• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 10,700 Views, 480 Comments

Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one - Brony117

Warning! Takes place After Assassins creed III. Contains some spoilers if you didn't play or finished the game!

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Chapter 15: The election part 4

Chapter 15: The election part 4

“Oooh…What…What happened?” said Scootaloo as she woke up from unconscious.

“You were hurt badly kid, took quite a beating.”


Scootaloo turned around to see a unicorn royal guard next to her.


As Scootaloo moved, a sharp pain struck her back.


The guard walked towards the filly to calm her down.

“Whoa! Easy! Easy! You took quite a beating like I said kid.”

Hearing this, Scootaloo looked at her chest, including her wings, were completely wrapped in bandages.

“Well, that explains the pain. What happened? How did you guys get here?”

“Believe it or not, two kids from the school came towards us and said there were three bullies causing trouble. At first we told them to go back to school and tell your teacher, but when they mention how old they looked that’s when we took notice and followed them. As we got there you were being choked by one of them! Had no choice but to put him down.”

Hearing this shocked the pegasus.

“P-Put him down!? Y-You don’t mean-“

“Yup, had to shoot him. Miraculously he survived!” Said the guard.


“Yeah, can’t believe it either.”

“Whoa…So, do you know why he and his friends were here? I mean, he just started to hurt some kids for no reason!”

“We did actually, turns out the kid and his pals were skipping school and came here to have ‘fun’.”

“By ‘fun’ you mean hurt?”

“Yeah, hurt. Speaking of hurt, how about you? I took a look at you and it wasn’t good.”

“It hurts sir, bad.”

“I see…”

“H-How bad is it? Come on, don’t keep it a secret! I can take it!”

“*Sigh* Alright, I’ll explain it easy as I can. When I took a look at you, your neck had some bruises from the magical grip you were being held. It’ll go a way in a week or two, but it’s going to be sore. So I recommend you swallow your food carefully.”

“How do you know all this stuff?”

“Heh, don’t let the armor fool you, I’m not just a soldier, I also happen to be a medic.”

“A medic? You mean like doctor?”

“In a way, yes.”


“Yeah, anyway be prepared for this part.” The guard warned.

Scootaloo swallowed nervously.

“As I magically scanned your chest, I saw something on your wings that didn’t look right.”

“T-That would be?”

“They were deformed.”


“Deformed, meaning your wing bones didn’t developed properly right at birth.”

“B-But the doctors said that when I grow older I could fly!”

“Looks like they lied to you so they can spare you the pain from knowing the truth until your older, a dumb idea that was.”

“No…They…They couldn’t…They would never-“

“Hey, Hey! Didn’t I tell you before? Your wings ‘were’ deformed.”

“What?” said Scootaloo as she realized what the guard said.

“That’s right, your wings didn’t grow properly as I said earlier. How they got fixed? My guess is that when that unicorn guy pulled your wings it must’ve set the bones back in their proper places.”

Suddenly, Scootaloo remembered something.

“You know what? When that bully pulled my wings, I felt a painful pop! Then that means-“

“Yup! You’ll be flying when you grow older!”

Hearing these words made Scootaloo cry, not of sadness, but tears of joy.

“*Sniff* Thanks doc, you’ve just made my day…”

The unicorn guard smiled.

“Glad I did. Anyway, take it easy alright? Your wings need to heal properly if your going to fly one day.”

“Heh, trust me doc, I will!”

“Good. Anyway, your friends want to see you. If they ask about your injuries, tell them you’ll be fine. Alright?”

“You bet!”

With that said, the guard left. As that happened, two familiar figures appeared.

It was Dinky and Sweetie Bell!

“Scootaloo! Oh Scootaloo are you ok?” said Dinky as she hugged the young pegasus.

“Yeah, we’ve been so worried!” said Sweetie Bell as she hugged Scootaloo as well.

Feeling the pressure of the combined hug, it caused a painful feeing on her back, causing Scootaloo to move away.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Easy with the hugs! I’m hurt here!”

“Sorry!” Both unicorns replied.

“Its ok, Doc said I’ll be fine soon. I’m happy to see you girls with the royal guards here, another minute and I would’ve been a goner!”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” said Dinky. “It took us a while to convince the royal guards to follow us here.

“Yeah, the Doc mentioned that earlier.” said Scootaloo.

“Yeah, but at least we made it! Anyway, what happened to the bullies?”

“She beat them up that’s for sure!”

The three fillies turned around to see two more unicorns come towards their way.

It was the two unicorn colts from earlier!

The first unicorn colt was short and chubby whose coat was light pale green with orange hair and tail color, unlike most fillies and colts, he has a cutie mark of a pair of scissors.

The second unicorn colt was tall and skinny, whose coat was light orange with green hair and tail color, and just like the other unicorn colt, he has a cutie mark that a snail.

And just like Scootaloo, both colts were wrapped in bandages.

Scootaloo spoke first.

“Oh! It’s you two!”

“Yup that’s us!”

“Wait,” Sweetie Bell interrupted. “You beat up the bullies!? How!?”

“Oh You should’ve seen it! She was like Punch there! Punch that! Oh it was so awesome!”

“Actually, that didn’t happen. Sort of.” Said Scootaloo.

“Um, who are you two?” said Dinky.

“Oh right, sorry. I’m Snips!”

“And I’m Snails! We just wanted to thank you for saving us.”

Scootaloo smiled.

“Glad I could help! I couldn’t let those jerks get away with something like that!”

“And you sure didn’t!” said Snips.

“Did I meantion how awesome you were?” said Snails.

“Uh, Scootaloo?” said Dinky. “You really didn’t beat up those bullies did you?”

“I did, but not how Snips and Snails described it.”

“Then how about you tell us how it happened?” said Sweetie Bell.

“Sure! As long as Snips and Snails don’t mind.”

“Not at all! But as long as we become friends, if it’s all right with you?” said Snips.

“Yeah, it’ll be great if we become friends with the one who saved us!” said Snails.

Scootaloo smiled even more, she gain more friends on the first day of school!

“I’d like that, what do you girls think?”

“The more friends we make, the better!” said Dinky.

“I have no problem with that.” Said Sweetie Bell.

“Sweet!” Shouted Snips and Snails.

“Alright, gather around guys and girls! Let me tell you how the fight really happened…”

“Alright this is it, the place.” Said the Bartender.

True to his word, the bartender took Connor and Shining Armor, excluding the unconscious/passed out Doctor and Marey Mare, to the Mare’s location.

They expected to be a house, but it was something more.

It was a cottage!

“This is where she lives?” Said Shining Armor.

“Yeah this is where she lives.” Said the Bartender. “What do you think?”

“Not that bad actually, looks like a nice place to live.”

“It looks…peaceful…” said Connor. “You said she works with animals?”

“That’s right.” The bartender replied.

“I see...” (“Why does that sound familiar?”)

“Let me do the talking alright? She’s not much of a talker, and she’s extremely shy around others.”

“Walking towards the front door, the bartender knocked and waited for somepony to reply.


The door opened, and from it came out-

“A rabbit?” Said Shining Armor. “Is this a joke!? I thought you said a mare lived here!”

“She does! I told you she’s extremely shy! This is her pet, it answers the door for her. Its name is-“

“Angel?” Said Connor.

Hearing his name, the rabbit looked behind the bartender and saw a familiar face. Angel hopped towards the pegasus, smiled, and put out his paw.

Knowing what it meant, Connor took out his hoof and shook the paw. It felt awkward shaking hoofs/paws with Angel, but at least he has manners.

“It is good to see you again my friend.”

“Wait, you know each other?” said Shining Armor.

“Yes, I saved his life when he was attacked by an eagle. If it wasn’t for me. Angel wouldn’t be here.”

“You sure make some weird friends Connor.”

“Heh, you don’t even the half of it. Wait, if Angel is here, then that means-“

“A-Angel? W-Who’s out there?”

Peeking out from the door, a familiar face was seen.


Looking out from the door, Fluttershy recognized who it was.

“Oh! Mr. Bartender, it’s you!”

“Good evening Miss Fluttershy,” said the Bartender. “Are you busy?”

“N-No, not at all. Is something wrong? Is it Sully? What happened?”

“Sully’s fine Miss Fluttershy. I just need your help with something.”

“Help? I-I guess I could.”

“Much appreciated Miss Fluttershy. You see, a friend of mine is in need of medical attention and I was hoping you could help him.”

“Medical attention? Oh no, I cannot do that! I’m not a doctor, I’m a veterinarian!”

“I understand that Miss Fluttershy, but please-“

“I’m Sorry Mr. Bartender, but I can’t help! I don’t even know the person! Come inside Angel!”

Just as Fluttershy was about to close the door, a familiar voice was heard.

“Not even if it the person was a friend?”

Fluttershy, turned around and saw a familiar pegasus.

“M-Mr. Connor?”

Connor gently smiled.

“Hello Fluttershy.”

Both pegausus stared into each other, looking into his/hers eyes.

Feeling as if it took forever, Shining Armor interrupted.

“*Ahem* Uh, I hate to interrupt but can we get back on track?”

Realizing what they were doing, Connor and Fluttershy broke eye contact and blushed.

“Y-Yes of course!” said Connor as he scratched the back of his head.

“O-Ok.” Said Fluttershy as she hid behind her hair.

“Anyway, can you help Miss Fluttershy?” said the Bartender.

“I-I guess I could. Who is it?”

“That would be me Fluttershy.” Said Connor as he revealed his wound.

Seeing this, Fluttershy panicked.

“Oh dear, what happened!”

“Accident, lets leave it at that shall we?”

“Quick! Come inside and let me help you!”

“You guys go ahead,” said Shining Armor. “I gotta go back, the royal guard are probably wondering where I am since the uh, ‘accident’ is in investigation.”

“Good idea!” said the bartender. “I gotta head back check out the bar to see if is fine.”

“Wait!” said Connor. “What about Doctor and Marey Mare?”

“We’ll take them to a hotel and let their condition run its course, they’ll be fine.” Said Shining Armor.

“Make sure they do.”

With that said, both stallions and the unconscious ponies, left the cottage. Leaving the two pegasi, and rabbit alone.

After a moment of silence, Fluttershy spoke.

“Um…W-Would you like to come inside M-Mr. Connor?”

“Yes, please.” Said Connor.









“S-Sorry Mr. Connor.” Said Fluttershy as she was stitching the wound on his chest.

“It’s alright, your doing well.” Said Connor. “I can withstand the stitch, but not the repeating pain.”

“I-I see.”

Ever since both pegasus entered the house, Fluttershy was nervous to ask Connor to remove his robes. Eventually she asked and Connor agreed. But it wasn’t easy, he admitted that if he removed the robes he would feel naked. Hearing that last part made both pegasus blush. However, Connor said that as long as it was her it would be fine to remove the robes. She hesitated, but agreed.




“You don’t have to apologize, it was my fault that I got myself into this mess and the wound. I should’ve been more careful.”

“I know, it’s just that I’m more use to treating animals not ponies.”

“And I understand that, but you’re the only pony who can help.”

“But why me? Why not go to a doctor?”

Connor blushed and said.

“It is complicated.”

“It’s ok Mr. Connor, You can tell me. It’s just us after all.”

*Flashback, Three weeks ago, Hospital*

“Good evening Mr. Kenway!” said the Doctor as the entered the room.

“Good evening Doctor.” Said Connor.

“I have good news and bad news.”

“I think I rather hear the good news.”

“Don’t we all? Anyway, the good news is that you’ll be leaving the hospital tomorrow morning.”

“That is good to hear, I’m sure Scootaloo will happy to hear that.”

“Glad to hear. The bad news however, we don’t have any medical records on you.”


“We don’t know anything about your health, nor your history of sickness.”

“What do we do?”

“Easy! We just run some tests, gain some information, that’s it!”

“Sounds simple.”

“Indeed. But, it won’t be a comfortable procedure for you.”

“Why is that?”


The Doctor pulled out a syringe and said.

“Shots will be involved.”



*End Flashback*

After telling the story, Fluttershy couldn’t stop giggling as Connor blushed in embarrassment.

“*Giggle* So that’s why you didn’t want to go to the doctor.”

“*Sigh* Yes I admit, I’m afraid of needles.”

“*Giggle* Well at least you were honest.”

“I suppose…”



“There we are Mr. Connor, all done!”

“Phew…Thank you Fluttershy. Not just for adding my wound, but for saving me from the doctor.”

Fluttershy Giggled and smiled in appreciation.

“You’re welcome Mr. Connor.”

“Please, call me Connor. I feel as I am an elderly with the name ‘Mr.’ Added to my name.”



“What was that!?”

“Oh no…The animals!”

Just as Fluttershy moved from her spot, she slipped on a wet towel that was used to tend Connors wound!



Connor jumped towards Fluttershy and caught her before she hit the ground.

Feeling arms warped around her, and falling onto something soft, Fluttershy opened her eyes.

“Huh? W-What happened?”

“Fluttershy, Are you alright?”


Fluttershy raised her head and found herself looking at Connor face to face!


“C-Connor? EEP!”

Fluttershy sat up and saw something even far worse.

She was sitting on top on top Connor!


The poor pegasus jumped off, and hid behind her hair as she blushed in embarrassment.

Connor on the otherhoof, stayed on the floor as he too blushed in embarrassment.

After a minute of silence, Fluttershy spoke.

“I’m…I’m sorry…”

“You don’t have to apologize…” Connor replied. “If I didn’t save you from falling, you would’ve been hurt.”

“I-I Guess…”


Hearing anothert roar, Fluttershy quickly spoke.

“Would it be alright if we forget about what happened?”


As both pegasi exited the house, they saw a group of animals gathered together in fear. Luckily, Angel kept things under control. As both ponies went towards the group, Fluttershy spoke.

“Angel! What happened!”

Angel pointed towards the direction where the trouble started.

Seeing where the rabbit pointed, both pegasi saw a pair of glowing eyes in the shadows just staring at them as it growled.


“Oh, dear.” Said Fluttershy as she took a step back.

“Fluttershy stand back!” shouted Connor as he took out one of his hidden blades.

Seeing this, Fluttershy panicked.

“Connor wait!”


“Connor, please don’t! It’s just afraid!”


Connor looked at the glowing eyes again as it came out of the shadows.

It was a wolf pup!

Seeing it wasn’t a dangerous animal, Connor put away his hidden blade. But he didn’t let his guard down, it still was a wild animal.

“A wolf pup? What is it doing here?” said Connor.

“Well, once in a while I let the animals lose in the everfree forest since most of them lived there once.” Said Fluttershy.

“Everfree forest? I’ve heard the rumors how dangerous from Carrot Top, why would you go there?”

“Sometimes the animals need to roam around different placed than the cottage, so I thought the forest was the best solution.”

“Makes sense, but how did you across this one?”

“It wasn’t a peaceful sight…when I was returning from the forest, there he was, all alone with his pack…dead…he was the only survivor…protected by his mothers body.”

Connor lowered his head in sadness.

“Did you know what caused their deaths?”

“No, judging from their wounds, it could’ve been a manticore, a timberwolf, or something else.”

“I see…”

Connor understood what happened, the pups family was attacked by an unknown enemy, brutally murdered for some reason, yet he was the only survivor. Leaving him all alone, scared and angry. Just like he was many years ago, he didn’t want that kind of life to happened to the pup.

“Fluttershy stand back.” Said Connor as he walked towards the pup.

“Connor wait!”

“I know what to do, please trust me.”

Knowing he was close enough, Connor stopped walking and spoke to the pup.

“Hello there.”


“I know what your going through, you need to let go.”

Suddenly, the wolf pup ran towards Connor to attack him.

Connor dodged, but his wound caused him to fail and fall onto the ground. Giving the pup to succeed his attack, luckily, Connor moved his arm towards the bite to protect him. His hidden blade arm brace managed to prevent injury as well.

Fluttershy and the other animals looked in horror as they couldn’t do anything.

Connor talked to the pup, hoping to calm him down.

“You don’t have to do this! Giving into your anger will give you the same fate as your family!”

The pup didn’t listen as he continued to bite his protected arm.

“I know what you have lost, for I have lost my family as well!”

Hearing this cause the pup to stop his biting, but kept mouth on Connors arm.

“Were the same you and I, lost our families on an enemy for different reasons. You lost yours for sport, while I lost mine for our territory. Our mothers protected us from harms way so we can live! Don’t you see? We have to be strong for them, for our family, our friends, and loved ones! Not to be blinded in anger for those who ever caused our families death, but to move on and live a better life! Do you understand?”

Hearing his words, the pup frees Connors arm, letting him sit up straight. The pup then rubbed his head against the pegasus’s chest, knowing he was sorry for attacking someone who was just like him.

Seeing this, Connor ruubed his hoof on the pups head, letting him know he forgave the pups action towards him.

Suddenly, their moment was interrupted when Fluttershy walked towards them.


“Fluttershy? Did you-“

“I’m sorry Connor, *sob* I’m truly sorry. *sob*”

Hearing this Connor smiled.

“Thank you Fluttershy, never has anypony felt truly sorry for my loss. There were times I wish my mother’s death were nightmares, visions, or illusions. I’m sure the pups wishes the samething. But I’m glad they weren’t, other wise I would’ve never met the people I know now. Scootaloo, Derpy, Dinky, Carrot Top, the pup, and you.”

Connors words made Fluttershy blushed.

‘Oh um…um…y-you’re welcome.”



Fluttershy looked at the pup as he spoke to her.


“What!? Are you sure!?”


Seeing this confused Connor.

“What is he saying?”

“I don’t know if I’m hearing the right, but the pup said he wishes for you to be his master. In other words, he wants you to adopt him!”

“What!? How can you be so sure?”

“It’s easy! Form a bond with an animal, and you’ll understand them! It’s how I take care of the other animals!”


Connor looked at the pup and said.

“Are you sure you want to do this? To be honest I’ve never had a pet before, or rather, a companion such as yourself. My mother always I was too young to have a pet for it needs proper care and responsibility.”


“Heh, my guess is that you have no knowledge of things like this yes?”


Connor smiled at the pup’s response.

“Very well then, I accept your request of become your master.”

Hearing these words made the pup growl and wiggle his tail in happiness.

Not only the pup was happy, Fluttershy was happy as well!

“Connor! You have accepted the pups request! I’m so happy for you both! He has a home now!”

“Indeed he has, all I need to do is to look after him. I’m sure Scootaloo will grow a liking to him.”

“I think so too. Um, have you thought of a name for the pup?”

“I have,” Connor replied as he looked at the pup. “His name is ‘Lobo’.”

After leaving Fluttershy’s Cottage, Connor and his newly adopted pet, Lobo, headed towards the school to pick up Scootaloo. As they made it, both saw the royal guard surrounding the area!

Seeing this made Connor worried.

“Oh no…Scootaloo! Lets go Lobo!”


Both Connor and Lobo ran towards the school to find Scootaloo, hoping to find her. After a while of searching, the managed to find the filly, talking to other children around her age.

Feeling a sense relief, Connor shouted her name.


Hearing her name, Scootaloo looked around and saw a certain white pegasus.


The filly moved from her spot and ran towards him, as Connor did the same thing.

As they got close, Connor and Scootaloo hugged as both missed each other.




Both pegasi ended the hug and looked at each others wounds.

“Connor?” said Scootaloo. “What happened to you!?”

“I could say the same thing for you.”

“Well, lets just say there was a fight and I had to step in to help. You?”

“A fight as well, but for different reasons.”

“I guess my training is put on hold?”

“Until our wounds heal I’m afraid.”

“Yeah, looks like it.”


Hearing a strange sound, Scootaloo looked behind Connor and saw a pup.

“Uh, Connor? What’s that?”

“Hm? Oh! You mean Lobo!”


“That’s his name, I adopted him from Fluttershy after she treated my wound.”


Connor looked at Lobo and said.

“It’s alright, Lobo, this is Scootaloo, she wont harm you.”

Trusting his master, Lobo carefully walked towards Scootaloo as the filly looked at the pup cautiously.

Getting close to her face, Lobo sniffed her face with interest and licked her face.

Lobo’s action surprised Scootaloo as she laughed at the pups welcoming.

“Ha ha ha! Aren’t you a friendly little guy.” The filly replied as she rubbed his head. “What kind of dog is he?”

“He’s actually a wolf?”

“A wolf? Where did Fluttershy find him?”

“She found him in the everfree forest, alone.”

“Alone!? How!?”

“It’s best if we leave out the details what happened. It’s our responsibility to take care of him now.”

“Is that right?” said Scootaloo as she looked at lobo. “Welcome to the family Little guy, hope you like carrots.”


“Connor!? Scootaloo!?”

Hearing there names, both pegasi turned around and saw a certain earth pony.

”Carrot Top!?”



Derpy and Dinky ran towards each other as they happily embraced each other.

Connor and Scootaloo on the other hoof…

“Wha-Wha-What happened to you both!?” shouted Carrot Top.

“W-We can explain!” said Connor.

“Yeah! Hear us out!” said Scootaloo.

Before Carrot Top could speak, she felt a warm spot on her hoof. She looked down and saw a dog peed on her! She quickly moved away her hoof form the dog as she saw it walking towards Connor and Scootaloo, then it sat down next to them looking proud at his work.

“Would somepony tell me what the hay is going on!?”

Connor and Scootaloo looked at each other and back at Carrot Top.

“It’s a long, long story.” Said both pegasi.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! This chapter is done! :pinkiehappy: Now I'm going to take a break and work on my other fanfic. But know this, the arc is not done. meaning it is not the end of the prologue chapters and I'm not going to put this on hold. also I'm very sorry for my reaction on the authors notes chapter, it was my first time feeling like that, and learned most fanfics are like that. hating on a character that is hated and what you guys commented. so once again I'm very sorry. Please forgive me. :fluttercry: And now, here's something I wanted to do for a while. I was going to do this until the prologue chapters are done, but this is for you guys since all of you supported me and been there since the beginning. what is it you ask?
Fun facts on my fanfic! that's right! I'm going to share some things that was going to be added in the fic, but decided not include it for reasons. and some other cool facts.
Here they are:
Fact 1: The birth of the fanfic.
It all started when I beaten Assassins creed 3, and MLP season two ended. I decided to look for fanfic crossovers on my two favorite things. I read some good ones but they were not what I had hoped. it was rushed, lazy story, and other things. so I decided to make one my own! But I needed a story that was original and interesting. as I search the net for an awesome art work to get started, I finally found one and it gave me a great story idea! It was so great I loved the art I decided to use it as my Cover. Also credit belong to the artist for making an awesome art crossover! as I looked at the art, it gave me some great ideas that I had to put it in the fic! and Assassins creed lll Friendship is magic is born!

Fact 2: How to get a good beginning to catch everyone's interest.
I decided to use the game's ending to get started, and how Connor ends up in equestria by destroying Juno's necklace since its all wrapped in mystery. the game's ending could've been better, but I made it even better! Read chapter one for the results!

Fact 3: setting.
Most fanics makes all crossover characters end up in the everfree forest since its all a big mystery and a dangerous place to enter. I was going to use that to get Connor there, but after realizing many authors use the forest, it was time for something new. Drop Connor in ponyville! Literally. And then I wondered what going to happened next? Introduce My Favorite pony filly Character, Scootaloo. Why? Well, like most fanfics she's an orphan, but on the show, it was never revealed that she has a family. maybe soon it will be revealed. Plus I also saw a fanart that made me sad, it showed Applejack, Applebloom, Rarity, and Sweetie Bell enjoying time with their sisters. While Scootaloo was alone in an alley covering herself in newspapers to keep herself warm. it gave me so much feels that I decided to include her and the alley in the fic so that our hero can save her from being alone all the time. Yay!

Fact 4: meeting the mane 5 in order.
Incase you haven't realized it, Connor meets the mane 5 in the same way twilight did in MLP season one episode 1 started. no one has ever commented it until I mentioned it just now. Read carefully readers, you may never know I might put in Easter eggs in future chapters.

Fact 5: Leaving Scootaloo behind.
In chapters 9 through 11 Scootaloo was not going to be with Connor to replace his weapons, but after some thinking I decided to include her and see what would happen if the two caused some trouble.

Fact 6: replacing Connor's Tomahawk for a metal pipe with a curved end.
While Connor battles the royal guard in chapter 11, Scootaloo was suppose to find a weapon for Connor to use and help make things easier for him as she hid behind the trash cans. the weapon was a metal pipe with a curved end to Temporarily replace the tomahawk, but the idea sounded so silly that it was never added and the hidden blades was used instead.

Fact 7: Splitting Connor's and Scootaloo's Fight scene and aftermaths into two chapters.
Chapter 14 was so long, it was suppose to be in one chapter. But I decided to split it in two chapter where one chapter was for Scootaloo, and the other for Connor. seeing that was taking too long I put the two together and left it with a cliffhanger instead.

Fact 8: Adding Lobo into the story.
As I was working on the chapter you were reading, I realized that all the mane six have pets. so I decided to give Connor a pet, it was easy. A wolf was the appropriate pet for Connor sense he's native American, and it is a sacred animal for his people. and so Lobo was born!

That's all the facts I have, I might have more facts in the near future when I'm done working on my other fanfic, megaman starforce Freindship is magic. give that fic a chance as I work on the next chapter for it. in the mean time I'll see you next time.
See ya!:rainbowdetermined2: