• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,886 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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My After Party: 14

Author's Note:

Ms. Neko's POV


I had excused myself, leaving May; walking home, so I could take part in my birthday party at home.

Not that May, or her friends minded all that much; they had just been happy, for the time I had been there. May is such a fun friend to hang out with.

The party had been fun, and my friends had been there.

However, amusingly enough; none had picked up on the little details, or any of the changes brought into play by May. Maybe just as well; because I am not sure how I could have explained any of these things, had they been picking up on them.

Of course, everyone who had come to the party had left; leaving me alone, and rather tired.

”That was fun!” Hitomi exclaims, as I close the door to my room behind myself; as the last guest had left the party.

”Yeah, it sure was; but tiring..” I respond, as I am walking towards my bed.

”If only I had a wardrobe and a bed!” Hitomi suggests.

”That would have been great..” I respond; ”but it isn’t, as if I could fix that right now!” I continue.

”Since I don’t need sleep, I guess I can live without the bed for a few more days..” she offers; ”but it would have been good to have the wardrobe, to store my clothes in!” she suggests.

I unbutton my blouse, before I slip out of it; putting it away, to be washed. Now I slip the skirt down, stepping out of it with some difficulty, on the account of being tired and sleepy. I place the skirt on top of the blouse.

As I am pulling the top up over my head, I hear sounds as if I had been on the pasture with horses; the wind gently blowing, calming me for sleep. I leave the top, on the pile of clothes, awaiting their time in the washer. Now, I finally slip my panties down; nude, if not for what Hitomi had been putting on.

With some effort, I manage to put the panties on the pile; leaving them, to be washed. No thought in my head.

Only now, at this point; I am picking up faint noises of neighing, whinnies and snickers as if these horses had been in the room. I am a bit confused, but too tired to consider it further.

”No daytime make up on, during the night!” I hear Hitomi point out, in between the equine noises I am hearing.

The next moment; I notice, how she is extracting the red lip accessory and swapping it for a semi glossy, crystal clear one. With that, my make-up fades away; replaced, by the much more subdued nighttime make-up. My lips still feels the same, but the red is gone, and only a trace of gloss remains. The eye-shadow fades away, replaced with a semi-gloss, similar to that of my nighttime lip-gloss. However; my eyelashes remains glistering black as if nothing had happened.

My face, remaining in the oriental style; befitting my name, such as I had accepted it. I am after all still Neko.

If the daytime underwear; panties and top are white: her nighttime underwear should be black!” Hitomi ponders; while she is slipping her panties and top off of her, before she is putting the black panties and top on.

Maybe the nighttime underwear is slightly glossier, or is it a mere illusion of the spares light in the room. Or, a Mare’s illusion?

Words can be funny, playing tricks on you; when your mind is not sharp enough, at bedtime. I could not help, but giggle. Well, I am indeed tired; no point, in trying to deny it even to myself at this point. Now, is there?

Since Hitomi had swapped the daytime underwear for the nighttime variant, with swift haste; I had not even noticed it, just that the underwear now is black. She had made the choice, without asking me; but in a sense, I am still glad she makes the distinction for me. Bedtime is bedtime; whether I go to bed for sleep, or for more exciting bedtime entertainment.

Just as she had taken the panties and top off of her, she is now taking the stockings and gloves off of her; slipping a new pair of stockings and gloves on.

”Since she calls herself Neko; I should let her experience the joy she had been asking for, even if she may not have realized it?” Hitomi ponders, as she is choosing the set of stockings and gloves for the night.

She had chosen a light cream hue, for both the stockings and the gloves she was putting on; however, the touch-pads still remains while the nails had vanished. A cat does not have human finger-nails of course. We all knew that.

As I am indeed tired, or deadbeat, I climb up onto my bed, slipping in under the quilt. Slow, but I am getting there. Once under the quilt, I am curling up, almost like the cat I had made myself out to be; even if I had not quite understood, or realized it at the time.

With the ears, and whiskers; there isn’t too much left, to make the distinction is there?

Now, I find myself purring; under the cover, of the comforting quilt.

My dreams are filled with Ponies. I just can not make out what they are saying; since all I hear, is neighs, whinnies and snickers.

Horses, horses, horses and more horses; horses are everywhere?” I ponder, in my dream.

”Of course!” I hear Hitomi responding, as if she had been with me.

I had never considered to take the head-set of; but then, it is an accessory on Hitomi’s head. Nothing I need to concern or worry my cute little head with. I am after all a little house-cat.

Had I been looking, I would have found the fur of my body a glossy black; while the fur of my head, legs and tail are all a light creamy hue. Just the way Hitomi had dressed up, before I had gone to sleep the night before. How odd, or how convenient?

While I could not make anything else out, what stands out in the crowd of noises is: Penelope. It is apparently what the Horse, or Pony is calling me. I can not for my life, make out why. Of course, you do call your pet something. Naming the pet is part of the domestication and familiarizing processes. I guess I knew that.

But, why Penelope; of all the names they could have been picking? - <pe-ne-lo-pe>

At least, I am still a cat; a female cat, at that. While a dream could have chosen to play further tricks upon me, but I guess it chose to play my game.

These dreams are so vivid to me, in the hear and now; almost, as if they were more real than my real life. Strange, but this is the nature of my dreams.

Of course, I will eventually have to wake up; still in the body I had been born with, in the real world.

The whinnies, neighs and snickers are following me, almost as if they were ghosts haunting me. Just that they are so warm and friendly; not like these ghosts, or spirits from the tails I remember.

”Yawn!” I exclaim, and open my brilliant sapphire blue eyes.

I am looking around, but everything is exactly, where it should be. The last dream of the night is fading away; yet stays firmly in my memory as if it had actually happened the day before.

”Life, as a cat is weird!” I exclaim.

I manage to slip out, from under the quilt of my bed; hopping down onto the floor with a distinct squeaking noise, as my paws hit the floor. Not that the jump had been all that high, but I guess the silicone coating my skin is enough to make this effect.

As I am looking up; I notice walls between the legs of what had previously been my night stand.

There is a door, at the front; just as there is a window on each side of the door. She even has a window on the right and left side of what now effectively had turned into her home.

Had I looked in; I could have seen her bed and her two wardrobes. Yes, she does indeed have two wardrobes. One for her clothes, and one for her accessories.

Her bed is identical to mine, but scaled down to her size and in order to fit comfortably within the space of her room.

Naturally, she had slipped out of her kimono, before she had gone to bed the night before.

”Red, or blue?” I hear her mumbling; as she is standing in her room, considering the choice she has available to her.

She had ended up choosing the blue, this time; as she is extracting the oral tube, or make-up accessory, before she is slipping in the blue one in place of the clear she had used for the night.

As she is swapping the accessory, my lips are effectively changing into the metallic electric blue of the accessory’s design. Other than that, I am sporting silver metallic eye-shadows. My features are otherwise unchanged. I don’t really feel different.

”Just in case, you need to go to the girls’ room!” I hear Hitomi suggesting, as she is picking a pair of skin-tone panties for herself.

She is stepping out of her nighttime panties, swapping them for the skin-tone underwear she had just chosen, for me. In her case, the black silicone panties are clean; even if I guess she could choose to dry them off with a moist cloth at any time she chooses. Just for the sake of doing it. Though it would be nothing more than formality in her case.

As I am looking down, I notice how her choice of accessory is coming out; in the form of now skin-tone panties, permitting me to use the girls’ room as I please. Which would be convenient right now.

She had picked a matching top, before she had slipped out of the black nighttime top, she had been wearing all night. The one she had been sleeping in. Since she is just stepping out of one garment, slipping into the next; I don’t have the time, to feel the difference. I never feel the sense of nudity, as it were.

Firm, and bouncy!” I ponder, as I notice the change she had put on.

She is pulling the gloves and stockings of, before she is slipping into a set of matching gloves and stockings, all in the matching skin-tone hue.

Once she had effectively changed into a new set of clothes, she puts her kimono on, once more.

With that, she is opening the door; stepping out, before she is closing the door behind herself.

Once she had slipped into the daytime wear, I am back to my lady-like looks once more; even if my finger-nails are a mere three millimeters long this time. My nails, now a matching sapphire blue; each and every one of them, not just my finger-nails.

Living with Hitomi, is new and exciting!” I realize, in a flash.

Since I don’t want to appear nude, as I exit my room; I slip into a pair of white daytime panties and matching top. The nudity would have been embarrassing enough on me, before; but now, with my highly emphasized privates I find it unthinkable. Plain and simple. Period.

The petals of my orchid, now a bright cerise and firmly stiff; just as I can see my pink and large nipples standing out as if I had been excited. Maybe I am, thanks to Hitomi. But, still.

Being alone with Hitomi, or with a special someone is one thing; but with my parents, or anyone else, nudity is simply unthinkable.

Maybe I had been affected by the Anime I have been following, more than I had realized; compared with the western lifestyle I am surrounded by. If so, so be it; it’s far too late to complain, or whine about it now. I had become as inhibited, as the characters I had made my friends; but it had opened me up, in other aspects and arias in the process.

Of course, as I had put on something to wear; even if it is nothing more than the underwear, I am now standing in. I can find myself presentable enough, to brave going out of my room; at least, if I am just going to the girls’ room. The room is not adjacent to my room; I have to walk out of the room and across the hall, in order to reach the girls’ room.

While it is merely slightly embarrassing to go out of my room, now; but not more so, than I can dare to go out of my room and reach the girls’ room.

As I had put the panties and top on, I am closing the door of my wardrobe; turning my back on the wardrobe, walking over the floor of my room.

There are no insistent squeaks now, as a girl; but I can still hear the faint noises, of my footsteps over the floor. If I had not heard them, it would have scared me. I am after all still a little girl, and if I can’t hear my own steps over the floor; I would inevitably and unavoidably feel, as if I had been turned into a ghost overnight.

As I reach the door, I stop and open; before I am stepping out of my room, only to close the door behind myself. From there, I continue to walk over to the girls’ room; stopping and opening the door hastily; stepping in and closing it behind myself, quietly.

I carefully lock the door, behind myself; before I can consider myself safe.

With the doors securely locked, behind me; I can finally consider, what I had to do. I just had not realized it, as I had been wearing the panties constantly. Now, it is slowly hitting home; I had not been to the girls’ room, for several hours.

I slip my panties down, turn around; before I physically confirm what I have, that I can finally complete this. As my fingers are probing the mound, slowly caressing the petals of my orchid; the sensations are coming back to me, making me feel just how long I had put up what I knew I had to do. I use my left hand, probing my rear orifice; feeling the entrance of the orifice, just as I should have known all along.

With a muffled yelp, I realize just how long overdue it is. I sit down on the toilet, quietly.

I feel the pressure mounting internally, relaxing as best I can; focusing on letting it happen, as I am relieving myself. As I do, I can clearly hear the squirt hitting the bottom. While it continues, I feel myself growing relieved; the pressure slowly decreasing, in the process.

A moment later, the next sound hits me. Once, twice and thrice.

As the squirt is ebbing out, I extend my right hand; reaching down, exploring the effect. Strangely enough, I find myself perfectly dry; maybe I should have expected and realized it, but this is still the effect of the new panties Hitomi is wearing.

I extend my left hand, exploring the effects, finding myself perfectly clean.

However, I am still picking a strip of toilet paper; maybe it is more of a habit, than the actual need to. Yet, I am wiping once, twice and thrice before I let go of the clean paper. I do not look back. Why?

As I am done, I flush the toilet and raise to my feet; walking over to the sink; washing my hands with hot water and then soap. Washing all the soap off of my hands; before I dry my hands off, on my own towel.

”There, that felt surprisingly good!” I ponder, as I realize it.

Since I am done, I step into my panties; before I turn to the door and unlock it. Now I open the door and walk back to my room. Clearly relieved.

I only stop, opening the door; before I enter my room, closing the door behind myself.

The door, of Hitomi’s new home is swinging up; Hitomi steps out and closes the door behind herself, before waving a hand at me.

”Hello, Neko..” she exclaims; ”how did it go?” she then inquires in a hushed and more subdued voice.

”Hello, Hitomi!” I respond, smiling back at her; ”Oh, that..” I continue; ”as expected? Well!” I conclude.

”Great, to hear..” she responds.

”Could you change into the white underwear?” I inquire; ”As good as these may feel, and as fun as it may be; but it is a distraction, the rest of the time!” I explain, matter-of-fact in a somber voice.

”Yes, but of course..” she responds; ”I will just have to go in, but I can still hear you loud and clear!” she then points out.

I drop my white daytime cotton panties, in order to see when she had swapped them; but leave the top on, all the same.

However, I do lift my right hand in under the top; momentarily exploring myself, feeling the right nipple under the tips of my fingers. It is larger, than I had realized; but it feels nice, to touch it all the same. Maybe, just maybe; it does feel a bit too good, to touch. Even if the size is a bit more than I had been expecting.

Though it is not just to feel of the large nipple, under the touch-pads of my fingers that feel good; it is how the touch-pads feel, as I explore and caress myself in the process too.

While my right hand is occupied, busy; I soon notice, how my panties are changing from the skin-tone to the expected porcelain white I had asked for.

Once the change is complete, I am picking up my panties; putting them on, once more. With that, I walk over to my wardrobe; opening the door, choosing a fresh skirt for the day.

As the skin slowly starts turning into the porcelain white, the mound is growing smooth; giving me the impression, of wearing panties once more. It looks, like it had the day before.

It is smooth, yet nicely sensitive; just more innocent looking, and perfectly safe once more.

Of course, these changes are covering my bust, my chest as well; giving the sense of wearing the top, just as it gives that appearance as well.

As I had put the skirt on, I am extracting a white blouse; slipping my right hand through, then the left hand. Now, I am buttoning the blouse all the way up. I choose a short-sleeved crop-top jacket; slipping my right and left hand in through the respective sleeves, before I zip it up tight for the desired look.

I am a girl, and I certainly want to feel like it; this should be an appropriately smart look for a girl my age!” I ponder.

Since I am indoors, and at home; I put on a pair of regular, white, knee-long cotton socks.

”There, perfect!” Hitomi exclaims; ”Or, as I guess you could have put it; purr-fect..” she then adds, giggling.

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