• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 5,093 Views, 708 Comments

Elements Change the Dark Hearts - Nightmare_0mega

What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?

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Raining Blood

Moving through the trees in the dead of night and keeping to the shadows, swarms of changelings shifting through various vegetation camouflage follow the maroon and gun metal grey cyborg in relative silence. Leaves flicked and swayed to the wind as the small army tried to mimic the air itself to stay as hidden as they could. Within moments, they had finally reached the forest line that cut off to the plot of land where the town of Ponyville sleeps. Encroaching the edges and lining the darkness, the army became still. Climbing a tree like a ninja, Monsoon took a vantage point, and activated the enhancement scope to extend his vision. Upon doing so, he noticed a very curious problem.

"A fishbowl?" He muttered in confusion. Studying the strange setting before him, he confirmed what he was seeing was indeed an upturned fishbowl that encased the entire town. At the flat part of the glass, high above the town, black clouds gathered and churned menacingly. Zooming in and enhancing detail, he noticed that lightening was crackling within the formations, creating an atmosphere of dread. Something's wrong, he thought to himself. Despite knowing little of the world aside that it played with his sense of reality, he fully believed that whatever was going on was far from their normal. Aside from that, with what little Chrysalis did tell him about pony society in an offhanded manner, nothing in her explanation stated that they'd ever dare to enclose themselves like this.

He looked down to the copy drones below him, whom all watched the town before them with dead, blank expressions, merely awaiting their order to move. Monsoon cursed under his artificial breath, and climbed back down to ground level. He then spoke softly, but clearly. "To all troops: Stay here, and remain in hiding. Do nothing else until I have returned and given all of you further instruction. Clear?" The entire group gave a low, simultaneous buzz as if they were all perfectly synchronized. Upon getting his response, he dashed back through the forest, retracing all of his steps he took to get back to Unicorn Range. Monsoon moved as quickly as he possibly could to get in contact with his co-conspirator.

There was going to be a big change of plans.


Fluttershy fidgeted as she was wrenched out of the log she hid in and into the dawn's light by her bird companions. She had been tasked to get in contact with Twilight to give her info on what they've really been dealing with, but upon learning her friend was in the Everfree, Fluttershy began to lose her nerve. It was normal for the meek pegasus to do that. However, her avian friends knew that they needed to get her to be brave and finish what she's been tasked with.

"This IS me being brave!" She whined, trying to gallop away in mid air as her little bird friends held onto her damaged sneaking suit and mussed mane. "I wanna be brave at HOME! Locked in my CLOSET! WITH MY TEDDY BEAR!"

Anyone that had respectable levels of cognitive thought would have probably concluded that little event was certainly odd. Odder still that the birds managed to drag her all the way to the forest entrance, and disappear into the imposing woodland. However, five hundred pairs of eyes, all of which that were passed by said little birds carrying the yelping butter colored mare, did not even bat an eye in that direction. They did not even consider a pegasus dressed as a black and blue bunny being carried away by a variety of birds, all of whom were in on a scheme to stop a rampaging tyrant in a small town, was something that was even out of the ordinary. Not that it would have mattered, for all five hundred copies had their own task at hand, being specifically told not to be seen.

When Monsoon had returned to his small army, he addressed them, "I have new orders for our little siege. Upon the signal, we will approach the town, and surround it entirely. Whatever has happened here has left them trapped, which will make things a lot cleaner for us to deal with. Once we have the town surrounded, we will wait for further orders by your Queen. Understood?" A monotone, synchronized buzz of five hundred clones lowly echoed in response. "Before we move forward, has anything strange happened while I was gone?"

If they had also been told to report anything strange that might have happened prior to Monsoon's initial departure, they probably would have mentioned something. As it happened though, because of the lack of foreknowledge on the order, they remained silent, eyes still fixated on the town.

"Nothing? Then this will move smoothly," he said with a dark grin. Taking a step outside of the forest, out into the open, he watched the sky unhindered and waited. Within moments, a green flare in the distance shot high above the town and surrounding trees and hills, and exploded with gusto. Monsoon smiled again, and looked back down to the town. "Move out!" he barked as he began marching forth, followed by the changeling copies behind him, whom all de-cloaked in bright green flames at the same time. The slow tidal wave of artificial beings made their way closer to the town.

Before he got too close, Monsoon stopped, letting the copies pass him and carry out their order unhindered. The changelings fanned out and slowly began to encircle the entire town, keeping themselves even and close to the glass barrier. Within minutes, they had the area completely surrounded by their blackened forms, leaving only Monsoon outside to pace around the entrapped town. He looked the town over, and noticed not a single soul was out of their home at the moment. Being a man of theatrics, he decided that it wouldn't do. Something like this deserves an audience, he thought wickedly.

"On my mark," he announced to his obedient drones, "strike the glass once to get the attention of our dear ponies." He moved to different parts of the encirclement and repeated these instructions, so that each copy could hear it. Once he finished, he made his way to the north of town, in between Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres, stood a fair distance away from the town and troops, and finally shouted, "NOW!"

Right on cue, five hundred hooves clashed against the glass, causing a rather loud ring as well as a red shimmer and the buzzing of energy to ripple against the surface of the glass. The effect was more than he hoped as he activated the voice amplifier and his scope in anticipation. With his voice enhancement ready and eyes optically zoomed in to keep a look out on the activity that would inevitably transpire, he waited. Sure enough, doors flung open as ponies of all shapes, sizes, colors, and abilities wandered out of their homes, only to grow looks of concern turning to horror. It was showtime.

"GREETINGS, KIDDIES!" Monsoon announced, amplifying his voice to a maximum level, as if he were using a megaphone and stereo system. Panic erupted almost immediately after they realized they were being addressed directly. "Welcome to the last of your good days, dear livestock. In the wake of sealing yourself under a giant glass dome, we have decided to take our advantage accordingly, as nature intended. Bring forth the one that made your glass bubble, surrender to the changeling army, and say your prayers."

The sudden influx of chaos and panic increased as ponies within the dome began running around wildly, only to remember they were completely trapped under the dome with no hope of fleeing. The smarter of the town ran directly back to their homes and locked their doors behind them, likely seeking shelter to try to avoid the almost certain invasion. Only a select four individuals ran forward to confront Monsoon, stopping short of the glass wall. Concern, irritation, and confusion were expressed deeply from the faces of Applejack, the cyan and rainbow maned pegasus, and Rarity respectively. Pinkie, however, having no lower face due to the spell cast by Trixie, could only flex her eyebrows to show shock at a bare minimum state.

"Monsoon! What in tarnation is goin' on here!?" Applejack shouted, trying to make sure her voice could carry through the thick glass. "What's with all these changelin's, and what are ya doin' with them in the first place?!"

"Isn't it obvious, Jack?" he replied, outstretching his hand. "You ponies have had your fun, messing with the rules of nature. You've screwed up the true order of the world for the last time. Today, natural predators will take their dominance, and you will become what you're destined to be. Stock."

"What the hay are ya talkin' about?"

"He's talking about me, dear little Applejack," replied Chrysalis, whom flew down from the sky and landed beside Monsoon. "It's our turn to have this world. You have all been living a lie, and I am here to right such a terrible wrong." Monsoon turned his head to Chrysalis in faint concern, as he believed he heard something odd in what the Changeling Queen had just said, but snapped his attention back to the trapped equines.

"You!" the farmpony growled, "Ah shoulda known you were behind somethin' like this." She turned her attention to Monsoon, eyes set in determination. "Listen, Monsoon. Ah don't know what yer after, but sidin' with THAT varment isn't gonna help any. She'd likely ditch you as quickly as she told you what you wanted to hear."

"Oh, indeed. He should NEVER trust someone like me, whom gave him everything he was looking for and promised to send him home, and instead listen to you, whom merely interrogated him like some criminal." Chrysalis scoffed as she turned to Monsoon, giving him eyes of pity and concern. "He hasn't even done anything to warrant such mistreatment." Chrysalis then flashed a toothy smile. "That's alright though, we'll give you a reason that you sorely lacked."

Just then, the sound of heavy gold being dragged against the ground and the agonized grunting of two young colts pulling an unnecessarily garish chariot prevailed the air. With it, the irritated bellows of a very demanding individual echoed and overtook the sounds of metallic grinding and strained effort.

"This better not be another false alarm," the voice barked, "or the Great and Powerful Trixie will-" She suddenly cut herself off with a short gasp as her eyes filled with dread. Five hundred changeling eyes bore into her mind, and one pair of eyes burned an old fillyhood scar within her very soul. She began to slowly backpedal, her mouth trying to form words lost to her, just before she fell off the back of her golden chariot indignantly with an audible, "Oof!" Scrambling to get back up, she scuttled behind the bulk of the chariot and hid, muttering barely the first syllable of Changeling Queen's name.

"My my my, what an interesting little development. Let me guess," she said, pointing to the now hiding Trixie, "That is responsible," she then pointed to the enchanted glass dome, "for that?"

Applejack turned back to the quivering Trixie and addressed her, "Now's NO time to be actin' like that. Ain't you supposed to be 'Great and Powerful', especially with that Alicorn Amulet ya have on?"

"Applejack!" Rarity barked, "You're not supposed to let Trixie know we knew about it yet until Twilight came back!"

"And Twilight Sparkle isn't here either?" The queen of the changelings asked in rhetoric. "Well, this is CERTAINLY very interesting," she said with a dark chuckle.

"RARITY!" Applejack barked back, before dipping her hat over her eyes to censor her own frustration and scrunched face. She then turned back to Trixie. "Listen, Trixie, ah doubt anyone in Ponyville likes you right now for what ya did, but yer our only hope now. Ya have to help us."

"I-I... I can't," Trixie shivered, "Do you know what she's c-capable of? She's powerful enough to defeat CELESTIA! I m-may have the Amulet, but I don't think I have THAT m-much power!"

"Oh, you know of my accomplishments?" Chrysalis asked, falsely flattered, "All good I hope?"

"You be quiet!" Applejack yelled at the changeling queen before turning back to Trixie, "Please, Trixie, all of Ponyville NEEDS you right now." The farmpony thought for a moment or two, before continuing with, "Ah'm sure if you helped, we'd all be mighty appreciative. Maybe even call you a hero. Wouldn't ya like that kind of admiration?"

Trixie looked to her with wonder in her eyes, almost as if she were reacting to the words "hero" and "admiration", and gave the prospect serious thought. Not a moment afterward, the sound of tapping on enchanted glass broke the showmare from her thoughts, and drew her back to Chrysalis, whom right right up against the glass. "Oh dear Trixie," she said as gently as possible, "Please be a dear and let us in? We promise no harm will come to you if you do. All we want are the Elements, really. It'll be worth your while."

For a moment, Trixie listened to her suggestion, right up until she looked into Chrysalis' dangerous eyes. Then, she noticed the hundreds of changelings surrounding the town, and even more behind Chrysalis and Monsoon, and quickly shrank again. "Mom said never trust the changeling queen. Mom said never trust a changeling queen. Mom said..." She muttered over and over in a mantra, stroking her mane rhythmically.

Chrysalis clicked her forked tongue and looked away from the little pony in disgust. "Drat, I thought that would have been easier. Nevermind, though. I guess we'll just proceed to the normal plan."

Monsoon stood idly, feeling slightly conflicted on the whole situation. While part of him was enjoying this, and indeed he expressed as much previously, something about what was going on here felt off, in conjuncture to the obvious. He couldn't shake the feeling that things shouldn't be going this way. Before he could dive deeper into his dilemma, a boulder the size of a grown pony suddenly shot from east and tumbled through a chunk of changelings as if they were bowling pins. Both Monsoon and Chrysalis jumped at the sudden attack, eyes following the boulder.

"What in the-"


They turned back to the direction of where the rolling stone originated, and Monsoon bore witness to a familiar, however peculiar, figure approaching them, crackling his knuckles.

"I take a trip to train in Rambling Rock Ridge for a few days, and THIS is what I come back to? Oh Dios Mio, what would you caballos ever do without me? Good thing a little yellow canario told me to come here when she did."

"Elvis!" the three Elements at the glass cheered, as Pinkie tapped against the barrier silently in an attempt to express the same amount of joy. "Yer just in time!" Applejack said with a relieved smile.

"Always have been, always will be, hombre," he said with a thumbs up.

Monsoon smiled as he drew his sais. "So," he started, addressing the interloper, "I suppose you're finished working off the pastries you've consumed? Are you here to die with them, cause that can be arranged."

"The only arrangement happening is me rearranging your face to your ass, pendejo!"

"Oh, you've got some bite now? So what, now that the livestock is caged, you're finally willing to fight?"

"I'm always willing to fight, gilipollas! I just didn't want to wreck the orchard. I can get a little too heated when I throw a punch."

"Probably because you sweat profusely and get winded after said punch. Don't worry, pork chop, I'll make sure I throw you to the wolves when I'm done."

"No me jodas!" he barked, before growling, "This is your last warning, puta. Leave and take your capullo insect friends with you, or burn."

"This has been a long time coming, tonnes of fun." He twirled his sais and took an offensive stance. "I am NOT going anywhere until I'm satisfied."

Silence then prevailed the air as Chrysalis noticed something very dangerous about both Monsoon and the newcomer. She wasn't willing to step in to risk her hide, so she instead had herself and her brood back away from the two, giving them enough room to duke it out on their own. Monsoon didn't notice his ally cower from them, nor did he care. Blood will finally be shed, and he would relish in every moment.

In an instant, Monsoon's helm slid down and clicked into place as he shot forward like a bullet, wasting no more time. Elvis took a step back, and prepared for the assault. Upon getting within close striking range, the manic cyborg thrust forward with his right sai. The former Deva then swung his left hand, and easily parried the attack, where the enchanted obsidian clashed against his gold bangle with a CLING. Quickly following up to it, Monsoon swung his left sai at him, aiming for his neck. Just as quickly, Elvis shot his arm up and intercepted the strike, stopping it entirely. Returning fire, Elvis punched forward, attempting to meet his rings to the attackers face. Monsoon quickly backstepped, avoiding the attack, before lunging forward with the pommels of both sais attempting to hit Elvis in the stomach. Before the cyborg knew what had happened, Elvis suddenly backflipped just far enough out of reach, avoiding the strike. Monsoon jumped back, and twirled his sais again in preparation.

"How curious... you really don't move like a fat man."

"Looks can be deceiving, pendejo." Elvis then struck at the air with a series of complex fist and palm strikes and flexed, getting himself loosened up and ready for whatever his opponent would throw at him. "Even a super fighting robot like you probably has a few tricks up your circuits."

Monsoon scoffed at the remark. "You're right about one thing. I certainly do have a few tricks." He then broke back into a sprint, approaching Elvis once again, and circled him, looking for a new opening. Upon getting behind his opponent's left shoulder, he lunged forward, attempting to stab at Elvis' side. Elvis spun around, and threw a hammer fist at Monsoon's face, whom retracted his own attack and ducked from the incoming fist. While still crouching, Monsoon quickly rose back up, and threw an uppercut at Elvis, finally landing a blow on him. Elvis' head cocked back from the impact, but he quickly swung it back forward and headbutted the cyborg.

"Gah!" Monsoon spat out as he reeled back and backpedaled to regain his footing. He quickly shook the stars from his eyes, and readied himself once again.

Elvis rubbed the sore spot from his forehead, before rubbing his chin. "Well, Metal Man, I can't say this won't be interesting."

"I'm just getting started." He gripped his weapons tighter, stood up straight, and flashed purple sparks of energy. "LORENTZ FORCE!"

Elvis cocked his head to the side in confusion, trying to figure out if he heard of that name once upon a time. However, before he could recall anything, Monsoon's right hand detached from the rest of his body, and quickly flew towards Elvis. "Que demonios?!" The hand then began to expertly swipe and strike at Elvis, forcing the portly being to hastily block and evade each shot. Before he could bat it away, another hand shot towards him and began to synchronize with its already active double. Elvis began to have a tougher time clashing and parrying the assault and started to sustain cuts, punctures, and faded bruises. In Elvis' haste, though, he quickly noticed an opportunity as the two hands gather together for a tag team attack, allowing him to punch forth and knock them both back in one strike.

They returned to their origin point and re-attached at the wrists as easily as they came off. Just then, Monsoon rushed forward, lept into the air, and came down on Elvis like a diving eagle. Without a single shred of hesitation, Elvis heaved back his fist, and launched it forward, striking Monsoon directly in the chest while he was still in the air. However, the impact only caused the cyborg's body to separate at the seams, making it look as if he exploded into chunks. Not a moment later, all pieces quickly flowed around Elvis and recombined into Monsoon's complete form behind the large man. Then, Monsoon heaved his arms forth, twirled his sai, and slammed the blade into Elvis' side.

Elvis let out a strained cry of agony as he tried in vain to mask the pain of the stabbing. As Monsoon attempted to attack the other side with his second sai, Elvis heaved his elbow back and knocked the cyborg upside the head, causing him to stagger away. Elvis turned about, and ripped the offending weapon from his side, seething and gritting his teeth as small amounts of dark ichor stained his white shirt. The girls gasped and averted their eyes in horror, praying only for Elvis to leave this madness no more harmed that he currently was.

Monsoon then regained his senses, strengthened his magnetic control, and attempted to steal back his sai that Elvis held in his possession. Upon feeling the pull of the sai trying to return to its master, Elvis tightened his grip and pulled back. The two engaged in a tug of war of brute force verses magnetic force, each straining with the might of titans for the little weapon. Within a moment, when the tension reached its height, Elvis smirked, pulled back as hard as he could and let go of the magnetized sai. It shot with the force of a cannon ball at Monsoon, whom caught it with a heavy stagger, almost dumbfounded by the sudden release. Before he knew what was going on, Elvis was already in a full sprint towards him. Too late to move, Monsoon could only watch as Elvis leaped into the air towards him and performed a flying dropkick right at the cyborg's armor plated head. There was a heavy metallic CRACK as the purple energy suddenly dissipated, where his head and several pieces of his upper torso went flying backwards from the impact. The rest of his body crumbled into its designated segments not a moment before Elvis landed from the drop.

Bouncing back up to his knees, Elvis quickly stood back up and looked around the area. From what little he was able to learn from his opponent during this confrontation, he knew that the fight wasn't over. He gave the heap of synthetic body parts a kick to scatter them about, before he finally noticed the head laying in the grass a good fifteen paces away from him. Sprinting towards the lone cranium, he leaped high into the air, and came down intending to crush Monsoon's head with the force of his own weight and power.

However, sparking to life with purple energies, the head suddenly twitched, and shot forward towards the former heap of parts, just as Elvis hit the ground with an earth shattering crunch. Just then, more parts flew from their resting spot and helped recombine into the cyborg's complete form. With the last piece connecting into place, Monsoon tested the tension in his neck before eagerly twirling his sais, ready for another round. He smiled darkly, eyes fixated on his enigma of an opponent, and noticed the sky was getting darker.

Author's Note:


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