• Published 12th Dec 2012
  • 5,097 Views, 708 Comments

Elements Change the Dark Hearts - Nightmare_0mega

What Measure is a Monster? When six darkened beings from different worlds and times are brought to Equestria, will they adapt to the peace, or seek to destroy it?

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With My Mind

Twilight sighed, nudging at one of the many countless scrolls that sat on her small desk, filled to the brim with notes both similar and contradictory. Events haven't exactly been playing out like Twilight wanted. Ever since Elvis' arrival, she assumed that the more this happened, the bigger the chances were where she could crack the code and figure out how to replicate the anomaly, for study and for the trapped guests' sake. Not to mention how much pony society would advance if inter-dimensional travel actually became successful; let alone further research opportunities. And that was just the science aspect of the situation. Friendship and relationship studies would suddenly take new twists and turns as well. However, every time a new creature from another world would show up, it would be through vaguer and vaguer circumstances, making the anomaly more discrete with each entrance. The previous two times with Monsoon and Adna were nearly invisible to her, either hidden well behind electrical interference for the former, or circumvented entirely with the anomaly creating a short, direct tunnel between two realms, being far too quick to pick up.

Worse still was the recent situation where she finally thought she had a breakthrough. Yesterday, she felt a huge magical surge, likening to the first one she felt when this all began. At that moment, she dropped everything, accidentally breaking a fine crafted tea set in the process, and raced up the stairs to grab a parchment and quill. While it lasted a fair amount of time, she slowly realized while writing down the sensed sequences and waves, that the magical signature was from a normal unicorn, just amplified. With such a guess, she concluded that this new surge may be unrelated to the anomaly. She continued to write down her findings despite the futility of furthering her desired research, and as soon as it ended, she raced out of the library to track down the source.

What she found both excited and disappointed her. The latter because of how right her hunch was about the new surge being unrelated. The former because a new creature from another world was brought here by an Equestrian-made device. Most exciting was that the device in question was constructed based on the blueprints detailed in a book by Starswirl the Bearded. Said book was one she didn't recognize in the slightest, however, and it seemed to be an original from the way the ink sat on the pages and the notes that haphazardly littered the texts and sketches.

Fortunately, she was able to confiscate the device that was made by Lyra intact before Bon-Bon's desire to smash it in order to teach her friend a lesson was actually acted upon. Well, save for the keyboard, which belonged to Vinyl. Said pony was completely shocked at what it was used for, but not displeased. Despite that, she needed it back for a concert she was headlining, and Twilight wasn't one to get in the way of that. If Twilight ever wanted to use the device in the name of research, she would need to talk to her again about acquiring another one.

After that, Twilight decided to head to the hospital, where the new creature was being housed at the moment. That was when things got strange. The first was seeing the doctors and nurses all spooked out of their wits. She managed to talk to one and get answers on why. Apparently, minutes after they got the new being into an available room, they tried to set it up with an IV and make it more comfortable by removing its articles and mask. While they managed to get one glove off, what happened next is what shook them to the core. As an orderly tried to take off the mask, the creature began screaming bloody murder and thrashed about wildly. Every single pony in that room ducked and backed away from the being, afraid of what would happen if they got too close. On top of this, they began to notice things were starting to move on their own, including the bed of the patient next to the strange non-equestrian, whom was also now screaming in fear. After the screaming and writhing suddenly ceased, so too did the movement of random objects and furniture. With that image firmly set in their minds, they apparently risked setting up the IV, which thankfully went without another episode, and cleared everything else out of that room, save for one visiting chair.

Twilight found the story rather unbelievable, but remembered that stranger things have happened, and asked which room the new visitor was located in. With that information in tow, she walked in and found the extra-equestrian being was sound asleep. Honestly, looking at him chilled her with how still he was. If it weren't for the awful, ragged breathing that filtered through the gas mask, she'd believe the visitor wasn't even alive. She approached him with caution, and her curiosity almost urged her try to take the mask off, just to see what was underneath, but every instinct in the back of her mind screamed at her to not touch it. With that, she left the hospital and went back home, redoubling her efforts to figure out what was going on, researching long into the night.

Which lead her to today. She had gone through so many notes and so many books, she couldn't help but groan in dissatisfaction. Nothing was making any sense, and the new being wasn't even brought by the anomaly she was trying to figure out. While she figured researching the device she acquired would certainly come in handy, especially if she cracked its formula on how it works, it would be a while before she could get her hooves on the final piece to complete it. Considering the constant failure in her original research, however, she decided to take this whole situation as a win, in the hopes that it might bring her closer to unlocking the mysteries that plagued her in some way. It still didn’t improve her mood in any way, though.


The Element of Magic sighed with a smile. "Yes, Spike?", she responded. The little drake waddled down the stairs, holding a book and roll of parchment. Twilight smiled again. "Oh, you found it. Where was it?"

"On the dresser in your room," the good child said with a deadpan tone. "Seriously, Twilight, you haven't slept at all last night, have you?"

The mare gave a sheepish grin, "Maybe, but I had a very good reason."

Spike sighed, "Uh-huh... Well, aside from the book, you've got some mail from the Princess." He then held aloft a small scroll with the Royal Canterlot seal.

Twilight snatched it up from the little drake's hand with her telekinesis, uttering a small thank you before unfurling the letter. She quickly scanned its contents, only to roll it back up with a defeated sigh.

"Well, what's it say?"

"It was just a reply to the letter I sent last night about what Lyra accidentally brought over from the other side. She was wondering how our new guest was, apologizing that she couldn't come by and greet said guest herself."

"Anything else?"

She gave an annoyed look, but sighed in exasperation. "The letter also said I shouldn't be keeping myself up studying these bizarre circumstances." She shot Spike another look.

"H-heh, that was one heck of a good guess from the princess," he laughed nervously.

"Yeah, guess." With another sigh, she closed her books, reshuffled her papers, and put her writing tools away. "I might as well go and get some fresh air anyway. Maybe see how our new guest is actually doing now that things are a little more settled down."

"I take it things didn't go well when you stopped by last night?"

"You could say that."


Lyra couldn't help herself. After the whole debacle with the human she brought to their world and the confiscation of the device she built along with the book that instructed her, marshal law was enacted by her dear friend Bon-Bon. She never knew the candy maker could ever become so livid or strict, and in all honesty, she'd normally obey the instructions given to "leave the human alone" under any other circumstance. The condition of said human, however, worried her to no end, despite the insistence that it was in good hooves for now. She just hoped that she could check up on it, maybe ask a few questions, and be out quick enough so as not arouse suspicion. She had an opportunity to do so when tasked with picking up groceries at the mid-day market. Quickly rushing through town, she arrived at the hospital the human was admitted into and casually strolled through the halls.

Navigating the three story building wasn't exactly an easy task, though, even on a good day. It was only really made worse due to the fact more than a few familiar faces were trekking the halls for their own reasons, forcing her to take sharp turns and keep low. Worse still was the fact she had to refrain from asking for directions on the off chance she'd arouse suspicion. She wasn't willing to get into deeper waters with her already upset friend and roommate, all hypocritical risks aside.

It was by chance she heard some of the orderlies talk about the one she was looking for, though she didn't take too kindly to what she heard. The words describing the human she sought included: strange, creepy, and sickly. What's more is that the orderly in question proceeded to whisper a rumor about the human, claiming that his screaming the night before was like a banshee in the dark, before swearing that objects began to move on their own in the human's room. It sounded absolutely preposterous to Lyra. Humans don't have magic, and aren't capable of moving anything without physical contact. As for the screaming, she chalked it up to the poor thing having a nightmare. Regardless of her gripes, she had the destination she needed. Room 314, located on the west wing on the far side.

She casually strolled along the halls, keeping as inconspicuous as possible, avoiding unnecessary confrontations with anyone that may end up ratting her out to her roommate, or Celestia's protege. Within a few short minutes she found the correct hall leading towards the human's room. What was odd about the whole thing, however, is that it seemed as if everyone, from patients to staff, were vacated from the wing, as if they were scared of something. Probably those dumb rumors, she scoffed internally as she came to Room 314. The curious pony went to open the door, but stopped short inexplicably. She turned her head, staring down the very silent hall, getting a chill from the unnatural stillness and a heavy sense of dread. Come on, Lyra, it's just a bunch of bunk that's creeping you out. Get a hold of yourself. She looked back to the door, eyeing the number carved into the wood, before swallowing hard to smother the urge to leave and gently opened the door.

The hinges squeaked and the wood creaked as the room's door was gently pushed all the way open, unveiling its entirety to Lyra. It was spartan at best with empty cabinets, a single bed, a sparse set of equipment to look after the human, and a single visitor's chair. Even the drapes were missing from the windows and the bedside nightstand that'd normally be there was absent as well. It was honestly a shame to see such a bare room like this, but it was little matter. Her human guest was here, and every step closer made her more and more excited, which cracked a wider and wider grin. It wasn't long before she reached the chair and took her seat, just as the door behind her closed gently with a soft creak.

Looking at him now, and despite seeing him so close just yesterday, Lyra couldn't help but denote that he was a very strange-looking fellow. Remarkably thin, strange markings and scars on the skin, rather tight-looking clothing, and that mask. Dear Celestia, that mask. There was something so fundamentally off about it; The harshly black, hard material that made up the bulk of its surface, the tight straps that fastened around the human's head, and those ominous orange lenses all gave off this dangerous vibe. Lyra confessed that she felt uneasy at this moment, despite the fact her life's dream was literally inches away from her. With a tentative gulp, she leaned in a bit closer, and spoke.

"H-hello? Are you awake?" There was no response. She would have been worried that something was wrong if it weren't for the fact that the human was still breathing a lot more peacefully than the last time she was with him. Instead, she giggled to herself. He must be a heavy sleeper, she thought. "I can't believe this is actually my reality, right now," she said with a returning grin in full force, "In fact, I shouldn't be here right now. Bon-Bon is gonna brow-beat me if she ever finds out I'm playing hooky." She giggled again. "Oh, I wish I could actually talk to you. I have so many questions to ask. You're the first human I've ever had the privilege to even be near. And they told me they were a myth." She pawed her chin a little in thought. "Well, there was that fat guy that looked like a human, but he's just wearing a disguise, and the red guy that can fall apart seems to have been human once, but he's waaaay too scary to get near. I SAW what he did to that changeling. Nuh-uh, I ain't having that crud."

Realizing she was following more of a train of thought than actually talking to the being before her, she cleared her throat and spoke again. "Anyway, it's so nice to actually see you, even though you look like you're in terrible shape. You honestly seem like you haven't eaten in days. Well, don't worry about that around here. I'm sure we'll get you back to full strength in no time." She looked out the window at the other end of the room, becoming lost in thought again. "I don't know what I can say about my personal life, leading up to meeting you. Especially what recently happened. I swear, my luck either loves me, hates me, or loves to hate me, 'cause I've seen and done some odd stuff. If it weren't for that day I ended up getting trapped by Diamond Dogs, I would have never got my hooves on that book, and I would have never made that... "thing"... to bring you here." She grimaced a little, looking off to the side at nothing. "I still have to apologize to Rarity. I heard she went through quite an ordeal because of that... Sweetie Belle too."


Lyra snapped out of her thoughts and comments, and focused on the human before her again. He hadn't moved, nor did it seem like his eyes under those orange lenses were opened. However, she could have sworn she heard her name being called by a weak, raspy voice, similar to how he was breathing the first time they met. Even more shockingly, she realized one very important thing: She never said her name while she was here.

Her fear began to die as the rational part of her mind brushed it off, explaining that perhaps the orderlies-

-have not told me that you brought me here, Lyra.

The color drained from her face, as she heard those words as clearly as birds chirping in the early day, but saw no movement from the human, nor did it seem like her ears actually picked up any sound. She looked behind her, and saw the door was still closed, and upon using her magic to peek outside, found no one out in the halls either. She gazed around the room, and squinted out the window. Not a soul was found. She was alone with the human. A very still and quiet human.

"A-are..." she gulped, "A-ar-are you... awake?"

Silence chilled the air for a moment, before the soundless voice responded once again.

Barely. I am so very tired...

She shivered. Somehow, the human was talking to her. She never knew humans could do that. Or was this-

Few others possess the power I am capable of, Lyra. Human beings, on the whole, have the mental capacity of rodents compared to me. I am... ... I was the greatest practitioner of psychokinesis and telepathy in the world.

"Psycho-?" Lyra muttered, trying to recall any meaning those words may have, but nothing came to mind.

Do not exhaust yourself. Recalling any years of your school life will not turn those words up. You were quite the slacker in your studies, save for music and your hobbies, were you not?

"How did you-?"

I can read your every thought, Lyra. You are but an open book to me; I know what your favorite song is, I know what your favorite breakfast is, and I know exactly what you did three years ago at band camp.

"HEY!" She barked, "I didn't know the piano would be that flammable!" Upon realizing what she said, she slapped her mouth shut and peeked behind her in paranoia.

There is no need to be defensive, Lyra.

The little unicorn fidgeted in her seat. This was just far too much for her to handle, and she wasn't entirely sure if she was just imagining it, or if this really was happening.

You still doubt me, Lyra? I'm so very disappointed, but I understand. We are both very tired individuals, and you need to get back home, where your friend Bon-Bon is waiting. I'm sure she'll want to know what took you so long, right?

"Oh, hayseed!" the non-voiced human was right. She'd already been out too long, and she didn't even get the chance to pick up the groceries. If she wanted to have a believable lie at the ready, she'd need to make sure she blasted through her errands like a mad pony fleeing from a chimera. With that thought, she hopped off the chair and proceeded to the door, before turning back to the human once more. "I guess I'll see you another day then. Maybe I can ask you some questions when you're feeling better?" An eerie silence was her answer, as her brow furrowed a bit for a moment while walking out into the hall, shutting the door behind her.

She crept along the halls, dodging orderlies, and managed to reach the bottom floor without being noticed. Curiously, though, as she was about to leave through the front entrance to the hospital, she noticed Twilight herself make her way through the halls, seemingly heading for the higher floors. Considering how studious and inquisitive she was, she'd bet Bon-Bon's expensive, imported oats that the Princess's protege was going to visit Equestria's new alien guest herself. She just hoped that the human wouldn't rat her out, if he truly knew everything on her mind at that moment, at least.

With that, she left the building and headed for town proper, to finally finish her errands she was tasked to do, and make sure she returned home in a timely manner. Maybe have a nap to rest her rattled mind after her... unique experience with the mentalist.

Author's Note:


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