• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 10,700 Views, 480 Comments

Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one - Brony117

Warning! Takes place After Assassins creed III. Contains some spoilers if you didn't play or finished the game!

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Chapter 6 : welcome to ponyville part 3

Chapter 6: Welcome to Ponyville part 3

After the fight, Comber and his friends were tied up together with a rope Applejack brought just in case anything like this were to happen. The crowd clapped their hooves together to thank the three ponies who stopped the thugs that threaten the village with violence.

Rainbow Dash started to enjoy the energy the crowd was giving off, so she decided to do something about it.

“Okay ponyville, when is say Rainbow you say dash! Rainbow-“






“Aw yeah!”

Applejack decided to take this opportunity to sell her apples since there is a crowd large enough to earn some bits.

“Apples! Come get yer apples! Only two bits!

Hearing this made the crowd hungry and mouth water, there was no way they were going to miss this opportunity. Especially when the price is only two bits!

Connor just stood in front of Comber and his friends, out cold and tied up while waiting for the guards to pick them up. He kept an eye on them just in case they woke up and caused any more trouble.




He was tackled down by Scootaloo, who happened to be in an excited mood.

“Connor that was awesome! When you were out there you were like ‘pow pow pow’ and then you like ‘block block block, slash slash slash!”

Scootaloo continued to ramble about what happened at the fight and saying how ‘cool’ he was when used his blades, she also said the fight almost looked like it came out of a comic book.

After getting Scootaloo off of him and quickly dusted him self off, Connor ruffled Scootaloos hair as she laughed and playfully waved her arms at his hoof.

After their moment Scootaloo spoke again.

“You know, I bet that mare you saved is happy that you too care of those thugs.”

“Of course, I’m sure that she’s-“

(“Wait! Mare!?”)

Connor turned around to see the mare still unconscious on the ground thanks to Comber and his thugs, how could he forget about her! He then turned to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash surrounded by the crowd of ponies, Applejack was selling her apples while Rainbow Dash was showing off her flight skills.

He shouted their names.

“Applejack! Rainbow Dash! The mare!”

After hearing their names and almost forgetting about the mare, Rainbow Dash flew towards Connor as Applejack took out a first aid kit from her apple stand and followed the cyan Pegasus.

As both Applejack and Rainbow Dash got close the saw Connor and Scootaloo next to the mare trying to wake her up, but it was no use.

Suddenly Rainbow Dash recognized the mare, she is a Pegasus!

Her coat is grey, her hair and tail color is blonde, and her cutie mark is a pair of bubbles, her name is-

“Derpy!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she flew and landed next to the gray coated Pegasus.

“You know this mare?” said Connor.

Rainbow Dash nodded and replied back.

“Yeah, one of my friends since I was a filly.”

“I see…I’m sorry what has happened to her.” Said Connor.

“Its ok,” said Rainbow Dash. ”At least we took care of those jerks.”


Rainbow Dash faced Derpy and tired to wake her up.

“Derpy wake up, come on don’t do this to me.”

No response.

“Derpy wake up please…”

Again, no response.


Applejack, Connor, and Scootaloo lowered their heads as they couldn’t do anything, they were too late.

“Who’s going to eat these fresh baked blueberry muffins now…”


Suddenly the gray Pegasus opened her eyes and quickly stood up on her hooves as she looked around for some muffins.

“Muffins! Where are you muffins! I’m coming for you!”

Seeing this made the three pegasi and the earth pony smile, it looked like she was ok. Although she has some bruises thanks to comber ans his thugs.

As Derpy continued to look for muffins, Rainbow Dash stopped her before she could run off.

“Derpy relax, there’s no muffins.”

“No muffins? Aww…”

“Hehehe relax, I’ll get you some after we fix you up.”

“Fix me up?”

“You mean…you don’t remember what happened?”

“Well…I do remember bumping into a couple of ponies earlier; they were upset when it happened after that everything went blank.”

Applejack told her what happened after she passed out.

“Derpy, Ah need you to listen carefully ok?”


Applejack cleared her throat.

“Derpy…you were attacked.”


“That’s right; you were beaten up by the same ponies you bumped into.”

Hearing this shocked Derpy.

“W-Why would they do that…”

“Ah don’t know sugar cube, but me and the others took care of them.”

“You mean-“

“That’s right! We took them down! Ain’t that right everypony!”


“Connor? Scootaloo?”

Applejack turned around to see both pegasi staring at Derpy.

The reason?

Her golden colored eyes.

(“Uh oh.”)

After staring for a while, Scootaloo spoke.

“Y-Your eyes!”

“My eyes?” said Derpy. “What’s wrong with them?”

As this was going on, Connor looked at Applejack and Rainbow Dash waving their arms around telling him to not say anything about her eyes.

Scootaloo continued to speak.

“Your eyes, there-“

Connor quickly covered her mouth and finished her sentence.

“-They are the most beautiful looking eyes we have ever seen!”

“Really? Aw shucks!” said Derpy as she blushes from the comment.

Connor looked at Scootaloo and slowly shook his head, telling her ‘don’t say anything about her eyes’. Scootaloo slowly nodded as she got the message.

After exchanging looks Connor spoke to Derpy.

“How are you feeling? Those bruises look painful for you.”

“Well I’m a bit sore all over, but I feel fine.”

She then used her wings to fly in the air until-


She fell down onto the ground hard, Connor and the others ran up to Derpy to see what happened.

“Derpy, are you alright!” shouted Connor.

“M-My wing…” said Derpy as she revealed her wing.

“Oh no!” said Rainbow Dash as she flew and landed next to Derpy as she examined her wing.

“What’s wrong with her?” said Applejack.

After a minute of examination, Rainbow Dash spoke.

“Her wing…it’s broken…”

Everypony went silent for a moment, until Connor spoke.

“Is there anything we can do?”

Rainbow Dash thought for a moment and said.

“Applejack, in your first aid kit, find some elastic bandages.”

“You got it partner.”

Rainbow Dash then faced Scootaloo.

“Scoots, I need you to find some small planks that are not too far from here since there some construction going on. Ask them that you need some planks, if they ask way tell them is for medical purposes.”


Rainbow Dash looked at Connor.

“Connor, I need you to help me with Derpy.”

“Of course.”

Connor quickly walked towards Derpys side and did what he could to help her.

As he was helping Rainbow Dash Connor spoke to her.

“You seem to know what you are doing.”

“Pegasi are taught to know the basics of taking care of their wings, I never cared about the lessons until I had my first crash.”

“And yet you still continue to crash.” said Connor.

“Hehehe, how did you about that?” replied Rainbow Dash.

“When I was at the hospital recovering from my wounds, one if the nurses thought I performed a dangerous stunt that sent there.”

“Did you?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“No, I was still recovering from a stabbed wound I received a long time ago when it opened as I tried to find shelter from the rain. That’s how Scootaloo and I met.”

“Wait. Scootaloo isn’t your kid?”

Connor shook his head.

“I found her in an alley all alone, no pony taking care of her. She is an orphan.”

Hearing this shocked Rainbow Dash.

“Wow…I never knew that…how did you stabbed?”

“Another time perhaps, right know Derpy needs attention.”


After their conversation, both pegasi continued to help Derpys injuries.

Moments later.

“Ah found them elastic bandages you wanted.” said Applejack.

“Good,” said Raindbow Dash. “Now we wait for Scoots

“I got the planks you asked for.”

Rainbow Dash turned around to see Scootaloo with planks on her back as she ran towards the group.

“Perfect timing Scoots! Now come over here and help!”

As Scootaloo reunited with Connor, Rainbow Dash explained what to do next.

“Ok everypony we have to do this right, if we don’t there’s a good chance we might make it worse.”

Everypony nodded as they now know the risk.

“Aright here’s what we’ll do, Derpy, I’m going to have to pull your wing to make this work.”

“B-But it’s gonna hurt.” said Derpy with worry ness in her voice.

“I know, but it’s the only way to help your wing until we get you to a hospital.”


Rainbow Dash faced the group.

“Scoots, when I pull her wing place the planks between it.”

“Right.” said Scootaloo.

“Applejack, as soon as Scoots does that wrap the bandages around the planks and the wing.”

“Got it partner!” said Applejack

Connor, try to hold Derpy down so she won’t struggle too much.”

“Of course.”

“Ok, ready?”

Everypony nodded, including Derpy.


With that said Rainbow Dash pulled Derpys wing, which made her scream. Connor held Derpy onto the ground as she moved around uncontrollably from the pain, Scootaloo placed the planks between the wing as Applejack wrapped the bandages around the planks and the wing.

Connor suddenly felt his hoof pulled by another hoof.

It was Derpy’s.

Connors hoof felt a tight grip from Derpys hoof, he knew the pain would hurt but he didn’t know it would be that painful.

He then saw Derpy shed a tear; Connor couldn’t bear the situation she is in.

He then tighten his grip onto her hoof.

Derpy noticed what Connor did and looked at him, he was smiling. She returned the smile with her smile.

(“Thank you Mr. Connor…”)

“We did it…” said Rainbow Dash.

“It wasn’t an easy task, but I agree.” said Connor.

“Let’s not do that again.” said Applejack.

“I’m with you on that.” said Scootaloo.

After minutes of treating Derpys wing, Connor and the others managed to fix it. However it still needs medical attention, and proper care.

“How do you feel Derpy?” said Rainbow Dash.

“I’m ok…still a bit sore though.” said Derpy.

“That’s good to hear sugar cube,” said Applejack. “Try not to move around too much as we take you to the hospital.”


Their conversation was interrupted by Connor, while Scootaloo was next to him.

“I’m glad to see Derpy is doing well, although I’m afraid we must take our leave.”

“Wait! You’re leaving us!?” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“I must,” said Connor. “Forgive me if I sounded rude but me and Scootaloo have to be somewhere.”

“You’re gonna look fer the place ya’ll need to be?”

Connor nodded.

“Where are you going Mr. Connor?” said Derpy.

Before Connor could reply, Scootaloo spoke.

“Actually we don’t know, but were following the instructions written on this paper.”

“What paper?” said Rainbow Dash.

“This one.” Replied Scootaloo as she gave the paper to Rainbow Dash.

After a minute reading, Rainbow Dash spoke.

“Sorry don’t know where that place is.”

“Can I see that?” said Derpy.

Rainbow Dash gave Derpy the paper and read it.

“Hey! I know this place!”

“You do?” said Connor with a hint of hope in his voice.

“Yup! I was actually heading there my self to deliver a package.”

“Package?” said Scootaloo.

“That’s right, I’m a mail mare. See?” said Derpy as she brought out a brown bag.

After some thinking Connor spoke.

“Derpy, would it be alright if you could take us there?”

“Sure can do!” said Derpy.

“NO YOUR NOT!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“W-Why not?” replied Derpy.

“Your wing is broken in case you forgot, there’s no way I’ll let you!”

“But Rainbow Dash…please…”

“I said NO!”


“Actually, it be best if Derpy takes them.”

Rainbow Dash turned around to see Applejack behind her.

“Whose side are you on!?” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Derpy’s wing is broken; she has to get to the hospital!”

“Rainbow think about it,” said Applejack. “she’s tryin to return the favor by takin them where they need to be because Connor saved her.”

“What do you mean Connor saved her? We saved her!”

Applejack shook her head.

“That may be true but…”

“BUT WHAT!?” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“…Where were you when Derpy was being attacked?”

Hearing this surprised Rainbow Dash.

“W-What does that have to do with-“

“Ah said…where were you when Derpy was being attacked.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t reply.


“I…I was…taking a nap on a cloud as I always do.”

“Did you hear Derpy screamin?”

“…No…I was fast asleep…why are you telling me this…”

“Because you came at the last minute after Connor told Comber and his friends to stop.”

“But what does that have to do with him saving Derpy.”

Applejack took a moment to think and told her.

“While Derpy was being attacked, no pony including me did nothin to stop those thugs. That’s when Connor stood up against them; he was the only pony who stopped them from hurtin Derpy even more. That’s how he saved her Rainbow, and it gave me the strength to help.

Applejack was right, even though she wasn’t there from the beginning her words were true. If only she wasn’t a heavy sleeper she would be there to see it, everything Applejack said hurt like knifes.

Every word.

After some thinking, Rainbow Dash spoke.

“Your…your right…”

She turned around and faced Derpy.

“I’m sorry I shouted at you Derpy, I was worried about your condition.”

Derpy smiled as she hugged a Rainbow Dash, which surprised her.

“It’s ok Rainbow Dash, you were just looking out for me!”

Rainbow Dash returned the hug.

“Thanks Derpy.”

“Your welcome, now you owe me muffins.”

“Derpy I already do.”

“Oh…you owe me more.”

“Hehehe, deal.”

Rainbow Dash turned around to see Connor and Scootaloo.

“Sorry for the way I acted earlier.”

“It’s alright,” said Connor. “The worry ness of your friend made you act that way.”

“It’s just the way I am.” said Rainbow Dash.

“I call it being ‘loyal’ to your friends.”


“Don’t worry Rainbow Dash,” said Scootaloo. “You’re still cool in my book!”

Rainbow Dash smiled form Scootaloos Comment.

“Heh, thanks Scoots you’re ok in my book too.” Said Rainbow Dash as she faced Connor and said. ”If you’re still going to the place your headed then count me in, its faster that way.”

“How so?” said Connor.

“Well, with Derpys wing still broken I can carry her and she’ll tell me where to go while you two follow.”

Connor took a moment to think and replied.

“Very well, lead the way.”

“Right, Derpy climb on my back.” said Rainbow Dash.

Derpy walked towards Rainbow Dash and did as she was told, however as soon as she climbed Rainbow Dash fell flat on her stomach.

“Oops, my bad!” said Derpy.

“I-It’s fine Derpy, just get off for a sec.”

As Derpy got off, Rainbow Dash rubbed her back as she thinks.

(“Geeze…Derpy needs to cut back on the muffins…”)

“Ok change of plans, Connor you carry Derpy and follow her directions I’ll carry Scoots.”

“Uh..v-very well.” Connor replied.

After switching ‘riders’, Connor felt a bit unbalanced thanks to Derpy but he managed to hold her steady. Rainbow Dash of course had no problem Carrying Scootaloo.

“Ok all set,” said Rainbow Dash. “Ready?”

“I-I believe so.” said Connor while struggling to carry Derpy.

“Alright, let’s fly!”

Rainbow Dash suddenly flew into the air at full speed, leaving Connor and Derpy behind. Due to Rainbow Dash’s choice of getting to the location where he and Scootaloo need to be left him behind with a shocked facial expression , it looks like this wasn’t going to be a peaceful and safe trip.

“R-Rainbow Dash wait!” shouted Connor. (“So much for being loyal.”)

“Come on Mr. Connor, lets go!” said Derpy.

“O-O course, farewell Applejack.” said Connor as he spread his wings and prepared himself for the worst flight he will ever face.

“Be careful ya hear! Tell Rainbow Ah’ll see her at the hospital!” shouted Applejack as she left to finish her business.

Connor then flew up into the air with Derpy on his back screaming as if the flight was a ride.


Derpy then smacked Connors flank which suddenly brought pain and made him fly faster.

With Rainbow Dash.

“*sigh* Where’s Connor?” said Scootaloo.

“I don’t know,” said Rainbow Dash. “but he’s sure taking his sweet time.”

“Maybe it’ because he’s not use to carrying others,” said Scootaloo. “you know like extra weight?”

Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo and gave her an odd look.

“Are you saying Derpy is fat?”

“NO!NONONONONONONO!!!! Y-You got it all wrong! What I meant is-“

“Hahaha!!! Relax Scoots I’m just messin with you!” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Uh…yeah,”said Scootaloo. “y-you got me, hahaha…”

Suddenly Rainbow Dash turned from playful to a bit serious.

“Seriously thought, are you saying Derpy is fat?”



“Whoa! What was that!” shouted Rainbow Dash as she quickly forgotten what they were discussing.

“I-It looked liked Connor!” replied Scootaloo as she secretly smiled from the situation that made Rainbow Dash forget what she was talking about.

“Well if that was Connor at that speed the hold on Scoots, It’s going to be a rough ride!”

“Wait! Wha-“



After minutes of flying and looking for the location from Derpy’s directions, they managed to find it. A two story building with beautiful bright colors such as pink and light blue, two pony like figures on the second floor and another pony figure above a purple door.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were the first one to land in front of the building.

“Aw yeah! First ones to make it! Yes!” shouted Rainbow Dash.” What do you think Scoots? Am I good or what?”


“Uh Scoots?”

Rainbow Dash turned around to see Scootaloo on her back sitting and shaking nervously as she tried to hold on for dear life. Rainbow wondered if she took her flight skills a bit too far since Scootaloo is still a fill, not only that it was her first time experiencing that kind of speed and danger.

She then decided to bring her back to reality before Connor could arrive and ask what happened to Scootaloo.

“Scoots! Snap out of it!”


“Come on Scoots, don’t do this to me!”


“Fine. I guess I’ll fly again until Connor gets her.”



“Hahaha! Relax Scoots, I was trying to get you back to normal.”

“Oh…right…t-thanks…” said Scootaloo.

”You ok Scoots?” said Rainbow Dash.


“Come on Scoots, you can tell me.”

“I…I was scared when you flew very fast…I-I thought I was gonna fall…”

Rainbow Dash frowned at her response, it looked like she did took her flight skills too far.

“Look Scoots, I’m sorry if I flew too fast I didn’t mean to scare you. It s the way I am because I was training for the wonderbolts.”


“You don’t know what the wonderbolts are?”

Scootaloo shook her head.

“Well then how about you get off and get comfortable, cause it’s a story you’ll love.”

Did as she was told, Scootaloo hopped off Rainbow Dash’s back and listen about the wonderbolts. She was amazed by the story she heard, a group of pegasi doing a show of dangerous stunts, tricks, anything you could never imagined. Rainbow Dash told Scootaloo that it is her dream to join the wonderbots ever since she was her age.

“How long have you been training to become a wonderbolt?” said Scootaloo.

“Ever since I graduated form school.” Said Rainbow Dash.

“Have you joined the wonderblots yet?”

“No not yet, but I’ll keep trying until they notice my awesome moves.”

“Wow…you think I could become a wonderbolt?”

Hearing that made Rainbow Dash smile, she never knew Scootaloo would be interested in becoming a wonderbolt already.

“Heh, not until I join them first Scoots, Then when I become captain of the wonderbolts you just have to prove me if your worth of becoming one.”

“Oh don’t you worry, when I’m old enough and I can fly I’ll start training to become a future wonderbolt just like you!”

“I’m sure you will Scoots, I’m sure you will.”

“You know What Scoots,” said Rainbow Dash.” I just realized something.”

“What is it?” said Scootaloo.

“Connor should have been here by now while we were talking.”

“Oh yeah…”

Suddenly, their question was answered when they heard a scream.

“You hear that?” said Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah… it sounds like…”

Both pegasi looked up and saw white Pegasus falling down.

“Connor?” said Scootaloo.



The white Pegasus fell down next to Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, creating a small crater from the impact. A hoof crawled out of the crater and appeared to be Connor, dizzy and off balance/ another Pegasus came out of the crater, it was Derpy, amazingly she was alright. Rainbow Dash pulled Connor and Derpy out of the crater and asked them if they were ok.

“You two ok?”

“I feel fine,” said Derpy. “how about you Mr. Connor?”

“But mother….I don’t wanna go to school today…”


“I wanna stay home and bake muffins with you…”


“He’s fine.” said Rainbow Dash. “I’m sure he’ll snap out of it.”

“You sure?” said Scootaloo.

“I’m sure, come on Derpy lets get you to the hospital.”

“Can we get some muffins first?”

“The hospital might have some muffins waiting for you.”


“Later Scoots.”

“Bye Rainbow Dash!”

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Well here's chapter 6! hope it was worth the wait. anyway 2 more parts until the next true chapter is up!