• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

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Chapter 48: Sacrifice

“Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream!” sang a mismatched creature as he paddled his boat through the void of space.

“Merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream!” Replied a white and brown marble coated fourteen year old colt, “I wish Queenie came dimension hopping with us. She would have enjoyed messin' that uptight ol' cap'n an' his crew.”

“I think she would have liked the other Equestria where the girls were changelings. Unfortunately, Pippy my friend, she's too wrapped up in her work to let loose.”

“I know Cap'n, but it's been too long since the three of us was together.”

“Ah, those were fun...” Discord was cut off as a large... metal... turtle... dragon... thing... floated past, “...times.”

“I don't get it,” Pip stated blankly as he watched it pass.

“That's not mine,” Discord's expression became serious, making his young friend very nervous at the unheard of sight, “We need to get back now.”

The draconequus hit a red button and a large rocket rose from the back of the row boat and launched the duo toward home.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“God damn it!” Seth shouted, the wound in his shoulder screaming in agony as he fired on the enemy position, “Admiral, we can really use more back up! We're getting slaughtered down here!”

All available soldiers are deployed,” came the reply from orbit, “I'm sorry, old friend, but you're on your own.

“I respect these ponies’ determination,” commented Raak as he took out another enemy, “But the difference in experience and training is obvious. We won't last much longer if this keeps up.”

He looked at the countless dead ponies that lay scattered across the ground. They were actually holding them back until Celestia was taken out. Once she was out of the way, the Dratali pushed forward, taking more and more ground.

“This is a world full of magic,” Seth said hopefully, “Maybe a miracle will happen.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

A magenta pole drove itself into a Dratali tank before expanding rapidly, tearing the armored vehicle apart. Shining Armor never thought he would ever be using his shields to harm others, but also never realized how effective they could be at the job. Of course, he never realized how good the crystal ponies were in combat. It made sense, though, as they were originally part of King Sombra's army and were trained for this kind of fighting. The few Alliance soldiers that managed to be dropped in were also a huge help. It was one of them that suggested he use his shields as weapons.

Thankfully, the attacking force wasn't very large and victory was very much possible. Of course, he wasn't counting victory just yet. He was too smart for such a stupid mistake.

“Come on soldiers!” he called, “Drive them back!”

His horn glowed again as he slammed a barrier into the rock several Dratali were using as cover, shattering it and the enemies behind.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Discord and Pipsqueak stared in awe at the massive battle taking place over their home world.

“Cap'n...” Pip started cautiously, “You sure this is the right dimension?”

“Um...” the mad draconequus pulled out a map, “Yeah... this is right, but what's going... oh...”

“Oh? 'Oh' what?” the colt inquired.

“I'm not sure, but I think a little project of brother's is finished.”

“You have a brother?”

Before an answer could be given, a column of indigo energy tore through a couple ships and passed the pair of observers.

“I know that color magic anywhere!” Pip exclaimed with both joy any worry, “That's Luna! Let's go!”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Are you... you?” Rainbow asked a little nervously, offering her hoof to her friend.

Twilight groaned as she accepted the aid, “Yeah, I'm me.”

“Good. How ya feeling?”

“Like a bunch of buffalo decided to practice their tap dancing routine on my spine.”

“Ha! Been there plenty of times,” Rainbow gave Twilight a warm smile.

“Thanks... for coming back, I mean,” Twilight returned the smile, “Did I really threaten to tear your wings off?”

Rainbow chuckled nervously, “Yeah, you kinda did, but you weren't really yourself so don't sweat it.”

“Thanks Rainbow, you really are a great friend. Nice job taking care of Xander by the way.”

Rainbow hovered a few feet off the ground with a hoof to her chest in her regular display of bravado, “You know it. That guy thought he could match the pure awesome that is Rai-”

Her rant was interrupted by a shimmering sword erupting from her stomach. Twilight's eyes shank to pinpricks as she watched her friend fall back to the ground, crying in pain. A familiar evil laugh filled the air.

“Do you think this body matters?” the evil spat, “You can destroy it a thousand times over and I'll simply make a new one. My soul isn't bound to this body! It's bound to universe itself! I am a god!

A sense of hopelessness filled the lavender warrior. His body was completely and utterly destroyed, and yet, here he stood as if nothing happened. She looked back to her fallen friend, her teacher's sword still in her back.

“You insolent ponies aren't worth conquering,” said the creature that was once a pony, “I'm going to do what I should have done already.”

His horn lit up with magical energy as he took off into the air.

“Twi,” Rainbow managed to speak, “Don't... give up. If anypony... can beat him... you can.”

“I... I can't...” Twilight couldn't look at her friend, “You heard him, he doesn't even need a body...” A look of comprehension came over her. Twilight weaved a spell, and in a flash of light, a metal cylinder appeared beside her. She was glad she marked the Lux Abyssi before launching it into space. She quickly opened the container and pulled out a datapad. She began searching through the device, “I... I think I know how to beat him!”

“You better hurry,” Rainbow said with a pained wince, “That doesn't look good.”

Twilight look up at her enemy and gasped. He was gathering a scary amount of mana. Whatever he was planning, it was big.

“Do what you gotta do,” Rainbow said as she struggled to her hooves, the ancient sword still embedded in her body, “I'll... gah... buy you some time.”

“Rainbow, no!” too late, Twilight tried stopping her injured friend.

The pegasus took off into the air. Her was speed diminished, but still fast enough for her to slam head first into the alicorn. The sudden, unexpected impact broke Xander's concentration and his spell fizzled.

“You stubborn little bitch!” he growled, “Don't you know when to die!”

“Not... really,” Rainbow panted.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Luna barely had the strength left to keep her air spell up. She contemplated one more attack. It would eliminate a few of the threats to her subjects, but it would also kill her. Luna closed her eyes.

Their lives are worth more than mine. She reasoned with herself.

With her resolve steeled, she got ready to cast one last spell...

“Luna!” a voice called.

She opened her eyes to see an unusual sight. A small row boat was making its way toward her with two very familiar figures on board.

“Pip, Discord!” Luna's voice was carried magically to her friends, “What are you doing? It's dangerous here!”

“What's going on?” Discord asked.

“Twilight returned and brought some new friends,” Luna explained, “Unfortunately, so did Xander.”

Luna gave a brief explanation of everything that was happening.

“So, these guys are the good guys, and those guys are the bad guys?” Discord asked pointing out the Alliance and Dratali respectively.

“Yes, and we could use your help.”

“Alright,” Discord cracked his knuckles, “I don't have a lot in me after all the inter-dimensional vacationing we did, but I think I can do this.”

With a snap of his talon, he created a shockwave that spread out over every ship. Where the Alliance was untouched, the Dratali were not so lucky. Nothing seemed to have been happening at first, but then one by one the enemy ships stopped moving and fighting. Soon holes started forming across the hulls of several ships. Inside, multicolor clouds could be seen swarming through, eating everything in sight.

Luna suddenly recognized the clouds, “Are those parasprites?”

“Metal eating parasprites,” the draconequus specified, “And now... goodnight.”

Discord promptly passed out.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Admiral Gibson watched as the enemy fleet was inexplicably torn apart from the inside. He wasn't sure what happened, but whatever that shockwave did, it only did it to the Dratali. It took a few seconds for the old sailor to gather his wits again. There was still a battle to be fought.

“All captains, send everyone you can to the surface. They need help down there now!”

The Admiral watched as drop ships detached from every ship and head to assist the soldiers on the ground.

“We have a chance,” he said.

“FTL signatures!”

Gibson looked to the screen with a touch of fear. His fear melted away and a grin replaced it.

“On second thought, we have more than just a chance.”

The Alliance reinforcements had finally arrived.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“No, no, no, damn it. Gotta work fast.”

The not-quite-a-unicorn began reading through her personal notes. Step one, sever right arm, or in my case right foreleg. She detached what was left of her prosthetic. Done. She struggled to ignore Rainbow's cries of pain. Tears formed in her eyes at the sound of her friend's torment.

Step two, magic circle. Twilight's horn shot out arcs of energy, scorching the needed pattern into the ground around her.

Next, weave the spell... oh shit. The mana needed was twice what she possessed. I... I guess I have no choice.

“This is gonna suck,” she groaned out loud.

She poured every ounce of magic she had into the weaving until she had none of her own left. With her own reserves dry, she opened herself to the mana rich world around her, drawing in energy. The pain started almost immediately. It was like someone had replaced her blood with magma. Her heart felt like it was going to explode from how fast it was beating.

The circle shined with a brilliant white light as she fought through the agony to craft the spell. Arcs of lavender energy erupted from her body, dancing around her. Slowly, agonizingly so, the energy began to weave itself along the stump of her right foreleg. The ghostly light began to take the shape of a phantom limb ending in a wicked claw.

A cyan figure landed hard some way in front of her. Twilight let a few tears fall for her friend before locking her eyes on her target. The undead alicorn was still hovering above, looking down at Rainbow and didn't see Twilight. The lavender mare launched herself at the distracted monster, gaining altitude with every beat of her leathery wings.

“Xander!” she yelled. She wanted to see his face when she ended him.

The false alicorn turned just in time to see the magical claw plunge into his chest. His body was instantly reduced to ashes, but it wasn't like the last time. This time, in his body's place was a grotesque, pale specter, Twilight's magic claw still buried within. Twilight glared at the ghost as black fire suddenly engulfed him, burning his very essence. He let out a blood chilling wail as all he was was burned away in hellfire. Twilight watched with a strange mixture of hatred, joy, and pity as the evil creature simply ceased to exist.

With its job complete, Twilight released the spell, letting the magic flow from her. A smile spread across her face as she plummeted back to the earth, and her overworked heart finally gave out and stopped.

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