do without the best of the Pegasus world. With a gentle smile on her face she pulled the cloud about her face, washing away the signs of tears.

Once done she dampened down her mane to make it easier to tease back to shape.
Taking one last look in the mirror Fluttershy smiled once more at the thought of how kind and caring Rainbow really was. Making her way to the table downstairs and sitting down Fluttershy thought it was a shame Rainbow kept her gentler side hidden most of the time. The only times she’d shown it recently were for Fluttershy or the foals in the orphanage.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened and her brow burrowed at that thought, unfortunately Rainbow was just setting the food down and caught her frown.
“Ok Flutters, what’s eatin’ ya? An’ don’t say nothing, I know that face.” Rainbow challenged.
“Oh Dashie, I don’t know what to do! I promised myself I’d take in one of the orphans, now that I’m with you, I don’t want you to not want me too, but I need to help him! He thought he was useless, now I know anpony’s not, and. . .”

“Woah there Flutters, calm down. You say you were gonna adopt?” Fluttershy nodded, keeping her face fixed to her empty plate, still waiting for food to be put out, so she missed the little interchange between both Rainbow and Angel Bunny who’d come to the table, had she been watching she’d have seen them both roll their eyes at the same time.

“Look Flutters, I’m the last person to say you shouldn’t consider it, what with what I’m doin’”
Fluttershy looked up both with hope in her heart and confusion on her face.
“er . . . well yeah, you see ya know scoots?” Fluttershy nodded wondering where this was going.
“Well it seems the little squirt’s an orphan too, now at the moment she’s stayin with Lyra and Bon Bon, but Lyra’s made it pretty plain she’d not be able to be the parents scoots needs, so I bin thinkin. . . I . . I was going to adopt Scootaloo.” Rainbow finished quietly.

Fluttershy could feel the smile across her face, if it was any bigger it would be of Pinkie Pie proportions.
“That’s great Rain, I . . .I think you’ll be a great mom,” Fluttershy sad excitement in her voice, as her thoughts continued though, she dropped he gaze back to the table.
“I. . . Just hope. . .um that. . . I’ll be good at it.” Fluttershy finished with a little sigh.

Rainbow slipped a hoof under Fluttershy’s chin.
“Flutters, two things. One, you are the kindest, most caring, and loving pony that I know, I Personally think you’ll do brilliant at it.” Rainbow had that smile on. The one that whenever Fluttershy saw it couldn’t help but believe her.
“Two, that name you just called me, Rain?” She paused for confirmation which Fluttershy gave in the form of a blush on her face as she nodded.
Rainbows features softened as she finished in a quiet tone. “Don’t stop it, I like it.” She admitted, a light blush coming to her own cheeks.

The two of them paused at the slight sound of gagging, looking towards the source they saw Angel making – as rainbow would say Fluttershy thought – Barf motions and noises. Rainbow chuckled as Fluttershy smiled and started to serve up their food.
“I know Angel it was getting a bit too mushy wasn’t it?” Rainbow said with a chuckle at angels furious nodding in agreement.
“Now, now Rain, don’t encourage him” Fluttershy said finishing with a little kiss to the cheek before settling down to eat.


Shining Armour was busy, yes that he was. He must get through Twilights entire Daring Doo collection before returning to Canterlot. That was his master thought, his master plan he said when borrowing the books. Unfortunately for him, Cadance had been helping out with the orphans on base and had walked in on him entertaining them with a dramatic reading of one of the books.
He was using his magic to help tell the story with small illusions.

Cadance stood to one side of the doorway watching, smiling at how natural it seemed he was with the youngsters. To the side was the only two soldier’s to stay on the base with the change-over. Sgt. Rine and the Private who had chosen to protect Fluttershy instead of following orders.
They were both off duty but they themselves had their own groups of youngsters around them.

Cadance looked about the room wondering what sort of pony could have deliberately hurt these sweet innocent fillies and colts. It was with a heavy sigh she turned to hide her tears at these thoughts. Once she had gotten hold of herself she moved quietly over to the group that the Private was with, seeing what he was doing to keep them occupied.
To her surprise he was tutoring them in the basics of reading and writing.

It was as she sat at the back, out of view but able to hear she noticed a young fillies hoof in the air.
“Yes Sprinkles?” The private said quietly.
“Uh, I understand why you want us to read, but. . . why writing? I’m sorry.” She finished looking to the floor. The Private, Fair Flair if Cadances memory proved correct from what her aunties had told her, scowled slightly at how the youngster immediately apologised and shrunk in on herself.
“Now we’ll have none of that young miss. You asked a fair question.” He finished with a little smile for the filly.

”Now to answer your question, I would like a volunteer from the audience.” He carried on with a gleam in his eye that Cadance realised meant that she’d just become ‘the volunteer.’ As he’d used the word ‘Audience’ all the youngsters looked around until they all realised Cadance was there.
“Ok, I volunteer” She said quietly making her way next to him in front of the group.

“Now young ones pay attention.” Private Flair instructed before turning to Cadance.
“Princess, if you wanted me to do something you would order me to do so correct?” Fair Flair asked her. She nodded.
“Now, would care to try and give me an order from over there please?” He asked pointing to the wall opposite that was far enough away. Cadance immediately caught on and made her way there, turning to face them she quietly ordered Fair Flair to fly in a circle around the group. As she said it quietly he couldn’t hear her, so he sent Sprinkles with a quill and parchment to her.
Fly around the group in a circle. Cadance wrote on it, rolling it up so Sprinkles coupdnt read it she watched as the filly ran back with the scroll and passed it to Fair Flair.

He took the scroll with a smile before reading it as Cadance made her way back over to the group. He just looked up with his eyebrow raised before a wry grin crossed his features and he took wing, inscribing a slow lazy circle before landing again.
“Now, Sprinkles, do you get what happened?” Fair Flair asked. She nodded repeatedly. “Uh-huh, we need to lear to write because sometimes we need to tell someone something when they can’t hear.”
Fair Flair nodded as Shining Armour came up to the group. Cadance looked over to the corner he’d been sat to see a couple of mares from Ponyville watching over the group, who all lay under a blanket asleep. She couldn’t help but smile.

“You’re a natural Shiny.” She whispered into his ear as he got close enough.
She couldn’t help the giggle that forced it’s way out at his expression. He was trying to go for dignified but fell woefully short with the flustered blush on his features. Shaking his head he made his way to the door Cadance following.

Once outside she spoke to him.
“I want one. Shiny I want a foal.” She said quietly, causing him to stop in his tracks before he turned and pulled her into a one forelegged hug.
“I know love, and I want one too, why do you think we’ve been ‘forgetting’ the protection the past couple of times. But remember what the Doctor said? We won’t have a problem having children, we checked out just fine, but it may still take some time.” Cadance smiled.
“I know, but do you think. . .no it’s stupid.” She said quietly.

Shining Armours face as she said this slipped into a disapproving stare.
“Cadance, you have never, will never, and haven’t ever done anything to make me think that of you. Now what was it you were going to ask?”
Cadance swallowed a little, wishing their walk to the Library would be a bit faster, It wasn’t often he spoke forcefully like this to her, but everytime he did, all she wanted to do was get him to the bedroom and not come out until ne next day.

“Cadance?” Shining prompted as she got lost in her thoughts.
“oh, er, I . . . was kind of hoping that, well, once the orphanage is built. . . that maybe we could help out?” Shining gave her a small smile as he nuzzled her cheek.
“Of course love – why would you need to ask my permission though?” Cadance rolled her eyes at this.
“No, I want you to continue story time with them.” She told him.
His wide smile was all the answer she needed.
“Ok, now that’s settled, come on, we’re heading over to Fluttershys.” Shining told her.

This piqued Cadances curiosity.
“Oh-kaay, I’ll bite, why are we going there?” She asked him, mildly irritated that her time with him in her bed wasn’t going to be as soon as she wanted.
“Well, Rainbow Dash sent me a message, she want’s too adopt a filly who’s been living rough, so she asked me to fill in the character reference for her, Normally I don’t like playing on my title as a prince consort, but. . .” He let the thought trail off.

Cadance looked once more to her husband, glad, very glad she’d said yes when he’d asked her to marry. It was this smile that stayed on her face through the visit to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.
Once paperwork was out of the way they returned to the library, Cadance having filled out a character reference for Fluttershy, with her wanting to adopt as well.

They slipped up to their room surprised how late it was, as Shining slipped next to her in bed, her horn flared as their door locked.
“Locking and silencing?” Shining asked.
Indeed.” Cadence said before kissing Shining deeply. “Don’t think you’re sleeping yet.” She whispered huskily.

It was three hours later a tired unicorn and Alicorn were asleep, both with tired but happy smiles on their faces.

Shadowbolts, Plans and Promises (EDITED)

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Luna finished going over the plans sent to her by the Pegasus in charge of the two building contracts that the castle had commissioned, the orphanage was going to be a fully modernised building that would, in theory, include aspects of Pegasus, Unicorn and Earth pony architecture.
There were some issues with this, her solution had been to suggest that if one building could not incorporate all three, have three separate smaller buildings on site. It would require a complete re-design but in the end the new plan was agreed upon.

The second set of blueprints she had been perusing over was the suggested second base addition to Ponyville barracks that would house her new ShadowBolts.
These plans were giving her a considerable headache as she couldn’t recall everything that would need to be included in the buildings, hopefully however help would be arriving just about. . . *Knock-Knock* Echoed throughout the room as a hoof impacted the other side of the door.

“Enter!” Luna called looking up from her desk to the door of her office as it opened up to reveal two Pegasi stepping through, both were wearing the trademark light blue jumpsuits trimmed with golden lightning bolts that was the WonderBolts standard attire.
The first Pegasus was a bright gold coated, with a two-tone fire orange mane, aptly named Spitfire, the Captain of the elite team, closely followed by her second in command and if rumours were true her lover.
This Pegasus was slightly taller, grey coated with a midnight blue mane and an easy smile across his features.

“You wished to see us Princess?” Spitfire said as she and Soarin’ approached, standing to attention at the desk.
Luna nodded, she hoped these two could help. Once they had finalised the ShadowBolts base blueprints, she was going to authorise a second base to be built up in Cloudsdale, a completely new base for the WonderBolts.
“Please relax, thou know that when alone we prefer you refer to us by our name.” Luna said as she nodded for Soarin’ to close the door.

Once done Luna continued on, explaining what she was doing and what was needed.
Spitfire and Soarin’ both nodded and looked at the designs seeing problems straight away.
“Luna, if I may suggest,” Spitfire started. “You need to have a decent ground area training zone – many Pegasi don’t realise this, but if you want the best, you can’t rely on flight alone. They will need to train their entire body.” Soarin’ stood next to his captain and nodded before he spoke.
“And here” He indicated by pointing to an area near where the captains office would be. “You need this in a tower – the Captain needs to be able to have a 360 degree view to monitor some of the training.”

The meeting continued along this vein for some time until they were all happy with the final design, that was when Luna informed them about their own new base. Two smiling Pegasi left her office to head back to Cloudsdale as Luna went to meet her sister after sending the updated design’s to the builder.

Stepping through the heavy doors of the throne room she breathed a sigh of relief to find that it was empty of petitioners for the day. Only her sister was there reading through the latest reports from the Royal Orphanage Inspectors (or ROI's as Luna liked to called them) that had gone out to the three based within the capital although the thought of one here being run badly was not believed possible, the same was once thought for the hometown of the Bearers of The Elements of Harmony.

Luna approached her sister and spoke quietly as not to shock her.
“Sister would thou care to join us on our excursion to Ponyville this afternoon? I will be going to ask Loyalty about taking her post as Captain.”
Celestia looked up from the report she was reading with a smile.
“You know what, I think I will. I believe I shall call upon Twilight Sparkle and see what her latest project is.” Luna nodded as they continued to talk before heading to her chambers to rest for a while.


Rainbow looked up from the couch in the living room when she heard the door to the cottage being hammered.
She shook her head before calling out, “Okay, calm down willya!”
When she got to the door she pulled it open – the sight caused a smirk to steal across her features.
“Hi Cloudkicker, what’s up?” She asked stepping back inviting her in as she made her way to the kitchen with the other Pegasus following.

“What’s up she asks! As if you didn’t already buckin’ know! 100 BITS?! What the HAY?!”
Rainbow turned around with a couple of drinks balanced on her good wing passing one to the slightly shocked weather pony.
“What? Is the bonus too small?” Rainbow asked with a smile, trying not to laugh at Cloudkicker’s expression.

“Too small? Too small?! Rainbow that’s twice what I earn in a week. I’m not sayin’ no to it, but what the hay?” Rainbow couldn’t help but laugh.
Inviting the Pegasus to join her at the table Rainbow explained her reasoning as to why she’d given such a generous bonus, including the fact that they didn’t even know they would even be paid for the extra work they put in the day of Fluttershy’s attack.
“So you see, I felt you and the other two really earned that bonus. You pulled all our tails out of the frying pan when you helped me bring those clouds back.”

Cloudkicker nodded to what the polychromatic maned mare said.
“Ok, I get what you’re sayin’ Dash, but please warn me next time – I nearly fainted when I read my payslip this morning.” She said with a bit of a blush.
“Say” She continued looking about. “Where’s Fluttershy and how is she?” Rainbow sighed before she answered, a troubled look stealing across her face.

“She’s still abed – she needed the extra sleep, since the attack . . .” Cloudkicker nodded at the trailed off sentence, when another knock echoed through the cottage.
Cloudkicker got up saying something about going to finish her shift as Rainbow led her to the door.
When Rainbow opened it to let Cloudkicker go, she turned back to Rainbow.
“Take care of Fluttershy, I hope she improves soon.” Rainbow nodded as Cloudkicker left before turning to see who had knocked, only to come face to face with the Princess of The Night.
Oh horseapples, what now! Rainbow thought as she invited Luna in.


Luna looked about the cottage trying to discern Fluttershy’s location before Rainbow explained that she was taking a nap. Luna nodded as she made her way over to the couch before she spoke again.

“It is actually you that I would have words with.” Luna said causing Rainbows ears to perk up in curiosity.
“You wanted to speak to me?” She asked, surprise colouring the Pegasus’ words.

Luna smiled before she continued. “Indeed, I am in need of thy services, once thy wing has healed, yet I would ask you to consider helping with some things before then.” Rainbow nodded slightly before asking, “What can I do for you Princess?”

Catching Rainbow's eye Luna went on, “I am reforming my ShadowBolts, and I would like you to be their Captain. Thou would be required to fly fast, faster than any other Pegasus upon a regular basis – we would also have thee trained for all types of combat and self-defence, you would also be adequately compensated. This is offer is made to thee for thou are the best I feel for the job. What say thee?”

Rainbows mouth had dropped wide open as Luna finished, before going on to prove she was the best candidate by not accepting straight away as expected; but instead she came back with only valid concerns, “I’m looking to adopt a little filly and the initial paperwork has gone through – will I have the time to be a proper guardian, or do I need to look at getting another pony to help with joint custody? Who are the other Pegasi I’ll be leading – will they accept me as their superior? What flight training will they and I need to complete? Where will they be based?”

Luna blinked slightly, then organised her thoughts and gave Rainbow Dash a proper response.
In her response she outlined the training that she wanted Rainbow (and any other Pegasi that Rainbow hoofpicked) to complete the WonderBolts flight training and nighttime flight in all weathers.
She also explained that the aerial display training would have to be suspended until the team had flown together for a while and gotten used to each other in the air.
She then went on to explain about the new base that was being built in Ponyville specifically for the ShadowBolts.

“Finally we do not see this stopping or impeding your application to adopt.”

She watched on as Rainbow Dash processed all this information before the prismatic pony smiled.
“I’ll do it Princess, how many ShadowBolts would you need me to recruit?” Luna was impressed with her question, it was something she honestly hadn’t thought about. She cast her mind back and concentrated on remembering how they used to be, and how many were on the team.
“I believe, including you, we need a squadron of 9. We shall arrange for the best flyers in Equestria to meet at the cloudiseum once thou art recovered enough for thee too pick thy fliers.
“That’s fine, but I’ve already got four names in mind - Cloudkicker, Firestorm, Bloomer and Thunderlane. I’d trust them with my life. Also I’d like it if we could have a reserve squad like the WonderBolts.” Rainbow finished seriously.

Luna nodded and made sure to mark that five places in the team had provisionally been taken. Luna also decided that a reserve squad would be very beneficial.
Suddenly her mane flared as a sensation of ice shards running down her spine overcame her.
This was the sensation that she got when somepony was trapped in a terror-filled dream.

“Quickly, Fluttersh-“

Luna blinked when she noticed the empty space where the rainbow maned pegasus had just been, she looked around and noticed a rainbow trail leading up the stairs.Luna slowly followed the trail up the stairs until she heard a scream rend through the air, then she moved on to a full sprint.
She slowed down when she was approaching the open door to the master bedroom.
Looking in she saw that Rainbow had sat on the bed and pulled the usually quiet Fluttershy onto her lap, forelegs holding Fluttershy close as she cried into Rainbows coat.

Rainbow Dash brought her wings around Fluttershy, offering as much comfort as she could, while Fluttershy's fear fueled wails continued to echo throughout the cottage.

Luna could hardly manage to keep her own tears at bay hearing the despair and fear in those cries as she stood in the doorway.
Slowly stepping forwards Luna settled on the bed next to them, as Rainbow held on to Fluttershy trying to bring her out of the fear induced cries as Luna started to sing quietly.
Her song was one of hope. As the song went on Fluttershy’s cries slowed until she was just holding on to the blue Pegasus who had wrapped her in a shell of love.

“Th-thank you” Fluttershy whispered as she looked up to Rainbow. Luna watched with a smile as Rainbow leaned down and kissed Fluttershy on top of her muzzle.
“Anytime Flutters, I wouldn’t be awesome if I didn’t. Oh, and I bet Luna’s singing helped.”
Fluttershy blinked, and Luna would later swear to her sister she saw Fluttershy’s coat turn pale.
The timid pony turned to the Princess and squeaked out an attempt at an apology.
Luna held up a hoof before she could finish.
“No apology is needed Fluttershy, now unfortunately I must be on my way.” With that she enveloped herself in her magic before fading from the room, appearing outside Ponyville library.


Rainbow sat back against the headboard and continued to holding Fluttershy close.
“Hey Flutters guess what?” She asked the canary coated Pegasus.
“Hmm? You finally made the WonderBolts?” Fluttershy asked quietly, looking up and placing a quick kiss on Rainbow’s cheek, smiling Rainbow shook her head.
“Nope, I’m gonna be a ShadowBolt instead, not just any ShadowBolt though, Princess Luna’s asked me to be the Captain!” She finished, still not quite believing it.

“Oh Rain, you mean it? Really?” Fluttershy asked, being one of the few ponies that had an interest in history, and knowing the ShadowBolts place in the past, she understood the significance of what Rainbow had said.
“Yup, sure deal – and here’s the kicker, they’re gonna be based right here in Ponyville!” Fluttershy smiled when she heard this and Rainbow knew why – she wouldn’t be leaving her for months on end to do her job now like she would have done had she become a WonderBolt.

Fluttershy tightened her grip on Rainbow as she lifted her head up a little, gently kissing up Rainbows neck to her mouth before giving her one of the most tender, loving and sweetest kisses she had ever given. As the kiss broke Rainbow quickly darted in with a final peck on the lips before she went on to explain in more detail what Luna had told her and running the names she’d already decided to approach to be on the team.

“So, you got any suggestions for others?” Rainbow finished with the question.
“Hmm, well, I . . .uh this might sound a bit . . .strange, but. . . Derpy?” Rainbow blinked as her mind froze, rewound, played the name through again, and froze once more.
“Flutters, babe, I think I just misheard you – I could have sworn you just suggested Derpy?!”

“Mhmm” Fluttershy nodded before continuing. “Next time you see her flying on her own watch her – you’ll see when Derpy’s alone she’s actually quite a good flyer – it’s just with all the teasing she gets . . .” Rainbow felt guilt welling up in her chest at this last statement as she had at one time been one of Derpy’s tormentors – unwittingly – until the day she came across the grey Pegasus in an alley crying her eyes out.


Rainbow was strolling through the back-streets of Ponyville on her way to the park, she knew it would be empty now thus perfect for her to practice her Sonic Rainboom for the Best Young Fliers contest, as she passed a darkened alley she was greeted by the sounds of muffled crying. Rainbow knew that if she didn’t try and help a pony in need she would hate herself later, she turned heading off to investigate – worst case scenario she could always take whoever was upset to Sugarcube Corner to Pinkie – now there was a mare who could cheer anypony up.

As she got closer to the distraught pony she instantly recognised the grey coated blond Pegasus, the bubbles cutie-mark confirming her identity.
“Derpy? Hey what’s wrong?” Rainbow asked, genuinely worried for she never saw Derpy upset.

“J-justtt Go awaaaay” Derpy cried as she brought her wings about herself trying to hide from the world, a sure sign of a very distressed Pegasus.
Moving quietly closer to sit in front of the quivering mass of wings Rainbow spoke up quietly.
“Hey come on wall-eyes what’s. . .” She was cut off by even louder wails as she spoke, before Derpy lashed out between sobs.

“That’s just .(hic) . it, carry on an . (hic) . insult me! I knew you .(hic) . hated me, but to . (Hic) carry on when. . . when. . .” As Derpy’s sentence trailed off, enough had been said for Rainbow to understand what was bothering the mare.

“Hey, hey, hey, come on Derpy look, I don’t hate ya, I’m sorry for whatever I did to make ya think that, come on.” Derpy’s golden eyes lifted above her wings slightly to glare at her, well one at her and one at the wall next to her.

“Oh ‘really’? So you don’t think ‘Wall-Eyes’ as a name doesn’t tell me you don’t like me, how about when you shout at me for crashing an stuff with your post huh? An’ you always shoutin’ at me t-to.… to get out the air!” by now she was screaming at Rainbow, but instead of Rainbow Dash going on the defensive as she normally would in a confrontation, she just sat there in shock, each accusation bringing up memories of emotions from times past - the hurtful names still echoed through her head.

“Rainbow Crash, Fillyfooler, Reject”

Rainbow Dash shuddered.

The difference being she hadn’t meant any of those words to hurt, she had just been teasing the mare.

“Oh Derpy, I. . .I look I’m sorry okay. I didn’t know it was upsetting you. I was only tryin’ to joke with you. I didn’t say those things because I hate you. I call you ‘wall-eyes’ like I call Twilight ‘Egghead’. I don’t mean it as an insult honest.”

By now Rainbow Dash had hung her head low, her whole body radiated with shame at what she’d unknowingly been doing to Derpy. She had been defending her to everypony else, yet to her face she had been no better than her own fillyhood tormentors.
If there was one thing she could thank flight camp for it was her utter hatred of bullying – to find out that somepony thought she was bullying them when all she really meant was light joking crushed her.

Rainbow felt a hoof on her shoulder shocking her to look up and miraculously for a moment she met both Derpy’s eyes before one drifted away again.
“you, you truly mean that?” Derpy asked quietly. Rainbow nodded.
“Well yeah – I never knew you thought I hated you, thing is I always thought of you as a friend.” She finished looking to the floor.

Derpy’s hoof rested under her chin lifting her head back up to look to the grey Pegasus’ face.
“It’s ok Rainbow, I forgive you, but please, ‘please’ remember I’ve had trouble all my life with this, so I expect comments like that to be said to me by people who don’t like the fact I’m different – not as a nickname or joke, ok? Remember that what you sometimes see as a joke, another pony will take seriously ok?” Rainbow nodded, her own eyes getting slightly damp with the impact of what she had been doing.

“I Promise Derpy.” She managed to get out around the lump in her throat.
“Come on, lets go get a muffin. Muffins make everything right” Derpy said pulling Rainbow out of the alley with her towards Sugarcube Corner.
From that day on the friendship between the two Pegasi grew, but Rainbow was always wary sharing the sky with her – ready to catch her at a moment’s notice when they flew together in case she missed a building in front of her or misjudged something.

– End Flashback –

Rainbow had a crestfallen expression on her face before she spoke.
“I did it again... didn’t I? I judged the book by the cover so to speak. You say she’s a good flier when nopony is around?”
Fluttershy nodded, she didn’t reprimand Rainbow because she herself had once thought the same about the mail-mare, until one day she spotted Derpy flying carefree and pulling off tricks that only Rainbow Dash could equal.

“Ok, I’ll give her a try – but she’ll have to work out that nervousness pretty quick if she goes for it. Now how about we go and get something to eat hm?” Rainbow finished guiding Fluttershy off the bed and leading the way downstairs.
As they entered the kitchen Rainbow spoke to Fluttershy over her shoulder.
“Hey Fluttershy, how’d you feel about goin’ to let Scootaloo and the other little one about our plans to adopt them if they want huh?”

Fluttershy could feel a small smile pull at her lips.
“Oh that would be wonderful Rainbow, I know I need to see the colt from the orphanage soon anyway. I was going to help him to pick a new name for himself.” She explained as she sat down at the table while Rainbow brought over a couple of sandwiches and glasses of milk.

“That’s cool – so how do you wanna play it? Scoots or the little one first?” Fluttershy sat back a little to think.
She decided to do the barracks first for a simple reason, they were further away than Lyra and Bon Bon’s home. With her decision made she told Rainbow what she’d like to do.
Once more had any other pony been about they would have been surprised at the softness of Rainbow Dash’s voice as she spoke.
“Ok Flutters, whichever you wanna do.” She said smiling.


They carried on with their lunch before making their way to talk to the little colt at the barracks.
They continued their meal with pleasurable silence, enjoying the presence of each others company until they were done.

They made their way out of the cottage, making small talk as they walked. This continued until Fluttershy dropped the bombshell that she was going to model for a single show, Rainbow made a puzzled expression upon hearing this.
“But Fluttershy, I thought you hated that?” Rainbow asked curiously.
Fluttershy nodded before answering, “Mmhmm, I did – but don’t you see – even now I still get offers to model that I regularly turn down. Now if word gets out that I’ll be doing a charity show, how many more will turn up?” Fluttershy finished rhetorically.

Fluttershy watched as Rainbow shook her head, “Damn, okay. So when’s my beautiful marefriend going on stage?” Fluttershy felt her face warm with this; she honestly hadn’t expected Rainbow Dash to say anything of the endearing sort to her in public, so when she did it made Fluttershy feel a warm glow throughout.

“Ehehe, Well you see, it’s not going to be for at least three months yet, and now I know you’re going to be in charge of the ShadowBolts. . . so I was hoping that. . . Maybe . . .their first public appearance could be at the show??”
Fluttershy was, once more, trying to hide behind her mane. Thoughts raced through her head; Why had she thought it would be a good idea to ask this, Was it truly a good idea, Would Rainbow Dash think she was being silly?

“I’ll have to check with Princess Luna first, but I think that can be arranged, I should be back in the air by then as well.” Rainbow said, and with that the yellow Pegasus leapt forwards wrapping her forearms about Rainbows neck, a broad smile arched across her features
“oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” Fluttershy squeaked out before quickly kissing Rainbows cheek.

“Ah it’s nothing, now come on we gotta get to the barracks sometime today” Rainbow said looking around to make sure they were going the right way.
Fluttershy just smiled and walked next to Rainbow, draping a wing over her back.


Pinkie Pie had been sent to visit Applejack at the farm with Mrs. Cake's suggestion. This was an action that had been repeated too many times to her liking.
With how Pinkie Pie woken up that morning, it was urged upon Cup Cake that it was much needed.


“AAAARGH!” Pinkies high pitched scream shattered the morning peace of the apartment above the bakery, Cup Cake shot out her bed and ran into Pinkies room. It had been years since Pinkie had an episode this bad with her nightmares. Cup Cake could only think it was due to Fluttershy’s near miss that brought back suppressed memories.

She entered the brightly decorated room and looked towards Pinkie Pie who had sat up gasping for air. Upon second glance she noticed her drooping mane and how Pinkies eyes were looking around haphazardly.
“Pinkie” Cup Cake quietly spoke, tender care emanating from her voice.

As Pinkie’s head whipped around Cup Cake could see lingering traces of fear in her eyes, but nothing more – She hadn’t come round paralysed in fear like the Cakes had feared.
“It’s okay, I’m okay.” Pinkie said quietly. Shaking her head Cup Cake came over to the bed and sat next to Pinkie.
“No you’re not, remember last time you tried to carry on as if nothing was wrong after bad nights? You go on to Sweet Apple Acres for the day, talk to Applejack, spend time with her. You need it okay?”

Pinkie tried to shake her head no when told this.
“B–but the store?” Cup smiled at her as she spoke.
“Pinkie, we managed the store for years before you even came to Ponyville, I’m sure we can manage one day.” She finished with a smile.
“Okay, but please don’t tell anypony else I’m having trouble again. Please” Pinkies question hung in the air. Cup Cake pulled Pinkie in to a quick hug.
“The only pony who already knows is Applejack, nopony else need know.” Cup Cake told her quietly.
“Now go get cleaned up and off to see that marefriend of yours.” Cup Cake finished getting off the bed and making her way to the door.

“Mrs. Cake, Thanks. For Everything.” Pinkie called quietly. Cup Cake, looking back over her shoulder answered.
“Anytime Pinkie, you should know that.” She finished with a gentle smile leaving the room.

-End Flashback-

Applejack looked over to Pinkie Pie catching her eye, Pinkie smiled when she saw the orange earth pony indicate a shaded spot on the ground.
As they settled, Applejack sat with her back to the tree leaning up against it. She was surprised when Pinkie lay on the ground next to her, putting her pink head in her lap.

“Nah then Pinks, whatsup?” She asked concern tingeing her voice. She had been surprised when Pinkie showed up to the farm early in the morning just as Applejack had finished helping Applespark with a few questions on a maths paper. He had been working hard so he could catch up with his year group in school. The orphanages version of education still had her blood boiling, ‘Be good or be punished’ When she’d seen the scars on his back. . .

She shook her head; Right now Pinkie needed her – the only time Pinkie did this when they were alone was when she was either completely content or needed comfort.
Gently Applejack started to run her hoof through Pinkie’s mane, letting the younger mare start in her own time.

“I’m havin’ those dreams again Apples. I. . .the one’s with HIM in them and. . .and. . .(hic)” Applejacks hoof didn’t stop, she knew how calming Pinkie found it when her mane was gently played with.
“Easy thar, it’s okay, ya don’t have’ ta say nomore.” Applejack said quietly, glad that she couldn’t get her hooves on the stallion that had done this to her Pinkie.
It may have been before she came to Ponyville, but to Applejack the fact was somepony had hurt her Pinkie. Now that is unforgivable.

Pinkies body started to shake with little whimpers as tears started to fall from her closed eyes.
Applejack leaned forward and picked Pinkie up, settling her in her lap better. Pink wrapped forelegs about her.
Applejack had been there for Pinkie when she had these . . .episodes. . . many times before their relationship. She had been the only pony Pinkie would trust near her outside of Mrs. Cake when she first came to Ponyville.

Strong orange arms pulled Pinkie close and gently rocked her as Pinkie let the tears fall.
“Why Applejack . . .Why did this happen to. . . to me, Is it my fault, did I make it happen with one of my parties, did I lead hi- “
“Now you stop right thar Pinks.” Applejack interrupted.
“How in tarnation can ya even think that? What happened to ya ain’t your fault filly, you didn’t cause it – it was just an evil stallion who didn’t know what were raht from wrong, ya hear?”
Pinkie nodded, sniffling back her cries.

Applejack hated that Pinkie could even think this about herself, as she held her close she spotted Big Mac walking near and waved him off, knowing that although Pinkie was fine around anypony now normally, in times like this, any stallion near would send her into a panic.
Thankfully Big Mac seemed to realise the need for privacy and nodded his head before turning away.

“Ttthanks Apples. But; I’m scared. . . I. . .I’m remembering what he looked like now.” Applejack looked down to Pinkies watery eyes before she spoke, tightening her grip once more.
“Easy Pinks, ah told ya’ iff’n you ever remember him properly, alls you gotta do is tell Twahlight an she’ll put out his description. Ah promise yer if he ever show’d up rahnd here you got Ponyville watchin’ yer back.”

Pinkie smiled a little before burying into Applejack a little more.
“Thanks Apples. Do we have to do any more work today?” She asked quietly, obviously needing to stay in her arms for a while the orange pony thought.
Applejack looked at the cart, blinked, looked again and smiled.
“Nah Pinks, we c’n stay raht here – you forget when yer help out on th’ farm we always get more in than we need.”

Pinkie’s smile was all the answer Applejack got, but it was all she needed as they sat there, Applejack once more being the steady presence Pinkie needed.
Looking back down she saw that Pinkie had drifted off to sleep, Applejack couldn’t help a tear fall as she thought of everything this pony had gone through. Quietly she made a promise.
“Ah promise Pinks, ahl see him brought afore the princesses for trial one day, Ah promise you’ll have yer own justice.”

Somewhere in a city suburb a Stallion had a shiver go down his spine.

Names And an Emotional History

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Fluttershy followed Rainbow into the barracks, stopping briefly to ask the guard where all the physically injured foals had been put from the orphanage, she noticed with some relief it was Private Fair Flair.
“Just wait a moment miss Fluttershy, my shift is almost over and I’ll escort you over there myself.” He said as another younger Pegasus guard stepped up.

As the new Pegasus arrived he looked at Fluttershy before speaking in a slightly over the top voice, leering slightly.
“Hey there, aren’t you that beautiful model I saw a couple of years ago? How about after my shift we go and explore ways of defeating your fear of stallions from what that glass collector did.”

Fluttershy froze, not even able to squeak in terror, this stallion wanted to do things to her, wanted to pin her down, he would. . . Her thoughts a whirl all she knew was fear.
Her eyes welled up as her mind provided the images, she started whispering.
Stop it, please stop it” over and over, now completely trapped in her mind.


Rainbow Dash had to try to bury the rage she felt towards this insensitive immature idiot of a stallion, not noticing Fluttershy retreating into herself she rounded on the guard.
“What! The! Bucking! HAY! What?!” She tore into him her volume increasing by the syllable until her voice rivalled that of a drill sergeants.

“Look, if the mare’s already been ridden she’ll be fi-“ *CRASH* The guard went flying, unnoticed by all participants Rarity of all ponies, had sent the guard flailing with a telekinetic blow across the face; using a unicorns equivalent to a right hook on the chin.

“I have never heard such uncouth words, and – oh my.” She cut herself off, Rainbow turned to see what had stopped Rarity when she spotted Fluttershy’s wide eyes, pupils only pinpricks as she was whispering the same sentence time and time again.
“Oh Buck!” Rainbow whispered harshly.
She quickly moved so that she was stood in front of Fluttershy before speaking.

“Fluttershy, come on love, Flutters, you’re ok, you’re safe. I’m here, nothing will happen, I’m here.” With each word she spoke she stepped closer until they were cheek to cheek as she brought a forehoof around Fluttershy’s neck, gently pulling her against herself.

Slowly Fluttershy started to respond – at first only twitches of her body, then she started to shake, before finally after many moments she collapsed against Rainbow, quiet sobs against Rainbows shoulder.

Being careful not to dislodge or startle her marefriend Rainbow adjusted them so she could lead them towards the guards office where Fair Flair stood duty. Moving quickly he took to the air out of the way, so as not to be seen by Fluttershy and send her into another panic attack.

Rainbow nodded to him, thankful for his understanding as she led Fluttershy into the office and then closing the door – On some level Fluttershy must have registered they had their privacy, as the muffled sob turned into a heartrending wail. All Rainbow could do was wrap a wing about the upset mare and be a shoulder to cry on.
Silently she hoped Rarity would deal with the stallion.


Rarity watched with a jaded eye as the stallion got to his feet, spitting a little blood out to the ground.
Wary that the confrontation could easily escalate she moved herself between him and little sister whom she’d brought to the base with her to talk to Fair Flair.
She felt a presence next to her and a quick glance told her it was the very private she’d come to speak with.

“Ow, you got a good blow there ma’am.” The unnamed stallion said, about to say more when a mare’s wails echoed out of the closed office door. The sound seemed to hit the guard harder than any punch with how fast he sat back down on his rump, shaking his head.
“Buck, bucking buckity, buck, buck!” He whispered.
Language sir, My filly sister is present!” Rarity snapped out in her harshest tone. The guard flinched before looking up to the irate unicorn.

“Sorry ma’am. Also, I’ll take my leave, I did not wish to upset your friend, it’s just my friends back home, they said once . . .well you know.” He nodded towards the office. “They told me that at that point all a mare thinks about is what its like.” Rarity closed her eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.

“Private Fair Flair, please watch my sister for a moment, I believe I need to explain more thoroughly what his friends meant.” Fair flair nodded as Rarity stepped closer to the downed Pegasus.“Walk with me sir?” Rarity asked. Slowly the guard stood up as she turned and headed to the base green.

“Now, your friends were right, it is all a mare thinks about. BUT, from what just happened I think they failed to impress upon you which part.” Stopping she turned to face the guard, forcing eye contact.

“I hope I never have to understand first hoof what my friend is going through, but I can tell you now – she wouldn’t be thinking about any sort of pleasure. She had NO control, NO way to say no – fortunately the attack she suffered was stopped before it could go on to be much worse. But here, you’re seeing the after effects of a near violation. I tell you now, you’re friends were not trying to guide you into how to get a willing mare into bed, far from it sir, they were warning you not to approach mares who’ve had this sort of violation.” The guard hung his head low, shame on his features.

“T-Thank you ma’am. Might I beg a big favour off you?” He asked quietly.
Rarity still highly annoyed at the stunt the guard pulled decided to be cautious in her response.
“What is it you would ask? I shall, if I deem it acceptable acquiesce.” The guard nodded before he spoke.

“I would ask that when she’s able to talk you pass on my apologies to your yellow friend, and I think coming from yourself, some form of notice about a hole in guards training needs to be addressed. In training we were warned that we may see and deal with the aftereffects of these attacks, more than most, but none of the warnings told us about the mental state of a pony who’d had this happen.”
Rarity nodded once, both in accepting the request, and agreement of the training.

“Very well, I shall pass on your apology, however I do believe it would be in Fluttershys best interests should she not see your face again.”
The guard nodded. “That’s fine I’m on weather patrol duty in five anyway.” Rarity nodded and turned away, heading back towards the gate.

As she got there she noticed Fair Flair showing Sweetie-Belle how to properly tie a knot.
With an eyebrow raised she stepped next to them and watched.
“So if I had used this know the raft would have stayed intact?” Sweetie asked, providing all the information Rarity needed.

Sweetie had obviously been talking about the failed rafting attempt to get her Cutie-Mark. Fair Flair nodded, “You got it kiddo,” he said ruffling Sweeties hair, before standing up and turning to Rarity neither noticed just how close they were until their muzzles nearly touched.

Rarity blushing looked away before she could see the guards own blush.
“Hehe, thank you for watching Sweetie for me Private Flare.” Rarity said demurely.
Fair Flair rubbing the back of his head spoke. “Ah, it was nothing miss. She seems a good kid.” Rarity nodded with a smile.

“All the same thank you, in fact I believe you are the very guard in which we came to see.” Fair Flare looked a bit surprised at this but nodded for her to continue. Instead of this Rarity turned to Sweetie-Belle and spoke. “Go on Sweetie, remember you asked to do this before I could tell you we were going to anyway.”

Sweetie-Belle looked to the floor before speaking.
“I-I just wanted to say sorry to you. I’m sorry I tried to sneak on the base a few days ago. I didn’t know you might have had no choice in how you acted when you saw our box moving.” Understanding passed across Fair Flare’s face as he spoke.

“It’s all right kid. Look at it like this, I didn’t have to stop you as miss Dash did. I do appreciate what you’re trying to say. I’ll accept your apology if you tell me one thing. Sweetie-Bell looked up and Rarity could tell she was worried at what the guard was about to ask.
“How about you tell me how in the hay you ended up with tree sap covering you. From falling in a lake?”

Sweetie-Bell giggled at the goofy expression he pulled as he asked this.
“Honestly sir, I don’t know! It always happens no matter what we do. Just ask my sister!” Rarity smiled as she rolled her eyes nodding to the Guard who just laughed.
“Okay, apology accepted. Think no more of it, just” His tone got very serious at this point. “Don’t try it again.” Was all he said but Rarity saw Sweetie understood so she just smiled and thanked the guard before making her way out the gate, taking her sister back to the boutique.


Fluttershy slowly calmed down once more looking to the floor in despair she quietly spoke.
“Rainbow, how can I do it? How can I adopt if I can’t stop myself being afraid of everything?” She asked, watery eyes looking up to gentle magenta.

“Easy Flutters it’s okay, remember what you told me? Pinkie’s said it’ll be okay eventually, it’ll just take time okay?” Fluttershy nodded, the confidence in Rainbow’s voice almost forcing her to believe it by sheer force of will.

Rainbow gently kissed Fluttershy on the cheek before turning to the little sink in the office to dampen a cloth. Turning back to Fluttershy she gently dabbed the cloth over her face.
“There, beautiful as usual.” Rainbow whispered giving Fluttershy a quick peck on the lips.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile at the tenderness and care Rainbow was showing.
It seemed ever since she’d admitted her feelings to Fluttershy that it was easier for her to show her more mushy side, even if she was still a tomcolt at heart.

Smiling Fluttershy opened the door and stepped out, turning to Fair Flair she spoke.
“Um. . .If it’s not too much trouble. . .Could you tell me where the injured foals were put?. . .if that’s okay?” The guard smiled down at her and nodded. She noticed he was deliberately keeping his distance and making sure she had plenty of room, for which she was thankful.

“Sure, you see that bunker over there with the number two above it?” Fluttershy nodded.
“It’s big enough to house all the foals from the orphanage.” he told her as Rainbow started to lead her away.

Fluttershy smiled her thanks and made to follow Rainbow.
Moving so she was alongside her Fluttershy started to think about the future, what it would hold. A little colt to look after. Helping Rainbow with Scootaloo - they wouldn’t be what was considered a normal family by any means but she knew they would all have love in it, that was what was important anyway.

She didn’t notice when they had got to the hangar until she heard the gruff sound of a guardsmare’s voice addressing Rainbow.

“So my old polychromatic problem, hows life treating you?” Fluttershy’s eyes widened at the eloquent insult that was obviously in good humour by the way Rainbow snorted with a smile.
“Feather Blade, you never quit do ya? Flutters, this old” *Bonk* Feather’s hoof tapped Rainbow between the ears with a mock glare thrown in for good measure.
“-Ahem, this guadsmare was my old Spring-hoof martial arts instructor years ago, you can blame her for me having some sense.”

Fluttershy smiled shyly to the mare in the doorway. “Thank you - you don’t know how much she means to me, I think it must have been that training that let her fight on when - whe”
Rainbows wing settled once more over Fluttershy.

“Easy Flutters, deep calming breaths.” Rainbow said quietly before guiding the canary pegasus in a slow breathing exercise. The guardsmare didn’t say anything while this happened, just nodded approvingly after Fluttershy closed her eyes and let out the breath she’d just drawn in and held for a second.

“Rainbow, you take good care of her” Feather said quietly as Fluttershy opened her eyes once she was calm again.
“Oh don’t you worry about that.” Rainbow said quietly as not to startle Fluttershy before nodding to the door.
Feather Blade nodded and let them in, closing the door quietly behind them.

“Oh dear” Fluttershy said when she looked about. All the orphans had already collected into little groups. All except one. A little colt foal with bandages about his bright blue body.
Carefully walking closer making sure he saw her before her could even hear her so as not to make him jump.

“Hi how’s your wing doing little one?” Fluttershy asked the little colt quietly. He looked up to her with a small smile on his young face. “It don’t hurt if I don’t move it” he told her. Fluttershy smiled and sat on the floor next to him.

“That’s nice. I’m glad the bandages are helping.” The colt nodded. “Oh they are miss, they helps better than when we had do it ourselves.” Fluttershy smiled at the colt before she continued.
“Do you remember what I said when I last spoke to you?” The foal looked up to Fluttershy his eyes with hope in their depths.
“You - you said you was going to helps me to choose a name?” Fluttershy smiled and nodded her head. “yes, Also I promised to introduce you to ponies who would want to be your friend.” He nodded warily.

Fluttershy looked back over her shoulder smiling encouragement to her marefriend. Rainbow being careful not to startle the little colt carefully sat down next to fluttershy.
“Hey there.” She said with a grin. “H -hello?” he colt said quietly, edging closer to Fluttershy.
Fluttershy draped her wing over Rainbow.

‘Just to see how he deals with it’ she told herself.
His smile was all she needed to see so she kept her wing where it was, also noting how he relaxed seeing that she trusted Rainbow like she did.
“So have you thought what name you would like?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

The little blue pegasus looked to the ground as he mumbled an answer.
“Hey, you’re doing better than me at being quiet.” Fluttershy said. “I’m sorry but you’re going to have to speak up. Still looking to the floor he mumbled a bit louder. “You’ll think I’m bein’ silly.”

Fluttershy carefully wrapped her foreleg about him pulling him closer.
“No, it’s okay - go on.” She encouraged in her quiet soothing voice, the colt looked up he looked even more nervous than when Fluttershy had first met him and treated his wing.
“I dunno about last name yet, but . . . first name . . . ‘Starsky?’” He said quietly.

Fluttershy gently pulled him into a light hug as Rainbow spoke. “Okay, I like it. But why did you say it’s silly?” the muffled reply from the colt could still be heard.
“Because I used my coat colour in my name.”

Fluttershy felt more than heard Rainbows chuckle. “You want that name that’s fine with me, besides, Fluttershy hasn’t told you my name yet - It’s Rainbow Dash.” The little colt looked up from his place his eyes wide. “Really” Rainbow nodded with a grin.
“Yep - named after my mane” she said.

“So . . .Starsky, can, can I suggest a possible last name?” Fluttershy asked quietly. A little nod from him was all her answer, but it was enough to make her continue.
“How about Brightlight?” He looked up with a smile.
“I I like it, wh where did you get it?”

It was now that Fluttershy’s nerves decided to settle in and silence her - She tried to speak, but no sound came out. She looked imploringly to Rainbow.


Rainbow could no more ignore that look than she could give up flight.
Leaning in she placed a small kiss on fluttershy’s cheek before looking down to the little colt in fluttershys foreleg.

“It’s Fluttershy’s last name.” Rainbow said quietly. As she finished, Rainbow swore his mouth dropped lower than was physically possible before his eyes snapped back to Fluttershy’s.
“you - you mean you - me come live - I no gotta go - wow” he stumbled over his words before the largest smile Rainbow had ever seen on a colt his size burst across his features.

He launched himself into Fluttershy. Looking to them Rainbow saw the small serene smile on Fluttershy’s face as she looked down to the small shaking colt in her arms, nuzzling his ice blue mane.

“That’s right Starsky, If you want I’m going to adopt you.” the shaking of his shoulders as the muffled sobs into Fluttershy’s coat reached Rainbows ears she had trouble keeping her own tears in check, Fluttershy wasn’t even trying.

They both knew the pain of being without family, without belonging. Even at Starsky’s age, hearing that anypony wanted you was always a little miracle to an orphan. Moving closer she lifted her good wing to offer him a bit of privacy while he got the relief out his system.

She knew this feeling well, even though they’d been adults when she and Fluttershy had found acceptance, she knew this feeling well.


Rainbow stepped through the door following Applejack and the rest of her friends in to Pinkie Pie’s parents home. Moving to stand next to Fluttershy, knowing that whenever they met somepony’s parents for a little time Fluttershy always felt a little sad.

Sad that she hadn’t had parents.
“Well hello dears.” a friendly aged female voice welcomed them all into the room.
Looking around Rainbow saw they’d all been led into a large dining room, with a table all set up for 10.

The smells coming from the pots on the table made Rainbow’s stomach grumble a reminder they hadn’t eaten since early this morning. Pinkie had been desperate to get on the earliest train possible wanting to finally introduce her friends to her family.

Rainbow looked up to the face of a smiling aged grey mare sat at the table, her mane already gone gray tied in a tight bun, gold glasses perched on the end of her muzzle. She could just make out the sight of a brown Stallion sat next to her but her sight was blocked by Pinkie currently hugging the breath out of her father.

“Hi, it’s so nice of you to have us visit, I didn’t think we should have all imposed on you at the same time, but Pinkie sai-” Twilight started speaking before she was interrupted by Mrs. Pie.
“Oh fiddlesticks. When Pinkie wrote us saying she wanted to introduce you all well, We sent out letters to Octavia and Summerdawn, we’re having a good ol’ family get together.”

At these words Rainbow felt Fluttershy next to her suppress a sob as she fought her own - to anypony else it looked like nothing was wrong, but inside along with the joy of being here with everypony was the bitter taste of knowing that they didn’t have their own family. Once again Rainbow and Fluttershy became the silent strength and support to the other.

Pinkie moved around the room and promptly started squeezing the life out the Royal Canterlot Symphonies premier cellist, who just happened to be her sister. “ooh oh oh - OctaviaIt’sbeensolongandwhenIknewyouwerecomingibakedyouyourfavouritestcakehereyougo!”

Pinkie’s voice ran off as she released the violet eyed cellist. Pinkie reached into her poofy pink mane and withdrew a small almond cake and passed it to Octavia.
“Thank you Pinkie, I’ll save it for after dinner!” Octavia practically glowed.

Rainbow watched as Summerdawn seemed to dodge and grapple Pinkie into her own breath stopping squeeze and smiled.
“I do wish you gave me more warning you were coming pinnie!” Summerdawn said.
Pinkies blush could be seen even through the colouration of her coat.

“Summmeeeeerr! I asked you to stop calling me that!” She mock whined.
“Aw doesn’t little pinnie want her friends to know how she used to say her own name as a filly”
Pinkies eyes narrowed in fake fury. “oooohh, just you wait, I’ll soooooo prank you for this.” Pinkie finished with a raspberry as the rest of the room were all falling about laughing at the sisters antics.

“Okay, come on and settle down everypony” Mr. Pie said while trying to get his breath back. As they all took thier seats Rainbow caught Fluttershy’s eye. Although there was laughter in her eyes Rainbow could also see the pain buried deep, knowing as she did, being the only other pony in the room to feel the same, she knew she would be the only pony to spot it.

‘you okay’ she quickly mouthed while the rest were distracted, Fluttershy nodded with a small sad smile hiding behind her mane. Neither noticing that Mrs. Pie had seen the exchange.
As they all settled and enjoyed the meal Mrs. Cake turned to Applejack.

“So Applejack wasn’t it?” Applejack nodded quickly swallowing the mouth-full she had.
“That’s right ma’am” Applejack replied.
“Oh none of this Ma’am stuff, I’m Cloudy, and this is Igneous.” She pointed to her husband who just nodded. “So Applejack,” She continued. “Pinkie tells me you’re a farmer too?” Applejack nodded with a proud smile.
“why yes, ah run Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville. It’s been in mah family fer generations.”

Cloudy nodded with a smile before turning to Twilight.
“And Pinkie tells me you’re the best at magic she’s seen.”

Twilight blushed at the praise before answering. “I’m not that special” with an embarrassed smile.
“That’s not right and you know it darling.” Rarity spoke up. “I know of no other unicorn that could single-hornedly take on an Ursa.” At this Igneous fell out his seat in shock before getting back to his feet.

“Not special? Well I would bet with that sort of skill your family would be impressed.” He said to Twilights blushing face. Twilight just nodded “Yes sir.”

Once more Rainbow closed her eyes a moment, realising that they were going to ask her sooner or later about her own family. This was something that not even her friends knew about. She hoped they’d ask her and not Fluttershy first.

“And you miss Rarity, I hear you’re one of the rising stars in the fashion world, you must make your family so proud with all your hard work.” Rarity tried to affect a nonchalant air that was ruined by her own blush at the praise.

“Oh darling, it’s nothing, if anything I’m more proud of them, they did all they could to see I was raised right - i shan’t tell you some of the troubles I caused them.” She finished with a laugh, before looking to Fluttershy and Rainbow with a spark of worry in her blue eyes.

Rainbow suddenly realised Rarity knew about them and had kept their secret for them, but knew this discussion must be tearing them apart inside.

Cloudy turned to Fluttershy next prompting Rainbow to silently groan. ‘Oh no.’ in her mind.
“And you Fluttershy?” Fluttershy nodded, face nearly completely covered by her mane.
“From what Pinkie tells me of what you do, I bet your parents love how you hel-”

Fluttershy suddenly stumbled away from the table, eyes already leaking tears to the shock of most of the table - except Rainbow and Rarity.
“e - ex - Im sorry!” She called out and bolted out the door harsh cries heard by all in the room as she ran.

Rainbow looked to Rarity and nodded to the door. Rarity got up and started to make her way out the door stopping by Rainbow and placing a hoof on Rainbows shoulder.
“Are you sure you’ll be ok darling?” Rainbow nodded once jerkily before whispering back.
“Eventually, but this needs sorting now.” Rarity nodded once before leaving the room.

Rainbow turned to see all her friends getting up to follow Rarity out the door before she blocked the way shaking her head. “No, leave Rare to deal with this, I think you’ll understand when I tell you what triggered this.”

Applejack carried on moving forwards towards the door as she spoke.
“Mah friends upset an ah wanta know why. Now git out th’ way” Rainbow stretched both wings across the door before looking Applejack in the eye, letting all the pain she felt at growing up alone with nopony but Fluttershy show in her face.

“Applejack Plea-” Her voice broke as she fought her emotions. “Please. I’ll explain why she’s -” She half broke herself, tears falling down her cheeks. Applejack's face showed the shock at seeing Rainbow cry and not even trying to hide it.

“Dahm this gonna be that bad?” She said as she collapsed back on her rump. Rainbow nodded before bowing her head and closing her eyes. “It all started when I was just a little filly, no older than Applebloom.”


*ding-ding* The bell of the front door rang. Rainbow was sat in the hallway as the Matron went to open the door. looking out the door Rainbow saw two pegasi walking away, not even taking the time to talk to the matron, as a small yellow filly eyes streaming was sat in the doorway.

“My momma an’ poppa said I’m a drain, they don’t want meeeee!” She burst out her voice going higher pitched as her wails echoed off the walls. her cries tore into Rainbow, this little filly who hadn’t hurt anypony had it worse than Rainbow did. Rainbow at least didn’t remember her parents abandoning her - but to be just left on the doorstep with nothing in the middle of winter!

Rainbow quickly got off the bench she was on and went up to the filly before the matron could say anything and pulled her inside, wrapping her little legs about her in a hug.
The yellow filly held on to Rainbow tightly as if she were the only thing in existence as she cried. “They, they always said - sa- said when I was - The told me - id be left here - if - if i wasn’t a good fillyyyy!” Rainbow just held onto the little one,, she must be at least a year younger than her.

Looking up to the matron she mouthed the words “my room” and gently started herding the distraught little pegasus with the pinkest mane she’d ever seen up the stairs.
Carrying on she led her to a doorway to a two pony room, that until now had been Rainbows alone.

Guiding the yellow filly to the spare bed she sat on it as the matron went to get the forms Rainbow knew every new orphan had to have filled out. As they sat on the bed Rainbow held on to the crying filly as her tears stained Rainbows blue fur.
Heartrending cries echoed through the room, the pain of abandonment had it’s own voice, this fillies despairing wails.

Rainbow, her own tears falling for the pain she heard in the filly’s voice decided there and then that she would always protect this little ray of sunshine. Nopony was going to hurt her ever again. That day Rainbow stopped being a filly that backed down, now she had to be there for this new orphan.


By the time she’d finished her face was wet with the tears matting her fur. Whenever she thought of that day, knowing just how much pain Fluttershy was in all the time at her abandonment and still having the kind wonderful heart she did was like a permanent knife to her - she could protect Fluttershy from anything, anything except her own pain.

Drawing in a couple of ragged breaths she continued on, explaining just how painful it was growing up, seeing other colts and fillies getting adopted but nopony would take Fluttershy.
Sabotaging her own adoptions Rainbow stayed with the orphanage until she reached her majority and stayed on as free help an extra year to always be there for Fluttershy.

When they Fluttershy’s time came to leave the orphanage, they both set their sights making their way to Ponyville, hearing that it was a nice quiet little town that would be perfect to get a new start in life.

“So you see, when you were all talking about families. . .” Throughout Rainbows tale there had been the backdrop of hearing Fluttershy’s cries from outside. Out the window she could be seen being held by Rarity, face buried in a white shoulder. Her yellow shoulders shaking with the constant cries she emitted as the pain of her abandonment ran through her.

Everypony in the room had their own tears falling, even the perpetual party pony Pinkie Pie.

“Well that settles that.” Igneous’ voice said quietly looking at his wife. Cloudy nodded as they made their way out the door.


Fluttershy held on to Rarity, face pressed into her white fur, unable to hold back the heart wrenching sobs tearing out her throat.
She couldn’t stop, it hurt so much, her Parents hadn’t wanted her, they’d abandoned her. It just wasn’t fair, she’d done nothing wrong and they’d discarded her - told her she was useless and a drain on them.

She could feel Rarity holding her, not saying anything, just running a soothing caring hoof through her mane.
It really didn’t help that today was the anniversary of her abandonment. As that thought hit her her sobs escalated to wails of emotional agony. What had she done to deserve being dropped at the orphanage and left? simply been born. Throughout the storm she cried out the pain.

Normally when the pain got to her like this she’d either have gone to the boutique or flown to Rainbows house. They were the only friends who knew her full past, knew just how worthless she was. Not deserving of a family, not if she could just be dumped.

It didn’t matter how many times they told her that wasn’t the case, Fluttershy knew it must be true, it wouldn’t have happened otherwise.

Her body shuddering with the cries she held on, knowing that no matter what her friend would hold her steady. She had in the past when it hurt this much cried herself into an exhausted sleep, waking up the next day on her friends couch. Still being held by either Rainbow or Rarity, they always made the time for her when she lost it completely.

She didn’t notice the others were there at first as she was lost in her own misery, only noticing when a second pony started holding her with a wing. That was all she needed to know it was Rainbow.

Turning from Rarity she collapsed into the arms of the mare who had been there for her always. She didn’t understand why she always felt safer inside Rainbows wings but it always helped.


Rainbow felt the shaking of Fluttershy and gently rested her head atop Fluttershys, knowing the more she could feel another pony holding her the better it was for the canary coated mare.
As Fluttershy's muffled sobs soaked into her fur, decreasing in volume, strength and frequency Rainbow realised Fluttershy was falling asleep.

Knowing the others were behind her all offering their silent support helped more than they knew.
When Fluttershy finally fell asleep Rainbow carefully picked her up in her forelegs, using her wings to carefully fly her back to the house, following the Pie matriarch as she led her to the large guest room.

She lay Fluttershy down on the bed, lying next to her, determined to be there for her when she woke.
What surprised her was when all her friends and the Pie family all came in carrying the sandwich platters from their dinner.

“I’m sorry Rainbow, I saw you checking if Fluttershy was okay earlier when Pinkie was greeting us all, I thought that maybe her parents weren’t like us, but I had no idea. . .” The genuine regret in cloudy’s voice halted any annoyance rainbow could of held.

“It’s ok, and guys, thanks for being so understanding.” Rainbow said quietly as not to disturb her sleeping friend.
“Ah ‘twasnt nothin.” Applejack said quietly looking with fondness at her friends. “ah tells ya now, you got a place in our lives though.” Rainbow smiled a small sad smile at the earnest reply.

“Well I think I agree with my whole family when I say this Rainbow.” Igneous spoke up. “I know you’re too old to be adopted now. But if you’d like, well you can always consider yourselves welcome and part of the Pie family.” He said making Rainbows eyes shine with unshed tears.
“Th . tha - thanks.” She said quietly, too emotional to say more.

They all looked at each other and nodded. To Rainbows surprise Twilight lit her horn up and the bed glowed as it was magically expanded, by the time she was done the bed could have hosted a tea party with how big it was.

Twilight and and Pinkie got up on the bed next to her as Rarity and Applejack settled next to Fluttershy.
“We’re all here for you two.” Twilight told Rainbow. This was the final push that completely dissolved Rainbows own emotional control, harsh silent sobs went through her body as she leaned into Pinkie. Her own tears accompanying her to sleep.


Fluttershy awoke the next morning to a sea of ponies.

Looking around, there was Rainbow, head resting on her back, Rarity pressed into her side, further along was Applejack, providing a solid mass at the edge of the bed stopping them all falling out. Looking over beyond Rainbow she saw Pinkie curled up into a ball chewing on her own tail, and finally there was Twilight sat up a little leaning against the wall, smiling at her.

Fluttershy gave a tentative smile back, she knew her outburst yesterday would have forced Rainbow to reveal the truth, and yet, all her friends were still here.
Slowly the others started stirring awake until they were all ready to head out and freshen up for the day, each one of them however giving Fluttershy a little hug before they left the room.

Turning to Rainbow who’d stayed with her she saw something that sent her heart fluttering, quickly suppressing any other reactions she leaned in against Rainbows side.
“Thank you.” Was all she said, it was all that was needed between the two.

Rainbow smiled and nuzzled her cheek briefly before telling her about the conversations last night finally letting her know what Igneous had said, about them being welcome to consider themselves part of the family. She finally had a place to belong. It was with a much lighter heart that she went to wash up and go down to breakfast.

As soon as she stepped through the door all chatter at the table stopped, Igneous got up from the table and moved close to her with a small smile on his face.

“If I suspect right, then Rainbow has probably told you of our offer last night, I just wanted to let you know personally, It’s genuine - if I could adopt adults then you and Rainbow would be part of the Pie family officially if you wanted it.”

Fluttershy held hope when Rainbow had told her, but to hear it straight from Igneous’ mouth was more than she could have dared wish for.
“Oh Thank you! thank you!” She cried out.

Rushing forwards and feeling herself being surrounded by his arms, Before long Pinkie came up to them and wrapped her arms about Fluttershy too, and quietly, with a small smile whispered. “welcome to the family.” This time Fluttershy's cries weren’t of pain or despair, they were pure unadulterated joy, she finally belonged, she had a family.

-Flashback ends-

When the colts cries finally settled Rainbow looked down to him.
“Now unfortunately we can’t take you home today, we’ve got to do the whole system to make sure Fluttershy’s home checks out, make sure any changes that need to happen get done. But once that’s all sorted either me or Flutters will come and collect you ok?

Starsky’s smile was all the answer they needed, but Fluttershy made the day better for him.
“Now that doesn’t mean you won’t see me before then, I’ll visit every day, even if it’s just for an hour ok?” Fluttershy said quietly.
“Yes, yes oh yes please!” He squeaked out before hugging her tightly.

Sometime later when Fluttershy finally moved he’d fallen asleep, she carefully lifted him up to the bed as Rainbow pulled the blanket back, tucking him in afterwards making their war out the hangar and off base.

She felt Fluttershys gaze on her as they left the base, looking back towards her she saw Fluttershy looking back to her, stepping forwards Fluttershy planted a loving kiss on her lips before slowly pulling away.

“Now to see Scootaloo.” Fluttershy whispered, turning and leading Rainbow down the street.

Scootaloo, Law Changes And a Twist

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Scootaloo was sat in the kitchen of Lyra and Bon Bon’s house, diligently working on her homework. Ever since they’d took her in and provided a roof over her head she’d done all she could to repay and thank them. They went beyond what was necessary for a caregiver - she could tell they genuinely cared for her.

Struggling with her math homework she face-desked letting out a frustrated scream.
Bon Bon who was working in the kitchen on the next batch of sweets for her cart stepped up to the table before speaking to the frustration filled filly.

“Hey. What’s the problem?” Scootaloo lifted her head glaring at the paper before speaking to the confectioner. “It’s this math assignment.” She whined. Bon Bon sat next to her and looked over what she’d written. Taking the time to slowly, methodically go through everything with Scootaloo, not giving her the answer but gently guiding her to the correct answer.

Lyra’s melodic music filtering through as they worked. Bon Bon getting up every so often to check on her sweets. Scootaloo worked diligently on until she finally finished her work.
“Thanks Bon Bon.” Scootaloo said quietly before putting her homework away.

*Knock-Knock* “Scootaloo can you get that dear” Lyra’s voice called out.
Scootaloo quickly ran to the door and opened it to see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy stood there.
“Hey squirt, mind if we come in?” Rainbow said with her usual grin. Scootaloo backed up a little inviting them in before calling to Lyra.

“It’s only Rainbow and Fluttershy!” The harp playing stopped and moments later Lyra’s head poked into the hallway. “Well get your flanks in here!” She called down as the two followed Scootaloo into the living area. Bon Bon coming in from the kitchen doorway as they all settled on the two couches in the room.

Scootaloo sat with Lyra and Bon Bon on the one couch that was slightly larger as Fluttershy and Rainbow shared the other.

“So Rainbow, Fluttershy, what brings you two to our humble abode?” Lyra asked in a teasing tone.
Rainbow smiled back and stuck her tongue out at the mint green unicorn.
“Rainbow! behave.” Fluttershy admonished with her own little smile. “Aw, okay, but only because it’s you.” Rainbow mock pouted making Lyra and Bon Bon laugh while scootaloo looked on somewhat surprised, her was her idol, Rainbow Dash, the most awesome pony ever - and she was being sappy?

Finally as the giggles all died down Rainbow looked to Scootaloo.
“hey squirt I got something to ask you okay?” Scootaloo was suddenly nervous, every time somepony wanted to ask her something it usually meant that she was about to lose the roof on her head again.


Rainbow saw the brief flurry of fear and worry flash across the filly’s face. Deciding to try to re-assure her Rainbow spoke.
“Now we know you didn’t and don’t want to go to no orphanage right.?” She asked, waiting for Scootaloo’s nod before she continued on.

“Well Scoot’s hows about this, for the next few weeks we all make sure you’ve got a roof over your head until somethings made official?” Rainbow carefully slipped off the couch moving to sit on the floor in front of the filly before continuing quietly.

“How’s about, if everything goes to plan in a few weeks, you coming to live with me permanently” Rainbow said quietly, looking Scootaloo in the eye so the young filly would know that Rainbow wasn’t joking. The look of surprise and joy that stole across Scootaloo’s face couldn’t be understated Rainbow thought as Scootaloo launched herself at her, wings buzzing.

Rainbow caught her in her forelegs pulling her close in a gentle embrace.
“You, you mean it? I’ll live with you?” Scootaloo’s emotion filled voice choked out.
Rainbow nodded before answering her quietly. “I do Scoots. What’s more, to make it all official, if you’ll have me, I’d like to adopt you.” She told the little bundle of shaking fur in her arms. The choked cries and frantic nodding of a purple main in the affirmative was all the answer Rainbow got.

The blue pegasus felt her eyes welling up as she was accepted by Scootaloo, holding her close she whispered in the little filly’s ear. “It’s okay to cry scoots, it’s okay.” That was all that was needed to start Scootaloo’s tear’s of relief. Rainbow lifted her own watery eyes to see the golden eyes of her friend Lyra looking back, a smile on her face.

As Rainbow just sat there holding on to Scootaloo she saw Bon Bon lean over to Lyra, who nodded before talking to Rainbow. “You don’t need to worry about finding temporary housing for her. She can stay here until the adoption’s finalised.”

“Really!” Scootaloo’s high pitched squeak was heard as she turned in Rainbow’s embrace to look at Lyra who with a smile nodded.
Rainbow’s hooves were suddenly empty as Scootaloo launched out of them and tackled both Lyra and Bon Bon into a hug.

“Oh thank you!” She whispered. Rainbow could understand what Scootaloo was thinking, she now had a guaranteed roof over her head and if everything went okay she would soon have a family.

Settling back next to Fluttershy she smiled when she felt Fluttershy’s hoof slip over her withers pulling her into a hug.
“Scootaloo.” Fluttershy said quietly. Scootaloo turned to face the kind canary pegasus.
“”I just thought you’d like to know, you know how me and Rainbow are together?” Fluttershy asked quietly. Scootaloo nodded slowly obviously wondering where this was going.
“Well. . . um you see. . . oh.” Fluttershy turned her gaze back to Rainbow who chuckled before nodding and turning to Scootaloo.

“What she’s saying is two things, she’s worried that’d be a problem to you. Quite frankly I’ve already said it won’t be am I right?” Scootaloo nodded before answering.

“Why would it, you love each other right?” Rainbow blushed a little but nodde, Scootaloo carried on with. “Then that’s all that matters.” The four adults in the room all smiled at her outlook before Rainbow finished.

“Also, Fluttershy’s looking to adopt as well, so some of our time’s going to be spent with Starsky, he’s a little pegasus from the Orphanage we raided a few days ago.” Rainbow told her. Scootaloo’s smile was not quite what she expected but it was welcome, along with Scootaloo’s answer.

“You mean I get a sort-of brother? Awesome!” Scootaloo cried out.

Rainbow couldn’t be happier, she had her own little family now with Fluttershy and the two young ones they were adopting.

The rest of the visit was filled mainly with small talk as they arranged when best to come and visit so Rainbow could spend time with Scootaloo. Eventually as all good things must come to an end, Rainbow and Fluttershy made their goodbyes and headed out the door.

Taking quick note of the position of the sun Rainbow stepped next to her marefriend as they made their way down the path. “Hey Flutters, what’s say we go head over to Sugarcube corner? It’s late enough that the evening rush should be done by now?” She suggested. Fluttershy simply smiled and nodded as they made their way.


The evening train pulled into Ponyville and a strange dark tan Stallion who had a black mane with a crossed hammer and nail cutie mark stepped off.
“So this is where the pink mare is.” He pulled out a newspaper article from his saddlebag, one detailing the ‘Elements of Harmony.’

He snorted at this, he thought that it was just the Princesses putting out silly propaganda, it was well known that the purple unicorn was her protege after all. That was one mare he was definitely staying away from. The pink mare in the photo though, oh he couldn’t wait to meet her again.

Chuckling darkly he headed to the towns motel and settled down for the night, he could check the town out tomorrow.


Pinkie Pie was bouncing through the market to retrieve the supplies the cakes had asked her to get as they were running low.

She was happily humming her way along as she bounced up to the fruit stall. Looking at the selection as she chose what was needed before turning to pay the stall holder for her choices.
A voice out of her nightmare’s spoke from just behind her. “Here let me pay for those, we can catch up”

Turning she came face to face with the one stallion she never wanted to see again.

Ponyville had been witness to many things, but this was the first time that Pinkies scream of terror as she ran reached as far as Fluttershy’s cottage. Throwing her purchases to the floor Pinkie bolted running through the market - no destination in mind until she saw her marefriend moving towards her at a gallop.

Pinkie crashed into Applejack curling up, shaking in almost crippling fear, as Cadance suddenly landed near them, having heard Pinkies scream.

Moving closer to the pale, frightened Pinkie she listened as Applejack spoke.
“Pinks, what’s wrong, talk to me love.” Applejacks calm voice, full of worry asked quietly.
“want’s t - to c - c - catch u- up. h - h - HE’s here, in Ponyville!” Pinkie managed to say before holding tightly to Applejack.


Cadance had seen all the bearers in battle to save equestria against the changelings, and yet, the face of fury Applejack had back then was mild annoyance compared to the unadulterated hatred and rage on the farmpony’s features now.

Considering what Pinkie had just said, and what she’d told Fluttershy before Cadance found it easy to get Pinkie’s meaning.

“Applejack, This is not a request, this is a royal command. Take Pinkie to the library - until we find the stallion in question, Pinkie is now under the protection of the crowns of Equestria. A threat has been made to a national hero and as such - the threat shall be dealt with accordingly.

Applejack nodded as she slipped the semi-catatonic Pinkie onto her back and within moments was galloping towards the library as Cadance sent a simple spell into the air letting off a lightshow.

The normal ponies of Ponyville all looked and thought it was just a discharge of magic, what they didn’t realise was that Cadance had just signalled the guard - a specific pattern in the lights told them to send a squad to the library and not let anypony in or out without hers, Shining Armour’s, Twilights or the Rulers of Equestria’s say.

Swiftly taking to the air she flew across the town to Sugarcube Corner landing before making her way in.

“I’m sorry mrs. Cake, but Pinkie won’t be back for a while, she’s been taken into protective custody.” Cadance told the mare behind the till.
“Oh dear, I do hope it’s not serious.” Cup Cake said.

Thinking to ease her worries Cadance spoke trying to downplay the incident.
“It’s just a precaution. a small matter from her past seems to have returned, un-” Cadence’s explanation was halted as Cup Cake ran to the door and flipped the sign to closed and turned back to her.

“That is no small matter Princess. Tell me you won’t allow him to get his hoofs on her.” The fire in the mares eyes warned Cadance of denying this. However as she had no intention of this she smiled.

“Indeed not, I have posted her a guard 24 hours a day, She will be staying in the library with Twilight, and I’m pretty sure Applejack will be joining them. Especially as he has already expressed an interest to her for ‘catching up’. Believe me, my Husband and I will do all we can to see she need never worry about him again.

Cup Cake nodded as she beckoned the Alicorn of Love to follow her up to Pinkies room.
Looking around from the doorway Cadance was surprised at just how organised this room was - she was expecting it to be a complete mish-mash of colours and part items strewn about the place.

Instead the walls were painted a soothing pale rosé accented by a dark red wall one side.
The bed was a simple queen sized affair, that was a lot pinker than the walls, yet, it somehow fitted.

A writing desk and mirror against one wall with a cupboard next to them completed the layout, except for a little alligator in a cage that Cup Cake took down and passed to Cadance.

Moving over to the bed Cup Cake reached under it and pulled out a box before reaching in and extricating a soft white blanket.

“Trust me, when Pinkie’s not feeling on top of the world, she keeps this blanket with her, I don’t know how but it helps her cope. also taking Gummy to her will mean she won’t have to worry about him.”

Cadance nodded taking the blanket in her magic along with Gummy’s cage before turning and leaving the room and building. As soon as she was outside she took wing and flew back to the library, landing in front of the solid oak door before entering.

Looking about she saw Applejack had taken Pinkie over to the couch and had pulled her into a gentle embrace. Twilight’s expression looked murderous while Shining Armour was sat staring at a scroll of parchment. expressionless. ‘Horseapples!’ Cadance thought seeing this.

Shining Armour only ever went like this when he was in a true rage. carefully stepping up to Applejack and Pinkie she draped Pinkie’s blanket about her shaking shoulders, settling Gummy’s cage on the table next to them.

Having known Pinkie for years, seeing her like this tore at Cadance - she decided to go over to Shining and try settle him down.
“Some two week break huh?” she said quietly nuzzling his cheek.

He turned to face her, his eyes holding in a fury she’d only seen once before - their wedding day - the day he nearly called it off for having unintentionally slept with another mare - even though Chrysaliss had taken her form he still felt he had wronged her. Back then it had taken Twilight, Luna, Celestia AND Cadance to convince him he wasn’t at fault before the wedding went ahead.

“Cady, i . . . i I need some air.” He said quietly before dropping the scroll to the table and walking out.

Wondering just what had happened to cause this she stepped to the scroll to read. It had detailed how he’d ponynapped her after a party and kept her against her will in a house somewhere in Manehatten after she’d moved out from home. She’d only escaped as he’d gotten careless one night and forgot to lock the door to her room after he’d ‘had his fun’ one night.

That night she’d snuck about his house getting everything valuable and running off into the night.
By morning she’d brought a ticket out to the countryside and came to Ponyville, having decided to tell the guards what had happened as soon as she saw one.

Getting off the train she went to do just that, but found no matter what, she couldn’t remember what the stallion looked like, she tried and couldn’t.

Putting the ordeal to one side she had gone to the hotel and asked for a room and if any jobs were going. That day she’d been introduced to Mr & Mrs Cake. The rest was Ponyville history, Pinkie over time had learnt to deal with the nightmares.

By the time Cadance finished reading she looked once more to the scared Pinkie Pie and decided she needed her Aunt Luna’s help with this one, because once more Pinkie had tried to describe the stallion but couldn’t, however with what had happened today it was almost certain her nightmares would return full force.

If Luna could go into the dream long enough to get the description and then break Pinkie out of it then they may finally get justice for Pinkie.

Penning a letter to Luna she went over everything that had happened and attached a copy of Pinkie's statement with a warning to be away from anything breakable when read.
“Spike please send this to Luna.” Cadance asked, watching as the little dragon who also wore an expression of anger on his face as he did.


Luna was sat upon her throne next to her sister helping with the morning court. the benefits of being an alicorn was they could go without sleep for extended periods of time.

To her surprise the dragonflame that usually indicated a friendship report for Celestia materialised in front of her. It was with an even greater surprise when she saw the seal of her niece.

breaking the seal she read the brief note requesting her help in a matter of urgency regarding the bearer of Laughter. Passing the note over to her sister she missed the warning at the bottom to be away from anything breakable before she read the extended request that she visit Pinkies dreams. She shrugged at this at first before reading on.

When it was explained it was so they could get the description of another pony Luna started to worry, why would she need to visit a dream because of this.

Then she came to the statement by Pinkie Pie.
The table in front of her shattered, the curtains caught fire, the torches flared high. Through it all Luna’s cry of rage echoed throughout the hall.
It was with some shock she felt her sisters magic suddenly envelop her as she levitated was off the remains of her throne.

Looking up she saw the destruction that she was being carried away from.
Luna looked to her sister with an apologetic expression across her midnight blue features.
“Sorry dear ‘Tia, but when you read the scroll I think you’ll understand.”

Celestia simply nodded as she guided her sister into an antechamber that was currently bear.
Luna levitated the scroll over to her once she’d been put down.
Getting ready herself to suppress her sisters magic Luna watched.
By the time Celestia had finished reading her eyes were glowing golden yet her magic stayed contained.

“I am asking you to go to Ponyville and deal with this personally.” Celestia said to Luna. “You can raise the moon just as well there as here in Canterlot.” Luna nodded.

“I will leave as soon as I’ve eaten - worry not, I’ll leave the archaic speech here this time.” She finished with a small smile - trying to lighten the dark mood of the room.
It didn’t work. Celestia just nodded and left the room leaving Luna to make her own way down the corridors to the kitchens.


‘Ive had ENOUGH of my little pony’s being hurt!’ Celestia cried in her mind.
She decided to check just who on the Council of Tribes had pushed for the mild sentencing in the past. It was ‘only’ 30 years ago that the ruling was passed.

Stepping back into the throne room she looked about to the court nobles. Snorting she thought ‘being seen to be seen more like; oh well at least all the council members are here’ She took a deep breath before calling out in The Royal Canterlot Voice.

“THERE WILL BE A GATHERING OF THE COUNCIL OF TRIBES IN 15 MINUTES - THINE ATTENDANCE IS NOT OPTIONAL - ATTEND OR LOSE THY SEAT!” Having used the ritual speech she knew she’d guaranteed full attendance.

Turning she left the throne room and made her way to the council chamber and sat in her seat. Luna still hadn’t had her seat regranted yet, but that would change. Today.
Looking around with a hard eye she watched as nine ponies stepped in. Three of each race taking their seats.

“Princess, might I ask what prompted such a swift gathering?” Fancy Pants asked her once they were all seated.

Nodding Celestia answered the unicorn.
“It seems that not only has Fluttershy had the attempted assault, but in the past Pinkie has had far worse happen to her.” A white unicorn with a blonde mane and a compass for a Cutie-Mark spoke up.

“You gathered us all for the assault of a commoner?” her scoffed.
“BLUEBLOOD HOLD THY TONGUE!” Celestia called out, she had been losing patience with her nephew ever since the Gala where he’d mistreated Rarity he’d been getting worse - or she’d only noticed it from then.

Again with how angry she was she slipped back into the archaic modes that signalled that there would be no second chances for those stepping out of place today.

“Now, the reason I have gathered you all at such short notice, is simple, we used to have quite an . . . effective way of punishing certain crimes. Now however they are so lenient that for true justice to be delivered it has to be in the form of a royal proclamation on a case by case basis. This can not stand.”

Looking to Fancy Pants and Hoity Toity. “Your predecessors were on the council when this passed, not long after they left and you were elected in place.” Swinging her head to the left she eyed the three older Pegasi who were looking a little nervous. “You three and my Nephew over there.” Celestia indicated Blue Blood with a tilt of her head and a stern eye daring him to challenge her tone. He did not.

She continued. “Were the other three that brought the vote to bear - bringing the tally to 6 against 4 even with my vote to stop the mild sentencing. at the time I requested answers as to why - I was refused. Now I am DEMANDING” She fixed the now obviously worried pegasi with a look in her eye that reminded them she could could melt stone without even a glance.

“s - sure - surely you d - don’t need t - to bother w - with these p - petty details.” The one beige pegasus said looking towards the doorway.

Fancy Pants spoke up. “I do believe you were just issued a royal command old boy. I for one however being a member of this. . .august . . . body would like an answer as well.
Looking about he spotted that Blueblood was also looking distinctly worried.

“So, Councilor, I as a member of The Council of Tribes ask for the reason of change before my time.” This was it - the moment all truth would come out. There were specific sets of wards on this room that when certain phrases were intoned would force an answer.

Blueblood in what looked like a panic to silence the speaking pegasus fired of a bolt of lightning from his horn. Unfortunately for him he forgot about Pegasus physiology, specifically the lightning resistant part to the weather-ponies. Before anypony else in the room could react Celestia threw a shield about Blueblood trapping him and his magic as the pegasus spoke. His words enraged her.

“The ruling was passed so if those of us who used a mare as our right were caught, then we wouldn’t have to deal with such an unfair fate.”
“And Blueblood is one of those who would have done this?!” Celestia demanded feeling sick to her stomach that she was related to him in any way.

“Yes - he along with an earth pony in Manehatten had a mare the-”
“ENOUGH!” Celestia by now was barely containing the solar energy within her body - waves of magic rolling of her skin as her eyes glowed informed the council members just how close they were to being vapourised.

Thinking quickly Hoity Toity ran to the door throwing it open. “GUARDS!” he called out.
within moments a squad was running in the door.
Celestia barely containing her fury spoke in a quiet anger. “Take these four” She indicated the pegasi and Blueblood. “To the dungeons.” The guards nodded removing the indicated ponies from the room as Fancy Pants sat back down.

“Well, there’s still 5 of us here. I think it’s safe to say even without your vote highness that we would all here agree to going back to the old punishment - however I would word it something like this.

‘Henceforth, from this day anypony caught committing an act of sexual abuse or convicted of such acts - no matter when they happened shall all face the same punishment. Gelding and Branding followed by incarceration of a minimum of 20 years per act.’”

The other four councillors nodded their agreement at this as Celestia levitated over a parchment and copied down the new law before signing it along with the rest of the attending council.

Standing she swung her eyes about the room.
“I thank you for your time - now I must see about trials for the four that took part in these depraved acts.”

The rest of the council nodded before Hoity Toity spoke up. “Indeed, but we must now see about voting who to take the places of those on this council.”

“Celestia nodded and for the next hour they discussed the pro’s and con’s of the various pegasi nobles before turning their eye to Bluebloods chair.

“I believe I would like to suggest something radical for the unicorn replacement.” Fancy Pants said. Looking with a querying eyebrow Celestia nodded for him to continue.
“Well I think it would be best if we had added more voices for the common pony who can also fit in with the upper echelons of society. Therefore I submit the name of miss Rarity Diamond Belle.”

Celestia’s eyes widened in surprise at this even as she smiled in agreement. when Hoity Toity nodded his agreement she looked to the other earth ponies in the room who hadn’t said anything during the proceedings. two simply nodded and the other said “why not, I’m from Appleoosa”

Celestia was relieved at the agreements going about - especially when the other unicorn Fleur de Lys agreed. Suddenly Celestia smiled. “You know, now we’re going to have a voice for the common earth pony and unicorns respectively - I think we need a voice for the pegasi. Instead of the three high society ones why not add Captain Spitfire into the mix? she’s a common mare who knows eminently how to deal with the nobility.”

The rest of the council all nodded, now discussing which two of the shortlisted three high society Pegasi to bring in.

After all decisions had been had, scrolls written to be sent they all left. Celestia hanging back quickly penned a scroll to her sister warning her about the changes to the Council. looking about the empty room she made her way out. Looking back over her shoulder to the room she smiled to the emptiness.

It would take time, but they would right the wrongs done by the previous council members.


Luna decided to forego the use of her chariot and took to the skies. Flying always helped calm down, the wind through her feathers felt like it was washing the torment of her mind away.

As Ponyville came into sight she aimed her flight for the library gently coasting on the air currents until she was directly above spiralling down for a gentle landing in front. As she landed folding her wings she made her way past the guards and into the library.

Going straight over to the couch she took a seat next to the traumatised Pinkie Pie still being held by Applejack.

“Pinkie Pie, it’s Luna - can you talk for a minute?” Pinkie turned her head slightly to Luna and managed to meet Luna’s eyes.

When she did the fear she saw in the usually bright, bubbly bouncing pony hit her hard. She didn’t want to ask what she was about to, she knew it would cause Pinkie more pain but it was necessary.

“Pinkie - if I cast a sleep spell on you would you allow me to watch your dreams? If I do, then when you have your nightmares I will be able to get your assailants description.”

Pinkie’s lower lip trembled with the fear obviously coursing through her before she visibly steeled herself to answer.

“C - Can y-you make it s - so Apples c - can see too?” Luna nodded before she answered.
“Indeed I can Pinkie but are you sure?” Pinkie nodded before turning to look at her marefriend.
“P - please Applejack. I - I try so many times to tell you but - but I need you to see.”

Applejack closed her eyes, a tear fell from her cheek as she fought her emotions. Luna kept quiet, keeping her own emotions under control, she couldn’t show any trace of anger here or Pinkie would get worse.

“Okay Sugarcube - but know this, ah don’t care what I see - ahl always love you.”
Pinkie smiled a little, small genuine smile before leaning up to press her lips to Applejacks in a short sweet kiss before pulling away and turning back to Luna. “I’m ready Princess.” she said.

Luna nodded before instructing her to get completely comfortable.
Pinkie did this by laying down on the couch, placing her head in Applejacks lap again, holding her snuggle-blanket, while Applejack settled more into the back of the couch letting it support her weight fully.

Luna sat lay on the floor next to them, head resting on the arm of the couch closest to them before casting her spell. Quickly thinking before she closed her eyes and sent her consciousness to the dreamscape she called to Twilight to lock the library and not to let anypony disturb them until they woke up. On their own.

Looking about the dreamscape, she followed the thread of the spell she’d set to guide her to Applejack, collecting her before moving on to Pinkie’s nightmare. Steeling herself she turned to Applejack.

“Are you ready? Applejack looked back. “No, but lets go.”
Luna nodded before taking them into the nightmare, taking them to see the truth of Pinkie’s past.

A Confrontation, An Arrest and a Twist

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Applejack was glad when Luna broke the nightmare as soon as she and Applejack had seen the pony involved in Pinkie’s past, their descriptions now fixed in their minds.
Applejack’s fury coursing through her body went unchecked until a slight whimpering sound from the blanket wrapped Pinkie reached her ears.

Slowly, carefully, Applejack pulled Pinkie close, holding her steady, just being a bulwark of strength for the usual hyper pony. As the dream had continued Pinkie’s abductor had removed the blindfold from the pink pony.

He was dark tan Stallion with a black mane and a crossed hammer and nail cutie mark.
The minute that had happened Luna had forced them awake.

Applejack now looked to the Princess of The Night. “Princess, ah don’t care about any trouble ah’d get in. If’n that bastard ain’t under arrest or in a prison if’n ah catch him first. . .” Applejack couldn’t finish due to being interrupted.

“I will personally see he get’s his punishment,” Luna said, eye’s blazing with all the power of the night.
Twilight carefully approached the group with a tray full of tea levitating by her side.
“Princess?” Twilight’s questioning tone was expected yet the overtones of worry nearly drowned it out.

“I am sorry Twilight, I cannot tell you any details, if Pinkie wishes you to know she will tell you in time. For now though. Do. Not. Ask.” Luna’s tone brooked no argument. Twilight nodded setting the tea on the table near the couch as she watched Applejack comforting the pink pony.

“It’s okay Pinks, ahm here.” The farm pony whispered.
“B-b-but why did he doooo that to me! What d-d - did I do to deserve that! WHY!!!” Pinkie wailed out holding on to Applejack tightly as if she was the only being in existence.

“shhh, it weren’t your fault, you dain’t do nothin’ ya hear? it were’nt your fault.” Applejack said as Luna slowly got up and headed to the table to write.
Looking up to Twilight Applejack had a thought.
“Twi, can ya get Fluttershy here?” Twilight nodded understanding dawning in her eyes.
Turning she shot into the kitchen where Applejack knew Spike was. Moment’s later Spike was no longer in the kitchen but had run out the library and to talk to one of the guards.

Applejack felt a breeze and looked up to see the door was still open, straight into the face of a tan pony across the street. The very same Pony she’d just seen in Pinkie’s dream.
With a roar of rage she shot off the couch and out the library.
“YOU BASTARD!” Applejack screamed as she slammed into the pony.

She had expected him to be bowled over by the surprise attack, instead she felt like she’d ran into a solid steel reinforced concrete slab, bouncing off the stallion and sliding back on her rump.
“Well I’ve had mares throw themselves at me before, but I wasn’t expecting it here.” He said with a chuckle as his gaze roamed her body.

“Yeah you got a nice figure, come on an I’ll show you what a real stallion can do,” he said suggestively with a leer.
Applejack screamed out in fury and was once more about to attack when four midnight blue legs descended in front of her, blocking her path.

She realised Luna had landed in front of her and that to try get around her was an exercise in futility, so took a step back, keeping a hate filled gaze upon the stallion who’s nail and hammer cutie mark had a destiny with a branding iron. Although neither he nor Applejack knew this yet.


Rainbow had taken a brisk jog after settling Fluttershy in back home from their visits to Starsky and Scootaloo.

It was as she was looping behind Barnyard Bargains that she heard Applejacks scream, and her leisurely jog turned into a full gallop as she ran towards the sound. She knew there was very little that could incite Applejack to a true fury.

She dashed about the corner just in time to see Luna block Applejack from attacking a stallion she hadn’t seen around Ponyville before.
More telling was the two guards landing behind the stallion, whoever he was he was trouble.

She made her way to Applejacks side as the Stallion faced off against Luna neither saying a word - Luna seemingly too full of rage and him watching his surroundings with a practiced air.
“Applejack?” Rainbow said quietly.

“Whatever happens here Rainbow, don’t let that bastid in the library. He’s him what did Pinkie wrong.” Applejack grated out between her clenched teeth.
Rainbow turned to face the tan pony, fury filling her veins.
This stallion had wronged her sister, in the worst way possible, and Applejack was trusting Rainbow with Pinkie’s safety now.

Should he get past the guards, Applejack and Luna, there was no way he’d get part the Dash!
Luna finally seemed to break out her rage as she spoke in a deathly cold voice.
“you are under arrest for the crime of Rape on three separate occasions, you have the further charge of assault and battery! What is worse is the fact these crimes were all carried out to the same mare. Will you come quietly?”

Rainbow had trouble suppressing the growl in her throat as she heard the charges and prayed the tan pony tried something - injured wing or not she’d send him to the hospital.

Rainbow snorted in fury as she set her body ready for a fight as she spotted the tell tale signs of the stallion tensing his muscles ready before he turned and lashed out with a forehoof at one guard before spin drop-rolling to dodge the other who leapt for him.

“Buck - Applejack, don’t let him get too close. He’s using the Spring-Hoof way of fighting.”
Applejack nodded as she watched Luna charge her horn, and let fly with a spell as she took to the air. The earth pony somehow dodged the spell and charged forwards before suddenly being engulfed in a purple aura and lifting from the ground.

Rainbow looked behind her to see Twilight stood in the doorway of the library anger masking her features as she held the stallion in a magical grip while the guards shackled him.
As soon as he was properly restrained Twilight released her spell allowing the guards to take him away.

Rainbow nodded her thanks to Twilight as Applejack shot past and into the library where the sounds of a crying Pinkie Pie could be heard.
Rainbow followed with Luna by her side as Twilight moved out of the doorway to allow them entry.
She watched as Applejack headed straight back to the couch and pulled Pinkie’s trembling form into her arms.

“Easy Pinks, it’s okay, he’s been caught, didn’t ah tell ya we wouldn’t let him near you.” Pinkie nodded a little, to Rainbow, her blue eyes held such fear that she could only relate to the times she’d woken Fluttershy from her nightmares.

The library door opened and Fluttershy came in worry etched on her features as she went over to Pinkie, whispering too quiet to hear, seeing Applejack nod along Rainbow decided she wasn’t needed and headed over to Luna.

“Princess, what’s going to happen now?” Luna looked to Rainbow her own blue eyes full of anger.
“We shall hold a trial for that… excuse… for a pony, I do believe he is currently drawing his last breaths outside a jail, If he does not end up in jail or joining Hunting Fire I shall be surprised.”

Rainbow brought a hoof to the back of her head as she thought.
“Er Princess, sending him to work the same rock farm may be a bad idea. Do you really want Pinkie to have to face him every time she visited her parents? It’s going to be bad enough whenever me an Flutters visit if Hunting Fires in sight.” Luna blinked as the information percolated in her mind.

“Miss Dash, you are more intelligent than you like others to believe it doth see-”
“Shhh!” Rainbow cut her off hoping none of the others had noticed, she did have a reputation after all. Luna quirked her lips in a half smile as she did.
Looking back towards the couch they saw Fluttershy had been able to help Applejack calm Pinkie down and was talking again.

It wasn’t her usual hyperactive babble, but it was an improvement from earlier. Now all they needed to do was make sure that the trial went without a hitch, nopony was in any doubt should he manage to get of the charges he would soon ‘disappear’
The question would be was it the Royal Sisters, Shining Armour and Cadance or the mane six who facilitated the disappearance.


Rainbow led the way into Fluttershy’s cottage a few hours later where they noticed a package inside the post box. Pulling it free, noticing a letter there as well, Rainbow took them to the table.
“Well, which first?” Rainbow asked cocking her head to the side.

Fluttershy gave a small smile back as Angel Bunny suddenly hopped onto the table and grabbed the twine holding the paper on the larger parcel closed and untied it.
“I think the decisions been made for us.” Fluttershy giggled, as she held up the scrap of paper that showed the package was addressed to them both.

“Huh?” Rainbow said eloquently.
Fluttershy looked down to see two stacks of forms before she squeaked out “oh Rain, these are the other forms we need to fill out to adopt. Show we’re financially stable and everything.
Rainbow nodded as she pulled her stack close with a grimace.
“Joy, just what I need. More paperwork.” She grumbled, thinking on the paperwork building up in her office.

Fluttershy just smiled as she moved round the table to give Rainbow a gentle kiss.
“The sooner you get that done the better.” Fluttershy said quietly. Sighing Rainbow nodded.
“Okay, I agree there, but - can we at least have a cup of tea?” Rainbow said imploringly.

“Oh, okay.” Fluttershy answered heading into the kitchen as Rainbow started to go through the forms. She smiled her thanks as Fluttershy set a mug next to her, but otherwise carried on with the paperwork, spotting Fluttershy start hers.

When she was nearly done Rainbow looked up to Fluttershy.
“Hey Flutters, I got a question for ya. I’m stuck here until my wing mends obviously but what about after.” Fluttershy looked up with a questioning expression as Rainbow started to feel nervous.

Well you see, I’ve only lived here a couple of weeks and well… I like it much better here, I didn’t realise how lonely it was in my house. Plus Tank seems a lot happier on the ground.” She finished looking to the floor, no sign of the boisterous, brash pegasus she usually portrayed.

“Rainbow… are you asking… what I think you’re asking?” Fluttershy said quietly as Rainbow looked up, seeing the traces of hope in her eyes.
“Well, if you think I’m askin’ about movin’ in together properly then yeah.” The blue pegasus said quietly.

“Yesyesyes!” Fluttershy squeaked out tackling rainbow to the floor in her embrace.
Laughing a little Rainbow helped Fluttershy to sit up.
“I take it that you like the idea then?” Fluttershy just giggled as she nodded and went back to the last form on her table.

Three signatures from two ponies later the paper work was filled out, now all they had to do was send the forms and wait for the inspector.


A few days later Applejack woke to the crowing of the rooster and looked down to the pink bundle sleeping in her arms.
Sighing she hoped Pinkie would be okay eventually. She felt her stir and gently loosened her arms so Pinkie wouldn’t wake feeling restricted.
Slowly Applejack looked down to her beautiful blue eyes.

“Apples.” Pinkie sighed snuggling into Applejack a little.
“Mornin’ there.” Applejack said quietly before leaning down to place a small kiss on the top of Pinkie’s mane.
“How ya bearin’ up hun?” Applejack asked quietly.

Pinkies shoulders moved in what could have been a shrug.
“I’ll cope. I did before, when it first ha - happened you know.” Applejack tightened her grip a moment.
“Ah know Pinks. ah know. An iff’n you remember raght, ah said back then, when ya firs’ came to Ponyville if ya ever needed me ahd be there. ain’t nothin happened to change that.”

Pinkie sniffed and mumbled so quiet that Applejack didn’t hear her and had to ask her to repeat what she’d said.
“How, why. what did I do to them? Why did they do it? why?” Pinkie asked quietly.
Applejack just held Pinkie close as she started to cry again. Applejack wished she could take the pain away, wished she could do more.

“It weren’t your fault Pinks, just you remember that.” She told Pinkie quietly as she gently rocked the mare in her arms.
Slowly the emotional storm passed until Pinkie could look up once more with a shallow smile.
“Thanks Apples.” Applejack smiled down to Pinkie before leaning down for a quick kiss.
“Any tahm love” Applejack said quietly.

Pinkies face changed expression before she spoke.
“Oopsie, ineedthebathroomberightback!” And with that Pinkie practically disappeared out of Applejacks arms and into the little en-suite room of Applejacks room, leaving Applejack in the bed chuckling.

“The more things change the more they stay th’ same.” She mumbled as she got out the bed and straightened it.

it didn’t take too long before Pinkie Pie returned after sorting herself out and giving Applejack one of her bigger smiles.
“Soooo, what now?” Pinkie asked tilting her head to the side.
“Well Pinks, ahv got to tend mah cart today - so yeh can help out there if ya want or you can go back to working at the bakery - it’s up to you.”

Pinkie threw her forelimbs around Applejacks neck as she hugged her.
“Thank you.” Was all she said - but Applejack realised what it was. She’d said Pinkie could stay with her all day if she wanted.
Applejack knew it would take time for Pinkie to get back to her normal self but was happy to wait as long as necessary.

Gently she disentangled her from the pink ponies grip and with a small kiss made her own way to the shower.
After a short while she came back into the room to see Pinkie sat on the floor with a goofy grin on her face humming a random tune out and smiled. Yes Pinkie would be okay.


a few days later Celestia was sat on her throne looking over the latest case that she would be required to sit in on -this time it would be against the stallion who had assaulted Pinkie. Closing her eyes as she read through the scroll Luna had sent with her report the Solar Princess held her temper in once more.

It had been many a year since either she or Luna had sat in judgement of a case, and now two in less than a month. First Fluttershy’s attack and then this. Shaking her head she set the scroll down and made her way to the window to gaze across the landscape.

It would be so easy - just pass a law here, a check on this there - a simple memory sca-.
“No, I will not become a dictator - I will not give in to the power.” She said to herself sternly, she’d seen where that would lead, she would not force her sister to banish her like she had Luna.

Turning back to the table she looked over the scrolls once more before she picked them up in her magical grasp and made her way out the door and along the corridor.
Soon she came to another set of doors and stepped in. The room was a small antechamber of sorts. She made her way over to the desk and set the scrolls down before pulling a spare sheet out.

This time they couldn’t use a royal proclamation to see the punishment through - the only time they could do that was with the statements that clearly admitted guilt. With this pony the answer he gave to every question had simply been “No comment.”

Looking over the scrolls from the interrogators and Luna’s report she wrote out separate summons to the court. Luna, Pinkie, Applejack, Cup and Carrot Cake. Looking over the list she saw that was it unless they could find out where the tan pony - hard hoof - had lived, if they could get a statement from a neighbour or landlord she would be happier.

Sighing she finished writing the summons before sending them on their way, leaving the room - she would be returning back there in a week for the trial.
Now though she had a much happier task, she had received the completed forms from Rainbow and Fluttershy for the adoptions and could now send the social services ponies to asses their home.

She smiled when she thought back to learning Rainbow had moved in with Fluttershy permanently, even having her cloudhouse moved above Fluttershy’s cottage, courtesy of Discord of all beings. That had been something to see - Discord in true anger, he’d wanted to kill Hunting Fire and Fast Hoof, but Celestia had managed to calm him down. just.

He did however state that if Fast Hoof was acquitted of the charges, then he would maybe in the case of a single pony ‘revert’ to his evil, psychotic ways. Something that officially Celestia had to disapprove of, yet in private had basically told him should the others on the judging panel vote innocent, then the draconequus had free reign. Either way Fast Hoof would get justice.

Stepping outside the castle she made her way through the streets with her guards following until she made it to the appropriately named street ‘Governing Avenue’ and to the proper building.
Soon the assessment team would be dispatched and them it would only be another month, maybe two - then Fluttershy and Rainbow would be parents.

She made her way through the building until she came to the ‘Department of Foal Placements’ and knocked on the door. Not noticing the names beneath.
‘Mr & Mrs Brightlight’


Rainbow was working with fluttershy on the physiotherapy that she’d been told to do on her damaged wing, it had been nearly a month since she’d injured it saving Fluttershy and soon she would no longer need the bandages.

Fluttershy had been a very attentive physiotherapist, devouring the books and information needed to help Rainbow - fortunately for Fluttershy, most of the exercises required had been exactly the same as if Fluttershy was helping one of her downed birds.

They had just finished and Fluttershy was re-wrapping the bandage about the wing as a knock came from the door.
“Oh Angel Bunny, could you please get that.” Fluttershy asked quietly to the bunny who had been providing the weight for Rainbow to lift.

Angel Bunny saluted and quickly hopped to the door an opened it just as Rainbow called over.
“Just a minute!” to the two stood in the doorway who looked shocked at her, or rather her damaged wing.

“There, all done.” Fluttershy said before getting up and making her way over to the two stood in the doorway. “Yes can I help you s - s - sir, ma’am.” Rainbow held in a sigh as she approached the door too. Ever since the attack Fluttershy had been a little more scared around stallions. She was doing a little better now but still had a noticeable stutter.

“Good afternoon miss, we’re from the Department of Foal Placements, we’ve had a request for assessment land on our desk for two foals to be adopted at this residence.” Rainbow and Fluttershy nodded and Fluttershy invited them in.
“Would you like anything to drink?” Rainbow asked as they got settled in the living room.

The stallion shook his head as he spoke.
“No, that won’t be necessary, we don’t think this will take long, not with having the princess Celestia herself saying she looked favourably on the adoptions.” Hearing this Rainbow’s head shot up and looked at the stallion with a look of surprise.

Completely ignoring this the mare continued.
“Now as you know we are here more to asses the home and make any recommendations to the changes you would need to make - if any to be able to adopt.” Fluttershy nodded next to Rainbow starting to tremble a little.

Rainbow instinctively stretched her good wing out to wrap about the nervous pegasus, causing both the stallions and the mare’s eyebrows to raise a little but they didn’t say anything.
“Now - for introductions, I understand your names are miss Rainbow Dash and miss Fluttershy?” The stallion said looking to the form in front of him.

Rainbow nodded.
“Right, my wife and I are a team at the office, we are mr & mrs Brightlight.” Rainbow heard Fluttershy’s gasp as she felt her own face light up in remembered anger. Remembering how upset Fluttershy had been that long ago day.

“Brightlight?” Fluttershy whispered. The stallion nodded again looking at them with a questioning gaze. “Yes.”
“Brightlight from faircloud avenue?!” Fluttershy’s voice rose with the anger in her voice.
The stallion’s jaw dropped at this as the mare asked in shock.

“We haven’t lived there for over a year how did you- “ She stopped as Fluttershy stood glaring at the two, rage across her face.
“Take a good long look at me. then go to page three of that form. . .” Was all she said as Rainbow stood next to her.

The two did, taking in the curl of her mane, the aquamarine eyes and yellow fur before the mare gasped, face paling. Quickly she tore the form from the stallion and flipped over the pages to see Fluttershy’s last name.

“My baby…” sighed out the mare looking at Fluttershy, immediately getting up to go to her - Fluttershy immediately backing away.
“NO! GET OUT!” Fluttershy shouted rushing out the room and up the stairs, quickly followed by the door slamming.

Rainbow could feel the anger burning within as she moved to block the stairs.
“I think you should leave and send somepony else to finish the assessment.” Rainbow growled out.
“But she’s my daughter - let me go to her.” Mrs. Brightlight tried to demand.

Rainbow shook her head snorting.
“No. You gave up that right - I was there that day you left her. I held her as she cried in my arms. YOU said she was a drain - a BURDEN! How dare you, and now, you - you sit in judgement of OTHERS? YOU decide who can ADOPT?!” Rainbow by now had her good wing flared out and had braced her rear hooves against the stairs.

“Look here, you don’t understand.” Mr. Brightlight said gruffly.
“We were going to come back and get her one day - why do you think she was never adopted, we blocked them, then-”

“WHAT! YOU STOPPED HER BEING ADOPTED! YOU CRUEL, SICK UNDER BRAINED HORSEAPPLES!! GET OUT! GET OUT NOW!” Rainbow screamed at them moving purposefully forwards towards them.

“Now see here, you can’t order me out this house - it’s my daughter’s not your home.” Mrs. Brightlight said with aplomb before trying to maneuver around Rainbow.
“You will get out and stay away from my marefriend!” Rainbow growled.

“M - m - marefriend?” Mr Brightlight stammered out going pale. “Yes. You got a problem with that?” Rainbow challenged.
“No daughter of mine will be a fillyfooler!” He shouted going to push past when a voice from the doorway shouted “STOP!” causing them all to freeze.


Fluttershy ran up to her room in tears before she slammed the door.
Pacing the room she didn’t know what to do, Rainbow couldn’t hold them off forever and soon her parents would be on their way up.

“oh what do i do, what do I do?” she mumbled looking around the bedroom when her gaze settled on an old photograph. It was of her and the girls having a picnic - sat next to her was Twilight.

“That’s it!” She squeaked out running to her bedroom balcony and taking off, she flew faster than she had ever flown before coming to land in front of the library before hammering on the door.
Twilight opened the upper half with a questioning look.

“Twilight...hurry my place, Rainbow will need help! The adoption assessors are my parents. My REAL parents!” She cried out.

“WHAT? Come on!” Twilight threw the other door open and took to the air, Fluttershy close behind. A few minutes later they landed in front of the cottage and opened the door just as Mr. Brightlight made his statement about Fluttershy being Rainbow’s marefriend.
Twilight took a deep breath and shouted out for them all to stop.

Stepping in Fluttershy followed behind her and made her way around the room to Rainbows side as Twilight interposed herself between them and Fluttershy’s parents.

“Your highness!” Mrs Brightlight exclaimed as she and Mr Brightlight bowed.
“First off sit down.” Twilight commanded in a tone rarely heard from her that had the two assessors scrambling to comply while Fluttershy and Rainbow carefully made their way to the other couch.

“Now - Mr Brightlight, I am going to pretend I didn’t hear your statement when I first came through the door as Fluttershy is like a sister to me. You will not say or treat her with disrespect again. Clear?” Mr Brightlight nodded.

“Good. Now,” Fluttershy watched as Twilight turned to Rainbow who was still trembling with the contained rage. “Rainbow, I’ve known you for a few years now, what’s got you so angry?” Twilight asked in a more kindlier tone to her friends.

Rainbow quietly explained what she’d been told about Fluttershy’s failed adoptions. Twilight’s eyes narrowed as she did this as Fluttershy fell against Rainbow in shock.

She couldn’t have heard that right, Fluttershy hadn’t been adopted as her parents had used their position to block it. Feeling her eyes welling up she looked to her parents.
“Get out - you are no parents of mine!” Fluttershy cried out before turning and collapsing against Rainbow sobs wracking her body.


Twilight watched as Fluttershy’s emotions got the better of her before she turned and glared at the two in front of her.
“You heard her. OUT! and leave the adoption forms. We’ll find other assessors.” Mr Brightlight however proved not to be that bright as he stood.

“Fluttershy get away from her! You’re a member of our family I will not have you dishonouring it! You will leave this mare and find a gentecol-”

“SILENCE!” Twilight commanded her horn flaring as she saw Fluttershy’s body shake with more sobs as she clung to Rainbow.

Twilight levitated the forms behind her so they were now next to Fluttershy on the couch before she turned back to Mr & Mrs Brightlight.
“Leave. Now.” She commanded pointing with her hoof out the door.

Seeing that they had lost the confrontation the Brightlights left, unfortunately they both had parting comments as they left that tore fresh cries from Fluttershy.
“Such a disgrace, no daughter of mine.” From mr Brightlight, and “Shame to the family name, are you sure she’s mine?” From the mare, both out the door and taking to the air as twilight slammed the door shut with her magic.

Turning the sight she saw tore at her heart. Rainbow had a completely broken looking fluttershy in her arms and looked completely lost as what to do, her eyes betraying her concern.
Twilight moved to the couch, sending the forms to the table as she sat next to the couple. Gently running a hoof through Fluttershy’s hair.

“It’s okay, Fluttershy it’s okay.” Twilight whispered quietly, already composing her next letter to the princesses. This one would be to Luna as well.
She stayed there as Fluttershy cried, knowing she couldn’t do much.

*Knock-Knock* Came from the door to the three’s surprise. Rainbow nodded for Twilight to get it as she still had a very upset Fluttershy in her arms. Going to the door Twilight opened it to see Rarity stood there.

“Oh Twilight, I didn’t expect you here darling. Fluttershy was late for our weekly spa session and...” She cut herself off as Twilight’s face dropped and she stepped to one side letting Rarity see inside.

“Oh my stars, whatever happened?” Rarity gasped trotting over to the couch as Twilight closed the door.
It took a few hours to fully explain everything, but by that time Fluttershy had thankfully calmed down some.

“Flutters, it’s okay - remember the Pie family. As far as they’re concerned they’re family now.” Rainbow whispered quietly before kissing Fluttershy on her snout.
A small smile graced the visibly upset pegasus as she snuggled against Rainbow nodding.
Twilight looked towards Rarity.

“So - don’t you have an account with ‘solar brightlight adoptions’? The agency that Celestia was going to use?” Rarity nodded, a glimmer in her eye.
“I believe I used to, I also believe I shall let my dear friend Fancy Pants know what they have done.” Twilight nodded. “I’m going to write the princesses I believe they would like to know about this.”

“Er Twi?” Rainbow piped up causing her to look over to where Fluttershy had passed out against her. “Will we still be okay to adopt?” Twilight nodded.”I’ll make sure of it.”
With that Twilight got up and made her way to the door Rarity following.

They both had letters to write.

Consequences, adoption issues and future plans

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The sun shone in Fluttershy’s room landing across Rainbow’s eyes as she groaned awake, She had spent a long time the previous day calming Fluttershy down from the visit from her parents. She snorted when she thought of the trouble those two were about to have.


Luna barely held her temper in check as she and Celestia strode up to the Solar Brightlight Adoptions office and slammed the main door open startling the receptionist.
“My apologies, but we require a word with mr & mrs Brightlight. Now.” Celestia’s tone brooked no argument as she made her way towards the door that lead to their office, the receptionist rushing ahead to announce them.

“...Are they doing here?!” mr Brightlight’s voice was heard to ask as the two princesses made their way inside the room.
“Ah, mr Brightlight - I had a disturbing letter from my protegé last night. Would you care to explain how you came to treat a mare I class as a close friend like dirt? no? okay, care to explain why you blocked all adoption attempts for her yet never went back for her?” By the time she was finished Celestia’s tone was cold, so cold that Luna had to double check that it was the princess of the sun next to her.

As she saw the hard visage on her sisters face Luna decided to simply be an imposing figure with a glare to the two in the office that she couldn’t match even in her time as nightmare moon.

Mr Brighltlight seemed to shrink under the dual gaze of the reigning monarchs of Equestria, his wife however didn’t seem to notice the trouble that they were in as she started to reply.
“How dare you! You barge into OUR business and you DARE accuse - “

SILENCE!” Celestia’s call in the Royal Canterlot voice echoed throughout the room, flaring her wings while bringing a hoof to stomp the ground.
“As of this day forth you are out of business. Any ongoing adoptions will be dealt with by me personally and those that haven’t happened yet will now come under the purview of the Moon and Sun Adoption agency” She finished with a withering glare.

Luna took this moment to step forwards and spoke in a cold voice that the suns heat couldn’t melt.

“What’s more, thou are to be removed from thy premises here and leave. Thy severance pay should be enough to set you up elsewhere, but know this - Thou wilt not be allowed another adoption agency posting. Furthermore thou shalt NOT go near Fluttershy again. Is. That CLEAR!”

The two ponies in the room had paled considerably beneath their coats before Celestia stepped aside from the doorway and spoke.
“You may go.”

Mr & Mrs. Brightlight needed no other urgings and fled the building.


Fluttershy leaned into Rainbow taking comfort in her presence as she stirred when the cyan mare snorted.
“Rainbow?” She asked as she blinked, gazing up to her beautiful magenta orbs.
“Tell me it was a d - dream. Please” Fluttershy whispered out, not wanting to believe the day before had happened.

She felt Rainbows wing drape across her as the weathermare held her close.
“”Sorry flutters, I won’t lie to you, but I will promise you this, we will have that family. I promise, Scootaloo and Starsky, Twilight promised that she'd make sure we were still safe to."

The feeling of hope this raised couldn't be suppressed, nor did Fluttershy wish too, she simply let herself be comforted by the presence of the mare next to her.

Slowly as the room brightened Fluttershy came to a conclusion, no matter what the world threw at her she could, and would survive - she had her Rainbow next to her and her friends support behind her.
Smiling at this she gently extricated herself from the bed.

Today was a new day.


Rainbow watched as Fluttershy left to get herself tidied up before getting out the bed herself and going to retrieve the post. Picking it up she sorted into the two piles of hers and Fluttershy’s.

“Bill, junk, letter from Princess Luna, weather - wait what?” Rainbow said to herself as she sorted through them.

Quickly she tore open the letter from Princess Luna and started to read.

Capt. R. Dash

I am writing to inform thee that construction on the new base for the Shadow Bolts is nearing completion. I would be grateful if thou could arrange to be available to meet tonight to go over what will be expected of thee in thy role of Captain of this unit.

Also pursuant to thine suggestion I have added a miss. Derpy to one of the pre-slots, this means that including thyself, there are now 6 spaces provisionally filled. I have decided that 6 will now be the standard squad instead of the original 9 planned. If thou doth disagree with this decision, and feel thou doth have valid arguments to up the numbers I will be happy to listen to them this evening.

Signed: Princess Luna

Rainbow felt her eyes widen at this, she had originally been considering how to approach the Princess into lowering the number’s to the Shadow Bolts considering what their main function outside a display squad would be.

She couldn’t hide the smile as she realised that she wouldn’t need to worry anymore.
Looking back to the pile of letters she saw one addressed to both her and Fluttershy with a seal that she didn’t recognise, it was as if someone had cut the moon in half and replaced one side with half a sun.

Deciding to wait until Fluttershy was ready to read it with her she set that one back on the table before heading in the kitchen to prepare hot drinks. She had just finished when she heard Fluttershy’s gentle humming coming from the living room.

Smiling Rainbow went back through with the drinks and placed a short kiss on Fluttershy’s cheek as she sat next to her.
“Hey Flutters, d’you think we can leave the bandages off yet? I’d like to take a shower without a plastic bag over my wing.” Rainbow asked quietly.

Fluttershy’s face looked thoughtful for a moment. “Let me check something and I’ll let you know.” Fluttershy said as she got up and went over to the bookshelf, pulling down one of the thicker books she’d acquired since the fight in the alley.

quickly she turned the pages before stopping at what she was after. Reading through a couple of times Fluttershy seemed to nod before putting the book away.
“Let’s have our drinks and then I’ll check.” Fluttershy said coming back to the table. Rainbow nodded as she slid the sealed envelope to the two of them over to Fluttershy.

“Who, who could be writing to us both?” Fluttershy asked quietly.
Rainbow simply shrugged as she answered. “Beats me, I just didn’t feel right opening it on my own like.” Fluttershy gave her a little smile at that.
“Thanks Rain.” Fluttershy answered as she opened the envelope and set the letter between them so they could both read it.

To miss Brightlight & miss Dash,

We here at Sun and Moon adoption agency have been tasked with taking over any ongoing placements from Solar Brightlight Adoptions.

Due to the unexpected consequences of the above named agency closing down we would like to request to send our own inspector tomorrow morning at 11:00, we hope at the end of their visit it should take no more than two months for the requested foal and filly placements should all go well.

Thank you for your time,
Sun & Moon Adoption Agency

Rainbow looked up to see Fluttershy had a hopeful look to her features, a look that had been missing since her parent’s had briefly re-entered her life. It was a look of hope that Starsky and Scootaloo would be able to come and live with them.


Fluttershy looked back to Rainbow seeing her own hopes reflected in her magenta orbs and suddenly shot forwards to wrap Rainbow up in a tight embrace.

She felt Rainbows arms come about her as well, feeling the love and support she was getting from Rainbow could help her get through anything.
Gently breaking the embrace Fluttershy placed a tender loving kiss on Rainbows lips before backing away.

“Come on Rainbow, I need to check your wing.” She said quietly before leading the way to the couch for Rainbow to lie down on.

Gently she had Rainbow lift her wing so she could remove the bandages, shortly after Fluttershy was checking the wing for any trace of the break, if there was still a noticeable swelling then the bandages would go straight back on. Fortunately for Rainbow there wasn't.

"Go on Rainbow, I'll get breakfast ready." She said quietly. Rainbow nodded, a small smile on her muzzle.

While Rainbow was up in the shower Fluttershy prepared a simple daffodil and daisy toasted sandwich each for them.


The sound coming from the front door made Fluttershy squeak as she jumped, turning she made her way to it.
"Wh - who is it?" She called out nervously.
"It's Derpy, miss Fluttershy." The mailmares voice sounded through the door.

Opening the door a crack Fluttershy peeked out to see it indeed was Derpy.
With a smile she opened her door fully. "Can I help you?" She asked.
Derpy looked nervously to the ground and Fluttershy at the same time.

"C - can I come in please?" Smiling Fluttershy stepped back letting the grey mare in, turning to see Rainbow just coming down the stairs.
"Derpy can you take a seat a moment, I just need to put Rainbows bandages on okay?" Fluttershy asked. Nodding Derpy trotted over to the couch and sat while Fluttershy helped Rainbow before the two went back over to her.

"So what's up?" Rainbow asked. Looking to the floor Derpy sighed.
"I - I need help. I - I've been o - offered a new job, but I d - don't think I c - can do it."
Fluttershy smiled as she sat on the couch next to Derpy indicating Rainbow to do the same the other side.

As they sat Rainbow spoke up.
"So ya got your ShadowBolts invite then?" Derpy's head shot round to look Rainbow in the eye, well an eye and the wall next to her. Shocked she blurted out. "How did you know?"

"Well duh? Who else would Luna pick to captain the team?" Rainbow asked with her usual brash confidence. Fluttershy managed to stifle her laugh as Derpy's mouth dropped open in shock.

"But I'm a bad flyer. Nopony would wanna fly with me!" Derpy practically shouted, bringing her wings round to hide her face.
"Hey hey hey, stop that." Rainbow said with a gentle tone before she continued to speak.
“I’ve been told by someone I trust that when you’re not all that nervous of other ponies about you that you’re quite the flier. We just need to work on your confidence okay?”

Derpy’s wings had halted at the start of Rainbows words, by the time they were finished she had them back to her sides, a shy smile on her muzzle.
“Do - do you really think you can help?” Rainbow nodded. “Sure, first things first, after school bring Dinky to the south field where I practice, I’ll keep an eye on her while you show me a couple of basic flight moves. I’m gonna build up your ‘pony exposure’ after a week, I’ll have a couple o’ the girls and Fluttershy join me, and it’ll go on like that until you’re fine in the air. I promise.”

The look of hope in the forlorn eyes of derpy would have melted stronger hearts than Rainbows, looking to Fluttershy quickly and getting a quick nod in return, the two moved to give the mail mare a gentle hug.
“We’ll help you.” Rainbow said quietly, and made a silent promise to her that even if it took until after the team was upgraded to active status, Derpy would never lose her place on it.

“Th - thank you.” Derpy whispered out, her voice too choked to say much more.
With a final squeeze Rainbow and Fluttershy let her go.
“I - i got a few more letters to deliver, I’ll see you later.” Derpy said quietly. Rainbow nodded and followed her to the door.
Watching as Derpy opened her wings in front of the house she saw a couple of feathers ruffle.
“Hey Derpy, just remember, I have confidence in ya.” At these words the wings stilled, before they shot down with tremendous force launching Derpy into the air.

Smiling Rainbow closed the door and turned back to her marefriend. They had another couple of hours before they were due at the barracks, She made her way back to the couch where Fluttershy had lay back on, all four limbs in the air, her head resting on the armrest eye's closed.
Chuckling Rainbow made her way to look down at Fluttershy’s upside down face, leaning down to give her a slow, love filled kiss, there were worse ways to pass the time.


Applespark had slowly made his way into the schoolhouse that morning with Applebloom, the nerves he was feeling making him unsure as to whether he should be there.
Over the day the lessons had gone well as the bell went for leaving. He was sat between Applebloom and Sweetie Belle who Applebloom had introduced him to earlier, she was the prettiest filly he’d ever thought he’d seen.

Then there was the orange filly Scootaloo, she was the living embodiment of insanity on that scooter of hers he thought. The way as soon as the school came into view she’d shot forwards, wings buzzing aiming at a plank of wood that was elevated one end towards the fence and launching herself over it.

Mental. Just mental he thought. And then there was his cousin Applebloom, she was the sweetest, kindest filly he knew, She was more like a sister to him than the cousin she truly was. He’d had a really bad nightmare last night and she had been the only one who had been able calm him down after it as, when he’d woken up, he thought he was still in the orphanage.


Applespark looked about, he recognised this place, this was the punishment room in the orphanage where you were brought if you had earned the wrath of one of the… minders.
He span around trying to get out in time to no avail as the door was kicked closed by a cruel looking earth pony stallion.

Breathing hard he span round and ran for the corner, until he stumbles to a stop, looking over his shoulder he saw the stallion had stood on his tail.
“Don’t think I didn’t see you givin’ that runt your bread - he lost his food privileges for the day. You were all told.” He growled at the foal. Next thing Applespark knew was pain, it exploded across his back - looking over he saw the stallion holding a whip.
“maybe this will teach you!” As the stallion spoke he brought the whip down again, Applespark felt the skin on his back break and screamed.


“ARRGH! PLEASE STOOO-OOP!” Applesparks voice echoed through the farmhouse in the early hours of the morning, Applebloom shot out her bed running down the corridor, seeing her big brother and sister approaching from the other end.

Applejack had been the first one in his room, Applebloom managed to just get in ahead of Big Mac and watched as Applejack ran up to the thrashing Applespark.
“Sparks, c’mon kid wake up.” Applejack said, gently shaking his shoulder when he gasped, eyes shooting open, dilated in fear.

Applejack went to hug him when he shot off the bed. “NO!” He cried, curling up in the corner, Applejack looked over with tears in her eyes.
Big Mac tried to approach, yet after only taking one step Applespark screamed in terror and shot from the corner of the room, diving under the bed.

Applejack Knelt down, to try talk to him, when he backed up to the wall where the bed leant against. Hoping she could help, Applebloom moved forwards, resting a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder.
The orange farmpony turned to look at the little filly, seeing the need to help in her golden eyes she nodded, backing up to give her room to crawl underneath.

As she did she saw Applespark trembling as he curled up tightly about himself, eyes wide with fright as she slid closer to him.
“shh Sparkie, it’s me, lil’ Applebloom, you’re at Sweet Apple Acres. Ya don’ have’ta go to no orphanage no more, you’re safe.” She said quietly, trying to keep her voice steady as her own tears threatened to fall.

What had those monsters done to him? Her family wouldn’t tell her the details, just that he’d had it really bad, that he’d been hurt a lot.
Seeing him like this Applebloom couldn’t help but wish ill on those ponies that had done this to her cousin.

Slowly she edged closer until she was right next to him, carefully, almost like he was made out of porcelain she slid her little arm about his shivering shoulders and held him.
His breathing seemed to slow a little as sense came back into his eyes before, with a heartrending wail he cried into Appleblooms shoulder, harsh, painful sounding sobs being torn from his body.

It took over an hour for him to calm down enough to crawl out from under the bed, Applebloom stayed with him through it all. When he got back in bed she turned to head back to her own room when he called out, catching her attention as choked out.
“Stay… please. I - i don’ wanna be alone.” His eyes shining with desperation. Looking quickly to the door she saw Applejack nod before she turned and got up ontop of the bed.
“Okay.” She said quietly.


Applespark looked to Applebloom as she sat down on the bench outside, deciding to join her and her friends he sat with them. The three filly’s smiling as he did. He was among family and friends. He just needed to take one day at a time. looking about he saw Applejack waiting at the gate for them along with Lyra for Scootaloo and Rarity for Sweetie Belle.
Yes, he hadn’t had the best of lives so far, but he knew now, things would get better, he was home.


Rainbow led the way to the building that was housing the foals from the orphanage, Fluttershy a few paces behind. She still got jumpy around a strange stallion, to the point where on their walk over here, they had crossed to the other side of the road five times.

Rainbow shook her head at her thoughts, it could have been five hundred and she wouldn’t care, in the short time that they had officially been together Fluttershy had become her world. Stepping in she looked about trying to spot Starsky, she soon saw him sat on his cot, facing away from the door, head low as his shoulders shook when he held in a sob.

Quickly turning she nudged Fluttershy on the shoulder and pointed him out to her, almost instantly Fluttershy was making her way over to him, her face full of concern, Rainbow a scant step behind her. As they got closer, they saw a piece of parchment on the floor along with an envelope dated and timed the afternoon after Fluttershy’s birth parents had visited.

While Fluttershy went to gather Starsky in a gentle embrace, letting him cry against her Rainbow picked up the letter and started to read, the further she read, the more her anger flared, the letter was dated the same afternoon that Fluttershy’s parents had visited, the letter read.

Dear mr Starsky

Pursuant to article five of the foal and filly services placement charter we at Solar Brightlight Adoptions are writing to inform you that at this time we are unfortunately denying a miss Fluttershy Brightlight’s request to adopt.

We have blocked this measure as we do not feel that you would be raised in a good and wholesome environment in her care due to the lifestyle in which she leads with her partner a miss Rainbow Dash.

At this time we at Solar Brightlight Adoptions have a blanket policy concerning placements, a foal, filly or colt must go to a home with two ponies, one with both a stallion and a mare. We do not feel it is right for a youngling to be raised in any other environment.

Mr Brightlight & Mrs Brightlight
Solar Brightlight Adoption Agency

Hearing Starsky’s cries against Fluttershy was the only thing that helped Rainbow to pull her temper in as she turned to see him cradled in the caring yellow arms and wings of Fluttershy.

“Hey Starsky it’s gonna be okay.” Rainbow said quietly moving to sit near them.
His face lifted a little looking towards her with a forlorn look in his eye, like all hope had been crushed.

“Look kid, after they came to visit us to see about the adoptions we found something out,” She paused to look at Fluttershy catching her eye, silently asking to continue, when Fluttershy’s teal met Rainbows magenta she nodded. Smiling slightly Rainbow turned back to Starsky.

“You see, the people turned out to be Fluttershy’s real mom and dad, but they really didn’t like the fact that Fluttershy and I are… well… together if ya know what I mean?” Starsky nodded a little, sniffling.

“Now when they reacted like that, Fluttershy went an’ got Princess Twilight, she immediately wrote the princesses at Canterlot and they stopped all decisions made by the Brightlight’s the very next morning.” Starsky’s eyes that had held nothing but despair a moment ago now held the faint glimmers of hope.

“Your case, along with all the other orphans here is now being handled by a new agency called the Moon and Sun Adoption agency. They have promised that providing that our home matches the requirements now, that we will get to adopt ya.”

The tears now falling from the little one were tears of happiness, Rainbow moved closer and moved her good wing to join Fluttershy’s wings in cocooning him, she had to fight really hard not to let her own tears fall as she heard him quietly ask.
“C - can I call you both mummy?” Fluttershy wasn’t as successful as she gave a little sob and leaned down to kiss him on the top of his head.

“Y - yeah kid.” Rainbow said, her voice somewhat strained with held in emotion, yet she could feel that she had the biggest smile on her face. she spent the next hour with Fluttershy helping Starsky to understand how to properly care for his wings, she had spotted the drab look to his feathers when they arrived. He’d been free of his bandages a couple of days but it seemed nopony had taught him proper feather care.

Looking up she saw the time and turned back to the two.
“Hey, i gotta go for a bit, I need to go and take a look at the new ShadowBolts base, okay?” Starsky nodded and suddenly jumped forwards wrapping his short arms about one of her legs.
Carefully so as not to scare him she leaned down and gently pulled him in with her free hoof.

Letting go she saw Fluttershy also getting up.
“I’ve got to meet with Rarity.” the canary coated pegasus said quietly, sitting low on the floor pulling Starsky into one last hug.
“Now you be good while we’re gone. I’ll see you tomorrow okay little one?” Fluttershy said.
Starsky nodded and got back on to his cot, lying down for a nap.
Smiling Rainbow pulled the blanket up about him as Fluttershy gave him one last little kiss on the forehead.

As they made their way outside and off the base Fluttershy leaned into Rainbows side, smiling as she felt Rainbow’s wing draping over her back.
“Come on, I’ll walk you too Rarities, it’s on my way.” Rainbow said quietly, guiding Fluttershy down the road until they were just outside the boutique.

“See you later at home?” Rainbow asked quietly.
“Mmm hmm.” Fluttershy answered in the affirmative, giving Rainbow a quick kiss on the cheek before slipping from her side and heading up the path to Rarity’s front door, glancing over her shoulder once to see Rainbow already heading off to the new base.


Fluttershy made her way up to Rarity’s boutique, she had received a message asking for her to visit as soon as possible. Wondering what the fuss was all about she made her way inside.
“Ah, Fluttershy darling, thank you for coming.” Rarity said coming around the table.

“I - it’s fine.” Fluttershy said quietly, hiding behind her mane. She took a moment to look about and couldn’t help but wonder why all the model stands were hidden behind screens.
Would you care for a cup of tea?” Rarity asked, pulling her attention back.
“Oh that would be lovely, if you don’t mind.” Fluttershy said, following Rarity into the sitting room.

Rarity invited her to take a seat while she went to get the drinks, coming back a short time later with Fluttershy’s favourite mug.
It was one that Rainbow had given her years ago at the orphanage - it was one of those paint yourself kit’s that had a childlike impression of her and the blue pegasus flying, beneath them were the words “Friends now & forever”

Settling back into the couch she looked to Rarity with a questioning gaze.
“So I’m guessing you would like to know why I asked you here?” Rarity said with a slight tilt to her head. Fluttershy simply bobbed her head in the affirmative.
“Well darling, I need to be sure your measurements haven’t changed since I took them two years ago - I have several dress designs ready for the charity show, and would like your opinion on them as well before I finalise their sizes.

Fluttershy nodded, a small smile about her face, she was no where near the fashionista Rarity was, but she loved talking about the designing and creating of clothes.
“Oh - okay.” Rarity smiled before she continued.
“Oh and I have contacted Photo Finish, she will be here next month taking a few promotional shots for the flyers. When she heard why you had offered to do one more show, she waived her fee’s, and has said she will get in touch with some pony’s in Canterlot and Manehatten to be sure that the charity event is a success.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help the smile on her face, here were ponies going out their way to help her make the show go ahead with minimal troubles.
Taking a sip of her tea Fluttershy looked back towards the ‘work room’ before nodding her head. She smiled as Rarity got up and asked her to follow.

Once they were in the work room she moved to stand by Rarity who’s horn had lit up, surrounding the screens with a gentle blue aura.
Are you ready for this?” Rarity asked quietly, Fluttershy nodded. With a quick swish the screens were removed.

Fluttershy held in her gasp as she saw the three dresses that were already done.
The first one was a light blue silk affair, with silver thread trimmings and a delicate furl edging.
The second was one that matched her hair perfectly, moving closer she saw the slightly darker thread woven throughout gave the impression of tiny butterflies flying through the wind.
The last dress she saw didn’t seem to be one single colour, the material seemed to shimmer all the colours of the rainbow as it moved, she couldn’t see where any threading had been used, yet that seemed to add to it’s perfection.

These three dresses alone would be bringing in a fortune to the orphans fund, turning she smiled at Rarity with thanks in her eyes.
“Rarity, I . . . I . . . You didn’t have to do this, I thought . . . i . . oh” She couldn’t finish her words, she could have sworn that she was only going to be modeling some of the standard dresses, but to create these from what looked to be priceless materials.

Rarity it seemed understood what she was trying to say as she stepped a little closer to Fluttershy.
“Think nothing of it darling, the minute I told Fancy Pants what you were doing he sent these materials down, refusing to accept any bits for them. He himself will be at the show bidding for the finished items along with many others.” Fluttershy nodded before she spoke once more.

“Oh thats great. Now all I need to do is organise the stage, music, catering and seating for the guests. Oh I need to see about getting a couple of acts in to entertain the crowd, and…”
She was stopped from her ramblings at Rarity’s chuckle.
“Fluttershy dear you don’t need to worry about any of that. You honestly don’t realise how many ponies you’ve touched with your kindness do you?”

Blinking a moment Fluttershy shook her head.
“Well let see, we’ve got DJ-Pon3 for the late part of the show, Octavia Philharmonic and the strings from the Royal Canterlot Orchestra at the start, and when the show has it’s mid show break we’ve got Sapphire Shores coming in to do a few songs.”

Fluttershy could feel her mouth drop in shock at this before Rarity continued.
“The Wonderbolts have agreed to do a show starting display, and I believe you have already got the ShadowBolts debut scheduled.” Picking up a letter off the side in her grasp she showed it to Fluttershy as she continued.

“We have Photo Finish doing the photography as you know, and aside from yourself I have got two guest models coming in as a surprise. and finally Hoity Toity has also said he will be bringing a selection of garments to auction off as well. Finally, the ponies of Ponyville are all pitching in to help, as for venue, Sapphire has loaned us the use of her stage, which Applejack has agreed can be set up in the south field that’s been left to fallow”
Gently she guided the shocked pegasus back to the couch.

“Bu -but why do they all want to help me - I’m nopony important.” Fluttershy said quietly.
Shaking her head Rarity spoke.
“You darling are one of the best ponies I have ever had the good fortune to meet. Every time you’ve helped a pony you didn’t recognise stories of your kindness have travelled - that you don’t treat the celebrity crowd any different to any other pony has really endeared you to them. They want to help because of who you are.”

Fluttershy by this time had retreated behind her mane.
“O - okay.” She stuttered out as the clock chimed the late hour. Glancing to it Fluttershy got up.
“I’m sorry Rarity but I have to go.”
Rarity nodded and got up to walk her to the door, opening it Fluttershy saw Rainbow just walking up the path.

Smiling she went to meet her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.
“lets go home.” Fluttershy said quietly moving to Rainbows side, looking back over her shoulder she saw a smiling Rarity closing her door. Turning back to watch where she was going she made the slow walk home with her marefriend, just enjoyed each others quiet company on the walk.

Base and Interlude

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Chapter 12: Base and Interlude

Rainbow trotted through Ponyville, looking to the sky desperate to just open her wings and soar.
Unfortunately, even if her wing survived, she doubted she would be able to stand the look of hurt in her marefriends face. She had promised Fluttershy that for once she would take things steady, and she wasn’t going break her word.

She soon came to the edge of the town where she saw the building work had nearly finished, going up to the guardsmare on the gate she introduced herself.
“Hiya, Rainbow Dash, Captain of the newly formed Shadow Bolts.” at the same time she recognised the mare as the one whom she’d introduced to Fluttershy back at the barracks, so crossed her eyes and stuck her tongue out at her.

Chuckling the Guardsmare spoke.
“Scamp, go on in - they’re waiting for you.” Rainbow nodded her thanks and and trotted in, head turning every which way as she tried to take it all in.

On her left was a long building that seemed to be split into six colours, each colour having it’s own large bay window facing east.
Ahead she saw a long wooden building that seemed to go the length of the yard, bisecting this was a small tower, with windows running around a saucer-like top.
On the right were two more buildings that she didn’t have a clue for their purpose.

In the middle of the yard stood Princess Luna along with Spitfire.
Feeling a little nervous with the pony next to Luna she walked up before standing to attention as she was taught in Spitfire’s academy. Rainbow couldn’t think of it as the Wonder Bolts academy not with Spitfire in charge.

Going up to them she delivered a precision salute as in her own eyes now she was ‘On Duty’ and from the way Spitfire and Luna were holding themselves it appeared they were of the same mindset.
“At ease captain” Princess Luna spoke before indicating she should follow. Nodding Rainbow fell in next to Spitfire.

“So Rookie, hows it feel to be in my shoes?” Spitfire asked quietly as they followed Luna to a long building that had windows at regular intervals.
“Permission to speak freely?” Rainbow asked, well aware that although they were touring this base for her, she had to be professional at all times.
Luna nodded her permission so Rainbow turned to Spitfire to answer her question, allowing herself to show the truth of what she was about to say.

“To be honest with you, I’m really nervous. I know outside of the Wonderbolts training camps I’m a bit of a braggart,” She stopped a moment at Spitfires eloquent expression. “Okay, a lot of one, but I’ve never been responsible for five ponies from their health, training and all the other things you do, how do I know I’ll do a good job?” Rainbow finished worrying at her lower lip between her teeth.

“That right there rookie, is why.” Spitfire shot back. “you don’t automatically assume you’re the best for the job, sure I bet you acted like it in front of your friends - but I know you as Recruit Dash, and I know you would already be seriously thinking of how to do the best job you can.” Spitfire said.

“On top of that, you’ve had plenty of practice on training for yourself, all you need to do,” Spitfire grimaced at this point. “Is get other ponies to understand why they need to train as hard as you do. It’s very rare at the WonderBolts academy that we get a pony in who trains above than what’s expected.” Rainbow nodded.

“Yeah, talking about training, how do you take a pony who’s one of the best fliers in equestria, when they’re on their own, but because they get so nervous around other ponies, they actually forget how to fly properly?” At her words both Luna and Spitfire stopped and looked at Rainbow with slight disbelieving expressions. A pegasus who forgot how to use their wings?

As they had got to the building Spitfire leaned against the wall sighing as she rubbed her forehead with a hoof.
“Okay Rookie, break it down for us.” she commanded. Rainbow nodded as she spoke.
“Well we all know Derpy’s reputation, I’m sure it’s even reached you guys in Canterlot.” Spitfire blinked a moment as she nodded.

“Sure, the clumsiest pegasus there ever was, she’s a running joke in the team - someone makes a mistake or trips they’ve ‘pulled a Derpy’...” her words trailed off at the look of anger on Rainbow’s face. Anger tinged with...regret?
“Rookie, calm down. NOW!” Spitfire snapped out. Rainbow blinked momentarily before sighing.

“Sorry Captain, Princess.” Rainbow said nodding to them both. “It’s just *sigh* Derpy is an excellent flier - but because of how she’s been tormented all her life,” The last three words were said with some heat.

“Because of that, she gets so nervous around other pony’s knowing they’re watching her, judging her, that she gets clumsy, has an accident and draws more attention to herself. You can see where I’m going with this. What’s worse, is because of how bad it is for her, she once thought I hated her, when all I was trying to do was have a laugh with her.”

She slumped to the ground as she looked dejectedly to the floor. “Me, who defended her at every turn to other ponies, telling them to ease off, with the things I said to her as a joke made her think I hated her.” She looked up then, determination in every fibre of her being.
“As she is now a member of my team, the jokes at her expense stop now. I won’t tolerate anything that affects my teams welfare, either physically or emotionally.”

Rainbow was surprised when Spitfire nodded with a small smile.
“And that right there, is why you’re going to be a good Captain.” Princess Luna nodded before she spoke.
“Indeed, thy care for others wellbeing is an important part of who thou art, it is one of the things that did prompt me to consider thee for being Captain.” Rainbow nodded her thanks at their comments as she stood up.

“Come on, lets have a look in here, we’ll continue the conversation afterwards.” Spitfire said with a half smile. Rainbow sent back her own smile as they followed Luna inside.
“This will be the barracks for thyself and those under thine command.” Luna said as they walked in the door.

Entering Rainbow looked about, They were in corridor that wood panelled to about half way up the wall, the rest was painted a neutral cream colour, the floor was solid granite topped with a stretch of midnight blue carpet going the length of the corridor. On the one wall were various posters, posters of six pegasi in flight in specific formations, along with the formation name underneath.

On the opposite side evenly spaced along the length were six doors, all but one a uniform unpainted brown, the one in the middle however was painted the same colour as her coat, with her cutie-mark replicated on the top half of the door.

“All the rooms are the same, wouldst thou like to inpsect thy room for when thou art on duty?” the princess asked.
Rainbow didn’t reply verbally, just stepped forwards and opened the door to her barracks.

The room was a little small considering the size of the building from outside Rainbow thought.
The walls were the same, painted and panelled. Against the wall was a bed with a small nightstand, at the end an open front wardrobe. On the opposite wall was a giant corkboard, the only thing there at the moment was a wall calendar. under this was a desk with a lamp, stationery supplies already there.

She stepped up to the bed and pressed a hoof into it. When the mattress sunk more than she expected she shook her head. Turning back to Luna she spoke.
“Cloud mattresses?” The princess nodded. “Sorry Princess, but lose them - beds like the WonderBolts have will be fine.” Rainbow said causing Spitfire to snicker a little.

“Sorry Princess, but what did I tell you?” the captain of the WonderBolts said holding out a hoof. To Rainbows surprise Luna lit up her horn and a pouch of bits appeared in Spitfires grasp.
Looking to Rainbow the princess spoke in a slightly disappointed tone.
“I had thought thou wouldst appreciate these beds.”

“Princess, believe me we would,” Rainbow started, “But how do you think it would look to the Royal Guards, the Army, or the Air Corp let alone the WonderBolts if we are the only unit with these mattresses. I know it seems silly to say, but you would have many pony’s questioning why a small six unit team could get such preferential treatment. I know for a fact that Spitfire blocked certain additions to the Wonderbolts bases that were unnecessary, that is simply what I’m doing here.” Luna nodded.

Rainbow took another look around and spotted a door she didn’t notice at first, going through she looked about with a little surprise. It was an en-suite shower room with a washbasin and toilet, tiled in plane white, with a marble floor.
A mirror was above the basin and to the side was a towel rack that if she recognised it right was one that would warm up the towels for you before you used them.

“So this is where the extra space went.” She said quietly looking around with a small smile.
Going back out she nodded her approval as she spoke.
“It’s perfect, almost like something you would design Ma’am.” She said addressing Spitfire who answered.
“Who said I didn’t have any input?” Rainbow’s mouth dropped open momentarily at that announcement as Princess Luna chuckled and ushered them to follow her.

“Captain Dash, one thing I do remember from when I used to personally command the ShadowBolts,” Luna started “You need to be confident in yourself, when in a crisis, do not hesitate to give your orders. Do not worry, thy training shall readily prepare you for the challenges of leadership.” Rainbow nodded her understanding as they entered another building.

She noticed the decor was similar to the barracks and had a small smile of approval.
They came up to the first door where Luna and Spitfire and Luna held back, letting Rainbow go first.
Opening the door Rainbow stepped in, stopping a couple of steps later, she was in a state of the art gym specific for pegasi, it was as if somepony had taken the gym from the WonderBolts Academy, polished up the equipment, and dropped it in here, each piece in the same spot.

Rainbow turned around to face Luna and Spitfire her jaw hanging a little.
“What rookie? we worked hard on perfecting that exercise routine in the wonderbolts. Ok you’ll need to change it up a little for wingpower training as you’re going to be the messengers of the night, but overall you know the routine. Don’t put my training to waste.” She finished.

Nodding Rainbow followed them out where they were went to a door that opened to a set of spiral stairs. Going up Rainbow wondered what they could have built up there.
When they got to the top she stepped off the last step and entered a perfectly circular office, a desk in the middle, purpose built round back filing cabinets along the wall. But to her the most impressive things were the windows.
They were HUGE! looking around she saw that their fields of view overlapped giving her a full 360 degree view.
Behind the main building she saw a field with a running track around it, and above, through a glass domed roof she saw a perfa-cloud obstacle course for ponies in flight.

“This. Is. AWESOME!” She shouted spying obstacles she’d tried to recreate on the ground and failed.
“Luna shook her head a moment with a small snort.
“Indeed. And you see that building over there?” Luna said indicating the one building they hadn’t been in. Rainbow nodded.

Apart from what you need to keep in your wardrobe, that is where all your other equipment will be stored. There is also a small medical facility there. Finally that small building over there,” Luna pointed her horn to a building that was just next to the barracks.
“That’s where your detention cells are located.” Rainbow raised an eyebrow at this, her face set in a disapproving frown.

“You will not be expected to detain prisoners for long should you have to arrest somepony. But it is secure enough to hold them until the regular guard can pick them up. Rainbow nodded, she may not like it, but the reality was that there was a fair chance that one day she would need those cells.

“I take it you are happy with your new place of work.” Luna said with a smile.
“Yes Princess, thank you.” Rainbow answered as Luna held up her hoof.
“Think nothing of it Rainbow Dash, I looked after my ShadowBolts 1,000 years ago, and shall continue to do so now. Much like my sister does with the WonderBolts.” Spitfire nodded her agreement, although seemed distracted for a moment.

“Well, Permission to be dismissed, I’ve got to go and inform the other five of their new jobs if they want one.” Luna nodded her head and stepped away from the doorway, to let Rainbow passed.
“You may leave, you shall recieve your keys in a week.” Rainbow saluted and went to make her way out, stopping as a memory surfaced to her thoughts.


They made their way out of the cottage, making small talk as they walked. This continued until Fluttershy dropped the bombshell that she was going to model for a single show, Rainbow made a puzzled expression upon hearing this.

“But Fluttershy, I thought you hated that?” Rainbow asked curiously.
Fluttershy nodded before answering, “Mmhmm, I did – but don’t you see – even now I still get offers to model that I regularly turn down. Now if word gets out that I’ll be doing a charity show, how many more will turn up?” Fluttershy finished rhetorically.

Fluttershy watched as Rainbow shook her head, “Damn, okay. So when’s my beautiful marefriend going on stage?” Fluttershy felt her face warm with this; she honestly hadn’t expected Rainbow Dash to say anything of the endearing sort to her in public, so when she did it made Fluttershy feel a warm glow throughout.

“Ehehe, Well you see, it’s not going to be for at least three months yet, and now I know you’re going to be in charge of the ShadowBolts. . . so I was hoping that. . . Maybe . . .their first public appearance could be at the show??”

Fluttershy was, once more, trying to hide behind her mane. Thoughts raced through her head; Why had she thought it would be a good idea to ask this, Was it truly a good idea, Would Rainbow Dash think she was being silly?

“I’ll have to check with Princess Luna first, but I think that can be arranged, I should be back in the air by then as well.” Rainbow said, and with that the yellow Pegasus leapt forwards wrapping her forearms about Rainbows neck, a broad smile arched across her features
“oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” Fluttershy squeaked out before quickly kissing Rainbows cheek

-End Flashback-

“Princess, to help the orphans from the raid, Fluttershy is going to be doing a charity fashion show in a couple of months. She asked if the ShadowBolts debut could be to that show. Nothing fancy just a flyover and maybe a loop-de-loop. I said it shouldn’t be a problem but I’d check with you first.

To her joy Luna smiled and nodded. “Very well, as soon as thou knowest the date of the show, have Spike firemail me the date. Mayhap I might do some modelling that night…” She trailed off trying not to laugh at the sight of both Rainbow and Spitfire wearing identical stupefied expressions.

Thankfully the next words Rainbow heard were “Dismissed captain Dash.”
Rainbow nodded and shot out the door, deciding to head home and wait for Fluttershy.
She was almost half way to the gate when Spitfire’s voice called out.

Turning she wondered what the golden coloured pegasus wanted.
“I’ve got a couple weeks leave coming up, I’m busy the second week, but if you like I can come for three or for days to help with Derpy. Think about it, unfortunately you won’t be flying for a while yet, I can be up in the air helping her.

Rainbow nodded at this, trying not to get too downtrodden at the fact she was still grounded.
“Also, if we can get her flying confident in front of me, then in front of most ponies she shouldn’t have a problem, what do you think?” Rainbow nodded.
“Yeah sounds cool. Drop by the day after tomorrow. You know where I’m livin’ now right?” Spitfire nodded.
“Yes. I’ll drop in at 10:00 sharp in two days.” Spitfire replied.

Rainbow nodded and said her goodbyes once more turning to head home, a small plan in the back of her mind, sure Fluttershy enjoyed cooking their meals, and she was better at cooking than Rainbow, by far. But Fluttershy’s favourite restaurant did do take-away’s, it was with a small smile she changed direction and headed to the Golden Haybale, it would be nice to surprise her marefriend.


Fluttershy was walking down the main road through Ponyville having done some shopping, saddlebags balanced on her bulging with the supplies for the next week.
Humming a little tune as she trotted she had a gentle smile on her face.She still flinched when a stallion got too close, but she was doing better.

“-Bank Flank, you’re so pathetic, it’s no wonder your momma left you.” A filly’s voice came from around the corner.
Fluttershy not liking the sound of what she was hearing turned down the corner, the sight that met her eyes caused her to stop still in shock. There in front of her were Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon, tormenting another small filly. One with a shocking orange coat and a distinctive purple mane and tail.

“Sh - shut up!” Scootaloo’s voice shouted at them, none of the three filly’s spotting Fluttershy.
“Aww is the flightless chicken gonna cwy, it’s obvious, she left you because she couldn’t stand you, she knew you’d always be a blank flank. Unlike me. I have my daddy and mommy, and you don’t.”

“How. Dare. You.” Fluttershy’s quiet voice held an edge to it that the filly’s had not seen before, only the Fluttershy’s friends had seen this side to her. It was the side that could face down a fully grown dragon. Moving forwards she stepped between Scootaloo and her tormentors.
With a glare towards Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon Fluttershy spoke.

“We will go to your father’s shop right now young lady, and I will talking with Mr Ritch about your appalling behaviour. Now, I want you girls stay right there for a moment. Understood!” The two filly’s nodded their heads rapidly, not wanting to anger the normally sweet tempered mare further.

Fluttershy turned to the curled up Scootaloo who had her wings curled as far as they would go, obviously trying to hide her face, even though they fell way short, it was plain that Scootaloo was trying not to cry, gently Fluttershy leaned down to nuzzle the distraught pegasus.

As soon as she touched Scootaloo, the little filly jumped slightly before looking up into her eyes.
“It’s alright Scootaloo, come on. Fluttershy said quietly, kneeling down next to her, stretching her wing down in an obvious indication for the little filly to climb on to her back.

Scootaloo carefully uncurled from where she was lay on the path and climbed up Fluttershys wing so she could rest on the canary coated mare’s back, curling once more into a little ball, from the tiny trembles, Fluttershy realised she was trying not to cry.

Curling her head around, Fluttershy nuzzled Scootaloo once more as she spoke.
“it’s okay Scootaloo, shh, its okay.” She said quietly. Gradually Scootaloo’s trembles lessened and before Fluttershy realised it, the orange filly had fallen asleep.

Lifting her wings a little to keep Scootaloo secure, Fluttershy carefully stood before turning a withering glare onto the other two filly’s.
“Now then, shall we go and have a word with your Father miss Tiara, Lead the way” Fluttershy said quietly, in a tone that could never be mistaken for a question.

With downcast expressions the two nodded, Diamond turning to walk back to the main street, Silverspoon next to her, with Fluttershy following, an unconscious Scootaloo on her back.
She wondered what else these two had said to her to cause that much of an emotional outburst, one enough to have obviously tired the little filly.

They soon approached ‘Ritchie's Barnyard Bargains and Fluttershy followed the two filly’s in, steeling herself for the confrontation she was about to have. She hadn’t thought about the fact Filthy Ritch was a stallion, but now as she approached the desk it became all too real.

A quick glance over her shoulder at the dozing Scootaloo gave her the strength she needed. She would not let another filly suffer as she had growing up.
Looking back she realised she’d reached the counter.

“Can I help you miss?” The stallion’s cultured canterlotian accent quietly spoken. Fluttershy took a breath to steady herself before she spoke.
“Yes you can explain to me why your daughter feels it is acceptable behaviour to bully another filly. Not just bully but push beyond the point of tear’s. My soon to be adoptive daughter was on the ground, wings curled around, and desperately trying ignore what was being said. This was made all the more difficult as they were mocking the fact she’s an orphan. Now, just what are you going to do about it!” She finished, almost turning The Stare on him.

Fortunately she didn’t have to as the glare he was sending to his daughter was enough to convince her he was about to do the right thing.
“Diamond Tiara. Explain yourself young lady!” he all but demanded. Watching as the filly tried to justify her actions. Actions she obviously knew were wrong. As her mouth opened and closed repeatedly with no sound coming out, Filthy Ritch held up a hoof.

“Diamond Tiara, your actions towards Scootaloo are unacceptable, I have also heard the rumours of how you treat Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, but thought not to believe them, as I did not wish to believe I had raised such a daughter.”

He closed his eyes a moment as he took a breath and then nodded to himself.
“First off, your tiara, hand it over.” Diamond Tiara’s eyes went wide at this demand, the tiara that her father had brought her in the exact style of her cutie-mark.
“Wha, Daddy…” She said with a tremble in her voice. Filthy Ritch however took no notice and came around the counter and took the circlet from his daughters head.

“Also, I will be cutting your allowance in half” hearing this the filly paled.
Turning to Silver Spoon he spoke in a tone that demanded an immediate answer.
“As for you, explain.”

Silver Spoon looked to the floor, her body shaking as she spoke.
“Sh - she made me do it. S - said i - if I didn’t w - would m - make you f - fire my p - parents”
Filthy Ritch turned back to his daughter.

“Okay, you're grounded for two weeks, plus you’ve seen me taking old stock that I would normally sell off at a discount from the foals and filly’s section of these shelves for a while now.” He took a deep breath as he continued.
“For those two weeks, and an additional two weeks, you’ll be working with me. I take all those supplies to the army base where they’re being housed at the moment to help the orphans there, I only hope you learn something from them.” He growled out. “Now get upstairs, your grounding starts now, I’ll walk you home tonight.” He ordered her, Diamond Tiara shot through the back door and up the stairs in tears as her perfect world crashed about her.

Filthy turned to Fluttershy and spoke in a much calmer tone, moving so the counter was between him and her once more. He had been one of the crowd to attend Hunting Fire’s branding and gelding, so knew how she would be jittery around stallions.

“I am sorry about that miss Fluttershy, I offer you my personal guarantee that Diamond Tiara’s behaviour will improve, if it doesn’t please do not hesitate to contact me.”
“Thankyou, I’m sorry to have caused you bother.” She replied her normal shy personality reasserting itself.

Filthy Ritch shook his head as he replied.
“It’s no bother, don’t you worry, I suggest you get that little one to a bed soon.” He finished with a smile indicating the filly on her back. Fluttershy smiled and nodded heading out. She was glad she’d been to see Starsky this morning before she went shopping, she would be too late to visit him now.

With a small sigh she took the familiar paths to Lyra and Bon Bon’s, until she was stood outside their door, giving it a gentle knock she waited for an answer.
When Lyra opened the door the look on her face was of worry that instantly turned to relief as she spied the unconscious Scootaloo.

Waving Fluttershy in she stepped aside to allow her entry. As soon as she had closed the door quietly she bid Fluttershy to follow her. up the stairs and into a room. Going in Fluttershy immediately realised this must be the room that they’d let Scootaloo use.
“Do you want me to take her?” Lyra asked quietly with a small smile.

Fluttershy nodded and watched as the lyre player’s magic pulled the blanket back while simultaneously levitating Scootaloo from her back to the bed.
Once the filly was settled on the bed, Lyra gently used her magic to tuck her in.
They left the room, leaving the door open a crack so they would hear if Scootaloo called for anypony.

Going back down Lyra spoke up.
“Say, you fancy a drink?” Fluttershy smiled as she shook her head. “Sorry, I’ll be late getting home if I stay too long.” Lyra nodded as they went through to the living room.
“Heya Bon Bon, got some good news for you, Fluttershy here brought Scoots back.”
“Oh thank heavens, it’s the first time she’s ever been late getting back.” Bon Bon said relief evident in her voice.

“Sorry to worry you, it’s just I caught Diamond Tiara bullying Scootaloo about being an orphan.”
Hearing this the look on Lyra’s face was one of complete shock as she collapsed onto the couch.
“B - bullying because she’s an orphan? What the buck?” Fluttershy nodded as she thought back to what she’d walked up to, the sadness in her heart must have been visible on her face as Bon Bon put a hoof on her shoulder.

“Hey, you okay?” Fluttershy nodded with a sigh as she spoke.
“I just wish it hadn’t happened in the first place.” Bon Bon nodded as she answered.
“Did you put a stop to it?” Fluttershy nodded once more with a slightly sad expression.
“Yes, it all started when…” She went on to tell the full tale. The two mares looked on in approval when they heard Diamond Tiara’s punishments, though all three mares didn’t think this would teach the filly a lesson.

“Well girls I really must be getting home, I don’t want my mare getting worried about me.” Fluttershy said with a small smile, causing the others to chuckle. Bon Bon waved Lyra back to the couch as she was already stood, going to walk Fluttershy out.
“You know you’re welcome to visit any time.” Bon Bon said with a smile.
“Thank you, I just might.” Fluttershy said in her usual quiet voice. Nodding Bon Bon waited until Fluttershy had cleared the door before closing it quietly behind her. Taking a deep breath Fluttershy spread her wings and took to the sky, not very high or fast, but enough that she wouldn’t be late getting home.


Rainbow heard the door open just as she finished setting the last plate in place, she’d worked hard on making sure the food arrived and was dished up ready to serve just right, she took one last look about the room and smiled.

Table set, Check. Wine, Check, small jobs around the cottage done, Check. sighing she stood by the table and waited for Fluttershy to notice as she’d turned around to close the door right away, not seeing the table.

Fluttershy turned around and stopped dead at the sight, her eyes lighting up as the aromas hit her.
“R - rainbow?” She asked quietly.
“Hey Flutters, I know I can’t cook, so I got something from the Golden Haybale, I hope ya li-” She had been talking as Fluttershy approached, and was suddenly cut off. The cause of this was she now had Fluttershy’s lips against her own in a tender, sweet kiss.

Pulling away Fluttershy smiled. “Thank You Rain,” she said quietly. “I just need to go put my bags down and I’ll be ready. Rainbow nodded, watching as Fluttershy’s sleek toned form turned away from her, heading straight into the kitchen. Even now Rainbow couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have such a mare as Fluttershy in her life, and would spend every day trying to be a mare worthy of her.

Fluttershy came back to the table taking a seat before she looked up to the blue pegasus through her lashes, she was beautiful.
“Celestia you’re perfect.” Rainbow breathed out coming up to Fluttershy and locking her lips with hers, lifting an arm to wrap about Fluttershy’s neck.
She tentatively slipped her tongue out, tracing Fluttershy’s lips that readily opened for her letting her slip her tongue in.

Gently she massaged Fluttershy’s tongue with her own, this wasn’t a battle for dominance, this was pure love. Slowly they broke the kiss to breath as Rainbow leant her forehead against Fluttershy’s.
“I love you Flutters.” She whispered, pecking Fluttershy on the lips once more before sitting to eat, not giving the mare chance to reply.

They settled to eat, each telling the other of their day, when Rainbow mentioned the small medical wing on the base Fluttershy got a thoughtful look.
As the discussion wound on and Rainbow heard how upset Scootaloo had been, she hoped the new inspectors tomorrow would be able to sign off on them adopting, she didn’t want Scootaloo to have to suffer any more.

As the meal finished they worked in tandem to clean up, before heading to relax on the couch, she had sat up on it, as Fluttershy lay on her stomach, head in Rainbows lap as the prismatic pegasus gently ran a hoof through her mane. All in all it was the perfect end to the day.

Bad News & Shadows Take to The Sky

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Chapter 13: Bad News & Shadows Take to The Sky

The sunlight streaming into the window crossed over Fluttershy’s eyes, teasing her from her dreams back to consciousness. Blinking her eyes she gently lifted her head to look about, she was lay on her stomach, her one wing trapped between her and Rainbow, the other hanging loosely down her side, Rainbows blue wing stretched across her back acting as a blanket.

Smiling she looked to the peaceful face of her mare, Rainbow was still asleep, a gentle smile on her face. Giggling she moved so she was leaning above her before dropping down a little to start planting multiple featherlight kisses across the blue mares face and muzzle. speaking between each kiss.

“Wakey *kiss* wakey *Kiss* Rain *kiss* Bow *kiss*” She looked down to see Rainbow now smiling but pretending to still be asleep. Giggling Fluttershy moved her hooves up the bed to the tips of Rainbow’s ears, knowing full well how ticklish they were, before gently starting to attack.

What she hadn’t counted on was the position she’d had to get in to do this, almost lying down on top of Rainbow to do this. The moment she started and Rainbow’s eyes popped open she realised she was in trouble, especially with the mischievous glint in the ShadowBolt captains eye.

Suddenly she felt Rainbow’s hooves on her sides and squeaked.
“Dont you dare.” Fluttershy whispered looking down to Rainbow. Smirking Rainbow started to tickle her back, causing her to fall to the side onto her back, squealing in laughter as Rainbow continued her tickling attack.
“Okaaay! You win!” Fluttershy shouted out between laughs, gasping for breath when Rainbow stopped.

She looked up to see Rainbow was now leaning above her, running a hoof through her disheveled pink mane, looking at her with wonder.
“What did I ever do to deserve a mare like you?” Rainbow said quietly. Smiling at her words and seeing the love radiating in Rainbow’s eyes, Fluttershy leaned her head up a little to kiss her.

She had intended it to be a chaste quick kiss, but as she pulled back, Rainbow moved down with her, she felt the tip of Rainbow’s tongue gently trace her lips, and with a loving sigh parted her lips to let her in, closing her eyes as she got lost in the sensations, she knew Rainbow wouldn’t push for more so could truly let go and enjoy just being with her.

When the need for air became too much, she felt Rainbows lips leave her own and kiss their way up. Keeping her eyes closed, Fluttershy just let herself feel.
Where Rainbows ears were ticklish, for Fluttershy, they were very sensitive in another way. She sighed in pleasure as she felt Rainbow’s tongue trace the outside edge of her left ear before Rainbow took the tip of her ear between her teeth and gently nibbled making Fluttershy gasp.

She opened her eyes to see Rainbows neck, realising how the blue mare above had stretched to reach, she leaned up and gently started nibbling on her neck, hearing and feeling Rainbow’s moan as she did this. Smiling into the kiss she gently wrapped her arms about the mare above her and pulled her close.

For the next half hour they stayed in bed, trading gentle kisses and caresses, not going any further than that, but to Fluttershy it was one of the best mornings in her life. Unfortunately they had to get up and eat - the inspectors from the new adoption agency would be here this morning.

Fluttershy headed downstairs as Rainbow went for her shower first. Thinking on all they both had to do today Fluttershy prepared a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs on toast for Rainbow while she had poached.

She didn't worry about Angel’s as she spied him chomping away at a carrot while he watched her, what she did worry about as she prepared the food was the inspection. She hoped whoever the inspectors were they would be reasonable, not hold her and Rainbows relationship against them. She nearly jumped out her skin when she felt a gentle wing lay across her back, the only thing stopping her was knowing it was her marefriend.

“Sorry Flutters,” Rainbow said, obviously feeling how Fluttershy had held her jump in. “Just letting you know showers free.”
Fluttershy looked back over her shoulder to Rainbow with a smile.
“That’s okay, come on let’s eat, I’ll go shower after.” With that she finished plating up their breakfasts and took them to the table.

“So, what’s your plan for the day?” Rainbow asked with a small grin before starting to eat.
“Well, we’ve got the inspection first, and then I’m heading to Rarity’s for another fitting, and to finalise the date of the show.” Rainbow nodded before she spoke.
“That’s cool, just make sure to let me know the date so I can schedule in the ShadowBolts for then.” Rainbow said with an encouraging smile.

“Oh really!” Fluttershy squeaked before moving round the table and pulling Rainbow into a hug.
“The Princess said yes? I can’t believe it, oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” She interspaced her thank you’s with a quick peck to the cheek. Rainbow giggling pushed her away with a gentle hoof.

“Go on and get ya shower, I’ll clean up here.” She said with a grin. Fluttershy nodded and headed out and up to the bathroom.
Once inside the shower cubicle she gently tapped the sun-warmed cloud to start the water falling as she washed her mane and fur.
It didn’t take too long before she was done before she stepped out and dried off, heading back downstairs. She was still trying to control her nerves when she sat down next to Rainbow who was reading another Daring Doo book, she snuggled into Rainbows side to read along with her while they waited.

The knock on her door came half an hour later, the way the knock sounded Fluttershy just knew it was a stallion and shot out the couch to under the table. Angel Bunny was soon next to her patting her hoof as Rainbow got up to answer the door.


Rainbow sighed quietly as she got to her hooves, making sure not to let any annoyance show, especially as it was all aimed at the Stallion who attacked Fluttershy, she only wished she had gotten another couple of hard kicks into him before the guards took him away. She had decided to ask if they could move Hunting Fire to a different farm so it would be easier on Fluttershy whenever they visited.

Opening the door she was startled to see Shining Armour and Princess Cadance stood there.
“Er hi, come in.” Rainbow said, before turning and leading them into the living room and crouching down in front of the table.

“Flutters, it’s okay, it’s just Shining and Cadance. The silly stallion just knocked too hard that’s all.” Fluttershy gave a small shy smile as she crawled out from under the table.
“S - sorry.” She squeaked out, hiding behind her mane, when Princess Cadance chuckled and indicated the seat next to her.

Fluttershy sat down looking to the floor as Cadance spoke.
“It’s alright, you know my Husband can be a bit of a prat at times.” The coughing coming from the other side of Cadance caused Rainbow to look and immediately falling over laughing, as he’d gone to answer Cadance but currently had a mouth full of feathers as the rose coloured mare had used her wing to gag him.

“Now, as for why we’re here - we are temporarily the official inspectors for Sun and Moon Adoption Agency.” She finished with a smile as she wrapped a wing about Fluttershy’s shocked form.
“Come on - lets see if anything needs to be done, but I can already assure you, my husband and I have already decided that yes, you two will be adopting Scootaloo and Starsky.”

“Really?” Fluttershy managed to squeak out, her eyes wide, and full of hope.
Cadance nodded with a small smile, Fluttershy near squealed in joy as she dived into Cadance holding her close, as Rainbow sat there on the ground with a silly grin on her face.

It took a couple of minutes for the two to regain their composure but when they did, they took Shining and Cadance on a small look about the place, the room that had been converted from an unused store room to a bedroom was perfect for the two that were being adopted.
There were two small beds either side the room with their own toy chests at the foot of the beds, their own nightstands and lamps, with the walls a light cream.

Shining made a cursory look around the room before his horn flared and a brief light settled on to everything, before he turned back with a slight frown.
“Where did you get these beds?” Fluttershy looked up worried.
“Umm, I - i had them made a l - long time a - ago. When I f -first came to ponyville.” Shining nodded, kneeling down so he would appear less threatening.

“You sent off to Canterlot for them didn’t you?” He said with a quiet tone.
Fluttershy just nodded. “I can tell, part of the guards training believe it or not, was to go and work with particular artisans to learn skills they may need out in the sticks. Like how to build something out of wood. Go to the beds, and have a look at their footboards by the ground, to the left of each.”

Fluttershy and Rainbow each went to a bed where a small shield with a star in the centre and three above were engraved.
Rainbow looked back to Shining Armour’s flank and the engraving, and couldn’t help the grin crossing her face.
“You made these?” Rainbow said.

Shining nodded with a small smile. “Some of the best work I did, I always wondered where they went.” out the corner of her eye Rainbow saw Fluttershy giving a small shy smile behind her mane as she spoke.
“I was originally going to use this as a guest room - but I found it d - difficult to make friends. I only had Rainbow for a long time.”

Cadance moved closer pulling Fluttershy into a motherly-like embrace.
“It’s okay, you’ve got a few more friends now though ri-” She was interrupted as a green wisp appeared in front of Shining Armour coalescing into a scroll.
Unfurling it he swore, before floating it over to Rainbow to read.

For the attention of: Captain Shining Armour.

Subject: Escaped convict alert.


Yesterday at approximately 1300 hours at the Pie Rock Farm, the convict Hunting Fire escaped, grievously wounding the guard on duty - only the quick actions of the farm owners saved his life.

It is believed that Hunting Fire will be making his way to Ponyville, as it has been reported several times that he was heard muttering about getting vengeance upon the ‘Sweet yellow mare”

As this is believed to be a credible threat, the first company are being put in your direct command. Your orders are thus, keep Fluttershy safe, and under protective custody.

Princesses Celestia & Luna.

P.S. Show this to Rainbow first, she will need to be ready to comfort Fluttershy, and to get the ShadowBolts training started within the week. They will be providing Aerial Reconnaissance once she clears them for Active Duty.

Rainbow closed her eyes and swallowed her temper, before moving close to Fluttershy, wrapping her wing about her before Shining spoke.

“Fluttershy, Hunting Fire has escaped.” The intelligence we have has him reported to be heading to Ponyville. I’ve got orders to put you into protective custody. Cadance - can you stay here for a short while, I need to go to the guard post and get a squad here on the double.”

Cadance nodded, moving to Fluttershy’s free side as Shining Armour tore out the building like his tail was on fire. Fluttershy was trembling beneath Rainbows wing as her breaths were coming in fast and shallow.

“Easy flutters, it’s okay, he wont get to you, I promise.” Rainbow whispered, as Cadance sat on the ground next to them as Fluttershy’s legs gave out. She collapsed against the pink Alicorn as she cried against her, Rainbow looked out the window, and silently swore, that should the stallion get anywhere near Fluttershy, that would be his last mistake.

She had killed in the Changeling invasion, and knew she would likely one day do so again in service to Equestria. With her marefriend now under protective custody, lethal force would be allowed against Hunting Fire until he was either dead or in custody.

As Fluttershy seemed to calm she turned her head to face Rainbow, her eyes full of fear.
“Hey, he won’t get near you Flutters, I promise.” Rainbow whispered. resting her head above Fluttershy’s pulling the canary coated mare close.

“Indeed he will not. I doubt when the other’s hear about this that you will be left alone, now, for the original reason we were here, the adoption paperwork will go through with no problems, and you should be proud parents in a month.” Cadance finished. Rainbow realised what she was doing and agreed with it, she was trying to get Fluttershy to focus on something positive. That it was something both she and Fluttershy wanted helped as well.

Fluttershy’s radiant smile was all the reward they needed. Sighing Rainbow looked to the time.
“Flutters, babe, I got to go to the park and meet Spitfire and Derpy - I’ll also need to gather the rest of the ShadowBolts and get their training started now instead of next week. Will you be alright?” Fluttershy nodded.
“Yes - I think so.” Rainbow nodded before giving Fluttershy a kiss filled with all her love for the mare.

“I’ll be back in time for dinner tonight, I promise.” Rainbow whispered before heading out, looking over her shoulder, seeing Fluttershy giving her a small wave out the door as she closed it.
Sighing Rainbow turned back to the path heading into town and started jogging down it.


Twilight was moving about the library with Spike helping her with the reshelving, they’d had an accident with one of her experiments and the resulting shockwave had knocked all the books to the floor.

It was while they were sorting this that spike gave a belch and out popped a scroll.
Unrolling it he read the contents.

“‘My Faithful Student.

The trial for Hard Hoof who stands accused of attacking Pinkie Pie will be held in two days hence, I ask that you inform Pinkie Pie and ask if she would be willing to testify. It would certainly help towards his conviction if she did.

She is welcome to bring a few ponies with her for moral support.

Princess Celestia.’

Well if she’ll let me I’ll be happy to go.” Spike finished. Twilight smiled at his words, and nodded.
“I’ll pass the message on.” She told him, “Will you be okay to finish up here, I need to go and let Pinkie Pie know.” Spike nodded making a shooing motion with his claws.

“Thanks” She said trotting out the door before taking to the air for the short flight to Sweet Apple Acres. It didn’t take too long before the buildings of the town gave way to the road that lead out, and she was then flying over row upon row of well tended apple trees.

She spotted the bright pink of Pinkies coat in the orchard and slowly banked her descent into a lazy circle, not wanting to repeat the last time she’d tried to land in this field. That had been embarrassing.

She soon alighted near Pinkie and saw she was pulling the apple cart while Applejack was bucking the trees.
“Hey thar sugarcube, what’s up?” Applejack said as she spotted Twilight approaching first.
Smiling Twilight lit her horn and picked up the full barrel setting it into the cart as she spoke.

“I’ve just heard from Princess Celestia. The stallion that attacked you Pinkie has a trial set for in two days. She’s asked if you’ll testify against him? she thinks it will help secure a conviction.” Twilight said supportively.

“Y you really think I’ll make that much of a difference?” Pinkie asked quietly unlike her usual bubbly personality, her blue eyes locking with Twilights purple.
Seeing how seriously Pinkie was taking this Twilight nodded. “Yes. I think that’s the truth, to be fair Pinkie, we need your testimony.”

Pinkie closed her eyes a moment as she drew in a breath, letting it out explosively before she spoke.
“Okay, I’ll do it, I’ll face him.” She said, a slight tremor to her voice.
“An’ I’ll be raght by yer side Pinks.” Applejack said quietly, standing next to her, putting her forelimb about Pinkie’s withers, pulling her close.

“I’ll be there too Pinkie. Do you want me to ask the girls to be there? Spikes already said if you’ll allow it he’ll come.” Twilight asked sincerely, knowing that she would never let her friend face this alone.

Pinkie looked to the floor, seeming to hold in tears as Applejack quickly unhitched her from the cart, before guiding her to the nearest tree. Sitting down she pulled Pinkie into her lap, holding her close as Pinkie whispered.

“P - please, can you get my family there. Please. I’ll need you girls as well, but I really want my family there too.” Twilight had lay on her stomach in the grass next to them as she nodded.
“Sure thing Pinkie, anything you want, I promise.” Pinkie nodded before turning and holding tightly to Applejack, needing the orange mares comfort.

Applejack held her close, whispering in her ear, helping keep her settled as the memories seemed to wash over Pinkie as her body trembled. Twilight looked on guilt welling up inside at the feeling she was the one to cause this, had she not asked, Pinkie would still be smiling like she was when she’d arrived.

Applejack seemingly reading what she was thinking placed a small kiss on Pinkie’s forehead before turning to Twilight.
“Stop your brain-blabbing. This ain’t yer fault Twi. You jest make sure the girls an’ Pinks family are there on the day.” she said bluntly. Twilight nodded as she climbed to her feet.
“I promise.” She said quietly before taking to the sky, flying back to the library to write the letters.


Rainbow cantered into the park where she expected Derpy to be waiting only to hear a joyous whooping from above. Looking up her mouth dropped as she saw the grey pegasus in flight, pulling a perfect triple horizontal corkscrew before executing an excellent split S and finishing with an inverted barrelroll. Above them both she spotted Spitfire and smiled. She didn’t know what the WonderBolts captain had said to get these results but they were impressive.

It only took a few minutes for Derpy to spot her and come in for a precision landing, three hoof lengths in front of her.
“Wow Derpy, that was excellent! Even I have trouble with that routine.” Derpy smiled before speaking.

“Spitfire helped - she taught me a technique. I visualise all my nerves as a stubborn wind, one that I just need to let bleed through my feathers, and before I knew it, I was flying like that! In front of another pony!” She finished exuberantly.

Rainbow smiled as she spoke. “Cool, so you’ll be ready to report to base in the morning?” She said as Spitfire landed.
“Why the rush Captain Dash?” Spitfire asked concern tinging her voice.
Sighing Rainbow spoke. “Hunting Fire’s escaped, intelligence has him coming this way - I may not be able to fly yet, but I’ve got orders, get the ShadowBolts in the air patrolling within the week, so I need to get them all to base and assess them.” Spitfire nodded.

“Right, I’ll have the WonderBolts in the air until your lot are ready to take over.” Rainbow blinked surprised as she spoke.
“Spitfire ma’am, what about your leave?” Spitfire looked back at her, eyes hard.
“I just cancelled it. Get your team training.” Rainbow nodded turning to Derpy as Spitfire took to the sky on a direct path to cloudsdale.

“Derpy, roundup Cloudkicker, Firestorm, Bloomer and Thunderlane, have them report to the ShadowBolts training grounds if they accept the job of being a ShadowBolt.” She commanded in a tone that brooked no arguments. Derpy nodded saluting before she too took to the air. Rainbow grimaced at the knowledge she couldn’t fly and took off at a gallop back to the base.

It only took a few minutes before she tore in through the main gate, she was glad to see that she had still outrun the rest of the team to the grounds, as they arrived moments behind her.
Quickly signalling to get their attention she spoke up.
“Alright, you’ve all worked with me on weather duty before so you know I expect nothing but the best from you. Now, normally we’d have a guard helping out our beginning trainings, but due to circumstance, it’s just me.”

Thunderlane held up a wing signalling he wanted her attention.
“Thunderlane?” She said in a querying tone.
“Rainbow Dash, err Captain..” She waved a hoof signalling him to hurry up and continue.
“As far as we were aware we weren’t to start training until next month when you’d be back in the air. What’s changed?”

The dangerous look on Rainbows face seemed to affect the other five lined up in front of her.
“You all know about Hunting Fire?” Nods all round. “He’s escaped, and is believed to be headed this way for Fluttershy, due to her importance being an element bearer, she’s been placed in protective custody, the WonderBolts along with the guard are going to be patrolling Ponyville airspace until you’re ready, at which time you’ll take over. As soon as I’m cleared for flight I’ll be joining you in the air.”

Rainbow felt another pony land behind her and was a little startled to see the five in front of her, go from standing attention to rigid attention, before a voice behind her spoke.
“Well said Captain Dash, and we believe we may be able to help with thy lack of flight.” Princess Luna’s voice sounded from behind her.

Turning Rainbow looked up to what was now effectively her Commanding Officer’s face an Saluted.
“ShadowBolts assembled and ready for training Princess.” Rainbow said, in a crisp clear tone.
“Very good. Now, please extend thine injured wing.” Rainbow nodded and let her injured wing extend as Princess Luna’s magic aura lit up around it.

Within seconds the bandages had come off and she could feel the muscles rebuilding back to their previous strength before the glow disappeared.
“There, that should do it. I had to wait for thy bone to finish healing first, but the spell I used should have repaired any lingering damage, you may take to the sky Captain.” Rainbow nodded.

“Thank you Princess, but not yet, I need to see about getting these five’s training started.” Luna smiled and in a voice only Rainbow could hear whispered, “And that is why thou shalt make a good captain. Thou put’s thine own wishes aside for the good of thy team. I chose well.”
Rainbow ducked her head a moment until she felt the blush leave her cheeks.

She turned back to the rest of her team.
“Alright, hit the training room, I’ll monitor and correct as needed, I want you lot ready to fly as a team within the week - remember half of what I drilled into you on weather duty will apply hear, especially communication and situational awareness! Now move!” The command hardly left her lips and she moved to lead the way, it was going to be a long afternoon.


Scootaloo was on her way back to Lyra and Bon Bons after school when she heard Rainbow Dash’s voice shouting from above, looking up her mouth dropped open as she saw her soon to be adoptive mother in a flight suit that was midnight blue, with white lightning pattern stripes down the side, her hair had been pulled back into a tight braid keeping it out her face along with a set of goggles that protected her eyes.

She was in the lead of a formation of six, all the ponies were in the same outfit as her as they raced in a giant arc through an elevated course above what looked to be a base of somesort.
“THUNDERLANE PICK IT UP!” Her voice called as one of those in formation seemed to lag.
“Wow,” Scootaloo gasped, she’d heard stories from ponies about how Rainbow was a different pony when in the air, keeping a team together, but here was the proof.

Gone was the brash tomcolt, every movement, every wingbeat, were all perfected flawlessly, and the way she watched the rest of the team with a single-minded focus, Scootaloo now understood why Ponyville weather team were considered one of the best in the country. Rainbow expertly guided her teams flight training, judging within a hair when one of them needed to break off and take five.

Even then they weren’t allowed to stay still, they were directed to a cloud where they had to do wing exercises and stretches to keep their bodies from seizing up before they took to the sky once more. It was then Scootaloo remembered a conversation she’d had with Rainbow a while back, one where she’d tried to get her to train her the way she trained the junior WonderBolt recruits. Being a senior it was part of her training to pass on her knowledge.


“But why wont you train me like that - you’ve seen how you’re training has helped me before, I can glide brilliantly now, you’ve also said you’re gonna get the doc to look at my wings, so why won’t you train me like you do the recruits? I can take it!”

She looked on fighting her tears as Rainbow looked determinedly to the sky as she answered.
“I won’t do that to you Scoots. Most the juniors wash out half way through what we seniors have to put them through. I won’t put you through that. Don’t ask me to do it again.” With that Rainbow had taken to the sky, leaving Scootaloo to her tears.

The next time she’d seen Rainbow had been the day after, and she could see in her magenta eyes how torn she was inside, this more than anything convinced Scootaloo to leave it for a while, at least until she was flying properly.

-End Flashback

Looking up at how she was pushing the other five and not giving an inch, Scootaloo had to suppress a shudder, there was no way she would be able to take that sort of training, it looked brutal.

“Alright hit the ground! I want 50 laps from all of you! I’ll be setting the pace, keep up!” Rainbow called dropping behind the wall as Scootaloo’s mouth dropped open in shock. She’d just ran them ragged in the air, and now, she was going to run them around a track.
“screw that - i’d be useless before the second hour.” Scootaloo mumbled getting back on her scooter and heading to Lyra and Bon Bon’s.

Her next thought put a smile on her face though.
“Rainbow’s gonna be my mom.”


Fluttershy was walking slowly about town, gathering up her supplies for the week, next to her was Princess Cadance, deciding that now would be a good time to ask about something that had been in the back of her mind she spoke up.
“Um Cadance,” She waited for the pink alicorn to nod her head before continuing.
“You know how the ShadowBolts are re-forming?”

Cadance chuckled as she answered.
“Yes, it’s something that has my Auntie Luna excited about, although the reason for their reformation is a sad one.” Fluttershy nodded, thinking back to the day they’d raided the orphanage, to think there might be more like it worried the pegasus.

“W - well, I was thinking, with all the work I’ve done with my animals, and recently helping Rainbow, I was thinking about getting the training to be a medic, they’ll need one on their base sooner or later.” Cadance nodded.

“That’s true but - and please be honest - are you sure you could cope with a patient, that may be a stallion, swearing and screaming at you simply because they’re in pain? Would you be able to deal with that?” The look Cadance was giving her told her she needed to be completely truthful with herself.

“I - I don’t know. But I want to” Fluttershy answered. Cadance nodded a small sad expression on her face.
“I think that’s the best answer you could give. What I’m going to suggest, is give it yourself some time, do the training, but have another pony trained as well, and share the duties, that way if you have troubles, they can take over.” Fluttershy nodded.

“W - will you ask Princess Luna? Please?” Smiling a full smile Cadance nodded.
“Sure no problem Fluttershy.” Cadance said as they approached the centre of town.
When they got there six shadows swept over them causing Fluttershy to look up, and her mouth opened in shock at seeing Rainbow flying.

“Oh. My. What about her wing!?!” Cadance followed her gaze and chuckled.
“I’m guessing Auntie Luna healed it - it’s a little known spell only Alicorns can do. so don’t worry, she’ll be fine.” Cadance reassured her.
Fluttershy only nodded keeping her eyes on her mare, watching as she seemed to almost dance in the sky, pulling off maneuvers that caused vapour trails to lead off her wingtips.

The five following pegasi all keeping pace and repeating the maneuvers perfectly.
“I think the ShadowBolts will be ready before the full week is done.” Cadance said with awe.
Fluttershy nodded feeling an up swelling of pride and love for Rainbow Dash.
“She’s beautiful.” She whispered as the sun caught Rainbow’s mane.

“Come on, let’s get these things back to the cottage, you can ogle Rainbow later.” Cadance said laughing at the blush on Fluttershy’s cheeks as they headed down the path to the cottage.
They didn’t talk much on the way back, just ambled along enjoying the scenery until they arrived, when they got there a guardsmare was stood outside her door. Not just any guardsmare though, it was Featherblade.

“Hi, seems you got me protecting you from now on, along with a couple of other mares from my unit. We’re on a three shift rotation okay?” Fluttershy nodded. “Do you want to come in?” She asked quietly.

Featherblade smiled as she shook her head. “No, I’m on duty at the moment, and unless you go out anywhere my post is here outside your door.” Fluttershy hid behind her mane as she spoke.
“Oh s -sorry. I - i didn’t m - mean to get you in t - trouble.” she whispered out, trying not to lean against Cadance, who had in Fluttershy’s mind become her mother figure.

“Hey, hey. It’s okay, you weren’t going to get me in trouble for offering.” Featherblade said quietly, “It’s not strictly against regulations, but I prefer to stay here that’s all.” Fluttershy looked up to the guardsmare. “R - really?” Featherblade nodded with a small smile. “Really.”

“O - okay.” Fluttershy said quietly before going inside, Cadance following with the shopping in her telekinetic grip. It only took a couple of minutes for them to put things away and start the preparations for tea, Fluttershy having invited Cadance and Shining to join them that evening.
She smiled at the thought that one day soon she would regularly be cooking for four.
She would soon be able to call Starsky and Scootaloo her children.

It was then she noticed an envelope addressed to her and Rainbow on the table, opening it she saw it was from Twilight, and there was no pony in equestria that would stop her from doing the favour asked. Pinkie wanted her there at the trial, and she would be.

Trial and Aftermath

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Chapter 14: The Trial and Aftermath

Two days on and the six were all aboard the train to ponyville. Fluttershy looked to where Pinkie was sat with Applejack holding her. on either side next to Fluttershy were Twilight and Rarity. She sighed as she thought about where Rainbow was.

Due to her being in protective custody and the Wonder Bolts covering the aerial patrols over Ponyville, Rainbow had decided that the Shadow Bolts would cover the train from the air, using it as part of their endurance flight training, that and when the team had heard where Rainbow would be in two days they refused to let her go without them.

Unfortunately for them, from what Fluttershy understood, they thought they would be travelling in the train, not above it. though she was grateful for their support for both her and Pinkie Pie, she wished Rainbow could sit with her, but the blue pegasus had said quite rightly.
“I will not ask any member of my team to do something I wouldn’t unless I wasn’t qualified to do the same.”

She understood, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.
She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard Pinkie’s panicked tone across the way.
“Wh - what if he goes f - for meeee!” Fluttershy looked up to see Pinkie trembling in Applejack’s arms as the farmpony did her best to settle her. Quietly Fluttershy got up from her seat and moved to sit on the floor in front of Pinkie.

“Pinkie, it’ll be okay, remember what you once told me. No matter what if you’ve got your friends near nothing can hurt you.” Fluttershy said, her voice barely loud enough to be heard. Pinkie sniffed and looked towards Fluttershy, her eyes large and sad. Fluttershy reached forwards with her own hoof, resting it on Pinkies. “I promise you’ll be safe.” Fluttershy finished.

Pinkie sniffed as a lone tear escaped her eyes as she whispered.
“You pinkie promise?” Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “Mhmm, Pinkie promise.” Pinkie exhaled and leaned into Applejacks embrace, not letting go of Fluttershy’s hoof.
Fluttershy looked up to the roof wondering how her marefriend was doing.


“Derpy take point!” Rainbow called over her shoulder as she spotted Firestorm starting to show signs of wing-droop. As Derpy shot forwards Rainbow looped over to settle in next to Firestorm.
“Take five, land on the train and stretch those muscles.” She ordered.
“It’s alright Rainbow, don’t worry, I’ll keep up.” He responded.
“I said get down there! That wasn’t a suggestion. Get on that roof and stretch those muscles. NOW!”

Firestorm looked back as if he were going to try to argue but seemed to think better of it when he saw her face. Rainbow was a completely not for backing down on this. she took his place in the formation, allowing him to drop down.

She looked forwards to Derpy and had to smile, had anypony told her last month she would be trusting the point of the inverted V flight to Derpy she would have called them mad. Now though, Derpy had worked hard at dealing with her nerves, even going so far as to now fly everywhere at low altitude. The Derpy of before wouldn’t have even considered this.

Rainbow glanced down to see Firestorm only putting half-hearted attempts into his wing stretches and groaned. the rest of the team had not had a problem with her being Captain, yet he seemed to think he should have the job instead, thinking she only got it because she was friends with the princesses. It was true that had lead to her consideration at least, but she was sure if she wasn’t up to the task Luna would soon replace her.

Growling she dropped to the train in front of him.
“Firestorm, I know you can stretch those muscles better than that, now do them properly.”
“Yes Rai-in” Firestorm muttered out, unfortunately for him it was just loud enough to be heard over the train.
“What? Okay, number one, only Fluttershy calls me that. Got it!” She said sharply waiting for his nod.
“Two, seeing as you won’t stretch those muscles the easy way, I want you running the length of this train - back and forth for at least a mile. A mile of running - not of travelling! Now move!” She finished stepping to one side and watching as he took off down the grey roof.

She sighed as he ran, taking back to the air, Firestorm would either shape up, wash out or do something incredibly stupid in front of the Princess of The Night and be removed from the team. Spreading her wings she took to the sky once more, signalling to Derpy to fall back as she took point once more.


The rest of the journey was fairly uneventful, and the train pulled into the station with a good hour to spare for them to get to the courthouse.
As they stepped off the platform Pinkie looked up right into the violet eyes of Octavia, and with a wordless cry fell into the embrace of her sister, shoulders shaking.

“Oh Pinkie, why did you never tell us what happened?” Octavia said quietly as she held the trembling form of the youngest member of the Pie family.
Next to Octavia was stood a white mare with an electric two-tone blue mane wearing a pair of shades, DJ-Pon3, or Vinyl Scratch to her friends.

“Tavi-love, now’s not the time.” Vinyl said quietly, Octavia turned her sad gaze towards her partner and nodded.
“Come on, everyone else is at the courthouse.” Octavia said, gently herding her sister to the carriage she’d hired for the group.

They loaded in, Pinkie practically sat in Applejacks lap as Octavia held her hoof. once they were all comfortable the carriage set off. Rainbow and the Shadow Bolts once again in the air.
Pinkie looked out the window at the city passing by, her emotions a whirl. She had thought she’d left what had happened to her in the past, never expecting it to return. Yet here she was going in to face her abuser. As she thought that a shiver went through her body and she felt Applejack’s embrace tighten minutely in silent support of what she was going to face.

All too soon for the pink mare’s liking the carriage pulled to a stop outside the main Canterlot Crown Court. She let her sister and Vinyl get out first before she went to get down, unfortunately no sooner did her hoof touch the ground than a camera was shoved in her face going off, as news reporters started shouting out questions.

“What happened? Why didn’t you report this sooner, what were you thinking when he re-appeared-” On the questions went as the entire group went to to push their way through, the Shadow Bolts landing and taking point, pushing the reporters back, until one obnoxious, sleazy looking reporter spoke up.
“Did this really happen, or are you doing this for the attention like miss Brightlight had when Hunting Fire tried to hurt her?”

“How dare you?! What gives you the right!? Don’t you think Pinkie Pie has been through enough!” Fluttershy’s voice rang out, looking at her she seemed to be fine facing up to this tall stallion, only her friends could see it was a fragile courage. Before the stallion could reply, Twilight stepped forwards next to Fluttershy, mane flying in a non-existent wind, Rainbow moving to stand the other side, glaring.

“Sir do you know who I am?” Twilight asked deceptively calm.
“Why yes your highness, you’re the Princess of Magic, a title well earned ma’am.” The reporter answered instantly, almost fawning over her.
“Correct and am I right in understanding right that ID badge means you work for the Magical Times?” The stallion simply nodded.

“Not anymore.” Twilight said with a growl. “I will not have pony’s like you ruining the reputation of the paper my family holds a controlling share in. you see I am not just the Princess of Magic, I am Twilight Sparke, Daughter to Nightlight and Velvet Sparke, who both hold 30% shares of the paper - Now, LEAVE!” She finished her tirade by pulling his ID card from him and destroying it in her telekinetic grasp.

“”Bu - but I was - just doing my job.” The stallion tried to counter.
“Your job? Please, sounds like you were trying to make up a scandal to me.” Rainbow said harshly. “Now I believe the Princess just revoked your press-pass, so you need to leave.” With that the group turned and continued shepherding Pinkie through the now silent crowd to the doors.

As soon as they did Pinkie watched as Twilight went to consult a board on the wall, before returning to them.
“Well, the trial starts in ten minutes in Courtroom 4, Pinkie remember no matter what we’re here for you.”
“And a better group of friend you couldn’t ask for to support you.” Igneous’s voice came from down the corridor, Pinkie’s head whipped up to look straight at her mother father and other sister Summerdawn coming towards them.
She ran towards them, colliding with Igneous and holding on tightly to him.

“I - i’m soorrryyyy!” Pinkie cried out quietly.
“Shh, you have nothing to be sorry for, it wasn’t your fault Pinkie.” her mother’s voice said as a caring hoof stroked her mane, a hoof that Pinkie just knew somehow was Summerdawn’s.
“Come on, the trial’s about to start.” Igneous said in his own quiet timbre, leading all of the group back to the room where their seats had been reserved. To her surprise, sitting there in support of her was Discord of all beings.

“D - d - discord?” She whispered. Her turned to look at her, his eyes shining with held anger.
“Worry not Pinkie Pie, I am here at royal request. I hope you don’t mind but I peeked in Princess Luna’s memory. I promise you this, he better hope that jury finds him guilty, if not, I’ll have a new playtoy.”
Pinkie gave a small nod as she leaned into the comforting embrace of her marefriend, turning to watch the proceedings as Celestia stepped up to the judges platform.

The trial was started and facts presented to the jury, the looks they directed to the earth pony standing in the accused docks were less than pleasant.
Pinkie lost track of time as she watched and listened while everything this stallion had done to her was laid bare for all to know, until she heard the words she was dreading. A blue stallion with a white mane stood from the prosecutors bench and spoke loud and clearly.

“I call Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie to the stand.” She took a couple of deep stabilising breaths before getting up to make her way to the stand, keeping her eyes fixed firmly on her destination. She knew if she looked towards Hard Hoof before she got there she would lose her nerve and run.

Stepping up she turned to face the room, and felt herself shiver self consciously as everypony looked to her, they had all heard what this stallion had done to her, knew her shame.
“Miss Pie, for the record could you please state your full name?” The prosecuting stallion asked her once she’d sworn her oath that she’d tell only the truth.

“Pinkamena Diane Pie.” She said quietly. The stallion nodded before he seemed to think about his words as he spoke.
“Are you the same Pinkamena that this stallion-” He indicated Hard Hoof. “Has been brought up on charges for assaulting.” Pinkie nodded.
“I’m sorry Miss Pie, but for the purposes of the court could you please reply verbally.
“Y - yes, that’s him.” She said quietly, glancing towards Hard Hoof who was looking dangerously towards Pinkie.

“Pinkie, I am sorry to ask this, but could you please tell us, in your own words, what he did.”
Pinkie closed her eyes and tried to hold in the tears as she dredged up the memory from the dark corners of her mind.

“I...I was walking down Hay Street in Manehatten when he grabbed me from a side alley.” She pointed towards Hard Hoof. “B - before I could scream he knocked me out.” She drew a shuddering breath as she continued.

“When I woke up I was in a small r - room, t - t - tied down, he walked in and s - seeing I was a -awake h - he - he…” She couldn’t continue, the memories flooded back, too vividly for her to fight as she collapsed to the ground, her wails echoing through the now speechless room, the only sounds were that of a pony moving quickly before an orange pair of arms wrapped themselves about Pinkie.

She turned in their comforting embrace, screaming her pain into Applejacks orange fur.
“Why did he do it! WHY!” She cried out.
“Ah don’t know Pinks, I dunno whut makes ‘em evil like that. Come on, lets get you outta here.” Applejack said quietly.

“Not just yet.” A quiet voice said, and Pinkie felt Applejacks muscles tense as it spoke.
“I’m Fast Shot, defence lawer for Mr Hard Hoof, I have a couple of questions.” The voice said in a tone that reminded Pinkie of a venomous snake.
“Can’t ye give her a minute?” Applejack said harshly even as she kept hold of Pinkie.

“Now why would I want to do that for a pony who’s lying.” He answered.
“WHAT! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!” Pinkie screamed out whipping her face around to see a dark black stallion with slick-backed blue mane smirking at her.
“Well you saw the attention that Miss Brightlight was getting for what happened to her, and being the centre of attention normally, you cobbled together this story, to draw attention from her back to yourself.” He said, not once moving his sibilant voice from the tone he was using.

Pinkie managed to stand, turning to face him.
“Y - you have NO IDEA what HE put me through. He used me, not once, not twice but many times that day! Even now I have to fight the memories. you think I would make this up? I was ra - rap - “ She collapsed to the ground once more as she hung her head, tears streaming from her eyes, no longer processing what happened, no longer caring.
When Applejacks arm came over her shoulder once more she turned to her.
“Get me out of here. Please.” She said quietly.
“Come on sugarcube.” Applejack said, Helping Pinkie up before guiding her back to where her family were sat.


Fluttershy looked on, unbelieving at what she had just seen and heard. Standing she moved so she would be nearer to Pinkie when Applejack started leading her back to the stand, she could see Celestia seemed to be shouting at the stallion who’s questions had so upset Pinkie, but due to the lack of sound and lit horn, she realised the princess had made it so nopony could hear what was said, bar those inside the silence shield.

He seemed to be trying to defend his position until Celestia’s horn flared and he back-peddaled to his table which was outside the silence spell.
“You’re on your own kid!” The stallion said quickly before fleeing the courts.
Hard Hoof looked towards the stallion in shock, before calling out not thinking of his words as he did.
“Hey come back! I need you to convince this lot I didn’t do it even though I did!” his words sealed his fate.

After his outburst the trial only took another five minutes to convict him, Fluttershy watched as Hard Hoof was sentenced to the same fate as the stallion that had assaulted her, the only difference was that as he had actually gone through with the attack on Pinkie, and not been stopped like Hunting Fire had, he was sentenced to finish his days in prison.

Hard Hoof looked about the room before his gaze settled on Pinkie once more, the look he shot sent a shiver down Fluttershy’s back, when with a roar he charged towards them, leaping over the barrier that separated him from the rest of the ponies in the room. As he did, he made straight for Pinkie, knocking ponies aside, even sending one guard flying. He moved so fast that most ponies didn’t see him coming before it was too late.

In mere seconds he’d gone through the crowd and had pulled a screaming Pinkie Pie to him, using her as a shield between him and the room, one forelimb around Pinkies neck.
“Nopony come too close or I’ll snap her neck!” Hard hoof called out to the room, his eyes slightly wild.

Fluttershy stood still, keeping her eyes fixed on the scene unfolding in front of her, watching as he dragged Pinkie backwards towards the doors, the rest of the girls following as close as they dared - or so Fluttershy thought.


Rainbow shot out a side door as soon as Hard Hoof had gotten hold of Pinkie, taking to the air as soon as she was outside.
‘I’ll kill him if he hurts one hair on her head!’ Rainbow thought anger fueling her thoughts as she span in the air coming to a halt above the main doors of the courts, watching for her moment - she had to time it right, just as he was exiting the building, but before he could see her, if she timed the drop wrong he could seriously hurt Pinkie Pie.

The doors banged open from what looked like a reverse kick from Hard Hoof, she watched as he carefully backed out, Pinkie still in his grasp, face full of terror.
Rainbow watched and waited as he stepped back a step, and another, then folded her wings and dropped.

She held her forelimbs out in front of her, guiding her spiralling fall with minute muscle shifts until her hooves impacted on his back, forcing him to let go of Pinkie Pie as he fell to the ground, Rainbow wrapping her limbs about him, pinning him down as guards-ponies ran forwards as Rainbow was bucked off the stallion. As she went flying off him she heard a frightened scream in the crowd, before turning in the air and landing on her hooves, dodging a thrown punch her way.

Jumping to the side she swept her wings down hard, sending a dust cloud into Hard Hoof’s face before spinning on her front hooves and bucking into his side, sending him sprawling, faster than anypony thought possible he got back up on all fours, his gaze showing he knew he would lose should he continue this fight.

He turned to run only to face a row of spears, quickly he span around thinking to run away from them when the Shadow Bolts all dropped to the ground, wings flared, blocking any escape before two guards ponies rushed in and subdued him.

Looking around Rainbow was relieved to see Fluttershy had managed to get Pinkie to Applejack and was using her wing to shield Hard Hoof from Pinkie’s sight, as her family surrounded her.
Turning she watched as Hard Hoof was dragged away back to a prison coach, before being taken away to face his fate. Now all they needed to do was worry about Hunting Fire, should he show up she would not be so easily defeated again.

She looked back to the rest of her team to see them all looking towards her with varying degrees of respect, even Firestorm who caught her eye and nodded once. She knew this was his subtle way of letting her know that he had finally accepted her as Captain. She returned his nod before heading back inside to see what was happening.

She went through the doors and followed what were the obvious sounds of press trying to get into a room to catch a glimpse of the latest scandal.
She took a deep breath before she called out in full command voice.
“Everypony stand to one side!” She moved forwards in perfect step, there was a stern expression upon her face as she strode towards the room Pinkie Pie had obviously been taken to from the sounds coming from behind the door.

As she reached it and lifted a hoof to press down on the handle she saw a couple of the press raising their camera’s. Growling she turned to stand in front of the door in attention stance, obviously guarding it.
“Captain,” She heard a voice she didn’t recognise talking to her, she tilted her ear towards the voice but made no other signs of having heard him.
“I work for the Canterlot Chronicle, would you be willing to give a statement or interview into todays events?”

“No.” She answered simply, no disseminating, no hedging, Pinkie, nor Fluttershy for that matter needed the added pressure and attention the press could, and would try to give them.
“Ahem, Captain Dash, surely you can see the benefit of an interview from somepony close to them, it would ensure all the facts were reported correctly, like for instance what happened to her, when it happened…” The stallion trailed off as Rainbow turned her whole head to glare at him, her eyes bright in anger.

“Sir, please do me and yourself a favour and keep your questions to yourself.” She ground out between gritted teeth, holding on to her temper. Just. She knew she couldn’t start an incident here, not if she didn’t want to bring any bad reputation to the Shadow Bolts.
“Captain, sure-” He started to speak when a voice full of command called from down the corridor.

“I do believe thou wert asked to keep thine peace, by a member of the Equestrian Defence Force, namely the Captain of the newly reformed Shadow Bolts Squadron. Now as you can not seem to grasp that fact, please withdraw from the premises forthwith.” Luna’s cultured tone asked in a way that indicated it was not a request. Yet still the stallion hung on, speaking once more.

“P - Princess, surely you can understand, the ponies will want to know the details on how a National Heroine was brought low!” Rainbow huffed out a snort as Luna’s eyes flashed with darkness before the princess spoke.
“Thou hast been asked, and politely told to remove thyself from the area, now I command thee. LEAVE THIS BUILDING AND DO NOT RETURN UNTIL AFTER THE MORROW!” She finished in full Royal Canterlot voice.

The stallion may have continued to try arguing against Rainbow Dash, but against the full authority of the crown - no, even he wasn’t that stupid and soon bolted. Luna caught Rainbow’s eye and gave her a quick smile before approaching.
“Join me in seeing to our friend Captain. My guards will see to it that we are undisturbed” Luna said quietly as two bat winged ponies took up sentry positions either side of the door Rainbow turned to open it once more waiting until the guards wings were raised blocking view before she went in, Luna following.
The first thing Rainbow noticed was a yellow and pink blur impacting her, knocking the wind from her lungs.


Fluttershy had watched with mounting horror as Hard Hoof had pulled a squealing and screaming Pinkie from the courtroom, it was obvious Applejack and Pinkies family all wanted to move forwards to help, only the threat to Pinkie’s safety had stopped them.

Fluttershy caught Pinkie’s wild eyes looking at Applejack, begging for help as the door behind them crashed open to Hard Hoof’s hard kick.
As he’d stepped out Fluttershy’s heart had leapt to her throat as she saw her marefriend diving out of the sky into the stallion.

As soon as she impacted, the stallion let go of Pinkie who staggered away a couple of steps before nearly collapsing, Fluttershy quickly took wing and flew over to her, landing just as Pinkie was about to fall, catching her, leaning against her as Guards ponies formed a barrier behind them that Hard Hoof could not pass.

She helped Pinkie to Applejack, sighing with relief as the pink pony collapsed into the orange pony’s side before turning in time to see Rainbow being thrown through the air, the sight tearing a scream from her throat, before she stilled and watched the fight, trembling in every nerve until she saw Rainbow could handle herself, turning she quickly headed inside to see what she could do for Pinkie.

Seeing the party pony repeatedly glancing to where the fight was happening, Fluttershy walked up to her side, slowly letting her wings open until she was blocking Pinkies view from what was happening.
As she got closer she could hear Applejack trying to reassure Pinkie that it was over as they started to lead her back into the building, following Twilight who led them all to a side room.
No sooner had the door closed did Pinkie fully break down.

Her wails echoed through the room, the sound piercing Fluttershy’s heart, she was slowly getting over her own fear of stallions, but knew that what had happened today would stay with her until the day she died. For Pinkie it would be worse, she had to fight the knowledge of not only what had been done to her, but that her attacker had once more had his hooves on her.
As much as Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight wanted to help, they knew the best thing at the moment was let Applejack and Pinkies family comfort her.

She looked up when she heard Rainbows raised voice coming from the other side of the door.
“oh - oh my.” She whispered quietly when she detected the tone in that voice - she was glad she’d helped her partner learn a few tricks to keeping her temper now.
Even Twilight was looking at the door, one hoof raised a fraction off the floor as if she were considering stepping out to help Rainbow when Luna’s voice echoed into the room.

Shaking her head Twilight turned to Fluttershy with a grimace.
“Whoever that pony is I don’t envy them.” Fluttershy nodded keeping her eye on the door, as much as she knew Rainbow could take care of herself, she wanted to see she was ok with her own eyes.

When the door opened and Rainbow came in Fluttershy shot forwards into her, wrapping her foerlimbs tightly about her neck.
“Oh Rain, are you okay, you’re not hurt are you?” Fluttershy asked quickly, pulling away to look over her marefriend.

“Nah, I’m cool Flutters.” Rainbow said quietly, gently nuzzling her cheek.
Fluttershy let out a small sigh, she loved Rainbow and hated seeing her hurt in any way.
They turned to see Luna in a quiet conversation with Twilight and Rarity while Pinkie seemed to have at least calmed down sat next to Applejack with her family around her.

Sighing Fluttershy leaned into Rainbow, feeling a wing draping across her back.
“You okay Flutters?” Rainbow asked quietly.
Fluttershy nodded as she answered.
“Mhmm, just looking forwards to getting home.” She said quietly. She saw Rainbow nod in her peripheral vision before they both moved towards Pinkie Pie along with Twilight, Luna and Rarity.

It was a good hour before Pinkie felt calm enough to move, in the end it was only with both her friends and family walking with her, shielding her that she was able to make the walk to the station.
Sighing Fluttershy hoped it wouldn’t take Pinkie too long to recover from her ordeal.

As they loaded up onto the train Fluttershy felt a shiver down her spine, feeling as if somepony was watching her, turning to look back over the crowded platform she couldn’t spot anypony that would cause her reaction, putting it down to paranoia she went to claim a seat opposite Twilight, sighing again as she knew Rainbow would be above with the shadow Bolts.

“Hey you okay Fluttershy?” Twilight asked with a querying expression on her face.
“O - Oh, it’s nothing, I - I just wish Rainbow…” Fluttershy trailed off as she saw a soft smile appear on Twilights features.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to say anymore.” Twilight said quietly. Fluttershy nodded with a small smile, turning to look out the window as the train pulled away.

What she saw caused her to let out a high pitched scream of terror as she backed away from the window. There on the platform looking directly at her through the window, eyes full of hate, was Hunting Fire.

Hunting Fire's Final Fate & Family

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Fluttershy backpedalled away from the window where she’d seen Hunting Fire, unaware that she’d screamed.

When her initial outburst had happened, Twilight, Spike and the rest of the girls, minus Rainbow who was currently flying above the train, surrounded her. Rarity carefully approached Fluttershy's trembling form.
“Fluttershy, darling whatever is the matter?” She asked worriedly.

Fluttershy collapsed to the floor pointing a trembling hoof out the window.
“H - he’s out there!” She managed to squeak out around her fear.
Instantly Applejack turned facing the window, searching the crowd unfortunately not spotting him, meanwhile Twilight’s horn flared as purple barriers blocked off both doorways of the train before she looked up through the skylight, making sure that there were no pegasi directly above it, and no ponies below.

Charging her magic she sent a purple blast upwards destroying the skylight allowing the open air to be seen before spreading her wings and leaping through the gap that hadn't been there a moment before. Spying Rainbow breaking out of the circling formation and heading towards her while Twilight hovered carefully looking about the station.
Seemingly aware that she was still on duty Rainbow was very careful with the words she spoke as she approached.

“Is something wrong Princess?” Twilight merely nodded darkly as she scanned the crowd.
“Hunting Fire's here.” she said flatly.
“Right.” Rainbow said and a moment later she was back in the air giving out orders.
Soon there were two Shadowbolts each guarding the station exits while Rainbow dropped into the crowd and started looking about, trying to spot the stallion that had caused [iher mare such pain.

Twilight quickly flew to the engine and spoke.
“Get this train moving now.” She commanded the driver before backwinging, flying down the platform, erecting a barrier between the train and said platform to stop anypony falling in the gap as the train moved.

Turning again after getting to the end she took a steadying breath and flew up above the crowd, eyes scanning, searching, seeking, trying to spot the stallion responsible for Fluttershys’s fear.
At the same time the few guard ponies left joined the two Shadowbolts at the exit points.

“Where are you, you bucking bastard?” Twilight whispered to herself.
It had taken a full hour to get the station clear and yet there was no sign of Hunting Fire, when a possibility filled her with cold dread. If he wasn’t on the station, the exits sealed before he could escape, what if he’d made it onto the train before her barrier went up? Yes she’d sealed the car with Fluttershy in, but if he was on that train then he would soon be at Ponyville.

“Oh stars,” she muttered, with the time wasted here the train would already be a third the way to Ponyville, he could easily sneak off there.
She came to land inelegantly in front of Derpy, still not used to being an alicorn and the vagaries of flight.
“Derpy get yourself and the other Shadow Bolts to Ponyville as fast as your wings can take you, I can’t teleport that far safely, he might have got on the train.”
Derpy's good eye stared at her for a moment and before she knew it Twilight stumbled in the backwash of Derpy's downstroke, looking up all she could see was a trail, Derpy was already out of sight.

She however flew straight for the castle, she needed one of the other princesses as she had yet to be taught the classified method of sending an immediate alert to any of the bases.


Fluttershy had spent the journey barely leaving Rarity’s side when the train pulled into Ponyville. As soon as it did, Rainbow dispatched a flyer to the army base immediately, dropping into the hole of the carriage as they waited until a squad from the barracks arrived.

It was just as they were getting up to leave when Rainbow spotted a guard drop from the sky.

“Hold up girls something’s up.” Rainbow said, launching herself out the car to the platform, spotting her old mentor dropping down she flew up to meet her.
“What’s up?” Rainbow asked.

“We just had a message arrive via urgent messenger spell from the princesses. Hunting Fire wasn’t caught leaving the station. The only other way off that platform was the train.”

Rainbows eyes hardened to rubies at this thought. Turning to Featherblade she spoke, full command of her rank in her voice.
“Get to the barracks, request a meeting with the base commander as soon as possible. I’ll have the remaining Shadows escort Fluttershy back to our cottage. I’ll be by later to talk to Starsky about the delay in moving in.”
Featherblade nodded, although technically outside of Rainbows jurisdiction she had no issue following these orders.

It was only moments later that Rainbow dropped back into the compartment through the hole in the roof.
Knowing Fluttershy like she did, she knew that her marefriend would rather be told everything instead of being kept in the dark to ease her worries.
“Okay girls, it seems that Hunting Fire never left the station via the exits back at Canterlot station,” Rainbow started.
“Tha’ means he was on the train. Weren’t he sugarcube?” Applejack said stonily, already glancing out the windows as Rainbows confirmed the unwanted supposition.

“Applejack, I know you can handle yourself, mind staying with Fluttershy and I a bit longer until her protection detail arrives?” Rainbow asked.
“Sure I can, he won’ get near while ahm around.” Applejack's tone was one that said if he even tried, he may not need to be taken back in custody.
The Rainbow maned Pegasus nodded before speaking.

“Right, Rarity can you take the little ones?” Rainbow said to the silence from Applejack's tone.
“Of course darling, you don’t even need to ask.”
With that she gathered her sister and Applebloom close who thankfully throughout the ‘excitement’ in the city had both been kept at the foals area.
With Rarity already moving to take them to the Boutique, Rainbow moved to Fluttershy’s other side, keeping her eyes scanning their environment, even as Shadow Bolts and a couple extra guards patrolled the skies.

It wasn’t long before on their way home they were joined by some of the strongest earth ponies she’d ever seen including Private Flair.
She was however thankful for all these ‘paranoid’ actions when she suddenly saw two Shadow Bolts drop to the ground in front, before a grunt of pain was heard and Thunderlane was thrown uncontrolled back into the air.

Rainbow tensed ready even as the two guards in front charged, both coming up against Hunting Fire who was holding his own back against them.
Buck, he’s good’ Rainbow growled in her mind, seeing Applejack charge in from the side and get a solid half turn buck in staggering the stallion.
Hunting Fire seemed to shrug it off before going to charge even as Rainbow jumped twisting in the air for her rear hooves to catch him in the withers.
“FLUTTERS! HOME NOW!” Rainbow shouted before turning back to the fight, seeing a grey hoof coming at her.
“Oh buck!” She swore, catching it and deflecting from her face, holding onto the arm as she pirouetted and slammed a punch up into his shoulder before using her wings to give her the speed to back up.

However what Hunting Fire had failed to consider was where he was making this attack.
The one town where everypony knew every other pony. And he had hurt one of their own. And not just any one of their own - but Fluttershy, the one pony they all watched out for with her chronic shyness and kindness.
As he went to charge Rainbow again, two unicorn blasts slammed into his sides from Lyra and the vegetable stall seller slammed into him, slowing him down a moment even as he still charged towards her.
Timing it just right she narrowed her eyes and suddenly pulled off another wing powered backflip, making sure her rear hooves slammed up under his chin, her full weight snapping his head up and back with a sickening crack - his body kept moving forwards by inertia even as his feet went from under him and he slid along the ground.

Looking back she saw he was lying still, his head at an unnatural angle proving that she’d broken his neck even as guards moved in to block the sight with their wings.
“Damn that’s at least 5 different piles of paperwork.” She muttered before looking around seeing some shocked looks her way.
‘Oh yeah, they’ve never seen me kill before.’ she thought quietly, except for spotting the mint green lyra looking on with understanding.
She turned to walk away when she saw Shining Armour galloping up.
“Buck.” She muttered.


Hours later Fluttershy looked up as the cottage door opened, Cadence hadn’t left her side and princess or no, had insisted on helping out - and though Fluttershy thought her stare was powerful, it had nothing on Cadance’s! Angel had tried again to play up thinking he was safe to do so with Rainbow not there.

The pink alicorn soon disabused him of that notion.

Though to be fair the jobs Fluttershy did were more along the lines of food and drink preparations. And for the first time she actually felt safe around a stallion that wasn’t Shining Armour, Private Flair hadn’t left her out of his sight until Rainbow was back safely, he’d insisted on being close as a last line of defence, even though her friend Harry the Bear had growled at the thought of anypony but Fluttershy getting past him.

When Rainbow walked in she looked up to her worriedly before getting a half smile from her marefriend.
“Hey Flutters, he ain’t gonna bother you now - I dealt with him.” Rainbows words sunk into her mind and a dark cloud of fear and worry that had seemed to be pinned to her seemed to evaporate as she shot forwards, her lips finding Rainbows as she held her tightly.
It wasn’t a long or passionate kiss, just one full of love and tenderness, and more - reaffirmation to her that Rainbow was actually there.

Pulling away she looked deep into her mare’s eyes as she spoke quietly.
“What do you mean?”
Rainbows face contorted into a grimace as she sighed moving into the cottage more, her wing slipping across Fluttershy’s back as she spoke gently.
“He was fighting crazy like - and well, lethal force had been authorised. Unfortunately I had to use it, I had planned to just knock him out, but his neck snapped instead. He can’t hurt you anymore.”
Fluttershy looked to Rainbow shocked, seeing her head droop a little.
Moving around and guiding her to the couch, she shifted to stand in front of her, lifting a hoof under her muzzle and forcing Rainbow to meet her gaze as she spoke.
“Every time you’ve had to kill in Equestria’s defence I’ve said the same, you are a good Pony who was forced to do a terrible thing, I back then I said I’m still your friend, now I say, I still love you, my sweet, wonderful Rain.”
With that she leaned in for a short sweet kiss before moving to sit on the couch next to her.
“So - what happens now?”
Rainbow gave a small smile even as Candance floated a cup of tea over, nodding her thanks to the Princess.

“I’ve given the Bolts two days leave and then we start training hard - and well, while we wait for the adoptions to finalise for us to bring Scoots and Star here, we go on, life doesn’t stop.”
Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile at the thought and leaned in.
Rainbow was right, their future was wide open.


It was an unfortunate necessity that even though the death happened in a public place, and it was obvious that it was in self defence, and thus an ‘open and shut’ case, that an investigation was still needed as to the conduct of the fighters on the day of the fight.

Shaking her head as she slowly made her way to the new Ponyville Orphanage, Fluttershy sighed, it was the last day that Shining Armour or Cadance would be here visiting Twilight, but their time here had been very welcome, even with everything going on.

Going in she trotted up to the desk smiling at the new Orphanage Manager, Warmheart, a pony who lived to her name, smiling she reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a form, placing it on the desk.
“Well let’s see what we have here?” The kindly mare said, pulling the form close before her smile widened.
“Would you like me to send for the lucky foal?”
Fluttershy gently shook her head.
“No that’s okay, I - um well... know the way.” Fluttershy half spoke, half whispered.
Nodding the mare slid the form back letting Fluttershy take it before the pegasus turned and trotted on light hooves down the corridor to Starsky’s room.

Getting to the open door she was about to speak when she heard him whispering looking out the window of the room.

“I know it’s daytime, but I always prayed to the moon, so Luna I don’t know if you can hear me in the day, but I wanted to thank you. I asked you to find me a family and now I got one, I got a mom that loves helping ponies, animals, everything, she’s so kind and gentle. Did you know she comes every day even for a short while to read stories?”

Fluttershy stood in such a way as to be able to see his small face but not immediately noticeable by him as Starsky continued.
“And it gets even better - we’ve been keeping it secret, but I’m getting a new sister too, I don’t know if you know Scootaloo, but she’s amazing, smart and funny. I often wondered what it would be like to have a family, now I know, I don’t know if you had anything to do with it Princess, but thank you - thank you for everything.”

Trying to hold her own tears at bay Fluttershy slowly stepped into the room coming over.
“That was beautiful Starsky,” she said wrapping a wing over the little colts back.
Turning his tearful gaze and small smile to her he leaned in, accepting the winghug as his face turned into her bright yellow fur as he sniffled a bit.
“I… I hoped every night she… that somepony would help. I never dreamed I could get a family on top.”
Fluttershy bent her neck down so she could gently nuzzle his head as she spoke.
“And today is that day my little Starsky.” Fluttershy said, moving away a little to turn her head to pull out the form from her saddle bag, passing it over for him to read.

He looked to her in confusion as she moved to lie next to him and read it out loud to him, knowing he still had a lot of trouble with his words.

“This is to Certify that the Mare Fluttershy Brightlight along with her partner Rainbow Dash have been granted full custodial rights and responsibilities therein for the foal Starsky Brightlight. Signed by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

She could feel him trembling next to her, a chocked sob forcing its way out his little throat as he turned and leapt at her, desperately holding onto her as he fought all the emotions in his body.
“There there little one, it’s okay.” Fluttershy said quietly, moving to hold him close, fighting her own tears, tears of joy.
Eventually they both managed to calm themselves down as she spoke.
“So would you like to see your new home?” Fluttershy asked with a smile, fighting a giggle at how fast he nodded.
“Okay, do you want to bring your book?” She nodded to the book he was reading at the moment, it was oner to help foals learn their words.

He quickly grabbed it and came over, letting her take it from him and place it in her saddlebag.

“Now Starsky, it’s a bit of a walk back to the cottage, do you want to get up on my back?”
He looked down bashfully and started drawing tiny circles on the floor as he mumbled something.
“I’m sorry, but can you say that a little louder please?” She asked.
“You mean like a mummy?” He whispered.
Trying again to hold her own tears back she smiled, as she answered.
“Yes little one, if you like, exactly like a mummy.”
*Sniff* Starsky moved closer as she let him get on her back and curl up before she carefully got to her hooves and made her way out the building, trotting gently down the paths to the cottage on the outskirts of town, smiling brightly as she saw Rainbow trotting up with her own little orange and purple passenger.


That morning Rainbow opened her eyes with a groan, blinking rapidly she looked out the window to the early rising sunlight before realising her predicament.
She was trapped.

In the night Fluttershy could become quite the cuddlebug and last night had been no different and now she was imitating an octopus with how she was holding onto the cyan pegasus, lower legs intertwined, forelimbs holding her tightly with one wing spread over her, pinning her down.
Arching her neck she looked to see a cheeky smile on her normally shy partner.

When it was just the two of them Fluttershy came out her shell quite a bit.
“So you decided to keep the most awesome, amazing pony in Equestria hostage huh?” Rainbow asked even as she felt Fluttershy tremble, a tiny giggle escaping as she kept trying to feign sleep.
Rainbow couldn't help the laugh as she carefully reached back with a hoof and started gently digging into Fluttershy's barrel tickling her, causing her to squeal and roll away.
“Nu-uh! You can’t escape the Dash that easy!” Rainbow teased, rolling over to pin Fluttershy gently before going on the attack causing the yellow mare to burst out into peals of laughter as she kept tickling.
“Okaaay! Sto-hop! I’m going to peee!” Fluttershy managed to scream out as she kept trying to escape to no avail.
Deciding to grant mercy Rainbow stopped, looking down to her mare, flushed face, bright eyed with her two fore hooves pulled up, mane slightly dishevelled beneath her.
“You’re beautiful.” Rainbow whispered causing Fluttershy to blush as she squeaked a moment, before the pink maned mare pulled her down for a gentle, loving kiss.

It was some time later and quite a few kisses before the two got up and showered ready for the day when as they were settling for breakfast their front door wasn't so much knocked as thudded into.
“EEK!” Fluttershy squealed rapidly backpedalling.
Frowning a little Rainbow went to the door opening it and chuckling.
There on the ground in a bit of a heap, upside down, was Derpy, blushing like mad.

“Sorry Captain, I flew too fast when coming into land.”
Reaching down Rainbow helped the offset eyed pegasus to her feet and invited her in, turning to see Fluttershy already putting a plate and a blueberry muffin out.
“Thanks.” Derpy said coming to sit at the table.
“So what brings you here?” Rainbow asked getting a smile from Derpy.
“Oh right, I kept in touch with the Ponies at the mail office, I asked them to be told when this letter came in for you guys as I wanted to deliver it myself - sort of like, make my last letter delivery count?”

“Huh?” Rainbow asked, taking the letter from Derpy who had a smile almost as wide as Pinkie Pie before the trial and need for it had come up.
Flipping the envelope over as she set it between Fluttershy and herself, they spotted the embossed half sun and half moon logo.
She swallowed, hard, hoping beyond hope that this was what they thought it was, sliding the envelope closer to Fluttershy she watched as the canary mare slowly opened the envelope and three pieces of parchment fell out.

The two flipped the pieces over to read, the first two had her smiling, though fighting the tears, she wasn’t sure, but she didn’t think you could feel this elated and yet want to cry at the same time, it should be impossible.
It was then she noticed Fluttershy place the third piece between them and leaned over to read.

Dear Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy Brightlight,

I hope this letter doth find thee both in good health, and hope that the enclosed certificates will bring you joy.

I have known one little filly for a couple of turns of the seasons now and have come to care for her greatly, she oft allows me into her dreams simply to spend time with me and has become a friend to me, I cannot say how thankful I am to thee for giving her what she has always desired, not just a home, but a family.

Alas I do not know the colt in question very well, I only know of him through the two of thee, but I hope he too will find the joy of family that all orphans seek.

May you all continue to find happiness, friendship and ongoing love in the future,
Princess Luna

*sniff* Rainbow looked to the side to see Fluttershy smiling, her aqua eyes glistening with the threatened tears, gently she extended her wing, resting it on the back of her pink maned marefriend, pulling her in for a tender hug as she looked to Derpy whilst Fluttershy leaned into the winghug.
“Thanks Derpy, I’m glad you asked for this, it was nice to get from a friend.”
Derpy smiled and nodded before devouring the muffin in one bite, breaking the mood as Rainbow sniggered.
“I swear keep eating them like that and we’ll end up nicknaming you muffin on the team.”
Snorting Derpy shook her head as she laughed before taking her leave.

After seeing her out Rainbow sat on the couch looking over to Fluttershy.
“Ya think we’re ready then?”
Fluttershy gave a serene smile as she came over, handing Rainbow her coffee as she spoke, curling up on the other end of the couch.
“I hope so, ponies don’t really know if they’re ready or not, but I think so, that is… maybe?”
Rainbow sniggered a little as she answered.
“Just so we’re clear.”
Fluttershy sighed as she took a sip of her own drink looking out the window, her eyes seeming to stare off into the great blue yonder.

A short while passed before they headed out, Fluttershy making her way towards the barracks while Rainbow smiling headed into Ponyville.

Getting to the main through road she made her way to Cup Cake Corner and headed inside to see Mrs Cake behind the till.
Going up she spoke.
“One sparkle cake and I’ll have a liquid rainbow for myself.” She said with asmile.
Mrs Cake, her own face bemused as Rainbow wolfed down the multi-hued cupcake after hoofing over the bits spoke.
“I don’t know how you can eat those.”

Rainbow smiled sheepishly as she took the bag and spoke.
“I just like spicy stuff,”
Mrs Cake’s expression shifted immediately to one of concern.
“How is she?”
Rainbow sighed.
“She’s not great Mrs Cake, but Applejack’s helping her, it’ll be a while, but eventually she’ll be okay.”
Mrs Cake nodded before a small smile lit her face up.
“Well - as long as she’s got somepony looking after her.” Rainbow nodded.
“Yeah, anyway I gotta go - we’re bringing Scoots and Starsky home today.”

With that and a word of congratulations Rainbow left, making her way to Lyra and Bon Bon’s home, knocking on the door.


Lyra got up off the couch as the door was knocked, Scootaloo looking over as she opened it, a wide grin hitting the filly’s face as she saw Rainbow stood in the doorway.
Rainbow’s own smile illuminated her features as she came over, accepting the offer of a drink as she sat at the table, Lyra getting them as Bon Bon looked over with a curious expression.
“Hey, thought you’d like to read this Scoots.” Rainbow said softly - it was something Scootaloo had noticed more and more these past few weeks, how even though still confident and brash, Rainbow wasn’t always putting up a front, and more and more the ‘real’ Rainbow shone through.

Taking the paper she felt her eyes widen larger and larger, and if one would think to put her next to Pinkie in a full blown smile, it would be difficult to see who had the wider grin.

“R - Really?” Scootaloo breathed.
“Yeah Scoots, really, if you want, you can come home tonight, the rooms all done up for ya an Starsky, an well - it’ll be home for ya.” Rainbow said, gruffly, but the sheer joy from Rainbows deep magenta eyes said it all.
Scootaloo didn’t hesitate as she shot around the table, clinging to the cyan prismatic maned pegasus.
“Mummy.” She whispered, not seeing how in that one word, Rainbows eyes took on a sheen as she fought her tears, nore saw what Lyra and Bon Bon did, her swallowing back a joyful sob.

“So - you ready to go?”
Scootaloo nodded, before looking up to Lyra and Bon Bon as she tried to choke out her own thanks for them looking after her.
Lyra was the one who came over, crouching a bit so they were eye level.
“It wasn’t a hardship Scootaloo, I’m only sorry we wouldn’t be the right pony’s to raise you, you’re a brilliant young filly, and don’t ever let anypony else tell you otherwise.”

A short time later after the drinks had been finished and Rainbow surprising Scootaloo with the cupcake, they soon had all her things packed and were on the road to the cottage that now had a set of cloud stairs from the back yard up to Rainbow’s house as well, meeting up with Fluttershy and the little foal she’d adopted.

"Hey Flutters.” Rainbow said coming over draping a wing over her even as Scootaloo introduced herself to Starsky, the four making their way to the cottage.

Fluttershy gave her own light smile as they made their way inside, heading up to the bedroom, showing the two their room, to say they were both ecstatic with it would be an understatement.

That night in bed Fluttershy looked over.
“Rain, do you think… maybe we… could have the girls over?” Rainbow looked to her.
“You know you don’t have ta ask right Flutters? It’s your home too.”
Fluttershy blushed a little as she nodded.
Sighing now though Rainbow spoke.
“Will you be alright this week babe? The Shadowbolts are flying out across Equestria tonight, we’re heading to all the guardsposts to start the investigations to make sure all the other orphanages are up to scratch, look at how Scoots was thinking she’d be sent back to hers?”
Fluttershy smiled briefly and nodded.
“I will be,” Before leaning in to give Rainbow a short, sweet peck on the lips.
“After all, I’ve got the prettiest mare coming home to me.”
Rainbow’s cheeks seemed to take on a distinct pinkish tinge as she mumbled something.
“Whaty was that?” Fluttershy asked.
“Not as pretty as you.” Rainbow whispered.
Fluttershy sughed lening over to give her another longer lasting kiss before pulling away.
“I love you Rain.” She whispered.
“Love you too,” Rainbow whispered back into the shell of fluttershy’s eart causing the pleasant thrill through her, she wouldn’t act on that thrill yet though, it was too soon, but she knew one day, one day she would be able too - and her rainbow wouldn’t know what hit her.


Rainbow sighed as she woke the next morning Early
Graning she stumbled out the bed and headed into the shower, tapping the cloud above, inhaling a yelp as the cold water struck her fur.

It didn’t take her long then to quickly wash and pull her mane back into the braid she had it in when on duty before pulling on her flight suit and setting the goggles on her brow ready to pull down in a moments notice.
Slipping back out she blinked in surprise to see the bed empty.
Going down she smiled as she saw Fluttershy sat at the table, her own breakfast of muesli in front of her, while at the l=place opposite was Rainbows’ own bowl of chocolate oats.

“You didn’t have to get up.” Rainbow said softly, coming over.
Fluttershy gave a small shake of her shoulders that could have been a shrug.
“I know.”
Shaking her head with an appreciative grin on her face Rainbow took the seat opposite as she spoke.
“Don’t forget to check in with rarity while I’m gone, see if you can get the date of the fashion show pinned down for when I get back, that way I can make sure the ‘bolts are free.”
Fluttershy nodded.
“Thank you for ding that for me, I mean, it’ll help me so much to help all the others…”
Fluttershy trailed off as Rainbow shook her head.
“No, thank you for asking me, I love the fact our display debut will be for something like this.” Rainbow said quietly, before finishing off her breakfast sighing as the clock struck a quarter to six.

“That’s my cue love.” Rainbow said softly, getting a nod from Fluttershy as they got up, Rainbow coming over to pull Fluttershy into a hug.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
She felt Fluttershy choke back her own little sob - sure they’d spent time apart before, sometimes for weeks, but that was before they’d gotten together.

“I know…” Fluttershy almost whimpered.
“Now go - go before I lose it.”
Rainbow swallowed her own lump of emotion pulling away long enough to draw Fluttershy into a deep, loving kiss before turning, heading out and taking to the sky, not looking back, knowing if she did and saw Fluttershy’s tears, she would never leave.

It would be a long week. For them both.