• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,692 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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Concerning Lights in Darkness

"You can see the Midnight Armory, Rainbow?!" Twilight Sparkle gaped. "All the way from this edge of the plane? That's virtually impossible!"

"Nothing's impossible for Dashie!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, sticking a ghostly tongue out. "You should know that by now, oh ye of little kaizo!"

"Remember..." Rarity raised a hoof, smiling thoughtfully. "She swore she sensed the Midnight Armory—at least in part—while we were up on the Light Side. Through the earth itself, if I recall."

"Yeah... but..." Rainbow Dash fidgeted, continuing to stare at the heart of the curved horizon. "...I wasn't so certain at the time. But now..."

"Seem's sportin' of yer Austraeoh powers to let you see that sort of a thang, Rainbow," Applejack said.

"Remember the last Seed?" Fluttershy suggested. "You... you went inside the tower above the maelstrom, not knowing what you would find. When you came out... you saw a golden beacon leading to where the gondola was."

"So this sight is cut from the same cloth!" Pinkie Pie chirped. "Sight cloth! Fits like a glove! Heehee!"

"Hrmmm..." Rarity hummed, following Rainbow's line of sight. "I do appreciate textile analogies more than the average pony, but let's not jump to enthusiastic conclusions here, Pinkie Pie."

"Awwwwwwwwww! Don't be a poopy marshmallow!"

"What I'm just trying to say..." Rarity sighed, then floated closer to their anchor. "...is that we simply don't know what Rainbow is seeing. These blasted Austraeoh powers—albeit useful—have proven time and time again to be anything but predictable."

"Rarity..." Applejack glared at her with razor-straight eyebrows. "It's a pyramid-shaped speck of golden light sittin' smack-dab in the center of the Dark Side. What the hay else could it be?"

"Well, I don't know!" Rarity tossed her ghostly hooves. "For all we care it could be something else that Utaan or Yaerfaerda or Celestia-knows-what is pointing our beloved Rainbow to!"

"I must admit," Twilight said, tapping her chin in thought. "The Midnight Armory is the simplest goal at this point." She looked back at her fellow companions. "And if everything we've learned about Austraeoh and its connection to harmony in this world maintains the ongoing pattern—"

"Rarity's right," Rainbow Dash suddenly said. "Let's... not jump to conclusions. I've barely gotten used to touching the floor here."

"It's... just so amazing," Fluttershy cooed, staring down at the dull blue stone. She phased a fetlock through it and murmured, "The actual Dark Side of the world... and we're actually here..."

"Yeah, well..." Rainbow Dash looked at her cuts and scrapes—all of which continued to glow brighter and brighter. "...one freaky thing at a time, Flutters."

"Oh gosh..." Fluttershy nibbled on the edge of a hoof. "Just why is Rainbow's blood doing that?"

"Ain't just Rainbow," Applejack said, reminding the others. "The same thang's happening with her buddies."

"Also Seraphimus!" Pinkie Pie pointed at the randomly-glowing body lying unconscious to the side.

Applejack sighed heavily. "Eeeyup. Her too."

"We're all from the Light Side," Twilight said. She blinked. "Or—rather—we were all born on the Light Side." She cocked her head aside. "I wonder if that has anything to do with it."

"You're certain you're not sensing anything out of the ordinary, darling?" Rarity asked.

Twilight shook her head. "We're not... enchanted by something... if that's what you're wondering."

Fluttershy nodded. "We're just as alive here as we were on the other side of the world before taking the plunge."

"Well, most of us," Pinkie added with a wince.

The mares shuddered. Their eyes wandered over to the dormant corpse of Axan. Thunder rolled in the distance as a cold wind continually pelted the moist stonescape.

"That light... just now..." Applejack tilted her hat back. Her brow furrowed. "...you reckon that was her spirit?"

"I..." Twilight Sparkle bit her bottom lip. "I-I think it was some other kind of phenomenon."

"Really, Twilight?" Applejack looked at her. "She just died here on the Dark Side—a land brimmin' with chaos and shadow. You dun think that maybe... just maybe... there's somethin' more to it?"

"But... but..." Twilight exhaled through clenched teeth as she shook her head. "It's such a wild speculatory conclusion to make, Applejack! What if the heat signature of a dragon simply manifests itself differently on this plane! It doesn't necessarily have to involve—"

"Do we or do we not make our ways to the Harmonic Plains after we die?" Applejack asked.

"Well... I mean..." Twilight Sparkle fidgeted in mid-hover. "Princess Celestia always maintained that... th-that..." She gulped. "That is, most Equestrian cultures are of the belief—"

"So what's the stretch, then?" Applejack remarked with a shrug. "If it's the most likely possibility, then shouldn't we consider that we're witnessin' somethin' in the living flesh that folks on the Light Side have only ever dreamt about for centuries?"

Twilight gulped. "I don't like what the thought is stretching to, Applejack."

Applejack said nothing.

"But Twilight..." Rarity looked at her. "As a researcher and a scientist... shouldn't you have an open mind? Shouldn't you consider all possibilities?"

"I do," Twilight insisted. She shook her head while gazing forlornly at Axan's corpse. "I still don't like it."

"If... if that was Axan's spirit," Pinkie Pie murmured in a hauntingly melancholic voice. "...then where did it go?"


Rainbow Dash stood still, breathing intently.

A heavy set of hoofsteps shuffled to a stop behind her. "So... uh..." Logan cleared his throat. "You and the girls done deliberating?"

Rainbow swallowed. "Far from it, Big Show." She reexamined the glowing wounds on her forelimb. "At this rate... I'm not sure we're ever going to stop."

"Any light you have to shed on us and... uh... these weird lights would be killer."

Rainbow merely clenched her teeth.

"Sorry." Logan sighed, kicking at the cold stone beneath them. "I don't mean to rush you—"

"No. We..." Rainbow sighed, turning away from Axan. "We need to get moving sooner than later."

"This is all a crazy shock to take in, Rainbow. For all of us—I mean. And..." Logan exhaled heavily once again. "I'm sorry also for... y'know... being a total butthead back there."

"You're concerned for the party. It's cool—"

"No it ain't." Logan frowned. "I'm just so..." His leg muscles tensed and untensed. "...so... friggin' pissed. But—thing is—I know I'm not the only one."

Rainbow was silent.

"If you believe there's a reason for sparing Frostknife's favorite turkey buzzard... then that's fine. Ain't my place to talk you down. You're the Austraeoh and—if the whole world's salvation rests in your hooves—then why not add a griffin to the mix?"

"I appreciate your objections, Big Show," Rainbow muttered, glancing at him sideways. "I... understand why you would not want to keep her around."

"You're allowed to be pissed off at her too, y'know."

"It doesn't matter," Rainbow said.

No response.

"We just... gotta find a way to get her bound up all nice and tight... so she won't hurt anypony. Including herself." Rainbow pivoted about to face the wreckage of the Gondola. She rose her voice to speak above the howling winds. "Then we gotta go back in there and salvage all we can. Some of the golden metal snapped off. Maybe we can use them to create a wagon or a sled of some sort... so we can carry all of the supplies. Once Flynn gets his magic working again—"

Logan's large hoof rested on Rainbow's shoulder. "Rainbow..."

She blinked.

He continued, "I may not have liked Remna very much. Hell... a lot of us definitely hated her guts at one point or another. But you're the reason for this journey. And if you need time... you've got it."

"It... doesn't... matter," Rainbow snarled. She leaned away from his hoof. "All we need to do is keep moving. We know our destination. My girls and I are almost certain I can see it. Every moment we spend here is just wasted ti—"

Rainbow's words, her frown, her very breathing—all of it melted away the moment she felt Ariel floating up from behind and hugging her in a soft, warm embrace. Rainbow's pupils shrank as she stared out into the starry expanse.

Fluttershy, Pinkie, and the rest closed in. "Rainbow..." Fluttershy sniffled. "Would it help if we cried first?"

Rainbow clenched her teeth. She fought it, but the Firmaments were less forgiving on this side of the plane. The elements blew right through her. "She g-gave me so much... and yet she t-took so much away. And yet... I couldn't be h-here without her help. Or without...without..." She shut her eyes as the tears sprang loose. A whimper or two later, and Rainbow was burying her face into Ariel's forelimbs. "I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to take Bard from you guys. I... I understand now what Axan d-did... but Bard?" A sob, and she was shaking now. "Wildcard... Ariel... everyone—I'm so sorry. I hoped it would have gone better... so m-much better... but now I d-don't know what to hope for..."

"It's not your fault, Rainbow," Ariel murmured, sniffling herself.

"Barrd was brrave, and he knew what was at stake," Kepler said, shuffling closer. "Axan too. They believed in you... and so do we."

"You... you will regret it," Rainbow cried as Ariel hugged her. "I swear—"

"That'll be for us to decide," Flynn said with a soft smile. "For right now—and forever—you're stuck with us. That's a promise."

Rainbow felt like protesting—but then she felt the soft feathers of Wildcard as he came in to join Ariel in the hug. That's when she lost it entirely, and it took the collective circle of the Herald to keep her steady in the tearful minutes to follow. Her ghostly friends—and the stars—looked on.

They wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

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