• Published 4th Jun 2017
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Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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Darkreach Chronicles, Part Three

"Repetitious overview: The function of that which would be the Verdestonian Expedition here in what would be called Darkreach—as fundamentally orchestrated by they who would be the Emeraldinian and Cylindrimanian Councils—is to endeavor to find a way to reach that which would be called the Midnight Armory and acquire that which would be called the Harmonic Prism.

"Current assessment: Chance of success in forging a path towards that which would be called the Midnight Armory is becoming increasingly difficult. While the missions conducted by he who would be Lieutenant Warhol have provided much information and reconaissance, the patrols are only proving more and more that there is severe peril and hardships to be had by those courageous—or suicidal—enough to venture further past an unmarked parallel of phenomenal importance."

Rainbow Dash and Ariel glided over arid plains and plateaus.

The landscape beneath them was the same slate gray and dull blue as the rest of the Dark Side behind them.

Nevertheless, the two persisted in their flight, piercing the curved horizon between Alpha and Omega.

At one point—after countless hours of flying—Rainbow Dash's brow furrowed. She squinted at the landscape ahead of them and slowed her wingflapping.

Ariel noticed the shift in momentum when she realized that she and Rainbow were descending. She opened her muzzle to say something.

Rainbow held a hoof up. She dove towards the ground in a prismatic blur.

Clenching her muzzle shut, Ariel flew after her. Soon the two were perched on a jagged precipice.

Both pegasi huddled under dull purple twilight. At last, Rainbow Dash crept forward and peered over the cliffside. Ariel shimmied up until she was lying down beside the mare. Her muzzle hung agape.

It turned out that the two ponies were teetering on the edge of a massive rift. A trench lay beneath them. Beyond that was a dense valley of... something. Stretching... yawning before the two mares was a massive plain dotted all over with organic structures. They didn't resemble trees and they didn't resemble fungae. The closest thing Rainbow could mentally compare them to was ocean kelp... only there was no water. The incalculably tall stalks drifted and swayed... only there was no wind.

Rainbow and Ariel exchanged glances. Eventually, Rainbow motioned towards Ariel's side with her head.

Ariel looked aside. She found a small rock. Grasping it in her fetlock, she awaited Rainbow's signal... then tossed the object down into the "forest."

The stone was barely ten meters above the "treetops" before—

Th-THWPPP! The tops of multiple stalks ejected featureless probiscuses that lashed and thrashed at the falling projectile. One lucky structure caught the offensive object, wrapping its prehensile stinger three times around the stone before violently sucking it back into its previously-unseen orifice. Once entering, the rock made an offensive lump that traveled slowly and grotesquely down the height of its stalk.

Ariel grimaced. Rainbow gulped.

The two backed away from the sight beneath them—with Rainbow hanging only slightly behind. She hovered a few meters above the cliff's edge to survey the area around her. She looked towards her right—towards Omega—and saw a solid cliff-face stretching as far as her mortal eyes could see. She made a similar glance to her left—towards Alpha. The same straight edge sliced towards a vanishing point. The plateau that brought Rainbow, Ariel, and the spirit of the Heraldites there ended at a savage hundred meter drop... and the alien forest stretched as far as the two pegasi could venture to guess.

"Casual observations: There are creatures and plants and insects here that are so bizarre, so alien, and so otherworldly that they defy classical scientific observation. The reason why they defy observation is that there is no conceivable way to get viable samples without risking life, limb, or—even worse—technology.

"Somber statement: He who would be Lieutenant Warhol has already lost nearly half a dozen of they who would be loyal soldiers under his watch. I who would be Chief Engineer Ranort do not blame he who would be Lieutenant Warhol for this unfortunate turn of events. Deaths were an inevitability in that which would be called the Verdestonian Expedition. Surely he who would be Onyxxus knew this which is why he forwarded such a project to they who would be the Twin City Councils with such a heavy heart.

"Personal assessment: I who would be Chief Engineer Ranort am troubled by my inability to sufficiently assist he who would be Lieutenant Warhol and she who would be Commander Gwen. It was long taught to me by the who would be technologically senior that science is the true path towards ascension.

"Honest refrain: What is transpiring here is something that simply cannot be contained by science—at least not to the extent to which I who would be Chief Engineer Ranort can understand it. For reasons that cannot properly be explained, the desolation of the Dark Side gives way to pure and unfettered alien wilderness that begins approximately five kilometers Curveward from the location of that which would be called Darkreach. At the same time, those who would be the unclassified denizens of this realm do not venture Edgeward past the inexplicable cliffface that separates all. While it is fortunate for that which would be called the Verdestonian Expedition that we are not consistently assaulted by these unpredictable hazards, it only makes the mission to that which would be called the Midnight Armory that much more difficult."

"To make it brrief..." Kepler sipped from a canteen and gazed across the metal map of the HQ room. "...Chief Engineerr Rranorrt was deeply trroubled by his findings."

"Well, he was pretty darn accurate," Rainbow muttered, standing beside Ariel and Logan. "The desolate landscape does—in fact—end at a sheer drop about five kilometers Curveward."

"What kind of a drop are we talking about?" Logan asked.

Ariel "dove" her hoof down and made a whistling noise... followed by. "Plunk!" She looked at the others with worried blue eyes. "Right into a bunch of hungry grass!"

"Hungry grass...?" Logan squinted. "Based on most coffee clubs I've been to, it works the other way around, girl."

"She's being literal, Big Show," Rainbow droned. "There's a big freakin' forest of... like... five-story-tall demon weed." She gulped. "And when we tossed a rock down into the whole mess, they slurped it up like a brussel sprout."

"Why not just say 'meatball?'" Ariel remarked.

"Do you forget who you're listening to?"

"Ah. Heh. My bad."


"A forest of rock-eating trees..." Logan was already grimacing. "And was there any clear path through this shit?"

Rainbow shook her head. "Not that we could see. We flew about a mile towards Alpha and then back the same distance towards Omega to check."

"But we didn't fly much further," Ariel said. "We had little resources and needed to come back, after all."

Logan sighed heavily. "I hate to say it, folks. But if we can't find a path through a pony-eating backyard... then I'm not sure we're gonna get all that friggin' far in this safari of ours."

Kepler spoke up: "I grreatly suspect that therre is a way thrrough the mess," Kepler said with a smile. "I've not had time to arrrange the crrystaline data crrystals at ourr disposal. So—I've been listening to ourr beloved Ranorrt's audio logs out of orrderr."

"Yeah? And?" Rainbow blinked. "Did any of Wormhole's expeditions make it through?"

"Warhol," Kepler corrected. "And to answer your question—yes. However, I've yet to learn how."

"Well, what did they find out there?" Logan asked.

Kepler fidgeted. "It... is difficult to explain."

"Keps..." Logan folded his forelimbs, huffing. "Do you have a job or don't you?"

"Please be patient with me, brrotherr. Evidently, the Cylindrrimanians werre nothing if not thorrough in the depths to which they made notes of things!" He smiled in spite of the situation. "I've no doubt that I will be able to piece an entirre picturre togetherr in due time!" He suffered a prolonged sigh. "I simply took a brreak because I feel terrribly forr our illustrrious engineerr of olde. Turrns out he was quite vexxed at the rreporrts that came in frrom Warrhol's crrew."

"I don't blame him," Rainbow said. "I'm pretty vexxed by what Ariel and I saw ourselves."

"Well, maybe it's not so bad," Ariel said. "We've got one thing Ranort didn't."

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow looked over. "What?"

"You." Ariel slapped a hoof over the edge of the desk. The pins lifted, fell, and lifted in fluid motion. Eventually the rusted metal landscape "shifted" from the mesa, gradually sloping upwards until it came to an abrupt end at a straight-edged neverending cliff. "This is what we have mapped five kilometers Curveside from Darkreach. And what's the distance anyone would venture to guess is between here and the Edge?"

Kepler's brow furrowed. "Why... I would say ten kilometerrs."

"Yeah." Logan nodded. "Twelve tops."

"Okay... so..." Ariel pointed. "About fifteen to seventeen kilometers from the plane's Edge is this big frickin' scar. And—look—from the shape of the gigantic stone plateau sloping upwards from place we left Axan's corpse... doesn't it look sorta like some severe cataclysm happened ages ago?"

"The Sundering..." Rainbow murmured.

Ariel looked at her. "What have you in your travels learned, Rainbow, that Ranort couldn't possibly have figured out on his own centuries ago, even with all the Cylindrimanian smarty-pants at his disposal?"

Rainbow took a deep breath. "That there are several planes. More than one of them." She gulped. "That this world came from an entire ring... from Urohringr."

"Maybe... just maybe..." Ariel gestured. "...something to do with the Sundering has made this whole land—this whole plateau—super duper inhospitable to all life trying to settle here." She looked aside. "Glowing mushrooms and forcibly planted forests aside."

"It would also suggest that the Sunderring was everry bit as severre as the verry name entails," Kepler remarked. "What's to say therre werren't a myrriad of harrmful elements at play... perrmanently scarring the landscape so close to this plane's edge when the porrtions of Urrohrringrr separrated?"

"If... that's true..." Rainbow blanched. "...then how come we didn't see any of that in Rohbredden?"

"Who says we didn't?" Logan remarked.


Logan shrugged. "The alicorns blessed the Light Side, remember? There're oceans flowing and forests growing and squirrels having sex all over the place there." He raised an eyebrow. "The Sundering's scar has scabbed over."

"Lest we forrget..." Kepler waved a claw. "The Six Trribes werre in turrmoil... fighting overr a frrozen landscape. It took Verrlax's intervention—howeverr malevolent in the end—to turrn the sole continent at the Edge into something rremotely 'civilized.'"

"Okay... I'll buy that." Rainbow took a deep breath. "So... what does that mean for us?"

"Things get hella harder at the cliff's edge five kilometers from here," Logan said. He looked up. "And the next order of business is finding a path through it."

"Or how to clear our own path."

Logan's nostrils flared. "I think the former is a Hell of a lot easier than the latter." He flexed a muscle. "Unless you want me to grab my axe and start monster-weed-whacking."

"Ugh..." Rainbow rubbed her head.

"'Ugh' is right," Ariel remarked.

"Kepler, keep listening to Ranort's blargh."

"Aye, Rrainbow One."

"Logan, keep putting together an arsenal. Ariel?" Rainbow turned and trotted out of the room. "Get some rest."

"Rest?" Ariel winced. "What about you?"

"Gonna talk to Flynn about some stuff."

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