My Little Twilight

by Kentavritsa

First published

It is awkward; waking up somewhere, one has never seen or heard of. Just as it is awkward; to realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, fully sentient. But what will happen next, may be just as awkward, or very sweet and heart warming.

It could be quite awkward; to wake up somewhere, one has never seen or even heard about before.

To realize that one’s illustration is looking at you, could be equally awkward; as you realize, how she is just as intelligent and sentient as you are.

What will happen next; as you realize, you can’t just erase her, as you could have erased any drawing in your sketch-book?

Of course; this is not just any doodled character you had dreamed up; it is Twilight, and she is clearly a very special Pony.

Unless, of course; this is just one of these dreams or daydreams? Though it could as easily turn into a complete disaster, and a nightmare.

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Illustrated by: ??
Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

Waking Up: 1

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I feel weird. Almost, as if I had been waking up from a very strange dream; but the dream persisted, and refused to let go.

As I am waking up, I am clearly not in my bed; as I usually am, as I wake up. I should have been, shouldn’t I?

I blink my eyes; over and over, several times. Trying to clear my head, bringing some manner of order into focus. Yet, it refuses to make sense.

As I am looking around; I notice that I am lying on the top of a desk of some kind. I had had a stylus as pillow. That had not been particularly comfortable. Had it been the reason, why I had woken up.

Her stylus is so large, it could have covered the floor of an entire room; in the home of any Pony my size. The mere thought causes a shiver to run the entire length down my spine.

As I continue to investigate; I can see the pen going with her stylus, clearly as thick as the thigh of my hind legs.

The stylus itself is a mate black, while the screen is slightly more shiny. There are several details, on the right side of the stylus, lining the screen upon which she had been drawing.

The girl herself, had clearly fallen asleep; as she was drawing something that seems to resemble me, as I am looking closer.

Twilight Sparkle” the title reads, on the top of her screen.

I once more continue my investigation; finding an image of myself, in great detail.

That does look, exactly like me!” I ponder, with a distinct yelp.

Apparently, she had just finished drawing me, as she had fallen asleep; shortly thereafter, I had woken up. I guess this would explain quite a few things. Maybe not the explanation, I had been hoping for; but it is the explanation, I had just stumbled upon.

As opposed to my light lavender purple complexion; hers is a light pinkish hue. Her hair is clearly a deep, warm purple. If I had not known better; I would have assumed she had tried to emulate my hairstyle, even if her hair has no natural secondary colours.

How close, would she want to emulate my hair-colour?” I ponder, as I continue examining the girl before me.

As I was looking at the image, on her stylus; I noticed that she had been drawing me, as an Alicorn. Just that she had made a few mistakes, as to the likeness of what I was looking, before I had woken up. Only now, I realize; that I clearly resemble her drawing, as opposed to what I had been looking like before.

Somehow; it feels as if she had drawn me smaller, than I had been before. I am still a Pony; but the features have some vague resemblance of the Horses, living in her world.

If I change the image, altering it; in order to get the details closer to who I am, will I change accordingly?” I ponder.

After a moment of consideration, I chose to abandon this line of thought; considering, how she would react if I had changed her hair. I make the conscious choice, waiting until she wakes up; assuming, I do not fall asleep or return into the drawing first.

My gaze soon wanders back to her face, while she is soundly asleep; quietly, as she is sure to be having a wonderful dream right now. After a moment, my gaze momentarily is turned down towards the wooden table-top, upon which I am standing. It is a beautiful pink cherry-wood. The wood had been polished up and lacquered; with a crystal clear, glossy lacquer to protect the beautiful wood.

I am standing on the hard surface. The surface feels good, under my hooves; smooth, and no splinters. Someone had put in a great deal of effort, in polishing this wood; for her comfort, as well as the quality of the desk itself.

With nothing better to do, I trot around the stylus; examining it from every possible angle, in the hopes of finding some interesting detail.

Voice to text” I read.

Does this suggest; I could tell the stylus to write something down, for me?” I ponder.

After further examination; I realize that I could make the text look, as if the render of Twilight had been speaking to her. Maybe I should try it; hoping the stylus would pick up my words, understanding what I had said.

I could not use her pen, since she clearly has it in a fairly firm grip; I don’t want to wake her up, or scare her.

There is a microphone, on the head-set she is wearing. The head-set is the only microphone she has available, for me. I had to climb up, onto the stylus; it could not be helped, but I want the drawing to speak to her.

Once I had reactivated the microphone, I step up to her face; speaking the words, I want to be on the image.

Naturally; I had not tried to use my magic, just in case the light may wake her up. With that; I had to use my two fore-hooves, in order to operate the controls. Conveniently enough; my hooves are roughly the size of the tips of her fingers, which makes this considerably easier than it could have been.

At least; I do not have to touch the button, while I speak!” I realize, giggling inwardly.

With the microphone active, I step up to her face; preparing to speak into her microphone, as I consider exactly what I want to say.

What if my magic could not have worked, anyway; and I wake her up, for nothing?” I ponder, as I am licking my lips.

”Hello!” I start.

”Would you like your hair to look like my mane?” I inquire.

”Could you draw me a home?” I continue my inquiry.

”Okay! Thank you!” I finish; before I am stepping back, hoping I have not woken her up.

At least, I could say something!” I ponder.

I had made an effort, not to change the image as I trotted up to her microphone; I make the effort, not to disturb the image on my way back as well. What if I gave myself a hoof-print somewhere on my body, or disturbed the text I had just written to her. Or, for her.

Oh, this is how the text looks, on her screen?” I ponder, as I am examining how my message had come out.

I had to assume, it had not made any spelling errors; that this is indeed, how the words are spelled.

Now I take a few steps back, quietly; I had confirmed that my message is readable to her. I had turned the microphone of; in order to make sure it is not changed, now as it is looking as if it is what I had intended to ask her.

I turn around, scanning the vicinity for what is on her desk; before I can find what looks, as if it is a good cover. I do not wish to scare her now. This Ghost Message is as far as I want to go now.

It may take me a few minutes, to quietly trot over to the closest convenient cover; but I manage to get there, in time. She has not woken up, yet.

<--- --- --->

Texted: 2

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It feels weird.

“Bleap, bleap, bleap..” chimes the alarm; “Render complete!”

“Uh, my head!” I moan.

“Wait, that’s odd!” I exclaim, as I see the text by the side of the rendered Pony.

While the Pony does look just as I had been expecting; the text was never part of the render, I had initiated before I had fallen asleep.


Would you like your hair to look like my mane?

Could you draw me a home?

Okay! Thank you!” the text simply reads.


”How does a girl even react, to something like this?” I mumble.

Yes, please!” I ponder; ”But, how would people react; if I sported that peculiar hair-style?” I ponder.

Either way; it would be fun, to have this hairstyle!” I ponder; ”Yes, please!” I exclaim; as if I had expected someone to be there, capable of changing my hair.

What kind of a home, would she like to have?” I ponder.

Maybe I should draw her a cottage?” I consider; as I start drawing the new image, of what would become the home of Twilight.

I notice a bright purple light, in the corner of my eye, but think nothing of it.

While I continue to sketch up the cottage, I had intended to be her home; the colour of my hair is changing ever so subtly. Not only that, the differently coloured streaks from Twilight’s mane is appearing in my hair, just as if I had had her hair all along. Then the hair changes slightly, as the style starts to resemble hers more and more; until it is a perfect match, aside from the differences between our respective heads.

”Wait, what?” I exclaim; as I notice my bangs splitting up, giving room for an non-existing horn in my forehead.

While I continue to draw her home; I lift up my left hand towards my forehead, patting my bangs as I examine the changes she had just imposed upon my hair. The only thing I did not notice; is the changes in the colour of my hair, as several strands had changed hue drastically.

Of course, I did never have a horn; but the changes had still made room for one!” I ponder.

”Thank you!” I respond, as I thank whoever had changed my hair.

It is Twilight Sparkle, of course; but I had failed to notice it, and realize where it had come from. Maybe I had been too busy, drawing her cottage?

I could have drawn the cottage, as it looks from outside exclusively; in just a few minutes, but it would never have been her home. I need to draw up everything required; for her to enter the building, and make it into a home she could call her own.

The work had taking me the better part, of an hour; but then it is looking, like a home one could live in. With every detail, required to live inside.

Once I had completed the sketch, I had to make sure it is in scale for her; before I could continue, completing the drawing. At this point, I had hit Render. This should be taking a while; so I guess I could do something else, as the rendering is done.

I watch the rendering, taking place; for several minutes, just to make sure it will work out as intended. I hope I could spot any issue, within the first few minutes; at least, the once serious enough, to make me start over.

She could explain, how it came out; as the render is complete, and the building is ready for her to move in into.

I could have something to drink, or grab myself a bite; as it renders, and come back in time to see it completed?” I ponder.

After a few moments, pondering; I raise to my feet and walk out of the room. I had never intended to leave my room, for all that long; so she should be safe, hands down. Shouldn’t she? I know the room will not be invaded, by any snoopy eyes; so I can leave her, for a few minutes or so.

Now, I am walking to the door; stopping, only to open the previously closed door. I step out, and close the door behind myself; as a sign, I want the room undisturbed. I sometimes leave the door open, as an open invitation.

What would a Pony eat?” I ponder; ”A Pony; the size of my hand, that is.. and what would she like to eat?” I consider.

I don’t want to insult her, but I don’t want her to go hungry either. Assuming she does need to eat. Yet; everyone needs to eat something. Assuming she does not eat, and does not need to eat; could be the worst insult, I could possibly come up with here. If she is my friend, I am sharing with her; it comes natural, to me.

Just as I had closed the door to my room; I walk over to the girls’ room, and the mirror. I want to see how my hair looks; before anyone other than Twilight Sparkle sees it, and possibly comments on the new looks she had given me. I stop before the door, opening it; step in and enter the room, closing the door behind me. I like some privacy here, and this is the most private room in the house; to me it is, at least. I don’t need, or like spectators, when I am in here.

While I may have noticed, how my bangs had changed; I have not really seen my hair, after the change. I stop before the mirror, taking a quick look; familiarizing myself with the new looks. The colour had not really changed, all that much. Just a small shift in hue; nothing much, if I could say so myself.

Of course, my bangs had parted, in order to make room for the horn I do not have. Otherwise, I guess the style is a little bit of a touching up; just as if I had been having a new cut, but nothing more. I also notice the streaks in my hair; both matching the hair in Twilight’s mane, to a T.

”Whoa?” I exclaim.

The hair is smooth and a bit more glossy; as if I had just washed my hair, and combed it with diligent care; something I do rather frequently. I like to look my best. The slob is not my style. I am the cute, pretty kind of girl, after all.

Okay; I have seen the changes, so I can go out and face the world!” I ponder.

How do I present the food, to her; when I finally do get back, to the room?” I ponder, as I am walking over to the kitchen.

As expected, the door is invitingly open. The kitchen is empty. I am alone, as I enter the fairly small space.

Even if she does not eat egg, maybe I could use an egg-cup?” I ponder, opening the door and extract two clean egg-cups.

I open the door to the fridge; extracting a small bottle of water and juice respectively. Maybe she likes orange juice, as much as I do? Or, maybe she prefers the apple juice? With that in mind, I pick up a bottle of apple juice too.

What would she like to eat?” I ponder; ”I think I like some bread and butter!” I continue.

I find shredded carrots, in a small can; looking, as if it should fit her appetite just right. Horses use to love carrots, maybe she does too?

Once I had extracted, what I had in mind; I close the fridge, before I am walking back to my room. I open the door and step right in, before I close the door behind me and walk back to my desk.

Oups, I forgot to tell her that I was leaving the room, for a moment!” I realize, just as I am placing everything I had brought to my room on the desk.

Apparently; I had left a vial of clear base-coat nail-polish. Nothing special about it, but it had been in clear sight, for a little Pony who is my guest and room mate. I had never considered it, it is nothing I have to hide.

The cottage I had drawn up for her, and left to render while I was out; is clearly ready, for her to check out as I come back. I realize, she had been ogling the render as I left the room; it had distracted her, from noticing or realizing that I had walked out of the room. At least, for most of the time.

So much to explore, for a curious little Pony; left for her to discover on my desk, while I was out.

”Thank you, the cottage looks lovely!” she exclaims, as she realizes I am coming back.

”You are quite welcome, Twilight; explore the new home, and see if it is right for you!” I respond.

I notice her lighting her horn, but think nothing of it. I had been assuming, she intended to open the door with magic. Maybe my assumption had been a bit premature?

I watch, as the tiny little orb of purple light magic appears at the very tip of her horn; the orb grows in size and intensity, before it floods down the sides of her horn like an avalanche. Just as it reaches its peak, she is casting a spell; I had never imagined, or been prepared for.

Just as the spell had been concluded, she is focusing on the door before her; opening it, the way I had expected her to.

”I hope you will like it!” she exclaims; ”She has nail-polish, and she has expressed a desire to emulate me before!” she ponders, just as she is stepping into the cloak-room, of her new cottage.

I fill one of the egg-cups with carrot, and the other with bottled water; before I place them by the door, to her new home.

The door opens, and she is levitating the offered meal in.

”Thank you!” she exclaims.

<--- --- --->

My Housewarming Party: 3

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She had given me carrot and water. At least, now I have something to eat. It isn’t, as if I could have expected her to make anything special just for me. Not after everything she had already done for me.

She had given me a home. A cottage, like the one my friend: Fluttershy lives in.

Levitating the food, to my kitchen should not be a problem!” I ponder.

Just the two plastic baskets; one with carrot, and one with water. I am after all Twilight; I know my levitation, since it is one of the earliest spells a Unicorn learns to handle.

Just that I want to explore my new home, rather than be distracted by carrying anything around; looking for a kitchen, as I am exploring.

Maybe I should just leave it here?” I ponder.

The carrot does look good!” I ponder; stopping to nibble a bit, for a moment.

I take a few sips of the water, she had given me; before I finally do leave the gift in the still empty cloak-room.

Since I can’t wear her clothes; either in size, or in style.

There is a shoe-rack, with place for numerous shoes; and space to hang the coat that I do not have. Since the outside is still in her room and on her desk; I have little to no use of out-doors clothes, right now. Yet, maybe I should have had a few sets just for the feel of having them. A sense of normality.

It is fortunate; I am not an Earth-pony or Pegasus, considering how this floor-plan is!” I ponder.

Maybe she is not a home-decorator, or an architect; but she could at least draw my home, with enough details to make me feel at home. At least, going by what I had just seen.

I feel, as if it is vaguely like the cottage, where Fluttershy lives; not like the Tree house I had, or the Crystal Castle. Certainly not like my family home, or where I lived in Canterlot; as I was studying for Princess Celestia.

Now I leave the gift, on the shoe-rack; before I open the door out of the cloak-room. Stepping out into the living-room. I find myself in a very spacious room. Not exactly Spartan, but it certainly is not overcrowded with stuff either.

While it is further to the ceiling in her room, even as I had been standing on the desk; the sensation of the high ceiling still hit me, as I stepped into my new living room. The ceiling in the cloak room is fairly normal to me, but now I had just stepped into a room, where it is more than twice as high.

”Ooooh!” escaped my lips, as I enter the room.

I have the door to my new kitchen on the right. Though I guess she had left every door closed. Is it a thing in drawing or rendering; I have no idea, and I guess I don’t need to know. Not really.

She had drawn regular doors, nothing fancy. Just polished and lacquered oak-wood doors, like the once one would have inside one’s home. The human style, of course; since she does not know, how pony-style doors would even work. I could not blame her. Maybe I could ask her to change it, if I could explain how my doors work?

While the house is new; I still sense the air, of the rooms had not had the benefit of some fresh air. Since forever. Though could be part of the rendering process, of course. Who am I to say?

The cloak room walls had been laid with an uncharacteristically light beech wood panel. The floor is laid with light purple ceramic tiles; expected to be durable enough, to last me a lifetime. I could clean it as I please, if and when needed. Or, just because I felt like doing it.

In the white ceiling; there is a lamp, in the shape of a hexagonal star, with stained glass. Incidentally, she had chosen purple glass. For now; I had not tested this lamp.

In my living room, the floor is laid with a lighter brown oak wood parquet. The walls are laid with a pink cherry-wood panel.

I have a staircase on the right and left sides of the room, leading to my bedrooms on the right and two guest bed rooms on the left. Both have a girl’s room and a shower in what I assume in the human style.

Since I had found the kitchen; I carry the food over, placing it onto the top of the dinner table.

While I am there; I notice there are four chairs by the table. All wooden chairs, carved out of beech wood; but the seats look as if they had been laid with some manner of a hide, only dyed in lavender. Not sure, how she managed it; but I guess, it should be nice to sit on.

I have a sink, with a water tap; with both hot and cold water. There is a stove and an oven, as well. Even a fridge and a freezer.

On closer examination; there are plates, glasses, forks, knives and spoons too.

The Plates are purple porcelain, but with little stars on the border, as if she had tried to recreate my mark? The drinking glasses are indeed glass; as if they had been blown, rather than form pressed facsimiles. My cutlery is stainless steel, fresh out of the mint; but cold enough to hold in one’s hand, if one had had hands, that is. Which I do not.

This does look, like a kitchen; just not one, I have ever been in!” I ponder; knowing full well, this had been designed by a Human and for Humans.

I could not blame her. Though it is still looking good, and I can use these. Mainly, thanks to being a Unicorn in the first place.

”Maybe, it is time I take my time; trying these carrots, she gave me?” I mumble, as I slip a portion of the carrot onto a plate.

With some effort, I manage to fill a glass with the water she gave me. Now I stab the carrot with the fork; lift the fork up and open my mouth, chewing carrot. I lift up the glass and take a sip. Like this; I continue, until I had managed to consume the entire meal.

”These are good carrots!” I mumble to myself; ”I need to store what is left, for later!” I continue.

I lift up enough carrot, to fill one bowl at the time; placing each bowl into the fridge, for later. While I do not know, if she needs the bowl back right away; but I find it more convenient, to store the food in smaller bowls. Small enough, for my comfort. Besides, I can’t put in the entire bowl into the fridge, anyway.

Once the bowl of carrot is empty, I levitate it back to my door. Then I repeat the process, with the bowl of water; carrying this bowl to the door. Since the bowls are empty; I stack them; before I open the door, leaving them outside for her to pick them up.

Wait!” I ponder; ”Maybe I could give her a small gift; to let her know, just how much I am appreciating what she has already done for me?” I continue.

She may not have hooves, but maybe her finger-nails is a good approximation? This should be a fairly simple spell for me; even if I want to make this reversible and permanent, for her.

If she likes the change, I can let it stay; if she does not, I could reverse or change it for her. I light my horn and cast the spell. Just a moment of focus, and her nails change. Shiny and purple, smooth and even. Just an even, light purple hue.

Now I step back, into my home; closing the door, returning to my housewarming party for one.

I am not alone, or ignored; besides, I had never been quite that extroverted Pony in the first place. I enjoy a moment, to myself; contemplative, in private study.

<--- --- --->

Gifted: 4

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I had seen a light, flashing from the door of her new home, as if she had intended to signal me. As I turn to the spot, she is already gone; but the bowls I had left her with, stands empty on the porch.

While I can not see, what she did with the food I had given her; I can still assume, she is enjoying every bit of it. With that; I consider giving her a new batch of food, for some added variety. Going with what little I know of Horses and Ponies; I can assume she would enjoy, what I had to offer her.

As I am reaching out my right hand, in order to pick up the egg-cups; I notice something I had not quite expected or been prepared for, as I notice the altered hue of my fingernails. Though it is not just the light purple or lavender; they are smooth and even, shinier than even the nail-polish I have been using before.

As a girl, applying nail-polish; clear and coloured is not exactly unexpected. I doubt anyone will afford it a second glance; let alone make a point out of it, or tease me for it.

On second thought; the hue does go well with my complexion, my skin tone as well.

While it may look, as if my nails had been polished; but on closer inspection, I know they are not polished but changed. It is the nail itself, that is purple and glossy; not an applied finish, colouring the nail.

It does feel a bit odd, and strange, but since I like the effect, I am not about to start complaining about it.

Guess I had asked for it, incidentally; even if I had not expressed it quite that way, when she had asked me before. I admire Twilight; I like her as a person, and enjoy her aesthetics.

Could I have been drawing any other character, but I had ended up drawing Twilight; just the way she is now, and no other character. She is appearing, exactly as I drew her; but she is still the book horse and the egghead, of my fantasy.

Twilight is such an adorable Pony, and I love her for it.

If I could draw her home; could I draw anything else, for her?” I ponder.

Of course; I could always try, and if it does not work out I could erase it. Couldn’t I?

Just as I could offer her anything to eat and drink; leaving it up to her, if she likes what I offer her. If she did not enjoy it; I would take it back, and chance to offer her something else.

Wait; I think, I have forgotten something!” I realize.

She had proven, she is capable of handling and understanding electronic devices; when she had sent me the message, she needed a home.

What if I drew her a Computer, or a Telephone?” I ponder.

With that, I once more open the original file in which I had drawn her home; filling in the missing details.

There is room for a large flat-screen TV-set in her living room, so I place it directly onto the wall. If it is for my convenience, the aesthetic choice or just for the fun of it; but I had drawn the tv-set directly onto the wall as if it had been a part of the house all along.

Once the TV had been rendered; I draw up a head-set, designed to fit onto her head. It would have been quite embarrassing, if she could not use it; because I had forgotten as small a detail as the size of her head.

Drawing the TV had been only too simple, considering just how few details such a complicated device has.

While she had not yet told me; I draw book-cases covering the entire walls in one of her currently empty rooms, previously intended as a bed-room.

”What is a book-horse, named Twilight; without books, and the space to hold her books?” I mumble in bemused mirth.

While I may have forgotten it; but the items I had rendered, are all fully functional. Even Twilight herself, is alive and fully sentient. She could as easily have turned up as little more than a fluffy toy.

While I guess, I had enjoyed the surprise of her as a toy; but now I can’t even stand the thought of her, as a mere toy in a collection. She is a friend, to me. A friend, of mine.

Hurray; for the modern girl’s mundane magic, applicable at will!” I ponder; giggling at the image, the thought is conjuring up in my mind.

Naturally; she could not have known that I had added the book-cases yet, but she would be noticing the head-set I had made for her fairly soon. The rendering is silent and gives of neither light nor odour in the room. I know as much, from experience; since I have felt neither of these sensations, myself. Though I guess, a Pony could have senses; I do not have.

I had not been looking into her home; so I have no idea, as to where she is or where she was doing. She had been carrying the food into her home, but other than that; I have no idea, as to where she is, or what she is doing.

I can talk to her, via the microphone I have; but what if I had a head-set of my own?” I ponder.

With that, I am drawing up a head-set of my own. Only now; I realize it feels pale, if I could not see her as I am talking to her. With that; I change my design, adding the visual element, to my design. While my head-set is rendering; I change the design of her head-set, then re-rendering it for her. A few minutes later; we have a head-set of our own; ready to wear, for the immersive interaction I had had in mind.

Since she is not wearing hers, activated now; I can not see anything in her room, of course.

For a moment, I am looking at the device I had just rendered for myself; picking it up, scrutinizing it up close.

My head-set comes with a single microphone, on my right cheek; as well as the ear-phones on my right and left ear respectively. I also have visual, but everything is still in-active right now; due to the fact, that her device is not yet activated.

I had chosen to make me a light skin-tone, while hers is a light lavender. This is intended to be close to invisible; to any bystander, even in the same room.

As I hold my head-set in my hands; I notice it is slowly warming up, to the point where it is activating. Once activating; it is broadcasting a signal to her device, even if it is not yet activated. I can hear faint noises, from her living room; even if I can’t make anything out, at this point.

I can wait, I don’t want to intrude upon her!” I ponder.

With that, I am turning back to the Stylus before me. Nothing had happened; the last open file is still on the screen.

I had clearly felt the distinct sensations of the head-set as I was holding the device in my hands; but as I put it on, I barely feel it, pressing against my skin. The sensations are ebbing out, as it is warming up.

Within a minute or so, I can’t quite feel it on my face; almost as if it had not even been there, even if I can hear the faintest of noises from within her home.

As the sensation of the device on my head is fading, I am no longer aware of having put it on. The only hint remaining, right now; are the faint noises I can still hear. Of course, if and when she is activating her head-set; I will be hearing her voice, quite clearly. I will even be able to see her, and the room she is in; or, so I had imagined as I had designed the devices for the two of us.

I guess, this is the active field test of this device.

<--- --- --->

Connected: 5

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As I am trotting back into my home, I am entering my living room; only to notice the large, black screen on the previously empty wall.

”Okay?” I exclaim; ”That is new!” I continue.

I know, it was not there before; when I explored my home, the first time!” I ponder.

I am looking around; scanning the room for anything else, I had not yet seen. As I am going over the room, I soon find another item before me; pondering exactly what it could be, and how it would work.

I do recognize the Television set, from my visit at the Canterlot High, as I was at Pinkie Pie’s place. Yet, I do not quite recognize the Head Set before me.

I approach, slowly; cautiously picking it up with my right fore hoof. At first, it is just a cold item in my hoof; then it is slowly growing warm to the touch, as it is activating.

”Whoa!” I exclaim, in obvious surprise.

There are strange noises, coming from the head-phones; alerting me to what it is, I had just picked up. A head-set. This is a different one, compared with what Vinyl Scratch is wearing. Her head-set has no microphone, or any other functions I have on this set.

Once I had figured out, what the device before me is; I tentatively put it onto my head, just to try it out. As I do, I realize it had been designed specifically for me; so that I can wear it, comfortably. I just haven’t realized why, yet.

”Comfortable!” I mumble, as I had put the head-set on my head.

”You think?” comes the reply, a moment later.

”Yes, I barely even feel it!” I answer.

There is a pause, but I still do hear the sounds surrounding her.

”Activate visual..” I hear, just a moment before I can see her standing before me.

”Whoa!!” I exclaim.

She looks, exactly as before; just that she is no larger than I am, so that she can fit comfortably within my home.

”Neat, huh?!” she puts forth.

”Well; it is different; now that I can see you, face-to-face!” I respond.

”At least; so long as we are alone, it wouldn’t be so awkward together!” she offers.

”Yes, that makes sense!” I respond; ”Even if I can’t touch your body!” I mumble.

”That is much more complicated, to design; too complicated for me, right now!” she points out.

I can sympathize with that, I know nothing of designing electronic devices!” I ponder; ”As great as it would have been, to be able to hug you; I guess I can make due, with seeing you face-to-face!” I offer.

”I guess I just made a friend..” she responds, giggling; even if it is only half by half my work, and a bit more literal than the expression should have been referring to!” she concedes.

”Making friends, that was usually Pinkie Pie’s department!” I respond; ”I would like to believe I existed, before you rendered me in your room..” I point out; ”but, point taken; that is a bit too literal, indeed!” I accept.

”Since we are literal, I guess you are missing all your books..” she mentions; ”while I could have drawn up stacks of books, but that would have been limited to mere decorative works for you!” she concludes.

I don’t want to be ungrateful, but unless I can read the books; these decorative pieces, would only remind me of what I do not have!” I point out; ”I feel a bit lonely here, as I live alone, but it is at least nice to have you around!” I concede.

”While it wouldn’t be your books, but maybe I could download a few real books and render them in one of your bookshelves?” she offers; ”At least, it would be real books you can read; even if I can’t promise you anything you would enjoy reading, of course!” she concludes; ”Maybe I could render a second home, for myself; so she could have a neighbour, even if I can only be a holographic representation for her to see?” she ponders.

”A few readable books would always be nice..” I respond; ”If you could manage!” I suggest.

”I will see what I can come up with, anything I picture you enjoying..” she suggests.

Maybe I should be downloading the listing, in book form for her?” she ponders; ”Then I will be drawing a home for myself, so I can visit her, and she can visit me!” she ponders.

”Search: Books, Digital” she mumbles, as she is entering the words in the search field.

”Download: Catalogue!” she continues, as she is initiating the downloads.

”Print: Render!” she concludes.

A moment later, a book appears in my bookshelf. Another, then another and another. One by one, the library builds up content of listing the available books in digital form.

Is there any chance, I could connect to the net?” I ponder, as I am looking at the TV screen before me.

I pick up the remote, activating the screen. Once the TV is activated; I search the options, for what I am looking for.

Internet: Connected” I read on the screen.

”Yes, apparently I have an internet connection in my home!” I exclaim, where I am sitting on my sofa.

The window has a set of sites that may be of interest. I have a mailbox in my name. I am apparently logged in.

On the next line of links, I find a set of sites upon which to publish stories.

Interesting!” I ponder, as I click on the link of one

FiM” reads the name of the site.

Member; Twilight Sparkle” I read.

Logged in” reads the next line.

Of course, I need an inbox, in order to create the account with the site. Either she had created it for me, before; or it had been created in my name, in the process of rendering me and my home. I do not know. Maybe that is irrelevant?

The tab had opened the site on my page, not a general start page.

There is an extensive library of books to read, but these are all in digital format. I want to read them in print, on hard-cover.

The third row contains a link to a site named ”Wiki Pedia”

If this is a site, filled with science and facts; I will have to go over its content, so I can absorb the worth of what it contains!” I ponder.

There is a flash of light, distracting me; just as a house appears outside my window. I have a new neighbour. I will have to go out, and see who moved in next door.

Maybe, just not right now. I have to see who it is, though.

<--- --- --->

A Rare Event: 6

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It is early in the morning, but the sun is beaming in through my bedroom window.

The bed is made with smooth silken bed linen. A pristine white, with the electric blue gems that makes up my mark. At first, I think I am at home, but then the little details creep into my consciousness; pointing out, just how wrong my original assumption had been. This is not the Carousel Boutique at all.

Maybe this is a hotel, I was staying at, then?” I ponder, as I slowly scan the room.

Of course the bed linen and the bed are pristine; none had even touched the bed before, and I certainly have not slept in this bed before.

I fold the quilt up towards the side of the bed against the wall, before I slide out of bed. The floor is laid with white beech, and there is a fluffy, white mat under the bed. The border of the mat is decorated with the electric blue diamonds that make up my mark.

At least, whoever made this room made the effort of making me feel at home!” I ponder.

By the side of my bed, I have a matching bed stand in white beech. I have a framed image of Sweetie Belle on the bed stand; but otherwise it is empty. At the foot end of my bed, I can see the twin doors of my two wardrobes. Only for now, these are empty.

The walls are laid with pink cherry-wood; though the ceiling had been coated with mate black silicone: holding the pin-prick, LED star skape in place. For now, the light in the room is off, but the sun is easily lighting the room so there is no point right now. Is there?

”Thud!” is heard, as I slide down onto the floor.

As I turn my attention towards the door; I notice a black shape with blue outlines where the handle should be. A plaque, intended to control the door. Wait, the plaque is not actually on the door, but a foot to the side of the door.

Maybe I am still a bit confused, disoriented.

I finally approach the door, extending my right fore-hoof up towards the plaque; pressing my hoof gently, in order to open the door.

The door eagerly slide to the side, quietly; opening up, presenting me with the room behind it.

Now I can see the floor behind the door had been laid with the same white beech wood. In fact, the decoration is identical to the room I will refer to as my bed room.

On my left, I have the Mare’s room and the shower; on my right, I have another bedroom. If I continue further to the right, I have a flight of stairs leading down.

While I do need neither the shower or use the facilities of my Mare’s room; I am still curious, to see what they are looking like. The two doors are clearly marked, for me to know exactly what they are.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I trot down towards the door.

Naturally, there is a plaque by the door; just as I have to the door in my bedroom, identical to the one in the bedroom too. As I reach the door, to the Mare’s room, I lift my hoof, pressing it onto the plaque; thus quietly opening the door, so I can step in and explore what is inside.

The floor had been laid with ceramic tiles, just as expected. The pattern is a porcelain white with the blue and turquoise representing my mark. The walls are a perfect, unblemished white. Pristine and white.

Did I even have to look up, to follow the night sky any further? What I do need to see, is the facility of the Mare’s room.

On my right, I have the sink, where I can wash my hooves; on my left I have the utility. At least, it is not a squat. Though I guess it is a bit too modern for my experience. I had been expecting a regular water closet.

While I am facing the sink, I just back in and wiggle my rump; feeling my rear orifices aligning. Though I will have to lift my tail, for this to work.

To put it in human terms; it feels like magic, even when I am pretty sure it is not.

As I open the door to the shower; I find two wooden benches, under which I can store towels and clothes respectively. Since I had just moved in, there are no clothes; though I do have what feels like a very large towel. Neither white, nor black; but rather strangely transparent. This should work, for drying myself off; if and when I feel the need or urge, to do it.

Of course, this small room is exceptionally warm. Maybe that should have been expected?

I have two crystal-clear sliding doors; behind which I do have the actual shower.

The floor is laid with porcelain white ceramic tiles. The walls are the same white ceramic tiles as the floor.

The blue diamond is the only detail to stand out, where it is on the wall opposing the door. Conveniently placed, so that I can control the shower; even if I can not see either a hose or the muzzle of the shower in the room.

Touching the diamond, would somehow change how much and how warm water I have in my shower. I leave the shower, knowing what the room looks like and what I have to expect.

While unfamiliar and strange, at least I think I can remain lady-like and true to myself here!” I ponder, as I turn back to see the rest of my home.

As I trot back towards the flight of stairs, leading down; I pass my room, and the next bedroom. The second room merely mirrors the one I sleep in. There is nothing to see, but it would remind me of my sister; Sweetie Belle, who is not with me. I could tell myself, she is with my parents.

”Clippety, clop; clippety, clop; clippety, clop..” is heard, echoing with each step; as I take the stairs down to the ground floor.

Curious!” I ponder; ”Almost sound as if the stairs had been made out of hard wood?” I continue.

Of course I am finding myself in my living room, as I get down on the ground floor.

I have a three seated cinematic sofa, opposing the large TV screen on the short wall. That is something, I had not been expecting. There is a small table, before me, as I sit on my sofa. Looks like stainless steel, at first, and a sheet of tainted sapphire glass.

I guess I could make myself comfortable, resting on this sofa!” I ponder.

I sit down, on the sofa; leaning back and relax, comfortably. The smooth black fabric is odd, as it definitely does not feel like any fabric I could recognize. At least, it feels nice.

“Knock, knock, knock!” is heard, as some Pony is knocking on my door.

How unexpected?” I ponder, as I slip down and raise to my hooves; before I trot over to the door and open.

I just had to stop by the door to my cloaking room first. What a lovely surprise; the guest I had not invited feels rather reassuring, right now. At least, I am not alone.

“Greetings, Rarity; Welcome to Twilight Town!” Twilight exclaims, just as I had managed to open the outer door.

“Greetings, Twilight; and thank you for dropping by, such an unexpected surprise!” I respond.

“If you don’t mind; Rarity; may I help you, carry in the daily mail?” she inquires, as she is levitating a fairly large basket filled with carrots.

“Thank you, Twilight; please do!” I respond, as I peak out, noticing a pair of baskets behind her.

One containing water, and the other containing what could only be Apple Juice.

I light my horn, before I lift up the basket containing the Apple Juice. Now I step inside, watching her carrying the basket of carrots towards my kitchen. Being Twilight Sparkle, carrying the carrots is evidently quite effortless on her part.

I just have to open each door, for her; since this is my home. Though I notice, she is managing to pick up the second basket for me on her way.

As I carry the juice out of the cloaking room; I notice a shoe rack against the wall, and a rack for hanging jackets and cloaks and even a hat rack on the top. Even if I have nothing to wear. I can but guess, that whomever built the house for me had planned for me to acquire these items, or having guests over who were having them.

Of course, I could not miss the two other doors; leading to a Mare’s room and Shower, respectively. I assume they are identical to the once upstairs. I will be inspecting these at some point, but right now I have a guest over. A Twilight Sparkle. She is after all a very close and dear friend of mine.

As I finally do reach the kitchen; I notice I have a complete kitchen. Freezer, fridge and stove. Aside from the room to place every piece of equipment a fully equipped kitchen could hold.

The only issue is, these cupboards are all empty. Then again, what had I been expected; considering I had just moved in, or whatever I should call it in this situation.

I had just woken up, finding me in the house; barely finishing, exploring my new home.

Once Twilight had helped me with the groceries, of sort; both the food and drink, she steps out of the kitchen. I watch her, as she is trotting over to the sofa; stopping, only to open the two small storage compartments to the right and left of the central seat.

“This, is where you keep your snacks for the TV nights; and this, is where your head-set had been stored for you!” she exclaims.

“Since I have a TV, and a friend to watch it with; I guess, TV night sounds just about right!” I respond.

“The head-set can be used, just as one would use a Phone; just put it on your head, like this!” she points out, putting the head-set on my head in the correct manner.

“Whoa!” I exclaim; "I barely feel the head-set, on my head!” I realize, after she had made that one final adjustment.

I tap my head, feeling the previously cool item, now warmed up to body temperature under my right fore hoof.

I notice, how Twilight is giggling at my predicament; as she notices what I am doing.

“The head-set was made to fit you, Rarity..” she points out; “if it bothers you, it would get in the way of the experience!” she concludes.

After yet another moment, I notice how the quiet in the ear-buds are changing; as the head-set is active, permitting me to hear what is said on the other end of the line.

I tap the side of my head, as I hear a new change in the silence.

“Oh, your head-set is active!” she points out.

“Greetings, Rarity; and welcome to the Twilight Town!” a voice speaks in my ear buds of the head set.

“Greetings..” I respond; “Miss..” I add, after a moment of contemplation.

Her voice is clearly female; but she does not sound as if she had been a day older than my younger sister: Sweetie Belle.

<--- --- --->

Town Hall: 7

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I put on my shoes, before I approach the door; extending my right fore-hoof and press it onto the plaque to open the door. As the door slides up, I step out.

The path is laid with dark reddish stone tiles; one foot by two, as if stacked,. The lawn looks green and lush to me. I can’t help, but giggle for a moment.

I have a glossy black stone fence, in a style similar to the laid path to my home. There is a pavement along the road, laid with white stone. Almost looks like marble.

”Clipetty, clop; clippety, clop; clippety, clop..” is heard as I trot down the path.

I look right and left, to see what my neighbourhood looks like. I have a neighbouring house on each side of my home; a house on the opposite side of the road, before each of the buildings.

I can see nothing beyond the neighbour on my left, but the road continues further on my right side. At the end of the road, is a grand building. ”Town Hall” reads the letters before the building.

With little else to do, I trot down the road to see what the town center is like.

”Clip, clip, clop; clip, clip, clop; clip, clip, clop..” is heard as I continue down the road towards the town of Twilight Town.

The name is a little bit odd, or possibly a bit too much on the muzzle?” I ponder.

The road continues for what seems to be about a mile in my perspective; before I reach the limit of the town proper itself. Just that the road is lined with a few empty lots, on both the right and the left side of the street.

After a moment, I come across a crossroad; with a road on the east-west bound. As I am looking to the east, I can see the sun, while I see the moon on the west side.

I have a new crossroad, every two lots. The Town hall is just ahead, after the third crossroad. The Town hall itself is a monumental, dark stone building looming over me as I approach.

There is a staircase leading up to the entrance; seven steps long, each step half a foot high and two foot deep. I manage to climb the flight of stairs with ease, of course. I could but assume it had been intended, for me to be able to enter the Town hall.

”Cliip, clop; cliip, clop; cliip, clop..” is heard, as I am traversing the flight of stairs.

I momentarily stop, at the middle of the open space before the entry of the Town hall. The door springs up before me, opening up a large vista of space inside. As I step in, I notice the glossy black stone floor. However, the white stonewall had been laid with a pink beech-wood picket fence measuring some four feet tall.

Strangely enough, but still expected; the ceiling is coated with mate black silicone, holding a pin-prick LED star skape.

”What in the name of Luna?” I mumble; ”The stars of this world are beautiful!” I ponder, awestruck.

If the stars are indeed anything the likes of these star skapes, no wonder they are so fond of using them to decorate their ceilings. I can’t complain, having my very own ceiling decorated, with one just like this one.

In place of the expected, large hall of open space; the hall just march on, further inside as if it had been a cave.

The hall is seven by twenty one foot.

”Clip, clop, clip, clop..” I hear the echoes of my hoof steps as I continue to move further inside.

At the end of the hall, there is a fairly heavy oak door before me. It is open.

I have another hall, with a monumental staircase leading up on my right, and one leading down on the left. However, the hall is leading to the right and left. I also have another door before me. Two heavy oak wood doors.

There are noises from inside, footsteps apparently; then the doors swing open, only to present a girl before me.

”The mayor, I presume!” I respond.

Wait, this is the girl who built the entire town!” I realize, a moment later.

Only now, she is physically standing before me. She is no illusion, or augmented reality. The girl had drawn the image of all these structures. She had even rendered herself into my world.

Naturally, she had given herself an oak wood desk. An item she had picked up, the way she imagined one in this position would have. Her office mimics the style of the building, naturally.

There are two large, expansive windows behind the desk. She has two identical windows on the right, and on the left wall as well. Had I stepped up to the window, I would have seen the landscape more clearly; the ground now several yards down, and a beautiful forest outside. Majestic linden trees. A truly mysterious and majestic backdrop, if I may say so myself.

”Greetings, Twilight Sparkle; and welcome to Twilight Town!” she promptly exclaims.

”Greetings, and thank you!” I respond.

With that; she is promptly booping me, with a cheerful giggle.

”What do you think of the Town hall?” she inquires, after a moment.

”Quite Regal, from what I can see!” I respond.

”Thank you, Twilight..” the Mayor responds; ”but, while you are here; I have something for you, your very own private library!” she offers.

”A Library?” I respond; A private library, just for me?” I continue.

”Yes, a library..” she responds; ”I had the impression, you always were comfortable in the company of books; so I dedicate the Library of Twilight Town to you, Twilight!” she concludes.

”Yes, I do love my books, and they are good company I keep!” I respond.

”Thank you, Miss Mayor...” I respond; ”if I may address you as such, in private?” I inquire; ”It is an honour, to have you dedicate the Town Library in my name!” I conclude; ”Yes, I am quite comfortable, in the company of books..” I start; ”though I am most happy, to be in the company of my friends!” I offer.

”While I may be the founder, of the village of Twilight Town; but it would never have been here, without you Twilight Sparkle!” she explains; ”Maybe I could offer you the title, of First Citizen?” she inquires.

”I need no titles; but I guess you could add it, to the register if you like?” I suggest; ”as the first of many titles I care little for!” I then add.

”Titles look good in the annals of history; but few cares for them, while they are alive, in the first place!” she concedes.

”Well, I guess there is the one title I do care about; Friend, or Student!” I offer.

”Yes, these are excellent titles; even though you need no title with me or in town, Twilight Sparkle will do just fine!” she proposes.

Of course, the village of Twilight Town is not large, and I doubt it will grow all that much any time soon. Something I am quite fine with, if I am to say so myself.

”With the Titles out of the way; just call me May: M A Y!” she offers.

”Short, and to the point!” I giggle; ”The month, or the beginning of the Question?” I inquire.

”Yes, exactly!” she teases; ”But it is also a name, my name; how befitting, wouldn’t you say?” she inquires.

On second thought; ”May Trotter” the plaque on her desk reads.

”Unless you object, I will be keeping this spell going for as long as I can sustain it!” she is promising.

”While I am taken aback by your generosity; maybe I could suggest one small gift, for Rarity?” I inquire.

”Anything within my power to grant, and it shall be yours!” she promises.

”If it is at all possible, and not too much to ask for; Rarity would love a Boutique, like the one she is used to run!” I suggest.

”If and once I can dig up what she needs and draw it up for rendering; would it be acceptable, for her Boutique to be close to Town Hall in the center of Town?” May inquires.

”With no foul whether, to expect; I am sure, she would appreciate this!” I respond.

What if I made myself into a Pony and moved into town?” May Trotter ponders, giggling at the idea but says nothing.

”It was nice, seeing you; but I guess I have taken enough of your time, and I do have a home to tend to!” I consider; ”Besides, it feels as if I should prepare to see the library!” I continue.

”It certainly was nice, talking to you!” she responds; ”As I said, if it is anything; please, do not hesitate to ask!” she then continues.

”Guess I will be seeing you, May!” I respond, as I turn around and walk out of the room.

<--- --- --->

April: 8

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I am waking up, in my own bed.

Just as I had been expecting; the bed sheet is a glossy black, and the quilt an equally glossy but crystal clear silicon.

With the quilt crystal clear, there is nothing obscuring my vision. My body is a luscious spring green and my mane a bright red. My eyes, the bright blue of fiery Sapphires.

As I fold the quilt up onto the side of the wall, I sit up and slide my hooves out of bed.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard; as my hooves hit the floor, underhoof.

The white beech wood, covered with an inch of clear silicon. However, the walls are laid with pink cherry wood; while the ceiling is coated with the mate black silicon holding the pin-prick LED star-skape securely into place overhead.

Of course, this is my bed room; so it should be sparsely furnished!” I ponder, with a snicker.

I do have a night stand, but that is the only furniture I have aside from the bed upon which I am sleeping.

The twin doors to my wardrobes, on the hoof end of my bed; just with the inches to spare, to permit the bed to be made. The wardrobes, holding my clothes and my bed linen respectively.

As a Pony, I rarely do need to wear clothes, I am not expected to or required to; aside from the few, sparse official occasions.

However; I do enjoy wearing the skirt and top, nonetheless. If it is my position, or some old and long forgotten memory tying the reflexive habit onto me.

With just a few steps, I trot over to my wardrobe; opening the doors, to find the clothes I do have. I do have a skirt, befitting me in my current position. I step into the garment, feeling it slide right over my hips; before I pick a matching top, slipping right into it. Now, I am dressed up and ready to face the day.

As I turn around, I afford the framed picture of me and my sister an appreciative glance.

Her coat, a light pinkish hue, and her mane a lavender. Just like mine, her eyes are clearly blue. We are after all siblings and sisters.

As opposed to my older sister: May who thrives in the limelight; I commonly prefer a more modest position, keeping track of her schedule and other behind the scene tasks. Seeing her smile, is making my day. I know she enjoys to see me smile out of joy.

Cutting ribbons in the open, was never my thing in the first place. What’s the fun in that?

I step up to the door, lifting my right fore-hoof; extending it onto the plaque, and thus opening the door. Such a convenient device, knowing who I am and that I am permitted to open the door. I step out of my bed room; and the door quietly swoosh closed just inches behind my rump, plump as it is. I enjoy myself the way I am, and why not?

The floor is laid with white beech wood, coated with an inch of squishy silicon.

”Squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak..” is heard as I am trotting along towards the flight of stairs.

If the floor in my room is identical to the floor outside; the wall outside my room is laid with pink cherry wood as well. Likewise, the ceiling is coated with mate black silicon, in order to hold the pin-prick LED star skape in place as well.

However, I can clearly see the picket fence preventing me to fall over and down onto the floor of our living room. While not lethal or particularly dangerous; it would still be painful enough, to warrant the caution. I do not wish to fall down, onto the floor of our living room. I really don’t. Who would?

I slowly trot all the way over to the flight of stairs down to the ground floor, where our living room is. While I think it would have been beautiful, with beech wood for the stairs covered with an inch of crystal-clear silicon; my older sister chose to utilize classical blue Sapphire, instead. It’s fancy and beautiful, just that I would have preferred the beech wood.

As I trot down the flight of stairs, I feel the sticky sensation of the floor underhoof.

”Squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak..” is heard, as I trot down to the living room one floor under my bed room.

I can’t help, but snicker in delight; as I hear the squeaky noises my hooves are making, as I trot down the flight of stairs. With that, I make sure to take just one step at the time; not to miss a single squeak, silly as this may be. I am after all a grown mare, an adult.

”I should be above these foalish little things, shouldn’t I?” I ponder, but I just could not help myself.

The coated beech wood-floor, the pink cherry wood laid walls and the LED pin-prick star skape held in place with mate black silicon seems to be the theme of our home. I should not mind, should I? it is beautiful, after all.

As I had reached the end of the stairs; I catch eye of the head set, waiting for me on the three seated cinematic sofa. Of course, I am trotting over to the sofa; picking up the neat accessory, the head set is looking like. My head set, my sister’s is still waiting for her.

If I had been to pick the wrong head set, I would have noticed how it would not quite fit me. I just need to try both and know which is mine.

As I am picking the green head set up, I feel its cool mechanical touch; only to realize it is warming up to my touch, as I am holding it in my right hoof. A moment later, I am putting it onto my head; feeling how it is adjusting to my individual body heat in the process. While it is warming up, it is activating automatically in the process.

Of course, she would make one for me too..” I ponder; ”and she had to make it inconspicuously invisible as well!” I continue, snickering to myself.

”Squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak..” is heard from the flight of stairs, leading down to the living room; as my elder sister is trotting down.

”Good morning, Sister!” she offers, as she set hoof on the floor of the living room.

”Good morning, Sister!” I respond.

”I take it, you found your head set?” she now inquires, with a warm snicker.

”Yes, as a matter of fact; I did, and it feels good to wear..” I respond; ”even if I barely do feel it, truth be told!” I then add.

She is trotting up to the sofa, in order to pick up her head set; picking it up and holds it in her right hoof as it is warming up. Just as it is activating, she is putting it onto her head, snickering merrily.

”Time for our breakfast!” I put forth; ”Let’s see, what do we have today?” I offer, as I trot over to our kitchen.

I only extend my right fore-hoof, in order to open the door; before I am stepping right in, in order to examine what I have to work with.

”Oh, carrots..” I mumble; ”shredded carrots, and a lot of it!” I continue, snickering.

I do have some orange and apple juice, aside from cool, running water in the tap. Quite serviceable water, that is.

”Neither tea, nor coffee; but I guess, I could do without these!” I ponder.

Oh, and I do have a few slices of apple; the size of melon, as well. How curious.

Now I am picking up a pitcher of orange juice, feels like the right way to start a day to me. A pair of glasses and a pair of bowls; aside from the shredded carrot.

I step out of the kitchen, putting the food and drink onto the table; ”Breakfast is served!” I exclaim, as I sit down in my seat.

Of course, she is already occupying the inner of the three seats of our cinematic sofa.

”Thank you!” she responds, as I am serving her breakfast, before I serve my own meal and sit down.

Most of the meal is enjoyed in silence. Maybe there is nothing to say, but we did not really have a yesterday to discuss either. It just feels as if I had been with her since forever.

”If this was an apple, what does a melon look like?” she muses, snickering.

”I’m not sure I want to know..” I merely mumble in response; ”but we do have a day ahead of us!” I continue.

”Twilight Town seems like such a nice place, but that is no excuse for being late!” she puts forth.

”Exactly..” I mumble.

As the last of the meal is consumed, I pick up the dishes and trot out to the kitchen; only stopping, in order to place my hoof onto the plaque.

The door quietly opens for me, quite eagerly; I step in, and the door slides shut behind me. I place the dishes on the sink, before I start pouring up the warm to hot water; dealing with the dishes, produced by our meal together. Once done, I dry it off and put it all back into place for us to find it ready for use; next time we need them.

Guess I am the tidy mare, after all.

I turn back, extending my right hoof and place it onto the plaque; the door opens, and I spill right out into the living-room once more.

”Time to go to work!” she points out, with an eager snicker to her voice.

”We can’t be late, for work!” I respond, as I am stepping into a set of golden shoes.

While the distance may not be all that much, but this is no excuse for slacking off or being late.

My sister May had put her shoes on, just as I did; she is ready for work, as she steps up to the plaque by the door. I watch her extending her right fore-hoof, as she is pressing it onto the plaque and thus opening the door for the both of us; I follow her out, just a step behind.

The first house we pass, on our way to work is Twilight Sparkles; we turn towards the town hall in the crossroad; trotting along the road.

”It seems to be yet another nice day in Twilight Town!” I observe.

”Yes, so it would appear!” she responds, with a bemused snicker.

”Clippety, clop; clippety, clop; clippety, clop..” is heard, as we are trotting down the road to the Town Hall.

There is still a distinct trace of squeaks, with these shoes on; which is just the way I like it, and I can see my sister does not mind either. Why should she? It’s such a delightful little noise we are making as we move.

A few minutes of trotting down the road, and we come across the stairs leading up to the imposing Town Hall.

While the stairs themselves feels fairly regular and mundane; the building is in the Monumental style, befitting of an official building like the Town Hall. Twilight town deserves nothing less.

I stop before the doors, with my sister by my side; then the doors open before us, and we trot right in.

The doors open before us, door by door; all the way through the building.

Her office is at the end, with large windows facing the forest. I have a smaller office on her right.

I have enough room for a desk, from which I can manage her schedule and keep track of what she is expected to do throughout the day and week. I would have expected a phone, but with the head set on; what’s the use, when I have the head set.

My desk may be just two feet by four, but I have a large screen before me upon which I can see the schedule.

However, there is nothing on my schedule, right now; maybe it is due, to the fact that I am new here and that Twilight Sparkle herself only arrived a few days ago. Of course, the village of Twilight town is small and laid-back; nothing really happen.

My job, is just to make sure my sister knows where she needs to be and when. She needs to be seen, in town; so Ponies knows, everything is well in hoof. Simple and straightforward enough for me. Still an important task to manage.

”The lunch block is between; 10:00 and 14:00” I observe.

I tentatively put her lunch at 12:00, for now; knowing I could still adjust it, if and when desired. I just placed it at twelve o’clock, to have her lunch planned for her. I could always follow her to the nearest establishment, or follow her home for lunch. Of course, if there is an establishment, and if a lunch had been scheduled; she would be going there. Unless it was just horrible and awful. Just not something I could see happening in Twilight town.

<--- --- --->

Going out, Coming out: 9

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I made the effort, of making my own bed the other night; though I had rendered the entire set of bed linen out of silicone, to match what my friends in Twilight Town has. Now, it is Monday and I will have to go to school.

The smooth sheet is stretched out over my mattress. I had chosen to make it in lavender, because of Twilight Sparkle. I had placed her mark on the middle of the pillow and a line of three marks on the upper end of the quilt too.

I had put on a pair of porcelain white panties and top, to sleep in. Certainly was comfortable enough, if I could say so myself.

As I wake up, I fold the quilt up against the wall, before I slide my feet out from under the quilt; before I slide down, only for my bare feet to hit the floor with a thud.

Once I am standing on my own two feet, with my back facing the bed, I turn around, folding the quilt down neatly.

If I am a Unicorn, maybe I should be making the point?” I ponder, as I draw up the accessories for what I had in mind, pressing ”Render"; waiting for the items to materialize.

”Ping” is heard, as the render is complete, and I can see the diminutive horn and equine muzzle-shaped mask.

For some reason, I feel confident enough to just place the horn on my forehead; gently pressing it into place, leaving it there without a single thought. Somehow, the horn sticks to my skin; maintaining its place, where I had left it. Maybe it is the alteration of my hairstyle or mane, guiding the horn into its proper place; but it does feel as if I had hit the mark, competently.

Now I am picking up the muzzle, placing it over my nose and mouth; leaving my face with that distinctly equine appearance to it, particularly in the profile.

”If I want, or need to remove either the horn or the muzzle; I am sure Twilight could help me out, if and when I do ask her to!” I ponder, secure in the assistance of my friend.

After all; what is friendship, if not this?

Of course both the horn and the muzzle is in the same hue as my skin.

I had chosen a standard design based on a filly named Sweetie Belle, the younger sister of Rarity. she has a fairly small, blunt horn; which is exactly the way I like it. Even if I by any chance could summon magic, and learn to cast as simple a spell as levitation of a small object; I don’t really need my horn to be long, or pointy. Besides; this would just give me other, and unpredictable consequences to deal with.

All I want and need, is to establish that I am a Unicorn filly and nothing more. My horn ends up at three inches in length and just above an inch in width. It is rigid and hard.

I love how cute and adorable my muzzle came out. It makes me feel right at home with my friend Twilight.

While I still do take my head-set off of me as I go to bed, I am putting it right back on as I go up. I only take it off, as I go to the shower, or take a bath. Even if I could render a new head-set as I get back into my room, doesn’t mean I feel like doing it every once in a while just because it got wet or I crushed it in bed.

The muzzle would be fairly obvious and on the nose; but I doubt they notice the horn, not to mention the head-set I am wearing. I had taken steps to make it hard to notice, after all.

Once I had put the head-set on, I walk over to my wardrobe, where I open the doors and examine what i have to wear. Now I am pulling the top or brassiere over my head, leaving it in the wardrobe; before slipping my panties off of me, kicking them up and leave them with the top. For now, I just leave them on a hanger.

Could I have used white, skin-tone, transparent or purple panties and top?” I ponder, as I am considering my options.

I had opted for the black, glossy material the night before; so I end up choosing these, just as I had planned all along. Had I chosen white, I could mix them up with the once I wear at night. Had I chosen clear, or skin-tone, I would look as if I am nude; ruining the entire deal, in the first place. I just could not choose purple; because it kind of feels, as if I had still been nude. Even if my skin is by no means anything near purple; but rather a fairly light pinkish hue, in the first place.

As I am slipping the panties I had chosen to wear during the day, I pull them all the way up; only to afford them a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to ascertain that ever elusive perfect fit the best I could.

With the panties on, I am picking the top matching the panties I am already wearing; pulling it down, before I give it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; thus ascertaining the perfect fit. While it is slightly warmer and considerably sleeker and slipperier; this is my underwear bikini for the day.

Now I pick a skirt, matching what twilight wore at Crystal Prep. I pull it up, as I feel it tightly hugging my hips in the process. The next thing I choose is the silky looking white blouse that I am putting on. I slip my hands right and left in through the sleeves; before I carefully button it all the way up for that strict and smart look. Finally, I pull the jacket matching her skirt, pulling it on; slipping my right and left hands through the sleeves. With that, I feel securely dressed up.

However, I am picking a pair of knee-long socks matching the blouse; slipping my right and foot into the respective sock.

”There, now I just need my breakfast; before I can face the day, as I go to school!” I point out.

At this point, I no longer feel the muzzle or horn; just as I barely feel the head-set I am wearing. I’m comfortable in myself and what I am wearing.

Of course, these clothes or ensemble is new; so I guess, I am bound to turn a few heads. People noticing the new look, I had just chosen for myself. Our school does not have any manner of uniform, even for the employed staff.

Once I had dressed up, I walk over to the door, stopping only to pull the door up; before I step out, turning around to close the door behind myself.

Should I make myself a pair of shoes, matching Twilight’s; or should I just use my old, regular shoes?” I ponder.

For now, I let the question rest; focusing on what I have before me, the breakfast.

My step has a hint of a squeak to it, but I ignore it; affording it an inward snicker, in bemusement. As I am walking towards the kitchen, I realize the socks are a bit on the tight side, but I guess they are growing on me all the same. These are just regular, knee-length socks; no toes socks, or anything special. Why should they be, I did not make them for me to stick out in the crowd.

It is not exactly Halloween, any time soon; but had it been, I would have chosen a more obvious reference for everyone to pick up on instantly. Maybe I should have chosen a longer and more pointy horn, for that occasion too?

As it is, I am just expressing myself.

My parents are at work, so I am all alone; my breakfast prepared and wrapped for me, waiting for me in the fridge.

Bacon and eggs, is on my breakfast menu. Sounds positively delightful, to me. As a Human, these are just the regular; as opposed to, what a Horse or Pony would have enjoyed. I can’t eat regular pony feed, as a human; based on the required nutrients, and my digestive system. I am after all human.

”Maybe some fried potatoes would have been nice?” I ponder, but I could spare this for lunch.

I open the door to the fridge, pulling the plate out and close the door after myself; before I walk over to the microwave oven and open the door, depositing my meal inside and close the door.

Now I push the button, waiting for my meal to cook.

”Ping” is heard, as the food had been properly nuked, to comfortable eating temperature.

I step forwards, pulling the door up; before I pull the plate out of the oven and close the door behind me, before I walk back to the table and deposit the plate on my place.

With fork in hand, I stab the bacon and lift it to my mouth; only to open my mouth and chew. I slice my eggs in bite-size morsels. Stabbing one piece of bacon or egg at the time; lifting it to my mouth and bite.

Piece by piece, I chew and swallow. Enjoying the meal I have before me.

As I finish the meal, I carry the plate back to the sink, washing it off before slipping it into the washing machine. With that, my breakfast is concluded, once and for all.

I leave the kitchen, walking back to my room. Twilight is in her cottage, just as expected.

Now I walk to my desk, picking up the stylus as I sit down. Sketching up a pair of shoes for myself, such as I envision what I had in mind to wear. Black, glossy. At first I had considered a pair of leather shoes of some description; though I change my mind, reverting to my original idea of the silicone look and feel to them.

I watch the shoes being rendered.

”Ping” is heard, as the render is completed.

I pick up the shoes, slipping my feet into them right and left.

There, perfect!” I ponder, as I feel the tight and comfortable fit of the new shoes.

With the shoes on, I step out of my room; closing the door, after myself. Only stopping, in order to pick up my back-pack on my way out. Naturally, the back-pack had been prepared beforehand. Why leave this to chance, in the very last instant as I go.

Fully dressed for school; I open the door and step out, closing and locking the door behind myself.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I walk down the path from the door of my home towards the road.

The path had been laid with hard, black stone. I enjoy the feel it generates under the soles of my feet as I walk.

As I reach the street, I turn to the right, continuing along the pavement, towards the shortcut through the park.

A few minutes later, I turn to the left and enter the path through the park. This path is just covered with sparse grasses in deeper and bluer green grass.

There are trees lining the path, beech after beech lining the path I had chosen to take. The trees lining my path is lending that serene sense of mind as I continue along the path. Something I am feeling secure in Twilight would have been enjoying if she could have been following me.

She will just have to wait.

Since it is daytime, there is no star skape overhead; but the sun is beaming down from on high, lighting my path with comfortable and competent ease. Almost, as if Celestia herself had been controlling and leading the sun over the sky as I walk.

The day is warm, particularly for the time of day. However, I still do enjoy if for what I had been given.

Maybe I could take Twilight out, with me..” I ponder; "but she is too small to walk by my side, so I need something or some manner; helping her overcoming the issue, if her small stature!” I continue.

I can’t just see her injured or hurt, just on the count of being so small none could even see her. How could I?

Just enjoying the feel of the grass underfoot, all by itself; is a special joy to me.

Someone is bound to notice my new style, but would they notice my more personal and intimate changes?” I ponder, as I continue along the path.

I had been considering, if I were to walk up to school from behind; or take the final leg of the walk, through the official entrance. I end up, opting for taking the back. Maybe I just do not like the paved roads; and how they are feeling underfoot, after all?

As I had taken the scenic rout, through the park; had ended up on the back, walking through the backyard of the school. This leads to me entering the school through the back door. While it may not be overly common to enter my school through this door, but it isn’t as if it had been a secret or against the rules; for me to enter this way, by any means.

The doors easily slides up, as I approach the doors; I step in and take the flight of stairs up to the ground floor. I enjoy the sense of these smooth, black stone tiles polished to a high gloss finish. Both the entrance and the flight of stairs.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” I hear my shoes squeak; as I climb the stairs, on my way up.

There is a distinct echo to my steps, as I move over the floor; based on the nature of the stone tiles, the floor had been laid with. Either someone just had a fancy for the effect, or they wanted to hear where you are? Who am I to say, but I guess I can enjoy the effect right now.

I take to the right, turning towards the hall lined up with the personal lockers of all the female students.

One, Two, three..” is read on the side on the corner of each isle.

One isle for each class. Now I continue, until I find my class.

”A, B, C..” I mumble, as I continue down the isle of my class; ”May” I ponder; ”That’s me!” I conclude, as I open the door of my locker.

Of course, this is where I keep all my books, when I don’t use them.

With the locker open, I unpack all my books into the small space.

As I had emptied my back pack, I pick up the pad from the inside of the door; activating it, in order to confirm my schedule. As I have the schedule before me, I pick up the books and equipment required for the next class ahead.

While I do not mind the mathematics or calculus, I am still glad I did not have the subject on the first slot; so I can wake up, and get into gear first.

Before I close the door, of my locker; I place the pad in its pocket, at the back of my back pack. With that, I am secure in closing the door; locking it, after myself as I start walking along the aisle.

First now, I am aware of the echoes I have been hearing from the hall. Girls, walking in through the door. I had known it, but focused on what I had before me; preparing for the day, at school.

A girl turns, in the hall; stepping in before me, ending up face-to-face with me.

”Neko!” she exclaims, as she is noticing me.

Of course, the invented school uniform is smart looking; I had known it, counting on it. If you don’t know the reference, one could pick it out as an Anime reference; just as the girl is doing, right now. It isn’t, as if I could blame her. Why bother?

”Oh..” I exclaim; ”the uniform!” I realize, with a hint of a giggle.

I part my lips in a grin, not even realizing I am still wearing the muzzle I slipped on before breakfast; extending my tongue in a teasing gesture.

”Oo-oo-oo-ooh!” she exclaim, as she is finally noticing the muzzle I am wearing.

”How cute, May!” she now exclaims.

I just snicker, finally realizing what I had done. Too late, to pull back; too late, by far. At least, I guess I had not embarrassed myself; she is enjoying the style, even if she had not invested enough to make the point or come out.

Since I am out, it is too late to pull back.

Wait, she is wearing a head set; but I barely noticed it, until she forced me to look closer!” she ponders.

”You would be perfect, performing in one of these Vocaloids!” she acknowledges.

Wait, is that a horn on her forehead?” she ponders; "I did not know this was a thing, amongst the Neko!” she ponders, now taken aback by the details on my face.

”Thank you!” I respond.

”Your look is just subdued enough, to be smart; it’s so you, I love your new look!” she now confesses.

”Thank you; I do love it too!” I respond; ”I was inspired, as I put it together!” I confess.

More echoes are being heard, as more people are entering the school. We continue, out of the aisle, and up the next flight of stairs; down the hall on the right to a more secluded space, where we can continue the conversation without disruptions or distractions.

”I may have to ask you, later; where you picked up these accessories, and clothes!” she now continues; as we sit down in a pair of fluffy, plush sofas around a small table.

”Understandable, but I am not sure I could explain!” I offer; ”Even if I guess I could explain, where I got the inspiration from..” I then add.

Considering, just how wide the field of Anime is; no wonder, one could not pick out the style unless one happened to be following the specific works or show.

Let’s have some fun..” I ponder, as I notice her glancing at my nails.

As I focus, I soon feel a stream of energy building up; leading to a small ball of blue magic appearing at the tip of my horn, growing in size and intensity as I continue to focus. As it reaches the size, the light starts flowing down the sides of my horn like an avalanche.

The next moment, the surface of her nails glow with a faint blue light as I am manipulating the nails. A moment later; I had managed to make the surface of her finger nails glossy and smoother than they had been before.

As I conclude the spell; she is looking up, in awe.

”Wait, what?” she exclaims.

”I hope you don’t mind..” I respond.

”So pretty, thank you!” she responds; "but how?” she then inquires.

”You are quite welcome..” I respond; ”would you accept Magic, as an answer?” I inquire.

<--- --- --->

Double Surprise: 10

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I experience a shudder, all over my body; I know this experience, it’s a sign I had long and extensive experience with.

A friend of May have her birthday today.

Once the sign had appeared, and I do recognize what it is; there is no time to waste or lose, I have to act. While I don’t know the girl personally, I still have to offer her a gift. I just wish, I could throw her a full-scale party; but understand, that I can’t. Maybe, next year.

At this point, the idea hit me; I could at least give her a gift, but I will have to make it myself.

My resources may be limited, so I could not give her all that much; I have friends, I can rely on.

I open the door of my home, stepping out on the porch; trotting along the path towards the street, as the door closes behind me. Once I reach the street, I turn away from the Town Hall; bouncing along the street to the edge of town.

After a few moments, I finally do reach my destination, the stylus may be lying around on her desk.

If only I could draw up, what I have in mind; I could render the gift in an instant!” I ponder, and starts planning for what I had in mind.

Not quite a doll, or statuette. But if I could just draw the girl, I have in mind; I could have a gift ready, to wrap up as a gift.

Since I know what a girl looks like, drawing a girl is not a real problem, or obstacle to me. The challenge is in how I draw her, to render correctly; to make her look like the Neko Girl I had in mind. At least, the Stylus has control enough, for me; holding the drawing device in the forelocks of my mane.

I sketch up the general outlines of the Neko Girl, step by step; watching as she slowly coalesces into the form of her I had in mind. The tall and lankly girl, yet tentatively graceful in appearance and movements.

Once I had her body down, I start to fill in the details of the finer features; making her into a character, a person in her own right. Of course, I did not have to time to make the extensive searches on the subject; so I had to invent her from scratch, building her into an original character.

She is retaining a beautiful face, with eyes, nose and mouth with each feature prominent and pronounced into a synergistic whole. I had to balance each feature, into a complete picture; rather than just pushing the features individually.

Based on the theme, I made her vaguely oriental; adjusting for the more common image of how Anime is drawn, finally pulling her into as realistic a shape as I could muster. Being a Pony, and new at the job should have been offered me a serious and solid challenge; but being Pinkie, I know what I am doing and where I am going like none-one else.

As I had completed her body, I continue to the accessories; starting with drawing her lips a bright metallic bloody red in a shimmering and glossy hue. Something I imagine Rarity would approve, even if I know I may not have the time to ask for her approval in this instance.

As opposed to making her lips with traditional make-up lip-stick; I make her make-up into accessories with a set of colours in the forms of applicable or insertable tubes giving the effect of the more traditional make-up. While I am not the expert on make-up and the products going into it; I opt for a more long-lasting solution, so that the girl can enjoy the gift longer. I couple the lip-stick with an eye-shadow and mascara for the complete experience.

Now I move up, to the clothes; applying complete ensembles. Full-length stockings and gloves in a matching style; all coupled with one and two piece bikini or swimsuits in colours matching her make-up.

She needs a more traditional wardrobe; so I opt to draw her with kimono and the corresponding items to complete the looks. Then I add a more western, or action-oriented suit for her to wear.

Since I am not experienced in drawing the textures, I am opting for the same material; namely the smooth silicone, easily stretching with the movements and following the body in a smoother manner than I could otherwise had accomplished.

Since Anime is known for the notorious hair-styles, and the females in particular; I chose to go wild, giving her a thick, tight braid along the entire length of her spine. Stylistic bangs or forelocks should be perfectly her, or so I reason; as I give her these in the same hue as the rest of her hair or mane. Well, why not!

Maybe a diminutive braid in front of her right and left ear, respectively; just reaching to her shoulder, with a metallic electric blue bow holding it together would be fun. Though I opted to leave her main braid along her back just magically holding together for no particular reason. Anime hair-styles never respect reason or logic anyway; which suits me perfectly fine, considering the inner workings of my own mane.

I am opting for B cup orbs for her breasts, and why not. Should go just right with her stature, as well as leave her with a comfortable jiggle to her bust. While I am at it, I had afforded her nipples, but leave an Easter-egg surprise in the package. Something a little extra, for the girl to discover in her own time.

As a Pony, I guess I am not quite the prude.

While I am at it, I am painting her palms as prominently silicone-white suction-cups; even if the feature is not obvious or openly eye-catching most of the time. I offer her bright cerise touch-pads reaching from the final joint of each finger and all the way in under the nail. She is sporting semi-square nails, starting just after the final joint; crystal-clear and highly glossy. She is after all a girl, so I take the liberty of pronouncing this aspect of her. Had she been a full-size woman, five foot tall, the nails would have reached some five millimeters beyond the tip of the finger.

Of course, she is just one foot tall; befitting a doll, for a girl to play with. I doubt she would have enjoyed her in full-size or five foot tall anyway.

In the end, I am recording speech for her voice to be based on. Giving her a perfectly enjoyable Equestrian, English and Japanese speech. I am quite sure, she could enjoy this. Even if I doubt most of the dolls, or robots would have more than a few lines of recorded speech.

If I can speak perfect English, I feel confident in my capability to teach this Neko Girl to speak too.

If and when the girl realizes the extent of features included, and the range of her speaking capabilities; I am sure she will have something to consider.

To unlock the Neko Girl, she will have to look her in the eye. I had even left her with a manual to explain.

Oh, but wait; there is more, I had left a small set of Easter-eggs for the girl to find on her own. Inspired by the Equestria Girls, the Neko Girl can Pony Up as we call it; showing her ears, muzzle and tail.

”Of course, it would have been fun to see; as the girl is accepting the gift!” I ponder.

”Maybe I could offer her one final gift!” I mumble, sketching up the design for a head-set for the doll.

Once I am done, I hit Render; waiting for the process to run its course.

”Ping” is heard, as the render is complete.

”Oh!” I exclaim, as I see the box materialize before me.

”This package is, Huge!” I exclaim.

”Hitomi” the name on the package is reading.

”Looking good!” I exclaim, snickering.

Now, I almost wish I had a doll like this..” I ponder; ”but she is a gift to her friend!” I conclude.

Besides, she is a bit large for me; if I had wanted the doll for myself. Erm, Neko Girl. Almost like the Equestria Girl dolls, but probably more fun to play with.

While I am ogling the package, with the doll; I soon notice how the package is being gift-wrapped, before it is vanishing out of sight. Only to appear, in the locker of May Trotter an instant later.

”Package delivered!” I hear a voice in my head-set chime.

But of course!” I ponder, snickering.

”May, just in case you had not prepared a birthday gift for your friend; I took the liberty, of handling this for you!” I point out.

”Than you, Pinkie!” May responds.

”You are quite welcome, May..” I respond; ”and I believe, she is in your locker!” I conclude.

”I will make sure to check..” she responds; ”and I am sure she will be delighted!” May concludes.

<--- --- --->

A Welcome Surprise: 11

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”May, just in case you had not prepared a birthday gift for your friend; I took the liberty, of handling this for you!” Pinkie, or Diane points out.

”Thank you, Pinkie!” I respond.

”You are quite welcome, May..” Diane responds; ”and I believe, she is in your locker!” she concludes.

”I will make sure to check..” I respond; ”and I am sure she will be delighted!” I conclude.

Trust Pinkie Pie, to lighten the day; preparing for parties and gifts!” I ponder.

While I guess, I had forgotten it; but trust Pinkie Pie to know when your friend’s birthday is. I usually call her Neko, partially due to her being into Anime; but also because she is always wearing these cute cat ears and even have whiskers for some odd and untold reason.

I had unloaded my books, just before lunch; so I don’t need to carry all these heavy books, to the mess hall. Now I am walking back to my locker.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I continue to walk from the mess hall and over to the locker.

As I reach my locker, I stop; before I am opening the door, in order to see what is inside.

Aside from my books, there is the one item she had promised me; lying on top and before everything else.

I scan my schedule for the day, picking up the books I need; before I am stacking these in my backpack.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as a girl is walking in my direction.

”Hello, May!” she exclaims.

”Hello, Neko!” I respond; I recognize her face, as she is approaching me.

I reach in, into my locker; extracting the gift, Pinkie had prepared.

”Congratulations, on your birthday!” I exclaim; extending my right hand towards her, as I am offering her the gift.

”Thank you, May!” she responds, in surprise, as she is accepting the gift.

”Poni!” she giggles, as she is noticing the pink ponies covering the paper wrapping the gift box.

After a moment, she is opening the package, extracting the highly decorated box contained within; ”Hitomi!” she reads.

”Hope you like her!” I offer.

”I did not know, you could even get one of these..” she now puts forth, taken aback by the contents.

Neither did I..” I ponder, mumbling.

”And I had never seen one, quite this detailed or with this much accessories!” she now exclaims, as she is opening the box to examine the gift closer.

However, this one is much heavier than I had been expecting; even if she is a full foot tall, and have this much accessories!” she then mumbles, as she is realizing what she is holding in her hands.

”Aisatsu, soshite kon'nichiwa shin'ainaru Neko-san!” Hitomi exclaims; ”Greetings, and hello dear Miss Neko”

”Kon'nichiwa, Hitomi!” Neko responds.

”Wait, what?” Neko mumbles; ”She even speaks perfect, formal Japanese!” she realizes.

Do I even dare accepting this as a gift?” Neko ponders, trying to make sense out of the situation and the gift she had just been given; thinking better of it, accepting it in the hopes of not insulting.

Neko picks up a kimono, slipping it onto Hitomi; ”There, much better!” she offers.

”Yes; thank you, Neko!” Hitomi responds, now switching to standard English.

”You are quite welcome, Hitomi!” Neko responds, without picking up on how the Doll had switched to English.

Just as she had failed to notice, how Hitomi’s lips move perfectly synced to her speech.

Hitomi snickers, in traditional Ponish. Just smiling. Though her smile is widening a bit, enjoying the attention after she had been released from the prison-like state in the package. Even if she had known and understood why. It had been temporary, but it is not fun to be cooped up and stored away in a gift box.

Is this, is this; supposed to be the lip-stick, as an accessory or set of accessories?” Neko ponders; picking up the red one, inserting it into Hitomi’s mouth between her lips.

”Thank you, Neko!” Hitomi responds, grinning back at Neko.

”You are quite welcome, Hitomi!” Neko offers generously.

Uhm, how do I say this?” I ponder; ”Your lips turned a metallic bloody red, just after you inserted Hitomi’s lip-stick accessory!” I then observe, matter-of-factly.

”Wait, what?” Neko inquires, somewhat incredulously.

”I guess you just have to see for yourself?” I offer; ”the Girls’ room is not all that far off!” I then point out.

”I probably do, yes!” she responds; as she is walking over towards the Girls’ room, where a mirror is available.

Wait, this does feel a bit odd!” she ponder, as the effect of the make-up is setting in over the course of Pi minutes.

While she had slipped the package of the gift into her back-pack; she is still holding Hitomi, almost as if she had been holding a baby. But alas, trust Pinkie to give you these strange situations?

I had followed her, to the Girls’ room; following her in, into the room.

”Thank you, May!” she exclaims, as I am closing the door behind myself as she is in the room.

”You are quite welcome, Neko!” I point out.

It isn’t; as if I could have abandoned her here, now? Even if I am not responsible for the reaction she is experiencing; even if I had been forwarding the gift, Pinkie had prepared. What kind of a friend would I be, if I had just left her now?

”My lips, are red; the same as the lips of Hitomi!” she now acknowledges, as she is looking at her own reflection in the mirror.

She is lifting her right hand up to her face, extending her index finger; placing the tip of her finger squarely, in the middle of her lower lip.

”Smooth and elastic, almost like rubber?” she now exclaims, in stark realization.

”That would explain the glossy surface?” I inquire.

If only the red had been a membrane-thick layer, like traditional lip-stick; but this effect is true and through, all the way. This is responsible; both for the red hue and the elastic quality, aside from mirroring Hitomi’s delighted and delightful smile in the process.

With the effect of this accessory; it is not just the lips affected, but the eye-lashes and the eye-lids as well. The oriental flair is quite becoming, on her; for all I could say.

Naturally the skin of Neko’s face is the same smooth as Hitomi’s. It is not the effect of a face mask, but looks as if it had been her own make-up. Just a more natural and artistic look and feel to it, even if she could by no means wash it off of her face now.

”If you want to change your make-up, just swap my make-up accessory or remove it entirely!” Hitomi explains, generously with a wide grin on her face, as she snickers.

”Oh, thank you, Hitomi!” Neko responds, giggling.

”You are quite welcome, Neko!” Hitomi responds.

”However, I think it is time you pick up your books, for class!” Hitomi points out, matter-of-fact.

”Oh, but of course; thank you, Hitomi!” Neko responds.

”You are quite welcome, Neko!” Hitomi responds.

With that, Neko opens the door and we walk back to the lockers; before Neko can pick up her books, for class.

”I am afraid, I can not take you with me to class!” Neko is apologizing to Hitomi.

”Think nothing of it!” Hitomi points out.

With that; Neko is slipping both the box and Hitomi back into her locker, before she is following me towards the next class.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop..” our combined twin steps are heard, as we walk from the lockers towards the class.

So cute!” Neko ponders; recalling the expression on her face, as she was confirming what the accessory’s effect upon her is.

”Had I known, what you are looking like now; I should have been fixing you this doll, ages ago..” I mumble.

”Thank you, May!” Neko whispers, in my ear; ”You know, this is growing on me!” she then giggles, almost like an afterthought.

”I did not know, we had a transfer student from Japan!” we overhear a girl whispering to a friend, as we continue to our upcoming class.

”Neither did I!” Neko whispers in my ear, as reaction of what we had just overheard.

”If I did not know better; I would have thought she is referring to you, Neko..” I mumble; ”Even if I know you have never been to Japan before!” I conclude, in an amused tone.

”If we can trust Hitomi’s speech, I guess she could be my teacher?” Neko teases, giggling.

”Probably your best Japanese teacher, this side of the Japanese border..” I observe, hoping not to reveal how I managed to get this doll into my possession.

”You think?” Neko inquires; ”She sounds so reserved; not at all, like the girls in most Anime I have seen!” she continues.

We take the stairs up to the next floor, without even missing a beat; not as if taking the stairs, had been a challenge in the first place. Just putting one foot, before the other; listening to the Clip, Clop; on the way up.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..”is heard, from all sides; as the other students walk, towards their respective classes.

The door to the classroom is open. I step right in, with Neko in tow. Just that I am aware, of how other girls and boys are following with their eyes; staring at Neko, as if she had been someone else.

The English teacher steps into the room, closing the door behind herself; before she is walking up to her desk, scanning the room. At first, she easily recognize everyone. A moment later, she stops; making a double-take, as her eyes lands on Neko.

”You should probably just run with it, Neko!” I whisper in her ear, with a hint of a giggle.

”Yes..” she responds, giggling at the idea.

”Greetings, Class!” the teacher is pronouncing, opening the class; just as the bell is tolling, marking the time to open class.

”Aisatsu, misutīchā!” Neko exclaims; ”Greetings, Miss Teacher”

There is an eerie silence, followed by what Neko just had said.

A moment later, there is a giggle spreading out in the room of the class.

<--- --- --->

After Class: 12

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May Trotter, my friend; had presented me with a gift, a Hitomi Doll. It is considerably heavier than I had been expecting, as if it had been crafted out of heavy steel and not mere plastic; just as this Hitomi came with considerably more accessories than customary for any doll I have ever seen or even heard of. Why, I have no idea.

Of course, this had been just after the last class I have before lunch; as I bumped into her, by my locker.

I had opened the gift, as she was presenting me with it; waiting would have been rude, for all I know. I had to accept her gift, generous as it may be; but I can’t regret accepting it, either. Why? How?

Not just because the embarrassment it caused me, at the first class after lunch.

While it is true, everyone is calling me Neko; because I am into Anime, and for the generally Animesque style I am maintaining. Of course I had an English class, after lunch today; but I ended up greeting the teacher in Japanese.

I fear this will take me some time, living down; assuming I don’t repeat this mistake, that is. Though I guess they will just take me for granted, if it happens consistently.

The class did come to an end, and we walked out of class. The next class was uneventful, just as expected. I did not greet the teacher in Japanese, this time.

Now, it is just ten minutes before the belle is about to toll for the class and the day will be over. However, something is off. I feel the sensation of panties tightening up. I know I am wearing regular white daytime panties; just cotton, and nothing fancy. Why would I be wearing anything else, to school? This is not a party, or a night out on a date.

The sensation is slow, gradual; but it is unmistakable, undeniable. I am feeling the sensations, of panties slowly tightening up on me.

At first it had been new and different, feeling strangely pleasant; then it started to be uncomfortable and scary, only to grow on me as the process slowly came to an end. A few minutes after the process had concluded, I like the new-found and unexpected tightness.

While I do not know how or where the sensation came from, I can but guess it is linked to the Hitomi doll I had been given. As unexpected, as this development may be; it is now lending me a new sense of security, I just can not quite put a finger onto.

The final few minutes are melting away, as the seconds are ticking by; the belle tolls and the class is at an end, as the teacher is dismissing us with a warm good-buy. I raise to my feet and walk out of the room; knowing I have to go to the girls’ room, in order to investigate and ascertain it is what I should have known it was all along.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I make a forced walk over to the nearest girls’ room on the floor.

Naturally, there is at least one girls’ room on each floor; making certain, there is no incident of this nature. Just as there is a girls’ room, there is also a boys’ room. Not that there is all that much separating the two, but it’s a formality.

As I reach the door, of the girl’s room; I open the door and step right in. I distinctly close the door, signaling I need the privacy the room had been intended for.

Once the door is securely closed behind me, I turn around; locking the door, making certain I am indeed alone and undisturbed.

Now I am lifting my right hand, slipping it in under my skirt; slipping the skirt down, revealing the white cotton panties I had put on before I had left for school earlier in the morning. Of course my panties are on, I could not have been expecting anything else. How could I?

As I am looking in the mirror, I see my panties; they are looking exactly, as they had before I left for school. Just as I had been expecting all along.

Now I leave the skirt over my knees, as I once more lift my right hand up; slipping it in under my cotton panties, slipping my panties down in order to see. I need to confirm, what I think what I had felt means; even if I can’t quite believe, it is what I think it is.

”How could this be?” I exclaim, as I am confirming what I knew could not happen.

These panties are a perfect fit, as if they had been drawn or painted directly on my skin; yet they feel at least one size too tight, at the same time!” I realize.

The panties are just mate, white silicon, for which I am forever thankful; she could have chosen any of the available options; including clear, skin-tone or even these frisky metallic bloody red once. Now, that would have been embarrassing, even if I had not known it until now; just as I know, I am the only one aware of it. Unless of course, I were to tell anyone other than May Trotter; whom I know already knows of it, even if she had neither seen or heard of it.

May Trotter gave me the doll, after all. I know she is fully aware of these accessories and should have a vivid picture of what they will be doing. Maybe, she even wishes she had bought herself a Hitomi doll of her own, just for this. Who am I to know, it is just my imagination going out of bounds.

There is nothing lost, in explaining my situation to May!” I ponder, realizing the situation.

If I told her, she knows exactly what had happened; sparing her imagination the fuel, for crazy and outlandish ideas. I probably don’t want her imagination to go there, so explaining puts a pin in what she may imagine.

Imagine shrink wrapping panties, heated up to hit the right fit; only to realize, it had been slightly warmer than expected? Just that I had never been prepared for what came to pass, I could not know what I was experiencing; but the comfort is, in knowing it was not growing tighter. The tightness is comforting me, more than I had dared to accept or acknowledge.

Of course my panties are emphasizing what I have, even if I never had all that much down there; I am a girl, but that is about it.

My hand slowly explore the surface of my mound, feeling every last detail and why not? It is my body, my mound and privates. I feel the highly detailed orchid as if it had been carved or moulded out of hard silicon; just as I feel the slippery surface, as if it had been polished and lubricated just for the fun of it. Yet, these panties are insisting on being mate.

I feel the contours with utmost clarity, both the mound and my rump; but I could not for my life slip in, had I tried to. Is this the security I had experienced in class? Of course, these panties can not be taken off of me; more than they could permit entry, leaving me perfectly safe.

These panties are feeling cool to the touch, almost as if they had been on Hitomi instead of me?” I realize, as I am withdrawing my right hand.

Now I am pulling the panties and skirt up, pretending nothing had even happened. Of course, it hadn’t.

I wash my hands, in order to maintain the illusion of a legitimate reason to enter the girls’ room. With that, I unlock the door and open, before I am stepping out, closing the door behind myself.

”I thought you would be here, Neko!” May whispers, as she is approaching me.

”Then you know?” I inquire.

”A little bird told me!” she just snickers.

”It is our secret..” I respond, with a crooked grin.

I make a gesture, I had seen far too many times; one I had let her in on, what it is signifying.

”You are weird, but I still love you..” I just put forth.

”Two birds, of a feather..” she teases, winking conspiratorially at me.

With that, we start walking towards the flight of stairs, in silence; continuing back to our respective lockers, in order to prepare to go home.

”If you want to talk, in private; I guess we could have a chat, over the day’s home-work?” she inquires.

I have been at her place, a few times; just as she has been at mine, a few times. I knew what it looks like. Nothing too far, out of the ordinary; at least, by my standards.

As I reach my locker, I unlock and open it; slipping all the books I have in, before I picfk out the once I need to take home for the day’s home-work. While I am at it; I am picking up my new Hitomi doll, and the package containing all her accessories.

With everything neatly and quietly stashed in my back-pack, and Hitomi on my chest; I close the door and lock it before I follow May along the hall.

I just hope, my teacher does not make a note on my report, about the Japanese incident..” I ponder.

<--- --- --->

Just for Pinks: 13

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I had taken my friend, Neko with me home from school.

Since it is her birthday, I had given her a present; even if it is Pinkie Pie, who made it for me to give her. Does she need to know? Would it change anything?

She certainly was happy enough, for the doll I gave her at lunch.

Maybe this doll was a bit much, but I could not take it back now. Now, could I? She will just have the fun, of exploring the gift, for herself. I am not about to take this away from her.

As I am reaching my door, I unlock and open; bidding her to following me inside, just as I had promised. You see, I do stand by my word.

She is closing the door, after herself; before she stops and take her shoes off, placing them by the side of mine.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as we walk over to my door.

I open the door, gesturing for her to step right in; then I follow her inside, before I am closing the door behind myself.

”Neat!” she exclaims, as she enters the room.

”It is not much, but it is all mine!” I respond.

Of course, I could not hide the desk; where I use to do my homework. Just as I could not hide the Stylus before my desk.

However, what is catching her eye; is not the stylus, but the tiny little pony standing on the middle of the desk. This is, of course Pinkie Pie.

”Kon'nichiwa, Neko-san!” Pinkie exclaims, bouncing like an insane rubber ball in excitement.

”Kon'nichiwa, misu Pinku!” Neko responds, taken aback by the welcoming she is just receiving.

”Poni, Poni, Poni!” Neko exclaims, a moment later; as she had gathered her wits enough, to actually see Pinkie Pie herself.

”On second thought; there is one thing you should be checking, Neko!” I offer, suggesting she is taking a closer look at Hitomi.

Of course, Hitomi had not changed her lip-stick accessory; her lips are still the very same red, as it had been at lunch. However; she had put on a pair of white panties, matching what Neko herself had found herself wearing.

”The kimono does not count as accessory, but as clothes, Neko!” Hitomi now explains, giggling friskily.

”Oh..” Neko exclaims; ”what?” she then adds.

”I hope you forgive me, for trying the panties on; just before the end of your class, Neko!” Hitomi now offers.

”No harm done, even if it was a shock!” Neko concedes.

”Your pretty, plump little rump will be safe from unwanted and unwarranted intrusions!” Twilight points out.

Of course, all the Ponies of Twilight Town had arrived, by now. Including the Mayor and her younger sister.

”Happy birthday!” Pinkie exclaims; and the other ponies merrily echoes, a mere half second or so later.

”If you are all ready, sing with me..” Pinkie points out; ”Happy birthday, dear Neko..” she starts out, and all the ponies are singing the song with her.

As the Ponies sing, Neko is quite. Awestruck, in cheer surprise; as she just could not have prepared herself, for what was to come. Even if they had sung the song for her, at the first class of the day.

”Thank you, every Pony!” Neko exclaims, a moment after the song is over and it is obvious to her, the performance had been concluded.

”I take it, you enjoy the gift, Neko?” Pinkie inquires.

Of course it had to be Pinkie Pie asking; not just because she had designed the gift in the first place, but because it was her place to ask as the Party Pony of Twilight Town.

”Yes; thank you, Pinkie..” Neko responds.

”I thought as much..” Pinkie responds, with a snicker and a wide grin.

Her snickers are cute, but how does she manage to grin this wide?” Neko ponders.

”Hitomi..” Pinkie exclaims, as she is shifting her focus over to the doll; ”what if you try out the matching top?” she now inquires, inciting Hitomi to consider.

”Oh, yes..” Hitomi responds; "I guess I should!” she then adds.

Hitomi takes of her kimono, standing in the half nude, only wearing the panties. Pinkie just snickers, as she is watching Hitomi’s reaction. Once Hitomi had taken the kimono off of her; she picks up the chosen top; slipping it on. Once the top is on, she puts the kimono on, once more.

”Like this?” Hitomi inquires.

”Yes, exactly!” Pinkie merely snickers, in response.

Just a moment after Hitomi had finished putting the top on, Neko is experiencing a strange sensation she is eerily familiar with; since it is how it had felt, as Hitomi had put the panties on earlier in the day.

Only Pi minutes later, the top is firmly in place on her chest; leaving Neko with the applied pressure, the fabric of the top is exercising upon her.

”Wait, what..” Neko exclaims, as the sensation is ebbing out.

”Did you put a top on, Hitomi?” she now inquires.

”Yes, but of course I did; my dear Neko!” she merely responds, with a hint of a merry smile on her face.

”Since you enjoy playing dress-up; maybe I could choose something, for you to wear?” Neko inquires.

”Of course; I am after all yours to play with, and do as you please!” Hitomi confirms, matter-of-fact.

”So you will not mind, or protest?” Neko inquires.

”No, why would I?” she inquires; ”It isn’t as if it did any difference, to me!” she then points out.

With that; Neko picks up a pair of stockings, from the package.

”If you want me to wear them; either put them on me, or ask me to do it?” Hitomi suggests.

”Then, by all means; put these stockings on, Hitomi!” Neko confirms.

Hitomi accepts the full-length toe-stockings with eager anticipation. Now she is lifting her right foot up, slipping it into the stocking; sliding her foot all the way down, feeling how her toes slowly slips into their respective places.

”This is fun..” Hitomi exclaims; ”but she will have to wear her own stockings too!” she ponders; ”Thanks for choosing a pair of stockings for me, Neko!” Hitomi exclaims.

”Yes, I guess it is..” Neko responds, as she is watching Hitomi slipping her foot into the left stocking.

While Hitomi is standing on the desk, Neko is standing on the floor. The package Hitomi came in, standing on the desk, mere inches away from Hitomi.

As expected, the stockings slowly make themselves known to Neko; as she is feeling the pressure of the tight silicone material covering her entire legs, feet and toes. The pressure of the stockings, covering her legs as if she had been walking in water; leaving an equal pressure, all over the skin of Neko’s legs.

As Neko is casting a glance down, at her previously nude feet; she can’t help but notice, the tight fitting silicone that makes up her stockings.

”So delightfully tight, yet effeminate!” Neko exclaims, in obvious delight.

”What if I put these gloves on?” Hitomi inquires; as she picks up a pair of skin-tone, full-length gloves.

”Sure, why not?” Neko responds, still grinning.

Does not matter, if the gloves are skin-tone?” Neko ponders; ”It isn’t, as if I need to cover my arms or hands in the first place!” she concludes, in an amused tone.

Of course, Hitomi had chosen a pair of full-length gloves; just as Neko had chosen a pair of full-length stockings. Just as it is toe-stockings, these gloves are part of the matching set; even if the gloves are skin-tone.

While skin-tone and full-length; these gloves only carry a hint of the rubbery sheen the silicon carries. Just enough to be picked up; but I guess one could improve upon it, with a dash of polish.

Hitomi is slipping her right hand into the glove, pulling her hand all the way in; affording the glove a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. From there, she is picking up the left glove; slipping her hand into it, pulling it all the way up.

A moment after Hitomi had put both the gloves on; Neko experiences the effects, of wearing the gloves. The pressure is slowly sinking in; before she notices how her nails grow to a full inch. Semi-square, inch-long and crystal clear; starting just after the final joint, of each of her fingers. Likewise, she soon notice the bright, cerise touch-pads; reaching from just at the final joint of each finger, reaching in to the nail. There is also a silicone-white suction-cup, covering the palm of each of her hands. Other than this, the only outward hint is the highly effeminate emphasis on her arms, hands and fingers in general.

”Oh, oh, oo-ooh!” she exclaims, as the effect is hitting home; ”I had not expected this..” she points out, giggling.

Hitomi casually lifts up her right hand, as she is standing demonstratively before Neko; extending her right index-finger, before she continues to lick the touch-pad in order to incite the desired effect upon Neko. Neko instinctively repeats the act. Her eyes growing wide, as she is experiencing the effect Hitomi incited her to explore; incapable of pulling back, feeling the sensations the wet Neko’s tongue is inducing on the surface of her touch-pad.

Even after Hitomi had effectively stopped lapping, Neko continues; just one touch-pad at the time; right and left hand, in turn.

”Oh, oh, oh..” Neko exclaims; ”I could not help myself, it’s a Neko reflex she triggered..” she concludes, pointing accusatory at Hitomi.

”Feels good, doesn’t it?” Hitomi simply inquires with an amused giggle to her voice.

”Uhm, ye-ee-ea-ah!” Neko stumbles, in response.

”Keep it in mind, remember how it feels!” Hitomi points out.

At this point, the Mayor and her sister or assistant is stepping forwards, approaching Hitomi; since she is the size to be approachable, and because it is easier to give her the gift.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard as the two Ponies trot up towards Hitomi, where she is standing by the side of the box she had come in.

Of course, it is April, the younger sister and Assistant; who is holding the small box, containing the gift. Such is her position, holding things for her older sister who is the Mayor.

Designing the gift, from scratch would have been hard to impossible; but combining the two original designs, is foal’s play after all.

”Yes, but of course!” April responds, as she is hoofing over the small package to her older sister, the mayor herself.

”Thank you, April!” the Mayor responds, as she is accepting the item.

With that, she is trotting up to the doll named Hitomi; even if Hitomi Technically is more, than a mere Doll.

”As the Mayor of Twilight town; I would like to present you with a gift, on Miss Neko’s birthday!” May exclaims, as she is stopping before Hitomi.

”Thank you, Mayor!” Hitomi responds, as she is bending over; accepting the gift, the Mayor is presenting in the name of the village.

”You are quite welcome, Hitomi!” the Mayor responds, grinning generously.

Of course, all the ponies currently living in Twilight town village is gathered around Hitomi at this point.

The only one not present, at this time; is the girl who is known, only by Twilight Sparkle herself. May is sitting in her office, on the second floor.

There is little to no point, for me to be out there among the Ponies right now; when my Pony self is so much better, at this job!” she ponders.

What is it, what is it, what is it?” Hitomi ponders, as she is accepting the gift, the Mayor is giving her in the name of the village.

Only one way, to find out!” Neko realizes, as she is watching the event taking place before her, on the desk.

Whatever it is, the Mayor is giving her; the box is still hiding, what it is.

Neko has to wait, patiently; in order to see, exactly what it is. No pony knows what it is; other than the mayor, and her younger sister April of course. They had dug up the sketches to the original designs; deciding to offer Neko this gift.

Hitomi holds the wrapped box, in her two hands for a moment; shaking it cautiously, trying to discern what it is containing: yet, to no avail. The box refuses to yield its secret; with anything less, than opening the box to extract what is inside.

Combining the two designs is fairly simple.

Now Hitomi unties the string, before pulling the wrappings off of the box; now opening the box, in order to learn its secret.

As the box is open, she reaches forth her right hand; extracting the gift, from within the confines of the box. What she is holding in her hand, is the gift, a brand new head-set, identical to the one Miss May Trotter is wearing. Only smaller, but otherwise identical.

”A head-set!” Hitomi exclaims, as she is holding the gift up before all the spectators.

”Put it on!” Twilight suggests; I hope it fits your head just right!” she then adds.

While Hitomi is holding her head-set in her hand, it is slowly warming up; thus activating, while she is holding it.

As she is putting the head-set on her head, the accessory does its magic; thus Neko is finding an identical piece on her head, snug and activated.

”Whoa!” Neko exclaims.

”If you need me to change clothes, Neko; don’t hesitate, letting me know?” Hitomi suggests.

”I guess; that would be a great idea..” Neko responds; ”then I don’t need to worry, if and when I need to go to the girls’ room!” she continues.

”Exactly!” Hitomi confirms.

”Good thinking, Hitomi..” Neko acknowledges; ”I had not had the time, to consider or worry about this just yet!” she continues.

As I am watching; Neko is absentmindedly licking the touch-pads of her right hand, without even noticing. I just enjoy looking, for a moment; without saying anything. Maybe Hitomi will observe it, and let her know?

What Neither Neko, nor Hitomi had figured; is that they can speak to the rest of us, too!” Pinkie Pie ponders, snickering gleefully.

<--- --- --->

My After Party: 14

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I had excused myself, leaving May; walking home, so I could take part in my birthday party at home.

Not that May, or her friends minded all that much; they had just been happy, for the time I had been there. May is such a fun friend to hang out with.

The party had been fun, and my friends had been there.

However, amusingly enough; none had picked up on the little details, or any of the changes brought into play by May. Maybe just as well; because I am not sure how I could have explained any of these things, had they been picking up on them.

Of course, everyone who had come to the party had left; leaving me alone, and rather tired.

”That was fun!” Hitomi exclaims, as I close the door to my room behind myself; as the last guest had left the party.

”Yeah, it sure was; but tiring..” I respond, as I am walking towards my bed.

”If only I had a wardrobe and a bed!” Hitomi suggests.

”That would have been great..” I respond; ”but it isn’t, as if I could fix that right now!” I continue.

”Since I don’t need sleep, I guess I can live without the bed for a few more days..” she offers; ”but it would have been good to have the wardrobe, to store my clothes in!” she suggests.

I unbutton my blouse, before I slip out of it; putting it away, to be washed. Now I slip the skirt down, stepping out of it with some difficulty, on the account of being tired and sleepy. I place the skirt on top of the blouse.

As I am pulling the top up over my head, I hear sounds as if I had been on the pasture with horses; the wind gently blowing, calming me for sleep. I leave the top, on the pile of clothes, awaiting their time in the washer. Now, I finally slip my panties down; nude, if not for what Hitomi had been putting on.

With some effort, I manage to put the panties on the pile; leaving them, to be washed. No thought in my head.

Only now, at this point; I am picking up faint noises of neighing, whinnies and snickers as if these horses had been in the room. I am a bit confused, but too tired to consider it further.

”No daytime make up on, during the night!” I hear Hitomi point out, in between the equine noises I am hearing.

The next moment; I notice, how she is extracting the red lip accessory and swapping it for a semi glossy, crystal clear one. With that, my make-up fades away; replaced, by the much more subdued nighttime make-up. My lips still feels the same, but the red is gone, and only a trace of gloss remains. The eye-shadow fades away, replaced with a semi-gloss, similar to that of my nighttime lip-gloss. However; my eyelashes remains glistering black as if nothing had happened.

My face, remaining in the oriental style; befitting my name, such as I had accepted it. I am after all still Neko.

If the daytime underwear; panties and top are white: her nighttime underwear should be black!” Hitomi ponders; while she is slipping her panties and top off of her, before she is putting the black panties and top on.

Maybe the nighttime underwear is slightly glossier, or is it a mere illusion of the spares light in the room. Or, a Mare’s illusion?

Words can be funny, playing tricks on you; when your mind is not sharp enough, at bedtime. I could not help, but giggle. Well, I am indeed tired; no point, in trying to deny it even to myself at this point. Now, is there?

Since Hitomi had swapped the daytime underwear for the nighttime variant, with swift haste; I had not even noticed it, just that the underwear now is black. She had made the choice, without asking me; but in a sense, I am still glad she makes the distinction for me. Bedtime is bedtime; whether I go to bed for sleep, or for more exciting bedtime entertainment.

Just as she had taken the panties and top off of her, she is now taking the stockings and gloves off of her; slipping a new pair of stockings and gloves on.

”Since she calls herself Neko; I should let her experience the joy she had been asking for, even if she may not have realized it?” Hitomi ponders, as she is choosing the set of stockings and gloves for the night.

She had chosen a light cream hue, for both the stockings and the gloves she was putting on; however, the touch-pads still remains while the nails had vanished. A cat does not have human finger-nails of course. We all knew that.

As I am indeed tired, or deadbeat, I climb up onto my bed, slipping in under the quilt. Slow, but I am getting there. Once under the quilt, I am curling up, almost like the cat I had made myself out to be; even if I had not quite understood, or realized it at the time.

With the ears, and whiskers; there isn’t too much left, to make the distinction is there?

Now, I find myself purring; under the cover, of the comforting quilt.

My dreams are filled with Ponies. I just can not make out what they are saying; since all I hear, is neighs, whinnies and snickers.

Horses, horses, horses and more horses; horses are everywhere?” I ponder, in my dream.

”Of course!” I hear Hitomi responding, as if she had been with me.

I had never considered to take the head-set of; but then, it is an accessory on Hitomi’s head. Nothing I need to concern or worry my cute little head with. I am after all a little house-cat.

Had I been looking, I would have found the fur of my body a glossy black; while the fur of my head, legs and tail are all a light creamy hue. Just the way Hitomi had dressed up, before I had gone to sleep the night before. How odd, or how convenient?

While I could not make anything else out, what stands out in the crowd of noises is: Penelope. It is apparently what the Horse, or Pony is calling me. I can not for my life, make out why. Of course, you do call your pet something. Naming the pet is part of the domestication and familiarizing processes. I guess I knew that.

But, why Penelope; of all the names they could have been picking? - <pe-ne-lo-pe>

At least, I am still a cat; a female cat, at that. While a dream could have chosen to play further tricks upon me, but I guess it chose to play my game.

These dreams are so vivid to me, in the hear and now; almost, as if they were more real than my real life. Strange, but this is the nature of my dreams.

Of course, I will eventually have to wake up; still in the body I had been born with, in the real world.

The whinnies, neighs and snickers are following me, almost as if they were ghosts haunting me. Just that they are so warm and friendly; not like these ghosts, or spirits from the tails I remember.

”Yawn!” I exclaim, and open my brilliant sapphire blue eyes.

I am looking around, but everything is exactly, where it should be. The last dream of the night is fading away; yet stays firmly in my memory as if it had actually happened the day before.

”Life, as a cat is weird!” I exclaim.

I manage to slip out, from under the quilt of my bed; hopping down onto the floor with a distinct squeaking noise, as my paws hit the floor. Not that the jump had been all that high, but I guess the silicone coating my skin is enough to make this effect.

As I am looking up; I notice walls between the legs of what had previously been my night stand.

There is a door, at the front; just as there is a window on each side of the door. She even has a window on the right and left side of what now effectively had turned into her home.

Had I looked in; I could have seen her bed and her two wardrobes. Yes, she does indeed have two wardrobes. One for her clothes, and one for her accessories.

Her bed is identical to mine, but scaled down to her size and in order to fit comfortably within the space of her room.

Naturally, she had slipped out of her kimono, before she had gone to bed the night before.

”Red, or blue?” I hear her mumbling; as she is standing in her room, considering the choice she has available to her.

She had ended up choosing the blue, this time; as she is extracting the oral tube, or make-up accessory, before she is slipping in the blue one in place of the clear she had used for the night.

As she is swapping the accessory, my lips are effectively changing into the metallic electric blue of the accessory’s design. Other than that, I am sporting silver metallic eye-shadows. My features are otherwise unchanged. I don’t really feel different.

”Just in case, you need to go to the girls’ room!” I hear Hitomi suggesting, as she is picking a pair of skin-tone panties for herself.

She is stepping out of her nighttime panties, swapping them for the skin-tone underwear she had just chosen, for me. In her case, the black silicone panties are clean; even if I guess she could choose to dry them off with a moist cloth at any time she chooses. Just for the sake of doing it. Though it would be nothing more than formality in her case.

As I am looking down, I notice how her choice of accessory is coming out; in the form of now skin-tone panties, permitting me to use the girls’ room as I please. Which would be convenient right now.

She had picked a matching top, before she had slipped out of the black nighttime top, she had been wearing all night. The one she had been sleeping in. Since she is just stepping out of one garment, slipping into the next; I don’t have the time, to feel the difference. I never feel the sense of nudity, as it were.

Firm, and bouncy!” I ponder, as I notice the change she had put on.

She is pulling the gloves and stockings of, before she is slipping into a set of matching gloves and stockings, all in the matching skin-tone hue.

Once she had effectively changed into a new set of clothes, she puts her kimono on, once more.

With that, she is opening the door; stepping out, before she is closing the door behind herself.

Once she had slipped into the daytime wear, I am back to my lady-like looks once more; even if my finger-nails are a mere three millimeters long this time. My nails, now a matching sapphire blue; each and every one of them, not just my finger-nails.

Living with Hitomi, is new and exciting!” I realize, in a flash.

Since I don’t want to appear nude, as I exit my room; I slip into a pair of white daytime panties and matching top. The nudity would have been embarrassing enough on me, before; but now, with my highly emphasized privates I find it unthinkable. Plain and simple. Period.

The petals of my orchid, now a bright cerise and firmly stiff; just as I can see my pink and large nipples standing out as if I had been excited. Maybe I am, thanks to Hitomi. But, still.

Being alone with Hitomi, or with a special someone is one thing; but with my parents, or anyone else, nudity is simply unthinkable.

Maybe I had been affected by the Anime I have been following, more than I had realized; compared with the western lifestyle I am surrounded by. If so, so be it; it’s far too late to complain, or whine about it now. I had become as inhibited, as the characters I had made my friends; but it had opened me up, in other aspects and arias in the process.

Of course, as I had put on something to wear; even if it is nothing more than the underwear, I am now standing in. I can find myself presentable enough, to brave going out of my room; at least, if I am just going to the girls’ room. The room is not adjacent to my room; I have to walk out of the room and across the hall, in order to reach the girls’ room.

While it is merely slightly embarrassing to go out of my room, now; but not more so, than I can dare to go out of my room and reach the girls’ room.

As I had put the panties and top on, I am closing the door of my wardrobe; turning my back on the wardrobe, walking over the floor of my room.

There are no insistent squeaks now, as a girl; but I can still hear the faint noises, of my footsteps over the floor. If I had not heard them, it would have scared me. I am after all still a little girl, and if I can’t hear my own steps over the floor; I would inevitably and unavoidably feel, as if I had been turned into a ghost overnight.

As I reach the door, I stop and open; before I am stepping out of my room, only to close the door behind myself. From there, I continue to walk over to the girls’ room; stopping and opening the door hastily; stepping in and closing it behind myself, quietly.

I carefully lock the door, behind myself; before I can consider myself safe.

With the doors securely locked, behind me; I can finally consider, what I had to do. I just had not realized it, as I had been wearing the panties constantly. Now, it is slowly hitting home; I had not been to the girls’ room, for several hours.

I slip my panties down, turn around; before I physically confirm what I have, that I can finally complete this. As my fingers are probing the mound, slowly caressing the petals of my orchid; the sensations are coming back to me, making me feel just how long I had put up what I knew I had to do. I use my left hand, probing my rear orifice; feeling the entrance of the orifice, just as I should have known all along.

With a muffled yelp, I realize just how long overdue it is. I sit down on the toilet, quietly.

I feel the pressure mounting internally, relaxing as best I can; focusing on letting it happen, as I am relieving myself. As I do, I can clearly hear the squirt hitting the bottom. While it continues, I feel myself growing relieved; the pressure slowly decreasing, in the process.

A moment later, the next sound hits me. Once, twice and thrice.

As the squirt is ebbing out, I extend my right hand; reaching down, exploring the effect. Strangely enough, I find myself perfectly dry; maybe I should have expected and realized it, but this is still the effect of the new panties Hitomi is wearing.

I extend my left hand, exploring the effects, finding myself perfectly clean.

However, I am still picking a strip of toilet paper; maybe it is more of a habit, than the actual need to. Yet, I am wiping once, twice and thrice before I let go of the clean paper. I do not look back. Why?

As I am done, I flush the toilet and raise to my feet; walking over to the sink; washing my hands with hot water and then soap. Washing all the soap off of my hands; before I dry my hands off, on my own towel.

”There, that felt surprisingly good!” I ponder, as I realize it.

Since I am done, I step into my panties; before I turn to the door and unlock it. Now I open the door and walk back to my room. Clearly relieved.

I only stop, opening the door; before I enter my room, closing the door behind myself.

The door, of Hitomi’s new home is swinging up; Hitomi steps out and closes the door behind herself, before waving a hand at me.

”Hello, Neko..” she exclaims; ”how did it go?” she then inquires in a hushed and more subdued voice.

”Hello, Hitomi!” I respond, smiling back at her; ”Oh, that..” I continue; ”as expected? Well!” I conclude.

”Great, to hear..” she responds.

”Could you change into the white underwear?” I inquire; ”As good as these may feel, and as fun as it may be; but it is a distraction, the rest of the time!” I explain, matter-of-fact in a somber voice.

”Yes, but of course..” she responds; ”I will just have to go in, but I can still hear you loud and clear!” she then points out.

I drop my white daytime cotton panties, in order to see when she had swapped them; but leave the top on, all the same.

However, I do lift my right hand in under the top; momentarily exploring myself, feeling the right nipple under the tips of my fingers. It is larger, than I had realized; but it feels nice, to touch it all the same. Maybe, just maybe; it does feel a bit too good, to touch. Even if the size is a bit more than I had been expecting.

Though it is not just to feel of the large nipple, under the touch-pads of my fingers that feel good; it is how the touch-pads feel, as I explore and caress myself in the process too.

While my right hand is occupied, busy; I soon notice, how my panties are changing from the skin-tone to the expected porcelain white I had asked for.

Once the change is complete, I am picking up my panties; putting them on, once more. With that, I walk over to my wardrobe; opening the door, choosing a fresh skirt for the day.

As the skin slowly starts turning into the porcelain white, the mound is growing smooth; giving me the impression, of wearing panties once more. It looks, like it had the day before.

It is smooth, yet nicely sensitive; just more innocent looking, and perfectly safe once more.

Of course, these changes are covering my bust, my chest as well; giving the sense of wearing the top, just as it gives that appearance as well.

As I had put the skirt on, I am extracting a white blouse; slipping my right hand through, then the left hand. Now, I am buttoning the blouse all the way up. I choose a short-sleeved crop-top jacket; slipping my right and left hand in through the respective sleeves, before I zip it up tight for the desired look.

I am a girl, and I certainly want to feel like it; this should be an appropriately smart look for a girl my age!” I ponder.

Since I am indoors, and at home; I put on a pair of regular, white, knee-long cotton socks.

”There, perfect!” Hitomi exclaims; ”Or, as I guess you could have put it; purr-fect..” she then adds, giggling.

<--- --- --->

Pony Up: 15

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I had seen, just how much Neko had been enjoying her Hitomi; now I had the idea, maybe I could enjoy a doll of my own. I don’t want a Hitomi doll. What I want, is a Pony doll. More in the lines of a Unicorn like Twilight and Rarity.

If Neko enjoys it, I could enjoy it too.

Wait..” I ponder; ”I can’t be either Twilight Sparkle, or Rarity!” I realize, in embarrassed shock.

I had to make myself a character of my own; one reflecting me and who I am, rather than copying someone else.

Had I tried to imitate Twilight, Rarity, or even the mayor known as May Trotter; I would have made myself into an impostor. I could not do that. I don’t want to be an impostor. Just as I don’t want to steal anyone or any Ponyelse’s identity.

Even if May Trotter technically could have been considered to be me. I simply can not take her character now.

While I could sketch up the Pony, I intend to be; based on the Twilight and the Rarity, but now I start making changes as I am cleaning up the lines. I had changed how Twilight Sparkle appears; but I had limited myself, in this effort in respect for Twilight Sparkle as a Pony and Person.

If I draw myself as a Pony, I could ignore all these considerations; I am drawing a new Pony, as I am making myself into the Pony.

Just as Pinkie Pie had drawn up Hitomi to be a foot tall, I am drawing up my doll in the same scale. If it changed anything, I do not know or care. I just draw, upon what I have.

I want to be a Pony, so I have to limit myself to the Equine design and body type.

However; it would be problematic, if the doll is a Pony to begin with. I have to draw her as a doll, in a human form. I draw her in the shape of myself, just adjusting the lines to make the Pony form come out as intended.

Maybe; if I drew it all up, in the form of accessories? Just as I did for Neko’s Hitomi doll?” I ponder.
As I do like to have a plump rump, I give her just that.

Once I am done, with the drawing; I have done all I can, I know as much. Yet, I do have neither the experience nor the foresight to predict anything here.

While I had used the sketches for the Hitomi, as a base template; I had made the adjustments I had felt necessary, in order to make her into me. This will be me, not Hitomi.

Since I had based her on Hitomi, I can export all the accessories she came with; with just a little effort, in order to adjust and adapt them to me. I have the full set.

Rendering the Pony-Me doll is as easy as press Render. Now I need but wait for the process to run its course.

Expecting the process take a while, I go over to my bed; laying down, resting and making an effort in trying to relax. Just as expected, the render of the doll itself take long enough; and then I have to wait for all the accessories, in what appears to be a rather extensive set. If complete or exhaustive or not, but the set is impressively large.

I close my eyes, for several minutes; resting comfortably, as I am waiting.

”Ping” is heard, as the render finally is complete.

My Pony-Me standing on the desk with two full wardrobes worth of accessories, including the clothes for her to wear. Maybe I did not want her to look or feel nude.

Naturally, I had to give her my purple hair, and the newly added secondary colours as well; I just change the tone to a warmer and deeper saturated hue. She is keeping my bangs, such as they are; just curling them in harder than before, of course.

For the sake of the fun, I leave her skin my complexion; just a slight hint of creamy filter over it as if she had been coated with a thin film of creamy plastic wrappers.

Since she is me, I permit her to keep the purple nails, just as if she had used one more layer of glossy lacquer over her nails. However; her fingers will be slightly longer than mine, adding a tapered effect to the tips of her fingers. If I am drawing her, I could as well draw her perfect; giving her perfect toes, just to stroke my ego. Couldn’t I?

Would I insult Twilight, if I made my eyes the hue of Amethyst?” I ponder; ”Or, is it going too close to Twilight’s eye colour?” I continue.

In the end, I choose to go with the Amethyst.

I do not apply any make-up onto the doll; because, the accessories will do this for me.

”Ping!” is heard, as the rendering of my Pony-Me doll had completed; the girl standing up idly, on the desk.

The doll is looking at me, intently; as if to say: I am here, waiting for you!

A moment after I had heard the ping noise, I open my eyes; sitting up, turning towards the doll before me.

”Hello!” the doll exclaims, as she notices me looking in her direction.

”Hello!” I respond, and my Pony-me giggles.

”Thank you; for rendering me, Miss May!” she exclaims.

”You are quite welcome, Miss Ponyo!” I respond; ”I hope, you don’t mind me calling you Ponyo!” I then add.

”Ponyo is a proper Japanese name fitting for a girl, isn’t it?” she inquires.

”Yes, I believe it is, and a pretty one at that..” I respond; ”but I chose it; because it is including the word, for Pony!” I explain.

”Oh, yeah; so it does!” she snickers.

”If you would not mind, exploring your accessory wardrobe, Ponyo!” I urge her.

”By all means, that would be most appropriate!” she responds; as she is stepping over to her wardrobe, containing her accessories.

”Let’s have some fun, horsing around?” I incite.

”Sounds like fun..” she concludes; drawing the obvious conclusion, as to what I had in mind.

If she wants to horse around, I hope she gave me something to work with!” Ponyo ponders; as she is going over the accessories in her second wardrobe, containing all the accessories.

”Horsing around, horsing around!” Ponyo snickers; as she is extracting a pair of black panties, stepping right into them.

She merely stops; affording the panties a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to ascertain the ever allusive perfect fit.

As she had let go of the panties, she is reaching into the wardrobe once more; extracting a matching top, in ultra-smooth and glossy silicone. Just as I had been expecting, of course. She is me, in a sense; even if and when she chooses to tease me, just for the fun of it.

As I am watching her, she is pulling the top down over her head; only to stop, as she had pulled it all the way down. Affording the garment, or accessory a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to ascertain that perfect fit.

Just a moment after she had finally let go of the panties and top; I feel the garments tightening up around my chest, albeit slowly enough not to be uncomfortable to me.

Aside from the midriff from my waist and up to an inch under my breasts; the ensemble does cover my entire body, without touching my neck, my arms or my legs at all. Almost, as if it had been a one-piece swim-suit. Even if I guess you could see it as a two-piece variant of the same garment.

The top had transformed my bust into a pair of black, perfectly smooth B-cup twin-orbs. The panties had smoothened out my mound in a similar manner. However; I still feel the tightness pressing in on my mound: just as I know Neko did, does and still will each and every time Hitomi wears her day and night time panties. Though I would have to admit; these panties are granting me that plump rump, I had always desired. Just as I still do desire it and will keep desiring it.

Of course, I know what this means; she is sealing me up, tight as a drum. Nothing is entering me, and nothing is exiting. Hitomi had exposed Neko to this, so she is sure to understand the feeling, how it is feeling.

”How is that, May?” Ponyo inquires, snickering in the light, as she is observing me.

”You read my mind!” I exclaim, in sheer delight, over what she is pulling me into.

”If you still like to horse around?” she inquires; ”Here goes!” she ponders, snickering.

With that, she is extracting a pair of matching full-length stockings. As I am watching; she is lifting her right foot; slipping the foot right down into the stocking, all the way down. Only affording the stocking a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; as she is once more standing on her own too feet.

Once she stands firmly on the floor, she is lifting her left foot up; slipping it into the remaining stocking, all the way up to make it touch her panties. Had she stopped here; she would have turned me into something akin to a Satyr. Even if I would have the equine hooves, of a Pony; in place of the goats cloven hooves of a Satyr.

She picks out the purple oral tube, that is the accessory required. As she is inserting it into her mouth; between her lips, she is giving me the effect of purple lip-stick. Somewhere between a deep, dark Amethyst and a metallic lavender purple hue. The effect is developing slowly; just as I can feel my lips growing elastic, as the gloss is growing in the process.

I know, there is no washing off the make-up now; but why bother, when I do enjoy the effect she had afforded me. I had after all chosen the accessories by myself, for my own use. Private and intimate; but also for open, and outdoors use.

She never had intended to stop here, however; but picks up, what appears to be a mask of an Equestrian Pony and presses it onto her face resolutely.

As I am watching; I can see the horn sprouting on her forehead; just as I watch her nose blend with her mouth into what is the muzzle of a Pony. Since she is a Mare, this is what her face is demonstrating. I can see the glistering black eye-liner encircling both her eyes; just as I can see the long, black and curled up eye-lashes as well.

While I am watching her placing the mask onto her face, I am extending my right hand; lifting it up towards my face, only to confirm that she had indeed granted me the muzzle of a young mare. Going by my age, this is exactly what I had been expecting; but you never know, before you confirm what you suspect to be the case.

Now I lift up my hand further, up to my forehead; where the blunt triple-spiral of a blunt unicorn horn protrudes. This would be perfectly me; even if one could have opted for two, three, five or seven spirals.

As I am watching, I can see a small orb of her purple magic’s light at the very tip of her horn igniting; growing in intensity and size, as she is focusing her magic. She had chosen to use magic, in favour of her hands now; instead of waiting, for the final step where she will have no real option.

Maybe using the magic could save time, if she had chosen to put on both the gloves at the same time, but this is not her intent. She is picking up her right glove, slipping her right hand into it; feeling the smooth and slippery surface of the inside of the glove, as it slides up along her arm. She manages to slip each of her fingers into the respective space; then pulling the glove the rest of the way up. Only to afford the glove a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice.

Once the right glove is all the way up; she is picking up the left glove, sliding her hand in. Just to pull the glove the rest of the way up; affording it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. With that, she is wearing both the full-length stockings and gloves.

As I watch, she is going down on all fours; just as her arms and legs is taking on the shape of her equine legs, leaving her to stand on all four hooves.

I feel how the stockings and gloves are tightening up, as they transform into equine legs; causing me to go down on all fours, in the process.

”You said, that you wanted to horse around; I hope, this is what you had in mind!” Ponyo offers, with a grin on her face as she is smiling at me.

<--- --- --->

Ponyo Introduced: 16

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“Yes, I believe I did!” I respond, snickering in poorly disguised delight.

”Just checking; to make sure I got the intent of what you asked for, just right!” she responds, snickering with me.

"Good thinking..” I respond.

”Ding, ding, ding..” I hear the door chime go off, mid-sentence; thus interrupting, what I was saying.

Since I had been interrupted, I am distracted from where I am right now; just igniting my horn, post haste on my way towards the door. The door swings open, just as I had been expected. I step out of the room, closing the door behind myself; trotting to the outer door in the form of the now glistering black Horse I am. No time to prepare, and no time to consider.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I trot through the hall.

At the door, I simply pull it right up; just to find the new friend I had made the day before. I had met her, the day I had come out; even if I may have seen her before, and even been talking to her on occasion. Just that coming out, had changed our mutual relation, inevitably.

Of course, not everyone had been so open and positive about the big reveal of mine; others were just as openly hostile, because of it. Though the great majority were either hiding their reactions, or changed little to nothing in their approach.

”Hello, Miko!” I exclaim; as I can see her face, just outside.

”Hello..” she responds, doing a double-take; May?” she then responds, as it is starting to dawn upon her who I am.

”Yes, that is me!” I snicker; ”But do come in!” I then prompt, taking a step to the side in order to give her room to enter.

”Oh..” she mumbles; ”of course!” she then adds, as she is stepping in.

As I am taking another step backwards, while she is entering the cloaking room; I close the door, behind her. Quietly, almost unnoticed.

However, she does notice how I am blocking the bright light; of the daytime sun, outside.

”Uhm, the door just closed behind me!” she mumbles.

”Yes, but of course!” I promptly respond, without a single thought.

”You, you; you did..” she stammers; ”but, but; how, how could you close the door from all the way over there?” she then inquires.

”The simple answer would be: Magic..” I respond; ”but alas, you did notice my horn; the purple glow, at the tip?” I inquire.

”Your horn?” she mumbles; then her eyes lights up, as she notices what I had been hinting at.

”Magic; there is no such thing, and I am sure you know it too!” she now prompts.

”As I said, it is the simple answer; but there is a deeper explanation, if you are sufficiently well versed with the vagaries and trickeries of Quantum Physics!” I point out.

”I am afraid, I am not; I have heard of the expression, but that is about as far as my understanding of Quantum Physics goes..” she responds, her eyes growing distant and dreamy in the process.

”I can’t truthfully claim, to understand it myself either; but then, who does?” I inquire.

She finally manages to slip her shoes off of her feet, placing them onto the shoe-rack; on my side of the rack, before she is lifting her gaze up to me once more.

”Quantum Physics is a manner of Twilight, a shadow-zone; where nothing could possibly truly be known, but where anything and everything is possible!” I mumble, as she is following me through the hall towards my room.

”Twilight?” she now inquires.

”That name, is kind of a double-edged sward..” I mumble, musing on exactly how to explain it, describing the situation.

”Your eyes.. ”she mumbles, gasping as she makes a double and triple take in the process; ”there is something with your eyes, now the hue of amethyst?” she inquires.

I am opening the door, to my room, stepping in; waiting for her to enter, before I am closing the door behind me. Of course, I am revealing my now old stylus lying on the desk. I had forgotten all about it, leaving it active; as I had been interrupted by her visit, thus leaving it as if nothing had happened. She had not noticed it, at first.

However, there is something else, much harder to miss; a certain Twilight sparkle, teleporting out of her home with a loud pop.

”Greetings, Miko!” she exclaims.

Neko, or Miko just stands there, dumbfounded; not knowing how to react, thus finds herself frozen in place.

”Did I break her?” Twilight now inquires, critically eyeing the now perfectly still girl, standing on the middle of the floor.

”I don’t think so, she is a girl; not a toy..” I offer; ”well, at least; I hope you did not break her, either way!” I point out.

Rarity is opening the door, to her home; stepping out, in order to see what the commotion is all about.

”If she is broken, Twilight; you can fix her, or make a new one and none would be the wiser!” Pinkie just exclaims, from out of nowhere, now standing beside Twilight.

”Could, or should I?” Twilight inquires.

”Either way, we can simply not just let her stand there like this; it is uncouth!” Rarity exclaims, in pure indignation.

”She needs a party..” Pinkie suggests; ”or a new suit?” Rarity offers, generously.

After another moment, Miko collapses in a heap of hysterical giggles.

”Not right now; Pinkie, and Rarity!” I prompts; levitating Miko up onto my bed, leaving her to rest and recuperate; ”Maybe later, when she is getting back to herself..” I then offer.

”Could I sketch up the details and render her ensemble; offering it to Hitomi, for her to explore it in her own time?” Rarity inquires.

”Take your time, Rarity..” I offer; ”she is not going anywhere, any time soon..” I continue; ”but you have everything you need, in your living room; just sketch up what you think would be fitting; then transfer the files, and we could render it..” I conclude.

”Yes, yes, yes..” Rarity responds, galloping in place in giddy excitement, over her new ideas; ”I could do that..” she then promises, before she is galloping all the way home.

Her door quietly slamming up as she is approaching, she steps in and slows down; the door closing, as she is trotting into her living room. With that, she is out of sight; working frenetically on her ideas, sketching for hours.

”If I am going to throw her a party, I would need her to be relaxed; maybe you could help her calm down, and find her way back to herself, Twilly?” Pinkie inquires.

”Yes, I guess I could; what if I were to introduce her, to massage of a semi Equine fashion adapted to fit the Human girl?” twilight inquires.

With that, she is lighting up her horn; lifting the girl up and placing her on her belly. As I watch, I can see Miko lying on her belly, fairly comfortable; her arms and legs folded in under herself as if she had been the Neko or Poni.

Now, Twilight is teleporting over to the bed; before she is stepping up on her back, quietly.

”I hope this is comfortable; for you, Miko!” Twilight offers.

”Uhm, it feels a bit strange..” Miko responds; and I feel a bit strange, lying in this pose..” she then elaborates, but never really finishing what she was saying.

Twilight is putting on a set of boots, for the occasion; right and left, fore and hind. Standing at on her neck, slowly trotting down the length of her spine; making a diminutive hop, as she turns around. Now continuing back all the way along the entire length of her spine.

”Oh, oh, oh; oh, oh, oh; oh, oh, oh..” Miko exclaims, with each hoof-fall; as Twilight is trotting along the length of her spine.

Her hooves are wet and slippery, as if she had use a massage oil; but it is a different wet feeling I can not quite put a finger on..” Miko ponders; ”Yet, how can she manage her balance, on my back; if her hooves are all slippery and wet, without ever falling or even making a single slip?” she then continues.

Wait, I feel a strange tingling sensation, with each hoof stepping on my back; as if her hooves had been electric, or something?” she ponders; ”Are her hooves magnetically attracted, to the bare skin of my back?” she is realizing, gasping in stark realization.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, in the form of sucking wet squeaks on the back of Miko; as Twilight is performing her version of massage, on the back of Miko.

”This..” Pinkie squeals; ”is so entertaining!” she then continues.

For now, I make due; looking at the scene, as Twilight is performing. I guess, I had never expecting her to take this path; but maybe, just maybe a book had given her the idea? I had no idea, I have no idea, and I fear I will never quite grasp it.

Wonder, will there be hoof-print marks on my back?” Miko ponders, musing on the realization, never putting breath to her consideration, or even as much as mouthing anything.

Mouth agape, Miko is ooohing; her eyes, slowly coming alight, as the massage is doing its magic. Slowly crushing the stalemate, dis-spelling the freeze and pushing her back to herself; Miko now enjoys herself, and the highly unexpected treat.

”Wait...” Miko is mouthing, over her consistent oooings; ”I need more of this..” she is realizing in puzzled delight; ”Could you do this for me, again; at some other time, if and when I may need it again?” she inquires, with some hope to her voice, aside from a measure of intrepidation.

”I could..” Twilight responds, while never missing a single beat; as if she had been marching, to the unheard war-drums.

<--- --- --->

The Awakening: 17

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I hear Twilight breathing hard, in exhaustion.

While I thought I had known her hooves to be dripping wet with some manner of massage oil or lubrication; I had never realized, how it was to be affecting me in the process. But of course, it is bound to affect me; and not just in the hear and now, as I feel a slippery and wet substance coating and covering the skin of my body, like a swim-suit of some fashion. Yes, Fashion, indeed.

For some reason, what I had been wearing; had been stacked and folded neatly, now lying in a stack on the chair behind the desk. Since the girl obviously still is in her form as a Horse, she had no use or need of the chair. Did she, now?

However, I am not exactly nude; wearing not just the swim-suit as I see it, but also a pair of thigh-high stockings and matching gloves. But, why? It is not cotton; but neither is it silk or any other fabric I am aware of or accustomed to. Far too smooth, but comfortably clinging to my skin.

As I am untangling myself, I find myself standing comfortably on all fours; in the pose she had placed me, before she started to perform the part of the Masseuse. How, and why? I have no idea, and I am not about to ask.

I stretch my legs, before I hop down onto the floor with what should pass for practiced ease; only to land onto the floor, with a squeaky noise.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop!”

”Oh..” I just neigh, then snicker in nervous bemusement; scanning the room left to right.

”May..” I exclaim, as I look at the girl I had been looking for; ”Hoofsies, hoofsies, hoofsies..” I then chant, in bewildered excitement, curious and puzzlement on top of it all.

”Most appropriate..” Twilight responds; ”Current company in consideration!” she then points out.

”Yes..” May responds; as she is looking at me, in the form of the black horse who had opened the door for me, greeting me in the door.

”So, that is you after all; just as I had originally assumed, as you opened the door for me?” I inquire.

”The explanation is simple, once you grasp the magic behind it; but I guess the demonstration could have been easier, but maybe that is for a different time..” May offers.

”Oh?” I inquire.

”Or, I could present you with a gift; giving you the time, to discover it all on your own?” she suggests; ”However, I guess a short introduction may be in order, in any event!” I then offer.

”You do have quite a few things, to explain; but I guess a short introduction, would be the first step?” I inquire.

”While I was walking, er trotting all over you; but I hope I did not overstep your comfort, in any manner!” Twilight offers, somewhat embarrassed.

Since I don’t know, who or what Twilight is; I have no idea, but I can still recognize her as a person.

”I am Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship..” Twilight presents herself; ” I am the original, and the very first in the herd and village known as Twilight Village..” she offers.

”Twilight, what an appropriate name!” I recognize.

”Thank you, Miko..” she responds; ”This is Twilight Village, my home; aside from the homes of my close friends: Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity; aside from a few others..” she explains.

"I was drawing a picture of Twilight Sparkle, rendering her; while I dosed off, only to find her by my side as I woke up!” May explains; ”but alas, I guess I could as well accept it and let you in on the secret; since you are here now?” May puts forth.

”Thank you, May and Twilight!” I exclaim.

”You are quite welcome, Miko..” Twilight exclaims; ”Now, I just hope that you will feel welcome into the herd; enjoying the company of us, aside from whatever other side-effects you may experience along these lines later!” she concludes.

”One more friend could not hurt, right?” I suggest; the massage sure was good; despite what one may have been expected, from a Horse with four hooves..” I continue; and as to the rest, I have no idea of what will come, but for some reason I do enjoy these hooves all the same!” I conclude.

”I guess I could relate, to the novelty of your hooves; I was not born with wings, but now I have them!” Twilight explains, pointing at her back, where her wings rest comfortably.

”Oh..” I exclaim; ”Oh, oh, oh..” I continue.

”Such is life..” Twilight offers; ”it’s a sign of what I have experienced; how much I have developed, and now I could not even picture myself without them!” Twilight points out; ”As much as they were bothering me, the first days, weeks and moons!” she concludes.

”Ooh..” I snicker.

”They refused to cooperate..” Twilight offers; ”and as if that had not been enough, they constantly got in the way; when I tried to sleep, and I had absolutely no use of them, at the time..” she explains; ”At least, now I have learned how to fly; and I managed to rein in the worst of what they had to offer, so they’re no longer in the way!” she concludes.

”Ooh, ooh..” I put forth; just hope this will not get in the way of anything..” I explain; ”While it is opening one door, but is it closing another?” I ponder.

”If you like, you could exercise with us; even if the muscles may be slightly different, but the effect of the exercises should still carry over!”April suggests.

”Besides, we love to help you out any way we can; if and when you may need it, as best we can!” Twilight offers generously, smiling.

”Now I have seen it all!” I mumble to myself; ”A smiling horse!” I ponder.

”I heard that..” Pinkie exclaims, from where-ever she had been hiding out

”Did I forget to warn you; Pinkie Pie lives in the village of Twilight Town, and she is a bit at odds with expectations and the laws of physics!” April explains.

”Pinkie is a very dear friend, so we forgive her eccentricities; as if we ever had a choice, considering just how friendly and helpful she is..” Twilight points out; ”Well, most of the time!” she then adds, almost as if it had been an afterthought.

The next instant, a pink bundle of joy bounces out from her home; grinning worse than a Loon, taking off into the air in a single leap. Just as she is hitting the top of the arch; her tail starts to spin, maintaining the altitude as she is flying comfortably towards us.

”That.. that.. that- is Pinkie Pie?” I exclaim, stuttering in shock.

”Hiya, Miko!” she exclaims, excitedly; ”I am Pinkamena Diane Pie; but call me Pinkie, all my friends do!” she then bursts out, still grinning wider than an Alligator.

Okay, there goes the presentation out the window in one swoop. Nothing to do about it, now; the Cat is out of the box, or is it the Pony known as Pinkie Pie?

”She can be a bit grating, at times; but she is so endearingly warm and friendly at all times, there is no way you can not forgive her for that!” Twilight points out.

”If you had not been so stubborn Twilight, you would have fared much better; but then I had the doozy, only to have you turn into a Rapidash!” Pinkie teases, but matter-of-fact.

”I’ve heard, the Timber-wolves have nightmares; even to this day, after that event!” Twilight groans painfully, in jest.

”My fault, wood does not take very well to fire?” Pinkie counters.

“Are you saying; that the Timber-Wolf is made out of wood, or just that it is afraid of fire based on being in the forest?” I inquire, trying to make sense of what I had just been told.

“Yes, a Timber-Wolf is made out of wood; thus the name, obviously..” Pinkie exclaims.

“On second thought, on the account of how much you did enjoy your Equine massage; we need to introduce a Spa into Twilight Village, but I would also love to offer you to befriend Lotus, if you do not mind?” Pinkie then points out.

“Equine massage; is that even a thing, I had no idea..” I respond; “However, it was wondrous, to experience...” I now point out, with a dreamy expression plastered onto my face.

“If you enjoy it, it is a thing..” Twilight suggests; “and you certainly appeared to enjoy it, from what I can say!” she is concluding.

While Twilight is talking to me, she is also distracting me from what Pinkie is up to; while she is by the Stylus, sketching and drawing up a SPA Pony named Lotus for me. Naturally; she is including the Spa paraphernalia and accessories for her, while she is at it. This would apparently include the house or home for Lotus herself, in the process.

“Ping” is heard, as the rendering is complete.

A small villa or cottage appears on April's desk, as it slowly materializing right before my very eyes.

As if on cue, a medium light blue pony with pink mane steps out of the house after she had opened the door. While I can't see much of what is inside her home; but it is a villa, in the same style Twilight Sparkle and Rarity had been given originally.

Both her mane and tail is meticulously combed back smooth, on the stylish and affectionate earth pony. On closer inspection, she does have deep blue eyes and a light cyan eye-shadow and long, black eye-lashes too.

Befitting her style; her hooves had been hooficured carefully and lacquered to a high gloss.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard, as she steps out of her home, trotting up to me in a friendly greeting.

Pinkie; you did render a Spa for our village to, I hope!” Rarity asks over the line.

Yes, Rarity; but of course, I did!” Pinkie responds, snickering.

Thank you, Pinkie!” Rarity exclaims, excitedly; “Because I was looking forwards to a visit to our local Spa now!” she prompts.

While my Pony is greeting me, in her familiar and friendly manner, Twilight is lighting up her horn; taking the cue, based on how I enjoy the presence of Lotus.

The orb of magic light appearing onto the tip of her horn, slowly growing in size and intensity; to the point where the light spreads down the length of her horn, like an avalanche. A moment later, her horn is fully lit, as she is performing her magic; casting a spell, transforming my nails into perfectly shaped crystal-clear Sapphire. The effect leaves my nails smooth and with a high glossy finish I can adore at my own leisure.

On second thought, the nails had spread all the way up to the final joint of each finger; while my toe-nails had been turned into miniature hooves in the same style as my Pony: Lotus Blossom. Just that the socks I am wearing hides this part of the change.

“I want to draw her a new wardrobe..” Rarity ponders; “but now is not the time, is it?” she is questioning.

“I hope you are looking forwards; to massages in the future, Miko!” Lotus is prompting for attention.

“If you make it even half as good, as it felt with Twilight; Your massage is to die for, certainly!” I respond; “so, of course I am looking forwards to your massage!” I point out, eagerly.

“Thank you, Miko!” Lotus offers.

“Outwardly, it looks weird; but it was surprisingly enjoyable, having her trotting all over my back..” I mumble.

“That is one form of massage, one I should be able to offer you competently, on a regular basis..” she suggests, as she is offering me a tantalizing offer.

An offer, I could not make myself refuse. Why? How could I possibly? After the initial demonstration, Twilight had given me.

Upon the prompting, I am already picturing myself; prone on my belly, with Lotus trotting over my back with her tiny little hooves. Of course, a smile is spreading out all over my face, as I picture the scene.

<--- --- --->

Vocaloid – Poni Poni Poni: 19

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My friend Julie Trotter and I had seen my sister's Hitomi Doll the day she got home from school with it. How could we possibly have missed it? Not so much for the size of the doll itself, merely a foot tall. It is a large doll, to be sure; but not large enough, to stand out on its own.

A one foot tall doll should be easy enough to hide, in once backpack, among all the scholastic literature she is carrying with her each day.

Now, what stood out, is the changes to her face, primarily; aside from her bearing and attitude. Not to say, she should not have been happy, on her birthday; far from it if I am to be honest. Yes, she sure was happy; no doubt about it, and I would have been the first to question it, if she had not been.

Just as it is not the doll, standing out; it isn't her jubilant mood, standing out on its own. I had seen her wearing accessories, to the point of making her into a Cat-Girl before. Just that now, it is further enhanced; making it more profound, emphasizing the personality of my sister. It isn't as if she had been called Neko for nothing.

The first, and most obvious on her face: is the short muzzle, and then her now cat-like eyes.

If she had been graceful before, now she is even more cat-like in her motions. One could barely hear her steps, as it stands. Why? How? What had happened, causing these changes in her. Making her previously hidden inner cat come out to the fore.

She had been a bit shy about it, at first; but soon proved to be very proud of the entire event.

I had followed her into her room, quietly; where she had explained the situation to me, letting me know what happened.

She picked up the doll from her back pack, pointing to the doll; explaining that her name is Hitomi.

“Hitomi?” I inquired.

“Yes, Hitomi!” she responded, self assured.

“Sounds like a Japanese name!” I responded; “Like the girls in these Anime shows you follow?” I inquired.

“Yes, exactly..” she responded.


The Hitomi doll is impressive, all on its own; both in performance, and in the extensive list of accessories she owns. I have never seen a doll with this extensive set of accessories. They always come with a small set, including clothes and associated accessories for this one moment. Almost, as if it is from a specific scene in an episode. This Hitomi doll is a full box of the entire series.

What the accessories are intended for, or what their capabilities are; I have no idea, because they are no mere decorative plastic items as customary. How could I? She never told me, or explained it. Well, why should she?

Maybe she could have; but she did not know or understand enough herself, at the time.

The day after, it had all faded into the past. Yesterday's news, as it were.


The Crusaders are not here. Where did they go? They just never transferred into the new location.

Maybe they are still at home, in Ponyville. We can only hope they are doing fine. Rarity, Applejack and their friends are looking after them.

There has to be crusaders. They need to exist. They need to be here. It is simply the way of things.

There be Crusaders. There will always be crusaders. Crusaders come in threes.

Nothing to do about it, but we all love them.

If there is no crusader, I will summon them. Plain and simple.

At least, I know how to.

With that said; I had called up the drawings of the Hitomi doll. I just had to adjust them, to serve the purpose. One Earth-pony, one Pegasus, one Unicorn. Just that they will have to make the choice: who is who. It is not my place to make the choice, to dictate it. What's the fun in that? Maybe Discord had enjoyed the position, the arbitrator of Destiny? I do not know. Just as I do not care.

This is not my position. I just bake the Muffins for them to enjoy the party. What more is there?

I am the Party Pony of Ponyville. I throw parties; right, left and center. Simple as that. With that out of the way, I bake the confectioneries and make all the party food. Just as I prepare the location, invite all the friends and make all the party favours.

For this party, three crusaders are required; I invite them to the party.

While I guess they could not come to our village. So be it. At least, I can see them. Knowing they are around, is all I need right now.

I don't actually need her stylus, to work my magic. All I need; is the files and a tool, with which to make the adjustments. Of course, it is also very convenient if I could draw up new designs.

My wall-mounted television set can be operated verbally. I have all the controls I need. The fact that I have my own connection, does not exactly hurt either.

Once the basic adjustments have been made, I make three copies; before I make the individual adjustments for the respective Crusader, to make them their own original.

Curiously enough; all the accessories will be adjusted, as I change their individual dolls.

For the sake of the argument; I name the set “the Crusaders”, then name the individual doll: “Apple Bloom”, “Sweetie Belle” and “Scootie Aloo”.


“Ping!” is heard, as the render is complete.

Only I had sent the respective boxes to their individual owner they are intended for.

“This should be a surprise, for the girls as they discover the gift I sent them!” I snicker.

I post a notification on the board in the Mayor's residence, for every pony to see. Just as I send a message on the electronic board everyone can read in their own home. Furthermore; I make the effort, to write a blog about this occasion on my own FiM account.

Well, why not? I can't just withhold the information.


I had just gotten home from school.

“Home work!” I mutter under my breath, as I walk over to my room.

I open the door, only to stumble in before I close the door behind myself.

On the bed, I can clearly see a package, wrapped in colour full gift wrappers and tied up with a beautiful bow on the top.

Of course, the wrappers are a bright pinkish cerise. Very colour full. Just as the paper is covered with multiple Ponies all over it.

Is it my birthday?” I ponder; “I am fairly sure it is not..” I continue; “just as I know, it is no other special holiday or special occasion today!” I conclude, as I am walking up to my bed.

I had seen no indication; to the effect of any special occasion, or indeed that this package could even be here.

“If this is for me, I can as well be courteous enough to open it!” I mumble to myself.

At least, the card on the package stated it is for me. I stare at the package, as I read the card over and over again.

As I make up my mind, I choose to accept the package as a gift to me. With that, I pull the wrappers off; only to see the package of the gift, in all its glory.

the Crusaders” the text on the package reads.

Is this a doll; like the Hitomi doll, Neko got the other day?” I ponder.

Of course, the doll is large: a full foot tall, and comes with a multitude of accessories. Well, why not? I manage to extract my doll, from the confines of the package. Only, there is none of the restraints these dolls comes with.

This package has never been in a store, or even been intended to ever be in one!!” I realize, taken aback by the unexpected realization.

As I am picking up her accessories, one note comes out of the package.

Caution Caution Caution” the note reads; “Adoption procedures” it continues; “In order to activate the doll; lift her up before you, promptly gaze into her eyes!” the note concludes.

“Okay..” I mumble; “here goes nothing!” I continue, as I am picking up the doll as the instruction requires out of me.

I hold her before me, gazing into her eyes. At first, the eyes are fairly glassy as if dazed or dead. Only as I gaze into her eyes, I can see the first glimmers of consciousness in her eyes; before she starts to wake up, actively maintaining the gaze for a moment before she blinks her eyes: once, twice and thrice.

“Greetings, Julie Trotter!” she exclaims.

“Greetings!” I respond.

“Uhm, could you hand me the head-set?” she inquires.

“Yes, but of course; but which is the head-set?” I respond.

“It's like head-phones, but with a microphone up front!” she explains; “and it is in my natural skin-tone as well!” she concludes.

“Oh, fancy..” I mumble; “kind of, like a hands-free for a Phonie!” I conclude.

On second thought; the head-set is only too easy to find, on the account on its location in the container that had so recently imprisoned her.

At first, her head-set is just skin-tone. The natural colour of my skin; since she is my doll, she had made it match my skin for some untold reason. How could they know my skin-tone; unless my sister had told them, what my skin-tone is? Only the tone is far too close, even for that possible eventuality.

“Here you go!” I put forth; as I am handing her, her head-set.

“Thank you, Julie!” she responds; as she is accepting the proffered head-set, she had just asked me to give her.

As she is accepting the head-set, taking it into her hands; the head-set is slowly warming up to her individual body-temperature; thus activating it, in a mere moment as long as a minute at the most. Once she recognizes the head-set as active; she is promptly putting it onto her head; the next moment, I find an identical head-set on my own head. Only, I had not noticed it or realized it at the time; only after she had pointed it out to me, explicitly explaining the situation.

“Any time I put on an accessory, such as this head-set; you will be wearing it as well, in effect!” she explains.

“Oh!!” I exclaim; nodding my head, as if I had understood what she tried to explain.

Which, of course; I had not, not by a long shot. How could I? It's magic? Which I have no grasp of. How could I? It just does not make any sense.

“These head-sets enables us to talk to one-another, as if we had been mere inches or feet apart!” she puts forth, tapping the mike before her on the head-set on her head.

“That..” I exclaim; “is very convenient!” I then conclude.

“Yes, indeed it is!” she snickers; “Could you pick out the wardrobes from within the package, please?” she inquires.

“Yes, but of course!” I respond, soon extracting the required items.

“Thank you, Julie!” she responds; “Could you pick up my home, as well please?” she now inquires.

“Of course!” I merely respond, as I am picking up her home from within the package.

The home is not a complete villa or cabin, but merely a bed room with a bed and space for her wardrobes. The bed, already made; prepared for her to lie down, to rest or sleep as if she had been a human. She is a Friend,or Companion; currently in a Human form, even if it is not exactly limiting her by any means.

“Could you place my home under your bed-stand, please?” she inquires.

“Of course!” I respond, as I place her home where she had just requested me to place it.

“Thank you!” she responds, as she is walking up to the door to her home.

Curious..” I ponder; “it is almost, as if I could see her walking around in my room!” I ponder.


I notice her, as she is standing before a full body mirror; the doors to her wardrobe open before her, as she is examining the accessories or clothes available to her. The selection is large enough, to make me gasp in shock.

“White, yellow and orange are obviously out of the question..” she explains; “so I guess purple would be the colour for you today!” she concludes, as she is extracting a pair of deep lavender panties from the selection within the confines of her wardrobe.

“The colour does look good...” I agree.

Of course the deep purple hue she has selected for me would look good on me, I could as well acknowledge it. Pinkie Pie had known this all along, even if I don't know that right now.

There are no labels, or subtitles on my newly acquired clothes; but what's the point, it isn't as if I can take them of to examine them in the first place. These are just the effect of the accessories she had just put on. As such, I can't take them off.

While I had indeed felt the unexpected pressure of these clothes, but that soon faded away to a barely noticeable sensation I could ignore fairly easily.

What I could not ignore, is the effect of wearing these panties she had put on me. Even if the effect only makes itself known, under specific circumstances. Unless I need the access, that is.

While wearing the head-set, this will not be an issue; since she knows when it is required, thus capable to swap accessories to fit the situation.

“Before you put anything on, there is one small item..” she points out, as she is holding up three separate options before me; “do you prefer the Unicorn, the Pegasus, or the Earth-pony?” she inquires.

“The Unicorn!” I respond, pointing an extended finger at the specific option in question.

“The Unicorn it is, then..” she responds, as she is picking up and donning the relevant accessory; “She is Sweetie Belle and has white fur!” she then elaborates.

As she is donning the accessory, I'm sprouting a Unicorn horn matching Sweetie Belle. Likewise, my ears slowly moves up to the top of my head, gradually changing to match the appearance of a Filly.

“Whoa!!” I exclaim, as I realize what is happening.

Yes, the change is quite distinct and profound!” I realize.

I pick up my regular daytime panties I had worn before I stepped into my room and found the package on my bed.


I had just finished putting my clothes on, as I notice the muzzle.

It isn't the length of the muzzle, as short as it is. Just as it isn't my voice changing. Ponies have very short muzzles. It is just slightly longer than my nose was, the day before.

Curiously enough, the head-set is adjusting to the shape of my face; both the length of my muzzle, and the position and shape of my ears. Something a head-set should never have been capable of adjusting to.

There is an unexpected, strange sensation; just before I notice a connection as if I had dialed up a friend. If I had not dialed her up, she had dialed me up. What's the difference? I can talk to her, as if she had been in the room, standing a foot or two away from me. Just as if we had been facing one-another, on opposite sides of the dinner table.

A moment later, I can clearly see Neko's sister before me. For the sake of recognition, I will refer to her as: Poni, from now on. In part, due to her appearance. In place of the Neko face, she looks like a Poni. The muzzle, the eyes, the ears and mane.

She had apparently opted for the Unicorn accessory, just as I had.

“Hiya, Julie!” she exclaims, as she is scanning my room.

It isn't as if she had never seen my room. She is just taken aback by seeing my room before her, as she is sitting in her own room. I guess I see a blend of her room, and mine. The surprise should be expected.

“Hiya, Poni..” I respond; “you chose the Unicorn Sweetie Belle too?” I inquire.

“Yes..” she responds; “the accessory looks so cute, on her; I could not resist it!” she points out.

While we had not considered the physical appearance, and not the physical effects these accessories could have upon us; the wings may be cool, but could these wings even carry our weight even for a few minutes hovering? The only consideration on my mind, had been just how cute and adorable the Unicorn's horn looks before I had selected the option.


All of a sudden, I see my friends Julie and Ponie phasing into view in my room. Apparently; they had found the same gift in their respective rooms, in the process of trying out and exploring the offer.

While I am wearing a skirt and blouse over my underwear; I can still feel a hint of the pinching contraction the accessories apply to my most private parts, just as the accessories has been put on.

“Hiya!” I exclaim.

“Hiya!” they echo, in response.

“Call me Sweetie Bell!” Julie suggests; “Or, Sweetie for short!” she then continues.

“Then you could call me Apple Bloom..” Poni suggests; “Or, Apple for short!” she concludes.

“Guess I am Scootaloo, or Scootie Aloo!” I respond; “Just call me Scootie, or Scoots!” I add.

“Do you like singing, or playing Music?” Sweetie inquires.

“Sounds like fun!” Apple intones.

“Maybe we could publish a few Vocaloids, on the Tubie?” I inquire.

“The connection could be recorded, for this purpose..” a voice intones; both Audio and Visual representation of your performance!” the voice then continues.

“Wait, what was that?” I inquire; “You did hear that?” I then continue.

“Yes, I heard it too!” Sweetie puts forth; “If the voice is to be trusted; it is confirmation, on how to record our performance!” Scootie suggests.

“I have a few songs, I have written..” Sweetie proposes; “you should be able to see the text, as if you were watching Karaoke on the TV screen!” she suggests.


“My little 'orses, My little 'orses..”.


“Whoa!” I exclaim; “Even if we could sing your song, Sweetie; I had not expected to hear the Instrumental track, with our Vocal performance!” I continue.

“It just published on the Tubie!” Scootie proclaims; “And it appears we already have views and followers!” she then continues.

What I, we had not been expecting; aside from the instant fame, is just how well the recording had rendered us in our anthropomorphic form.

Not to be complaining, I like my equine appearance. It is just such an unexpected result. I somehow look, as if I had been rendered with CGI. Of course, I can only imagine the viewers would love the high quality rendering of us dancing on the stage. We know there are no anthropomorphic Ponies, so it has to be rendered. Doesn't it?

One could see my ears move on top of my head, just as one could see my tail move naturally behind me. The movements, on two hooves only looks too realistic to be believed.

“Vocaloids should be in Neihponian (Japanese)!” Sweetie points out, a moment later, there is a corresponding version in the correct language.

What is shocking, is that the lips are perfectly synchronized with the words. As if we had performed the lyrics a second time.

She managed to produce a few more versions in other languages, including the Ponish version. But, why not? How the lips synchronized to the vocals, is beyond me. Yet, it is a very powerful demonstration of both skill and dedication.

<--- --- --->

Neko in Twilight Town: 20

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“If she is broken, Twilight; you can make a new one, and none would be the wiser!” Pinkie points out.

“Could, or should I?” I inquire.

“Either way, we simply can not just let her stand there like this; it would be uncouth!” Rarity exclaims, in pure indignation.

“She needs a party..” Pinkie suggests; “or a new suit!” Rarity suggests.

After a moment, Neko collapses in a heap of hysterical giggles. (Who would have thought?)

"Not right now, Pinkie and Rarity!” I prompt; levitating Neko up onto my bed, leaving her to rest and recuperate; “Maybe later, when she is getting back to herself..” I offer, on second thought.

I probably should not have said that, but it is too late to take it back; what is said, is said.

“I could sketch up the designs for her…” Rarity offers.

“Take your time!”.

Of course, Pinkie is already imagining scenarios; planning for the party, to welcome Neko into Twilight town. But alas, who could blame her? It is after all her passion, in life.

<--- --- --->


I am waking up, with the quilt covering most of my body. I am still wearing the panties and top Hitomi had helped me putting on. Even though I can recognize everything, or so I imagine right now; something is still off, in a manner I could not quite put a finger on.

Maybe the lack of fingers, is part of the problem?

Recollections of the massage Twilight had offered me, still fresh in my mind; its effects, still lingering. I can recall her tiny little hooves, moving on my back.

It had felt so good, so why is everything feeling so strange?

Where am I?” I ponder; “And where are every Pony else?” I then utter.

“You are at home, in Twilight Town!” I hear a voice enlightening me.

“Hitomi?” I inquire.

“Yes, Neko; I am here!” she confirms.

Only now; she is in the form of a Pony, just like me.

The light is dim, as if it had been in the middle of the night. Yet, as I scan the room, in order to orient myself; the light grows brighter, almost as if my eyes were adapting to the sparse light in the room.

First now, I realize it, my field of vision had changed to that of the Horse I had been turned into. Well, a Pony; and I had always been a Pony, even if the remnants of memories told me otherwise.

For some reason, the sheets are mate black, slippery smooth. Is this the standard, for bed linen in Twilight Town? Either way, it is what I had been granted.

The quilt is three inches thick, crystal clear Silicone. I distinctly feel the weight over my entire body.

The pillow feels soft and squishy under my head, almost as if it had been inflated, rather than filled with regular pillow stuffing. (I don’t know what they call the specific pillow stuffing!)

The quilt is keeping my body comfortably warm, while the pillow is cool. As opposed to the opaque black sheet; the quilt and pillow are crystal clear. (Transparent, as opposed to the opaque)

As I finally see my right hoof, I notice how glossy it is; as if I had been to the Spa, having a hooficure and polished my hooves.

“As unexpected as my situation is, I can’t complain; I enjoyed the massage Twilight offered me, and I would enjoy more if she is willing to offer it!” I admit.

“That was quite generous of her, offering you the massage!” Hitomi suggests; “Even if she is not giving you massage, but it would appear Twilight town has a Spa!” she then puts forth.

“Wait, Twilight Town has a Spa?” I inquire.

“So it would appear; even if the population was just six ponies!” she then concludes.

“Every Pony needs a job, some way to pass the time..” I put forth.

“A Library, a Clothes store, a Bakery and Cafe, a Farm and a Pet store!” Hitomi points out.

“And now, even a Spa!” I exclaim.

“Aloe and Lotus own and operate the Spa where they work!” Hitomi informs me; “Though Sparkler and Bulk Biceps fill in, on occasion; if and when their specific services are needed!” she then continues.

“Aloe and Lotus sound positively delightful, and I am sure Sparkler should do just fine too!” I put forth; “But; I think you can keep Bulk Biceps, as far from me as possible!” I conclude.

“You prefer the gentle touch of a female, and being pampered up in a more effeminate fashion, then?” Hitomi inquires.

“Well, yes!” I confirm; “But alas; I am a girl, or a Pony in the first place!” I then continue.

“Yes, you are!” Hitomi concedes; “Though Mare, or Filly would be the local word for it!” she then points out.

“Oh, yeah; so it is, I guess!” I offer; “It will just take me a while, in order for me to get used to it!” I continue; “I was never into being a Pony Girl, or Equines in general; but it isn’t all that bad, once I finally got to experiencing it first hoof!” I concede.

“From a perspective, you were already halfway there; as the Cat, known as Neko!” Hitomi points out.

“You do have a point there!” I concede; giggling at the table, that had just been turned on me.

“The biggest change, would be swapping the paws for hooves?” Hitomi inquires.

“Nothing, I can’t live with; and I still have friends, I can rely upon!” I put forth.

“Yeah, we have these friends!” Hitomi concedes; “But right now, I think it is time for you to get up, and out of bed!" she continues.

While the room had been dark, as I woke up; now it is bright, it had just warmed and brightened so slow and gradually, I had barely noticed it. Until now.

With the quilt being transparent, crystal clear; I had failed to notice it, but I guess I still feel the effect of it covering my entire body. How curious. Well; I don’t really mind, I guess.

The quilt holds me down, with a gentle pressure; keeping my body heat inside for me, keeping me warm in the cool room in which I had been sleeping all night. At least, I assume it had been all night.

The pressure of the quilt is just enough, to keep the quilt in place; in order to keep the warmth inside, and make sure the quilt did not slide off of the bed. It would have been terrible, if the quilt slid off, or fall off of the bed in the middle of the night. Of course, this effect also makes it much harder, to fall out of bed. Not that this had ever been a problem, of mine.

Once I slide my fore-hooves out from under the quilt, I fold the corner up against the wall. With that, I slide my hind hooves out from under the quilt; only to find myself sitting comfortably on the top of my bed.

“So comfortable..” I ponder; “so soft and squishy!” I continue, a smile spreading out over my face.

“Does a Pony need to wear clothes, in public?” I inquire.

“Probably not..” Hitomi responds; “but would you feel comfortable, undressed?” she then inquires.

As I watch; Hitomi changes from the nighttime, to daytime wears, panties, top and lipstick.

“There, that takes care of that!” Hitomi puts forth; “Now you only need to put on what you need to wear, for your personal comfort!” she then points out.

I push myself off of the bed, feeling the floor hit my hooves; “Clip, clop!” is heard, as my hooves hit the floor with a delightful squeak.

“While technically bare hoofed, my hooves still holds the elastic and rubbery quality of a recent visit to the Spa.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard, as I step over to the wardrobe

As I move between my bed and my wardrobe, Hitomi is opening the doors to the wardrobe containing my daytime wear. I can browse the content of the wardrobe on the right; where I can see tops and skirts to the right and left, respectively.

“Quite revealing, by our old standards from home; but these are designed for Ponies, proud to show off their Cutie Marks!” Hitomi points out.

“Do I even have a Cutie Mark?” I question, anxiously affording my rear a glance in the hopes to confirm my suspicion. But of course; my flanks are bare, I have no mark as of yet. Why should I? How could I have a mark, as I have not had the time to explore who I am, as a Pony?

“At least, a young filly does not have to be ashamed of not having the mark yet!” Hitomi puts forth.

“If I am young enough not to have a mark, I am a Filly?” I inquire; “In which case, I have to go to school in order to study!” I conclude; “What scholastic options are available, in Twilight Town?” I inquire.

“You were too old for Grade school, already; but I am sure, Twilight could supply you with the required books and tutoring at her library!” Hitomi puts forth.

“Of course, she had to have a library!” I put forth; “I guess that should work perfectly!” I conclude.

“It most certainly will, Twilight would be only too happy to fit you into her schedule!” Hitomi points out; “She is after all the Scholarly type, the person one commonly refers to as: “Book Horse!” she tentatively points out.

“She did strike me as the friendly type!” I observe.

“Yes, she does enjoy the presence of her Friends, too!” Hitomi agrees.

“I most certainly could enjoy making a few friends, even if I don’t have all that many to choose from..” I concede; “but Twilight would still be at the top of the list, even if I should consider Rarity and Pinkie Pie too!” I conclude; “Shouldn’t I? I then ponder.

“Befriending the people, or Ponies in your direct vicinity is always a good idea!” Hitomi confirms.

“Since I don’t feel comfortable, without something to wear; I can’t alienate Rarity, as she seems to have a Monopoly on clothes and accessories!” I probe.

<--- --- --->

Enter Trixie: 21

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I had not slept particularly well, but that was no surprise; while I had grown used to sleeping in my trailer over the years, but even a decade in the trailer simply can not change how uncomfortable it is. I may have been proud of the trailer, it is after all mine.

The trailer holds everything I own, and most everything I had ever cared about. Maybe, just maybe; this is, why I am so proud of it in the first place. (Shouldn’t I be?)

It had been an investment, in my future; the first investment, I had ever done. The trailer had served me well; both as the stage upon which I perform, and the home wherein I can feel safe. I still feel safe in this trailer.

Cramped as it is, it still holds everything I own. While it is not much, but it is all I have.

While it is not overly cold, in the cramped space of my trailer; but the quilt or cover had still escaped me, during the night. Nothing I had not grown used to. As a matter of fact, it is what I had come to expect.

The Cape and the Hat, is all the clothes I own. I had held on to them, for dear life; they are props of the show carrying my name. I had taking the pain, to place them on the wall, covering the one window. The cape eagerly shield me, my eyes; from the glare of the sun, brightening up the day outside. The sun is an extension of my pain.

As I open my eyes, to the spares light in my trailer; I see my spares belonging, everything seem to be where I had left them the night before.

I had beaten a hasty retreat, true to myself; escaping the scorn, I was sure to receive the following day. If not earlier. Well, such is the life of the travelling entertainer.

There is a fresh scent of greenery and vegetables on the air; shocking me to full wakefulness. Not so much that I don’t like the scent of greenery, or the vegetables themselves. It is just that they represent one particularly hard defeat, in my past.

At least, I am far from Ponyville. Far, very far. If only I had known, just how far from Ponyville I am at the moment.

There had been a rapping on the door to my trailer, but I had ignored it; far too tired, to even consider it at the time.

I have little to nothing, I can eat in the trailer; I will have to go out, foraging for the first meal of the day.

Too late, to worry about the past; it is time to cease the day, for all it is worth!” I ponder, as I raise to my hooves, reverently snatching the cloak from its perch shielding me from the external light.

Clinging to the perceived glory of a moment, I wrap myself in the cloak; before I pull the wizards hat, placing it onto my head and head towards the door. Naturally, the door is far too close and I almost bump into it with my muzzle. Only to reach out, pushing it up in the very last moment; saving myself from the painful embarrassment, of bumping into the door of my own trailer. Even if I am alone, it is still a Painful Embarrassment to me. One I would avoid.

With a pride, battered and bruised; I can take only so much.

Why expose myself to more, if it can be avoided?

As I am stepping out, I can see an envelope stuck to the side of the door, where I could safely snatch it up, with relative ease. Even if I had not been a Unicorn, in the first place.

I hold up the message before me, intent on reading what it says.


“Welcome to Twilight Town, Trixie Lulamoon!

You are expected, summoned as Performer, Magician!

A Home will be provided to you, as you arrive; including all the local comforts, at the standard available. All free och charge, of course!

Furthermore; a stage is built for your performances, whereupon you can perform for the expectant audience. Feel free to bring your props; but if you need more, it will be provided!

Yours Truly, Mayor Julie Trotter of Twilight town.


“Oh!!” I exclaim, as I collect myself after reading the letter sent to me.

“Well, what am I waiting for; an expecting audience awaits me!” I mumble to myself.

I better hitch myself up, so I can get going!” I ponder.

A moment later, I have hitched the trailer behind me, trotting along the road to my destiny.

If someone is awaiting me, expecting a performance; who am I to keep them waiting? It isn’t, as if I had anything better to do.

Mayor: Julie Trotter?” I ponder; “What a strange name…” I consider.

“If it isn’t Ponyville, I guess I am safe..” I breathe; “and it doesn’t sound as if this is anywhere I have ever been; so I should be safe, from whatever reputation I could possibly have built up anywhere!”´I conclude.

The road is smooth, a mix of earth and sand. Surprisingly comfortable under my hooves, as well as being easy on the wheels of my trailer.

“The best road I have traveled, this far!” I exclaim.

I trot forth on the road in good spirits, looking forwards to the destination.

While I may be hungry, but the time is passing by fairly quickly all the same. Maybe the road has something to do with it. Or, it could be the message I had received.

Soon enough, I reach my destination. I spot the houses of town, with the monumental structure of the Mayor.

For such a small town, they most certainly do have a very imposing building for their Mayor!” I ponder.

At the border of Town, I can see a Pink mare pronking. For a moment, I am prepared to stop dead in my track; turning back, in full gallop.

“Greetings, Trixie; welcome to Twilight town!” she exclaims; beaming at me, with the intensity of Celestia’s sun.

Still pronking, not missing a beat; she is still by the border of Town, smiling jovially.

Something is seriously wrong, with this mare!” I ponder; “Greetings!” I respond, despite myself, trying on a brave smile of my own.

“Right this way, please..” Pinkie prompts; “and I will show you to your new home!” she pushes forth.

“My new home?!” I inquire, insecure and unsure of myself and most everything else.

“Yes, silly Trixie!” she responds; “Your very own home..” she continues; “Even Trixie would need a home, in order to perform her best!” she declares; “wouldn’t she??” she then urges.

I can’t deny her claim, as much as I may have wanted to; finding myself, following her as she is moving along the road towards town.

This mare is Dangerous!!” I ponder, as I continue to follow her towards the designated destination, she is leading me to.

But, but, but..” I sputter; “My own home!” I breathe.

“Yes, but of course!” she merely points out, as if it had been the most obvious in the world.

I can see a light blue building, at the corner of the street. Why did they build a house in my colours? I stop, faltering; trying to make Heads or Tails, of what I can so obviously see before me.

There is no point, in arguing with the sight before my very eyes. The cottage is right there, refusing to be denied. While it is just an ordinary cottage, just like every other home in town; but it is mine, all the same.

“Trixie Lulamoon” reads the name on the mailbox.

But of course, this just had to be my home. Well, why not? If the pink mare had picked me up, greeted me; then, this just had to be my home.

There is a path laid with stone bricks, leading from the street to the door of my home.

Furthermore, there is a path, intended for my trailer. There is a small building at the end of the second path, large enough to house my trailer; the door currently open, awaiting the trailer I am hitched to. I tentatively move over to the second path, pulling the trailer inside; unhitching myself, before I trot out of the small building.

The door slams shut behind me, on my command; just as I had stepped out of the building, as I trot over to the door to what had been presented as my new home.

Of course, this is my home; I just have trouble, accepting it right now. Do I have a choice? I could always run off, with my trailer in tow.

Where would I go? What if they were to pursuit? It is pointless, futile.

“You could, but then you would miss out on everything you have here!” Pinkie merely exclaims, grinning widely.

What is she on about, now?” I ponder; “How could she possibly know, what I am thinking?” I continue, as I am trotting towards the door to my new home.

Of course, she couldn’t know; no Pony can read the mind, of any other Pony. Yes, she appears to know, exactly what I am thinking; even before, I even know what I am thinking myself.

She is Scary. She is Dangerous. Yet, they just shrug it off; just saying, she is just being Pinkie Pie. Leaving it at that, as if it had even explained anything.

Of course, after a moment; I am reaching the door of my new home, looking critically at the door. Almost, as if I had never seen it before. Well, I haven’t seen this particular door; but I have seen numerous doors before, and none is quite like this door.

“What!!” I exclaim.

“Exactly!” she puts forth; “It’s the latest, in security; only you can open this door, and anyone else you choose to authorize to enter your home!” she explains.

“Then, this is truly my home?” I inquire, incredulously.

I lift up my right fore-hoof; extending it towards the black, hexagonal plaque to the right of the door; only for the door to slide up before me.

“Whoa!!!” I exclaim.

“Exactly!” she merely responds; “This is your home!” she merely points out.

Glittering, glossy stone tiles are laid on the floor; coated with an inch of crystal clear Silicone to make the floor soft to the touch.

I step into my home, placing my hooves on the smooth surface inside; only for the door to slide shut behind me, quietly just as I had cleared the threshold.

The walls are laid with light Beech wood, with a four foot tall Cherry wood picket fence.

“Curious furnishing choices here!” I utter, quietly to myself.

The ceiling had been coated with mate, black Silicone to hold the pin prick LED star Skape in place. The night sky is beautiful, I realize.

Why did they put in the effort, to create such a beautiful effect in my ceiling?” I ponder; no response or answer forthcoming, of course.

Well, why would anyone, or anything deign to answer, or respond. Not as if any Pony bothered, before.

To the right of the door, to my living room; I have the shoe rack, jacket hanger and the hat rack. While I had not worn shoes, or even boots; I do wear my cloak and my hat, as I entered my home. Maybe I could leave them here, in the cloaking room; before I enter my home, proper?

Curious, strange architecture and furnishing choices; but it is at least consistent, and I guess it will grow on me. I already find it comforting and comfortable.

Maybe, just maybe; I should not be complaining, as I had been gifted a perfectly livable home.

As I set hoof on the floor, I find the same Oak wood Parquet. The only real difference, is the bookshelves on the wall. Maybe Twilight Sparkle had dipped her hoof a bit too heavily on the wall? Just as I could sense Rarity’s sensibilities in the general mood of my new home. Should I be blaming Fluttershy for the overall structure of the Cottage too?

Well, why bother? I got tired of looking for who was to be blamed for what my home looks like. I should be considering, how I could make this my own home.

I will have to life it in, in order to make it my own. I had spares few belongings, so I will have to pick and choose what will be filling my home with.

On the right, I have a three seated Cinema sofa and a sofa table before it. On my left, the entire short wall is covered with a full screen television set. How curious.

The table is chromed stainless steel with a Sapphire glass table top. Quite elegant, if I could say so myself. Maybe it is a bit too much, for me. But I should not complain, should I?

At first glance, the sofa looks as if it had been clad with Leather; but it is a black Silicone, smooth, glossy and quite comfortable.

The first compartment contains Sparkle Cola and Rad Cola; while the other contains a selection of snacks, readily available for my convenience and comfort.

Behind the sofa, I have the door to my bed room. There is a comfortable bed, already maid; ready for me, when I choose to retire for the night.

The sheet is a mate, black Silicone; while the pillow is crystal clear and squishy, and the quilt is three inch thick Silicone. Though I soon notice my mark on the quilt.

Behind the bed, on the hoof end of the bed; I find two wardrobes, with twin doors. On the right, I have the daytime wear, and on the left I have the nighttime wear. How very thought full.

As I open the doors to the wardrobe, I am faced with a mirror covering the entire inner walls; right, left and center.

At first, I don’t notice anything off. Why should anything be off, in the first place

After a while, I notice details not being quite right; not quite, as I had been expecting.

Almost, as if it had not been my body.

I had clearly seen Pinkie Pie pronking before me, as she was leading me to my home. But alas; Pinkie is just being Pinkie. She never contends with following the norm, in the first place.

She is the first, last and only Earth pony to be able to fly. Why would an Earth pony fly, in the first place. Not even a Unicorn would bother to fly. I would know, I am one.

Once you have seen Pinkie Pie, you know to through all expectations out the window. It is pointless to expect, what she will do next. She is even worse than the Draconequus, Discord. But alas, he is supposed to be Chaos. He effectively disqualified himself, in the comparison.

Let’s just hope; discord is not around, and that we don’t need to see him.

Well; at least, now I know what I look like. Not so much, that I had expected to need to; I had thought, I knew what I look like. Well, why shouldn’t I?

Why, indeed!!

Oh, well; maybe I shouldn’t complain, I can still recognize myself. Even if I don’t look, exactly as I had been expecting.

“A bit fancy, for me; but I think I can live with it!” I ponder, as I consider the situation I had just found myself in.

At least; I have a roof over my head, and what looks like a comfortable bed to sleep in..

There is bound to be a kitchen, Mare’s room and shower to. Or, at least; so I would expect, without feeling the urge to check it, right away

Then I notice it, laying before me on the table; a head set, with both a pair of ear pieces, and a microphone. Only, it is in my skin tone; effectively making it invisible, once I am putting it on.

Curious, I lift it up; tentatively putting it onto my head, feeling the cold object making itself perfectly comfortable on my head. Not only that, it is very comfortable to wear; to the point, where I barely notice it, after just a moment. Once on, it warms up to my body temperature; making it even harder to notice.

At first, it had been quiet, inert; but then it warms up, activating as it grows warm to the touch.

Is this how Vinyl Scratch feels; wearing her head phones and glasses everywhere?” I ponder, snickering to myself.

Of course; I had never considered it, before now. But alas, why should I bother consider it?

She never complained.

<--- --- --->


I wake up, in my bed; the quilt curiously enough remains over me, as if it feared to let me go. I feel its loving warmth, as it is hugging me tightly; embracing me, where I lie. It merely covers the surface of my bed, but since I am on this surface; it is eagerly covering me, keeping me comfortably warm, in the process.

“Okay..” I mumble; ”this is new, but Trixie likes it all the same!” I conclude.

The quilt had been laying flat, covering the bed, all night. I had enjoyed it, unconsciously; since I had been sleeping, in the cozy grip of my quilt. No complaint there.

Now the quilt refuses to let me up, but I eventually manage to slip my hooves out from under it. It is not a prison, or restraint; it merely lies flat, refusing to budge.

After a moment, I am folding the corner in towards the wall behind myself; slipping my hind hooves out from under the quilt, whereupon I find myself sitting comfortably on top of my bed. It is soft, squishy and comfortable. Why shouldn’t it be? Indeed, why shouldn’t it?

I push myself forwards, off of the bed; landing on the floor with the familiar twin thud, but hear a new squeaking noise as my hooves are hitting the floor.

Of course, they had coated my floor with the soft Silicone in my bed room too!” I ponder.

“Well, it is comfortable; so, why not?” I mumble, to myself.

While I do not need to wear anything, but I am used to wearing my cape and hat. Only; the cape and hat are still waiting for me, in the cloaking room, how befitting.

Maybe, just maybe; I should put something on, if I have something I could wear!” I consider, as I move over to my wardrobe.

Not that I care all that much, what Rarity says!” I ponder; “but I enjoy wearing something, to make me stand out!” I conclude.

As I open the door, to my daytime wardrobe; I gasp in surprise and chock, upon finding something I find befitting of myself. While I have no regular cape or hat here, but these should be kept in my cloaking room in the first place.

Not sure, if I care too much; for indoors shoes, but still. I find myself, slipping them on; they fit surprisingly well, and stick to my hooves comfortably. There is also a skirt, I am slipping into, only to find it acquiring the perfect fit without my effort.

“Oh, this I approve!” I exclaim, as my eyes fall upon the next item in my wardrobe.

I had found a short jacket top with a billowing cape behind it. The moment my eyes fell upon it, I pull it out; slipping into it right and left, only to button it up all the way up. Well, why not? The buttons would not have been there, for mere decorative purpose, would they? Well, listening to Rarity; this certainly would not be beyond her, if she thought it looks good. Though she knew me, well enough; to avoid such a travesty, rather than crafting me the best garments she could put forth. Just for me. Such is Rarity. She takes pride, in what she can craft for any and every Pony entering her Boutique. Well, even if it had not even been a Pony.

If a Changeling, Diamond dog or something were to deign to enter her Boutique; she would offer her best, all the same.

I should not mock her, for it. How could I? This is Rarity, after all.

Since the ensemble is fitting me, I am done dressing up; I take a step back and close the doors, before I turn around and fold the quilt back down.

With the bed maid, I am done in my bed room.

I move over to the door, opening it as if it had been nothing. Of course, it is easy to open the door. Why shouldn’t it? This is my home, and I belong.

As I step out of my bed room; the door slides shut behind me, just as I had cleared the threshold. With that, I am standing in my living room.

I take a moment, scanning the still somewhat unfamiliar surroundings. I am still used to the cramped and uncomfortable trailer.

“Whoa!!” I exclaim, as I see the fairly large room.

It may not be a throne room, but still; it is still large, quite large in my perspective.

“Imagine that, I actually have a home..” I breathe; “and I did not even have to ask for it, she just gave it to me; as if it had been the most natural thing in the world, and none were even batting an eye over it!” I then ponder, in stunned bemusement.

Not only had she offered me a home, but I had been summoned as a Magician and Entertainer.

Not that she had explained herself, or anything. On the other rubbery hoof, she never did. It is pointless to ask Pinkie for explanations. All the answer ever did, is to give you a severe headache for the trouble.

Who needs a headache? Seriously? Who! Certainly not me.

After a short moment of consideration, I take the middle seat; enjoying the cushy position, leaning back. Well, why not?

I open the fridge in the arm rest, extracting a Sparkle Cola; opening it, before I take a swig. Comfortably sipping on the fizzy beverage in the bottle.

How many of these, do I have?" I ponder, unsure of how much I had been afforded.

Either way, I could as well sample one; just to see what they are, and I am thirsty right now!” I reason.

It’s the regular, half liter. A Pint, would it be? Either way, this is a standard size bottle to drink from. (I’ll refer to half a liter as a Pint from now on: at least, in this context)

This fizzy beverage is a bit acidic, but I guess it is to be expected.

“Sparkle Cola!” I mumble, pondering the beverage in my right fore-hoof, as I take another sip.

The beverage sure does sparkle, and it does have a good spark to it. Well, why not?

Once I have enjoyed the drink, I put it down in the cup holder; only to see the empty bottle disappear, as a full bottle takes its place in the fridge. With that; the bottle count is back, at full strength.

“Maybe I should have something to eat; because I would enjoy, to have my breakfast now!” I ponder.

“Your kitchen is fully stocked, for you to enjoy a good meal!” I hear a voice pointing out.

Of course, it is Pinkie Pie; who else? Pinkie Pie would know, my kitchen is fully stocked. Wouldn’t she?

Would she be Pinkie Pie, if she didn’t?

I raise to my hooves, stepping over to the kitchen; opening the door, stepping in. Only for the door to slide shut, once I had cleared the threshold. How predictable, but still.

This fridge contains juice, carrot and more. I select a spread, of what I am craving at the moment. If I have it, I could as well select it; while it is good and fresh, rather than waiting until it is not. Rather than stepping out of the kitchen; I enjoy my food, where I stand. Well, why bother? I could as well just enjoy my breakfast here.

Not that I had anything demanding my presence. Still, I have one detail I want to tend to. Right now. I have a stage to inspect.

<--- --- --->


I step into my cloaking room, knowing exactly what to expect. Or, at least; that is, what I had been expecting.

My old cloak and hat are still, where I had left them. But of course. Where else would they have been? No Pony could have entered my home, in order to steal them from me.

What I had not been prepared for, what I could not have prepared for; is that items could enter my home, freshly rendered.

Now I have three identical cloaks and hats, by the side of the originals. Only these, are brand new and untarnished by time and hardship.

Maybe, just maybe Trixie needs a fresh start?” I ponder.

“These old rags wouldn’t do!” I hear Rarity exclaim in my head, almost as if she had been in the small room with me.

Of course, she isn’t; it is just my mind, playing tricks upon me. Though I knew only too well, what the mare would say; had she been here right now.

If anything had been off, changed; it is me, not my wardrobe. My Cloak and Hat are what they had always been. Even if I guess they could have changed in order to feel like the genuine article.

“I should try on the new Cloak, for my first appearance!” I mumble, to myself.

As I pick it, from where it hang before me; slipping it on, I find it fitting me perfectly. Well, what had I been expecting? Of course, it fits. The only difference, besides being brand new; is that is in the general style, I have come to expect from my time here.

Easy to clean and maintain. Just as I guess it will be easy, to replace as well. I will wear immaculate stage props, from now on. No second rate, worn out clothes for me.

Not that I had ever been one for old and warn out clothes or anything; only fate had forced me to wear or use them, as I could not afford anything better back then. That time is over, once and for all.

I had been summoned as an Entertainer, a Magician; just as I had been promised the full support of the town. Unless one of these parts broke down, my days as a poor roadside performer is over. Not that I could complain, now.

I slip my indoors shoes off of my hooves, replacing them with the outdoors shoes I had just found in my Cloaking Room.

The indoors shoes had been light, quiet and comfortable to wear; to the point, where I had almost forgotten they were even on. The outdoors shoes are heavier and not quite as quiet. Though I guess they would not wear down as fast, outside. How considerate.

Once I had changed into my outdoors wears, I open the door; stepping out, only for the door to close behind me.

Naturally, my trailer is where I had left it. I move over to it, considering to hitch myself up; only to change my mind, in the last moment.

“I will still have to pull the trailer to the stage, but I do not feel like wearing these while I pull the trailer over!” I ponder, slipping out of the cloak and lifting my hat off of my head.

I leave the Hat and the Cloak in my Trailer; before I hitch myself to the trailer, pulling it out to the street. From there, I continue to the center of town, from where I can see the stage.

There is a path, conveniently leading in behind the stage. I follow the path to my stage; before I open my Trailer, offloading the props for my next performance. With the props unloaded; I take the time to explore the space behind the stage, where I store all my current props.

First now, I once more put on my new clothes for the performance.

A nostalgic sensation is flooding my system, as it all comes back to me where I stand.

“Trixie will be entertaining the Crowd, as the Premier Magician in Town!” I exclaim, with pride.

<--- --- --->

You have Mail: 22

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As I wake up, I sense the sun shining in into my room; as if to say: “Time to wake up!”.

Nothing strange about it, it is what has been expected. Celestia is raising the sun, so that we can have another great day in Ponyville.

I have a mate black Silicone sheet under me, and my quilt is crystal clear Silicone; but apparently it has my Cutie Mark on it to let on that this is my quilt. Well, why not?

By my side, I have Doctor Whooves. I have fussy recollections of spending time with him.

Just that he tends to be busy, with his work. Still; he tends to be near, whenever he is most needed. Just like when Cranky and Matilda were Married.

I feel a light pressure, from the quilt holding me in place on the bed; but no more than what I had been expecting, from the weight of the quilt itself. Just that the three inch thick quilt is crystal clear Silicone Just as my Pillow is also crystal clear. I had not expected that.

After a moment, I manage to slip my hooves out from under my quilt; before I fold the quilt in against the inner corner.

With the corner of the quilt folded out of the way, I can slip out from under the quilt; sliding my hind hooves out, finding myself sitting up comfortably on the side of my bed.

“Clip clop..” is heard, as my hooves hit the floor.

I feel the smooth, soft and squishy surface of the hard Oak-wood Parquet floor; only for me to look down, noticing just how glossy my hooves are. As if I had been to the Spa, enjoying a thorough Hooficure the day before.

“Oh!” I exclaim in surprise.

Now I trot over to my wardrobe, even if I technically don’t need to wear anything even outside; opening the doors to my wardrobe, finding a set of clothes I suddenly realize would fit me perfectly.

“Rarity’s Design!” I ponder, knowing no Pony else would bother. “Well, at least not in Ponyville)

I end up picking a glossy, black skirt; stepping into it, before I pull it all the way up. Only affording it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice; in order to get the comfortable fit I am hoping for. Almost, as if it had been a special day.

Once I had stepped into my skirt, I choose a matching jacket-top; slipping into it, enjoying the sensation of the tight embrace of the sleek material.

I button my jacket-top up, only to look up, noticing just how glossy my mane is.

Rarity would approve!” I ponder, snickering at the image.

“You look ravishing, my Dear!” I hear from behind, knowing only too well who it is.

It isn’t just the fact, that he is the only one in the room; I clearly recognize his confident voice. I would have recognized his voice anywhere, any time.

“I’ll fix breakfast!” I declare; “I expect you to see you by the table!” I then point out.

“But of course..” he responds; “wouldn’t miss it!” he then adds, as he is turning towards his wardrobe.

I lift up my right fore-hoof, extending the frog of the hoof to the Plaque by the side of the wall; only for the door to slide up before me, before I step out of the room and the door quietly slides shut behind me, just after I had cleared the threshold.

As I am facing the fence, I turn right towards the flight of stairs; trotting down towards the living room, continuing towards the kitchen.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard as I trot over the floor.

I open the door to the kitchen, step in and move over to the fridge. Now I open the door to the fridge, extract a platter of Muffins; before I move over to the table, placing the Muffins on the table. Now I move back, open the door to the cupboard and extract the plates; return to the table and place one place before each chair.

I continue to pick one glass for each, then a pitcher of orange juice.

“Breakfast is served!” I exclaim, announcing that I have prepared the breakfast for every Pony.

The door slides up, and my Daughter Dinky and Doctor spill into the kitchen.

“Good morning..” they exclaim, as they enter the kitchen and plop down onto their respective seats.

“Good morning!” I respond.

<--- --- --->


I find three sets of outdoors shoes, as I see the shoe rack in the cloaking room.

The grey shoes would be mine!” I assume; “Then the brown once belong to Doctor and the small once should be for Dinky!” I conclude.

As I slip my shoes on, I find them fitting just right. They eagerly slip on, holding on to the frog of my hooves with ease. Just that I can see nothing holding them in place.

Magic!” I ponder, snickering.

While they do add a bit, to the noise level of my gait; but not more than I can find acceptable, and it is barely noticeable anyway.

“Since it is a warm spring day, we don’t need to put on anything extra when we go out!” I note.

Dinky nods in appreciation.

“Your skirt is so pretty!” Dinky puts forth, while she is putting her small shoes on.

“Thank you!” I respond with a nod; “Well, it does look pretty!” I ponder.

A few minutes later, we all wear our shoes; so I open the door, whereupon everyone spill out and the door slide shut behind us.

“The door just slid shut?” Dinky inquires, staring at the now closed door behind us with large eyes.

“Yes, it did; guess we will just have to get used to it!” I respond.

“Then I don’t need to worry about forgetting to close the door!” Dinky snickers.

“Exactly!” Doctor agrees.

I lead my small family along the path from the porch out to the street. On our way, we trot on the stone tiles the path had been laid with; passing the Peonies lining the path.

“These Peonies are Pretty!” I ponder, as I afford the Peonies a few glances, as I trot towards the street.

Deep purple Peonies, befitting Twilight town. Even if Twilight herself is a much lighter Purple, Lavender to be exact.

We have a lawn, covering most of the ground on the front of our home.

Instinctively; I stop by our Mailbox, opening it only to find a single Envelope inside.

“Mail?” Dinky inquires.

“So it would appear!” Doctor muses, with a light chuckle.

I extract the envelope, slowly opening it with care; before I pull out the single cheat of paper, ogling the letter we had been sent.

“It is clearly addressed to our Family!” Doctor puts forth, as he reads the address on the back of the envelope.


“Dear Derpy, Doctor and Dinky Whooves!”

“Welcome to Twilight Town!”

“I, We hope you will enjoy your new home!”

“Yours Sincerely; May Trotter, Mayor of Twilight Town” reads the letter.


“May Trotter, is the Mayor of Twilight town?” Dinky inquires.

“So it would appear!” Doctor puts forth.

“Look at that Monumental building down the Street..” I suggest, as I put the mail away; “it is probably where she resides, and I am sure we could go there to see her any day!” I then add.

--- --- ---

A New Derpy Day: 22

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I know I had gone to bed, the other day; nothing strange about it, even if my body still does feel a bit strange in a derpy kind of way. I had slept quite well, in my new bed.

I have a mate black Silicone sheet, a crystal clear pillow and a three inch thick crystal clear quilt covering me where I lie sleeping, all night.

This is after all the latest in Twilight Town, where I live; even if it may be the only fashion, I could remember. Not that I complain, I sleep well and wake up fresh as a Daisy. What more could I possibly wish for?

Now I find the quilt holding me down, until I manage to slip a Hoof out from under the Quilt; folding the corner of my Quilt up against the Wall, before I slide out from under the Quilt and sit up comfortably.

“Squishy!” I exclaim, patting the quilt with a Hoof.

The Quilt still feels warm; while the Pillow persistently feels cool to the touch, even now.

I sit on the top of my bed, pushing myself over the edge of the bed; only for my Hooves to hit the floor; “Clip clop” and I find myself standing on my own four hooves, on the floor.

A wooden floor, coated with crystal clear Silicone. I don’t mind, I like the squishy sensation under my Hooves, just as I enjoy the squeaks I hear with each step I take.

I step over to the wardrobe, at the hoof end of my room; opening the doors and explore what I have before me, pondering what I should be wearing.

“Maybe this, or maybe this?” I mouth, scanning the content, exploring my options.

I end up selecting a skirt, similar to the one Mum wore the other day; only thicker and mate black, in place of the glossy one she wore.

Should I be trying on this?” I ponder, looking at a matching blouse top.

“Maybe, maybe…” I mumble.

In the end, I do try it on; slipping my right and left fore-hoof in, in turn; soon finding myself back on the floor. I manage to button it up from the first to the last button, up at my neck.

I did have a few colourful skirts, but opted for the mate black one.

These colours would not be right for school. Or, so I reason.

These bright colours would clash with my natural colours. At least, it is how I feel. While I could not channel an inner Rarity, but I still have a sense what should look good.

Dressed for the day; I close the doors to my wardrobe, before I turn around and trot over the floor to the door, out of my room. I open the door and step out of my room, close the door behind myself; before I step over to the flight of stairs, eagerly trotting down to the ground floor. Now I find myself in the living room.

It is not so much that I need to wear the clothes, or that I am expected to wear them. It is just that; I feel like wearing the clothes, I have before me. Maybe they are fancy, or maybe it is something else. Still, I want to wear these clothes I had been presented with, all the same.

Just the simple skirt, and the short Blouse Top goes well with the Pony sensibilities. Fancy, but not directly over-dressed.

I recall, having seen Diamond Tiara and her only friend: silver Spoon wearing a more frilly skirt before, so this ensemble should not draw any direct attention. Would it?

If I were to draw attention; I fear it is my Mother: Derpy Whooves, who is the cause of it. She is Wall-Eyed and clumsy at times. Then again; she is the mail mare of the village, and well-liked and appreciated by most all.

There is a distinct scent of Muffin, on the air; I had picked it up, as I trot down the flight of stairs. Naturally; Pinkie Pie had baked the Muffins, the baked Goods she is known for. Even if I know, she does bake more than just Muffins. It is just that my Mother: Derpy Whooves chose these; because she loves Muffins, above all else. Could I blame her, for that? No, not really.

How could I? Considering; just how much I am enjoying them, too.

The scent of the promised breakfast brings joy to me; causing a renewed lightness to my every step, on my way to the breakfast table.

“Yay..” I exclaim; as I approach the table, my mother had made; “Muffins!” I continue, jubilantly.

Could you blame me? The Muffins are always delicious.

There is a plate before me, as I sit down; it had been waiting for me. Likewise; there is a plate before Derpys and Doctors seats, too.

Derpy had been waiting for me, standing by the short end of the table.

Doctor enters the room, shortly after I had claimed my seat. Once he is sitting down, we all begin the feast.

I may be hungry, and the Muffins may be delicious; but I take my time, enjoying every bite, before me. Fresh Muffins deserve this.

Once I had finished, I step off of my chair, pushing it back in under the table; before I am leaving the table, returning to my room.

As I am trotting up the flight of stairs, I am made aware of the delicious squeaks, my skirt is making, with each and every step. Maybe I had noticed this before; but now it is acutely obvious, to me.

“Oh!” I exclaim, half-way up the stairs.


I trot down the flight of stairs, continuing towards the cloaking room.

Since I am already dressed up, for the day; there is but the one thing, I slip my shoes on, before I go.

Just like before, the door quietly slides shut behind me, just as I had stepped out of our home. I continue down the path, leading to the street outside our garden; passing the peonies, planted there for our viewing pleasures. Even if I know, we will have to care for them; in order to make sure, they will thrive. If it is dry, we will have to water them; if there is weed, we will have to do the weeding.

Once I reach the street, I take to the right, following the street all the way down to the Town Hall; from there, I turn to the right, following the street until I see the School House.

Now I hasten my steps, still hearing the noises of my hooves hitting the pavement; “Clip, clop; clip, clop..” as I trot over to the building.

The door to the school is wide open, naturally. I can see Cheerilee, standing by the door; waiting for us to get to class. She is smiling, as I am trotting up towards her; though I slow down, just in time to move up the few steps up to the porch she is standing on.

“Good morning, Dinky!” she exclaims; “You are first, today!” she concludes.

Well, someone had to be first; could as well me me, nothing is lost by being first!” I ponder; Good morning, Cheerilee!” I respond, as I trot past her on my way in, into the building.

Since I am first; I end up taking a seat, in the first row.

There is a Saddle Bag by each desk. As I am touching the Saddle Bag; I notice how it is turning into a matching Gray hue, identifying it as mine. Had I had my Cutie Mark; it would have been presented, proudly on the front of both the right and left bag. Since I have not yet discovered my mark, the bag is still blank.

Am I the only Filly in Class, today?” I ponder.

So long as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon is not coming, I guess it is fine. Though I would not mind the Cutie Mark Crusaders: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to show up

Twist and Pip Squeak would also be quite welcome company in class, of course.

<--- --- --->

(Early Preview) Pass: Author’s Note:

A New Derpy Day