• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 10,700 Views, 480 Comments

Assassin's Creed III:Friendship is magic season one - Brony117

Warning! Takes place After Assassins creed III. Contains some spoilers if you didn't play or finished the game!

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Chapter 12: The election part 1

Chapter 12: The election part 1

It has been a week since Connors and Scootaloos encounter with the royal guard, and purchasing new weapons. As well as living with Derpy, Dinky, and Carrot Top. Ever since the incident, Connor felt sloppy as he knew he could’ve escaped form them easily even thought Scootaloo exposed his hiding spot. To prevent that from happening again, every early morning he would wake up, head outside and train him self to perfect his abilities as they once were by climbing and running on top of buildings. As for his combat abilities, Connor met Shinning Armor once again during his training. Shinning Armor, requested Connor to help him train the recruits in combat training after seeing him defeat the royal guard last week, seeing this as an opportunity to continue his training, Connor accepted Shinning Armors request and trained the recruits. As the training went by, Connors combat abilities started to come back to him. As for the recruits, they started to regret that joining the royal guard wasn’t going to be as they expected to be. As the days went by, Connors training was complete. He was now faster, stronger, and perhaps even better than he was before.

Carrot Tops house

(Later that night)

After a nice hot dinner, made by Carrot Top, which involved carrots of course, Connor, Scootaloo, Derpy, and Dinky thanked for the food.

“Thank you for the food auntie Carrot Top!” said Dinky.

“Yeah, it was great!” said Scootaloo,

“Delicious as always.” said Connor.

“Yup! But I wish it had muffin flavor though.” Said Derpy.

“You’re all welcome, I’m glad you all liked it!” said Carrot Top with a smile. “And no Derpy, not every food can taste like muffins, I don’t even think it’s possible.”


“Anyway, Scootaloo, Dinky, get cleaned up, you both have a big day tomorrow!”

“We do?” said both Fillies.

“Yes, now go upstairs and get cleaned up and go to bed.”

Both girls complained.

“Aw, do we have to auntie Carrot Top?”

“Yeah, were not even tired!”

“It’s either that or help me wash the dishes.”

At that instant, both fillies looked at each other and back at Carrot Top.

‘Good night!”

With that said, Scootaloo, and Dinky, headed up stairs and did as they were told.

Seeing this made the adults laugh.

“And that’s how its done.” Said Carrot Top.

“Hahaha! Good one!” said Derpy.

“An excellent way to get the children to do what they are told.” Said Connor.

“Well when your living with children, you get an idea on how to get them to do things.”

“Hmmm…I see…” said Connor.

“Hey Carrot Top, why are the girls are going to bed early? Usually we let them stay up late.” Said Derpy.

“Well you see, tomorrow is the first day of school!”

Hearing this made Derpy suddenly scream.


Carrot Top quickly covered Derpys mouth.

“Derpy! Calm down! I’ve already bought the supplies!”

“Y-You did?” said Derpy as Carrot Top removed her hoof from her, mouth.

“Of course I did, I bought Dinky’s supplies already. Including Scootaloos.”

‘You bought School supplies for Scootaloo?” said Connor.

“Yes, seeing that she and Dinky are good friends, I thought it would be best if they got together. And perhaps make more friends along the way as they receive their education.”

“That’s very thoughtful of you Carrot Top, but you didn’t have to do that.”

“Nonsense, it was the least I could do to repay you back for saving Derpy.”

“Well then, I thank you for giving Scootaloo the opportunity that I could never give her. She deserves better.”

“I know, you are all that she has to after. And it’s your responsibility to look after her.”

“I understand, but I don’t know if I’m doing things correctly.”

“Well if you feel that way, then you need to find a job.”

Hearing this caught Connor’s attention.

“A job?”

“Yes, a job.” Said Carrot Top. “You want to be more responsible? Getting a job will help!”

“Uh…well…I…I suppose I could find a job.”

“Then it settles it! Tomorrow the girls go to school, and you go look for a job!”

“Yay! Connor gets a job!” Yelled Derpy.

“Heh, thank you for the encouragement Derpy.” Said Connor.

“Alright, let’s clean up here and get some rest. We got a busy day tomorrow.”

The next day…

*knock knock*


“Connor, Scootaloo, wake up! Its 7:30 get ready! And breakfast is on the table!” said Carrot Top.

“Oh…ten more minutes…” said Scootaloo as she tried to sleep.

Hearing Carrot Tops voice, Connor easily woke up, stretched, and replied back.

“We’ll be there Carrot Top, give us a moment.”

With that said Carrot Top left.

Connor moved out from his bed and walked towards Scootaloo, who is still asleep.

“Scootaloo, wake up.”

“Mmm…I said ten more minutes…”



Connor knew it was hopeless; the young pegasi is a heavy sleeper. There was no way to wake her up with out something.


“Very well then,” he said. “I guess that means that your plate for breakfast belongs to me now.”

Suddenly, Scootaloo, jumped from her bed and grabbed Connors face and gave him a serious look.

“Don’t you dare take my plate! You know how much I love Carrot Tops pancakes!”

Connor smiled as his act for taking Scootaloos breakfast is working.

“Then I suggest you get ready before I reach there and take it for myself. Otherwise it will be gone by the time you’re done getting ready.”

“Oh no you don’t!” shouted Scootaloo, as she ran towards the bathroom, brushed her teeth, washed her face combed her hair, and headed towards the dinning room to eat her pancakes.

Connor, alone in the room, smiled at his work for getting Scootaloo off the bed, and getting herself ready for school.

Which of course she doesn’t know yet.

After eating breakfast and getting themselves ready for the day, Connor and the others followed Carrot Top to the school while the fillies complained where they are going.

“Aunt Carrot Top, where are we going?” said Dinky.

“You’ll see, just keep walking.” replied Carrot Top.

“Just keep walking , Just keep walking , Just keep walking , walking , walking !” singed Derpy happily as she walked with the others.

“We’ll see?” said Scootaloo with a slight attitude. “Me and Dinky woke up early in the morning to find out we are going somewhere with these saddlebags on our backs and you guys wont tell us a thing!”

“Patience Scootaloo,” said Connor. “Acting like this wont make things go quicker.”

“*Hmph* Fine!”

After a few minutes of silence and walking, Connor and the others, made it to their location.

On top of a hill, just a few yards away from ponyville, is a red building with a bell on top of the roof and with a sigh that says ‘Ponyville elementary school’.

Seeing this surprised the filles.

“Mommy…where are we?”

“And why are we at a place like this?”

“Surprise!” shouted Carrot Top. “What you girls see in front of you is the school Derpy and I went to when we were your age! And in good condition than I remember, I wonder who owns the place now?”

Suddenly, Carrot Tops question was answered when a voice was heard.

“Alright my little ponies! Only a few minutes left before school begins!”

Carrot Top looked at where the voice came from and saw a familiar pony.

“I can’t believe it, ‘she’ owns the place now!?”

“Who is it Carrot Top?” Said Connor as he looked at the direction she was looking at. “It can’t be…”

“What cha looking at Connor?” said Scootaloo as she looked at the direction Connor was looking at. “Huh? Cheerilee!?”

Hearing her name, Cheerilee, turned to see a pair of familiar faces.

“Connor? Scootaloo?”

“Cheerilee,” said Connor as he and the others walked up to her. “so this is where you have been since you left us in the middle of the street last week.”

“Uh…well I…uh…th-that was an accident! I didn’t mean to leave you both behind! I had-“

“I understand,” Connor interrupted. “I believe the reason was because of this building?”

“Yes,” Cheerilee replied. “before we met I had the funds to repair this building that we all use to go every morning and decided to become its owner.”

“Owner?” said Carrot Top. “Cheerilee, you don’t mean-“

“That’s right! I am the new teacher! With experience of course!”

“But this building was slowly falling apart during the summer from what I’ve hear, how did you manage to get it repaired in time?”

“Well it was difficult to gain the funding as I took a part time as a tutor for summer classes, as I got paid I put the money towards the construction and things were going smoothly. Now, after a few months this place is back in business and I’m ready to teach!”

“And the bell?” said Connor.

“That is what made me leave you and Scootaloo alone in the street, it was a suppose to be a secret to the public that the school is being repaired and they tested it without my permission, I’m sorry!”

“It’s alright, at least you had a reason why you left us.”

“Thank you Connor, anyway school is about to start.”

Cheerilee turned around and shouted.

“Alright my little ponies! School is now open! Time to head inside!”

With that said, every children went inside the school as their parents waved them goodbye.

“I’ll give you a few more minutes with the girls.” Said Cheerilee as she went inside the school.

Scootaloo, and Dinky, gave the three adults a worried looks.

“Do we have to go?” said Dinky.

“Yeah, do we have to go?” said Scootaloo. “Can’t we just comeback here another time like next week?”

“Sorry girls,” replied Carrot Top. “You’re going to have to go.”

“But I don’t wanna go!” shouted Dinky as she ran into her mothers arms and cried. “I wanna stay with mommy…”

“Dinky…” said Derpy as she tightly hugged her daughter.

Seeing this made Scootaloo upset, she had no pony to look up to. Dinky has a mother, she was always there for her no matter what.

Suddenly, she thought of Connor.

A Pegasus who appeared out of nowhere, saved her, brought her back to health, and has been trying his best to look after her ever since they first met.

How could have she not seen that?

Scootaloo, then looked at Connor and grabbed his hoof and wrapped it around hers around it.

Connor, suddenly felt something on his hoof. He looked down to see his hoof wrapped around Scootaloos hoof!


Scootaloo quickly released her hoof from his and looked away.

“S-Sorry,” she replied. “don’t know what came over me.”

Connor suddenly knew Scootaloo didn’t want to go. She had been with him for a while now and she didn’t want to leave him. She was an orphan since they first met, she was left all alone with no pony to look after her. He remember that she ran away from the orphanage, and lived on her own to survive for who knows how long. And worst of all, no pony to look after her, and comfort her.


“Dinky,” said Derpy. “How about a promise?”

“A promise…”

“Yup, if you go to school I promise to pick you up and give you the biggest hug you’ll get everyday.”

Dinky took a moment to think and replied.


With that said the unicorn filly moved from her mothers arms and walked slowly towards the school, as she made it to the front door Dinky looked back as her mother gave her a smile, giving her the confidence to go on.

It worked.

Dinky smiled and went inside.

Seeing this gave Connor an idea, he faced towards Scootaloo and said.

“How about a promise?”

“A promise?” replied Scootaloo.

“Yes, if you go to school everyday I give you my word that I’ll train you.”

“Train me? Wait! You don’t mean-“

“We’ll only start with the basics, as you advance and until you mastered what I’ve taught you, we’ll continue the training.”

“R-Really!? Do you mean that!? Your not just saying this just to get me to school!”

“Well…perhaps a little. But Carrot Top, Derpy and I want you to go. Isn’t there something you want to do when your older?”

“Hmmm…well, Rainbow Dash did mention about how awesome the wonder bolts are the other day. How she told me the story made me want to join them.”

“And you will if you join Dinky in that building and learn what is necessary to become one of them.”

Scootaloo, looked at the building and thought what she could accomplish.

“Alright, I’ll do it! Don’t forget your promise!”

“I won’t.” Connor replied.

With that said, Scootaloo ran towards the building and went inside.

“Well, that’s that.” Said Carrot Top. “I’m proud of both of you to get the girls inside. I wouldn’t know what to do if I was here by myself.”

“It was a good thing we were.” Said Connor. “The fillies needed the push.”

“And Promise!” said Derpy.

“Are you both going to keep that promise?”


“I gave her my word.”

“Alright then, let’s get the day started shall we? Derpy, your with me as usual, Connor, look for a job.”

“Ok!” said Derpy.

“Heh, you do not have to tell me twice.”

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the next chapter has been posted! until the next one! Booooo! I know I know...you wanted it to be longer. I want to but i cant. im trying to build up stuff much as possible and the best as i can to make things faster. and i am deeply sorry for the long wait! i have been very busy these last couple of months. i won't go into details but hey im back and ready to continue! Let me try and think what should happen next and seeing if i think its right for the next chapter. until then I'll be working on my other fanfic as i think for this fanfic.