• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 10,700 Views, 480 Comments

Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one - Brony117

Warning! Takes place After Assassins creed III. Contains some spoilers if you didn't play or finished the game!

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Episode 3: A Trip to Canterlot Part 1

Author's Note:

Here's your new chapter folks! Feels good to be back, but I sure have missed alot. Like, ALOT! But for now we'll continue with this for you guys. Hope you enjoy!

It has been a week since the battle with Nightmare Moon in the Everfree Forest. Princess Luna has been coronated as princess of the night, Princess Celestia’s student, Twilight Sparkle, moved to Ponyville for a new task to learn the meaning of friendship, and earned new friends during the incident. As for Connor, he had been in the hospital at the time to recover from his injuries, thankfully nothing permanent or serious. Afterwards nothing much else has happened. That is until something caught Connor’s attention, right into the Everfree Forest...

Everfree Forest, Castle ruins.

Seeing himself back in the ruin he almost died in, Connor looked around the castle. He was impressed, this building must've been here for centuries. But who lived in it? Was it the princess’s? Who knows, but at least it wasn't in use anymore for it can-


Connor turned around and saw a few of his officers shaking in fear, due to the rumors of the forest. While he may handle anything on his own, but it never hurts to have a back up just in case. Especially in this place.

“What is it?”

“Do we really need to be here? I mean no disrespect, but the Everfree Forest is a place not many ponies would go to. Even us Assassins!”

The master assassin smiled and replied.

“There is no need to worry at the moment, and yes, there is a reason why we are here.”

“And that is?”

“These ruins had been on my mind lately, since the summer sun celebration. Whom ever lived here is gone and has been abandoned. So I decided to take it for myself.”

The Assassin were shocked to hear what their master said. Own these ruins?! What could he possibly want to do with this castle? Unless…

“Y-You don't mean you are planning to set up a base here are you?!”

“No. I thought of something better. A bit unsafe but smart in my opinion.”

“And that is?”

He looked back and said.

“A homestead.”

That even surprised the officers even more.

“A homestead?! For what?! Master this land is home to many unknown creatures that we May or may even know!”

“True, but like any other animal they see it as a territory. I plan to make it mine, and perhaps expand it once I have met my goal. Anyway, it's time to head back. I have a mission I must attend.”

“You got that right boss!”

Ponyville, Treehouse library, later that day.

*Knock* *Knock*

“Coming!” Said a Voice the door opens, revealing Twilight inside. “Oh Connor, You're here!”

“Yes, sorry I’m late, I had something that needed my attention.”

“Oh that's alright, I lose track of time when I'm busy! Anyway, come in and make yourself at home!”

Stepping aside, Connor entered the house and seen what's been going on. The room was a mess! Books were scattered on the floor, and blueprints were hanging on the walls. What was going on in here?

Closing the door, Twilight said.

“Sorry about the mess, Since I decided to move to Ponyville I’ve taken the liberty to redecorate the house. You know, make it feel like home when I lived in canterlot!”

“I've seen worse, my daughter, Scootaloo, rarely cleans her room and the mess is more like a junkyard.”

“*Giggle* I can relate to that, I always have to remind Spike to clean up his mess.”

“He's a child like any other, he'll learn in time.”

“I guess. Anyway shall we get to business?”

Connor nodded as he asked.

“Before we discuss, why have you ask me for this assignment? There are other brotherhood officers who can handle this.”

“That may be true, but this is something requires somepony I can trust.” Replied Twilight as she gave a serious tone. “I've seen some of the officers here who I recognized were part of the royal guard. If I taken them for this mission, then I fear they'll cause trouble. Giving your police force a bad reputation.”

Connor crossed his arms as he agreed with Twilight. He remembered when his officers complained about the royal guard being stationed here during the summer sun celebration. They weren't too happy about it.

“That is true, but from what I've heard from them, they disagreed with the way things have happened from within.”

“Such as?”

“Corrupt guards taking bribe money, abusing others around them, and believing they were the law, and breaking them.”

“That's strange, I've never heard the guards doing such a thing. And you believe them?”

“I do, I've seen these actions similar before I came here to Ponyville. Only worse.”

Twilight shivered. She couldn't imagine the princess’s own guards would be corrupt. They have been trained to protect, and serve. Not abuse ponies who think they are above them!

“*Sigh* Right...Well, at least your officers aren't like them. Still, we're getting off track. This mission I requested is simple but it takes time.”

“And that is?”

“I asked the princess to have all my belongings to be transferred here in Ponyville. Usually magic is the easiest way to transport them here, but these items are very important, anything could go wrong!”

“So basically you need me to move your furniture from canterlot, to here.” Connor Replied with a deadpan tone.

“Pretty much.”

“*Sigh the things I do for the people here*” Mumbled Connor as he faced hoof. “Very well, I'll take mission. I've been wanting to see what canterlot is like in person.”

“Excellent!” Twilight replied. “I was hoping you'll take it! However you won't be alone on this, Spike will accompany you on your mission. Think of him as a guide since he knows canterlot more than you do! N-No offense!”

“None taken, but it will certainly make things easier with him by my side. Where is he?”

“Right behind you…”

Out of instinct, Connor grabbed the mysterious intruder behind him and threw over his shoulder, then fell onto the ground, causing them to be stunned. However…


Seeing who was his ‘attacker’, Spike was wearing a ski mask over his face as a disguise. For what purpose Connor didn't know. But it does look familiar as he saw Scootaloo playing a game like that is similar to what the baby dragon is wearing. But what was it? It started with ‘T’. And both teams were red and blue, trying to kill each other to win. Hmm...that also reminded him of another game.

“Ugh...wow! Amazing reflexes Mr. Kenway! You're good as I hoped!”

“SPIKE!” Yelled Twilight as she began to scold her assistant. “What were you thinking?! You could've been hurt, or worse! You're so lucky Connor held back!”

“S-Sorry Twilight, I-I just wanted to impress Connor how stealthy I can be. Ya know, become like him one day!”

“By being a murderer?!”

“W-WHAT?! NO! It's not like that!”


Both Twilight and Spike turned to face Connor as he looked a bit uncomfortable as they argued. Mostly due to the fact he kinda threw Spike over his shoulder and attempted to harm him.

“I'll take it from here, Spike and I shall start the mission right away.”

Feeling headache coming, Twilight nodded as both left the tree house. Now alone, the poor unicorn sat on the couch as she began to unwind.

“Confound that dragon, he drives me to drink.”

She then levitated a bottle of champagne towards her from a secret stash only she knows in the kitchen, Twilight drinks it on special occasions. Today, she has the house to herself, so a drink couldn't hurt. That is until she started to drink the whole bottle.

As Connor and Spike, with the mask off thankfully, walked towards the train station, grabbed their tickets, and rode their way to Canterlot. It'll be awhile before they make it there, so they had some time to kill. Sitting across from each other, The Commissioner of the brotherhood spoke.

“So...are you alright? I gave you quite a rough landing earlier.”

“Oh uh…I'm ok! It's not everyday you have a pony who you look up to slams you onto the ground!”

Feeling embarrassed about it, Connor apologized.

“Yes well, I'm sorry about that. It was out of instinct. Can never be too careful when there are ponies, or in your case, dragons, to hurt you.”

“Hahaha! Yeah! Don't worry about it! It may have hurt, but it was worth it. I'll think of it as a autograph!”

“That doesn't sound like a proper way to receive something like that.”

“It is to me!”


“Anyway, when I said I wanted to be like you, I didn't want to um...kill...other ponies…wow, that felt weird to say. W-What I meant was, I just want to be a hero like you!”

“A hero? Me? Heh, I do not think I'm a hero, I just do what I think it's right. But I do appreciate what others think of me, but I don't let it fill my head with such things as fame.”

“Why's that?”

“It makes you become reckless, and causes you to get into situations that you can't handle.”

“Wow, I don't think of that...”

Seeing Spike looking down and feeling sad, Connor quickly regretted his choice of words as he replied.

“But you are still young Spike, it is normal to have feelings of looking up to somepony! Despite learning at least some truth of it. Like my daughter for example, she looks up to me as she wants to become a police officer one day. She knows of the dangers and risks, but knowing her, she'll never give up and won't let anything stop her from achieving her goal.”

The young dragon gave it some thought, he had some ponies he looked up to. The first was Twilight’s brother, he is in the royal guard, It's dangerous work too, and it takes dedication and seriousness to join. Connor was the second, he had been his idol for quite sometime since his heroic actions in ponyville and, the debut of the brotherhood. Compared to the royal guard, the brotherhood are active, honorable, and protect those that can't defend themselves and being justice to whoever breaks the law. Plus their outfits are cooler too!

“You're right, being a hero does have its risks. But that doesn't mean I want to at least try! So…”

Spike hopped off his seat and bowed to Connor as he begged.

“Please make me your apprentice!”

Hearing the baby dragons scream caused the other passengers to turn and look at Connors booth, giving him confused and odd looks. Feeling embarrassed, the poor Pegasus looked at Spike and said.

“Perhaps we should speak about this another time, others are staring at for causing a scene.”


Canterlot, City district.

As the train stopped at the station, it's passengers exited out of the cart and continued on with their day. Finally seeing canterlot for the first time, Connor looked in awe as he never knew this place was so royalty. The buildings were colors white with some pink and purple. And is designs also looked like if it were somewhat medieval as it was mixed with some other cultures he's not familiar with.

“Uh, Mr. Kenway?”


The Pegasus looked at the dragon tugging on this robes nervously.

“Ponies are staring at us for some reason, and I don't like the looks.”

Looking at the ponies around him and Spike, they gave him odd reactions. Such as worried, afraid, and curious. The guards that were in the crowd were slowly walking closer as they see him as a threat.

Connor had some ideas, One, run away and hide? Always works, but it takes time for the guards to end their search, and Spike is with him so that'll be difficult. Two, reason with them and explain he's just a tourist? Yeah that'll never work. Three, dance off? Wait, what?! No, it worked in that movie from last night. How did Star-Mare even saved the galaxy with just dancing? Okay. Fourth? It's the only option left.

As the guards were about spring into action, the robed colt removed his hood and said.

“Morning gentlecolts! Is there a problem?”

The crowd and the guards stood still as they heard the stallion speak. Spike looked in shock as he heard how Connor was speaking.

“I do hope you can forgive my somewhat rather odd sense of fashion, I was out of the country when me and my assistant here were out exploring the wilderness and excitement for research purposes! So pardon us as we're just on our way to the library discover anything if there are anymore myths to discover!”

Seeing as he was one of them and somepony who loves adventuring, the civilians went back to their business. As for the guards, they rolled their eyes in annoyance as some dumb rich pony dressed weirdly looked suspicious. So they returned to their post and resumed their duties.

As the crowd disband, Connor let out a deep sigh as he was glad his idea worked.



“Pffft Oh sweet Celestia! That was hilarious!!!”

“*Sigh*” Connor facehoof as he felt embarrassed for speaking fancy. Why do ponies make fun of him when he does that?

“Heehee! Wow! Nice fancy talk Mr. Kenway! That's one way to act like the ponies around here!”

“Well it was the only way to escape from being suspicious, as a member of the brotherhood, you have to use your wits and skills to do what is necessary to attention. Even when wearing these robes.”

“Cool! I'll have to remember that whenever I'm in a pinch!”

“Good. However, why did the ponies here looked at me like I was a criminal? I haven't done anything!”

“Remember Mr. Kenway, were in Canterlot. Home to the princesses, the rich, and headquarters to the royal guard. It's the reason why this place is heavily guarded in all of Equestria! They take safety real seriously.”

“So I've seen.” Connor said as he now has to watch his step. One wrong move and all of the royal guard will be hunting him. He just hope this mission will go smoothly.

“Yeah, your outfit is a bit suspicious, ever thought of a change clothes?” The dragon insisted.

“Tempting, but another time perhaps. Lead the way Spike, you know this city better than me.”

Feeling happy that he's in charge for once, Spike saluted and said.

“Yes sir, Mr. Kenway! Onward!”

Later that day.

“Well, that's was easy!” Connor said as he and Spike returned from delivering the message for Twilight’s personal belongs to be moved to Ponyville.

“I know right, I still don't know why Twilight couldn't do it herself! I mean sure it's important, but come on!”

“Next time this happens, I'll refuse.”

“Yeah, but you know what'll make things better?” Asked Spike as he smiled.

“What's that?”


Connor tilted his head as he wondered what is a donut? Is it some type of food perhaps? He was getting hungry, so he'll just follow along for now.

“Sounds good, you know where to get donuts?”

“You know it! Come on, I know a place!”

As the Assassin followed the dragon, he was led to a building that is called Donut Joe's. He smelled the air as it filled his nostrils with the scent of sweetness, next thing he knew, his mouth drooled!

Seeing this made Spike laughed.

“Hahaha! I knew the smell of donuts would make you drool! Yup! Donut Joe's donuts are the greatest thing you'll ever taste! It's like a taste of heaven in your mouth as you eat it! I bet you never had one, am I right?”

Connor confessed to the baby dragon.

“Alright, you caught me. I've never had a donut. I have been eating sweets from sugarcube corner sometimes, but I've never seen a donut in their store.”

“That's because you need skills to make a donut. Sweets like cupcakes are good, but donuts are something else. How about we go inside and you'll see what I mean.”

“Yes please!”

Without another word, both entered the restaurant. Inside, Connor’s nose was filled with the scent of donuts, never had he smelled something so delicious! As he looked over the counter, there was the source of the smell.

Donuts. And more donuts! All kinds too! Sugar donuts, frosted donuts, powdered donuts, you get the idea!

Spike immediately snapped Connor out of his trance and said.

“Easy there Mr. Kenway, don’t let the donuts take hold of you. If they do, you'll be in a food coma!”

“That doesn't sound pleasant, and it doesn't make sense.”

“It's true! Look at that picture on that wall!”

Connor looked at the wall Spiked pointed at and, saw a photo showing the dragon in a hospital bed while in a coma with a pony wearing an apron holding a shirt that says, ‘I did the 100 donut challenge and survived’!

Looking back at Spike, Connor said.

“You took on a challenge after eating donuts for the first time did I you?”

“Yup! And it was worth it!”

“And he best not do it again!”

Connor and Spike turned to the counter and saw the same pony in the photo.

“Yo! Donut Joe!”

“Spike! My favorite customer! Come here you!”

As Spiked walked towards the Stallion, both shook hoofs/hands as they greeted each other.

“You know each other?” Connor asked as he met the two at the counter, and took a seat.

"Yeah, Twilight and I come here sometimes when both of us crave donuts. But mostly when she is in a rush to eat and get back to her studies." Spike answered.

"Plus, this little guy has quite the appetite when it comes to donuts." Added Donut Joe.

"Expect for gems, those are favorite too."

"Right. Anyway, what can I do you for the both of ya? Let me guess. Donuts?"

"That's why we're here! But give us something basic, Connor here is a virgin."

"Wait, what?" Replied Connor with a blush on his face.

"Ah, a donut newbie eh? I've got just the thing!" Said Donut Joe as he left bring the two their food.

Seeing the donut maker gone, Connor scold the young dragon.

"What was that?!"

"What do you mean?"

"What you said! I'm a virgin?! Where did you learn such a thing! Who taught you that?!"

"Donut Joe."


"Yeah, he taught me that word. When I first met him, he said I was a virgin of donuts since I never had one before. Why? Does it mean something else? Is it a bad word?"

Connor blushed heavily as this dragon doesn't even truly know what the word virgin means! How could an adult pony say such a thing to an innocent child?! How could Twilight not pay attention to what was said to Spike! Oh wait, Studies. Right.

Seeing this might cause a problem, Connor answered to Spikes question.

"*Ahem* Let's just say it's best to keep those types of words to yourself, you don't want to say anything that might offend or embarrass."

"Oh no, it is a bad word!"

"Basically yes."

"Oh man, what am I gonna do?! Twilight will freak if she finds out!"

"Calm yourself Spike," Said Connor as he placed his hoof on the dragon's shoulder. "as long as Twilight doesn't find out, and pay attention to what you say, it'll be fine. Just make sure you find out what the meaning of the words you say."

"Yeah, yeah ok. That sounds good! Just need to be careful from now on."


As they finished their conversion, Donut Joe returned with two plates that held a dozen balls of dough.

"Here ya go boys, Donut holes for beginner's."

"Sweet! Thanks Donut Joe!" Said Spike as he paid for the food.

"No problem, enjoy!"

With that, Donut Joe left as Spike began to eat his meal, leaving Connor to stare at the plate, looking curious.

("What is this? Donut Joe said this is a donut hole. I don't see any holes on this? And how is this a donut? It doesn't like the ones I see behind the counter. But it does smell delicious! Might as well try it.")

Taking one of the donut holes and tossing it into his mouth, the master assassin instantly fell...in love!

"By the spirits…"

One hour later…

After eating two more plates of donut holes, Connor, and, Spike, had a very long conversation that somehow turned...humorously dark.




As story ended with a dark twist, both Connor and Spike fell onto the ground as they laughed their butts off uncontrollably. How was this story funny in the first place? We'll never know.

Catching their breath, the baby Dragon sat up and said.

"*Phew* Anyway, that's how our doctor lost their medical license."

"They sounded like an interesting Pony to meet, any idea where they are?"

"Last I heard they became a mercenary under the name medic, after that I have no clue where they are."

"Hmm...that's a shame."

"Yeah, anyway, I think it's time to head home. Twilight might be wondering why it's taking so long to get this job done."

*Back at the Treehouse library*

A drunk Twilight slept on the couch as she held onto the empty bottle of champagne she drank earlier. By the looks of it, she's not gonna wake up anytime soon.

*With Connor and Spike*

"I'm sure she is." Connor replied. "Now let us return home, Scootaloo always wants to know what I did at work when she gets home from school."

"Sounds like a plan! Let's go!"

Standing up from the floor, and heading towards the exit, Connor, and Spike said their goodbyes to Donut Joe, and left the building. As they were about to head to the train station.




Falling on the ground, the master assassin looked to see the pony who ran into them, and said.

"What is the meaning is this?!"


"Next time, look where you run! My friend and I are in a bit of a rush to head home."

"Look I'm sorry but I'm in a rush too, but it's a matter of life and death?"


"No...way…" Said Spike as he looked at the pony."

"Spike, what is it?"

The dragon looked the pony, it was a Unicom mare whose coat is white, and her hair and tail are both dark and light blue. A music note for a cutie mark, and a most noticeable sunglasses over eyes.

"It is… your Vinyl Scratch! DJ Pon-3!"


"Oh great...I take it you are a fan?"

"Oh most definitely!"

"Damn it! Ok look, if you guys can help, like right now, I'll owe you guys but time!"

"Oh yeah? Like what? Asked Spike as he was interested with this favor"

"I'll tell you later if you guys help!"

Connor looked at the mare as she looked terrified, and really needed the help bady. Just what kind of trouble is she in?

"Tell us what's wrong, and we'll assist you. Otherwise we won't."

Just as Vinyl was about to speak, a voice was heard.

"There she is!"

"Oh no!" Said Vinyl as she started to panic. Slowly turning around, the terrified mare saw a large, and I mean a LARGE, group of ponies were yards away from her position, eager to meet her.

"Vinyl, l love you!"

"Sign my shirt!"

"Let's get to know each other!"

"I'm your number one fan!"

"I wanna have your babies!"

Looking back at Connor, and grabbing his robes, Vinyl begged again.

"For Celestia's sake stallion, HELP ME!!!"

Seeing Vinyl's face up close made Connor see how truly desperate she needed the help. Taking a peek over her shoulder, he saw the large mob of ponies running towards them, and they looked out of control!

He could let Vinyl be surrounded by her mob of fans, but there's a chance she'll get hurt, or worse. It was none of his business, but being in this situation where an innocent needs help cannot be ignored!

"Damn it!" Cursed Connor as he grabbed both Spike and Vinyl. "Run!"

To be continued...

Comments ( 10 )

A dance off? That could be fun.

Awesome. To be honest, I loved Connorr's high society moment. It makes me thing of Connor being at the gala or at Fancy Pant's party and has to preform a hit.

Great chapter. Thanks for using Vinyl Scratch.

Glad to have u back
Excellent chapter

I’m hoping they will be in a new update soon or in 2022 ? to the store is good

Your probably sick of people saying this but i do hope this gets updated as this is really bloody good

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