• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,887 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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A Rare Event: 6

Author's Note:

Rarity's POV


It is early in the morning, but the sun is beaming in through my bedroom window.

The bed is made with smooth silken bed linen. A pristine white, with the electric blue gems that makes up my mark. At first, I think I am at home, but then the little details creep into my consciousness; pointing out, just how wrong my original assumption had been. This is not the Carousel Boutique at all.

Maybe this is a hotel, I was staying at, then?” I ponder, as I slowly scan the room.

Of course the bed linen and the bed are pristine; none had even touched the bed before, and I certainly have not slept in this bed before.

I fold the quilt up towards the side of the bed against the wall, before I slide out of bed. The floor is laid with white beech, and there is a fluffy, white mat under the bed. The border of the mat is decorated with the electric blue diamonds that make up my mark.

At least, whoever made this room made the effort of making me feel at home!” I ponder.

By the side of my bed, I have a matching bed stand in white beech. I have a framed image of Sweetie Belle on the bed stand; but otherwise it is empty. At the foot end of my bed, I can see the twin doors of my two wardrobes. Only for now, these are empty.

The walls are laid with pink cherry-wood; though the ceiling had been coated with mate black silicone: holding the pin-prick, LED star skape in place. For now, the light in the room is off, but the sun is easily lighting the room so there is no point right now. Is there?

”Thud!” is heard, as I slide down onto the floor.

As I turn my attention towards the door; I notice a black shape with blue outlines where the handle should be. A plaque, intended to control the door. Wait, the plaque is not actually on the door, but a foot to the side of the door.

Maybe I am still a bit confused, disoriented.

I finally approach the door, extending my right fore-hoof up towards the plaque; pressing my hoof gently, in order to open the door.

The door eagerly slide to the side, quietly; opening up, presenting me with the room behind it.

Now I can see the floor behind the door had been laid with the same white beech wood. In fact, the decoration is identical to the room I will refer to as my bed room.

On my left, I have the Mare’s room and the shower; on my right, I have another bedroom. If I continue further to the right, I have a flight of stairs leading down.

While I do need neither the shower or use the facilities of my Mare’s room; I am still curious, to see what they are looking like. The two doors are clearly marked, for me to know exactly what they are.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I trot down towards the door.

Naturally, there is a plaque by the door; just as I have to the door in my bedroom, identical to the one in the bedroom too. As I reach the door, to the Mare’s room, I lift my hoof, pressing it onto the plaque; thus quietly opening the door, so I can step in and explore what is inside.

The floor had been laid with ceramic tiles, just as expected. The pattern is a porcelain white with the blue and turquoise representing my mark. The walls are a perfect, unblemished white. Pristine and white.

Did I even have to look up, to follow the night sky any further? What I do need to see, is the facility of the Mare’s room.

On my right, I have the sink, where I can wash my hooves; on my left I have the utility. At least, it is not a squat. Though I guess it is a bit too modern for my experience. I had been expecting a regular water closet.

While I am facing the sink, I just back in and wiggle my rump; feeling my rear orifices aligning. Though I will have to lift my tail, for this to work.

To put it in human terms; it feels like magic, even when I am pretty sure it is not.

As I open the door to the shower; I find two wooden benches, under which I can store towels and clothes respectively. Since I had just moved in, there are no clothes; though I do have what feels like a very large towel. Neither white, nor black; but rather strangely transparent. This should work, for drying myself off; if and when I feel the need or urge, to do it.

Of course, this small room is exceptionally warm. Maybe that should have been expected?

I have two crystal-clear sliding doors; behind which I do have the actual shower.

The floor is laid with porcelain white ceramic tiles. The walls are the same white ceramic tiles as the floor.

The blue diamond is the only detail to stand out, where it is on the wall opposing the door. Conveniently placed, so that I can control the shower; even if I can not see either a hose or the muzzle of the shower in the room.

Touching the diamond, would somehow change how much and how warm water I have in my shower. I leave the shower, knowing what the room looks like and what I have to expect.

While unfamiliar and strange, at least I think I can remain lady-like and true to myself here!” I ponder, as I turn back to see the rest of my home.

As I trot back towards the flight of stairs, leading down; I pass my room, and the next bedroom. The second room merely mirrors the one I sleep in. There is nothing to see, but it would remind me of my sister; Sweetie Belle, who is not with me. I could tell myself, she is with my parents.

”Clippety, clop; clippety, clop; clippety, clop..” is heard, echoing with each step; as I take the stairs down to the ground floor.

Curious!” I ponder; ”Almost sound as if the stairs had been made out of hard wood?” I continue.

Of course I am finding myself in my living room, as I get down on the ground floor.

I have a three seated cinematic sofa, opposing the large TV screen on the short wall. That is something, I had not been expecting. There is a small table, before me, as I sit on my sofa. Looks like stainless steel, at first, and a sheet of tainted sapphire glass.

I guess I could make myself comfortable, resting on this sofa!” I ponder.

I sit down, on the sofa; leaning back and relax, comfortably. The smooth black fabric is odd, as it definitely does not feel like any fabric I could recognize. At least, it feels nice.

“Knock, knock, knock!” is heard, as some Pony is knocking on my door.

How unexpected?” I ponder, as I slip down and raise to my hooves; before I trot over to the door and open.

I just had to stop by the door to my cloaking room first. What a lovely surprise; the guest I had not invited feels rather reassuring, right now. At least, I am not alone.

“Greetings, Rarity; Welcome to Twilight Town!” Twilight exclaims, just as I had managed to open the outer door.

“Greetings, Twilight; and thank you for dropping by, such an unexpected surprise!” I respond.

“If you don’t mind; Rarity; may I help you, carry in the daily mail?” she inquires, as she is levitating a fairly large basket filled with carrots.

“Thank you, Twilight; please do!” I respond, as I peak out, noticing a pair of baskets behind her.

One containing water, and the other containing what could only be Apple Juice.

I light my horn, before I lift up the basket containing the Apple Juice. Now I step inside, watching her carrying the basket of carrots towards my kitchen. Being Twilight Sparkle, carrying the carrots is evidently quite effortless on her part.

I just have to open each door, for her; since this is my home. Though I notice, she is managing to pick up the second basket for me on her way.

As I carry the juice out of the cloaking room; I notice a shoe rack against the wall, and a rack for hanging jackets and cloaks and even a hat rack on the top. Even if I have nothing to wear. I can but guess, that whomever built the house for me had planned for me to acquire these items, or having guests over who were having them.

Of course, I could not miss the two other doors; leading to a Mare’s room and Shower, respectively. I assume they are identical to the once upstairs. I will be inspecting these at some point, but right now I have a guest over. A Twilight Sparkle. She is after all a very close and dear friend of mine.

As I finally do reach the kitchen; I notice I have a complete kitchen. Freezer, fridge and stove. Aside from the room to place every piece of equipment a fully equipped kitchen could hold.

The only issue is, these cupboards are all empty. Then again, what had I been expected; considering I had just moved in, or whatever I should call it in this situation.

I had just woken up, finding me in the house; barely finishing, exploring my new home.

Once Twilight had helped me with the groceries, of sort; both the food and drink, she steps out of the kitchen. I watch her, as she is trotting over to the sofa; stopping, only to open the two small storage compartments to the right and left of the central seat.

“This, is where you keep your snacks for the TV nights; and this, is where your head-set had been stored for you!” she exclaims.

“Since I have a TV, and a friend to watch it with; I guess, TV night sounds just about right!” I respond.

“The head-set can be used, just as one would use a Phone; just put it on your head, like this!” she points out, putting the head-set on my head in the correct manner.

“Whoa!” I exclaim; "I barely feel the head-set, on my head!” I realize, after she had made that one final adjustment.

I tap my head, feeling the previously cool item, now warmed up to body temperature under my right fore hoof.

I notice, how Twilight is giggling at my predicament; as she notices what I am doing.

“The head-set was made to fit you, Rarity..” she points out; “if it bothers you, it would get in the way of the experience!” she concludes.

After yet another moment, I notice how the quiet in the ear-buds are changing; as the head-set is active, permitting me to hear what is said on the other end of the line.

I tap the side of my head, as I hear a new change in the silence.

“Oh, your head-set is active!” she points out.

“Greetings, Rarity; and welcome to the Twilight Town!” a voice speaks in my ear buds of the head set.

“Greetings..” I respond; “Miss..” I add, after a moment of contemplation.

Her voice is clearly female; but she does not sound as if she had been a day older than my younger sister: Sweetie Belle.

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