• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 10,700 Views, 480 Comments

Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one - Brony117

Warning! Takes place After Assassins creed III. Contains some spoilers if you didn't play or finished the game!

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Chapter 17: The election part 6

It was another beautiful day in ponyville as everypony began their everyday routine, going to work, running errands, and other activities. To a certain assassin, it was another day of unexpected surprises.

However, to the mayor of ponyville, it was just another day at the office.

Mayor Novelty Quill just entered the the office's of her workers as they walked up to her told her the result of the upcoming election.

"Good morning everypony! How is everything going?" Said the mayor happily.

"Everything is going great as expected Miss mayor! Votes are coming in like wildfire!"

"The media messaged us if you have time to talk about the election!"

"Miss mayor, you have an interview about you're plan on creating ponyville's first ever police force."

"Everypony please, one at a time." Calmly said Novelty Quill. " I will answer your questions when I-"

"Miss mayor! Miss mayor!"

"Oh no...not Raven..."

Everypony turned around to see a mare earth pony who's coat is white, brown eyes, brown hair and tail both tied into a bun, with the cutie mark of a quill and an ink bottle. She wore a pair of glasses, and a white collar with a red blouse.

To everypony, she is the mayor's assistant, but to those who are close, she is Novelty Quill's sister, Raven.

"Miss Mayor! Miss-"


"Raven, please. You don't need to shout! I'm right here!"


"*Sigh* It's fine, what to you want?"

"Well, I just got word about you're opponent, Marey Mare, has been seen across town yesterday traveling place to places trying to get voters'."


"She successfully earned their votes."

"Is that right? Do you have the identity's of the people she met?"

"Yes, she gain the support of the Cake family from sugar cube corner, Applejack from the apple family, Rainbow Dash, a mare who works in the weather factory, Rarity, a mare who works as a dressmaker, and Fluttershy, a mare who works with animals."

"That's it? I thought she would gain more voters'?" Said Novelty.

"Apparently not."

"Hmm...Ha! If she has that much voters, then I have nothing to worry about!"


"Anyway, what's on my to do list?"

"Um...Let's see here..." Said Raven as she looked at her sister's schedule. "Hmm...oh! Guess who has vacation week!"

"Eh?! Vacation week?! Here already?!"

Hearing this caught the attention of the mayor's workers.

"What?! Vacation?!"

"But miss mayor, we need you!

"And the election is the week after your vacation!"

"Wait, we get vacation?"

As everypony spoke at once, Novelty shouted.

"ENOUGH!!! Listen, I understand the situation here. But I have no choice but to go, I have been working too much.

Everypony listen what the mayor said, and understood every word.

"Now, I need some pony in charge while I'm gone. Some pony who is smart, some pony who knows what to do, some pony who has the knowledge of the business."

Raven smiled as she knew who would be in charge.

"And that some pony is...Rocky."

"WHAT?!" Shouted Raven.

"You called Boss?"

A huge stallion walked into the office and stood taller than the others in the room.

Rocky is a earth pony who's coat is grey, white hair and tail, buzzed haircut, black colored eyes and his cutie mark is a pair of boxing gloves.

"Ah, Rocky, good to see you. It's vacation week and I need some pony in charge, so I need you to fill in for me."

Rocky smiled.

"You can count on me boss, and you know it."

"Excellent! I'll see everypony next week."

With that said Novelty Quill left the office. Leaving every pony nervous since Rocky is in charge."

"Hehehe...alright...back to work grunts! We got a mayor to make proud! That means you too Raven..."

"*Sigh* This won't be an easy week..."

One week later...


"Woohoo! Wow I needed that!" Said Novelty as she opened the office door and wore a sombrero hat, a flower necklace, a pair of sunglasses, and glow bracelets she wore during her vacation week. "Oh my, you ponies should've been there! My vacation was so much fun that I haven't partied that hard since my days in high school! *Sigh* But now since its over it time to get back to work!"

Novelty then saw something she never seen, her workers were exhausted!

"Woah! All of you don't look so good! I bet you people been busy during my absence. I guess that means I have this election in the bag!"

"Err...not exactly miss mayor..." Said Raven as she walked towards he sister with her hair and tail a mess, bags underneath her eyes due to lack of sleep, and crooked glasses.

"What do you mean not exactly..." Said Novelty with anger slightly rising in her voice.




"I can explain boss." Said Rocky as he walked into the office looking worse than the others.

"*Gasp* Rocky...what happened to you?"

Rocky was covered in bruises, and a cast on his right front arm.

"It was horrible boss, your plan on being re-elected failed."

Hearing this shocked Novelty.

"What?! How!? My plan for re-election is perfect! I expertly did all the calculation! Where did it go wrong?!...Bring me the voting sheet."

Everypony stared to sweat nervously, if she looks at the sheet she'll-


May Celestia have mercy on their souls.

Raven gave her sister the sheet and hoped she doesn't do anything.

As Novelty read the sheet her anger started to rise, and then, she snapped.

Novelty screamed in rage as she threw the sheet and began to trash the office.

Everypony had seen this before. If things don't go Novelty's way, She'll throw a tantrum. It always made the workers' fear their leader. Rumor has it that if she doesn't get what she wants, Novelty will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Even if it's illegal.

As the mayor calmed down, she spoke.

"Tell me...tell me everything what happened during my absence!"

Raven nervously spoke.

"Um...well, it began after the day you left to your vacation. It was just a regular day as usual, until Rainbow Dash flew around the town shouting there was a party going on in sugar cube corner. We decided to send a team disguised civilians to investigate, as they made it to sugar cube it was quite a site. At least that's what they said in their report."

"And? What did they see?" Said Novelty impatiently.

"A party." Said Raven.

"That's it? A party?!"

"Not just any party, an election party. Hosted by The cake family, and Marey Mare."

Novelty took in this information and wondered why would Marey and the cakes host a party? It doesn't sound political at all!

"I see...tell me. What were the details on this...party?"

"Lets see..." Said Raven as she took out a folder from her desk. "Ah ha! Here it is! The details on the party are not much, it was just a regular party."

"That's it? A regular party?! There's got to be more that that!" Shouted Novelty.

"I-I'm sure there is, let me look. Hmm...that's odd. From the team's report, it says that when they celebrated with the people in order to keep their disguise from being discovered, they somehow felt happy. Like they were a kid again."

Novelty couldn't believe what she heard, a party that made you feel happy despite it being an election party. It's just...weird!


"Ridiculous, I know. But the party gave Marey a good amount of votes as she made a promise that if she was elected mayor, she will be able to make sugar cube corner most popular bakery in the entire village!"

"And that made people agree?"


Novelty ran her hooves through her hair in frustration.

"Grrrr! What did Marey do the day after the party?"

"Alright, searching for the next event...hmm...from this information, it seems another party has been made. However, it took place in Sweet apple acres! Announced by Rainbow Dash Once again.

"Sweet apple acres? Aren't they a farm family?" Said Novelty.

"Yes, and it says that the celebration there is a bit different than the cake family. Instead of sweets, it is catered in apples. They even released a new product called 'apple cider', which quickly became popular." Replied Raven.

"Interesting, the event is the same as sugar cube corner?"

"Correct. If they vote for Marey as mayor, then the apple family will be noticed more in the market area."

Novelty rubbed her eyes as she started to realize that Marey has become a thorn in her hoof.

"*Sigh* Anything else?"

"Apparently yes, Once more, Rainbow Dash flew around and spoke about a fashion party by Rarity in the carousel boutique." Said Raven as she pulled out another folder.

"A party at a dressmakers shop? What kind of party would that be?" Laughed Novelty.

"A fashion party would make sense."

"Hmm...yes, that's true. What were the details on this party."

"The details were a bit difficult to gain since most of our employees are not interested in fashion. Anyway, the party was mostly about showing off the dresses Rarity made and the material's she used to create them. It even caught the attention of those who need dress's or suits for important events."

"And? What did Marey promised?" Said Novelty with a hint of annoyance in her voice."

"She promised that if she was elected as mayor, the carousel boutique will become ponyville"s no.1 dressmaker store, and gain more attention."

Novelty really wanted to drink even though its morning, because Marey Mare is going to pay for this.

"Please tell me this is the last one Raven..."

"Thankfully yes. For one last time, Rainbow Dash, flew around the town and said there was a special event going on at Fluttershy's cottage."

"Let me guess, another party?"

"Not really, it was an adoption event."


"An adoption event. Our people participated in this event, and saw many animals up for adoption. Such as dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and the list goes on."

"So it was an adoption event, who cares! What did Marey say?!"

Raven nervously moved sway from her sister.

"Um...T-The promise was that if she was elected as Mayor, ponyville will have a zoo in order to protect animals that weren't adopted and show people that animals are people too!"

With that said, Novelty slammed her hoof onto a near by table, causing its items, to scatter everywhere.

Everypony slowly backed away from their leader in fear.

After taking a few deep breaths, Novelty calmed down and said.

"Rocky...tell me after the events...did you take extreme measures?"

"Y-Yes boss..."


"We fa-"



Everypony looked in shock as the mayor punched Rocky hard enough that caused him to fly back! She then ran up to him,grabbed his shoulders and said.


"B-Because I know who's responsible for ruining our plan to get rid of the competition!"

Hearing this caught Novelty's attention, as she harshly release her grip on Rocky and said.

"Who is it?"

"C-Connor! Connor Kenway!"

Novelty raised an eyebrow.

"Connor Kenway? What could one stallion do that much damage my plan!"

"Cleary you haven't seen this guy I'm person boss." Said Rocky. "He's...he's a freak! And a murderer..."

"What?!" Shouted Novelty as she couldn't believe what she heard. "What do you mean he's a murderer?!"

Rocky took a moment to remember what happened the day he met the Pegasus and what he did.

"I accompanied one of our groups to scare off the people that were part of Marey's campaign, it was suppose to be a simple job. But as my team were near one of their houses, there he was...that bastard! We tired to get him out of our way, but he was too stubborn to move. So we thought we could forcefully move him out of the way, that's when we regretted our decision...suddenly he slaughtered my entire team! MY WHOLE TEAM!!!"

Everypony listen in horror as what Rocky described what happened to the people they worked with.

"He gave them no mercy when my guys begged for their lives! Some of the boys fought but they didn't last that long. It was so bloody that even the worst ponies couldn't even stand the sight!"

"What about you? How did you survived?" Asked Novelty nervously.

"Believe it or not, I was the only one who fought longer. At least for a minute. Bastard broke my arm in the process, he even stated that if anypony threated his friends or anything that's close to him...they are next."

Novelty sat in silence as she wondered what to do now. Everypony who heard the story even shook in fear if they were to meet this pony.

After a moment of silence, Novelty spoke.

"We continue our campaign as until the ."

"WHAT?!" shouted everypony.

"B-But Novelty! What about-"


Raven harshly fell onto the floor as she was slapped by her own sister.

"Know your place Raven, you're just an assistant nothing more! All you do is help me through my day, and give me information!"

"Y-Yes...Miss mayor." Said Raven as she rubbed her cheek where she was slapped.

"Good, as for the rest of you get back to work!"

With that said, everypony when back to work. Leaving Novelty and Rocky to discuss their next move.

"Well boss, what's the plan?"

"Gather your thugs, we have a very busy day ahead of us. I have a plan that will get rid of Marey and Connor Kenway once and for all! Permanently."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Brony117 here! I am very sorry for a long time wait, I've been busy and had time to make this version of this chapter instead of the way I wanted to be because I am working on a non-mlp fanfic if you guys read my blogs. so, sorry if you guys were expecting something good, but in the next chapter, get ready for some action, and I mean bloody action, gore action! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!...Ahem. sorry! anyway, keep an eye out for the gore and perhaps the dark tag that will be added to this fic. the next chapter is going to get messy.

See ya!