• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,692 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

  • ...

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Blind Leading the Blinder

"And prrecisely how am I to prroperrly assist these industrrial charracterrs with theirr faulty furrnace???" Kepler rasped as Rainbow Dash led him towards a "quiet" corner of the sweltering factory.

"I don't know!" Rainbow Dash smiled at him. "You tell me!"

The wyvern blinked thinly at her. "I would verry much have apprreciated yourr discussing this latest venturre with me beforre you so brrazenly decided to volunteerr my experrtise!"

"Oh suck it up, ya hairy splooge," Logan droned, joining the group as several of Kirbo's Smelt-Blood companions shuffled up to the workbench with torches and glass-blowing equipment. "You've gotten us through even crazier miracles before. Here—at least you've got a little work area and all the equipment you could possibly ask for in this world."

"Probably the only equipment in the world," Rainbow Dash droned, gazing across the amber-lit reaches of the heated interior. "This place should be heaven to you."

"Hrmmmffff..." Kepler set down his bags full of alchemic equipment. "Even still. You have both put me in a rrattherr uncomforrtable place!"

"Keps..." Rainbow leaned towards him so that she was visible before his squinting eyes. "...I wouldn't have chosen you for this task if I didn't think you were capable of being friggin' awesome." A blink. She smiled fuzzily. "In the eggheaded way of doing things."

"Think about it, bucko." Logan gestured. "You're getting a fresh pair of eyes from this deal."

"If you ask me..." Rainbow leaned in even further to murmur in the wyvern's ear. "...you should hold back your awesomeness. Just a tad. Improve their fuel-burning methods... but leave them wanting. That way, we can milk these greedy metal-huffers for more later if the opportunity arises."

Kepler grimaced. "That sounds horrribly unethical and manipulative...!"

"Also greedy, profitable, and insidious... just like these guys." Rainbow leaned back with a cute smirk. "See? We're speaking their language! We'll be like ambassadors!"

"Ha-hah!" Kepler couldn't help but produce a tusk'd smile. "As always, you arre everr convincing in yourr spontaneous charrisma, Rrainbow One. No wonderr the powerrs that be grranted you with the powerr and grrace of Austrraeoh."

"You're not half-snazzy yourself, there, bud." Rainbow slapped his shoulder. "Now, first and foremost, use your smarty-smart-smart-smarts to get these imps to fashion you the right kind of lenses," she said. "We're plot-deep in the Dark Side and I doubt there'll be anything close to an optometrist in another million clicks."

"I shall endeavorr to solve both my eyes and the Smelt-Blooderrs' dilemma with poise and accurracy," Kepler said in an eloquent tone as he sat up to the work bench. "Might I add that I grreatly apprreciate the patience that you and the rrest of the Herrald have shown in tolerrating my handicap as of late."

"Dude... I rolled with a blind zebra for—like—a gazillion miles." Rainbow patted his shoulder again. "Trust me. You're a fuzzy walk in the park."

"Ach. That's a cold and trreacherrous parrk rripe with chaos monsterrs."

"Just get to work, ya yammering space walrus," Logan said. He walked Rainbow Dash towards the other side of the foundry, speaking in close proximity. "Sooooooo... suppose he can't figure out how to fix their fuel-intake-smex. What do we do then?"

"Keps will fix it, dude," Rainbow's voice cracked. "Don't worry."

"But... supposing he doesn't."

Rainbow shrugged. "We wait for the Dihmer boat to get here. We win them over with Wildcard's juggling act." She yawned. "Something something explosions..."

Logan frowned. "Are you being serious or just tired."

"Meh..." Rainbow teetered. "Can I take the physical challenge?"

"Think you're even capable of sleep at this point?"

"Mrmmff..." Rainbow rubbed her fuzzy eyelids, blinking crookedly. "Even if I do... I-I'm not sure how to deal with what I find."

"No pressure or nothing... but you're our only connection with those batty batty bat psychos at this point."

"You're saying that I should just... stay awake forever?" Rainbow grumbled. "So that way they won't track me?"

"Of course not, girl." Logan sighed. "But it might help you to meditate and get in the right head-space so that way you'll be on the level once you do finally konk out."

"I'm not sure how easy that'll be at this point," Rainbow Dash slurred. "Between the pounding of the ocean and the nightmare noise of this friggin' place... I might as well just stay a zombie."

"You can't lurch into the Midnight Armory."

"Not without the shards of Endrax, at least."

Logan nodded, exhaling, "Well... if Kepler does indeed fix things around here, then that means we've just secured ourself an out."


"I'm talking about the Blob. We can make our way across it finally."

"That's assuming the Dihmers will allow us penumbral 'failures' on board."

"I'm not talking the Dihmers, I'm talking about the goblins! From the sound of it, they ferry stuff to and from Petra all the time."

"I'm... not sure if I'm down with becoming shipmates with these dudes yet," Rainbow Dash said.

"Why not?" Logan smirked slightly. "Any of us could easily punt these sissy-marmots across half the curve!"

Rainbow merely glared at him.

"Right... right..." Logan rolled his eyes. "You've already dealt with their kind before. I should know better than to trivialize that."

"It's complicated..." Rainbow stirred in place, staring at the bustling imps as they worked all around the vaporously hot foundry. "...somepony I care about very deeply—a pony I left behind far back—chose to stay in one place and look after a bunch of these creatures." She gulped. "I didn't feel it at first... but I've got an eerie feeling crawling up my soul-spine... self... thingy... meh."

"Well..." Logan patted her side. "Go out for a walk, then. Get your mind off the imps and I'll look after things here."

"Thanks, Big Show..." Rainbow Dash limped on. "You're a real prize, you know that?"

"That's what love means, y'know." He winked after her. "Getting used to smelling another one's farts!"

"Thanks Big Show... ... ..."

"Don't mention it." As Rainbow Dash walked away, Logan became aware of a light-brown figure standing in a slump to his side. He looked over, eyes narrowing. "Hey there, baldy. Holding down the fort?"

"... ... ..." Flynn stood silent, gazing intently at the large open doors to the black metal docks extending towards the ocean.

Logan arched an eyebrow. "Hey! One-eyed-willy!"

"... ... ...?" Flynn finally tilted his head towards him. "Hmmm?"

"Everything okay, belch-nugget?" Logan blinked. "You looked like you've seen a ghost. I thought that was the Austraeoh's job."

"I... I..." Flynn shivered in place. He gazed out the doors again. "I don't know what I've seen."

"Hrmmmfff..." Logan shrugged and marched past him. "Better clean out the nerd-smegma from your lens, bro. We'll need your cyclopticness for the journey to come."

"Right..." Flynn nodded breathily, staring into the soot-stained twilight with a worried expression. "Right on..."

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