• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 5,093 Views, 708 Comments

Elements Change the Dark Hearts - Nightmare_0mega

What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?

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Bael descended closer the the black abyss below him. He couldn't help but feel that time slowed down around him as he fell. He closed his eyes and began to consider his fate. Chances are, if the oblivion wasn't instantaneous, he'd likely fall for a good forty days or so before starving to death. With that, his soul would return to the underworld, and re-start as a low level demon. A creature barely a threat to a child. Perhaps it would be better that way. He would be where he belongs, and he would be properly shamed for his pathetic display. It was small, and humiliating, but he could deal with it in time. Goodbye

The great toad then felt a strange sensation come over him. At first, he thought it was the abyss swallowing him up, but then he opened his eyes. He could still see the ever dimming sky, but everything was awash with a shade of light brilliant magenta. He was never really a fan of such a color, so he was shocked that it was all that he could see. Then, something even stranger happened. He felt himself stop falling. Right after that, he felt himself being lifted, as if someone was reversing time. His eyes darted about, looking around for what was causing such a phenomenon. He didn't have to wonder for long when he found his answer after he was brought back on top of the cliff side. There, before him, the little purple unicorn was concentrating hard, as sparks of energy poured out of her horn.

Bael's gargantuan form was gently placed back upon the solid ground, well away from the dangerous cliff. The aura that surrounded the beast dissipated, and Twilight faltered to her knees from exhaustion.

"Wow," she breathed in exhaustion, "And here I thought *pant* cradling an Ursa Minor was *pant* difficult."

"Oh, thank you Twilight!" Fluttershy exclaimed, "Thank you for saving him!"

Bael shook his body to rid himself of the annoying tingling feeling on his skin. By miracle of happenstance, he was saved by a mortal. Very few demons ever encountered such an event, even less so witnessing such tremendous power being exercised to do so. The beings here were much stronger than he initially thought. Unless, he considered, the purple one was the peak of performance. Regardless of the details, the effect was the same. The little one had saved his life, even when they could have simply let him die and be free of his presence. The code was clear.

He slowly lumbered forth towards the two. It pained him to do this, but he knew it had to be over with. He inhaled slowly, and began, "I-"

"HALT BEAST!" Cutting Bael off was Shining armor, and nearly his entire army of Crystal guard. "Don't you DARE lay a webbed foot on Twily!"

"I had-"

"Save your confession for Tartarus! We'll put a stop to you before you hurt anypony else."

"Would you s-"

"Crystal Guard, on my command!"

"WA~AIT!" Fluttershy shouted. Everyone went silent. The canary colored pony turned to the giant frog, and spoke to him softly, "Go ahead."

"Fluttershy, you-" Shining tried to protest, but was cut off by the definitive "shush" from the meek pegasus. The Prince clammed up, praying that she knew what she was doing. Bael sighed in exasperation, before starting again.

"The code of demons is a law binding contract that keeps us all within a semblance of honor and loyalty. You, mortal, have not only willingly became bound by the rules in my personal agreement, but prevented my demise, thus sustained it. Our kind does not take these sorts of actions lightly. For saving my life, by the code of demons," he paused for a moment, before he bowed before them. "You have my eternal blessing."

Fluttershy positively beamed. She could tell with the tone of his voice that he wasn't entirely happy about it, but she knew that it was a start.

Twilight rose to her hooves once again, after regaining her strength, and smiled tiredly at her brother.

"Uhm," Shining Armor started, dumbfounded, "What just happened?"


It was a while before the strange party returned to the Crystal Empire. No less returning to one that had all of its citizens returned, including the Prince's sweetheart. The arrival of the frog in tow to the Crystal Guard was met with shock, cheers, then more shock by the local populous. This was especially evident when Shining Armor announced the beast as a hero, with testimony of his sister and her friend. It was a bizarre end to a bizarre day, indeed.

Cadance stepped forth, with a following of a few of Canterlot's Royal Guard, and stopped before the cluster of ponies and the massive toad. It wasn't very long before she broke her composure, and lunged at Shining Armor, hugging him tightly, tears in her eyes.

"I'm so glad your safe," she whimpered, nuzzling against his neck.

"Same here," He responded, before they parted. He cleared his throat and began his report. After all, he was a Captain first. "Princess Cadance, the threat of Sombra has officially been dealt with. The tower is gone, and any further evidence of his existence has been removed. The Crystal Empire is secure."

Cadance visibly sighed in relief. I'm glad I never have to deal with that monster ever again.

"Additionally," he continued, "Neither myself or any of my men were the ones to do this. Nor Twili-... Nor the Elements of Harmony. The beast you see before you was the one who preformed this deed for us successfully."

Cadance looked to the massive toad creature before her. The army of Crystal Guards parted ways, allowing the Princess to step forward. She gazed up at the towering behemoth, and spoke, "And what is the name of our hero?"

The word made him wince. It was most unusual for such a label to be used to refer to a demon, especially when a mortal was using it. There really was only one infamous being he knew of that wore such a title among such lower creatures. Even though that demon was considered a traitor to his kind, was it really so heinous? Or worse, was it really so gratifying? He felt a small nudge against his leg, and looked down to see the kindly pegasus gently encouraging him with a slight push of her hoof.

He decided to simply go for it. He had nothing to loose and anything to gain. "I am Bael. Lord of Toads and Master of the Frozen Soil. I once hailed from the Underworld, beyond this mortal coil, and I seemed to have become stranded here due to... undesired circumstances. My only desire is to feed, and return home." Fluttershy nudged him further, and he gave a gentle bow, "If you have, or know of one who has the power to bring me back to my realm, please, all I ask is that you aid me."

"For your efforts," Cadance started, "You will be granted this. However, this may take time. Perhaps years. If you are willing to wait, we will be honored to help. In the meantime, you will be granted a messenger. And Fluttershy?" Fluttershy straightened to her name being announced, "I place Bael under your care, due to your expertise." She turned back to Bael. "If you have any queries, mention them to us, or send your messenger. We will be happy to answer you."

It wasn't what he was hoping to hear, but it was a start. "Very well," he huffed.

"Then, I officially welcome you to the Crystal Empire, Equestria," she said with a soft smile.

"Uhm, Princess Cadance, miss," Fluttershy squeaked.

"Fluttershy, you know you don't need to use formalities with me."

"R-right, sorry. Uhm, Can you bring some medical supplies? Bael is injured."

"Oh goodness, yes." She answered in earnest, motioning for the local nurse ponies to approach Fluttershy and the toad.

"Cadance," Twilight said, "I'm going to write up a report. I think I've learned a few things today about myself and what transpired."

"Of course," Cadance answered gracefully, "The study is open for you to use. Just make sure you give the message to private High Wind. After all, Spike isn't here to send your letter this time, is he?"

Twilight chuckled and disappeared into the Crystal Tower. Things were finally starting to settle down again. Maybe after she finished, she could finally have a casual get together with her old foal sitter for once.


Dear Princess Celestia,

Sometimes friendship can test you as much as you as much as the world tests it. Whether you are simply trying to be with those you love, or are facing against an emergency, one always has to remember to have a little patience. When investigating a strange magical anomaly in the Crystal Empire, we found a creature that was dragged to this world through unforeseen circumstances. His reaction to the turn of events wasn't exactly surprising, but his persistent personality showed he was as cold and mean as a frost bite. I regret to know that due to the events that transpired, I was also rather short with Fluttershy and her perceptions. However, because of Fluttershy's patience with him, and with me, he was able to start his journey to turn a new leaf, and I was able to rekindle the friendship between us. Life is a strange ride of ups and downs, but one must always remember to count on their friends, and always show a little kindness. Even to the most unlikely of individuals.

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle


Deep within the confines of Canterlot Castle, where the Royal Sisters reigned, Celestia had retired to her private quarters and dimmed the light around her. The long and tiring day of her duties and personal devices wore on the nigh-ivory majesty. Removing her crown from her ever-flowing multicolored mane, and her royal breastplate and gauntlets, she sat placid upon her favorite cushion, next to a welcoming fire. There, waiting for her as always, was a brand new report from her favorite subject. With her time to spare, she unfurled the scroll and read through its contents with a smile. The message was normal for the most part, but a few of the details brought her interest in full force, and soon turned her smile into a neutral expression.

The door to her private quarters creaked open, and gently shut once again, as her visitor approached. "Good Eve, Sister," the voice said.

"Hello, Luna," Celestia greeted, almost flatly. She turned her head, and looked upon the dark blue mare with the sparkling dark blue flowing mane that she just addressed. Said mare dressed in black and silver, to accent her association to the moon, had a quizzical look upon her face.

"Tia?" She asked, in sweet concern, "What troubles you?"

Celestia turned back to the letter. With a sigh, she silently thought to herself, The first of six has arrived...

Author's Note:


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