• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 37: Starswirl's Legacy

Celestia, Twilight, and Curt stared at the painting, dumbstruck. Luna still held it in her magical grasp, a grin to rival the pink one plastered on her face.

“Sister... what are we looking at?” Celestia finally managed to speak.

“I may be wrong, but I think the mare is Twilight,” Luna explained excitedly, “I don't know why Starswirl is there, but look at this,” she pointed a hoof to what looked like a tiny evil looking pony encased in a circle on the mare's chest, being shot with a beam from the old stallion, “I think this is a picture of Starswirl sealing Twilight's nightmare!”

“But, how?” Twilight asked, “How would he be able to seal it when he died nearly two thousand years ago?”

“You go back in time...” Celestia said, barely more than a whisper, “I remember this day... That was you? Oh my...”

“Tia, are you okay?” Luna was worried, “Do you know what this is?”

“Yes, I do. Starswirl taught me a spell to send another back for six hours. He said there will come a day when I will need to use it. He said I'd know when, and to ensure that the one I send brings the remnants of her horn.”

Twilight looked confused, “My horn?”

“You kept your horn? Why?” Luna asked.

“Well, I've never had a chance to experiment with one, and I thought that it would be fun to see what I could learn from it.”

Luna sighed, “I'm surprised you didn't keep your leg as well.”

“I asked, but it was incinerated before I woke up.”

“Moving on!” Celestia interrupted before she could learn why her student wanted a severed body part, “It will take about twelve hours to prepare the spell, so retrieve your horn and meet me in the training room in the morning.”

“Yes, Princess,” Twilight turned to leave, spotting Curt, still staring at the painting, “Curt?”

“That's him, huh?” said the sniper, “The Merlin, our ancestor... and you get to meet him.”

“I know, I'm so excited. I just wish it could be under better circumstances,” Twilight beamed, “I gotta go back to my room. Do you want to walk with me?”

“Sure, let's go.”

The pair of them walked through the halls, their assigned guard walking a few feet behind. Curt had never had an escort like that before and decided to get to know the guy.

He held a hand to the stallion, “The name's Curtis Dupree, everyone calls me Curt. What about you?”

He looked at the human and then to Twilight, giving the mare a sly grin, “Corporal Dust... Lightning Dust.”

Twilight stopped and turned to the pony causing the others to stop as well, “Dusty? What are you doing on sentry duty?”

“I asked for this post.”

“I thought you hated that armor. You always said the enhancements made you queasy.” Twilight recalled.

“After RD told me about what happened to you on the way to Apocrita, I had to hear more.”

Curt had to ask, “How you guys know each other? He an old boyfriend?”

“No, 'he' is a mare,” Twilight explained, “The armor is enchanted with an illusion that makes everypony look the same.”

“Whoa, awesome,” Curt's eyes widened as an idea struck him, “Dude, let me try the helmet on! I want to see if it works on me!”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “It won't. It uses pony magic to... wait, it uses pony magic which is the same as human magic. Dusty, take it off and let's see if it works. If anypony says anything I'll tell them I demanded it for research.”

“Okay,” Lightning Dust took off the metal cover, and tossed it to Curt, her mane and the fur on her head shifted to her natural colors.

Curt studied it for a bit, trying to feel out the spell used. Not being able to get it, he put the headgear on and turned toward the two mares. Twilight and Lightning gaped at him for a good twenty seconds before busting out laughing.

“How do I look? What the hell? Is that really my voice?” his altered voice bring further mirth from the ponies, “I need a mirror! I got to see this.”

Twilight's horn flashed, and a full body image appeared beside her. Curt mimicked the ladies' reaction at the sight of him with a pony head, gaping and then laughing. Every time he started to get himself under control, he looked up at the image and lost it. It took the trio five minutes before they could get themselves under control enough to speak.

“Leave it on for the rest of the day,” Twilight requested, “I'll say it's a psychology experiment. Come on, I gotta get my horn.”

As they made their way through the halls, they struggled to keep from laughing at the expressions on the ponies' faces as they passed. The group turned a corner and were met by two familiar faces.

“There you are, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said as she trotted toward her nerdy friend, Spike right behind her, “We've been lo-what the hay is that!” Dash jumped up and hovered while Spike just stared in confusion.

Curt took off the helmet and his human features returned. Seeing the change, the confusion was replaced by laughter. They waited a couple minutes to let the two calm down.

“So what did you need Rainbow?” Twilight asked.

The pegasus' demeanor quickly became serious, “Yeah... there's something we gotta tell you Twi. Can we go to your room so we can sit?”

“Sure,” Twilight answered, “That's where I was going anyway.”

It took them a few more minutes to arrive. Lightning, her helmet back on her head, stood watch by the door while Twilight and the others walked in. The lavender mage told everyone to get comfortable while she retrieved what she needed. She went upstairs to the loft and to a metal chest beside the bed. It looked quite out of place, a tungsten alloy case with a DNA sensor lock. Twilight placed her hoof to the screen. After a quick scan, it unlocked and opened, and she began rummaging through the contents.

“Plasma cutter, EMP grenade, HE-66 explosive. I love those. Ah here you are my former magical appendage.”

She pulled out a long, simple wooden box and opened the lid. The thing was still corrupted, and as such was solid black with an incredibly sharp tip. Flecks of old, dried blood still stained the insides of the grooves that spiraled up the length. Memories of the near-fatal beating she took flashed through her mind’s eye. She closed the lid and placed it on the nightstand, ready for the morning.

She made her way back down the stairs where her friends were waiting. It was obvious that Spike and Rainbow Dash were nervous. Curt was in the kitchen area making some hot cocoa. Twilight took a seat in the chair opposite of the couch the dragon and pegasus were on.

“So, what was it you two wanted to talk to me about?” Twilight got right down to business.

“Well, I'm not sure you're going to like it...” Rainbow said, rubbing the back of her neck.

“I'm sure it's not that bad,” Twilight assured her friend, “You know it takes a lot to upset me... like something as bad as you two telling me you're dating or something.”

Rainbow and Spike looked at each other with sheepish grins.

Twilight chuckled as she looked between them, “Now that's a ridiculous thought right there.”

“Hehe, yeah...” Rainbow tried to act, “That's just... so... funny... hehehe. I mean me and Spike... hilarious.”

Twilight busted out laughing, “Oh, geez, you are too easy to fuck with Dashie. Relax, I already know about you two.”

“What!?” the pegasus shouted, “How did you know?”

“I'm an egghead, remember,” Twilight said proudly, “I noticed you two acting funny before Xander screwed everything up, and after I came back, I noticed the looks you two would give each other.”

“So... you're okay with it?” Spike ventured.

“You're nineteen, Spike. I can't tell you you can't see each other, but I can voice my concerns. I want to make sure that you realize the long term consequences of your relationship. Spike, you're going to live for thousands of years, while Rainbow will likely only live a hundred and twenty. That means she'll die of old age when you're still considered young.”

“I know, Twilight, and I’ll have to cope with that when that day comes,” the young dragon gave his big sister a sad, but reassuring smile, “just like I’ll have to when I lose you the same way. It's not something I want to have to live through, but I’ll have to regardless.”

Twilight closed her eyes and sighed, “Then you have my blessing, but remember, Rainbow Dash, he's like my little brother. I'm sure you won't, but if you hurt him, I hurt you. Got it? Who else knows?”

“Just mom and dad,” Spike answered, “Rainbow would come visit me all the time, and they kind of put two and two together.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, “When did you start calling my parents 'mom and dad'?”

“After your... um... funeral,” Spike said quietly.

Twilight's heart felt like it was in pieces as the thought of 'her funeral' reminded her of just what everypony was put through because of her disappearance.

“I had a funeral? Heh, I guess I knew that, but... hearing someone actually talk about it... I know it wasn't my fault and all, but I'm sorry I put you all through that, especially you, Spike. I have a grave, don't I?”

“Try monument,” Rainbow corrected, “and I don't mean the one in Ponyville, that one was built by the town. The one here, where the ceremony took place, was built by Princess Celestia. I mean, she actually carved it herself. It’s actually pretty awesome.”

“Okay, no more depressing stuff,” Curt interrupted with a tray of four hot mugs, “Twilight's alive and well, you two are in love, and we have liquid awesome to drink. Right now, life is good.”

“Hear, hear,” cried Twilight, raising her mug in a toast. The others followed suit and took a sip of the warming beverage.

Rainbow Dash, ever the appropriate and tactful pony, turned to Spike and asked, “Now that Twilight knows about us, can we have sex?” and was confused by the sudden choking and sputtering of cocoa from her purple pal.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight walked through the door to the training room, her bag floating behind. Celestia and Luna were already waiting for her.

“Good morning, my student,” Celestia greeted, “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you, Princess. Not one nightmare despite the particularly disturbing mental images that tormented me before I went to bed. I’m sure that was thanks to you, Princess Luna.”

“I wanted you to be rested. You may be required to aide in the sealing,” Luna reasoned, “I did the same for the others as well. That is except Spike and Rainbow Dash. They did not sleep last night for some reason. Perhaps they are just nervous of events to come?”

Twilight groaned, “Yeah, we'll go with that.”

“Are you prepared, Twilight?” asked the sun sister.

“Yes, I have my broken horn, the letter with your seal, and the proof of validity, and my camera,” Twilight listed.

“Your camera?” inquired Luna.

“So I can get a photo of myself with Starswirl, of course,” Twilight stated.

The royal siblings laughed a bit. They should have known she would do something like this.

“Alright, but don't pester him,” Celestia conceded, “If he says no, then that's it, alright?”

“Alright,” Twilight agreed, “So, what do I do?”

“Stand here, in the arcane circle.”

Twilight looked down to see the magical symbol on the floor. It shouldn't have surprised her that a spell like this would use an arcane circle. The amount of magic it took her to go back a week for five minutes was insane. It goes without saying that sending a pony back nearly two thousand years for several hours must be more than even Celestia was willing to use without a focus like that.

Twilight did as she was told, “Okay, now what?”

“Now, I cast the spell. Oh, and Twilight, before you go... I'm sorry,” apologized the solar diarch.

“Sorry for what?” Twilight asked, but the spell was already being cast. White, magical energy cascaded up from the seal like a waterfall going in the wrong direction. The magic soon began to swirl around the scared mare in a torrent of energy. A feeling of being pulled came over her, much like when she did it the first time but stronger. Suddenly, the white energy burst like a balloon being popped, depositing her on an unfamiliar floor. It was a much rougher landing than when she did it, but at least nothing was damaged.

“How dare you!” said an obnoxious voice. Twilight pushed herself to her hooves and looked at the source. In front of her, a young, white alicorn of about sixteen or seventeen with a long pink mane glared at her, “You interrupted my lesson, peasant. Be gone, filth, or I will have you thrown in the dungeon.”

Well, that explains the apology, Twilight thought to herself.

Author's Note:

In case you haven't already, check this out.

Oh yeah, and if you're wondering, Parry Riposte is the colt Applebloom was fencing with in the cutie pox episode.

PS here's an awesome fanfic of my fanfic

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