• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 13,261 Views, 613 Comments

Spike's Teacher - Richer19

A Spyro/MLP crossover where Spike learns how to be a dragon under the teachings of the famed hero.

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Chapter 7: The Ironic Crush

I really am glad that you all are enjoying the story so far. I know that it might seem that I’m focusing more on Spyro and Co. compared to the ponies and also that Spike has barely appeared at all. I apologize for that but the way I have this story planed out had me go in this particular direction. I’m just setting up all of the background stuff before getting into the real meat of the story. Now that the mild rant is out of the way; let’s get started.

Chapter Seven: The Ironic Crush

The walk to the train station was both pleasant and informative to Spyro and Cynder. The sun was reached the point that indicated it would be around dinnertime and as such, most ponies were either inside their homes or heading there. They were so concentrated on the task of returning to their abodes that they barely gave the undercover dragons a second glance. While they were walking, Spyro and Cynder asked Twilight about the world that they were currently in. Of course, they did their best to make sure their questions didn't raise too much suspicion from Twilight. Of course Twilight was more than pleased to give off lectures about this world and its inhabitants.

From what they were able to come up with, the world they were in was called Equestria, and the dominant species was ponies. They also learned about the three races of ponies, the government and leaders of Equestria, and even learned a little more about Twilight herself and her friends which for some strange reason were the same three ponies that they had met prior. Of course Sparx didn't pay attention to anything that was going on; instead he had retired himself to taking a nap on top of Spyro’s head.

Eventually, the group managed to reach the train station just as the train was pulling in. Spyro and Cynder were slightly annoyed by the unfamiliar sounds of the train’s horn and the screeching of metal against metal. Still, the annoyance past by quickly and they both took a moment to appreciate the look of the train itself. It seemed to fit in rather well with how the rest of the town looked but it still had that kind of rugged country feel to it. Cynder was quite interested about in the designs of the carts while Spyro was just thankful that it wasn't run by some crazy ape who wanted to kill him.

Twilight turned her attention back to the stallion and mare and stated "The ticket booth is over there…” she gestured to a spot where they saw a hole in the wall with a pony inside the hole and a sign with the word ‘Tickets’ above. Twilight then continued, “Once you get your tickets, you should be all set to travel to Canterlot.”

Spyro looked at the purple unicorn and asked “You’re not coming?”

Twilight felt a momentary flutter inside of her before pushing it down and answering “The letter only said to make sure you got onto the train heading for Canterlot as soon as possible. Once you are there, you should be able to find your way to the castle without too much of a hassle.”

Spyro nodded in understanding before Cynder said, “I’ll go get the tickets” and walked off towards the ticket booth.

Spyro watched her go for a moment before his mind brought up an idea. Thinking that it was a good one; he quickly said “Cynder, try and get us a seat with some privacy.” Cynder turned her head to acknowledge that she heard Spyro before making continuing onto the ticket booth.

Glad that was taken care of, Spyro decided to take a moment to sit down and wait for Cynder to finish up. He was vaguely aware of Twilight mirroring his actions and he started to wonder why she was still around. It wasn't to say that he thought her company was unpleasant, compared to that crazy Pinkie Pie, but he would have imagined that she would be returning back to her library.

He was brought out of his self-thought when Twilight ask “You and Cynder seem close.” There was a strange tone in her voice that made the question seem more like a statement, but there was also a slight tone of something else that Spyro was unable to identify. Looking at where Cynder was but making sure that he was still able to see Twilight, Spyro responded with a simple agreement. He noticed that there was a slight change in the unicorn’s body language but due to his lack of understanding the equine body made it hard for him to figure out what that slight change was caused by. The two settled into silence again before Twilight asked “How long has she been your special somepony?”

The question mentally and physically shocked the purple drake and he could only look at the purple mare with a mixture of shock and confusion. Twilight saw the strange look and believed that it was because he didn't understand what she had asked. With that in mind, she elaborated by adding “You know like a couple or lovers or something like that.”

Spyro was able to restart his brain at that moment and quickly shook his head to refocus himself before responding “No…no. Cynder and I are not a couple or whatever it was that you called it. Were just really good friends.”

Spyro defiantly noticed a change in Twilight this time, and because of how obvious it was made him think of a few guesses as to what they could be. However, before he had a chance to ask Twilight about it, she suddenly shouted “Fluttershy, Rarity. What are you girls doing here?”

Spyro turned around and found him staring at the yellow pegasus that he and the others met in the forest; although this time she was trying to hide herself behind the other pony that Spyro was looking at. This one was a unicorn, like Twilight, although she had a snow white coat that was clearly well kept and maintained. Her mane also appeared to be as well kept as her coat with its purple curls that seemed to have a bit of a natural bounce to them while still maintaining it shape; although it was her face that caught his attention the most, especially the eyes. Those eyes were the most stunning shade of blue he had ever seen. It was the kind of blue that reminded him of the first time he looked at a spirit gem and was transfix by that tone that he could gaze into forever.

Rarity for her part was completely flabbergasted as well as head over hooves. She had recalled Fluttershy’s description of the stallion that had caught her attention but it was a vast understatement to what he looked like in the flesh. His coat was the most radiant and perfectly tone of purple she had ever gazed at and even though it appeared to be as well maintained as Applejack’s; it still appeared to have its own natural luster and shine to it. Looking up, she found her eyes resting on his mane and found her body momentarily breathless at what she saw. Once again it had that rugged look to it, but the way it was flowing in the gentle breeze in such a natural and elegant pattern that she couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like to rub her hooves in them. Just a moment to feel those bright golden locks against her hooves was enough to cause her heart to quickly flutter. But it was those eyes, those breathtaking eyes that caught her attention the most; those pure dark purple eyes that spoke of tales of bravery, valor, heroism, generosity, humbleness, and most of nobility.

Rarity was starting to feel both a compulsion to do something but at the same time fearful that she would drive away what was practically the definition of the perfect stallion. Not even her old fantasies of Prince Blueblood had caused her to feel this way before. She could see him looking right at her; staring into her eyes just as she did to him. She could see the sense of wonder in those eyes, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. She tried to tell him with her eyes, to tell this handsome, wonderful, perfect stallion that she was real; that she was there. His expression didn't change and even Rarity was starting to wonder how long they have been looking at each other; oblivious to the world around them.

It was at that moment that she felt a sudden compulsion to act which was backed with a new desire that had to be known. She had fallen for his looks, but she had to know how his lips tasted. The mental and physical image of her perfect stallion was incomplete without knowing what it felt like to have his muzzle pressed against her own. Lips touching in the unknown but natural dance that only two ponies so lost in love with each other can experience. Her mind tried to resist, telling her that a lady should never kiss until the third date and other such nonsense. Of course the rest of mind rejected that line of reasoning in favor of acting on impulse. She had to know how it would feel to kiss him so badly that she could forgive herself for acting in such an uncouth and tactless matter.

He was unmoving but there mouths were so close that Rarity had to take that chance. Her eyes slightly closed, cutting off her view of her hunk of a stallion and slowly closed the gap between their muzzles like her cat stalking her favorite mouse toy. Vaguely, she noticed the muzzle was getting further away from her. Was he also as nervous as she was feeling, unsure as to wither to follow his rational mind or to give in to the desires of his body. That reaction caused a new sense of warmth and joy to pump from her heart and into her boy; knowing that she was causing such a reaction from him. Her ears registered sounds and voices but were deaf to all but the beating of her heart and the sound of her breath. Her eyes glistened and sparkled like a filly's in SugarCube Corner. Her nose was numb until it registered the musk of her stallion; a scent that made her heart increase in tempo as her mind imagined visions of fighting hordes of creatures to rescue a prisoner to defending villages and cities to fighting what seemed to be impossible odds. Her mouth felt dry and her breath was caught in her throat as she continued to close the distance between them. The only thing she was missing was touch and she wasn't going to let that stand.

With a quickness that would have surprised Dash, she grabbed onto her stallion’s neck and was at least blessed with the feel of his coat against her own and she revealed in it. It was so smooth and soft but had a kind of hardness to it that could only be the result of well developed muscles. It was too much, she couldn't stand it. She had to have this one kiss right here right now. She felt her stallion resisting her grip but she redoubled her effort and managed to close the gap just enough for their heads to touch. She could see his eyes were gone with their usual wonder and were now replaced with confusion and fear. She could only smile to him with a grin that didn't travel to her lust filled eyes. There muzzles were close enough that she could feel the quicken breath on her fur. She was almost there all she needed was those…last…few…

“WHAT IN ANCESTERS NAME IS GOING ON HERE!!!!?” A massive voice shouted, cutting through the air like a knife. The voice was loud and sudden enough that it broke Rarity’s concentration, which was just enough for Spyro to break free from her grip and back peddle away.

Rarity’s mind had shut down as she tried to recall what it was that she was doing. Her body felt like it had run a marathon and yet it was still full of energy and she felt like she was experiencing everything from another perspective. She was still trying to recall what had happened before her vision was covered by a new set of eyes.

These eyes were different in that rather than causing her to feel joy and happiness; she was now overcome with the sense of terror and dread. The eyes were a pure emerald green color that were filled with a overwhelming feeling of anger, frustration, and worst of all they had the look of what Rarity could only describe as a monster. She felt her breath caught in her throat, no longer gaining that life giving air as she choked under the monster’s gaze. Before her vision started to tunnel, a male voice shouted in a loud voice “Cynder that enough!”

The green eyes broke contact and Rarity collapsed onto the ground. She was aware of two sets of hooves holding onto her but all of her other senses were lost in a haze of pure terror and unused adrenaline.

Rarity was aware of a voice saying “I apologize for what happened ma’am but our train is about to leave and we have to get on.” Rarity then heard other voices talking before hearing the sounds of hooves on ground.

Odd enough, it was the sound of the train’s whistle that managed to break the haze that had clouded her mind. Rarity grabbed onto her head and said in a rather disjointed tone “Wh…what happened?”

Twilight responded with “I don’t know. One minute you two were staring into each other’s eyes and the next you were trying to kiss him.”

“I…did?” was all that Rarity could respond with as she turned her head to look at her unicorn friend. She saw Twilight give a small nod of her head before waiting to see how Rarity was going to react to this.

As the information started to sink into her, Rarity was suddenly hit with a wave of regret. Once again with sudden quickness; she turned to Fluttershy and said in her most apologetic tone “Fluttershy, I feel awful that I acted in such an unlady-like manner in front of the stallion that you had developed a crush for. I wasn't in complete control of myself and I just feel awful for abusing the trust that you've given me. Can you ever forgive me?”

Fluttershy gave her distraught friend the gentlest smile she could and replied “It’s alright Rarity. I forgive you and know that you would never do anything to hurt me.” Rarity was relieved that one of her closet friends had forgiven her and couldn't resist giving her a gentle hug.

When the two separated and Rarity was able to get back on her fee, Twilight asked “So what happened?”

Rarity looked up at the setting sky and replied “I guess you could say I had fallen in love with him. From the moment that I looked at him, I saw everything that I could ever want in a stallion and I just…lost myself. I am thankful that one mare was able to break me out of that trance even though it could have been done in a more civilized manner then imitating the Royal Canterlot Voice.” Rarity then looked over at Twilight before asked “Would it be too much to ask for his name?”

Twilight told Rarity the name of the purple stallion and she couldn't resist a loving sigh before saying to herself “Spyro…even his name sounds noble and strong. I wouldn't mind seeing that stallion again…under better circumstances of course.” Rarity then recollected her usual lady-like image before walking back to her home after giving quick goodbyes and not a second glance.

Back on the train, Spyro and Cynder had just finished settling into the private room that Cynder was able to get. Sparx was awake now and after hearing what happen back at the train station was now in a state of uncontrollable laughter on the floor, much to the embarrassment of Spyro and the annoyance of Cynder.

Ignoring his hopeless brother, Spyro looked up at Cynder and said “Could you put up the screen.” At first it looked like she was going to refuse but after a moment she gave a tired, dejected sigh before removing herself from her seat and making her way towards the door.

Spyro couldn't see what was happening for a moment before he watched what appeared to be a shadow haze covering the door while spreading to cover the walls, ceiling, and floor. When the room was completely covered, the haze started to lose in intensity until it appeared to be transparent. Only then did Cynder backed away from the door and returned to her original seat.

Spyro gave a quick thank you before reaching into his pack and pulling out the smooth stone that he could use to communicate with Ignitus. Originally, he had planned on contacting him after meeting with Celestia but after what happened today, he felt it best to get the former fire guardian up to speed.

Spyro tossed the stone onto the floor before hitting it with what could be called a fire spit. He watched as the stone started to glow an orange color before a slightly orange, transparent image of Ignitus appeared in front of him. He gave Spyro a gentle smile before asking “Is there something you wish to discuss young one?

So Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx began to recount what has happened so far. They were so engrossed in the conversation that they didn't notice a sudden appearance of a rainbow cone in the sky. Eventually, when all that had been said needed to be said, the two dragons and dragonfly settled down to get some rest in preparation for what awaited them in Canterlot.

Give you a guess why I named this chapter the way I did. Also, with the way this story is going, I may need to add the Romance tag to it; which was weird considering I didn't expect myself to write this story in such a fashion. Aw well, that’s what you get for writing chapters without any pre-planning.

Author's Note:

Going to say this right now. After giving some thought on this; I've decided to not put up a romance tab due to the fact that it is only playing a minor roll in the overall story. Also there is NOT going to be any kind of harem in this story.

I thank you for the understanding.

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