• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,886 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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Texted: 2

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV


It feels weird.

“Bleap, bleap, bleap..” chimes the alarm; “Render complete!”

“Uh, my head!” I moan.

“Wait, that’s odd!” I exclaim, as I see the text by the side of the rendered Pony.

While the Pony does look just as I had been expecting; the text was never part of the render, I had initiated before I had fallen asleep.


Would you like your hair to look like my mane?

Could you draw me a home?

Okay! Thank you!” the text simply reads.


”How does a girl even react, to something like this?” I mumble.

Yes, please!” I ponder; ”But, how would people react; if I sported that peculiar hair-style?” I ponder.

Either way; it would be fun, to have this hairstyle!” I ponder; ”Yes, please!” I exclaim; as if I had expected someone to be there, capable of changing my hair.

What kind of a home, would she like to have?” I ponder.

Maybe I should draw her a cottage?” I consider; as I start drawing the new image, of what would become the home of Twilight.

I notice a bright purple light, in the corner of my eye, but think nothing of it.

While I continue to sketch up the cottage, I had intended to be her home; the colour of my hair is changing ever so subtly. Not only that, the differently coloured streaks from Twilight’s mane is appearing in my hair, just as if I had had her hair all along. Then the hair changes slightly, as the style starts to resemble hers more and more; until it is a perfect match, aside from the differences between our respective heads.

”Wait, what?” I exclaim; as I notice my bangs splitting up, giving room for an non-existing horn in my forehead.

While I continue to draw her home; I lift up my left hand towards my forehead, patting my bangs as I examine the changes she had just imposed upon my hair. The only thing I did not notice; is the changes in the colour of my hair, as several strands had changed hue drastically.

Of course, I did never have a horn; but the changes had still made room for one!” I ponder.

”Thank you!” I respond, as I thank whoever had changed my hair.

It is Twilight Sparkle, of course; but I had failed to notice it, and realize where it had come from. Maybe I had been too busy, drawing her cottage?

I could have drawn the cottage, as it looks from outside exclusively; in just a few minutes, but it would never have been her home. I need to draw up everything required; for her to enter the building, and make it into a home she could call her own.

The work had taking me the better part, of an hour; but then it is looking, like a home one could live in. With every detail, required to live inside.

Once I had completed the sketch, I had to make sure it is in scale for her; before I could continue, completing the drawing. At this point, I had hit Render. This should be taking a while; so I guess I could do something else, as the rendering is done.

I watch the rendering, taking place; for several minutes, just to make sure it will work out as intended. I hope I could spot any issue, within the first few minutes; at least, the once serious enough, to make me start over.

She could explain, how it came out; as the render is complete, and the building is ready for her to move in into.

I could have something to drink, or grab myself a bite; as it renders, and come back in time to see it completed?” I ponder.

After a few moments, pondering; I raise to my feet and walk out of the room. I had never intended to leave my room, for all that long; so she should be safe, hands down. Shouldn’t she? I know the room will not be invaded, by any snoopy eyes; so I can leave her, for a few minutes or so.

Now, I am walking to the door; stopping, only to open the previously closed door. I step out, and close the door behind myself; as a sign, I want the room undisturbed. I sometimes leave the door open, as an open invitation.

What would a Pony eat?” I ponder; ”A Pony; the size of my hand, that is.. and what would she like to eat?” I consider.

I don’t want to insult her, but I don’t want her to go hungry either. Assuming she does need to eat. Yet; everyone needs to eat something. Assuming she does not eat, and does not need to eat; could be the worst insult, I could possibly come up with here. If she is my friend, I am sharing with her; it comes natural, to me.

Just as I had closed the door to my room; I walk over to the girls’ room, and the mirror. I want to see how my hair looks; before anyone other than Twilight Sparkle sees it, and possibly comments on the new looks she had given me. I stop before the door, opening it; step in and enter the room, closing the door behind me. I like some privacy here, and this is the most private room in the house; to me it is, at least. I don’t need, or like spectators, when I am in here.

While I may have noticed, how my bangs had changed; I have not really seen my hair, after the change. I stop before the mirror, taking a quick look; familiarizing myself with the new looks. The colour had not really changed, all that much. Just a small shift in hue; nothing much, if I could say so myself.

Of course, my bangs had parted, in order to make room for the horn I do not have. Otherwise, I guess the style is a little bit of a touching up; just as if I had been having a new cut, but nothing more. I also notice the streaks in my hair; both matching the hair in Twilight’s mane, to a T.

”Whoa?” I exclaim.

The hair is smooth and a bit more glossy; as if I had just washed my hair, and combed it with diligent care; something I do rather frequently. I like to look my best. The slob is not my style. I am the cute, pretty kind of girl, after all.

Okay; I have seen the changes, so I can go out and face the world!” I ponder.

How do I present the food, to her; when I finally do get back, to the room?” I ponder, as I am walking over to the kitchen.

As expected, the door is invitingly open. The kitchen is empty. I am alone, as I enter the fairly small space.

Even if she does not eat egg, maybe I could use an egg-cup?” I ponder, opening the door and extract two clean egg-cups.

I open the door to the fridge; extracting a small bottle of water and juice respectively. Maybe she likes orange juice, as much as I do? Or, maybe she prefers the apple juice? With that in mind, I pick up a bottle of apple juice too.

What would she like to eat?” I ponder; ”I think I like some bread and butter!” I continue.

I find shredded carrots, in a small can; looking, as if it should fit her appetite just right. Horses use to love carrots, maybe she does too?

Once I had extracted, what I had in mind; I close the fridge, before I am walking back to my room. I open the door and step right in, before I close the door behind me and walk back to my desk.

Oups, I forgot to tell her that I was leaving the room, for a moment!” I realize, just as I am placing everything I had brought to my room on the desk.

Apparently; I had left a vial of clear base-coat nail-polish. Nothing special about it, but it had been in clear sight, for a little Pony who is my guest and room mate. I had never considered it, it is nothing I have to hide.

The cottage I had drawn up for her, and left to render while I was out; is clearly ready, for her to check out as I come back. I realize, she had been ogling the render as I left the room; it had distracted her, from noticing or realizing that I had walked out of the room. At least, for most of the time.

So much to explore, for a curious little Pony; left for her to discover on my desk, while I was out.

”Thank you, the cottage looks lovely!” she exclaims, as she realizes I am coming back.

”You are quite welcome, Twilight; explore the new home, and see if it is right for you!” I respond.

I notice her lighting her horn, but think nothing of it. I had been assuming, she intended to open the door with magic. Maybe my assumption had been a bit premature?

I watch, as the tiny little orb of purple light magic appears at the very tip of her horn; the orb grows in size and intensity, before it floods down the sides of her horn like an avalanche. Just as it reaches its peak, she is casting a spell; I had never imagined, or been prepared for.

Just as the spell had been concluded, she is focusing on the door before her; opening it, the way I had expected her to.

”I hope you will like it!” she exclaims; ”She has nail-polish, and she has expressed a desire to emulate me before!” she ponders, just as she is stepping into the cloak-room, of her new cottage.

I fill one of the egg-cups with carrot, and the other with bottled water; before I place them by the door, to her new home.

The door opens, and she is levitating the offered meal in.

”Thank you!” she exclaims.

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