• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,435 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 46: Purple Haze

Just as Scar was gobbling down a fistful of chocolate bars the door of the closet was suddenly ripped open. The gnoll and Featherkite both froze with sweets still stuck in their mouths. "AHA! There you are!" an angry Purple Haze shouted at him. Scar gave a sly grin, half a piece of chocolate falling from his mouth. "Don't you dare smile like that!"

She grabbed one of his ears and yanked him down to her level, "Do you have any idea how much I worried about you? I stayed at your bed for three days crying my eyes out and here I find you happily chewing candy!" she started dragging him along by his hear. "You are going straight back to bed, you hear me! And if I ever hear you refuse magic healing again, so help me Celestia, I'll wack you senseless!"

Featherkite watched them leave, "Bye..." He hoped the gnoll would be alright.

Purple Haze was ranting on endlessly as she dragged Scar through the corridors, "To think I even gave you one of my feathers for luck!"

"Is from Purple Haze?" the gnoll asked surprised.

She stopped in her tracks, "Well..., I... Rarity put an eagles feather on it, but I thought..." there was a blush growing on her face. "Don't you try and change the subject! You're going straight to bed again! What were you even thinking?" she continued dragging him on.

She stopped again as they passed the broken remains of the vending machine. She gave him an angry glare, "Do I really have to ask?"

Scar managed to put on a shy grin, "Scar was hungry and... OUCH!" she yanked his ear again and brought his face closer to hers.

"Straight back to bed!"


Scar sat on the bed nervously as Purple Haze eyed him with eagle eyes. She was sitting on his back and still holding his ear. They were waiting for the doctor. "Purple Haze?" Scar asked carefully.


He gave a sigh, "Scar is sorry it made trouble." He idly played with his claws. "It did not want to make Purple Haze angry..."

The grip on his ear was suddenly released and he felt her embrace his head, "I know... I was just so scared you would..." she stopped for a moment, "Don't you ever scare me like that again..." she said quietly.

"Scar won't." he said with certainty. He huffed as he stood up, "Scar will grow stronger! Strongest gnoll ever!" He felt his knees buckle and he sank onto his bed again, his legs still ached.

She chuckled, "Sure you will, after you've gotten healthy again." she paused for a moment as he found a comfortable position to sit, "Do you know they wanted to chain you to your bed? I was about to kill them for that!"

The gnoll laughed, "Scar would have liked to see."

Purple Haze gave a sigh, she had missed talking with him. "By the way, who was that foal in the closet?"


Doctor Caretrot moved around the gnoll with care. It was one thing being around the beast when it didn't move, but a totally different thing now that it was up and eying his every move with suspicion. "Alright, all vitals seem good. I'd say you'll be perfectly fine in another week."

"So he can leave the hospital?" Purple Haze asked from her position on his back.

"He can, but he'll have to take care not to exert himself to much. Also,..." he reached into his bag, "He'll need to get a shot before he leaves." he pulled out a syringe with a long needle.

"What is pony doing?" the gnoll tilted his head as the doctor cautiously approached him.

"Just relax, it will be over quickly." Purple Haze tried to reassure him.


Princess Luna walked down the hallways of the Canterlot hospital with brisk steps. It was her turn to visit the gnoll. These last days had been very difficult for her sister and herself. Even more so for the elements of harmony and especially for captain Purple Haze. She hoped she could return to her sister with good news tonight.

As she was approaching the corridor with the gnolls room there was suddenly a shout and a crash from an open door, "HE TRIED TO BITE ME!"

"Little pony is lucky it did not!" the gnoll stepped out of the door grumbling in anger, "Evil little pony with evil needle..."

She could hear Purple Haze trying to calm somepony, "I'm sorry, he just didn't know what to expect, I'm sure he didn't mean it. Scar, get back here and apologize!"

The gnoll shook his head in anger as he rubbed his arm, "Scar needs to eat before it does bite pony." he muttered as he walked down the hall.

"Hello Scar, it is good to see you are feeling better again." princess Luna said with a raised eyebrow.

The gnoll looked at her approach, "Scar greets Lulu..." she cringed at his use of that name. "Does Lulu know where exit is? Gnoll wants to leave."

Purple Haze came running out of the door, "Scar, what on earth are you..." she saw princess Luna and saluted. "Princess Luna, how nice of you to visit..." she turned to Scar, "You go back in there and apologize right now!"

"Evil little pony sticks it with needle, why should it?"

"It's medicine, so you don't get sick again! Now go back in there and say you're sorry before I drag you in there by your ear again." she fixed him with an angry stare, the gnoll visibly cringed before turning and heading back towards the room again.

Luna thought she could hear him mutter something like 'Scary pony' under his breath as he entered again. She turned to Purple Haze, "I see the two of you are getting along very well. That is one of your feathers on his cape if I am not mistaking?"

Purple Haze blushed visibly and quickly checked that Scar was out of hearing range. "I gave it to him as a luck bringer... to aid his recovery..." she played with her hooves.

Luna smiled at the captain's discomfort, "It is quite alright. I am happy to see both of you are up and lively again." she paused for a moment. "May I ask, what are your future plans concerning him?"

Purple Haze looked at her in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"The gnoll will not always stay in the library, I am sure you are aware of this. Your mission was to accompany him while getting to know our subjects. My sister and I deem this mission successful. Now what remains is to ask, do you wish to return to your duties as captain of the night guard?"

Purple Haze looked at her hooves with uncertainty, "I... I don't know... I mean, I really enjoyed our time together... and I still thinks he needs my help now and then... and I..." she paused for a second "I need him too..." she almost whispered. She looked up at princess Luna, "If I may make a request... I would like to stay with him a bit longer."

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