• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,691 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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Strip For Your Thoughts?

Using nimble claws, a goblin filed the last rough edge of an elliptical lens to a smooth curve. He grasped the thing in tiny metal tweezers, then applied a thin layer of adhesive to the outer side of the small glass sheet. Finally, he lifted the item and fitted it neatly into the metal framework of a pair of antique spectacles. Giving the article a little squeeze, the imp then held it over towards the wyvern seated at the work bench beside him.

"Thet about does it!" He smirked, razor-sharp teeth showing. "Give it a go, cobbah!"

Kepler gently took the newly-fitted glasses from the Smelt-Blooder and placed them on the furry bridge of his nose. His eyes narrowed... then blinked wider and wider as he peered through the lenses. "My starrs and garrterrs..."

"You seein' alrigh?"

"A touch betterr than beforre, my industrrious frriend!" Kepler exclaimed. "My worrd! You cerrtainly have an eye forr glass-blowing!"

"It's not always our eaahs that are good for somethin', aye?" The goblin winked. "Now how about usin' that fuzzy noggin' of yours to work on our burn-o?"

"Ach!" Kepler cracked the joints in his neck. "Will do!" He kicked off the stool and glided effortlessly towards the bench where his belongings had been assembled. "Firrst of all, would you kindly prrovide me with a sample of yourr fuel sourrce?"

"Comin' righ up!" The imp snapped at another worker across the foundry. "Maybe you could sheah some of your potion-makin' secrets in the meantime."

"Indeed!" Kepler smiled as he arranged his vials and beakers in a neat order. "You can lead a grriffon to waterr, but you can't make him skin his own fish!"


"A thousand parrdons," Kepler rasped. "It is an old Rrohbrredden prroverrb."

"The 'ell kind of a name is 'Robe-reddin'?"

"One that dwells farr too much on its own eloquence, I'm afrraid."

"Oi. I feel ya on that one, cobbah! I fancy me townships named aftah brutal, honest simplicity!"

"What do you and yourr brrotherrs rreferr to this Dihmerr establishment?"

"What, this ol' hole?!" The goblin shrugged. "Blobstain! What else?!"

Kepler shuddered. "Well, you cerrtainly werren't blowing hot airr."

Up above the scene, Rainbow Dash stood with Kirbo, overlooking the foundry. Much of the smelting had diminished, which filled the metallic chamber with the closest thing to silence that Rainbow had felt since arriving in that goddess-awful town. The fluctuations of the living ocean still throbbed beyond the thick bulkheads, but it had been reduced to a gentle roar—like the crashing of actual, natural waves.

"I think Keps would fit in well here," Rainbow Dash murmured. "He's talkative. You people are talkative..."

Kirbo glared at her, teeth showing. "What do you mean 'you people?'"

Rainbow paled slightly. "Uhhhhh..."

"HAH!" The imp slapped her shoulder with his scarred arm. "I'm just foolin'! Yeesh... you colorful horse birds! So bloody damn serious!"

Rainbow Dash smiled crookedly. "I gotta admit. I'm kinda relieved."

"Pffft!" Kirbo shrugged unevenly. "Over what?! This place is just as miserable as anywheah else!" He paced—limping—across the catwalk. "So far, ya seem like some decent blokes with good tradie wits about ya, so no reason to put me lead slugs in your noggins!"

"Jee..." Rainbow droned. "Thanks."

"Ease up on the sass, sheila." Kirbo pointed over her shoulder. "I'm still not too thrilled with how you treated me guards dan at the entrance to me factory."

"There's a lot riding on us gathering information here," Rainbow said. "I felt the need to be... assertive."

"Well, count your lucky stars, love," Kirbo said, leaning up against a juncture of railings in a corner of the catwalk. "That sort of posturin' works more with the likes of the batso's, but it don't quite cut it with Avril's guilds. In the end we speak in streeps or we don't speak at all, aye?"

"Sure... uhm..." Rainbow Dash trotted closer to him. "...about the bats-o's... the Bloodwings, I mean..."

"I take it youse met them before."

Rainbow's eyes narrowed. "How do you know that?"

Kirbo shrugged. "Why the 'ell else are ya tryin' to get your arses to Peetra in such a hurry?" His ears twitched. "Plenty of Rivah-Bloodahs have crossed paths with them bats-o's while out in the hills tryin' to melt ice. Very few come back and the ones who do are covered in theah own urine. Should just change their names to Piss-Bloodahs! Hah!"

Rainbow leaned her head to the side. "So the Bloodwings do come after you."

"Eh... nar..." He shook his head, scratching his chin. "At least not like they used to, aye? Back when me Pops and Mum were first buildin' this heah factory, them bats-o's used to prey on me kin somethin' fierce. They took a fancy to our streeps, you see."

"So... they were after money?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Nar... somethin' way crazier than that," Kirbo said. "They'd go straight after a Blood Clan's supply of Marrow."

"Marrow?" Rainbow blinked. "What's Marrow?"

"Metal Mum's Tits... every sentence that comes out of ya convinces me that you were born on anothah plane, sheila!"

"Yeah." Rainbow droned. "Imagine that."

"Marrow's nothin' less than the magic metal that used to bind us! All of us gobb-o's!" Kirbo explained. "Just as it's written in the ancient etchin's... we were all pitiful prisonahs of a grand, dark evil. Then one day—our captahs up and vanished! We clawed our way straight out of the ash and soot of our destitution—all thanks to the inspirin' torch of Peetra lightin' our way. Peetra talked to us all in our hearts. Such ingenuity shone like a light in the darkness. It told us to tame the barks and shackles of our prison and turn them into somethin' new... somethin' innovatin'... somethin' life-giving!"

Rainbow smiled. "Medicine?"

"Nar!" Kirbo grasped his necklace and held it out at arm's length. "Money, love!"

Rainbow flinched, gripping a bar of the catwalk to stay balance. "You d-don't... say..." She stammered.

"Of course..." Kirbo smirked. "...it took a bit of tamin'."

"Taming? How?"

CLANG! Kirbo smacked his bone-pale strip of metal against the catwalk's railing. Before Rainbow's eyes, two translucent serpents and a winged arachnid flew like ghosts from the shiny surface of the goblin's pendant.

"Marrow-brutes," the imp castually explained. The creatures' luminescent figures illuminated the texture of his long-scarred body. "A gross shadow of the beast-os that shared our ancestah's cells. They live in all our streeps—this heah more so, but that's because it's a Blood token. It's raw-er Marrow than the usual currency. We scratch our etchin's to bind the brutes within... otherwise they'd run amok and make life a livin' rubbish orgy for every imp involved... at least more so than it already is, aye?"

"That's..." Rainbow winced, her eyes flickering red-on-yellow. She raised a wing to shade that detail from the imp. "... fr-freaky."

"Seems to be somethin' the bats-os are hankerin' for." Holding his breath, Kirbo slapped both palms completely around the strips. The tiny shrieking creatures vanished—as did their glow. When he spread his hands, the necklace dangled innocently around his neck once more. "When I was just a little-ass turd, the bats-o's performed a crazy raid of the Brass-Bloodahs' vault. Took all their raw Marrow and left the clan virtually nekked. They've since vanished from the face of the earth—the Brass blokes, that is. Sucks for them... but all the more business for us, aye! Hahaha..."

"And..." Rainbow spoke calmer, standing up straight. "...the Bloodwings—did they ever come back?"

"Nar." Kirbo shook his head. "Not to raid any of us and certainly not to attack the Dihmahs."

"They spare the Dihmers, don't they?"

"Righ. No sport in it, I suppose. None in me and me friends eithah." Kirbo breathed. "Ever since that so-called 'Lexxic' yobbo took the reins of them sky horses, them batso's have been broodin' up in theah crazy night-tree... preyin' upon the wildlife and tearin' the landscape towards the Edge to shreds." He shuddered slightly. "Thing about it that pisses me off is that it's thinnin' out the game in the wastes. The Dihmahs eithah don't know about it or they don't care, but soonah or latah that's gonna make streepin' with the tradies damned hard."

"What then?"

Kirbo shrugged. "The Smelt-Bloodahs will have to move elsewheah. We can't go back to Peetra, that's for sure. There's gotta be a new place of business this side of the Blob."

"Why can't you go back to Petra?"

"Our blood's too dirty, love."

"Too dirty?"

"Yuppums." He nodded. "It's written in the etchin's."

"That's..." Rainbow grimaced. "...pretty unfair."

"Fair's got nothin' to do with it. The flame of Peetra casts shadows in different sizes, and some of our grandpappies seized the fire soonah than the rest when they first burst out of the Marrow. All the little gobb-o tykes have been makin' do in the darkness ever since." Kirbo smiled. "Could be worse, though. Me and me cobbahs could be stuck skinnin' and butcherin' like them Fur-Bloodahs—or worse—the Tail-Bloodahs! Hah!"

"Heh... heheh... yeah..." Rainbow gulped. "So... uh... you're okay with the fact that you're never gonna see Petra again?" She blinked. "The city, I mean."

"The fire's in our reach no matter wheah we are," Kirbo said. "But we're gobb-o's, love. We can make do." He looked her up and down. "Can't say the same for glue sticks, though."

Rainbow's eyes thinned. "How do you mean?"

"Avril—the Metal Mum?"

"What about her?"

"She's a good ol' conservative type. Shoor, she might let dirtier bloods come to visit the bright city on special occasions... but non-imps?" He slowly shook his head. "I can geet you a ticket across the Blob courtesy of the Dihmahs, but steppin' into Peetra itself? That ain't happenin', love."

"You're saying... ponies aren't allowed?"

"What I'm sayin'..." Kirbo leaned in. "...is that no glue stick's been allowed up on the burnin' branches of Peetra... evah."

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