• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,690 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

  • ...

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Try Not to Cave



Wheezing breaths.

All was dark—until a unicorn horn shone a cone of pale blue light across the dilapidated domain. Even then, all was full of dust, soot, and ash.

Flynn covered his muzzle with a fetlock as he limped towards what remained of the cave entrance. He kept his natural eye closed while his mechanical lens rotated in and out, searching the full spectrum of available light.

"Grnnghh... mrmmfff... R-Rainbow Dash?" He coughed and hacked. Tears formed along one side of his face as he searched harder and harder through the dense ash. He had to lean left and right to shine his meager light around stalagctites and other random rock formations. "Rainbow Dash??? Kaff! Kaff! Guh... are... are you alive?"


He stood limply in the middle of the cave with drooping ears.

"... ... ...am I alive?"

Just then, there was movement.

"!!!" Flynn spun about and aimed his light at the source.

A petite body stood up, shaking dust and debris loose from a prismatic mane. Soon she was helping up a limping griffin whose shallow cuts illuminated the rockfaces around them.

"Rainbow!" Flynn galloped over in a single breath. He leaned in, helping both souls up until they stood as evenly as possible. "Holy shit, girl! Do you always gotta make it a heart-stopper?"

"So long as I've g-got a heart..." Rainbow muttered, wincing. She let Seraphimus lean on her side as they hobbled into a more open spot of the cave. "Hooooooooo boyooooooooo..." She coughed and wheezed. "...are all tunnels on the Dark Side made out of asbestos?"

"Was it worth it?" Flynn asked. He leaned in closer to examine Seraphimus. "Did she make it in one piece?"

"Hrnnnghkkt..." She spat blood and cracked her joints beneath her neck feathers. "Cease your redundant prattling, heretic..."

Flynn sighed. "Eeeyup. Fillies and gentlecolts, we've got an ass parrot."

"Rainbow Dash?!" Ariel flew in. A beat later, and she was gasping wide. "Rainbow!" Swoooooooosh! A gray streak collided with the mare, hugging her tight. "You made it! You made it! You made it! Heeeheeheee!"

"Grnnngh... yeah..." Rainbow wheezed in the other pegasus' fetlocks. "Spttkt... h-how are the others...?"

"Oh! Uhm..." Blushing, Ariel leaned back and stood at attention. "I got Wildcard patched up. He's gonna be okay. Kepler's working on more rune stones and... uh..." She reached forward, dusting Rainbow's coat clean of ash with her feathers. "...we're... like... stuck in a cave."

"Not precisely." Rainbow was still fighting to catch her breath. "Rarity said something about a hollow tunnel system..."

"We must concern ourselves with the ceaseless tide," Seraphimus said.

"What's she talking about—?" Ariel began, but didn't finish.

With angry thuds, the sea of beasts directly outside punched and clawed and clamored at the collapsed entrance to the cave. Ariel shrieked, jumping up and hovering nervously in place. She and the others looked nervously at the fallen chunks of rock forming a fresh wall.

"They..." Rainbow grimaced. "...th-they can't possibly get through all of that, can they?"

Seraphimus' charcoal brown eyes narrowed. "Even I refuse to believe that you're that stupid."

"Don't worry," Flynn said, gesturing. "I've got Keps working on a solution."


Kepler scampered up, grasping several runes. "Look, brrotherr!"

"HA!" Flynn grinned wide, levitating the rocks. "Just in time!"

"You're gonna set another blast?" Rainbow asked.

"Absolutely." Flynn nodded, placing the freshly-primed rocks in evenly-spaced locations throughout that portion of the cave. "Can't risk them getting any closer."

"The thicker the better," Ariel said. She blinked. "Erm, you know what I mean—"

"Just move!" Rainbow exclaimed, already galloping. "Come on! We wanna distance ourselves as much as we can in case there's an extra big cave-in—"

"For once, a wise idea," Seraphimus said, hobbling after her and Rainbow.

Kepler lingered in the middle of the cave. "Do you need assistance with—?"

"No, I've got it. Head for the wagon!" Flynn said, already backtrotting. With a final touch of telekinesis, he tightened the explosives in place. Then—taking a deep breath—he shouted: "H'rhnum"

The runes flashed, illuminating Flynn's galloping figure. Behind him, the tunnel exploded yet again. POWWWWW! Chunks of rock fell in a cascade but stopped at a bend in the corridor. The resulting collapse put several meters of dense debris between them and the exterior of the mountain.

Seconds passed.


The Herald slumped in pure darkness, catching their breaths.

At long last, Flynn illuminated his horn. He took a count of everypony to make sure they were accounted for.

"Where's... Big Show... and Wildcard?" Rainbow stammered.

Ariel pointed down a winding corridor of rock. "Down that way. Minding the cart."

Rainbow looked to the side. "... ... ...let me guess. The wagon's not that far?"

"Couldn't be. Why?" Ariel blinked. "Are you feeling faint?"

Rainbow sighed. She watched Discord juggling his eyeballs and antlers while riding a ghostly unicycle. "Just a hunch..."

"Hmmm-hmmm-hmmm..." Discord hummed, then glanced sideways at Rainbow through hollow eye-sockets. "What?" He threw what he was juggling high into the air and tilted his head up towards the cave ceiling. "You expect me to be impressed by all that explosiveness? Let's face it, Sparky, you always survive your ordeals." P-P-Plonk! His antlers landed in his eyesockets and his eyeballs atop his scalp. "Whoops."

"Rnnngh..." Rainbow face-hoofed tiredly.

"Still..." The dragonequus grinned. Slamming a fist against his chest, he replaced his eyes with his antlers—Plop!—so he could squint at her. "...you should call me the day when your harmonic lucky streak finally ends. Because—boy oh boy—will that be a sight to behold."

Rainbow clenched her eyes shut.

"I wonder... can you even fill the big curve of Euro-Hungary with enough popcorn to nourish such a bloody matinee—?"

"Somepony tell me," Rainbow's voice growled, even catching Seraphimus by surprise. She opened her eyes, flickering red-on-yellow. "Where in the blue buck did those trolls come from?"

"Trolls?" Ariel blinked.

"Yes, Ariel. Trolls," Rainbow grumbled. "Worthless creatures with no reason to exist except to spread misery."

"Huh... you don't say..." Flynn brushed past Seraphimus, glaring sideways at her. "...must have been looking for a long-lost sibling."

"I'm sorry," Seraphimus droned. "Were you attempting to insult me?"

Kepler spoke before Flynn could retort. "Trrolls... how currious..." He took his spectacles off and used the leathery length of his wing to brush the ash off the lenses. "Ach! But of courrse! Ferral cousins to goblins! Arrcane gatekeeperrs of underrgrround trreasurre trroves!"

Rainbow spun around, squinting at the wyvern. "You've heard of them?"

"Myself? Nay..." He placed his glasses back on and shook his head. "But the Mountain Matrron taught me plenty. A bane of horrse-kind all acrross the hearrt of the Light Side. I suspect they have a historry even in Equestrria."

"According to Twilight, yeah." Rainbow nodded. "But... from the sound of things... they haven't shown their ugly mugs in our lifetime."

"That's because the chaos lorrds who conjurred them werre defeated ages ago by the alicorrns," Kepler said. "A solarr spell—invented by yourr matrriarrch, no doubt—made surre they turrned to stone at the slightest touch of sunlight. Eons since, they've been forrced to live in ruin far underrgrround wherre no otherr living things could venturre." He blinked thoughtfully. "Alas... on this parrt of the plane, they must flourrish... fully gifted with the demonic bloodlust that was bound to theirr essence once upon an unforrtunate time."

"So... they live here... and they're off the chain," Rainbow said.


"Then... what got them all to pop out of the ground like demonic ground hogs and chase us like that?!?" Rainbow's voice cracked.

Ariel and Flynn exchanged glances.

"Isn't it obvious...?"

Both looked at Seraphimus.

The former Talon Commander glared at the group. "...you did something to attract them just now. The entire hoarde. Like moth to a flame."

"You... mean...?" Flynn began.

Seraphimus pointed down the length of the tunnel. "That damnable material that was responsible for the floating rocks. You've dabbled in pure chaos and now it's lit your caravan up like a hellish bonfire." She strolled icily across the dimly-lit corridor. "Is there a single thing your pathetic group has not done since the Edge to sabotage all that you pretend to believe in?"

"Look, lady!" Flynn frowned. "We had run out of magical options!"

"More like you ran out of patience and good sense..."

He growled. "Either we used that shiet to fly the Hell outta there or we ended up Dark Side food for the traps!"

"Trolls," Ariel muttered.

"Whatever!!!" Flynn barked. He pointed an angry hoof at the griffin. "And don't go preaching to us! The only reason you proved to be so useful is that you're just as hungry for gore as those mindless freaks out there!"

Just then, Logan marched into the chamber, dangling a lantern from his axe handle. "Yeesh. What are you squawking about this time, baldy? Did she insult your horn size?"

Seraphimus cut everyone else off: "It does not matter, for soon I will not have to endure any moronic discussion whatsoever." She swiveled to face the large stallion. "I have followed my end of the deal. Are you keeping true to your promise?"

Logan stared at her. His eyes darted across the chamber.

Rainbow Dash blinked.

Taking a deep breath, Logan spoke out the side of his muzzle. "I am. Go on ahead."

Seraphimus merely nodded. "Very well." She left with a flick of her tail, carrying her wounds into the deeper darkness. "You have my word that I won't take much to carry..."

"Carry?" Ariel blinked. "Carry what?"

"Big Show..." Rainbow marched through Discord's figure and approached the stallion with a furrowed brow. "...just what did you promise Seraphimus for all this?"

He looked at her. He took a deep breath...

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