• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 39: Trains

Scar tried to suppress a yawn as he stood at the station. The letter had come in the middle of the night, courtesy of princess Luna. The first town had sent reports of missing ponies, and the gnoll was to investigate them. So he and Purple Haze had left the library before sunrise and had headed for the train station. He hadn't quite caught the name of the town they were headed when she had told him, but it was somewhere near the very southern border of Equestria if he had understood correctly.

No matter the name, the distance was big enough that it would take him more than a day to return. It pained him severely that he wouldn't be there for mare night. He would miss the candy. Strangely enough the purple one had also been disappointed he had to leave this quickly. Her sympathy was surprising for him, maybe he had misjudged her... or maybe she had planned another session of questions. Scar shuddered.

He let his gaze wander over the train that stood at the station, it was a curious construction. He had seen them pass in the distance before, but never had he seen one up close. Every now and then it would give off a loud whistle and a gust of steam. Several ponies covered in grease and black coal dust were clambering around it and performing odd works. As everything the ponies build the whole train was extremely colorful.

There were already quite a few ponies mingling around at the station. Many of them gave him curious glances but otherwise left him alone. Not that it mattered much to him, lacking a good day's sleep he wasn't too keen on meeting new ponies anyway.

He was watching them get into the carts and take their seats in the different cabins when a thought occurred to him... How was he going to fit inside? He would probably fit through the door but the cabins would be difficult, and it seemed that more and more ponies were getting onto the train. Further down the station one of the engineers was telling Purple Haze something similar.


Second lieutenant Berryshakes watched the clock at the Shoretrot train station with impatience. The train was late, and she hated late. Everything in the little coast village was late. The two privates accompanying her watched as the unicorn walked up and down the station with quick steps. She was famous for her punctuality and her obsession with formalities, and even more famous for her impatience.

Grey smoke started to rise on the horizon, and soon the constant repetitive pattern of the train mechanics could be heard. "Finally!" Berryshakes exclaimed as she went back to her position in front of the two privates. Berryshakes remembered captain Purple Haze from her training. She had an impressive track record and her appearance had always been flawless. She had been one of the hardest and most thorough drill instructors she had ever met, and she had been her idol for it.

The three of them watched the train enter the station and come to a stop slowly. This was the final station, there was only the ocean from here on. The doors opened and several ponies started to get off. Not many ponies came here, the big trading posts were stationed elsewhere. Only a few commodity traders came here from time to time, the ponies of Shoretrot lived mostly independent of the outside world.

Finally, captain Purple Haze stepped off the train. Berryshakes did a double check, she looked different from what she had remembered. There were a few scratches and a small dent on her chest plate, and her mane seemed to be a bit disheveled. There was annoyed look on her face. Berryshakes saluted nonetheless, "Second lieutenant Berryshakes reporting for duty!" she snapped her hooves together. Purple Haze returned the salute with a tired motion, "I trust your journey was well captain?"

Purple Haze gave a huff, "You have no idea. We stopped at ten different stations, TEN. DIFFERENT. STATIONS... and at every station... more LUGAGGE!" she started walking down the train, "And more luggage means, you have to open the cargo cart. And every time they open it up, screaming, shouting, running, 'the terror, the terror! Save the foals!'" she mimicked a panicked faces, "The next time the princess can either teleport us or suck it!" Berryshakes almost missed a step.

"Excuse me captain, but the message I received said you would be in the company of a royal tracker?" Berryshakes and the two privates were still following the ranting Purple Haze.

Purple Haze stopped in front of the cargo cart, "Yup, did it say what he is too?"

Berryshakes thought for a second, "It didn't say, though the mayor did mention he wasn't a pony... is he a griffin? Will he arrive per flight later?"

Purple Haze gave a snort, "He certainly isn't a griffin... they're much more easy to handle..." she started to slide the big door open, "Wait out here while I go wake him up." she went inside when the gap was big enough for her to pass. The three ponies remained standing outside in confusion, what kind of royal tracker traveled in a cargo cart?

Berryshakes strained her ears to listen to what the captain was saying, "Hey, you up?... Come on, I know you can hear me..." something mumbled a response, "Yeah, I know... I'm tired too... no, I don't want to take a nap first... yes, I'm sure this is the right station,... I know, but we have work to do." something moved inside the cart. The three ponies took a step back, the whole cart had just moved. Whatever was inside this cart had to be huge.

Purple Haze jumped out of the gap and looked at their faces for a moment, "Did something happen while I was inside?" only blank expressions, "Alright... A few basic rules, don't stare, don't shout... he has very good ears. If he tells you to do something just do it, he has experience hunting these things and you don't." a huge clawed hand appeared in the gap above her and grabbed the door.

Purple Haze continued talking in spite of their big eyes and in spite of the fact they were no longer looking at her but above her, "Stay behind him, we can't have your scent block his nose. If we meet rats let him take care of them..." the door was slowly pushed open, their mouths dropped. "And most importantly... and again,... do not stare at him." Purple Haze finished with an annoyed tone.

All three of them were staring with open mouths by now. She felt him step out of the cart behind her. "This is Scar, the gnoll..." there was a thump as something heavy was set down, she saw the others eyes follow it. She gave a sigh, "That's the smack door, I advise keeping your heads down if he swings it."

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