• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 38: Caging the Beast

“Now Celestia, that's no way to speak to a pony that simply materializes from nothing,” another voice, older and wiser, spoke up, “I apologize, my name is Starswirl. May I ask your name, and how you came to appear in my study?”

Twilight looked up at the elderly stallion in awe, “M... my name is... Rider,” giving my real name to Celestia now might be a bad idea, “Starswirl, sir, I've come from far in the future. Our world's in grave danger, and I need your help to save it.”

“She's a mad mare! She claims to have passed through time,” exclaimed the young Celestia.

“Yes, I am a mad mare, but I'm a mad mare from the future,” Twilight shot, already losing patience with her teacher's past self, “Can we talk in private? I'll tell you whatever you wish to know.”

“Celestia, we'll continue this later,” was the conjurer’s reply, “I need to speak with this mare in private.”

Celestia harrumphed, but did as her teacher asked, lest her father catch word of her disobedience.

“So, you appear here with a time travel spell, and speak of a cataclysm in the future. Is that about right...” he gave her a knowing grin, “Twilight Sparkle?”

Twilight gasped, “How do you know who I am?”

“I have been experimenting with time for close to a hundred years,” he explained, “My first successful time spell was a window in time. I became curious, and focused on seeing my most remarkable descendant... I wanted to see if my bloodline would bear fruit. Sure enough, I saw you locked in a duel against a dark alicorn. I watched as you used a magic the likes of which I've never seen and purified the beast. You could imagine my shock to see little Luna in its place. I was tempted to tell her of her future plight, but decided destiny may have a use for her fall.”

“So I guess this letter Celestia gave me as proof of my story isn't needed. What else do you know about me?” Twilight asked.

“I know that you are a remarkable unicorn, but I admit my shock at your current condition. You seem like you have witnessed war first hand.”

“I've done more then witnessed,” Twilight confirmed, “I've had a seriously fu... a terrible year. But that's not why I'm here. During the fighting, I developed... a nightmare. The same kind of demon that had Luna.”

“I see... We call them shades. I lost a dear friend to one, and have studied the beasts. How is is you are not maddened by the creature now?”

“They require a massive amount of magic, and an evil undead unicorn sucked the magic from my body. Without the required amount of magical energy, it's mostly dormant, though I think it's affecting me a little.”

“I will search my tomes for the knowledge needed. It may take some time, so feel free to wander the halls. I will send word when you are needed.”

Twilight, seeing he was already engrossed in the task, placed a teleport mark on the floor and left him to his work. As much as she wanted to watch her idol work, she knew she would only be in the way. It was harder to tear herself away from that room than it was to tear herself away from Canterlot when she was sent to oversee the Summer Sun Festival preparations in Ponyville. The only thing that made it possible was seeing the old castle in one piece. The ruins always fascinated her, and now she could see them as they once were.

“I wonder if they'll let me in the library?” Twilight asked herself out loud.

“You owe me an apology, peasant,”

Twilight let a little growl as Celestia stepped from around a corner. She couldn't believe Princess Celestia, the kindest, most understanding and gentle pony in Equestria, was ever like this. Twilight took a deep breath, trying to keep her temper down.

“I'm talking to you, you ugly scared freak! You had better listen to me! I'm an Ascended!” she flared her wings for emphasis.

Twilight chuckled. She forgot the term alicorn wouldn't be adopted for another five hundred years. Of course the high and mighty princess didn't realize why the lavender pony was laughing.

“You dare laugh? I am more powerful than any unicorn! I could tear you apart! Learn your place... groveling at my hooves.”

That was it. Twilight had enough of this pony's mouth. She didn't care if she would become her teacher, and something of a second mother. Twilight turned to face the future ruler with a scowl on her face.

“Oh yes, Princess,” Twilight seethed, “You're probably at least ten times more powerful than me, but the funny thing about power is that it's nothing compared to experience, knowledge, and wisdom... something I think I could provide. I challenge you to the honor circle.”

Celestia's eyes widened in utter shock. She looked around to see if there were witnesses and saw a couple maids with expressions that mirrored hers. She couldn't believe somepony was actually going to challenge her. Slowly, a grin spread across her face. She was going to make an example of this worm.

“Very well, I accept,” she said at last, “The circle is over here.”

She lead Twilight through a room and onto a balcony. With a smirk that screamed “I'm better than you,” she spread her wings and leaped into the air, gliding to a stone circle. She looked up with the same smirk. Twilight countered with a smile of her own. She set her saddle bags down on the balcony. In a flash of light, she teleported from the balcony to the circle, catching Celestia completely off guard.

“Wha? How...” Celestia stammered.

“Like I said,” Twilight took a stony expression as the air around the shimmered, sealing them in a shield.

“I'm going to enjoy this,” Celestia snarled as her horn lit up. She fired a volley of five projectiles at her adversary, only for them to strike the barrier behind. Twilight dodged them with ease. With a quick thrust of her back legs, she launched herself at the alicorn. She closed the distance in about a second, and struck her teachers teenage form in the jaw with an uppercut from her left hoof.

Celestia staggered back, clutching her jaw in a hoof, “You worm. What's the matter, don't have any real magic?”

“I have a lot of magic, but I'm teaching you a lesson. I'm not using magic because without magic, I'm at my weakest,” Twilight lectured, “And at my weakest, I can still beat you like a filly.”

“Why you insolent-!” Celestia shouted indignantly.

The arrogant royal let loose with a burst of arctic wind, but once again Twilight was ahead of her. The unicorn dove aside and sprang up at Celestia's side. She dodged a wild thrust of the wing and shot out a back hoof at her future mentor's sides beneath the wing.

When Celestia rose again, eye eyes burned white with power, “You... I'll destroy you!”

She rose into the air as her horn lit up with a powerful spell. It was one Twilight didn't recognize, but could tell from the components that it was huge. The barrier runes along the outside of the ring sparked and sputtered under the strain of holding in so much magical energy. They didn't last too long before shattering, dispelling the shield. Not wasting another second, Twilight leaped up above her. Even through the white pools of magic, she could see the surprise in the brat's eyes, before dropping her metal hoof onto the top of her head. The one-day ruler of the sun slammed into the stone circle hard. For a moment, Twilight worried that she overdid it, but that fear was banished when the alicorn started to struggle to her hooves.

“Guards! Arrest that mare!” she shouted. She stood there, panting, but the guards did nothing, “What are you doing? I gave you an order!”

“They are following mine,” boomed an powerful, yet soft voice.

Twilight turned to face the newcomer and was met with an awe-inspiring sight. He stood taller than even Celestia in her own time. His brilliant white coat shimmered in the light given by his ethereal yellow mane. It was as if the sun itself took the form of a pony and descended upon the world. Finally her mind caught up to her, and she gave a deep, respectful bow.

“Father, she attacked me!” Celestia lied, “She-

“Silence, daughter!” Solaris interrupted, “I witnessed what transpired from the issuing of the challenge. You sully your honor with this display. You boast of power, but know not its meaning. This unicorn, however does. She has not the strength of an earth pony, the agility of a pegasus, nor did she use her magic. You, Celestia, are stronger than an earth pony, more agile than a pegasus, and more powerful than a unicorn, yet you were defeated. Do you know why?”

Celestia kicked at the ground, “Because power is nothing compared to experience, knowledge, and wisdom.”

“Precisely, and that shall be a lesson you will need to learn. A ruler, my beloved child, serves on high. It is our task to guide our subjects, protect them, and watch over them. We are not better than they, and to instill this lesson, you shall work in the kitchen as a laborer for one week. I will send word to the cook. Now go, I must speak with this mare.”

“Y... yes, father.” Celestia did as she was commanded.

The great king smiled down at Twilight, “ Sometimes, when one’s pride is wounded, humility is allowed to grow. Rise, madam, and tell me of yourself.”

Twilight did as she was asked, “My name is Rider, and I'm here to seek the assistance of Starswirl the Bearded.”

“Oh? And who is your master, Lady Rider? You are as fierce as a dragon in battle.”

“The one who taught me to fight is named Raak. My magic teacher was Has-Ka.”

“Hmm, strange names. Where are they from?”

“Um, far away. Forgive me, but I think it's best that you not know too much about me,” Twilight said nervously.

The legendary king looked at her in confusion, “And why is that?”

“Well, I'm from the future, and anything I say could have dire consequences.”

“The future? Is that so? Ha! So the old conjurer truly did it!”

Before they could continue, they were interrupted by a bright red bird landing on Twilight's head.

“Ah, Philomena. Come to fetch the good lady for your master, have you? Very well.”

“Oh, before I leave,” Twilight flashed her horn and her bags appeared on her back. She levitated her camera from the bag and held it up, “This is a device that can take a lifelike portrait in seconds... may I take a picture of you and I?”

“Hmm, I see no reason why not.”

“Awesome!” Twilight sat down beside the old monarch, and levitated the camera into position. With a flash, the image was captured, “Thank you so much your highness. I'll always cherish-”

“Hyaa!” a small battle cry rang out as Twilight felt something small hit her back followed by several smaller impacts, “How Dawe you huwt my sister!”

Twilight couldn't help but squee at the sight of the tiny indigo alicorn punching her in the back with her tiny hooves. With another click, the sight was saved in digital format.

“Calm down, Luna. Your sister brought it upon herself,” Solaris levitated his youngest daughter from her 'victim' and placed her on his back, “I bid you good day, Lady Rider.”

“And if you be mean to my sister again, I'll beat you up!” cried Luna, pointing a threatening hoof at Twilight as another click sounded from the camera.

She replaced the camera and quickly teleported to the rune she placed earlier.

“Ah, Lady Sparkle, there you are. I may have found the enchantment needed, but a problem does exist. While I have discovered the enchantment, it is quite the powerful one. I doubt even diamond could contain the magic. I will need a material that could withstand vast amounts of magic.”

Twilight smiled, “Then it's a good thing I brought this,” She levitated the box with her horn and presented it to Starswirl, “It was broken off by the same unicorn that drained my magic before he did, so it retained its nightmare qualities.”

“Oh my... I've never worked with a material such as this. Let me see,” He levitated the spiraled object and closed his eyes, feeling it out, “Hmm... yes... yes, this will be perfect. It contains a portion of the shade. I may be able to harness that. I will need your assistance for a moment.”

“Of course!” Twilight jumped to his side, “What do you need?”

“A drop of blood,” He said before trying to jab a needle in her leg, unfortunately, it was her right and the needle broke easily, “Oh my.”

“Oh, sorry, that one's fake,” Twilight explained, rolling the sleeve down a little to show the steel beneath, “See. Take it from the left.”

“Fascinating,” Starswirl poked the skin of her left leg and gathered a bit of the leaking red fluid with his magic, “How much time do you have before the spell fails and you return?”

“A couple hours, why?”

“Then you can assist me.”

“Oh my gosh!” Twilight gushed, “I get to work with Starswirl. Before we begin, can we get a picture?”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The next several hours of work consisted of planning and testing. Though Twilight was no stranger to pony testing, she's never really been the subject. It made sense, now, why Rainbow Dash hated it. Having to sit there while somepony else stands over you, poking and prodding, but she toughed it out. Eventually, though, they were done with their calculations and planning.

“Now Twilight,” began the former human, “The amulet will use the corruption left within your horn. When you wear it, it will seek out the corruption inside of you and merge with it. When it does, the spells it carries will act. I must warn you though, if another were to try to wear it the shade fragment would strengthen them, but it would also corrupt them.”

“Let's hope nopony else gets their hooves on it then,” Twilight replied and looked at the clock on her leg mounted computer, “Shit, I have less than a minute. How will you get it to me?”

“If I can discover a way to send it through time, I will. If I cannot, you will have to seek it out. Magical artifacts of this nature would likely be documented. Therefore, if you seek its name, you should find it.”

“What are you going to call it?” Twilight said hurriedly.

“Hmm... Ah! Seeing as it is the only artifact to be crafted from the horn of a unicorn, I shall name it...”

A white light surrounded Twilight as the spell started to fail. Before it whisked her back her own time, she was able to make out the name.

“The Alicorn Amulet.”

Author's Note:

Before anyone complains that this is a cop out for the Nightmare Dusk thing, it's not. I'm not giving spoilers, but I have this planned out.

In other news, my internet is back! Yay! This means more regular updates!

I still need mane 6 writers for the colab sequels. If you can write decently and like this fic, give it a try

Oh, and if you're still wondering who Parry Riposte is, here's a picture of him and Apple Bloom: here

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