• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,243 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 13: Training and Partying

Hope you enjoy the chapter…I really need to find something to talk about when I do these.

Chapter 13: Training and Partying

It was now mid-morning in Ponyville, the time of day when the market was starting up and everypony was wide awake. Even the fillies, which didn't have any school today, were out and about enjoying the lovely weather provided by the weather team.

It was a kind of day that Spike felt was the perfect time to just kick back and relax. Yet, as much as he wanted to; he continued to follow the two adult dragons to whatever destination they had chosen.

Spike, who had been in Ponyville for as long as Twilight; was a familiar sight to the residents; however, it was not a luxury that Spyro and Cynder could enjoy as they each got more than their fair share of strange and fearful looks. The two dragons chose to ignore it; both agreeing that as long as they didn't appear to be threatening then the populace will become more comfortable of their presence.

To that effect, the two dragons moved at a slight jogging pace in order to reach their destination. The slight chance in pace managed to surprised Spike as he was now forced to increase his own pace in order to keep up.

The walk didn't take long and none of the dragons said anything during the trip. Spike, who was a little curious as to where they were going, found that they were on top of one of the hills that dotted the outskirts of the town. There was nothing that would be of interest from what he could see and that curiosity was now being replaced with slight confusion.

“Come along Spike. We have a lot to go over.” Spyro said in a calm voice. Spike looked over and saw that the older purple dragon was already in the relative center of the hill and, to the young dragon mild surprise, was by himself. Spike looked around and saw that Cynder had moved off to the side and was now holding the paralyzed dragonfly under her right front paw. She met his gaze and gestured to where Spyro was at and gave a look that implied that he should hurry it along.

Spike tried and failed to hold back the sound of him clearing his throat before slowly making his way to the purple dragon. He realized now that this was something that was totally out of his comfort zone and without the familiar presence of his friends, he could already start to feel his body responding to his mental condition with his hands becoming slightly moist.

Spyro gave a warm smile when Spike got closer and the young dragon felt some of that nervous energy leaving his body and mind. The young dragon watched as Spyro reached into one of the bags that were on the ground and pull out something that made Spike’s mouth instantly drool.

It was a gem that was uncut and looked rough. Despite the physical appearance, the gem appeared to glow with a strong blue light that just memorized Spike. Spyro, still having a warm smile, said “I take it you like it?”

“It…it looks…delectable.” Spike responded in a dream like state and made an attempt to grab the gem. However, Spyro was a lot quicker and after holding the gem out of Spike’s reach long enough for the young dragon to give up; proceeded to create a small hole in the dirt before placing the gem into the hole and covering it up with dirt.

Spike was a little put off that Spyro had done something like that and he also didn't understand the reason as to why he did it in the first place. When he looked up at the larger dragon, he saw that his face appeared to be the embodiment of peaceful serenity; as if his action prior were as normal as planting a seed.

The hill became uncomfortably silent for a few moments before Spyro returned his attention to the young dragon and said “So Spike, is there anything that you want to share with me?”

Spike was slightly surprised by the sudden question and mostly just to buy time but also to clarify asked “What do you want to know?”

Spyro gave a mild shrug before replying “Just things that you are good at, or if there are any hobbies that you enjoy, or any achievements that you are proud of.”

Spike took a moment to gather his thoughts before saying “Well…I’m pretty good at digging up gems, at least that’s what Rarity tells me. I’m good at organizing stuff for Twilight. Pinkie and Applejack think I’m a decent cook and that about it really.”

Spyro said nothing for a moment but he did nod his head in an understanding fashion. The pause lasted for some time before he replied “An odd set of skills for a dragon to have, but they are useful ones to know.” The larger of the two purple dragons appeared to have come to some conclusion and added “To be completely honest here Spike, this is my first time being a teacher of sorts and with you being such a unique case makes it hard for me to find a good place to start.”

“Oh…” was all Spike could really say. In truth, he hadn't realized or had even thought about the possibility that the older dragon would be inexperienced in teaching. Now that Spyro had brought it up, Spike did notice that there was a slight uncertainty in which he talked and his eyes did appear to be drifting off like he was trying to remember something. Spike had seen the way Celestia had taught Twilight back when they were younger and he could remember that the sun goddess always appeared to be sure of what she was going to say and her attention was focused on the younger unicorn.

It was at that moment that Spike’s train of thought was disrupted slightly by a slight shake that felt like it was coming from the ground. The shaking was enough to offset Spike’s sense of balance and cause him to land on the ground with a light thump. Spyro, on the other claw, didn't appear to be affected by the shaking; showing no signs of tensing his muscles or appearing to be off balance. In fact the older dragon said in a very casual voice “Hmm…it grew faster than I had expected.”

Before Spike could have a chance to ask what that meant, the spot where Spyro had planted that blue gem parted. Shooting out of the ground were three large gems that were about the size of Spyro himself. From the three gems, multiple smaller gems grew from the ground to surround the large pillars.

The noon sun glistened off the blue gem pile that was in front of Spike and he was sure that his mouth was watering with thoughts on how good they looked. The blue, now larger than the one that Spyro had originally, was a very solid color but Spike could notice very faint white lines running around the gems. Actually, the more he looked at it; the more those white lines appeared to be inside the gems but he chalked it up to just the light playing tricks on him.
Spyro then said, and by doing so was able to break Spike focus on the gem pile “So you say you’re a good digger…well then try and see if you can get one of these gems out of the ground.”

Spike heard the challenge in the statement and didn't hesitate to get to work. However, no matter how hard he tried; neither the gems nor the ground around them seemed to budge. After several attempts to dislodge even one of those gems, Spike once again fell back on the ground and said “There’s no way. It’s impossible.”

Spyro looked at the younger dragon for a moment before giving a tired sigh. The young dragon watched as Spyro slowly reached for one of the smaller gems on the ground. Without even so much as a grunt or any kind of physical force; the older purple dragon snapped off one of the small gems like it was no more than picking a flower. Spike could only watch in disbelief as Spyro brought the small gem in front of him and said “Nothing in life is impossible as our only limitations are our imagination and ingenuity.” Spyro paused for a moment before placing the small gem back into his bag and adding “The reason you were unable to remove one of those gems was because the gem knew you weren't a dragon.”

“What do you mean ‘the gem knew’? It’s just a gem right? It can’t be sentient since it’s just made of crystals.” Spike interjected with a slight rise in his voice caused by frustration and mild anger.

Spyro raised his paw to try and calm the young dragon and replied “Of course the gem itself isn't alive. What I mean to say is that the energy inside the gem rejected you because it believed you weren't a dragon.”


Spyro nodded and gestured to the gem before saying “This gem, where I come from, is known as a Spirit Gem. It allows a dragon to communicate with our Ancestors, allowing us to learn not only new abilities but also their experience knowledge and wisdom.”

“But…why did it reject me? I am a dragon after all.” Spike asked

“You might be a dragon here…” Spyro replied pointing to the younger dragon’s body before moving to point to his head and heart before adding “…but here and here you remain unsure. When a dragon finally knows what it means to be a dragon; then and only then will they be able to break a Spirit Gem and talk to their Ancestors.”

Spyro paused for a moment before saying “Your first assignment therefore is to come here and meditate in front of the Spirit Gem for an hour every day.”

“What do I need to meditate on?” Spike asked, still somewhat crestfallen about the prospect of having to sit in front of a hunk of gems instead of doing something…cooler.

Spyro didn't seem to be aware of Spike’s mild disappointment and merely replied “The answer to my original question: What does it mean to be a true dragon in your eyes?”

Before Spike could have any chances to ponder what the question, Cynder shouted “Hey boys! Pinkie just came by and apparently we are invited to a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party that’s starting in a few minutes.”

Spyro waved his left forearm in acknowledgement and took a final look at the Spirit Gem before saying in a quiet tone but still loud enough for Spike to hear “When you find the answer; you will become strong enough to protect your horde.”

Spike was unable to ask what he meant by that because Spyro was already walking over to where Cynder and the now half-conscious Sparx was waiting at. Spike quickly got to his own feet and after taking one last glance at the gem; quickly ran to catch up with the two dragons with his thoughts on that question Spyro had asked him.

Spike didn't have to think long because before he knew it; he found himself surrounded by the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Twilight who were asking nonstop questions about what happened. The young dragon hadn't realized that he had spaced out so much and he finally was able to take stock of where he was at.

Oddly, but still for the sake of convince; Pinkie had decided to throw Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx’s party out in front of Town Hall. The three guests of honor were mixed in with the rest of the ponies who looked at them with various levels of awe and fear. Luckily for them, the rest of the Elements of Harmony, coupled with a quiet speech from Princess Celestia herself; managed to convince most of the ponies to at least give them a chance. It was a chance that the three outsiders took to full effect, doing their best to prove to the residents of Ponyville they had no hostile intentions.

Spyro was currently in a conversation with the Mayor while Cynder was talking with Rainbow Dash and a few ponies on the weather team. Sparx was just buzzing around causing various bouts of mischief and gags that just managed to put everypony in a good mood.

“So what did Spyro have you do?” Twilight asked managing to break Spike’s train of thought.

Spike gave a shrug and replied “Not much really…just asked me to give a list of my talents and then try to get a gem out of the ground.”

“Bet that wasn't too much of a problem for my little Spike.” Rarity chimed in as she managed to detach herself from the crowd to join the group.

Spike, who felt a small surge of pride by Rarity comment only to have the memories of what happened on that hill deflate it, simply said in a somewhat defeated tone “Actually, no matter what I did or how hard I tried; I wasn’t able to get even a small piece of it. And yet, when Spyro did it; he managed to get one like it was nothing.”

“Maybe you weren't strong enough Spike.” Applebloom pointed out but not trying to make it sound like an insult to her dragon friend but rather pointing out a fact.

Spike knew that and he gave an understanding smile to the yellow filly to let her know before saying “I don’t think it was about strength. Spyro said something along the lines of the gem knew I wasn't a dragon…at least on the inside.”

“That can’t be true.” Twilight pointed out “The power needed to be able to give an inanimate object the ability to differentiate between dragons or not on that level is incalculable.”

“Well the gem is up on that hill if you want to take a look, though I’m not sure if Spyro would like that. I, on the other hoof, need to go up there every day for an hour and meditate on what I think it means to be a dragon.” Spike said with also the intention of summarizing what has happened.

Before any of the ponies could have a chance to respond to that statement or ask any more questions, Pinkie Pie hopped in out of nowhere and said “Come on everypony. This isn't a time to be thinking but a time to be partying.”
The others had to at least agree to that, since there were going to be plenty of opportunities to talk later. With that thought in mind, they all returned their attention back on the party and, at least for Spike, their thoughts about that strange gem were pushed to the side.

Oh man…this took a lot longer than I had hoped. Sorry for the delay.

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