• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Epilogue: A New Dawn

The sun peeked through the window, slowly stirring the sleeping form of a lavender pony to consciousness. She didn't want to get up. The past three days were a roller-coaster ride of emotions. The joy of seeing friends and family that had survived would give way to the sorrow of finding that other friends were killed or maimed. She was emotionally wiped out, and this day was going to be even worse. It was the day of the funerals for the thousands that died. Roughly six out of every ten ponies that fought were killed in that terrible battle and another three were injured.

Twilight yawned and stretched her limbs. After a few satisfying pops, she levitated her prosthetic limb to her, and strapped it on. She still wasn't used to the simple, jointed rod, but it was all she had. She steadily got to her hooves, ready to start her day. She turned to the guest bed at the opposite side of the room.

“Are you awake?” she asked.

“Yes,” replied Rarity. She had stayed with Twilight that night after being released from the hospital. She said going back to the home she shared with her little sister for so many years would bring too many painful memories.

“I'll go make breakfast. Is there anything you want?”

“It doesn't matter.”

The two friends went down stairs and Twilight whipped up a pair of omelets. The two sat down and ate in silence. After the meal, as Twilight was cleaning up, Rarity spoke up.


“Yes, Rarity?”

“I was wondering... would you mind coming with me with me to the boutique? I need to get some things and... I don't think I...” the fashionista struggled.

“Of course,” Twilight assured her friend.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight waited in the foyer, looking at the unfinished dresses as they sat on their ponnequins. They weren't there long before Rarity came back down, her saddlebag almost full.

“Is that all?” Twilight asked.

“Actually, I need to get one more thing.” The mare went to one of the dresses still on its form. It was a simple, but beautiful black dress, with a single shoulder strap and emblems in silver thread in the shape of Sweetie Belle's cutie mark. Rarity stared at it, running a hoof gently across the fabric. “I was going to give this to her after she asked out Dinky to wear on their first date. It was supposed to be for a happy occasion, but... I want to see her off in it. I want her to be absolutely stunning... for the last time I... I'll ever s-see her.”

Her resolve broke. She slumped to the floor and sobbed. Twilight was there as fast as she could, laying beside her and draping a wing across her back.

“I... I don't know if I can do it, Twilight. Sweetie was more than just a sister to me. I practically raised her. Without her, what good am I? All I do is make a bunch of pretty little dresses so rich ponies can show off how much better they are then everypony else,” Rarity said quietly, “Do you know how many times ponies thought Sweetie was my daughter? In a way, she might as well have been.”

“You were a great big sister, Rarity,” Twilight consoled her friend, “What happened wasn't your fault. It was a scout that did this. They are trained to remain undetected even in heavily patrolled areas. There was nothing anypony could have done.” Twilight held her friend for a few minutes before continuing, “Come on. Let's get out of here and give Sweetie her gift.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Rarity was quite right about one thing, Sweetie did look quite beautiful in the dress. Her serene expression and the silk scarf covering the wound on her neck made it look almost as if she were asleep. Everyone in Ponyville was in attendance, each for one or more of the two dozen deceased.

Twilight looked around at each of her friends. Applejack was in a wheelchair, her stomach still bandaged. Fluttershy was holding onto Discord for support. The draconequus had managed to bring her back to reality just the day before. Spike and Rainbow Dash stood to the side holding each other close, both crying openly. Applebloom, Parry, and Scootaloo sat with a group of eight fillies and colts, all wearing matching burgundy capes. Pinkie was trying to comfort Rarity, who could barely find the strength to stand. Her hoof never left the silver star on the firesilk choker she wore around her own neck. It was the one thing she wanted of Sweetie's, a memento.

Then It was time for Twilight to step up and make her speech on behalf of the Princess. Her draconic wings shifted against the binding she used to keep them hidden under her dress. It was uncomfortable, but the ponies of Ponyville didn't need to know about her transformation. It would only make them nervous on an already bad day. She checked a mirror to make sure the glamor on her eye was holding and made her way to the podium.

The lavender mare cleared her throat and began, “A human general once said, ‘War is hell.’ In those three simple words he described it better than anyone else ever could have. In this past year, I've seen quite a few battles and lost quite a few friends. Every battle, every skirmish and confrontation lead to more heartache and pain. Though it's the soldiers that fight, it's the innocent that suffer. These brave ponies fought a powerful enemy. Despite being told that they would likely die, they fought. They willingly gave their lives so that others could live, and it wasn't in vain.”

Twilight levitated a datapad and held it up so all could see, “I have here a list of reports coming in from across the galaxy. Dratali are surrendering all over. The survivors that managed to escape, took with them reports of beings that wielded magic, what they call 'the divine gift', with far more power and grace then even their best mages. They speak of 'divine beasts' that vanquished their High Archon's creation, and that wiped out their entire fleet with a wave of its talon.” She gave a knowing look to Spike and Discord. “They've lost faith in their cause. They now know that the universe doesn't want them to cleanse the galaxy of life. Because of the sacrifice of these ponies, billions of lives were saved. Let us always remember these shining examples to us all.”

A reserved applause followed the mare as she retreated from the stage. As she made her way to her grieving friend, ponies thanked her for her words and expressed their joy at their loved ones sacrifices meaning something.

Rarity didn't even turn to her when she spoke, “None of that applies to Sweetie. She didn't die fighting to save the world. She was butchered by a coward that hid in a pantry. It was pointless. It didn't save lives, or prevent suffering.”

“That's the worst thing about war,” Twilight said as she sat beside Rarity, “Too many die for no reason. All we can do is try to live our lives, and remember the happy times we shared. Like that one Nightmare Night when she went as a vampony.”

“Yes, that was when she dyed her mane and tail black,” Rarity let a sad smile play across her lips, “She decided she liked it and wanted to keep it. I thought she would get tired of it in a few weeks, but then came the collar.”

“Yeah, you freaked out. I heard you scream all the way from the library.”

Rarity's smile disappeared, “I can't stand it, Twilight. I just want the pain to go away.” She stood up and started walking away. “I... I'm going for a walk... I need to be alone for a while.”

“Oh, okay, um... hold on.” Twilight levitated her saddlebag from beside the podium and opened it. She sifted through it until she pulled out a white datapad with an image of three light blue diamonds on the back. “They just finished setting up the relay this morning, so these work now. It opens to the messages by default. If you need to talk, just touch the 'call' option. I already have mine and the other girls’ numbers programmed into it.”

“Thank you, Twilight,” Rarity took the device and placed it in her own bag, “You really are a wonderful friend. I... don't think I've told you that enough. Oh, and that general you spoke of was wrong... War is not hell. Hell spares the innocent.”

Twilight watched as her grieving friend walked off toward the outskirts of town. She resolved to talk to the others. They would need to keep an eye on her for the time being.

“She alright?” came Applejack's voice.

“I hope so,” Twilight replied, turning to the injured farmer, “What about you?”

“Ah'll be fine, sugarcube. Doc said the knife damaged my uterus, though, so Ah ain't gonna be getting knocked up any time soon. That's fine though. Ah'll just find me a nice mare to settle down with and she can do it for me.”

“I'm glad everyone's recovering. Even Fluttershy's getting better.”

“Yeah, thanks to Discord. Ah'm glad Shy's got a friend like him to help her out. A pony as sweet and carin' as her don't deserve to be hurtin' like that.”

“No one deserves to hurt like that.”

“Hey, Twi,” Applejack gave the lavender Nightmare a curious look, “Where's Curt and the others?”

Twilight's expression fell further, “They finished setting up the comm relay in Canterlot, so they're going to be leaving soon.”

“Without even saying goodbye?”

Twilight turned away from the farmer. She didn't want her friend to see the tears.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Seth, Debby, Aden, and Raak all watched as Curt loaded up the various boxes back into the shuttle. They could tell he was trying not to think. It was obvious to anyone that knew him. They just couldn't think of anything to say. A certain stallion, however, did.

“Captain Dupree!” Shining Armor shouted as he approached, an angry look in his eyes. “What the hay are you doing?”

Curt didn't look at the unicorn. He just continued working as he said, “I'm getting the shuttle ready to ship out. I figured you'd be happy about that.” The sniper went into the craft, set the box he held down and moved to grab another. When he stepped off the boarding ramp, he found himself surrounded by a light blue shield. Curt scowled and held his hand out, intent on disrupting the barrier, but stopped when he couldn't summon up his magic. “What the hell?”

“Barriers are my specialty, you know,” explained Shining, “This one blocks those inside from channeling magic. The magenta ones are just your standard magic shields.”

“How Fascinating,” Curt deadpanned, “Now what the hell do you want? I'm already leaving the planet, so you don't have to worry about me messing around with your sister.”

Shining shook his head, “That's the problem.” At the confused looks he sighed and explained, “I want Twilight to find a nice noble unicorn to settle down with, but do you know what I want far more than that? I want her to be happy. Look, my sister is head over hooves for you, and as much as I hate to admit it, I can see why. You're a good person, Curt. What I'm trying to say is... don't leave.” Shining dropped his barrier.

“Thanks, Shining, but I have to leave,” Curt responded, “I'm a soldier. I have to follow orders, and those orders are to return to Earth. If I could stay, I would.”

Silence fell over the two... until a ball slammed into the back of Curt's head.

“Ow! What the fuck! Who threw that?” He shouted as he turned around, only to see Admiral Gibson grinning back, “A-Admiral?”

“Oh my,” he said, purposely cheesing it up, “It looks like Captain Dupree just suffered a concussion from a freak, random accident. I'm afraid I'm going to have to send you to the nearest medical facility and give you a full honorable discharge. That is, unless, you really think you can continue your duties.”

A grin spread across Curt's face as he realized what was going on, “Oh, sir, I'm seeing double. Maybe I should see someone that could help.”

Gibson offered his hand to his former subordinate who quickly took it in return, “Get the hell outta here. There's someone waiting for you.”

“I'm heading there anyway,” Shining said, “I'll give you a lift.”

As the pair left, Seth spoke up, “Are you sure it was a good idea to let him go? I mean, I'm happy for him, but he's one of the best soldiers we have. Not to mention he's the best with magic out of the rest of us.”

“We don't need him anymore. The war's practically over. Only a few Dratali are still clinging to their old cause, and they’re not going to be too big of a threat. Besides, true love doesn't come along every day.”

Seth sighed as he watched a chariot take off, “They better invite us to the wedding.”

Author's Note:

I told you I wasn't shipping Twilight in this story. I never said I wouldn't hint to them being shipped AFTER.

I have one more chapter I'll be posting for those of you that are going to be following the collab, so don't stop following.

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