• Published 9th May 2020
  • 1,873 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Twilight - Kentavritsa

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

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Neko in Twilight Town: 20

Author's Note:

Ms. Twilight's POV

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Ms. Neko's POV

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“If she is broken, Twilight; you can make a new one, and none would be the wiser!” Pinkie points out.

“Could, or should I?” I inquire.

“Either way, we simply can not just let her stand there like this; it would be uncouth!” Rarity exclaims, in pure indignation.

“She needs a party..” Pinkie suggests; “or a new suit!” Rarity suggests.

After a moment, Neko collapses in a heap of hysterical giggles. (Who would have thought?)

"Not right now, Pinkie and Rarity!” I prompt; levitating Neko up onto my bed, leaving her to rest and recuperate; “Maybe later, when she is getting back to herself..” I offer, on second thought.

I probably should not have said that, but it is too late to take it back; what is said, is said.

“I could sketch up the designs for her…” Rarity offers.

“Take your time!”.

Of course, Pinkie is already imagining scenarios; planning for the party, to welcome Neko into Twilight town. But alas, who could blame her? It is after all her passion, in life.

<--- --- --->


I am waking up, with the quilt covering most of my body. I am still wearing the panties and top Hitomi had helped me putting on. Even though I can recognize everything, or so I imagine right now; something is still off, in a manner I could not quite put a finger on.

Maybe the lack of fingers, is part of the problem?

Recollections of the massage Twilight had offered me, still fresh in my mind; its effects, still lingering. I can recall her tiny little hooves, moving on my back.

It had felt so good, so why is everything feeling so strange?

Where am I?” I ponder; “And where are every Pony else?” I then utter.

“You are at home, in Twilight Town!” I hear a voice enlightening me.

“Hitomi?” I inquire.

“Yes, Neko; I am here!” she confirms.

Only now; she is in the form of a Pony, just like me.

The light is dim, as if it had been in the middle of the night. Yet, as I scan the room, in order to orient myself; the light grows brighter, almost as if my eyes were adapting to the sparse light in the room.

First now, I realize it, my field of vision had changed to that of the Horse I had been turned into. Well, a Pony; and I had always been a Pony, even if the remnants of memories told me otherwise.

For some reason, the sheets are mate black, slippery smooth. Is this the standard, for bed linen in Twilight Town? Either way, it is what I had been granted.

The quilt is three inches thick, crystal clear Silicone. I distinctly feel the weight over my entire body.

The pillow feels soft and squishy under my head, almost as if it had been inflated, rather than filled with regular pillow stuffing. (I don’t know what they call the specific pillow stuffing!)

The quilt is keeping my body comfortably warm, while the pillow is cool. As opposed to the opaque black sheet; the quilt and pillow are crystal clear. (Transparent, as opposed to the opaque)

As I finally see my right hoof, I notice how glossy it is; as if I had been to the Spa, having a hooficure and polished my hooves.

“As unexpected as my situation is, I can’t complain; I enjoyed the massage Twilight offered me, and I would enjoy more if she is willing to offer it!” I admit.

“That was quite generous of her, offering you the massage!” Hitomi suggests; “Even if she is not giving you massage, but it would appear Twilight town has a Spa!” she then puts forth.

“Wait, Twilight Town has a Spa?” I inquire.

“So it would appear; even if the population was just six ponies!” she then concludes.

“Every Pony needs a job, some way to pass the time..” I put forth.

“A Library, a Clothes store, a Bakery and Cafe, a Farm and a Pet store!” Hitomi points out.

“And now, even a Spa!” I exclaim.

“Aloe and Lotus own and operate the Spa where they work!” Hitomi informs me; “Though Sparkler and Bulk Biceps fill in, on occasion; if and when their specific services are needed!” she then continues.

“Aloe and Lotus sound positively delightful, and I am sure Sparkler should do just fine too!” I put forth; “But; I think you can keep Bulk Biceps, as far from me as possible!” I conclude.

“You prefer the gentle touch of a female, and being pampered up in a more effeminate fashion, then?” Hitomi inquires.

“Well, yes!” I confirm; “But alas; I am a girl, or a Pony in the first place!” I then continue.

“Yes, you are!” Hitomi concedes; “Though Mare, or Filly would be the local word for it!” she then points out.

“Oh, yeah; so it is, I guess!” I offer; “It will just take me a while, in order for me to get used to it!” I continue; “I was never into being a Pony Girl, or Equines in general; but it isn’t all that bad, once I finally got to experiencing it first hoof!” I concede.

“From a perspective, you were already halfway there; as the Cat, known as Neko!” Hitomi points out.

“You do have a point there!” I concede; giggling at the table, that had just been turned on me.

“The biggest change, would be swapping the paws for hooves?” Hitomi inquires.

“Nothing, I can’t live with; and I still have friends, I can rely upon!” I put forth.

“Yeah, we have these friends!” Hitomi concedes; “But right now, I think it is time for you to get up, and out of bed!" she continues.

While the room had been dark, as I woke up; now it is bright, it had just warmed and brightened so slow and gradually, I had barely noticed it. Until now.

With the quilt being transparent, crystal clear; I had failed to notice it, but I guess I still feel the effect of it covering my entire body. How curious. Well; I don’t really mind, I guess.

The quilt holds me down, with a gentle pressure; keeping my body heat inside for me, keeping me warm in the cool room in which I had been sleeping all night. At least, I assume it had been all night.

The pressure of the quilt is just enough, to keep the quilt in place; in order to keep the warmth inside, and make sure the quilt did not slide off of the bed. It would have been terrible, if the quilt slid off, or fall off of the bed in the middle of the night. Of course, this effect also makes it much harder, to fall out of bed. Not that this had ever been a problem, of mine.

Once I slide my fore-hooves out from under the quilt, I fold the corner up against the wall. With that, I slide my hind hooves out from under the quilt; only to find myself sitting comfortably on the top of my bed.

“So comfortable..” I ponder; “so soft and squishy!” I continue, a smile spreading out over my face.

“Does a Pony need to wear clothes, in public?” I inquire.

“Probably not..” Hitomi responds; “but would you feel comfortable, undressed?” she then inquires.

As I watch; Hitomi changes from the nighttime, to daytime wears, panties, top and lipstick.

“There, that takes care of that!” Hitomi puts forth; “Now you only need to put on what you need to wear, for your personal comfort!” she then points out.

I push myself off of the bed, feeling the floor hit my hooves; “Clip, clop!” is heard, as my hooves hit the floor with a delightful squeak.

“While technically bare hoofed, my hooves still holds the elastic and rubbery quality of a recent visit to the Spa.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard, as I step over to the wardrobe

As I move between my bed and my wardrobe, Hitomi is opening the doors to the wardrobe containing my daytime wear. I can browse the content of the wardrobe on the right; where I can see tops and skirts to the right and left, respectively.

“Quite revealing, by our old standards from home; but these are designed for Ponies, proud to show off their Cutie Marks!” Hitomi points out.

“Do I even have a Cutie Mark?” I question, anxiously affording my rear a glance in the hopes to confirm my suspicion. But of course; my flanks are bare, I have no mark as of yet. Why should I? How could I have a mark, as I have not had the time to explore who I am, as a Pony?

“At least, a young filly does not have to be ashamed of not having the mark yet!” Hitomi puts forth.

“If I am young enough not to have a mark, I am a Filly?” I inquire; “In which case, I have to go to school in order to study!” I conclude; “What scholastic options are available, in Twilight Town?” I inquire.

“You were too old for Grade school, already; but I am sure, Twilight could supply you with the required books and tutoring at her library!” Hitomi puts forth.

“Of course, she had to have a library!” I put forth; “I guess that should work perfectly!” I conclude.

“It most certainly will, Twilight would be only too happy to fit you into her schedule!” Hitomi points out; “She is after all the Scholarly type, the person one commonly refers to as: “Book Horse!” she tentatively points out.

“She did strike me as the friendly type!” I observe.

“Yes, she does enjoy the presence of her Friends, too!” Hitomi agrees.

“I most certainly could enjoy making a few friends, even if I don’t have all that many to choose from..” I concede; “but Twilight would still be at the top of the list, even if I should consider Rarity and Pinkie Pie too!” I conclude; “Shouldn’t I? I then ponder.

“Befriending the people, or Ponies in your direct vicinity is always a good idea!” Hitomi confirms.

“Since I don’t feel comfortable, without something to wear; I can’t alienate Rarity, as she seems to have a Monopoly on clothes and accessories!” I probe.

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