• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 5,099 Views, 708 Comments

Elements Change the Dark Hearts - Nightmare_0mega

What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?

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Biting Cold

Fluttershy flew out of the barrier and into the tundra beyond as fast and as far as she could go. The vast, cold and empty white nothing before her stretched forth like unforgiving jaws. In all honesty, it terrified the little yellow pegasus, but the pain inside drove her onward. She just needed to get away. Away from the protected civilization, from the growing hostility, from her friends that just didn't understand.

At least, that's what she believed. However, deep down in her heart, she doubted those were the only reasons why she fled. Perhaps she ran from something more than that. Something deeper. Something she just couldn't swallow.

Fluttershy began to slow down, the cold of the air finally registering against her vulnerable and thin coat. She shivered, wiping away the solidified tears from her eyes and cheeks. She had to get out of the cold and fast. She looked back, considering her return to the Crystal Empire. To face the friend that stung her. To face a truth she didn't want to admit. All she could see however, was snow. Thick enough to block her range of sight. Her fear came in full force. Lost, alone, cold, and exposed to the open elements. With nothing more to do, she acted like a snowflake, and gently floated back down to the ground below.

What came next, however, could have been considered a stroke of luck. As her head hung in sorrow and defeat, she noticed something underneath her. An odd indentation in the snow, larger than her frail pony form. Even better, the positioning of the track indicated that it was heading forward.

"Which means..." she quietly uttered to herself, looking in the opposing direction. She couldn't see the dome of the crystal empire, but knew in all logical accounts that it had to be that way. She took a step away from the large print in the snow, and stopped. Fluttershy thought about everything that happened in the last little while. Her concern for the unknown creature, her dismissal of her friends' worries and doubts, the creature's brutish behavior. It was everything that she needed to confront if she ever wanted to lay the cold doubt in her heart to rest. And with the new conviction, she turned back towards the creature's track, and began flying in that direction.

She just hoped that whatever happened next, that everything would be alright by the time she returned to her friends.


"HOLD YOUR DEFENSES! KEEP UP THE SUPPRESSING FIRE, CRYSTAL GUARD!" Shining Armor shouted orders from within the ranks of his battalion. The Crystal Heart failed once again to stop the new threat, and such a threat had made its way to the foot of the Crystal Tower. It was an utter war-zone between the Guard and the intruder. Unicorn guards of the Crystal Empire shot volley after volley of offense magic at the unknown entity that hid behind a black crystal wall. Shields and spears were kept up to hold their own wall, in case the foe tried a more aggressive tactic.

It didn't take long for that to happen, when a sudden line of crystals shot from the ground, tracking towards the defending ponies. The strike the crystals produced caused a couple of the guards to falter, loosing their defense. However, for the few guard that were incapacitated and removed to be treated for wounds, a few more replaced them. Shining knew that they were in a stalemate at this point, but he had a decent trick up his sleeve. One he's been charging up since the beginning of that surprise attack.

"Crystal Guard, SEPARATE!" The battalion did as he commanded, and separated the wall they made, allowing the captain access to the front of their defenses. With a glowing horn, ready to be used, Shining Armor bowed his head, and let loose his torrent. A massive wall of magic pulsed out of his horn, screaming towards the dark crystals, obliterating the black mass in one fell wave. The resulting shock wave caused everyone in the front line to flinch and cover their faces from any rogue flying debris. When the dust cleared, the Guard and Shining approached the enemy's ex-fortification. Lying on the ground at its epicenter was a black crystal pony stallion. One with a very familiar look of a dark grey coat, black mane, red horn, and piercing green eyes. The intruder of such a bleak design laughed darkly, despite looking like he was mortally wounded.

"How in Tartarus did you get back in here, Sombra?" Shining spat, "Did you use that thing to get a ride in?"

Sombra's laughing slowed and died as he looked upon his foe. A sick smile remained as he began to explain. "In a way. To be blunt, a rampage against this empire was not required. Our actions, however, handed Us the opportunity to finish Our preparations."

"Preparations for what?!" Shining uttered venomously, pressing his hoof forcefully against the chest of his downed foe.

Sombra laughed once again, and glared at his opponent, "Thou hath already lost!" With that statement of victory, Sombra's head tilted back, and his last breath left him. His body then became a simple and deformed lump of black crystal.

"He was a copy," Shining deduced, as he began to put the pieces together, trying to figure out what Sombra's game really was. The look of dawning horror surfaced like a slow rising tide as he began to realize the repercussions of the matter at hand. And there are more of them, he thought in abject terror, gazing off to the distance. If one was able to hold of a single battalion...

No. Shining considered his options. Tragically, he really only had one. The populous was the main priority. As much as it would displace his people, he would need to get them out of the city so they can remain safe. They would need the combined help of his wife and his sister, along with able bodied pegasi to shepherd anyone else left behind. This would all be done while the rest of the guard stand their ground and attempt to fight them off. He would lose against them eventually, but as long as they're occupied, there was a chance that Celestia could intervene.

For the good of Equestria.


Fluttershy found herself at the mouth of the cavern that housed the entity of discontent for many ponies, for a number of reasons. All she wanted to do was turn around, go back to the crystal empire, and forget this whole mess. Maybe even go home and tend to Angel and the rest of her animals. It would have been so easy to do so.

It just wasn't right. So, with her conviction etched within, she marched forth, deeper into the darkness. Each step brought her closer to her eventual confrontation... and an absolutely goddess awful stench. It was the smell of frozen dead fish. As Fluttershy originated from Cloudsdale long ago, she knew that smell quite accurately. It was normally brought in by Griffon traders, who kept their supplies frozen to last longer. The creature she was to face likely had a similar idea. She figured that he must be nearby with such a odor present. Fluttershy decided to chance speaking up.

"Uhm..." she quietly squeaked. There was no response. Which wasn't surprising, considering her voice hardly carried around the cavern. This is no time to be timid, she thought to herself, I have to do this. "Excuse me?" she spoke, much louder this time. She could barely see movement in the darkness, but figured that she had the beast's attention now. "I'm ever so glad I could find you," she started, "Look, I know that you're lost and alone, and you don't want to be here. I mean, it must be hard being out of your natural habitat, being forced to live like this, eating... fish. I want to help you, I really do, but I can't do it by myself, and the only one I know that could help you is Princess Celestia. But, with the way you've been acting, I don't think she would help you, especially with the way you've treated us after rescuing you. Maybe it might be best if you came back to the Crystal Empire with me and apologize to my friends... I-if you want..." She began to lose her confidence in her words as she trailed off in quieter volumes. No, I have to convince him. Be strong, Fluttershy. She started again with reinforced vigor. "If you do, I'm certain everyone would come to see you like I do, in that you aren't some big meanie. Then, we can most definitely help you out. Maybe even-"

"SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE," honked the great beast, as it smacked its lips lazily, and became silent again.

Fluttershy realized that everything that she just said was outright ignored by the sleeping giant. Intentional or not, this little fact irked her to the core. She had enough with everyone brushing her off so easily. So, with a raging fire of confidence and fury, she marched up to the creature and did what she considered unthinkable. A rude awakening.


The beast's glowing red eyes shot open as he jumped, slamming his head against the ceiling of the surprisingly sturdy cave, and groaned in protest. Bael shook his body lazily, trying to be rid of the stars before his eyes, and his own lethargy. With a rumbling yawn, it slowly turned to the small yellow intruder.

"Oh," the lord of toads said flatly, slowly turning back to sleep once again, "It's you. Leave me be, horse. I'm in no mood to be entertained by you."

"You listen here, mister!" Fluttershy commanded. Bael turned back to her, annoyance deep seated in his eyes. "I just fought with my best friend, crossed through a raging blizzard, and gathered what little courage I have just to come and talk to you! You've done nothing but act like a cold and spoiled child, indifferent to those trying to help you. We've risked our lives just to see you, and we'd do so again just to HELP! Your attitude is just-" She stomped on the ground as hard as she could muster before she continued, in a much softer tone this time, "- but we'd forgive all of that if you'd just apologize. So, drop the superiority act and come back to the Crystal Empire with me."

Silence filled the cave as the words hung in the air. The red eyes glowing at her went from annoyance, to confusion, then finally mirth, as the great toad began to laugh.

"What's so funny?!" Fluttershy demanded, nearing the point of wanting to grind her teeth.

"In all of my years, I have NEVER witnessed a mortal so foolishly make such claims and demands. No less a mouse of an equine like you. You want to 'help'? Then do so by departing from my sight... and fetching me meat. Lots of it. No dog or cat, either. And after you do that, you can play the fiddle for me." It then continued laughing, mocking her mercilessly.

Fluttershy was done. The very fact she was terrified of admitting was now present in full force before her. Twilight was right, she thought with a huff. With that bitter thought, she turned around and left the cave, heading in the direction of the Crystal Empire. She felt like such a fool, thinking that this creature might just be misunderstood. This wasn't like the manticore with a thorn in it's paw or the groggy dragon on the mountain. This creature was truly, unapologetically unpleasant. She flew further and further into the tundra, where the blizzard had died down, and followed the tracks backwards to her friends. She'll apologize to Twilight and tell her there's no way she'd be able to handle that beast. Best case scenario, they could just leave it alone out here and forget it ever existed.

Just then, she noticed something to the far side. A couple small specks, heading towards the large dome of the empire. Pausing and squinting, she could pick out their details, and with that, her heart quivered in fear. She couldn't mistake those features, especially seeing them for the first time as a smoke like entity.

It was Sombra. Two of them. Entirely identical from each other.

"Oh..." she shivered, "... my..."

Behind those, in a line like black ants, were dozens upon dozens of more Sombra clones. A veritable army of darkness was marching towards the Empire. There was very little she could do in the moment. She could try to race back to her friends, but chances are she'd never be fast enough, and would end up in the eventual crossfire. Or worse, everyone would have abandoned the city by the time she got there, and she'd be at Sombra's mercy. A terrifying thought to say the least. There really was only one other option.


Bael settled back into a sleeping position, glad to be rid of the nuisance. What an utter mockery of the natural order. Demanding me, a demon, to act as a slave to those lower than me? His eyes slowly drifted closed. If I am to be trapped here, they will learn to fear me, as mortals should. He smacked his lips lightly. I will retain my cold solitude...

"E-excuse me?"

Bael's eyes shot open once again as he quickly turned around to find his nuisance had returned. "No meat?" he growled, "Then be gone. I will no longer waste my time conversing with the likes of you."

"But I need your help!" She implored.

"I will not!"

"You don't understand! Sombra is back as an army of pony clones, and he's attacking the city and my friends-"

"Don't care."

"- are in danger! I can't do anything to help them but-"

"Why are you still here?"

"You could easily help them!"

Bael huffed, "Give me one good reason why I SHOULD help them. Do NOT tell me that 'it's the right thing to do'. I'm above such mortal trivialities."

Fluttershy bit her lip, and thought of what she could say to convince him. He considered what she heard from him, his attitude, what he is, and his own morals. Wait!

"Nothing?" Bael spat, "Then LEAVE!" He turned back and tried to go back to sleep.

"... They aren't real ponies..." The statement was so odd and out of nowhere that it captured the toads attention. He shifted slightly towards the mare, as she continued. "The Sombra clones. They aren't real. W-well, they shouldn't be, at least. They look too identical... and give off this crystalline shimmer, despite how dark they look. If they aren't real, then they probably don't... eugh... taste like a real pony."

Bael, intrigued, turned back towards his little intruder slowly, and leaned in closer. "Pony," He began, low and serious. Fluttershy looked up in attention and terror to the great beast. "Do you swear on your life that what you say is true?"

"I-I don't-"

"DO YOU SWEAR?" he demanded.


"Good." He smiled a big, sharp, toothy grin, "If you have lied, I will be obligated to break both of my personal rules."

With that notion, Bael began to move out of the cave and disappear against the newly formed blizzard. Fluttershy remained behind, thinking about what exactly she had just done.


It had been quiet for quite a while, since they stopped the first copy. Shining and the rest of the Crystal Guard held their position in front of the tower, waiting for Sombra's next attack. The Prince had already commanded that the citizens were to be evacuated, and sent to Canterlot for refuge. It took him a bit of time, but he was soon able to convince his wife to do the same. I'm just sorry I promised I'd come out of this safe, he thought. He stood attentive, ready for just about anything. The one thing he wasn't ready for was a blinding flash, and his sister appearing beside him.

"Twiliy?" Shining Armor asked, dumbfounded, "What are you doing here? You should be gone with Cadance and the rest of the Crystal Ponies! I don't want you hurt."

"I can't go," Twilight objected, shaking her head, "Fluttershy is still out there. I messed up once already, but I'm not going to abandon her on top of all of this."

"It's too dangerous for you to go looking for her. Sombra is outside the barrier, probably getting ready to invade, right as we speak. If Fluttershy is smart, she'd be hiding in the mountains until everything's died down. Please, just go back to Canterlot. One of the pegasus guards will escort you."

"Not without Fluttershy!"

Just then, there was a buzzing noise. This normally wouldn't be noticed by a city full of ponies, but in a nearly vacant dome, it comes through clear as day. A second buzzing noise followed suite.

"Captain! Two Sombra copies! North East side!" one of the pegasi Crystal Guard announced.

"Here they come. Twilight. This is an order not from your brother, but your monarch. GO. HOME." He demanded.

There was a third buzzing noise, and a familiar blue bipedal thing shot through the shield, grabbed one of the clones, and pulled it back through. Everyone saw it, and watched quizzically at what unfolded before them.

Way at the edge of the shield, the second Sombra clone looked to where its partner should be, and growled. He didn't get more than two steps before he saw the blue thing shoot through the dome's wall, and grab his form. Suddenly, Sombra felt cold, before he gained a sudden sense of vertigo, as he was yanked back through the shield, and slammed to the snowy ground. When feeling began to return, he shook his head, and gazed up at what pulled him through. The great toad stood before him, munching on the first clone, which pitifully cried for help in between crunches.

"Well, what do you know," the master of frozen land said in satisfaction, swallowing the remains, "You lot taste like licorice."

Bael smiled wickedly. This is gonna be fun.

Author's Note:


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