• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,255 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 17: Let's Get Down to Business

Once again I’m completely amazed that people actually like my writing. It still never ceases to surprise me. Ah well, here is the next chapter.

Chapter 17: Let’s Get Down to Business

Spike awoke to the light of the sun glaring into his closed eyes, making himself groan in annoyance and wondering if it was possible to tell Celestia to hold off for another few hours. However, that train of thought was put to rest when the sun light continued its relentless assault on his poor eyes.

Groaning once again, Spike opened his eyes and started to slowly remove himself from his basket. Vaguely, he notice that said basket seemed more rectangle then her remembered it being but chucked that off to his tired brain still trying to get up. That excuses didn't last long when his eyes drifted over and found his basket sitting off in the distance, its sheets unwrinkled and showing no signs of activity.

“Why is my basket over there…”Spike mused to himself before saying “If it’s over there…then where was I sleeping?” Spike didn't have to think for very long on that question when his nose managed to pick up the familiar smell of Twilight coming from the sheets and concluded that he must have been sleeping in Twilight’s bed.

When he realized that, his eyes opened up wider and his brain started to get into high gear as he asked himself “Why am I in Twilight’s bed…for that matter why does everything seem smaller then it use to be.” Looking around the room, he did notice that things appeared to have shrunk in size from his basket to the bed and even the bookshelves and windows. “Twilight must have been practicing a shrinking spell.” Spike concluded.

“Actually it’s not that everything has gotten smaller but rather you getting bigger.” A familiar voice resonated in Spike head. Spike let out a surprised gasp, not from the fact that there was a voice inside of his head but rather that he knew who the source of the voice was.

“T…Tielenth?” Spike asked in a hushed voice.

He sense Tielenth nodding his head and replying “Glad to see you remember me after that little nap you had. Was almost worried you would have forgotten me but I guess that’s all in the past.” There was a pause in the conversation before Tielenth added “So…how do like your new body?”

“My new…body.” Spike asked as his eyes moved over to the mirror that was on Twilight’s vanity. The dragon that he saw was something that was both a surprised and a scare.

The dragon facing him in the mirror was definitely larger in both height and build; with defined muscles sculpted on his arms and chest. His scales, which were normally bright and saturated, had become slightly dull and seemed to blend into each other. His paws now had fully grown talons on them, white as ivory and as sharp as a spear point. Spike reached out to feel his frills and discovered that they had become harder and more defined and lost some of their flexibility. He was even surprised to have grown a pair of horns, long dark green horns and curved on themselves like a ram’s horns.

“Wow…” Spike could only think and his excitement gave appearance to the last and probably biggest change in his appearing. Appearing in a flash, Spike could only look on in disbelief as his reflection was shown to have a pair of wings. The wings were large and beautiful; the membrane tinted with a hint of purple and the scales covering the wing bones a forest green color. Spike could feel the strength in those muscles, powerful enough to lift his body off the ground and go soaring in the sky and know the kind of excitement that Rainbow Dash gets whenever she flew.

“I take it that ‘wow’ as a sign that you are happy with what you see.” Tielenth commented and couldn't stop the bit of prideful tone that was underneath the statement.

Spike got up from the bed; still a little surprised that he was still comfortable standing on two legs and made his way over to the mirror before whispering “When…how did you do this?”

Tielenth gave the impression of a mental shrug and replied “Simply put, your body was too young and underdeveloped to handle the sheer amount of spiritual energy you had absorbed. So we had to find a way to balance it out. Don’t act too surprised, this is actually what you should have looked like at this point in your life under...normal conditions.”

“I can’t wait to show the others.” Spike said to himself and started to make his way to the door before he felt a strange feeling in his stomach and halted.

Tielenth replied “I wouldn't recommend going down just yet.”

“Why’s that?”

“Well…you see…in addition to the body, you were also grown mentally. Strictly speaking, you are basically in the middle of your adolescence or in simple term puberty; which means that you also have all the joys of a male puberty including…” Tielenth didn't finish his sentence but instead gave the impression that Spike should take a look down at his waist line. Spike did, and what he saw was something that made almost all the color drain from his face and quickly used his paws to preserve his dignity. Tielenth couldn't resist a hearty chuckled and replied “Relax, it will go away in a few moments.” Once again he paused for a moment before adding in an off paw matter “For what it’s worth, that is very impressive for one of your age. Just imagine how much larger it…”

Spike cut him off with “You’re not helping!” before giving a mild groan and waiting until he was once again decent. Thankful it wouldn't be that hard to hide it from the others but Spike would still need to be careful.

Eventually, Spike managed to traverse his way down to the main floor of the library, taking longer than usual due to still having to adjust with his new height. Once down, he was surprised to find that it was empty which struck him as strange considering that he would have expected Twilight to be up and about at this time of day. What Spike did notice was a rolled up scroll that had his name written on the outside. Opening the scroll, Spike quickly read the message that was inside:


Meet us at the Training Field in Canterlot. Don’t worry about taking the train as a carriage should be waiting for you outside.


Spike was slightly confused by this and Tielenth didn't seem to offer any sort of hint but the fact that he was going to the training field implies that it has something to do with his studies. Nodding to himself, Spike put the scroll down before opening the door and stepping out onto the streets of Ponyville.

Sure enough there was a carriage waiting for him outside the library; two pegasus guards strapped to it. Spike was also aware of the lack of ponies that were moving around the streets but it wasn't something that he put too much thought into it. Nodding at the guards, Spike quickly got on the carriage. The guards gave a silent nod to each other before they took off in sync, their course heading directly towards Canterlot.

As the carriage made its way to its destination, Spike asked “So what happened to those Grumblins?”

Tielenth responded with “You kicked their green butts, simple as that.”

“I fought them?!” Spike asked in disbelief

“Well…not exactly. You see remember when I said that the reason your body changed was because of the large amount of ancestral energy flowing through a body that was unable to handle it.”


“Well…where did you think all that energy came from?”

Spike thought for a moment since it was a ligament question. All that energy had to have come from somewhere. It took a while but Spike eventually came up with an answer and replied “From the crystal.”

“Bingo, give the dragon a gold star. Yes that crystal or Spirit Gem as we referred to it, acts as a way for dragons to be able to communicate with their Ancestors. The more you communicate with them; the more knowledge you will gain. It was actually the way Spyro and Cynder learned everything they knew about fighting and elemental powers. Of course there is the practical application of all of this; you can’t expect to just absorb a bunch of Spirit Gems and suddenly know everything that you need in life. Everyone, dragons and ponies, never stop learning. Always remember that young one.”

Spike was silent for a moment, trying to wrap his head around what he had been told. He felt proud of the fact that he was able to break the Spirit Gem; which he felt acted as a confirmation on his sense of identity. But there was also the fact that he was nervous of what kind of potential he had locked away inside of him; just waiting for the chance to be made known. In order to distract himself from his self-doubting thoughts he asked “So what do you think Spyro and Cynder have planned for me?”

Tielenth was silent for a moment before responding with “My guess…it’s the practical side of your training.”

Before Spike could get a chance to ask what that meant, one of the guards said “Were arriving at the Training Field Master Spike.” At first the drake was a little uncomfortable being addressed by his official title but that moment was lost when he looked down and saw his eyes widen in shock.

The Training Field was an area of grass that was situated on one of the plateaus around Canterlot. The area was large enough to serve as both a training field and an arena of sorts. Usually the stands would be empty at a time like this but that wasn't the case today. From where Spike could see, it looked as if half of the population of Canterlot was now situated on those stands. What made it even more of a shocker was that both Princesses were present including Twilight and her friends and even Sparx was hanging around next to them. Situated on the middle of the field were Spyro and Cynder, who were looking up at the drake with that neutral expression that he had come to known.

Eventually the carriage settled down on the grass and Spike got off. He could hear the multiple gasps coming from the ponies in the stands which actually something he expected considering that Canterlot was really the only other major city in Equestria where ponies were use to the sight of him and seeing him now must have caused many a double takes. The carriage took off as Spike made his way towards the two dragons. As he was approaching, he made a gesture towards the crowd and asked “I thought that my training was a private matter.”

Spyro gave a mild shrug and replied “It was. We only had plans for Twilight and the others to be present but eventually Celestia and Luna arrived and then word got out and one thing leads to another and well…” Spyro didn't feel the need to finish as it was quite obvious what the chain of events were to be.

Cynder gave an understanding smile before saying “Besides, we figured that your first day of training should be in the city where you were hatched, as it was with me and Spyro.” Which was the truth in a way; Cynder first trained under the Mountain of Malefor and Spyro had been subconsciously training in the Swamps where he grew up with his foster family.

Spike nodded his head and asked “So…where do we start?”

The two dragons looked at each other and gave a quick nod before walking off in different directions; Spyro walking in front of Spike and Cynder walking behind him. They both stopped when they were about three meters from Spike before Spyro said in a voice that sounded wise and powerful “Fire, Electricity, Ice, Earth, Poison, Wind, Fear, and Shadow; eight primal elements that make up our world; four for yin and four for yang. Every dragon before you and after will come to understand these elements and what they represent; even if they will only be able to master one.” Spyro then rose up his right paw and extended two claws. The claws then began to glow with a purplish aura and Spike had a feeling that Cynder was copying the motion. Vaguely, he was aware that the stadium had grown silent and even the wind seemed to have stopped. Spike had no time to process this as Spyro continued to speak “For you, young drake, you have been gifted with the element of Fire; a noble element that symbolizes creation, life, beginning, passion, fury, and warmth. It was said that before there were plants and animals and dragons; there was only fire, chaos, and destruction. The world burned and burned under the relentless heat of the sun.”

Cynder then spoke but for some odd reason Spike felt no compulsion to turn around; as if the act itself would violate whatever ritual the two dragons were doing “So the world burned, until out from a protective cave of rock and heat came the first dragon. Brought into the world by friction and heat, the dragon was both strong of body and keen of mind. When he lacked in food, he ate the rocks and crystals; and when his throat needed moisture, he drank the magma. By doing so, he learned how to breathe fire and became the first fire dragon. As the dragon grew, he began to have visions of the future of the world and it wasn't long before he found a way to make it reality.”

Spyro then added “So the fire dragon climbed to the highest volcano, which was said to be the only passage way to the center of the plant and dove right in. As the flesh burning lava touched his scales, he felt no pain as all his thoughts were of the future he wanted to bring to existence. It was unknown how long he spent in the passage but he was able to make it the end only to find himself facing a fire that he could not resist. Before his scales burned and his body consumed, the fire dragon let out a roar of defiance to the universe; challenging it to destroy his dream before becoming one with the core of the plant and bringing all the fire back from the surface. So the world was able to cool, its crust hardening and forming land. From land came the sky and from the sky came water, the drink of life. So it has been told.”

Spike was at a lost, not sure how he should have felt about hearing such a legend but before he could have a chance to say anything Spyro looked directly at him and said “You are a fire dragon, a descendant of the first. You possess a legacy that is both wise and respected among all dragons. Fire dragons were the first to be discovered by others and have become the symbol of dragon kind. For you, young dragon; your path starts now.”

When Spyro was finished, both he and Cynder slammed their extended claws into the ground. Shooting from the point of impact was a string of strange runes that formed a circle around Spike. Shooting from four point of the circle was another line of runes that traveled away from the main circle and formed a smaller circle. Once those small circles were complete, everypony felt the ground shake as rising from the center of each circle was a large copper basin. They rose until standing at about the same height as Celestia before each ignited into a massive bonfire yet there was no indication of a source of fuel to feed the flames.

Once everything was set up, Spyro took a deep breath and said in a voice that sounded similar to Ignitus “Now…let’s begin.”

Cliffhangers for the draconic win.

Author's Note:

So I apologize for the lateness of this chapter. I had started working on it when my laptop needed to get fix and I had to wait two weeks for repairs to get done. Also, I will try to get a chapter for both Spike's Teacher and Lake of Reflection up around the Thanksgiving holiday.

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