• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 19: A visit

He should have stayed with the bug. After she had led him through town and introduced him to other fake ponies he was sick of their smell but this, this was worse. Tiny ponies, tiny ponies everywhere. Under him, on him, around him. They were hanging from his arms and fur like flies. And the noise, he had thought the three tiny ones from the forest were already annoying but he had been proven wrong.

Cheerilee couldn't help but smile at his effort to remain calm. Purple Haze had offered that he should play with them to apologize for his behavior the day before. Cheerilee had made him promise to be very careful around the little ones. Now, every movement he made was careful, constantly watching that he didn't crush one of the foals by accident. She was surprised how fast the young ones had taken a liking to the gnoll. Especially the three fillies who still waited for their cutie marks seemed to be very fond of him. The gnoll looked like he was on the verge of tears though.

"Alright everypony, let's try to find something you and Scar can all play together." she called out to her class. The gnoll sighed as the ponies clambered off him.

He would maul Purple Haze for this later. It took the tiny ponies half an hour to decide what to play, and the noise of their discussion was enough to make him wish he was being interrogated by the purple one instead. At least she knew mercy. When they had finally decided on a game the gnoll felt the blood leave his face. He prayed that no ponies would see this. It would certainly be misread.


The royal carriage of princess Celestia softly set down outside of Ponyville. It wasn't a scheduled visit, and to reduce publicity she had refrained from informing the ponies of Ponyville of her presence. When Twilight had written her that the gnoll was visiting a pony school she just couldn't help but make a surprise visit.

What she saw though when she approached the school made her stop dead in her tracks. There in the school yard, the gnoll was chasing around a wildly screaming group of foals. Before she could react he pounced on one of them and lightly put a claw to the little foals forehead, "Is it." he solemnly stated.

"Alright you got me! But next time you've got to give us a bigger head start!" the little filly laughed.

Scar nodded, "Scar will count longer next time. But gnoll needs break now, its legs are tired." the little foals ran along as Cheerilee ended the break and led them back inside. The gnoll sat down beneath an old tree with a tired groan, he wasn't used to hunt without actually eating the prey. It had been fun though. At least he had fulfilled his dept.

He didn't even need to turn to know she was there, "Big white pony comes to visit Scar?"

"Indeed, I did. How are you Scar?" she sat down next to him.

He sighed, "Scar learned many new things. Confusing things..." he thought for a moment, "Scar is unsure if bugs can be trusted."

This surprised her, "You know about the changelings?"

"Scar has very good nose."

"You didn't hurt any of them, did you?" she asked with worry in her voice.

"No, almost, but Purple Haze stops gnoll. Scar talks to fake ponies. Scar was surprised. And Scar hopes they can be happy."

"I thought you didn't trust them?"

"Scar does not. When bug queen returns fake ponies will be evil again. But gnoll also thinks now that even bugs should be happy. Even if only for short time. So it will trust wisdom of big white pony. But Scar will also keep eye on bugs."

She smiled, "That's a very nice thing to say. Rest assured that I will not simply let her take those poor souls back."

They sat for a moment, enjoying the scenery before them. Singing could be heard from inside the school.

"Scar do pony work now. Gets little coins for work. Good work."

"May I ask what you do?"

"Scar is bouncer in fat mare." she coughed slightly at this, "If ponies not nice or drunk, Scar throws them out. Is good work. Ponies behave and Scar can read. Scar will buy many books from coins, and house for books too."

She smiled, "I'll be sure to visit it when it is finished."

"Scar buys book today, but is very confusing. Ponies react very strange to book. Purple Haze does not want to tell gnoll what strange words mean, and purple pony only stutters and tells gnoll not to show other ponies." he shook his head as he fished around in his rags.

"What is it about?" she asked as he fished out a black little book.

"Scar does not know. Is about different ponies, always doing different things. But Scar does not understand the words." he handed her the book.

Celestia levitated the book before her and started to read. She managed to read two lines before her eyes widened considerably and a faint blush could be seen in her face, "Oh dear... Scar... this book..."

He looked at her with an inquisitive look, "Yes? Something wrong with book?"

"Well... it's..." she looked at him, unsure how to continue. Of course he didn't know these words, and neither should decent ponies.

"Yes?" he was curious. She suddenly acted just like Purple Haze had when he had asked her about the book. What did the confounded words mean? Maybe he should ask the teacher pony, or perhaps the spiked back? No, the purple one had been very persistent that neither the little lizard nor any tiny ponies should ever see the words in this book.

He had bought a sleazy novel. An extremely vivid one at that. Of all the books he could have picked out at random it had to be something like this. If her sister should ever find out about this she'd never have another peaceful moment again.

She sighed once and composed herself. She checked that her guards were safely out of hearing distance. This certainly wasn't the conversation she had been expecting.

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