• Published 30th Nov 2012
  • 26,151 Views, 5,397 Comments

Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 10: Induction

Twilight exhaled a cloud of smoke. She, Spike, Shining, Cadence, and her parents had made their way to the palace so Twilight could continue telling the story to everypony at once. They decided to use the private gardens as to have a beautiful setting and so Twilight didn't bother anypony with her habit (though her parents hated it regardless).

Twilight was concerned for Spike, though. He hadn’t left her side since they woke up. He even sat outside the bathroom door while she was in the shower. It was expected, after what he went trough, to be rather clingy, but it still wasn’t good. Twilight planned to let it go on for the day and try to help him recover the next morning. Right now, he needed this.

“OK,” Twilight spoke up, “So I got blown up, woke up half furless and sans one limb, and decided that if I couldn't come home I'd be of use and join the fight. Am I missing anything? Oh yeah, being bald is freaking cold. So I told the admiral about my desire to fight and everyone else just looked at me like I lost it...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Twilight, you can't be serious,” Curt said in disbelief.

“I am,” Twilight stated, “I won't stand by and do nothing while the Dratali kill innocent people.”

“Do you know what you’re asking Ms. Sparkle?” Admiral Gibson betrayed no emotion with his question.

“I'm asking that you let me help you kill.” Twilight's determination was obvious.

“Very well,” Gibson agreed, “You'll be put through a specialized training program. It won't be as long as most, but It'll be effective regardless. Meet me in the training room in one hour. That goes for you four as well.”

Just like that, the Admiral walked out of the hangar. The others watched him leave with suspicion.

“Something’s not right here,” Debby said, “He knows practically nothing about Twilight here and yet he's been treating her like an old friend.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, “What's wrong with being friendly?”

“For an Admiral in command of one of the best ships in existence? Everything,” Seth answered, “I've never known him to be this willing to trust anyone. No offense Twilight, but he shouldn't trust you so easily. He's spoken to you once. That's not enough to know you're not a threat. For all he knows you could be working for the Dratali to infiltrate us. Again, I know you’re a good mare, Twilight, but he can't afford to think like that.”

“I understand what you mean,” Twilight reassured him, “Do you think something's wrong?”

“I think he knows something we don't,” Seth stated, “Am I the only one who thought his answer sounded rehearsed?”

“Regardless, we need to get going,” Debby interrupted.

“Right,” Curt replied, “Twilight, be at the training room in half an hour.”

“But the Admiral said an hour?” Twilight queried.

“That translates to half an hour in the military.” Curt chuckled.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The training room was in actuality several rooms connected to a central room. This room was very spartan, having only a few benches, a water cooler, and a first aid station.

Twilight waited for the Admiral while reading from the archives on a tablet Aden got for her, and calibrated to better read her magic. She found a love for human fiction. The creativity they show astounded her.

“You like fiction?” Curt asked, “I took you for a non-fiction kinda girl.”

“I usually am, but some fiction is really good.” Twilight explained, “I like the old Daring Do novels back home. It's about a pegasus archaeologist's adventures. My friend Rainbow Dash is a huge fan of fiction. She even wrote her own novel, The Traveler. It's the number one science fiction novel in the Canterlot Times best sellers list. It's about a filly that's struck by lightning during a lightning storm caused by Discord and is transported to another dimension.”

“Sounds awesome. I wish I could read it.” Curt looked over at Debby and tried picturing her writing a book and laughed.

Twilight was about to ask what was funny when the door opened and the Admiral walked in.

“Attention on deck!” Seth called as he and the others stood rigid.

“As you were,” The Admiral waved a hand, “Ms. Sparkle, as Admiral I have the right to conscript willing souls into the Alliance military. Are you, Twilight Sparkle of the nation of Equestria on the planet Avol, Willing to abide by the laws and regulations of the Alliance military, and obey the orders of those appointed over you?”

“Yes.” Twilight stated without delay.

“As commanding officer of the White Wolf, I have the authority to conscript those willing that I see fit. You Twilight Sparkle can provide a service no other can. You can fight the Dratali on equal ground. Their shield technology was stolen from us, so it shares the same weakness to magic as ours. That's why you were able to take out that Titan. I take it though you don't know much combat magic though.”

“I know spells that could be adapted for combat, but the only real spell I know is the one I learned from the Dratali in the Titan.” Twilight explained. Upon seeing his curious and slightly suspicious gaze she continued. “I watched how he cast his destruction spell and copied it.”

“That can be very useful, but unless you fight an Archon, you won't see anything special,” The Admiral reasoned, “That's OK, for now we'll focus on your training. That's what these four are here for. I take it they haven't told you much of what they really do?” Twilight shook her head, “Good, they shouldn't have. Just like you never will.” His glare told the unicorn what he meant. “They are a special type of special forces unit that combines both land and air elements. Each is skilled in both land and air combat, but specialize in one. Major Vasiliev and Captain Dupree are land specialists while Major Verdan and Lieutenant Rane are air specialists. You are to be instated as a Second Lieutenant and are going to be working along side them as an air specialist. Welcome to the Griffins, Lt. Sparkle.”

By this time, every one of them couldn't believe what they were hearing. For him to not only accept Twilight's request, but to assign her to one of the most elite units in the Alliance was ridiculous. Twilight couldn't imagine her brother trusting somepony that had so much in common with an enemy, and the Admiral's position was far more sensitive.

“Oh, by the way,” The admiral continued, “I also secured your sixth member. Captain Raak Torba. He'll be here within the hour.”

With that, the Admiral headed out the door. The others watched for a moment, until Curt let out a victory cry.

“I can't believe it!” he cheered, “Not only are we getting a bad ass adept in our squad, but the Raak Attack is coming back. Hey, that rhymed.”

“I still don't trust the Admiral right now. He's planning something,” Seth said.

“Regardless, we need to get pony girl here trained up,” Debby sounded a little too excited, “I got first dibs on her.”

“That a quote from a porno, Chicken Wing?” Curt teased.

“You would know, Cunt,” Debby countered.

“They make a cute couple, don't they, Seth?” Aden quipped.

“Shut up, dweeb!” Debby shouted.

“What do you think their kids would look like?” Seth asked with a grin.

“Don't make me hurt...” Curt stopped when he remembered that Seth was huge. “... someone else, hehe.”

“Come on, Twilight,” Debby waved her over, “I'm gonna teach you how to fly.”

“This should be easy,” Twilight smiled as she followed the pilot, “I read that book cover to cover ten times.”

Debby gave a wicked grin. She was going to enjoy this.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“No no no no!” Twilight panicked as she once again slammed into the carrier.

“How many times you plan on dyin' Lieutenant?” Debby's voice came through the headset.

“Hopefully only 31 times.” Replied the unicorn.

“OK, reloading program. Try not to die please.”

Twilight's sight altered as the scene shifted to the hangar once again. After getting the 'all clear' from Debby, Twilight turned on the engines and raised the skids. She wasn't quite as good as Rarity with this kind of fine tuned multitasking, but she was good enough to easily do what needed to be done. The simulated launch arm brought the simulated craft to the simulated launch platform. She watched the light above the opening with the throttle in her magical grasp. As soon as the light went green, she thrust the throttle forward and launched the fighter out of the carrier and into space.

“I think I know what your problem is, Twilight,” Debby said from the control room, “You're over thinking things. You have to go with your instincts a little. Don't just do what's logical, do what feels right.”

“OK.” Twilight flew around a few asteroids that were floating nearby and swung back toward the ship. Habitually, equations and vectors flooded her mind. She shook her head, trying to clear it of those thoughts. It went against everything she was, but Debby was the veteran pilot here and Twilight was going to take her advice. Keeping her logical mind under wraps, she lined herself up with the receiving port. This was difficult, because the receiving port was only twice the size of the craft. Under normal circumstances that would be plenty, but when going over 100 miles per hour, it was like threading a needle... a needle that'll kill you if you miss. She flew straight at the opening, ready to cut the engines the moment the magnetic field grabs hold. Too early and she won’t make it to the ship, too late and... number 32. She hit the kill switch the moment before the craft shuddered in the grip of the magnetic guide. The ship was guided into the receiving bay and placed on a maintenance skid.

“Congratulations, Pony Girl. You're not dead this time. It only took you 32 tries and over four hours. Come on, Raak should be here by now.”

The side of the simulator opened up and Twilight was once again greeted with the dimly lit room. She climbed down from the conical contraption as Debby came down from the elevated control room behind the machine. The unicorn had a smile on her face as she approached her new teacher.

“That was actually impressive Twilight,” Debby's pride for her student was apparent in her voice. “Most take at least a day to land properly, but that last one was a textbook landing.”

Twilight blushed a little at the praise, “I was just following your advice.”

You pulled it off, advice or not.” Debby said with a grin, “Don't sell yourself short. You’ve got talent, Twilight.”

The pair opened the door to the main room and found the others waiting plus one. A Korg at that Twilight assumed was Raak. The Korg are a warrior race that closely resemble a cross between a monkey and a cat. They have feline faces (sans fur) and claws, but primate like fingers, upper body, and prehensile tail. They are quick, agile, and precise. Honor is a very important aspect of their culture.

This particular Korg was a little shorter than Seth. He had pale blue skin the color of a clear, cloudless sky, and his fur was the silver of a full moon. His eyes were a deep piercing blue that could bore into your soul. His well toned muscles flexing and rippling with every movement. His scent like sweet blueberries...

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The other ponies were looking at Twilight with either confusion or barely contained amusement. Twilight herself had a far off, dreamy look plastered on her face.

Rarity was the first to find her voice, “Twilight, darling, It sounds almost like you fancy this... Raak was it?”

“You could say that,” Twilight smiled sheepishly with a deep red blush.

“Twilight, did you finally find a boyfriend?” Cadence asked hopefully.

“No, We were just... friends.” Twilight said the last part with a bit of sadness in her voice.

Shining, Nightlight, and Velvet let out a sigh of relief. They weren't sure if they wanted her dating.

Twilight cleared her throat and took another drag on her cigarette before continuing.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Twilight,” Curt snapped his fingers in front of the purple mare, bringing her back to reality. “Thought we lost you for a second there.”

“Oh, sorry,” Twilight apologized, “I was... thinking?”

“Yeah...” Curt said skeptically, “Anyway, this is Captain Raak Torba. He's an old friend of mine and Seth's, and now he's our sixth member. Raak, this is Lieutenant Twilight Sparkle. We found her on a data recovery mission on Klimese. As of a few hours ago, she's the Alliance's first adept.”

“I-it's a p-p-pl-pleasure to m-meet you, Captain Torba.” Twilight stuttered, a blush showing slightly.

“Likewise,” said the deep, smooth voice of the Korg.

Oh, Celestia, I need a shower. Twilight thought to herself, A long, ice cold shower.

Author's Note:

Before anyone asks, there will NOT be a romance between Twilight and Raak.

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