• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,255 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 37: Crystal Clarity

Several Days Later

The new addition to the train lines had been built the day before and already was tasked with a delivery of the highest priority. So much so that any trains bound for any track that runs between Canterlot and the Crystal Station were redirected, delayed, or just outright canceled.

Cynder found the whole thing rather beneficial as she wrapped the scarf around her neck and ignored the cold. She was waiting at the station with Sparx, the two volunteering to meet and escort the back up while Spike and Spyro stayed at the city.

Spyro...just the thought filled the dragoness with worry though it didn’t show on her face. He kept denying it but she could tell that the crystal was slowly draining him of his magical powers sapping his strength. If they didn’t figure out a way to remove it well she didn’t want to think about it. Still, despite their best efforts, the only possibility remaining was taking down Sombra and hoping his defeat would destroy the crystal safely

She would have prefer Spike gone out to escort their back up. Heck it would have made more sense since he was more familiar with them but given the oddity of that strange voice Spike heard back in the library the others didn’t want to chance that Sombra was trying to influence him which was a possibility. Better to keep your cards hidden until the right moment, especially since they were dealing with several unknown factors.

She turned her head as the sound of a train whistle approached and got back onto her legs in order to get the blood flowing again. They would need to be quick before Sombra catches wind of what was going on and makes a move. The train, one of the civilian models slows down as it approaches the station until stopping.

At first Cynder heard the sound of muffled voices before a door opened and a large stack of suitcases came out and dropped all over the station floor. The dragoness then heard the lady like voice of Rarity saying “Really Applejack can’t you be a little more careful. There are some essential items in those bags.”

Applejack in that familiar accent of hers “Consarnit Rarity I told you shampoo and conditioner are not essential items.”

“To you perhaps but if I am to make a good impression on the Crystal ponies.” Cynder swore she heard an excited giggle following that “Then one must look their very best. Oooo I can’t wait to see what the decor is.”

Rainbow Dash’s voice came through now “Come on Rarity we are here on a mission from Celestia herself not on a holiday.”

Cynder used a bit of her wind breath to shift the suitcases to the side and smiles a bit seeing the six ponies coming out of the station. Twilight blinking a bit in surprise “Oh Cynder. We didn’t expect to see you here?”

“You were expecting to see your brother or assistant perhaps?” She asks a somewhat playful tone with no real malice behind it. She knew the ponies were more comfortable with their own race and Spike which was fine with her. It gave her a bit of a feeling of superiority. Returning to her normal tone she continued “Alas they are busy in keeping the Kingdom safe which we need to hurry back to.”

“Why the rush?” Pinkie interjected in a bubbly tone

The cold wind howled at this point blasting the ponies and causing Rainbow Dash to land. Cynder looked out in the distance trying to spot some sign of him “Because he is out there right now and we aren’t safe here.”

The group started to make their way out into the snowstorm with Sparx at the lead providing a much needed guiding light. Cynder following close behind while the Mane Six were fanned out behind her in a loose formation. The dragoness couldn’t help but note the difference between their group and the tight orderly line that she was a part of during the first run through the snow. As the grouped walked they all did their best to handle the constant blowing of snow and the buffering of wind. Twilight and Rarity putting up small shields to protect themselves while Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were using their wings for a similar effect. Applejack had to use her hat as cover though it was hard to tell if it was for that or if she was just trying to keep it from blowing off her head. Pinkie Pie, in complete contrast, didn’t seem to care about the cold wind blasting her still hoping and bouncing around talking about building snow-ponies or having a snowball fight or even somehow using her party cannon to make a snow cone machine which from the interactions Cynder has had with the pink enigma doesn’t seem like something that would be out of her capabilities.

Twilight moved up closer to Cynder and speaking as loud as she could through the wind “Does this have something to do with Sombra and the Crystal Kingdom?”

Cynder looked over at her “How do you figure that?”

“Well Princess Celestia said that the reason Cadence had to go north was to try and find a way to restore the Crystal Kingdom but she was worried that an ancient foe named King Sombra was now back and was making things harder.”

Cynder tucked that bit of knowledge in her head for later. The fact that Celestia knew as much as she did about the situation that they had only just started to piece together was cause for a bit of concern. Still there wasn’t much Cynder or the others could do about it now. They were all too deep to even consider leaving or backing out. Giving a small nod, she answered the unicorn “Yeah that is what we figured as well but the situation got to the point where we needed some back up.”

Concern and shock went through Twilight’s face as she asked in a hurried tone “Is my brother okay? My sister in law? Spike?!”

A deep voice sounded from everywhere and nowhere at that moment “Not as okay as you all are going to be.”

There was a scream causing Twilight and Cynder to turn their heads. Behind the group they saw a massive black smoke cloud emerging from the cover of the blizzard. Glowing green eyes piercing the veil with smoke coming out of the pupils in a menacing expression.

Cynder in the loudest voice she could shouted “RUN!” The ponies free from the shock of fear took off in the direction they were headed still following Sparx who was freaking out mumbling incoherently as his wings buzzed faster. Cynder now took her place in the rear making sure the slower ones, namely Fluttershy and Rarity, didn’t fall back from the group as the smog chased them laughing with malice.

The case felt like it lasted longer than it did but in truth it was only for about five minutes until they spotted the bluish pink dome in the distance. In sight of their goal they doubled their stride and saw Spyro and Spike waiting near the edge of the dome’s perimeter. Seeing the smog coming from behind; Spike hopped out of the protection and took a deep breath before blowing a large stream of green fire at the eyes. The sudden attack plus the force of it caused the smog to falter just enough to get the ponies and Cynder inside the dome. Spike kept the stream going for a bit longer to make sure while he slowly backed up a few steps. Once he could no longer maintain the pressure he closed his mouth and jumped back into the dome.

The smog chuckled darkly appearing no worse than before as it disappeared back into the blizzard. Everyone, minus Spyro and Cynder, were doubled over panting and catching their breath as Applejack said “What in the name of Sweet Apple Acres was that?”

“That would be Sombra...at least his real physical form.” Spyro replied grunting a bit as the black purple crystal glowed briefly “And he is only half of the issues we have going on here.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked as the group had recovered their breath and stood back on their hooves.

Spyro, Cynder and Spike looked at each other before the former said, “Follow us to the castle. We will explain along the way.”

As the group started to walk towards the center of town, the girls started to marvel at the sight of the Crystal City. Even if the entire place was muted in color and shine they could tell or at the very least imagine what the place once was.

As they walked through Mane Street, Pinkie Pie asked “Where is everypony?”

Spike answered “Most likely still huddled in their homes out of fear. A few braver ones have ventured out but when we try to approach they flee in terror.”

“Why are they so afraid?” Fluttershy asked concern laced in her voice

“Most likely due to some lingering effect of Sombra’s” Spyro stated “At least according to Cadence. She has been working hard to try and dispel it but it seems tied to the stallion so until he is defeated the Crystal ponies will not know peace.”

“So there are Crystal ponies.” Rarity shriek in excitement and glee

“Yeah but they are not what you probably imagine them to be. The only thing crystal about them were their eyes.” Cynder replied as the group made their way through the market square approaching the castle.

As the group reached the base of the tower, Spike pointed to the ground and faced Twilight “Hay Twilight could you tell what this rune spell is supposed to do?”

Twilight blinking a bit from the sudden question looked over at the markings on the ground. Her horn flashing at several points as spells were cast mostly ones of detection and identification. She paced around the outside humming to herself as she worked.

When she was finished which only took a minute or two she said “Well this is definitely a spell designed to transfer and change one form of energy into another however it seems to be missing a critical piece that serves as both the power source, the activation key, and, well for lack of a better term, a factory to make the change. Something like that must be quite powerful indeed.”

Spike nodded his head figuring as much though he didn’t know how detailed it went. Leave it to Twi to give it her all when studying anything magical. Looking over to his dragon masters he adds “I guess finding that Crystal Heart is more important than before.”

“Crystal Heart?” Twilight asked joining the group.

“We will explain when we meet up with Cadence and Shining.” Spike said before the dragons lead the group into the entrance they had found before and up the stairs.

Once they reached the top of the steps they saw Cadence sitting on the throne; her eyes closed in deep concentration as her horn glowed a steady pink blue color. Along the base of the throne were four crystals: one red, one green, one blue, and finally the last one purple. They were all the size of Spyro and the ponies especially Rarity gasps in surprise.

The gasps alerted Cadence as she opened her eyes. Smiling like Celestia would, she hopped off the throne saying “Hello girls. I am so glad you are able to make it.”

She stops in front of Twilight and the rest watch as they did some kind of dance with each other. Spike smiles knowing where it was from while Spyro and Cynder looked a bit confused.

When the two ponies were done Cadence returned to the throne “I apologize for summoning you all in such short notice but the situation has gotten a bit beyond what we are capable.”

“Where is my brother?” Twilight asks noticing the lack of Shining Armor around.

“Shining is currently sleeping in the bedchambers. He spent all of last night keeping the shield up so I could have time to eat and get some sleep as well. Maintaining the shield has been draining on us both.” She looks at the four crystals “Lucky for us Spyro and Cynder came up with a temporary solution to help mitigate the strain with these crystals serving as backup sources of energy but they won’t last for much longer.”

“So what is going on around her” Applejack asked

Cadence looked at the dragons and nodded. Spyro nodded back “Well as you saw we are currently engaged in a siege of sorts from a corrupted unicorn calling himself King Sombra. He seeks to enter the kingdom and take control of it but for what end and purpose we do not know.”

Cynder picked up here “We figured that Cadence is somehow connected to the last true ruler of the Crystal Kingdom and that her magic is keeping Sombra out as well as the constant blizzard but we all know that it won’t last. There is evidence of a more permanent solution to at least the blizzard issue.”

Spike smiled “Which is where you six come in. We need you all to prepare and host something called a Crystal Fair.” He pulls out the book from the library and passes it to Twilight who had a confused look with a bit of disappointment hidden underneath “From what I was able to gather the Fair serves to create the power source needed to activate the shield to protect the kingdom. Perhaps even having the ability to summon the Crystal Heart which appears to act as the focal point of that energy.”

There was silence for a moment before Rainbow Dash shouted “Wait you brought us all the way here to host a party?”

“That is the crux of the matter yes.” Spyro replied

“Why couldn’t you all do it?”

“Well in case you haven’t noticed Cynder and I aren’t that skilled in social events and planning plus we need to keep an eye out in case Sombra tries anything which will be that much harder if we have to host a fair.”

“In addition.” Cynder adds “There are a lot of events and activities in this fair too much for three dragons to manage as effectively as six ponies.” She didn’t like having to admit that being a bit prideful of her race but she wasn’t too prideful to ignore her own limitations.

The ponies were silent looking over the book seeing all the activities and events that were detailed. They looked at each other a silent message passing through all of them before Twilight said “Alright let's go remind the Crystal ponies of their history.”

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