• Published 12th Dec 2012
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Elements Change the Dark Hearts - Nightmare_0mega

What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?

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The Flameout

Gently ascending the sky at a leisurely pace, Adna slowly drew nearer to the griffon it escorted and the individual that she wanted to speak to. Anticipating Gilda's sincerity on the matter, despite the fact the griffon tried to cast fibs to conceal her feelings, the angel hoped the young pegasus that allowed it room and board would receive the peace offering in earnest. With the sudden streak of the entire color spectrum bolting past the angel also came the grinding halt of Adna's assumptions as well as its own ascending frame. Turning to look where the Rainbow blur took off to, it took some mental notes, before turning back to the now fuming Gilda.

"THAT JERK!" Gilda shouted, "FINE! I DIDN'T EVEN WANT TO TALK TO YOU, YOU STUPID... stupid..." Gilda shook her head angrily, trying to cast away the tears that were beginning to form. "You know what? Whatever. I gave it a shot. It's not my fault that she's gonna be a dweeb about this." Gilda then sat on the cloud, head hanging for a moment before another screech escaped her beak. Just as her wings opened up, ready to take her away from Ponyville, Adna landed beside Gilda, causing her to flinch for a second, only to deliver a punishing scowl. "And what the flying feather do YOU want?"

"Pray tell, wherefore dost thou yield after not but a single attempt?"

"PONISH! Speak it, you stupid birdbrain!" She snapped back.

Adna crossed its arms as the griffon continued to glare at it. Silence prevailed for the longest time before Gilda cracked, tears welling in her eyes. "She won't listen. Why would she? SHE'S JUST ANOTHER-" she started to angrily scream before catching herself and looking back out to town with a broken sigh. "I wouldn't be able to catch her anyway. She doesn't want to see me, with the way she took off like that. She's probably somewhere in that stupid little town now, telling her friends I came to terrorize her again.."

"Then, seek her out." Adna replied simply.

"NO!" she exclaimed, "No. She won't ever listen to me now. When her mind is made up, it's kinda hard to change it, and I'm not hunting that village of sticks for her just to be led on some wild goose chase that will get me nowhere." Her wings opened up once again. "I give up."

"Hark, and mark these words," Adna commanded as he swiftly crossed Gilda's attempted flight path and hovered before her. "Dost thou truly wish it to end like this?"

The griffon looked up at him with pleading eyes that soon turned into concern before settling on another scowl. "I wouldn't even have time. I came here to pick something up here for my grandfather. Talking to Dash is only a detour, and I can't just wait any longer."

Adna considered the information before coming up with a simple solution. "Go. Seek thine affects, and return to Miss Dash's home. Stay there, and I will bring her back. Then, thou may say thy peace."

Gilda ground her beak a little in thought, before sighing again. "Fine. We'll do this your way." She leaped off the cloud and began to take flight, only to stop and turn to the angel with a scowl. "I mean it though. I don't have much time right now. If this is a total bust, or if you take too long, I'm bailing, and NEVER coming back to this stupid, lame, mud pit."

With that said, the griffon sped off back into town. Adna watched for a moment, before descending from the sky and landing back onto the fertile farmland.

"Well, that didn't go very well, did it, sugarcube?" Applejack asked the landing angel as she approached.

"Dost thou know where I may find the Lady Dash?" it asked, ignoring the question.

Applejack snorted at the title Adna gave her friend offhandedly, but coughed to recompose herself. "Well, from the way her trail went, I'd say she likely went to Sugarcube Corner." Adna turned to her and cocked his head in confusion, remaining silent otherwise. Sensing that the angel didn't know where or what that was, she decided to elaborate. "There's a bakery in town that kinda looks like a gingerbread house. You do know what those look like, right?"

"Yes. My thanks to thee, and fare thee well!" With that, it opened its wings and gave them a hard flap, ascending the sky and making its way to town.

"Good luck to ya, pardner."


Within the confines of Sugarcube Corner, Rainbow Dash took a seat in the back corner table, waiting for her cupcake order. Her feathers ruffled in agitation as her mind refused to dismiss the image of her former friend's face. Shaking her head and tapping her hoof in impatience, she prepared to yell for her order to speed up. However, her words were far too slow, as Pinkie Pie zipped before her and produced the little treat to her with a smile. Sighing, unable to let her irritation browbeat her good friend, she took the pastry with a halfhearted thank you.

"Yo~ur welcome, Dashie!" Pinkie said with the same exuberance as ever before she tilted her head to get a better look at her friend. "Hey, how come I need to almost turn my head upside down for you to smile?"

Halfway through the cupcake, the pegasus haphazardly swallowed what she had in her mouth with a cough before brushing her friends bizarre but well placed question aside. "J-just thinking about stuff, Pinkie."

"Tough day on weather patrol?"

"Not really, it-" she started, before realizing she was about to spill the beans. "I mean, yeah, it's been a tough day. A few other ponies got the day off, and I need to cover their shift. S'not like I can't handle it, but ya know, I'm still just one pony."

"Hmmmmmm..." Pinkie stared at her friend for a few moments, eyes squinting in scrutiny. Rainbow Dash sat there, desperately mustering a smile to ward off her friend, before the pink pony's face returned to its normal, bubbly state. "Okie dokie, Loki. I guess you don't have any reason to lie to me. Not like an old friend you didn't want to see came to town." Rainbow Dash's face fell, but Pinkie simply giggled, remaining either completely oblivious or willingly ignorant. With that, she trotted back to the counter to help the Cakes with their cakes.

Slumping in her seat, Rainbow Dash let out a big sigh or relief, just before she took another anxious bite out of her cupcake. Before she could return to her thoughts, the bell above the entrance door jingled lightly as a familiar white avian form stepped through.

"Oh, hey Adna, what's up?" she asked.

Adna did not answer, but instead walked over to the table its keeper was at and took a seat. The angel's frame was comically oversized compared to the furniture supporting it, making it nothing short of silly-looking. Rainbow Dash snorted, already thinking of a way she could turn that into a prank one day.

"Wherefor art thou here, Miss Dash?" Adna asked.

She rolled her eyes. "Look, I don't know WHAT kind of question you're asking, but I'm just gonna take a guess and assume you're asking why I'm here. I did pass by you on the way, after all. Kinda surprising you didn't flinch with how fast I was moving." Adna remained silent, waiting for the answer he requested. Realizing her attempts to segue the subject to her flying capabilities was a bust, she moved on. "If you have to know, I'm on break, and I thought I'd spend a little time with my friends."

"And Gilda?"

"Gilda? Who's Gilda?" She asked, trying not to let the venom lace her words.

Suddenly, Pinkie popped up beside their table, saying, "Oh, ya know, Gilda; the really grumpy griffon that really kinda sorta didn't like me very much, or anyone for that matter, that was your friend, or used to be your friend, that got really mad at that party I set up for her because of all those pranks getting her one after another until she slipped on some cake and crashed into the snack table with the pin-the-tail-on-the-pony tail draped across her beak like a weird little purple mustache, even though the party was supposed to cheer her up, but backfired because she was just too grumpy? By the way, can I take your order, Dashie's friend?"

Rainbow Dash just sat there, stunned, before shaking her head, and replied with a dismal, "Oh, right. Her. What about her?"

"Did thou not speak with her?"

"What's there to talk about?" she grumbled. "She's a jerkface beakface. I have nothing to say to her."

"As I have said, thou lies are pointless. Cease your resistance and place effort on this ruined bridge."

"Why don't you just leave me alone? It's really none of your business anyway." Throwing bits on the table, she chomped on the rest of her cupcake angrily before speeding out the door, causing it to thwack against the attached wall.

Adna rose from its seat intending to give chase but two pink hooves grabbed its hand. "Wait!" she said, "You'll never be able to catch her like that."

"Stalling me only allows her more distance. I must pursue."

"No, no, no. You won't catch her cause you don't know her well enough. Though, I do~" she sang. "Follow me. I know a short-cut!"


Descending from the skies above Fluttershy's cottage and after landing upon a rather large, low hanging cloud, Rainbow Dash gave a sigh before she flopped onto her new fluffy surface. With a yawn, her eyes slowly and gently shut to the afternoon sun, preparing her drift to sleep to forget what happened today. As she got more and more comfortable, she failed to realize the marble and gold arms pierce through the cloud and wind around the little pony. Rainbow Dash shot awake with a squeak, struggling hard against the surprisingly mighty grip. As she did, the angelic owner of the arms revealed itself by rising from within the cloud, lifting Rainbow's body higher into the air and away from her napping spot.

"WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?!" she angrily barked, desperately thrashing in Adna's stone-like hands, unable to move even a single inch.

"Be STILL! Thy flight of reckless abandon will burn bridges, and I shan't let this one alight," the angel replied vaguely.

"WHAT THE HAY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" she yelled, continuing in vain to escape Adna's capture.

"Thou shalt claim no respite until the heart thou washed thine... hooves of is hearkened."

The little pegasus continued to struggle, gritting her teeth, kicking and squirming to free herself without any sign of easy freedom. Without another word. Adna opened its wings and took flight once again, heading towards Rainbow Dash's cloud tower. The journey there was relatively quick and smooth, despite the captured pegasus' protests and attempts to liberate herself. Upon noticing the tower between bouts of straining for freedom, the hotheaded pegasus laid eyes upon a rather surprised griffon, before she fought even harder to be released. Adna then landed upon the lawn of its keepers home, right before the somewhat dumbstruck Gilda, all while making sure its grip on the temperamental pegasus was firm but not too harsh.

"Jeez, and here I thought you were going to pull some friendship mumbo-jumbo out of your feathers to get her to come here." Gilda mumbled to herself. Note to self, this guy gets things done. DON'T MESS WITH HIM.

"Now, speak," Adna commanded. Noticing that the angel directed the command at her, Gilda took a step forth and was prepared to say her peace. However, the brazen attitude of the captured pony cut her off out of mistaken direction.

"Why?" Rainbow Dash asked bitterly, "I have NOTHING to say to her, and I HIGHLY doubt she has anything she wants to say to me."

As Rainbow Dash continued to struggle in Adna's hands, Gilda shut her eyes for a moment, and let out a quivering sigh, before she had the courage to speak again."You're wrong," she uttered simply, sadly.

The pegasus stopped, hearing the broken heart in her former friend's voice seized her attention. Adna watched, making sure the little pony heard what she needed to hear.

"Dash, I..." she started, "I've been a real knucklehead, ok? That day at the party, when I flipped out like that, I was just so angry. It felt like that everything I knew was completely flipped on its head. And when you said those things to me... I didn't want to leave you behind. I guess I just..." she faltered, rubbing a forming tear from her eye, trying to hide her feelings in a poor attempt to upkeep her attitude. "I'm... I was a massive jerk, and I don't know if I... no... I do. I deserved you bolting on me like that today. I deserve a lot of things. But... I dunno..." The young griffon sniffled, rubbing out another tear. "I miss... I just really miss you being there as a friend. I miss us hanging out, being dumb pranksters, laughing at the stupidest things. I kinda missed it for a long time, really... when I came to see you that day, I guess I just got jealous or something stupid. I thought coming by would let us catch up like old times, and when Pinkie came..." She sighed.

Rainbow Dash listened to her friend intently, letting her say everything she wanted to say, not wanting anything ruin the moment.

Gilda continued. "Remember when we first met, Dash? It was my first day in Cloudsdale. No one gave me a chance... except you. I guess, I never wanted to let that go. It was just the two of us for so long, kicking flank and being awesome. I never thought... I never thought we would grow apart. Until that day..." she choked, but kept pressing on. "Until that day, I thought we'd always be friends, no matter how far away we were. But I saw Pinkie... I saw how well you got along with her, how she could just show up and pull you away... It was as if you moved on without me, and we were just on borrowed time... and that party cemented that idea. That stupid idea. I was such a lame idiot... to just stop believing we were friends." A small hiccup escaped her beak as her head dipped low and a few tears managed to escape. Her eyes shut hard, trying with all her might to keep it all at bay.

Adna then let go of Rainbow Dash, whom landed gently upon the clouds of her lawn. She looked back at Adna, whom motioned for her to go. Looking back to Gilda, whom was on the verge of breaking down. Rainbow Dash slowly approached Gilda and sat before her.


The griffon looked back up, greeted by her friend's concerned face. "Dash," she sobbed, "I'm... I'm so sorry."

Rainbow Dash gave a gentle smile, before lightly bucking Gilda's shoulder with her fore-hoof. Gilda choked out a laugh, before returning the favor to Dash's own shoulder. "When did you get so mushy?" the pegasus asked with a giggle.

"Since this lame-o town infected me with feelings," Gilda responded, causing the two to laugh some more.

Upon realizing the situation was now entirely under control, Adna stepped back from the two young beings, opened its wings, and slowly ascended the sky. Turning away from the tower, its keeper, and her friend, Adna took one last look before disappearing into the mid-afternoon sun.

"God speed."


Over the hour that followed, the two friends talked. They talked about everything since the failed party, which Dash continued to rib Gilda about, prompting her promise to apologize eventually.

"Seriously, Dash. I'll get to it one day. I've already said sorry to the purple maned one. Ya know, the one that probably likes to wear too much make-up."

"Heh, she's not THAT obnoxious about it, but yeah."

They talked about how Gilda took up a job as a baker a while back, selling scones based on the recipe her grandpa made.

"Oh? I didn't know you were a baker. How do the... scones taste?"


"Oh... and here I thought I was in for a treat from you."

"Grandpa Gruff doesn't allow me to give away free samples."

"I guess I'm saved then, heh."

They talk about how Rainbow Dash's life has slowly became more and more complicated as stranger things started happening around town.

"Even more strange than the big white bird that... kinda scares the fur off of me?"

"Oh, you don't know the half of it. Like, Fluttershy for instance is taking care of this giant frog from another dimension that can make an instant winter. Or Applejack kind of employed this strange red ninja guy that can fall apart and come back together on her farm."

"Jeez, never a dull moment, eh? Makes me feel like I should move here so I stop missing out on these things."

They even talked about their aspirations, and what they've done to get closer to achieving them. From struggles and mishaps to victories and stumbles of pure dumb luck and fortitude.

"Well, the baker thing isn't exactly something I want to do all my life. Honestly, I'm just trying to get enough to go out and see more of the world."

"No kiddin'? Well, I'm sure you'll get what you need."


"Well... still trying to be a Wonderbolt."

"Ever since you were a foal, heh."

"Yeah. I think I'm getting closer, though."

"What makes you say that? Did they send you a formal invitation, begging you to join?"

"I know you're just messing with me, Gil, but your right."

"No way," Gilda said incredulously.

"Well, it isn't entirely official yet. Over the last while, I got the chance to fly with them at the Young Flyers Competition, kind of hang out with them at the Gala Twilight invited me to, and I just sent in my application to go to the Wonderbolt's Acadamy. I'm actually expecting a response any day now."

"Yeah, I've heard of what happened at the competition. You've certainly been busy, making legends again like the good old days."

"It's been a heck of a year. Between weather duty and saving the world, I'm surprised I ever have time to hang out with my friends. Though, when you're as awesome as me, you can make time."

Gilda smiled. She missed out on so much of her best friend's life in such a short time, but was none-the-less happy to know she was doing good for herself. Reaching into the cloud beside here, she pulled out a wrapped package tied with a small rope.

"Whachya got there?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Nothing special. Just something Grandpa Gruff ordered in the mail. The delivery service kinda messed up though, sending it here to be picked up. When I heard it came to Ponyville, I kinda volunteered to pick it up so I could talk to you."

"Heh, sorry for bailing like that," she said, rubbing the back of her head with her forehoof.

"It's alright. Glad tall, white, and looming was able to catch you though," Gilda smirked.


Gilda rose from the cloud and tucked the package beneath her arm, before extending her wings to get ready to take flight. "Well, I gotta get going home. Can't keep gramps waiting for too long."

"Back at Cloudsdale?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"No, HOME home. I'll try to visit you sometime, though," Gilda replied, finally taking flight to leave town, "Seeya around, Dash!" she shouted, taking off like a bolt to rush back home.

Rainbow Dash watched her friend leave for a little while until she remembered one very important detail. "WAIT! I don't know where you live!" But it was too late. Gilda was gone, and while she could catch up to her friend to ask, Gilda had a huge head start, and Rainbow Dash was technically still on the clock. She only had another five minutes of break time, and probably wouldn't have enough time to make it back, even if she caught up. Dash sighed, falling back against her lawn to relax before muttering, "Oh well... maybe I'll run into you one day anyway. There's always a next time, after all.” With how today turned out, she thought, it feels like tomorrow might be even better.

Author's Note:


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