• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,255 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 9: Rise of the Dragons Part 1

Feel like typing another chapter so here you go.

Chapter 9: Rise of the Dragons Part 1

“Make that ‘rulers’.” Spyro mused as they passed the threshold into the main audience chamber. The chamber was massive to say the least; easily large enough to be able to house two adult dragons. The walls were lined with stain glass windows that looked like they showed the history of this world though there were a few that appeared more recent; mostly the ones that had six ponies on it. The floor was bare except for a single carpet that traveled from the door to the thrones.

The thrones were raised up like what was to be expected. At the base were two unicorn guards standing like statues although their eyes were focused on the three of them. However, the biggest focus was obviously the two ponies sitting on those thrones although each dragon was actually focused on one of them more than the other.

Spyro found his attention resting on the larger of the two; a unicorn with a snow white coat and a mane that had the colors of a rainbow as well as appearing to flow in the breeze even though there was no draft. Spyro guessed that it was a female due to the overall build of her body however he had a hard time trying to figure out her age range. The reason being was that while her actual body appeared to be an adult, from what he could observe from looking at the local populace, her eyes had a depth to them that made her seem older. In fact, it almost was the same look that Spyro would see in Ignitus’ eyes which put a rather odd feeling of familiarity in his stomach. Mentally shaking that feeling away, he took note of the regalia that she was wearing including the crown which put any doubt that he might have had as to if she was the real deal.

Cynder on the other claw had her attention focused on the smaller of the two. A mare, obviously with a dark blue almost midnight coat and a mane that looked liked it was carved from the night sky. The size difference gave Cynder the impression that she was the younger of the two though by how much was hard to tell. Her regalia pieces were the same color as her coat but a different hue so that it was possible to distinguish one from the other.

It was her eyes however, that caught the attention of the black dragoness. They were the kind of eyes that she was all too familiar with; considering they were the eyes she would see whenever she looked in a mirror. They spoke of a trouble past, times of grief sadness and anger, rage fury and power, but most of all depression and isolation. Cynder didn't know the exact details, but she knew enough to guess that whatever this unicorn has done was similar to what she had done all those years ago.

The two dragons were broken from their train of thought when the white unicorn made a polite cough before asking “I was told that you wanted to see us.”

Spyro, decided to take the lead on this which Cynder was quick to agree to, nodded his head and pulled out the scroll with the sun wax seal. He watched as the horn on the white unicorn’s head started to glow a yellowish aura before noticing the same aura around the scroll. He opened his mouth to allow the scroll to float up towards the white unicorn. The dragons and dragonfly watched as the wax seal was broken and the scroll unrolling in front of the white unicorn’s face. The blue unicorn leaned over so that she was able to observe the contents.

The room was silent as Spyro, Cynder and Sparx waited for the two unicorns to finish reading whatever was written on the scroll. They did notice that the two unicorns looked a bit confused when either one of them looked back at them, as if they didn't believe what was written on the scroll. It didn't make much sense considering that one of them should have already known what the contents of the scroll were.

After they were finished reading the scroll, it was rolled up and disappeared in a flash of magic. The white unicorn returned her attention back to the dragons and said “I must apologize for the rather unwelcoming behavior but we were expecting you to be…well…” her sentence trailed off but Spyro and Cynder understood the implication.

Spyro looked at Cynder who returned his gaze. Nothing was said between them but it still appeared as if some type of message had passed between them because they both nodded their head at the same time. Spyro returned his focus back on the white unicorn and said “Well it would seem that our disguise worked better than I expected.”

Before the white and blue unicorn or the guards could understand the full implication behind that sentence; the purple earth pony and black pegasus reached for a certain part of their body. As if the action was some kind of trigger, the two bodies shimmered before vanishing completely leaving what now appeared to be two creatures wearing brown cloaks. In a single motion, the two hoods were pulled back to reveal what had once been the face of a normal stallion and mare was now the face of a dragon and a dragoness.

It was actually that moment of surprise that reveal an important detail that Spyro and Cynder overlooked. Both the white and blue unicorn flared out their previously hidden wings at almost the same time. They were quick to tuck their wings back into place but they were spread out long enough for the dragons to notice. The realization that they had wings caused both dragons to show various degrees of curiosity and confusion.

After that minor double take, the white ‘unicorn’ was able to compose herself before saying “Well that was a rather ingenious move on your part. I have to admit that I had not thought about how my subjects would have reacted if two dragons just started walking down the street. You might have saved me from a possible headache.”

Spyro gave a small bow and replied “We try to do our best Highness.”

The ‘unicorn’ gave a small smile and replied “There really isn't any need for formalities. You can call me Celestia.” Celestia then motion with her hoof to her younger counterpart and added “And this is my younger sister Luna.”

Spyro nodded his head and replied “My name is Spyro…” He motioned his paw to Cynder and then Sparx before adding “this is Cynder and Sparx.”

Celestia gave a gentile smile before saying “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Spyro, Cynder, Sparx. No doubt you are aware of the reason as to why Ignitus sent you here.”

“Just the basic Celestia, we are hoping you can fill in some of the details.”

“Then allow me to express what it is that I would like you to do.” Celestia stated before pausing for a brief moment to gather her thoughts. Once that was done, she returned her attention to Spyro and continued “Now, I’m sure that you are aware that there is a dragon that is currently living in Equestria, correct.” Spyro nodded and she went on “Now that in of itself isn't as unusual as dragons are actually quite common. However, this particular one is…unique to say the least. Long story short, he has just awakened enough of his draconic potential that I no longer feel confident in keeping him safe. Normally, I would have looked for a teacher from one of the local dragons but I fear that their methods wouldn't…work as well as I would have liked.”

“So you decided to look elsewhere for a teacher and that was how you got in contact with Ignitus.” Spyro stated.

Celestia nodded her head in agreement before saying “In general, I would like for you to teach this dragon not only what it means to be a dragon; but also the skills needed to be able to defend not only himself but those closest to him.”

“I understand. Where and who is this dragon, if I may be so bold as to ask.”

“His name is Spike and he currently lives in the town of Ponyville.”

On the outside, Spyro remained mostly passive; but inside his mind went into a mild surprise before calming down and thinking “So we come full circle. Is it fate or the will of the Ancestors that bring us back to that town? Doesn't matter one way or another, I have a mission to do and I plan to see it through.”

Spyro looked back at the white monarch and said “I understand Celestia. I promise to do my best to meet your requirements.”

Celestia smiled again and stated “I’m thankful that you are eager to assist me. I think of Spike almost as if he was my own flesh and blood and I know you will help him reach his potential.”

Spyro nodded his head in understanding and was about to comment on that statement when Cynder suddenly whispered to him “There hiding something.”

Whatever Spyro was about to say was caught in his throat and died. He removed his gaze from Celestia and focused it back on Cynder. He noticed that she had that determined look about her whenever there was something that she didn't agree on. Curious as to what was the cause of it, he asked in also a hushed tone “What could they be hiding, Cynder?” It wasn't that he didn't trust Cynder, but there wasn't anything that he could tell that would cause such a conclusion.

Cynder knew this and she also knew that the answer she was going to give him wasn't going to be enough to change his mind of affect anything. However, she did feel the need to at least bring it up. With that in mind, she replied “I don’t know exactly; but there’s just something about this whole thing that strikes me as odd. I mean, why contact our world when this ‘Spike’ was born and raised here. It doesn't add up.”

Spyro closed his eyes in thought though in truth it didn't take much thinking to fully understand where Cynder was coming from. Thinking along those lines; it would be strange to ask for a teacher from another world when there could have been acceptable teachers here. Still, given the fact that they had very little knowledge of this world and the fact that they had already agreed to do the job made it a rather delicate situation. Eventually, Spyro opened his eyes and said “I agree that it does sound strange. However, we aren't exactly in a position where we can challenge it. It might be best if we keep this to ourselves and see how this plays out.” Cynder didn't have any complaints to that plan and was quick to agree.

The two dragons eventually returned their attention back on Celestia and Luna who were still waiting patiently for them. Celestia had that kind of smile that made it seem like she knew what the two dragons were talking about while Luna continued to have that neutral look on her face. It was then that Celestia said “Now then, I would like to talk about…”

She didn't get a chance to finish that sentence as the massive double doors that were the entrance to the throne room were suddenly blasted open. The sudden noise was enough to startle Sparx who had quickly fallen asleep during the conversation. The two princesses and dragons focused their attention to the door and saw that it was another unicorn guard. Although this one was different then the others that were in the room due to the fact that he was wearing purple armor. He seemed to ignore the two dragons that were in the room and said “Your Highness, there is a large force of those strange plant creatures heading towards Ponyville. I already have guards moving to intercept but I don’t know if they can make it time to prevent any harm from befalling the town.”

Spyro, Cynder and Sparx were somewhat surprised by the news considering that what they saw of Equestria gave the impression that it was a very peaceful world. The fact that there were rouge forces willing to attack towns, especially one that was located next to the capitol was off-putting to say the least. The two dragons and dragonfly returned their attention back on Celestia and saw that her once cheerful demeanor was replaced with a much harder look. Such a radical change was actually kind of surprising as well but none of them felt it was a good idea to make a comment about it.

Cynder looked over at Spyro and saw that face she had become familiar with. It was that look of heroic determination that would usually meant that he wanted nothing more than to fly out there and protect the town. Truth was that she was also feeling a similar emotion inside of her but it was for a different reason. It had been a while since she had been in a fight and she wanted to experience the fruits of her training. Spyro looked at her with an almost pleading expression and she responded with a quick nod and a devilish grin.

Spyro looked back at Celestia and asked “Princess, with your permission we would like to help the guard in defending Ponyville.”

Celestia looked a bit surprised by the request but quickly covered it up. In truth she had thought about asking the two dragons to help since it was obvious that they both had a lot of combat experience. However, she didn't want to sound like she was ordering them or anything considering they were from another world. However, since they were offering she saw no reason to not allow them to help. With that in mind, Celestia nodded her head and said “I would appreciate any assistance you can offer."

Spyro and Cynder nodded in agreement and with a quick flourishing movement removed the rest of their cloak to show off their true draconic self. Before anypony had a chance to respond, the two dragon blasted out of the throne room through an open window with Sparx trailing behind them shouting “Aw man why do we always have to fly towards the people trying to kill us?!”

When they were no longer visible, Celestia turned to her younger sister and said “So what do you think Luna?”

The Princess of the Night paused for a moment to gather her thoughts before saying “The purple dragon appears trustworthy and honest and I can tell he has a good heart. The dragonfly strikes me as a slacker and a complainer but he has a kind of courage that allows him to follow Spyro wherever he goes.”

Celesta nodded before inquiring “And Cynder?”

Upon mentioning the name, Celestia notice that Luna gave a brief shudder before saying “She…reminds me of myself.”

Meanwhile, Spyro and Cynder were flying as fast as they could towards Ponyville. In truth it wasn't that far of a flight however considering the fact that the guards needed time to form up into their squads and half of them didn't have wings meant that by the time they got there, the town would have suffered some damage. Luckily Spyro and Cynder were more than comfortable with fighting side by side and the fact that the only armor they wore was their scales and a few pieces of metal that they collected during the war against Malefor.

They reached the town to see that six ponies were standing in front of the suppose army. However, it was the army that caught the most attention. It was an army that had been engraved into their minds; an army that was supposed to be dead with the fall of their master, an army that had no concept of sympathy or mercy.

It was the Dark Master’s Army.

Oh I hope you all are prepared for what I hope to be a rather enjoyable fight scene.

Author's Note:

Okay I seriously want to apologize for how late this chapter is. In truth, I had this chapter ready a while now but do to problems with the editors that I'm in contact with; I was force to publish this chapter as is. I know there are going to be grammar and spelling mistakes but I didn't have too many options.

With that in mind, I am now in need of a new editor for this story so if you are interested then please send me a P.M.

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